About this blog

happy_shrimpprawn2Hi and welcome to my blog – a site devoted to the discussion of issues of interest and/or concern to men/boys and those who care about them.

Now, some of you might think, “oh, MRA huh? So you’re one of the those #$@* that hate women?”

Well, no, I’m not actually. Advocates for men’s rights don’t hate women, nor do they claim that everything bad that happens to men is due to women. These are just two of many baseless claims put about by feminists in order to disparage and demonize the men’s rights movement. Feminists who, by the way, represent less than one in five women in the community.

This blog does not, however, shy away from discussing flaws apparent in some women. It does so not to shame, but purely with the intention of keeping things ‘real’. In so doing it reminds us that there is good and bad and many shades in between on both sides of the gender divide.


I recognise and applaud the fact that many women are sympathetic to and/or actively involved in, addressing issues and concerns raised by the men’s rights movement (see examples herehere, here and here). Indeed many of the most articulate advocates for the men’s rights movement happen to be women who eschew feminism. 

Cynics might assume such women are drawn from the ranks of the cotton pinafore and paling fence set, but they are in fact an extremely diverse group. And further, they pay a high price for refusing to walk towards the mirage of feminism, as the feminist attitude towards female men’s rights activists is toxic in the extreme.

As of September 2024 I have uploaded about 310 posts, most of which include links to a myriad of further relevant sources of information. Please take the time to review these, and when so doing be sure to scan the ‘comments by readers’ section (where one exists), as this is often where the best insights are to be found. My blog posts are rarely static, and over time I endeavour to expand, enhance and/or update them.

Sadly, most people in the community remain rather clueless about the true nature of the men’s rights movement. Some think they have a handle on it, but their research has been confined to biased and misleading material contained in the mainstream media. Those who would like to learn more might like to read my post on the subject. This particular paper is also a useful starting point.

Contrary to what you will read in feminist web sites and in the mainstream media, there is a great deal of thoughtful and valuable information and discussion produced by members and friends of the men’s rights movement. See the ‘Further Sources‘ page within this blog for details and hyperlinks.

Introductory thoughts

In a perfect world men and women would work together in pursuit of fairness and equality, and in constructing solutions that generated those outcomes. Unfortunately though, the direction that western society is moving with feminism is highly problematic in that regard. It is quite clear that many within the feminist movement are intent on advancing an agenda that is very much at odds with achieving true equality for men and boys.

Look, I have a simple way of gauging if something is fair and reasonable in the gender stakes – a ‘sniff-test’ if you like. I just substitute ‘women’, ‘fat people’, ‘negroes’ or ‘jews’ (etc) for ‘men’ in a statement or situation and see whether it comes across as fair and reasonable. There are now daily examples of statements being made about men that, if said about women (or almost any other demographic), would cause outrage. Further, these double-standards are all-too-often subsequently ratified through the adoption of public policies or laws.

One such double-standard applies in the case of male circumcision. Many female authors comfortably discuss the aesthetic or functional appeal of altered versus natural penises (example), but heaven help the man who dared to champion the benefits of women who had been subject to ‘genital mutilation’. This situation occurs because many people fail to appreciate the extent to which the two procedures are similar, and hence should be considered in the same context.

When men question the way things are in society now, their concerns are immediately dismissed as lacking any substance or  value. Men’s words are waved away as nothing more than a misogynist backlash against the “advances achieved by feminism“. There really is very little genuine gender dialogue taking place. Feminists offer directives in relation to every aspect of the lives of men and boys. Meanwhile men who offer a view on women’s issues (or more often than not, shared issues) are told to ‘STFU‘ (also here).

Once we move beyond the work of its early pioneers, many are now seeing that the costs imposed by feminism already greatly outweigh any broader social benefits being achieved. Indeed feminism, as currently espoused by those in a position of influence, is dragging us down a path that hurts women, men, families and society in general.

By the same token, there are instances where feminists raise issues that warrant action. But we will not find a middle ground in which to address them by blacking out important parts of the equation for fear of undermining feminist ideology. Yet this is exactly what feminists persist in doing. We must consider and discuss all facets of important issues, however unpalatable that may be to either feminists or men’s rights activists.

To move forward from this point demands meaningful dialogue. The best that most feminists can manage at the moment is “Shh! Misogynist!” and  “Shh! Hateful bigot!”. Upon being publicly challenged about their ongoing censorship or misrepresentations, feminists routinely respond with shaming or silence or abuse, broken up with the occasional offering of errant nonsense like this.

Look, life can be tough. Both men and women can do bad things sometimes. But the fact is that many of the issues that feminists rail against are reflective of human frailties rather than some sort of gender-specific behaviour disorders. We cannot and will not fix these problems by demonising one half the population, whilst white-washing the other half.

Promulgating lies and misrepresenting reality will fix nothing. The only thing that the current approach taken by the feminist lobby will achieve is an ever-deepening polarisation of views, greater and greater injustice, and more and more bitterness and anger.

A wise fellow once told me “As for feminism. In the larger view an example of identity politics, which have the function of keeping the masses divided so that they do not attend to the fundamental political questions that affect us all.” Let’s cut the posturing and get on the same page with the issue of gender, fix what needs to be fixed, and move on together to address the really big stuff.

I believe in addressing issues via consensus, but consensus is only meaningful where people have access to accurate and unbiased information necessary for informed decision-making. We live in an environment where there is a considerable amount of hidden censorship and manipulation, and this is certainly the case in relation to gender-related issues. Things are exacerbated by the fact that most people cannot devote the time and energy required to reveal the complete picture, even when to comes to important issues.

Politicians, the media and vested-interest groups take full advantage of the situation, adopting strategies to push or pull people in a particular direction. I talk about some of these in this post. Hopefully this blog will, in some small way, expose and interrupt their plans.

Anyhow thanks for dropping by – please call by again to read new material and/or subscribe to the blog to receive email notification regarding new posts.

15 thoughts on “About this blog”

  1. Hi there Crusty,

    I’ve landed here from the Men’s Shed, and just wanted to commend you for taking so much time in setting up this blog. You’ve obviously gone to a lot of particular time and effort to get it working nicely from day one, and I wish you all the best with its—and your—success and personal satisfaction.

    I agree that there’s still a LOT of work to be done—from both “sides” of the gender divide—in order to fine tune our society’s approach to all sorts of social mores and attitudes.

    One of my major gripes is that men’s health is not treated with anywhere near the concerns that women’s health is. I’ve read recently that the Federal government’s advertising subsidies for promoting breast cancer awareness in women is TEN times that of the funding for the promotion of prostate and testicular cancer awareness and testing amongst men.

    What’s also concerning—a lot more so—is that prostate and testicular cancer cause more deaths on a pro-rata basis than breast cancer. And yet every week at the supermarket I see a plethora of pink ribbons on everything from soft drinks to sausages, and crumpets to cat food. Where are the (green or blue?) ribbons promoting men’s health issues?

    My guess is that this gender inequality is due largely to a woman’s sense of “femaleness”; that losing a breast is the ultimate denial of her femininity because the loss is ALLEGEDLY apparent and obvious to everyone on the planet, and that she immediately becomes a “second-class” woman deserving and demanding everybody’s empathy—even men’s.

    I lost a testicle to cancer many years ago as a young bloke. Did I get any public empathy? Nope. Did I expect any? Nope again. So, having said that, why do women who have mastectomies expect virtually the whole world to endlessly shower them (and their like peers) with compassion, sympathy, commiserations, respect, and tenderness? It’s more than obvious that cynical marketers of just about everything on those supermarket shelves zeroes in on these emotions, which are demonstrated by more than 50% of our population; other women.

    FREE mammograms (breast screening) are available periodically for all women over 50 years of age. On the other hand, although testicular cancer is one of the most common cancers in men aged between 15 and 45 years, there is NO facility for free screening. A male has to pay for either an ultrasound ($98) and/or a tissue biopsy ($655) if he’s concerned that he may have the symptoms of testicular cancer. Both these amounts are of course subsidised by Medicare, but the male patient is still out of pocket regardless.

    And why is it that whenever Australia has introduced conscription for men—from the Boer War of the 1800s to Vietnam of the 1960s—the feminists were (unsurprisingly) very quiet, and not screaming loudly from the rooftops about sexual discrimination for not being conscripted to fight for Queen and country? This example is simply another practical and undeniable example (to me at least) that alleged feminists are very selective—AND self-serving—whenever it comes to claiming their “rights”.

    And they still expect us blokes to hold doors open for them LOL.

    Ultimately, it’s up to us blokes to pursue our “rights” and due social benefits even more aggressively than we are currently, at both a personal, everyday level and at the highest political levels.


    1. Hi Geoff, and thanks for your support for this blog. Did you manage to find the blog post about mens health in here (?)
      I agree with what you say 100%, and you may already know that the funding differential with regards to breast cancer/prostate cancer also applies in Canada and elsewhere. It’s wrong and it should be addressed, but there’s going to have to be a lot more men speaking out about this and other examples of unfairness and double-standards before anything is going to change.

    2. All that pink dye for breast cancer is made in factories that pollute waterways. The places in China where these chemical factories are located are called cancer villages because of the high rates of disease found there.

  2. I’m going to keep my view on things short and sweet.
    I’ve spent many years thinking about the issues in today’s society- have learnt so much over the past ten years through having a keen interest in psychology and a strong passion for understanding causes of things to allow for the possibility of finding effective solutions to problems, as I have trouble accepting situations and doing nothing if it involves any hurt, pain or suffering to the people who I care about.

    Long story short: Six months ago I found an article on a condition referred to by the term ‘Codependency’.
    Not only does this condition seem perfectly fitting as the underlying cause behind so many relationship problems, disagreements, so much of the stress, and so many problems that seem to just endlessly persist & often never get resolved; there appears to be codependent dynamics of submission and dominance on a wider scale- ie: one example demonstrating these dysfunctional relationship dynamics can be observed through reflecting on the interactions between the Australian Government and the Indigenous Australian population. Misuse of power, manipulation, one side using control and abusive tactics to disempower and ‘keep the other down’.. labeling a person’s (or in this case, a cultural group of people) behaviour as being a character flaw or signs of their inferiority (which is a belief that naturally contin

    1. ..continues to persist through witholding knowledge of the things that cause these behaviours, or not taking action to correct them- instead encouraging public ignorance and racial profiling/stereotyping through those in power choosing to limit and restrict the publics empathy towards these people by using the ‘out of sight, out of mind’ approach by limiting the media focus on things that they want people to forget in order to avoid public outrage..
      I could go on providing more examples, including how these codependent dynamics are shown in the stereotypical gender based views that society has towards men- and how this is technically defined as emotional abuse, neglect and abandonment- but if anyone is interested, you can check it out for yourselves and draw your own conclusions on this. Check out ‘Complex Trauma’, ‘Complex PTSD’ and info on Codependency (I like ‘codependency for dummies’; I’ve purchased the paperback, it’s a revelation and really explains a lot about what’s going on in our society)
      😉 ♡

      1. Hello and thank you for letting me know that I am not alone in free objective thinking. As we look around us it should be obvious that so much of the world is just part of a mass group compliance whereby people know things are not right BUT the boat mustn’t be rocked. I say tip the boat over ! Not only are we grossly misled but in fact ignored and derided by the misleaders and I will not be part of their folly.

  3. I ‘ve only just discovered your blog and I think it is superb. I have spent a large part of my life fighting gender bigotry and it is wonderful to see so many men and women pointing out the lies and myths presented by feminists which until recently were never questioned.

    I spend a lot of my time on the A Voice For Men site and have written a few articles for them. I think you should have a look and submit some of your work. It has quite a substantial following all over the world.

    Thanks for this wonderful blog! I look forward to reading more of your thoughts in the future.

    1. Thanks to both Mark and Vic for stopping by. Glad you found the material of interest. Hope you’ll visit regularly and offer your thoughts on some of the many topics addressed here. Cheers

  4. To the Admin-

    I believe that your blog is so valuable; it doesn’t come across as biased towards any particular group or individual, does not speak of others rudely, and appears to be genuinely driven by morality in simply having a belief in fair and equal treatment for all.

    I posted a comment back in December- and reading throughtit just now, I can see that it may have come across as a touch ranting/raving.
    Fair, equal and above all *respectful* treatment of everybody- group of people, and/or individual persons, is a passionate belief of mine. And I have been feeling quite upset and, to be honest, fairly disgusted by the ignorance and blatant disrespect shown in the public discussion on domestic violence in this country.

    It seems to me that there is either so much ignorance in our society that has resulted in the skewed views leaning towards viewing this as a ‘problem that men must address/’fix’ in their behaviors”- or possibly a hidden agenda which underlies the apparent need to perpetuate ignorance and general lack of understanding in our country.

    One thing that I would really like to find out your thoughts on-
    something that I discovered and which I find truly disturbing;
    All this dismissiveness, minimising and trivialising of men’s side of things, regarding their experiences with domestic violence— is in fact abusive behaviour .. !!
    Due to having gone through my own DV experiences and actually witnessing a close male family member go through his own over many years (among other people I know who’ve also gone through DV in their lives), I have invested a decent chunk of the past year or so in trying to learn about DV, abuse and trauma.
    And it’s only since I started researching and reading up on these topics that I am now able to understand and identify the Verbal and Emotional types of abuse/neglect much more easily.. and so I now see that the lack of understanding in our society of these other types of abuse effectively leads to soooo many people being abusive on theor treatment of others and their loved ones– and many of these people could simply not even be aware of it.

    The fact that the promotion to publicly address or raise awareness of the full definition and signs/symptoms of verbal and emotional abuse is non existent, could be seen as actually perpetuating abuse and domestic violence in general society.
    In fact, there is a section in the definition of Abuse & Neglect under the heading ‘ educational neglect’; which is basically perpetrated through withholding information necessary for maintaining good health and wellbeing from those of which you are responsible for.

    I’m very interested in finding out what you (the admin) or anyone else thinks and feels on this.


  5. Hi,

    Great blog. It’s a fascinating read. Depressing, but fascinating. I’ve already encountered a great deal of feminist censorship, but the full extent is clearly far worse than I imagined.

    I haven’t seen any mention on your site of this documentary:


    It’s due out in October and looks like it could be great for raising awareness of mens issues. Do you have any plans to talk about it?


    1. Hi Eric, and thanks for the feedback. Yes, I’ve read about the movie and look forward to seeing it + posting a review

  6. This is one of the most well balanced and well researched blogs on men’s issues and feminist supremacists tendencies I’ve seen so far. I’m a new MGTOW man and I’ve just started MGTOW OZ, I think we’re the first MGTOW group in Australia. I’ve got some issues of my own including PTSD and I don’t hate women but I have found most of my external problems in life have involved women. This isn’t me being nasty or blaming them for my problems, it’s just been the way my life has rolled. Anyway, I found MGTOW about 6 months ago and it’s really helped me understand many male / female things in a different light. Really looking forward to The Red Pill movie! Keep it up, cheers.

    1. Thanks, glad you’ve found the blog useful, and please do feel free to contribute further comments and suggestions.

    1. Thank you for your contribution Prof. Santhakumar. I find the case of India most intriguing. The media coverage in the west, regarding gender issues, focuses heavily on rape and harassment by men. And yet I note there are many Indian men who are committed to the men’s rights movement, and who are active in discussion groups such as Reddit mensrights. The picture they paint of gender relations in India – and I have no reason to believe them dishonest – is utterly different to that portrayed in the media. They speak passionately for example about financial abuse perpetrated by women, about false rape allegations and blackmail, and about laws that overwhelmingly favour women at the expense of men. Perhaps both perspectives are accurate. I hope to one day visit your country to discover the truth/truths with my own eyes.

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