I would suggest beginning your exploration of this very important topic by viewing this video. Next I’d recommend reading this more recent article.
Then perhaps have a look at http://www.city-journal.org/2013/23_4_boy-trouble.html, and particularly the comments contributed by readers. It’s about the trouble many boys experience in school, and what one feminist researcher sees as the key contributing factors. As usual, apparently men and boys are to blame … with women just a gentle benign influence floating somewhere on the periphery. Umm, no, why am I not convinced?

Please peruse the following articles to see what people are saying about boys/young men and education:
BA Degrees by Field and Gender 1971 – 2022, by Mark Perry (3 August 2024) Watch the change over the years – interesting & somewhat saddening
Bureaucratic punishment, by Bettina Arndt (25 May 2024)
Making sense of the gulf between young men and women (14 March 2024) Article was behind The Economist’s pay-wall at the time of posting
For every 100 girls (2023 Update) by Prof. Mark J. Perry (Recommended reading)
School is a hostile place for boys (September 2023) USA video
A level results 2023 (20 August 2023)
The War on Men Continues on Campus (5 July 2023)
Video showing teacher abusing boy, simply because the boy had just defending himself from bullying by a girl (February 2023)
Why MeToo fallout is wrecking the lives of schoolboys (5 February 2023)
About a young male teacher’s experience in the school environment (March 2022)
Andrew Tate’s Career as the Baddest Boy on the Internet Might Be Over (16 January 2023)
Anecdotes from how boys are treated in high schools (9 November 2022) A Reddit discussion thread
Girls routinely get better grades than boys in class – and researchers think they know why (19 October 2022)
Teachers Are Hard-Wired To Give Girls Better Grades, Study Says (17 October 2022)
Male Teacher Sparks Debate After Explaining Why He Refused To Help Female Student On Monkey Bars (23 September 2022)
Critics Tell Young Men that Their Penises are NOT Golden (But They Are) (15 September 2022) by Janice Fiamengo. Recommended reading
Boys might read more if we give them books they want to read (31 August 2022)
US teacher’s ‘inappropriate’ outfits and ‘booty pics’ slammed (28 August 2022)
Hungarians warning education becoming ‘too feminine’- report (27 August 2022)
Jeff Huntington: Every Girl’s Feelings, No Concern for the Boy’s (5 August 2022) Video
My son’s innocent teenage fumblings saw him branded a rapist, hounded out of school and left sobbing in emotional agony, his anonymous mother reveals (29 July 2022)
Grim future for our less educated sons, by Bettina Arndt (8 March 2022)
Binghamton changes class syllabus after professor criticized for not calling on white men (23 February 2022)
The data are clear: The boys are not all right (8 February 2022)
The male college crisis is not just in enrollment, but completion (8 October 2021)
‘A Boy Today’ report (September 2021) UK
Opinion | What We Are Not Teaching Boys About Being Human – The New York Times (nytimes.com) (6 August 2021) Not a one-sided coverage of the topic … much!
The Intersectionality of Race and Gender in PUSD and California Schools (google.com) (6 June 2021)
Campaign to stop boy shaming in schools – Bettina Arndt #MENTOO (1 June 2021) Australian video
Villanova College responds as students seen in ‘offensive, extremely misogynistic’ video | The Courier Mail (17 May 2021) The pro-feminist media takes yet another whack at private school boys
World Day of The Boy Child – A Voice for Men (16 May 2021)
Australia’s top private schools and the wave of sexual assault allegations against their students (smh.com.au) (15 May 2021)
Gender bias and predicted grades (2 March 2021) UK
Sexual assault against boys is a crisis (22 February 2021) USA
Why men are quitting teaching at an alarming rate (20 October 2020) UK
A Levels 2020: The Year of Utter Nonsense (21 September 2020)
Ireland Education Minister Norma Foley confirms calculated grading system being used for 2020 exams designed to ensure that overall girls will do better than boys (19 August 2020) Twitter discussion thread
Schoolboys assaulted by female classmates (21 June 2020) Twitter discussion of one particular current issue
What are boys and girls? (13 April 2020) Sexism against boys is different
Stop lying about our sons (18 February 2020)
‘Boys underperform in schools because we look after their wellbeing less’ (1 June 2019)
School systems reward masculine learning styles, while discounting the value of feminine learning styles??? (13 February 2019) Tweet by Terry Brennan and a linked paper
Opinion: Dear Boys, we hate you (7 December 2018) USA
Question for academics. For all the gender gap talk on campus, do you ever see any concern about males making up smaller percent of students overall and especially in certain fields? Or decreased male participation rate in labor force? Or potentially related social ills? (5 December 2018) Twitter post & reader comments
Boys ARE disadvantaged with education and mental health (29 November 2018)
‘Gender gap in STEM’? Women are majority of STEM grad students and they earn a majority of STEM bachelor’s degrees (26 November 2018)
Men, boys and educational attainment (22 November 2018)
Are Males Being Discriminated Against On College Campuses? (12 November 2018)
The War on Masculinity in Schools: A Growing Epidemic? (22 October 2017)
I had a disturbing incident at my son’s class today (22 September 2017) Reddit discussion thread
Panic about male teachers quitting obscures key factor: what about women? (20 September 2017) Read the bizarre way a feminist journo interprets the problem of men leaving the teaching profession (the readers comments are better)
Fears men could disappear from primary teaching (18 September 2017) & Male teachers are an endangered species in Australia: new research (18 September 2017)
Both of the above sources ignore the issue of male teachers being concerned about false accusations of child abuse, and of harassment/gossip/discrimination in what are now sometimes overtly feminised workplaces.
The new minority on campus? Men (8 August 2017) USA. And again, the default response to men/boys being disadvantaged is to blame them. Not gender bias and gynocentrism in the education system. Nope it’s that boys need to be made to recognise the value of a college education.

(See related Twitter stream here)
Is feminism killing young boys? (17 May 2017)
The feminization of everything fails our boys (9 May 2017)
Men won’t volunteer to help the Scouts for one depressing reason: they’ll be labelled paedophiles (11 April 2017) with related Reddit discussion thread here
Chris McGovern: Angry boys switch off as schools become a man-free zone (8 March 2017)
Memo to Our Sons and Grandsons: The Future Is Female (2 March 2017)
Girls not believing they’re smart enough is our main education problem (23 February 2017) Australia. Looks like we have it all wrong and actually girls have it far worse. Yeah, but nah. Author even looks to the wage gap as proof of her assertion … lol … absolutely compelling. And yet many readers are apparently unconvinced.
One of the most disturbing facets of the wave of hysteria sweeping half the nation in the wake of Donald Trump’s presidential election victory is the recent trend of feminist confessionals about their problematic feelings for their male children (15 January 2017) Reddit discussion thread and linked article
Teachers gender bias affects student achievement (November 2016)
We need to rethink recruitment for men in primary schools (17 October 2016) Australia
The fear of having a son (14 October 2016)
Girls feelings are far more important than the truth, by Mark Dent (12 October 2016)
Corporal punishment is still legal (and used) in US public schools in 19 states – Used disproportionately on black children, boys, and children with disabilities (5 October 2016)
Manhood is caught in a gender agenda (4 October 2016) Australia
Acceptance for boys dropping out (26 September 2016)
Pioneering domestic violence program targets mothers and sons (26 September 2016)
“So it is not enough to make husbands the bad guys, now that so many households are fatherless, let’s make sons the bad guys?” (Source)
Women earned majority of doctoral degrees in 2015 for 7th straight year and outnumber men in grad school 135 to 100 (16 September 2016)
Middle Tennessee mother fights boys-only corporal punishment policy (15 September 2016)
Ten Reasons Why Men Aren’t Going to College (undated) USA
If a boy, a girl, a cat and a dog were abandoned in a park who would be rescued first? (20 August 2016)
How to help boys do better at school: stop giving them a leg-up in the outside world, by Jane Caro (15 August 2016) Australia. One of those articles that fill you with disgust for feminists and particularly, feminist journalists. This harpy happily uses children (boys) as pawns in her pathetic effort to prop up a failed and deceitful ideology. See related Reddit discussion thread here. See rebuttal from Claire Lehmann here
VCAT green light will let Ivanhoe Grammar School offer more places to girls (11 August 2016)
Women, Calculus, and the Gender Discrimination Claims that Don’t Add Up (8 August 2016)
Girls power up for fast learning (19 July 2016) Australia. Girls “try harder to meet teachers’ expectations” (most of whom are women), and are “more likely to enjoy school“. No questions asked as to why that might be the case, just more of the same ‘boys as defective girls’ meme. See actual research summary here.
Boys should be treated ‘more like girls’ to stop them falling behind at school (18 July 2016) UK
My affirmative action for women in my workplace, by Jennie Hill (15 July 2016) Australia.
“This year, the thing I’m most proud of is that I’ve brought in an affirmative action plan for women at my workplace. Let me explain.…” Feminist teacher proudly tells readers how she discriminates against boys … it’s her private blow against the patriarchy etc. See related Reddit discussion thread here.
Poor behaviour hits boys hardest and ‘Girls more likely to get away with misbehaving than boys‘ (22 June 2016)
Why Michelle Obama’s global girls’ education campaign isn’t really about education (18 June 2015)
“What message is this sending to the millions of boys not just in the UK and the US, but across the globe, who are struggling at school, or being kicked out altogether?
I’ll tell you what I think it’s telling them. It’s telling them they’re not worth fighting for. It’s telling them, that if you’re a girl, world leaders will spend millions to help you, but if you’re a boy, you’re on your own.”
WHAT white, male privilege? Study shows demographic underrepresented at UK colleges (11 June 2016)
MRA Feminist Peg Tyre, Pulitzer Winner: a Boy’s and Men’s gendered lens (30 May 2016)
The betrayal of our boys: They’re falling behind girls in almost every way. And, says SARAH VINE, the feminisation of society, especially our schools, is to blame (26 May 2016) UK
Rise of women teachers ‘turning boys off education’ as report reveals girls born this year will be 75% more likely to go to university (12 May 2016) UK
Teacher forced second grade boys to stick heads in bucket of urine, report claims (10 May 2016) USA, with related Reddit discussion thread here
Plan UK’s #LearnWithoutFear campaign ignores sexual harassment/assault of boys (22 February 2016)
Male teacher numbers dwindling, work in education an ‘isolating experience’ for men (22 February 2016) Australia
It’s not just scholarships. Admissions are heavily stacked against men (18 January 2016) Reddit discussion thread
Our education system must stop ignoring its bias against boys (5 January 2016)
Feminism has gone too far says universities admissions chief (7 January 2016)
Warren Farrell talks about the boy crisis (19 October 2015) USA video
When Society Encourages Mean Girls to Bully Boys (26 November 2015)
Kindergarten Teacher Will Let Boys Play With Legos ‘When Hell Freezes Over’ to Promote Gender Equality (18 November 2015)
Work With Boys — Not Against Their Nature (9 November 2015) USA
Student discipline around the world (30 October 2015) Only boys are given the cane in Singapore
Poor white boys sink further to the bottom of the class (30 October 2015)
No boys allowed in Oregon ‘confidence club’ for girls in technology (25 October 2015)
Male teachers abandon classroom fearing inappropriate label of working with children (19 October 2015) Australia
How to stop mass shootings (2 October 2015)
The feminization of America accelerates as universities shame men for being men (20 September 2015)
Male teacher numbers so low experts warn of negative impact on students (18 September 2015) Australia. Unbelievable! Gender-biased article puts emphasis on the impact on female students. See related reddit discussion thread here.
There are fewer males at university, so should they be an equity group? (7 September 2015) Consider these arguments about why the low & falling rate of male enrolment in universities should NOT be addressed, and then do a gender reversal and consider how feminists would react (think female CEO’s or politicians for example). See related reddit discussion thread here.
Parents public shaming of girls Vs boys (21 May 2015) Video. Observe the different reactions
We must stop indoctrinating boys in feminist ideology (20 July 2015)
Timmins, Ont. girl petitions to sign up for boys-only robotics class (3 July 2015) and related reddit discussion thread
Italian Families Protest Forced Cross-Dressing of Schoolchildren (17 June 2015)
Castlemaine Steiner school wins bid to limit boys enrolling (5 June 2015)
To stop mass killers, we have to stop drugging our young boys (19 June 2015)
Boys ‘need more learning support’, ScotCen study shows (16 June 2015) U.K
Where are all the smart men? (3 May 2015) New Zealand with related reddit mensrights discussion threads here and here. A separate, and even more ignorant editorial here concludes with “The failure of men to foot it with them educationally in equal numbers is no reason to change the education system or promote men undeservedly. The shortage of partners for highly educated women is a problem only men can solve. Get your credentials, boys.”
Girls thrive in single sex schools because they do not have to impress boys, head says (27 April 2015) and related reddit mensrights discussion thread
The $30 million campaign against domestic violence (27 April 2015) Australia
The eradication of boyhood (10 April 2015)
Is the ‘female way of learning’ destroying boyhood? (25 March 2015)
New “No Boys Allowed” School Day Aims To Help Girls With Science and Math (16 March 2015)
Teacher’s unfairness to boys? (14 March 2015)
The Weaker Sex (7 March 2015) in The Economist. Be sure to study the reader’s comments – there’s some good ones!
Why schools are failing our boys (19 February 2015)
Bigotry Exposed: Tracy Crawford of Roots ‘N Wings Montessori (23 February 2015)
Education, emasculation and equality: A letter to Yvette Cooper (14 February 2015)
Science Has Finally Shown That Girls Are Smarter At School Than Boys (29 January 2015) Reddit mensrights discussion thread and linked article
Boys will learn like boys (26 January 2015) NZ
Teachers encouraged to hug students – and male teachers react (12 January 2015)
Women dominate as university gender gap doubles (25 January 2015)
Boys are more likely to play up at school, but it’s more social than biological (14 January 2015) Just the title is sufficient to flag yet another gynocentric pro-feminist view of education
‘Men don’t have problems, they cause them’ is not the only politically correct thing you can say about men (19 November 2014)
Female teachers: The sex offenders no one suspects (17 November 2014)
Teacher Nikki Suydam: “Criticism of teachers is misogyny because most teachers are women!” (17 November 2014)
Gender-neutral parenting ‘doomed to fail’ (14 November 2014)
Opinion: Why schools are hemorrhaging male teachers? It’s time to address the elephant in the classroom (3 November 2014) Australia
Gender differences in teachers’ perceptions of students’ temperament, educational competence, and teachability (18 May 2012) Finland
http://www.ted.com/talks/zimchallenge.html and the readers notes attached thereto, like for example:
“Lets stop defining males by perceived deficiencies in their psychological make-up and redefine the male archetype based on the positive traits that have been suppressed or denied for generations. We will all be better for it.”
Radical lesbian feminism: Coming soon to a public classroom near you? (23 July 2014)
Gender theory hits K-12 schools (9 October 2014)
Prescription for a banana republic (7 October 2014) USA
Teaching feminism to toddler boys (7 October 2014) This feminist mum wants to start the brainwashing even before junior gets to school
Only one in four public teachers male (2 October 2014) (Western Australia)
Article about the increasingly anti-male culture at UK universities (29 September 2014)
Affirmation and criticism of Marty Nemko’s article on boys’ education in Psychology Today (23 September 2014)
The real gender gap scandal: Why boys are now the true victims of discrimination (8 August 2009)
A link between fidgety boys and a sputtering economy (29 April 2014)
NUS double-talk on university admissions: A classic of the genre (15 August 2014)
The problem with leaving boys out of the results day picture (15 August 2014)
7 tips on how to raise a boy right (Feminist style) by Anne Gus (30 June 2014)
Stott Despoja recommends indoctrination at schools (1 March 2014)
Title IX for our boys (25 February 2014)
A reddit discussion thread containing a list of links to articles about the crazy things being done in schools to try to prevent boys from being boys
http://www.reddit.com/r/MensRights/comments/29fca6/during_prom_season_at_my_school_were_actually/ All boys sent to ‘do not rape’ class, whilst all girls sent to self-defence class
The guys crisis: Boys are falling badly behind the girls at school (16 June 2014)
Reddit/mensrights discussion thread about bullying of boys at school
No wonder young men have a problem with self-esteem (2 June 2014)
Men too scared to teach for fear of being falsely accused of child-sex offences (11 May 2014)
Harnessing boys strengths and passions to improve academic achievement (7 May 2014) with related reddit discussion here
Dr. Sommers on MSNBC about boys’ education, dismissed/mocked by Feminist hosts (18 September 2013)
How to make school better for boys (13 September 2013)
Female teachers marking down boys (3 August 2013)
The boys at the back (2 February 2013) by Christina Hoff Sommers … recommended reading
What schools can do to help boys succeed
Brief article about boys and corporal punishment in USA (21 April 2014)
Where are all the male teachers? (14 April 2014)
If you’re wondering what’s wrong with men, here it is (execrable sexist article which asserts men are falling behind academically because they are lazy and stupid … but the many good readers comments are well worth exploring)
Boys turning to action-packed video games because books are too girly
‘Female school principal grills 8 year old boy about “sexually harassing” a female classmate‘ (26 April 2014)
http://www.reddit.com/r/MensRights/comments/23gqpj/sooooo_my_city_recently_put_on_a_course_for_male/ Online discussion that included the following reader’s comment:
” … was in teaching program as a male for elementary level children.
the rampant sexism and attitude i received made me leave the program after a couple of years. At every step I was told it was “great” that I was interested int his as few men were involved with elementary education.
yet at every step the actual attitude i got from peers and even from instructors was: “are you SURE you aren’t a pedophile? really really sure? really really really sure? cuz guys just don’t want to teach little children… you must be a pedophile. right?”
the worst part wasn’t that i was discriminated against. the worst part is that the program was filled with feminist/sexist women who all fit into the same category. slightly overweight, smart in school but slightly geeky and want revenge for not being the popular skinny girl… every one of them quite shallow, self righteous, “feminist without understanding feminism” and really fitting into a “type”. It was an eye opener.
there is really a certain type of person that is drawn to certain types of career. It is sad and scary that our children are all being taught about the world by this type of women and i really feel that all our boys are being taught that they are second class citizens who are wholly subordinate to ANY women’s demands.”
Reddit discussion thread and linked article about an incident in America where a father was forced to send his son for testing and counselling because his son twirled his pencil (11 June 2014)
http://www.lifesitenews.com/news/eliminating-feminist-teacher-bias-erases-boys-falling-grades-study-finds (Note also the readers notes attached thereto)
‘How a teacher’s gender affects boys and girls’, by Thomas S. Dee (2006)
http://www.reddit.com/r/MensRights/comments/29s1gt/french_familyvalues_protesters_force_government/ Reddit discussion thread and linked article (4 July 2014)

Link to the source of the four graphs shown above and source of ‘Graduation rate’ graph