On ‘sperm-jacking’, paternity fraud and kidnapping infants

Media attention has been given to a practice labelled as ‘stealthing’, whereby men remove their condom during sex without their partners consent (example). Few articles acknowledge that women perpetrate a similar act when they falsely claim to be using contraceptives in order to ‘trap’ a man in a relationship and/or secure an income stream via child support payments. This issue was addressed in this article, and then in a follow-up article by Martin Daubney. See also this Reddit discussion thread.

‘Sperm-jacking’ is a term that’s been used to describe the use of a man’s sperm to cause pregnancy, undertaken without his knowledge or approval.

Paternity theft has been defined as something which occurs:

when a mother names a man to be the biological father of a child, when she knows or suspects that he is not the biological father; Or, She intentionally does not state the name of the child’s biological father on the birth certificate in order to either to begrudge the father, or to claim benefit” (Source)

I have previously included references to these issues in other posts, for example one that deals with financial abuse, and another with the ‘marriage strike‘. The creation of this new post acknowledges the growing significance of these matters. One aspect of this is the likely adverse impact on small children born either by, or into, such arrangements. This post will also address the growing problem of women kid-knapping infants to raise as their own children.

Some relevant sources:

Wiki entry for ‘Sperm Theft’

Baby Traps: Fake Positive Pregnancy and Paternity DNA Tests, by Ann Silvers (2024)

Monique Ericka Hudson jailed for stealing car with newborn inside at Yeppoon click-and-collect (15 February 2024)

‘It is rape’: Stealthing criminalised in Queensland under new laws (11 October 2023) But no mention of inappropriate acts by women. Quelle surprise

Police search for baby missing from Ipswich hospital (13 June 2023)

‘I was a victim of stealthing and didn’t know I’d been raped’, by Ginger Gorman (20 May 2023) Another feminist account that conveniently neglects to mention to flip-side of this issue, where men are the victims.

Tinder date faked pregnancy for nine months after one-night stand (8 December 2022)

Father wants justice after discovering late son’s paternity (5 December 2022)

Lisa Wilkinson questions efficacy of new stealthing sex crime laws (4 November 2022) And not one mention of men as being potential victims and/or women as potential perpetrators.

Sorry ladies — the number of young men who want kids is on the decline (17 October 2022) Be sure to also look at the readers comments

Stealthing: German woman jailed for stealing partner’s sperm (6 May 2022)

Woman puts baby up for adoption after sperm donor lied about ethnicity and education (14 January 2022)

My partner secretly got pregnant because she felt me slipping away (2 November 2021)

Woman who faked pregnancy to ruin ex’s life released on bail | Stuff.co.nz (3 September 2021)

Man who found out daughter isn’t his own fights off child support claim (2 March 2021) UK

Sperm-donor pursued to pay child-support (15 February 2021) UK

Husband’s shock as baby’s birth reveals wife’s infidelity (15 December 2020) USA

Sperm Donors Need To Cross Their Ts And Dot Their Is, Or End Up Like This Guy (26 August 2020) USA

Husband wants divorce after wife ‘baby-trapped’ him (21 August 2020)

Surprise! I know she’s not my daughter (29 July 2020) Why would you do this to me? (She says)

Dads by deception (5 May 2020)

Man forced to pay child support despite finding out he’s not the father – Now he’s taking legal action (23 December 2019)

What is spurgling and why do experts have concerns about the sperm stealing practice? (15 August 2019)

Motherhood by theft (11 August 2019) UK

When male rape victims are accountable for child support (21 February 2019)

Thousands of dads are left in shock as DIY paternity tests soar (15 January 2019) UK

His Ex Used His Sperm Without His Permission. Now He Owes Child Support (3 May 2018)

‘My wife didn’t tell me she was trying to get pregnant’ (22 July 2017)

Nearly half of men who take paternity test are not the real father (3 January 2017)

Should we be doing more to expose paternity fraud? (4 September 2015) UK

The craving for a baby that drives women to the ultimate deception (3 November 2011)

Baby stealing (10 June 1972)



Another federal government domestic violence inquiry – This one focuses on family law

“On 16 March 2017, a Committee of the Australian Parliament adopted an inquiry into how Australia’s federal family law system can better support and protect people affected by family violence. The inquiry was referred by the Attorney-General, Senator the Hon. George Brandis Q.C. The Committee aims to make recommendations that will improve the system for all participants.” (Source)

Members of the public were able to provide feedback in the following ways:

  • Community statements for individuals who wish to discuss their experiences of the treatment of family violence within the family law system with the committee.
  • Public hearings to gather evidence from stakeholders, including government agencies, non-government organisations, and experts in the policy area.
  • Written submissions addressing one or more of the terms of reference to be received by Wednesday, 3 May 2017.

The Chair of the Inquiry is Sarah Henderson MP, who is interviewed here on Sky News Australia. In this interview Ms Henderson unreservedly commends the work of Rosie Batty (strike 1), as well as mentioning some of the specific issues to be addressed in the Inquiry.

One such issue was the possibility of creating some sort of nexus between the nature of court orders made in relation to spousal support and property settlement, and the presence or alleged presence of family violence in the relationship. This is described in the Terms of Reference at point 4:

“How the family law system can better support people who have been subjected to family violence recover financially, including the extent to which family violence should be taken into account in the making of property division orders”

Men are already being blackmailed with allegations of domestic violence or sexual abuse in relation to child custody matters, and now it seems they will also have to worry about the impact of such allegations on their financial affairs (strike 2). How many more male suicides will this generate?

As of 21 June 2017, 114 public submissions have been uploaded onto the Committee’s web site. I tendered a brief submission which can be accessed here (see submission 113).

The Committee subsequently tabled its report in Parliament on 7 December 2017. The report, which makes 33 recommendations, is available to read on the Committee’s web page at this link. The media release for the tabling of the report can also be found at this link.

Under a 2010 resolution of the House of Representatives, the Government is required to respond to the report within six months. When the Government has provided a response it will be made available on the Committee’s web page.

Related media articles:

One in Three Campaign supplementary submission to Federal Parliamentary Inquiry published (24 October 2017)

Lone Fathers President To Address Parliament Inquiry On DV (28 July 2017)

Good men doing nothing‘ by Bettina Arndt (9 May 2017) with related Reddit discussion thread (see comment by ‘SantaOrange’)

Domestic Violence Inquiry To Take On The Family Law System (23 March 2017)


Greg Ellis shares harrowing story after ’10-word lie’ ruined his life overnight – Mirror Online (25 July 2021) An overseas example of family law in all it’s glory

I don’t want no menfolk near my daughters, you hear?

“The English noun bigot is a term used to describe a prejudiced or closed-minded person, especially one who is intolerant or hostile towards different social groups (e.g. racial or religious groups), and especially one whose own beliefs are perceived as unreasonable or excessively narrow-minded, superstitious, or hypocritical.” (Source)

Thanks largely to the pervasive influence of feminism, anti-male bigotry has been accorded a level of acceptance well in excess of that applicable to other significant segments within the community. This has been reflected in an increasing number of rather biased articles in the mainstream media, examples of which can be found in the following posts:

New Zealand journalist labels men as the ultimate predators
A few observations in relation to yet another article critical of men
How tragic that feminists ignore their role in demonising men
On the issue of traveler safety
Persistent pro-feminist and anti-male bias in the mainstream media
How men are portrayed … Haw Haw Haw! The jokes on us

Today I wanted to address an article by Jane Gilmore entitled ‘Be outraged at the abuse of children, not at one mother’s efforts to protect her daughters‘ (2 March 2017). Jane’s piece focuses on an earlier article by Kasey Edwards,  ‘Why I won’t let any male babysit my children‘, and the public reaction to it.

After Kasey’s piece appeared I read three well-intended, but somewhat insipid, rebuttals. These were penned by Ben Pobjie, Melissa Hoyer, and Louise Roberts. Still, the fact that any rebuttals were published is indicative of feminism’s gradual slide from the pedestal of public opinion. A considerable amount of material also appeared on social media, most of which was critical of Kasey’s position.

Jo Abi, on the other hand, wrote an article in Mamamia supporting Kasey’s stance. Interestingly, even in that feminist forum many readers held a different view.

From an MRA perspective this was pleasing to note, the only negative being an unfortunate tendency by some to personalise the issue via referencing the potential danger posed by Kasey’s family.

Jane stepped in at that point to address those taking umbrage at what they perceived as the gender bigotry inherent in Kasey’s position. What follows now is Jane’s article (shown in italics) with my comments inserted in relevant places (and shown in blue font).

A wave of outrage broke and splattered across social media this week over an article by Daily Life columnist Kasey Edwards about the choice she and her husband have made to keep their children safe from sexual abuse. In it, Edwards pointed out the following statistics:

“…the ‘best case’ scenario is that 1 in 20 boys are sexually abused. The worst case is that 1 in three girls are.”

“Evidence overwhelmingly indicates that the majority of child sexual abuse is perpetrated by males.”

These disturbing facts should indeed provoke outrage. But they didn’t.

This is the page in the Australian Institute of Family Studies web site where Kasey sourced the statistics noted in her article (scroll down to ‘How many Australian children are sexually abused‘). The author describes the difficulties compiling these statistics and their consequent limitations. Note too the basis for the “1 in three girls” statistic mentioned in both Kasey and Jane’s articles.

Kasey’s chosen strategy does not “keep their children safe from sexual abuse”. This is because a) men aren’t responsible for every instance of sexual abuse, and b) her daughters would still have contact with men at other times. Remember that the definition of abuse used here does not require actual physical contact. Kasey’s approach only theoretically reduces the likelihood of sexual abuse occurring. Not all personal threats and dangers. Not even all child abuse. Sexual abuse only.

You see, sexual abuse is just one of the four types of child abuse (and in fact it’s the least common variety). Sexual abuse is the only form of child abuse wherein surveys consistently identify more male than female perpetrators (although there are still plenty of those).

No surprise then that this is the form of child abuse that feminists keep the media’s focus on. A similar thing happens in the realm of the domestic violence debate, whereby all those forms of DV other than heterosexual male-on-female violence are air-brushed out of the picture. 

Instead, the backlash was in response to Edwards’ acknowledgment that men are the most likely perpetrators, and the resulting decision she and her husband made to not have men care for their children without a woman present.

Cue articles and endless anger about how hurtful and offensive this is for men. Followed by strawman arguments about Edwards’ husband caring for their children without supervision, despite her article clearly stating this was a decision they reached together.

Likewise, suggestions that her children would miss out on male role models and have a warped view of men. (Edwards clarified on The Project this week that her daughter has a wonderful male teacher).

Writer Amy Gray, who skilfully moderated a long and mostly respectful debate on this topic, said, “The uproar over this article hasn’t been about how to combat rape culture, community enablement, lack of law or police reform, or suitable therapy or support for victims. The uproar was about protecting men from hurt feelings over being excluded from unpaid labour they rarely do. The uproar should be tackling the overwhelming male presence in sexual assault of children.

It’s hardly surprising that the focus of feedback provided by readers mirrored the narrow scope of the article. Kasey did not address the issues above, nor did she indicate that she would welcome dialogue on those issues. If Kasey expected more holistic feedback then she should have written a broader and less injudicious article.

And it’s curious that no link was provided to that “long and mostly respectful debate”. Don’t tell me it reflected poorly on team feminism?

“I want men to examine their role in this culture,” she added. “I want them to actively combat it and question men who refuse to participate in that.”

On the contrary, the volume of feedback generated by Kasey’s article clearly demonstrated men’s *insistence* in participating in the discussion whilst rejecting the demonisation of an entire gender based on the actions of a very small minority.

The real difficulty with Edwards’ article was that she outlined a single approach to preventing child abuse in her own family. But if we are talking about preventing child abuse at a community level then we need to talk about a community-wide response.

Which comes back to the perpetrators. Again, they are mostly men, and yet men are so rarely part of the discussion about prevention, other than to object to the facts being discussed.

Why is it that men are so much more likely to commit violence and abuse? What happened to those men, where did they learn this behaviour? How can they change?

Clearly there is a problem with violence in our community, and a lot of that is due to men. A very, very small minority of men. A point that seems perpetually lost on feminists. And where are all these men objecting to the “facts”? Alternatively, where are all the feminists discussing prevention with regards to issues like circumcision, the sexual assault of men & boys, male suicide, etc?

What positive outcome/s are borne from the incessant criticism of men and the manner in which they are portrayed in the mainstream media? The consistent lack of recognition for the contributions made by men in terms of the well-being of the community? The paucity of government funding support for addressing men’s health and other men’s/boys issues? The bias of the legal and justice system against men?

The active support of the feminist lobby sure wouldn’t hurt, but their pointed indifference to date is hardly encouraging.

Turning our attention now to women, which occurs all too rarely other than in relation to some issue of perceived victimhood, why are there so many violent and abusive women? (NB: trending upwards). Why is this not being acknowledged and addressed? esp. bearing in mind that they are producing the next generation of not just child abusers, but perpetrators of domestic violence generally.

Exploring this, without defensiveness and with a genuine desire to find solutions, is the most valuable way men can participate in protecting children. It’s disturbing that many men are so aggressively unwilling to do this, leaving the burden of finding solutions to everyone else.

Seriously Jane, imagine if an article appeared wherein the husband set out his strategy to prevent his sons being killed by only having male carers. The reaction from your ilk would not have been merely “defensive” – they would be livid.

And Jane, what of the many instances where people do demonstrate “a genuine desire to find solutions”, and are attacked for doing so simply because they dare propose solutions that are contrary to leftist/feminist dogma? Want examples? 

On the censorship and erasure of non-feminist perspectives and opinions
A feminist laments: “Why do so few men turn up to hear women speak?”
White Ribbon campaign to men: Stand up! Speak up! Shut up!
Domestic Violence NSW censors dissenting views (before lapsing into paranoid delusion)
Sallee McLaren must write on the blackboard “I must not challenge the feminist narrative”
Australian feminist attacks integrity of advocacy group for male victims of domestic violence (Here Jane Gilmore sabotages Australia’s only advocacy group for male victims of domestic violence, only to then criticize the men’s rights movement on the basis that it doesn’t do anything but criticize feminists)

This is why mothers are so often vilified when they do something as simple as wait outside while their children go to the toilet, and conversely, vilified again if they acknowledge the facts of child abuse and act to protect their children from possible perpetrators.

The author was not criticized for wanting to protect her children, but for making a decision of dubious efficacy in the absence of an objective and unbiased consideration of all relevant factors. 

It’s not surprising given how fraught it can be to navigate the issue that parents like Kasey Edwards and her husband look for solutions that don’t depend on community-wide protection. Their choice is not right for everyone – indeed for some, it’s very much the wrong choice. But for them, it’s the best way to keep their children safe. And given the deep, lifelong trauma caused by child abuse, it is both justifiable and understandable.

Their solution, however, only works for their circumstances. It relies on them always having options for childcare that fit within their parameters, which is not readily available to many parents.

There is no proof that this approach “works” for anyone, full stop. As to whether it’s practical for parents to even attempt, your point is taken.

It also assumes that they, their family, and their children’s friends are always in partnered, heterosexual relationships. In the Edwards’ policy, children of single fathers, or in families that do not include people who identify as women, already suffering exclusion and stigma, are excluded even further.

Even for families who do have the option to have women always present, it places an extra burden on those women, who are already taking on the majority of (unpaid) emotional and domestic caring labour. This is particularly difficult in the context of the systemic economic disadvantage women suffer, which requires men to take on an equal share of parenting. It’s a quandary that can’t be solved by making women the “abuse police”. Men have to take responsibility for prevention and commit to unambiguous action on the causes and realities of abuse.

Please, jettison the male-shaming and #HeForShe nonsense. Both men and women parent children. Both men and women abuse children. Everyone has an equal role to play in reducing the incidence of abuse.

While there are undeniable problems with the Edwards’ choice, the outraged criticisms of it are equally problematic, and frankly blind to the realities of how abuse occurs and its effect on victims.

Pot-Kettle-Black (big time)

The Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse released a paper this week describing the grooming practices of abusers. Grooming is not something abusers only do to victims. They also deliberately create relationships with parents and caregivers that involves trust, friendship and dependence. And they make sure their victims know about it.

Was this specific to male abusers? The paragraph that follows implies it was.

As feminist writer Cecilia Winterfox told Fairfax Media, “Every time we say, ‘but my male friends are so lovely’ we make it harder for victims to speak out. It reinforces and demonstrates clearly to them the reflexive disbelief they will almost certainly face. It’s a kind of cultural gaslighting to victims, and a signal of protection to abusers”.

And every time feminists say ‘men can’t be raped (by women)’, ‘domestic violence is men’s abuse of women’, ‘women are only violent in self-defence’, ‘men don’t suffer negative effects from domestic violence as much as women do’, etc etc etc. That also makes it more difficult for “victims to speak out” right? But that doesn’t seem to deter feminists from making these statements. More equality-when-it-suits?

The royal commission paper was specifically about institutional responses to child abuse, so the recommendations were focused on cultural change to identifying and reporting grooming techniques. Which may work in well-monitored organisations, but it’s not something any individual parent can enforce in their social group.

Deanne Carson, co-founder of Body Safety Australia says a blanket ban on men caring for children is not the solution. “We need to empower adults to be a champion for children. This means debunking myths around childhood sexual abuse, teaching them to spot grooming techniques and supporting them in being able to address concerns about any individual’s concerning behaviour.”

It also means broadening the debate beyond child sexual abuse, firstly by considering all other forms of abuse. We also need to consider related issues such as the sexualisation of children, and again, both men and women play a role in this process.

The problem with these strategies, as Carson acknowledges, is that they don’t keep all children safe, they just protect the children whose parents can implement them. And not all parents feel able to do this.

Which is why the solution needs to go back to the community and the abusers, not victims or their carers. And we can’t do that while men are still refusing to discuss the source of the problem.

As Edwards told Daily Life: “Of all the people who have told me how ridiculous and offensive I’ve been, not one of them has come up with a feasible alternative to keep children safe”. <end of article>

Jane expands her views on the matter in an item in her personal blog, asserting that Kasey’s response was understandable and should be respected:

… often the responses are emotional because there is no other way to respond to such trauma. Those emotions are real, valid, complex and demand respect.”

Jane says this even though there is no suggestion in Kasey’s article that her children had previously been subject to abuse (and I sincerely hope that is not the case). Jane then adds:

“That respect is not present when men who have never been forced to feel those emotions are simply offended by the facts.”

Cheap shot. Because men have never been subjected to abuse as children, or fathered children who have been abused by others, right? And because I didn’t notice any reader feedback wherein the “facts” (presumably the quoted abuse statistics) formed any part of that individual’s objection to the article. Seemed to me people were upset about inference, opinion, and plain old bias.

And wait a minute. The feedback on Kasey’s article that Jane found so objectionable was contributed by men and women in roughly equal measures. It’s just as valid or invalid therefore to suggest that women are also “still refusing to discuss the source of the problem“. Unless Team Feminism has bestowed honorary bloke status on the largely silent majority of women who choose to hold a non-feminist-compliant opinion.

Earlier we noted Amy Gray’s haughty dismissal of the negative reaction to Kasey’s article: “The uproar was about protecting men from hurt feelings over being excluded from unpaid labour they rarely do.”

Let’s not detour to talk about single dads, yard work and the like. Let’s pretend Amy is right and proceed on the basis that men’s feelings count for nought. As presumably then, in the interests of gender equality, so too for feminists’ feelings.

Because rest assured, men certainly do want to be a part of the solution to the scourge of child abuse, but it seems most unlikely that it will be on feminists’ terms.

See also:

1IN3 responds to latest attack upon male victims by Daily Life (8 February 2018) Concerning another article by Jane Gilmore

Safety around dogs: Half of all kids get bitten by dogs, so don’t let one near your daughters.

Reddit discussion threads in relation to the Kasey Edwards article:(r/mensrights thread #1) (r/mensrights thread #2) & (r/australia). The latter thread also provides links to several other threads on this topic

Feminism: The demonization of males, by Stacy McCain (2 March 2017)

Gendered, gendered, gendered: The word that fuels the feminist machine

Few of those reading this would be unfamiliar with the feminist proclivity for labelling a plethora of issues as ‘gendered’. Like many terms it doesn’t mean much without considerable qualification. And even then it may not mean much. But if something can’t be portrayed as being gendered then feminists and their beloved narrative lose traction.

The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines ‘gendered’ as “reflecting the experience, prejudices, or orientations of one sex more than the other.” The problem though is that in real life there are relatively few things that only (or even predominantly) affect one gender. In most situations both genders wield a significant influence and/or are significantly affected. We’re all in it together. One topical example would be online harassment.

Let’s now look at an even more contentious issue, child abuse. Most non-sexual child abuse and neglect is perpetrated by women. Most sexual abuse of children is perpetrated by men (although there are still plenty of sexual abusers of children who are female). So is child abuse gendered? And in terms of framing remedial action, is it more or less productive to attack child abuse as a gendered issue?

The straw that broke this camel’s back today was an article entitled Australia’s most shocking statistic: Sexual abuse and domestic violence against women with disabilities by Ginger Gorman. The tagline was the shocking announcement that 90% of disabled women have been sexually assaulted during their lifetime.

Ginger’s article tells us that most abuse takes place in institutions, yet makes no mention of the abuse of disabled men/boys. She then provides some examples of incidents of abuse involving male perpetrators in non-institutional settings. The actual gender mix of perpetrators of abuse, in either institutional or non-institutional settings, is left unstated.

In the absence of further details it’s highly likely that readers would have assumed that most victims of abuse were female, and their abusers male. Such is the inevitable outcome of persistent gender bias in the media on top of decades of gynocentric conditioning.

This is despite that fact that there are certainly instances where research has found most perpetrators of abuse to be women. One such example can be found in the Adele Mercier incident, whereupon a feminist academic wrongly denied female perpetration of institutional abuse.

This selective presentation of statistics – only showing the extent to which women are affected, and in the absence of comparative statistics for men and boys – is extremely common in feminist literature. This problem is discussed further in a separate blog post about feminist research and their misleading use of statistics.

The source document for the 90% abuse claim was a submission by the Australian Cross Disability Alliance. I found the relevant reference in the section entitled ‘Incidence & prevalence data on gendered disability violence‘ (page 37). Despite asserting that the abuse was gendered, this section provided no comparative statistics whatsoever in relation to the abuse of men/boys.

How is that appropriate in terms of either compassion or academic rigour? I mean, is this a case of just ‘trust me, I’m a feminist’?

I then took the matter up with the author of the article in a series of exchanges on Twitter including the following:


Look, don’t get me wrong, the most important thing here is to effectively reduce the incidence of child abuse. The rest is second-order stuff. But I honestly don’t see that goal being significantly advanced via the blinkered and self-serving approach taken by feminists. As with domestic violence, framing a solution to half a problem translates into no solution at all.

Oh, and colour me surprised – see below for how this episode ended.

How could anyone take feminism seriously when one is constantly reminded how infantilised its followers have become?





See also:

UK charity for the homeless, ‘Shelter’, doesn’t specify gender of the homeless – 90% of whom are male (9 November 2017) Hardly a coincidence

How to make anything a gendered issue, by Blaise Wilson (30 April 2017) Video

The following are some of the other posts in my blog that are also relevant to this issue:

Persistent pro-feminist and anti-male bias in the mainstream media
More assaults at aged care homes
The unbearable lameness of being
How tragic that feminists ignore their role in demonising men



Two awareness campaigns. Only one can be criticised. Cowed by feminism?

Many among the media, and the political and bureaucratic elite seem to get quite a hard-on about awareness campaigns. Indeed, some have suggested that such campaigns are a favoured device of the prevailing leftist/feminist hegemony. This despite the fact that the effectiveness of such campaigns is often difficult to assess. Or perhaps it’s because of that.

The American political philosopher Thomas Sowell observed “We should not be surprised to find the left concentrated in institutions where ideas do not have to work in order to survive.” (Source)

Ah, but not all awareness campaigns are the same. Campaigns concerning issues that are pivotal to the feminist cause are beyond reproach. Mild criticism is however tolerated in the case of campaigns on less ideologically revered topics.

A very different reaction to two public awareness campaigns

It’s May 2015 and the Australian federal government has released its annual budget. It proposes substantial allocations to two separate public awareness campaigns. One relates to drug use, specifically crystal methamphetamine – or ‘ice’ ($9 million). The other relates to domestic violence ($7 million).

Plenty of people have lined up to criticise the first campaign on the basis, for example, that it’s unoriginal, focuses too much on scare mongering, is unlikely to be cost-effective, and might even be counter-productive.

On that last point, one article included the statement that “When an ad is on television for a particular illicit drug, we know afterwards young people think it must be really, really common and so therefore it can increase their perception of how normal it is.”

In contrast the only public criticism that the domestic violence campaign has been subject to, is that not enough money has been provided. It is probably no coincidence that the feminist lobby is heavily invested in the DV campaign, but not the other.

So just how many parallels, if any, are there between the two campaigns?

The drug campaign was also discussed in an article entitled ‘Awareness campaigns need to target the real victims of ice” (13 May 2015), which noted that:

“International evidence suggests such “awareness” campaigns are not the most appropriate way to address harmful methamphetamine use. In fact, fear-based approaches can increase stigma which possibly drives people away from, rather than towards, treatment.”

The article proceeds:

“Australian media outlets and politicians claim we’re facing a nationwide “ice epidemic” …  the most up-to-date research estimates that the proportion of Australians who have used any type of methamphetamine (ice, “speed” powder) in the previous year has remained relatively stable for at least the last decade.

Nevertheless, the government and media’s continued use of hyperbolic language – in addition to a tendency to ignore and sometimes dismiss public health experts’ advice on ice – has the potential to incite unnecessary fear and misinform the public about this supposed “menace”.”

So there’s our first parallels, for neither campaign will be targeted and in both cases Australian media outlets and politicians are making exaggerated claims about an emerging epidemic.

The article then goes on to question whether the personal and public threat posed by drug use (as compared to the extent of drug use) has also been exaggerated.

The article states: “We need to accurately define the issue, including the nature and extent of methamphetamine use and related harms in rural and regional areas, to allow the development and implementation of cost-effective, evidence-based and timely responses.”

A further parallel is that the debate about domestic violence likewise does not accurately define the issue, focussing as it does wholly on uni-directional violence by men against women. I would also argue that the policy response is not evidence-based but rather driven by the ideology of those most heavily invested in the issue.

The article then goes on to talk about the success of health-related public awareness campaigns, noting that some “are costly, ineffective and possibly even counterproductive”.

In one example cited “The findings of one study suggest that the Montana Meth Project might actually increase acceptability and decrease perceptions of risk relating to using methamphetamine.” Elsewhere it noted that “fear-based approaches can lead to stigma and poor health outcomes, such as from reduced treatment-seeking.”

The article concludes with a discussion of the value of an alternative or supplementary strategy, that of “harm minimisation”. It notes:

“Because people will choose to engage in drug use (both licit and illicit) regardless of the policies and programs in place, we need to encourage them to do so as safely as possible. We also must continue to inform the public about options for managing drug-related consequences and appropriate and available means for professional support, such as telephone and internet counselling”.

The concept of ‘harm minimisation’ also applies to domestic violence when we consider the prevalence of bi-directional violence, as shown in the diagram below, and the fact that domestic violence may persist from one generation to the next. Perhaps we need to resign ourselves, that in some situations it may be more effective to focus more on the provision of short-term shelter accommodation, the removal of children into care, etc.


Assuming there are parallels between awareness campaigns for drug use and domestic violence, then why have the same criticisms not been raised in relation to the latter?

Indeed, why has no criticism at all been directed at those spending large amounts of taxpayer funds on domestic violence awareness campaigns? Doubly so, given that there have been many previous awareness campaigns undertaken, and that these all appear to have achieved little in terms of effecting a remedy for the problem.

Is this lack of criticism because those in positions of influence truly believe in the value of such campaigns, or is it simply a reflection of wishful thinking and/or the very real fear of feminist backlash against dissenting voices?

Do public awareness campaigns even work?

Many public organisations love awareness campaigns because for minimal work they provide maximum profile (i.e. ‘hey, look at us doing something about the problem!’). Just engage a marketing consultant, agree on a logo, and begin advertising.

The jury is out, however, on their effectiveness – in part because many public awareness campaigns are not subject to proper evaluation. This is probably, in part, because of the factor noted above – they are often created at short notice for reasons of political expediency.

It is known however that some types of awareness campaigns are more likely to be successful than others:

“Some police agencies participate in domestic violence awareness campaigns and school programming, such as classroom instruction to teens about dating violence and ways to handle conflict. Domestic violence prevention messages may target the general population or specific populations. For example, campaigns may be designed to encourage victim reporting, deter potential offenders, or raise the consciousness of potential witnesses of abuse (neighbours, friends, relatives). However, the effect of these prevention strategies is unknown.

For instance, few of the programs developed to reduce teen dating violence have been evaluated, and of those that have, there have been mixed results. Although some report an increase in knowledge in the targeted population and greater familiarity with available resources to help victims, this does not necessarily translate into a reduction in the incidence level of dating violence.

† The Lancashire (United Kingdom) Police Constabulary placed messages about domestic violence on police vehicles, beer glass coasters in bars, utility bills, and lampposts, and used radio advertising to increase awareness of domestic violence.

As a rule, prevention is more likely to work if highly targeted. General campaigns are not typically effective. Highly targeted campaigns that focus on a specific target group or geographic area can have some impact. Offender-oriented campaigns, which are designed to raise potential offenders’ perceptions that there will be meaningful consequences to battering, are more likely to be effective than campaigns that appeal to potential offenders’ morals.” (Source)

See also:

What’s the point of sexual harassment training? Often, to protect employers (17 November 2017) This research found that sexual harassment training could actually produce the opposite result to what was intended.

Marriage vote: how advocacy ads exploit our emotions in divisive debates (13 September 2017) Now transpose the views expressed here across to domestic violence awareness campaigns, with the ‘yes’ lobby being those challenging the status quo by seeking a non-gendered approach to the issue. Again, “the ‘no’ campaign has many unfair advantages”. Though I suspect, most likely, not in the eyes of the typical reader of ‘The Conversation‘.

Feminist academics take issue with a women’s fitness awareness campaign (13 August 2017) Don’t exercise as men will look at you. A Mark Latham video

How Australia’s discrimination laws and public health campaigns perpetuate fat stigma (11 July 2017) “Fat-shaming” awareness campaigns don’t work and are reprehensible (… but male-shaming campaigns do/aren’t?) Of course this has nothing to do with where the issue of focus falls on the leftist/PC acceptability spectrum. #sarcasm

What if Mandatory “Sexual Respect” Classes are Counterproductive? (21 September 2016)

What good is ‘Raising Awareness’? (21 April 2015) USA

Are social marketing campaigns effective in preventing child abuse and neglect? (October 2010) Australia

And what if the campaign message is inaccurate and/or biased?

Another reason why a campaign might be counter-productive is when the information it disseminates is inaccurate and/or biased. This is a real danger with a topic like domestic violence, the debate concerning which is tightly-controlled by one group who maintain a very particular and inflexible ideological stance on the  matter.

It is highly likely that the campaign that eventually emerges will focus solely, or almost solely, on men’s violence towards women. Issues like bi-directional violence, domestic violence in same-sex couples (especially women), and female on male violence will be ignored or minimised. The focus on gender and control will mean that other factors like social disadvantage and substance abuse will be played down. Political correctness will also rule out consideration of race, ethnicity or religion as potentially relevant factors.

What messages will this send? What biases and stereotyping will this reinforce?

Three examples:

Feminism, Domestic Violence & Spiderman Screenings (12 July 2017)

Video and discussion thread concerning a gender-biased awareness campaign in Victoria, Australia (17 January 2017)

The UK Home Office ‘Disrespect Nobody’ campaign included this TV advert which failed to acknowledge female perpetration of abusive behaviours.

Other sources that may be of interest:

‘Ice Wars’ message is overblown and unhelpful (14 February 2017)

Our Watch charity invited to assess its own schools gender equity program (4 February 2017) Just have one feminist organisation (a recipient of substantial public funds) evaluate the effectiveness of a program of similar allied organisation. What could go wrong with that?

Miranda Devine: Stop telling boys to act like girls, by Miranda Devine (24 April 2016) Australia

Some early reaction, on mensrights reddit, to the new Australian DV ‘awareness’ campaign (24 April 2016)

Get ready for some good old male-bashing (22 April 2016)

What about the mean girls? by Jasmin Newman (21 April 2016) Australia

Australia’s costly new national ‘violence against women’ awareness campaign and some articles that followed its launch:

Prevention of violence against women – finally, an idea whose time has come, by Mary Barry (20 April 2016)
Domestic violence ad campaign to focus on ‘influencers’ in bid to change attitudes (20 April 2016)
Where the new $30 million domestic violence campaign is missing the mark‘. This campaign ignores male victims and female perpetrators, and is based on the flawed assumption that the main cause of DV is attitudes towards women.

Branded for life? Sending the wrong message to young perpetrators of family violence (24 February 2016) Australia. Campaign devised by feminist group ‘Our Watch’ and article published in pro-feminist site The Conversation. Campaign only features male perpetrators, this issue ignored in article.

Fear-based health information makes new mothers anxious (23 July 2015) Australia. Now consider DV campaigns that demonise all men despite them having no control over the small minority of men who abuse. The community seemingly sees no problem with making men feel “anxious” in that situation, even despite the fact that four times as many men commit suicide as do women.

Not just a slick TV ad: what makes a good domestic violence awareness campaign? (23 July 2015)

National $30 million campaign to tackle domestic violence (5 March 2015)

Mark Latham on why Labor can’t get it right on domestic violence (16 May 2015)

$16m for dom violence but $1.2b for terrorism (14 May 2015)

Social Marketing for Preventing Violence Against Women: Making every action matter (June 2013) This paper is written from a pro-feminist pro-awareness campaign perspective, but provides a useful list of many previous awareness campaigns. It fails to provide serious/objective evaluations of individual campaigns or of awareness campaigns generally. Indeed, it’s telling that the only campaign against which it directs criticism is the ‘One in Three‘ campaign that draws attention to male victims of domestic violence. One in Three‘ is an ongoing target for feminist criticism.

The often contrasting reaction when mums and dads kill their children

An outpouring of grief with considerable introspection versus an outpouring of anger and condemnation. A sober discussion of contributing factors versus angry dismissal in response to any mention of “excuses”. This is the stark difference in the nature of media coverage that filicide attracts depending on whether the murderer was their mother or their father, respectively. In the past week in Australia we have unfortunately witnessed examples of both.

On the 18th December Charles Mihayo was jailed for life with non-parole of 31 years for killing his two young daughters. He had experienced a bitter divorce and enjoyed only limited (and disputed) visitation rights in relation to his children.

On the following day eight children were found stabbed to death in a house in the Cairns suburb of Manoora. The victims were aged between 18 months and 15 years. A trial has yet to take place, but it is believed that they were killed by Mersane Warria, the mother of seven of the victims.

Media coverage of the Mihayo case

“A man who cold-bloodedly murdered his two young daughters in a “hideous crime” will spend more than 30 years in jail.

Supreme Court Justice Lex Lasry described Charles Mihayo’s crimes as “hideous” and said that he was at a loss to understand why the children had had to pay with their lives so Mihayo could cause suffering to his former wife.

Justice Lasry said the 36-year-old’s actions were devoid of any justification or explanation.”

Much mileage was made from the suggestion that Charles’ crime was primarily motivated by a desire to “get back at” his wife, the accuracy of which remains uncertain. Yet, even if that were true, there are many examples of women committing similar crimes as revenge for real or imagined transgressions by their partners. The following are examples of media coverage of this man’s trial:




Media coverage of the Cairns massacre

Even before a suspect was announced, the calm and sympathetic language of the investigating police and civic leaders suggested that the killer was a woman and someone who was known to the victims …

“As it stands at the moment, there’s no need for the public to be concerned about this other than that it’s a tragic, tragic event. The situation is well controlled at the moment,” he told reporters.

“There shouldn’t be any concerns for anyone else out of this environment and as we progress further we’ll be sharing the results of our investigation …

Queensland Premier Campbell Newman said he was “saddened and shocked” by the tragedy, and that his thoughts were with the family and friends of the victims …

“Indeed, the whole Cairns community and the people of Queensland will feel the effects of this tragedy, particularly at a time of year when families come together.” (Source)

Mother accused in Cairns massacre had dark, troubled past (22 December 2014) In contrast no-one appeared to express much interest about Charles’ past. This article has since been removed from the msn.com web site.

‘She knows what’s happened, but it hasn’t sunk in yet’: Mother charged with killing seven of her children and a niece will undergo mental health checks before trial (22 December 2014)


Cairns deaths: Tree planting memorial service honours eight children killed in Manoora (20 December 2015)

Addendum January 2017: Despite being the worst single incident of domestic violence in Australia, I understand that the perpetrator, Mersane Warria, has yet to be convicted of any crime. Naturally, nothing but silence from the feminist lobby. Here is a further article from May 2017.


The examples mentioned in this post represent such a small sample that many will argue that this is no basis upon which to draw any meaningful conclusions. Yet many other writers have made the same observations as have I, after looking at the reporting of other similar earlier incidents.

Australian statistics tell us that mothers are the most common perpetrators of child homicide, with women accounting for 52% of child homicide offenders between 2002 and 2012. This of course excludes the incidence of abortion.

And yet despite this it would seem that the media, and probably the community generally, just cannot or will not grasp the idea of women as killers or abusers. If a man behaves in this manner, well that’s almost to be expected. If a women kills or abuses then that is an aberration, and there must have been extenuating circumstances (quite possibly involving some degree of pressure or influence by a man/men).

Notably absent from media coverage of the Cairns tragedy (and most other incidents involving filicide or abuse by mothers) were:

  • public generalisations about violent behaviour by women generally,
  • suggestions that women in general shared a collective responsibility for ensuring that other women did not also kill or abuse
  • judgemental commentary by feminist spokespersons/feminist lobby
  • recognition being given to the fact that more mothers kill their children than do fathers

http://www.msn.com/en-au/news/other/mothers-who-murder/vi-BBh3gZe?ocid=TSHDHP (Today show interview with Xanthe Mallet)


With regards to the second last dot point, one example of the feminist drum being struck involved comments made by a staff member of ANROWS who sought to imply a nexus between the dreadful actions of Ms. Warria and the issue of male violence towards women. This suggestion was subsequently the object of scorn in a reddit discussion thread.

With this post I am certainly not suggesting that the gender of the parent that kills makes the tragedy any more or less grave, or more comprehensible to the average person. What I would say however is that both types of incidents should be reported in a similar and gender-neutral manner, for example:

  • if a presumption of innocence until proven guilty is applied to female accused then so to should it applied to male accused
  • if anonymity is maintained for a female accused then so too should it be maintained for a male accused
  • if the personal background of a female perpetrator is recognised as being worthy of discussion (and an ameliorating factor) for female perpetrators, then that should also be the case for male perpetrators
  • if the behaviour of males generally is relevant in considering the degree of guilt (and degree of punishment imposed) in the case of men, then so too should the behaviour of females generally be relevant for women

To do anything other than the above is to fail to recognise and act upon the merits of gender equality, and to deny natural justice.

I’ll finish this post with a well-stated reader’s comment in response to an article about violence towards women that singled out male sporting stars for special attention:

“I read your article, It’s Time the footy world took a stand, with weary resignation for it is an article I have read countless times before. They weren’t penned by you, but the hypocrisy and double standards presented in your piece were the same.

You speak of this “attitude to women” as though it is some collective dogma that a large percentage of the AFL community adhere to rather than a problem for a handful of individuals who happen to be footballers. This phenomenon only ever applies to the male population whenever an individual male commits a crime or any offense. We are all immediately asked to stand up, speak out , swear an oath, wear a ribbon or condemn our gender. It is an outrageous but now very common reaction to any incident involving a man.  If the same articles were appearing when women behaved badly I would not be quite so outraged, but this has never been the case.

A mother butchered eight children late last year, another grandmother in Northern Queensland murdered two of her grandchildren and attempted to burn alive another two, a mother bashed her daughter to death and horrifically permanently maimed her other daughter, a woman shoved her new born baby down a drain-all in a period of four months… I saw no articles asking mothers of Australia to take a stand. I heard no-one on radio ask if there was a problem with mothers and their attitude to children. No, these incidents are very quickly hushed up and we move on remarkably quickly from even referring to them.

Ask yourself, Rita, when was the last article or reference in the media to the mother her sliced up eight children? It is as thought she has disappeared from the face of the earth. Yet when Arthur Freeman killed his daughter by throwing her off the West Gate Bridge, this “monster’s” name has remained in the headlines and on people’s lips for five years. There is another major article about him in today’s Herald Sun. You’d think there are enough male monsters floating about without having to dredge up Freeman yet again. Did you know that a woman by the name of Gabrielle Garcia killed her little boy on the same bridge only a couple of months earlier? Probably not.

You condemned the fact that friends of Nick Stevens said he was a “top bloke” or “good bloke” inferring that these men were cold monsters who thought there was nothing wrong with beating up your partner. Yet every time a mother murders her children you can be assured that countless female friends were label her a wonderful , caring mother and a good friend. Gabrielle Garcia is a perfect example of this reaction.

Garcia’s family was devastated by her suicide. Her sister Monica set up a shrine near the lonely spot where Garcia was found under the bridge, writing a letter saying “we will never forget you both. We will always love you. We understand your pain and hope you have found peace and happiness now.”

Such compassion for a woman who murdered her boy.

Gabriella Garcia adored her 22-month-old son Oliver. According to Pedro Soto, her close friend and the last person to see her alive, all the Melbourne mother wanted to do was to protect him.

Here’s another comment on a woman who hired a hitman to kill her husband

“If she did do what the police say she did, I don’t believe it was premeditated. I believe it was a spur-of-the moment act, something done on impulse in the heat of anger that resulted in something shocking.

“We’re not talking about some kind of evil diva here. We always thought of her as a fairly good person And I think, you know, that she’s probably very devastated right now.” No reference at all the poor dead husband. Are they brutes with no sensitivity or is it because they were asked what they thought of the accused and answered the question .

There have been countless occasions where such words have been spoken by people who know a different side of an alleged killer but I don’t recall articles of condemnation suggesting these people were insensitive or in some twisted fashion supporting or defending their violent behaviour.

But the real zinger in your article is this line:

In the warped moral code of professional football, cheating on your wife with hundreds of eager groupies is ok but betraying a teammate is a dog act. Wow.

You openly acknowledge that there are hundreds of females willing to sleep with a man they know is married but this is no cause for concern or moral outrage or a demand that our schools start educating our young women to change their disgraceful belief that because a man is a sports celebrity he is a target, a notch on your belt so to speak. These girls will do anything to bed these young men just so they can boast about it to their friends. Talk about sexual objectification! Where is the article pleading for the education of women so they understand that men are not their property simply because they are famous. Yet you attack the young male individual who has these girls throwing themselves at him or infer that the young men alone are responsible for the sex that takes place. It is simply sickening to see the finger of condemnation only ever pointed in one direction.

Are you suggesting that these girls (groupies) would not have more of a problem with a girlfriend who slept with their husband/partner whilst happily turning a blind eye to their shenanigans with other married footballers? 

It’s called human behaviour but you, like all female journalists only ever choose to focus on one gender.”

Postscript: The January 2016 Port Lincoln tragedy

Reddit discussion thread on this topic (9 January 2016) Read the thread and feel the anger – far in excess of any similar thread concerning a mother murdering her child. My post was down-voted into oblivion within an hour of being posted. Typical. People were still down-voting it hours after it was removed (?) Last time I checked there were 12 down votes with 3 comments. I have cut and pasted the most substantive of the comments below (‘Karismatic’), and to which I will reply shortly.


Hatred wrong after Port Lincoln tragedy, says Adelaide’s Julia Trinne who lost son when father killed him (9 January 2016)

OPINION: Why are we sympathetic to men who kill their kids? by Caroline Overington (8 January 2016) Australia. Only a feminist could reach this conclusion, and guess what?

PS: I see now that in the Women’s Weekly web site the article has a different title, “Why are we sympathetic to parents who kill their kids?“, although it still written in a way that implies that most child-killers are male, for e.g. “This trend is most evident when the murderer takes his own life, as well as that of his children
Damien Little murdered his two boys. So why are we calling him a “top bloke?” (6 January 2016) The feminist perspective, delivered without a hint of irony

See also:

Media coverage of the murder of Luke Batty was addressed in this blog post

Police reveal horrendous details after dad found 10yo dead (14 August 2024) Australia. Nil mention of the term ‘domestic violence’. Color me surprised

Ky. Mother Faces Possible Death Penalty After Toddler’s Death. Her Defense Lawyers Blame Social Media (26 May 2024)

Mum reveals grief after 10-year-old daughter is found dead (15 August 2023) UK

Lauren Dickason: Final moments before three girls were smothered to death by their mother in New Zealand are revealed (10 August 2023)

Prominent cancer doctor ‘shot her baby’ in suspected murder-suicide (7 August 2023) USA

‘Doomsday mum’ Lori Vallow sentenced for murdering her children (1 August 2023) USA

Dylan Scanlon: Mum who poisoned and beat son, 5, guilty of murder (13 July 2023)

Inquest into crash that killed Charmaine McLeod and her four children begins and Child killed in stabbing in Riverwood in Sydney’s west (1 June 2023) Two further tragic cases of filicide committed by a mother and father, respectively

Further article re: the McLeod family suspected murder/suicide (31 May 2023)

Lori Vallow Daybell Killed Her Kids for ‘Money, Power and Sex,’ Prosecutors Say at Her Trial (10 April 2023)

Baby in hospital bin: Woman who can’t remember son’s birth, death is convicted (3 April 2023)

Unapologetic and profane impact statement from a Woman jailed for life for killing her son, 6, with shotgun as he sat in back of car after his dad filed for custody (February 2023)

Mum dawdled on phone, slept while daughters died locked in sweltering car (14 February 2023)

Lindsay Clancy’s husband issues plea after wife charged with strangling 3 kids (30 January 2023) “Patrick Clancy described his wife Lindsay as “loving” and “caring”” – try swapping genders and see what feminist have to say about expressing sentiments like that.

Lindsay Clancy accused of murdering her two children and injuring third (26 January 2023)

Mom sentenced to 40 years for killing 8-year-old son (18 January 2023)

Nichole Bradshaw murder: Mum’s chilling texts before allegedly killing daughter (20 October 2022)

Mom Stabs Young Children, Killing Daughter, in Custody Battle: Police (8 August 2022) USA

Connecticut mother Sonia Loja left twisted note before killing three children (30 July 2022)

Mother of three charged with murder after three kids die in house fire (26 July 2022)

Mom accused of killing 3 kids was new to L.A., looking to make friends, according to Facebook post: report (13 May 2022)

Government in Greece begs for calm amid outcry over the deaths of three young sisters (2 April 2022)

Boy, 7, found dead in garden without his asthma inhalers as addict mum ‘prioritised drugs and ignored doctors advice’ (28 March 2022)

Police discover three bodies, a woman and two girls, in burnt out car in Melbourne (25 March 2022) with further coverage of this tragedy here.

Mum and two children found dead in Perth car fire (15 March 2022) This tragic incident is described in more detail at ‘Kids killed in horror car fire in Perth fire named‘ (17 March 2022) Note, again, the subdued tone of the article.

Mum admits killing two-year-old son found ‘submerged in bath’ by gran (26 February 2022)

Mom decapitates 6-year-old son and dog, claims the devil was speaking to her, police say (17 February 2022) USA

Woman arrested after baby’s body found in freezer in Corowa, NSW (20 January 2022)

Why a judge ruled a mother who killed her two young daughters is not guilty of double murder (22 December 2021)

‘Are you going to do something to me?’: Two young sisters killed by their mother (14 December 2021)

UK stepmum accused of murder took picture of lifeless 6yo boy, court told (15 October 2021)

Timaru, New Zealand: Three children dead, woman in hospital as police begin murder probe | news.com.au — Australia’s leading news site (17 September 2021)

Bereaved father joins child safety campaigners to urge Government to retain parental alienation within the Domestic Abuse Act 2021 (linkedin.com) (11 September 2021)

Kaylee-Jayde Priest sentenced: Mum allegedly posted TikTok video after killing daughter (news.com.au) (7 August 2021)

London: Mother who killed her daughter in Mitcham sentenced | Metro News (24 June 2021)

Mum accused of killing five of her six children by drugging their breakfast and drowning them (news.com.au) (15 June 2021)

Beck family tragedy in Pascoe Vale: Mother shot 3yo before killing herself (news.com.au) (5 May 2021) Judge asserts that mother killing the daughter was being “altruistic” (had dad killed her then I’m seeing alternative descriptors here)

Nahla Miller: Ohio child allegedly killed by mother Tianna Robinson (news.com.au) (26 April 2021)

Kelly Wilkinson, Kobi Shepherdson: Parental alienation is no excuse for violence Stop blaming women and the courts for why men kill their kids (23 April 2021) Did somebody say ‘double-standards’? Men can’t defend themselves (or other men) and women can’t be blamed. Ever. So what should men do? Stay in their bedrooms and remain silent … the authorities will be along in just a moment.

Mother arrested for killing her three children in Los Angeles (12 April 2021)

Tragic scene that awaited Perinovic father after murder-suicide revealed (17 February 2021) Australia

Young mother charged with manslaughter over her baby girl’s sudden death (11 February 2021)

Mum murdered toddler by scalding her then leaving her screaming to cover her tracks (8 December 2020) UK

Mum who admitted to killing four-year-old son Tyrrel Cobb walks free after sentence is reduced and immediately suspended (4 December 2020) Australia

US therapist kills her twin daughters in their sleep in murder-suicide (27 October 2020) USA

Mum allegedly killed five of her kids as her son watched (4 September 2020) Germany

Dad begs people not to judge cancer-stricken mum suspected of killing son in murder-suicide (31 August 2020) What a contrast!

Nevada mom kills husband, kids in murder-suicide: Cops (8 March 2020)

Horrified dad called 999 after nurse wife allegedly ‘stabbed kid to death and left baby fighting for life in bloodbath’ (3 March 2020)

The uncomfortable truth about filicide, by Jasmin Newman (28 March 2020)

Why do men kill their families? Here’s what the research says (25 February 2020) On page one we get stats for women killed by partners, but not men (again). The author then informs us that “research shows they (familicides) are almost exclusively committed by men in heterosexual family relationships.”

What happened in Brisbane on Wednesday has to be a turning point, by Georgie Dent (20 February 2020)

Queensland Police spark anger with ‘open mind’ comment on murder of Hannah Clarke and children (20 February 2020) We are all reminded that there can be no ‘excuses’ for male killers.

Mother asks little girls to search for kitten under bed, shoots them both & stabs the youngest 35 times (6 February 2020) USA

Woman who allegedly admitted to killing her son cries for him (30 January 2020) I dare say that some of the dad’s who killed their children, also cried for them. But we wouldn’t read about it in the mainstream media.

Mother, 22, who confessed to killing her three-year-old son, two-year-old daughter and seven-month-old baby girl in their family home in Phoenix (23 January 2020)

Mom Lisa Snyder charged with murder of kids found hanging in basement (2 December 2019) Unusually neutral, albeit brief, coverage of this horrible incident.

Woman charged with murder after two children found dead in car south of Brisbane (24 November 2019)

Ohio mom is sentenced to 37 years for killing her three infant sons (20 November 2019)

Texas mom Ashley Auzenne kills her 3 kids in murder-suicide a week after her divorce (1 November 2019)

Mum found clutching dead daughter, 8, in car boot after killing her to spite ex (20 October 2019) UK

WA teen mum jailed for murdering baby (11 September 2019) Australia

Georgia mom posted ‘I could not ask for better children’ before allegedly killing them, then herself: police (23 August 2019) USA

Child domestic violence deaths (14 August 2019) Australia. Link to related graphic here.

NSW mum under police guard following three-year-old daughter’s death (3 August 2019)

The clues that homicide detectives will trace in possible murder-suicide crash that killed Charmaine McLeod and four kids (1 June 2019)

Chilling detail behind mum and child’s cliff plunge (23 May 2019)

“it’s important that people realise (Ms Ludwig) was not a monster”. Despite the circumstances and whatever led to this, she was a lovely person and that’s what she should be remembered for, not what social media is saying about her”. Yeah, it’s not like she was a guy

Mother, aunt of missing 6-year-old arrested for his murder (27 April 2019) USA

Jennifer and Sarah Hart drugged their kids before driving off California cliff (5 April 2019)

Former science teacher, 36, who drowned her daughter, 3, in bath after wrongly accusing husband of having affair (16 March 2019)

Selfie-obsessed mum, 24, dismembered toddler (13 February 2019)

Mothers murdering their children on the rise, while fathers declining (8 February 2019) Australia. See also this related article by Terry Goldsworthy from ‘The Conversation’

Mother who beat her newborn baby to death and stuffed it inside a teddy bear is jailed for just a YEAR in Switzerland (1 February 2019)

Why are more mothers killing their children? (25 July 2019)

Drug user mother, 20, says her baby son’s death after being pulled from a bath was just a ‘tragic accident’ and ‘not her fault as she wasn’t the one washing him at the time’ (8 December 2018)

Mother weeps as vision of her stabbing son to death is shown in court (3 December 2018)

Houston horror: Father discovers son’s headless body in rubbish bin (3 December 2018) USA

Football Player, 18, and His Little Sister Allegedly Shot in Their Bedrooms by Mom: ‘Pure Evil’ (6 November 2018)

Why a ‘good bloke’ shot his tiny sons and drove them off a pier (29 June 2018) Next: Why journos place apostrophe on the term ‘good bloke’ but not good mum

Joanne Finch appears at Melbourne court accused of murdering eight-year-old son (29 June 2018)

Mom who strangled newborn, threw body in trash sentenced (26 June 2018) USA

When we make excuses for male violence, we encourage it, by Van Badham (17 May 2018) But it appears that making “excuses” for female violence, which is quite commonplace, is perfectly OK

Sarah Nicole Henderson told husband Jacob that she had shot daughters Kenlie and KayLee Danielle (5 November 2017)

Melbourne mum admits infantcide (24 October 2017)

Mum Lamora Williams killed sons Ke’Younte Penn, two, and Ja’Karter Williams, by cooking them in her oven (18 October 2017) USA

Cruel mum who fed drugs to four-year-old daughter who died complains her 13 year sentence is ‘too long’ (27 September 2017) UK

Baby girl who tragically drowned in the bath just days after child services raised concerns about her mother (27 September 2017) Australia. “Close friends of the 19-year-old mother said she was devoted to her baby”. Jane Caro, might we anticipate your strong objection to this?

Mum, 32, who allegedly stabbed newborn son says God told her to do it (12 September 2017) USA

Orono mom found dead with 5-year-old son left suicide note lamenting custody rift (6 September 2017) USA

A teen reunited with her birth mother, who then killed her and burned her body, police claim (23 August 2017)

Mother abuses baby before his death: ‘I wanted to kill him’ (17 August 2017) Australia

Mum left bitter suicide notes before killing kids, husband’s girlfriend (12 August 2017) USA. More on this crime here including this excerpt:

“(in) an Inquistr.com  article summarizing this story, a university feminist wrote a comment. Her remark, the highest ranked comment on the article appears below

The feminist would not hold Jessica accountable for her crimes. Instead, she took the tact of implying husbands have no attachment to their children and relationships with men should be devalued.”

Alberta mother who killed son, sentenced to 26 months in Indigenous healing lodge (7 July 2017)

Woman ‘stabs husband and four kids to death’ in Loganville, Atlanta (6 July 2017)

‘Sorry, thought you deserved one last memory of her’: Mother ‘sent partner a final picture of two-year-old daughter before smothering her to death after he ended their relationship’ (6 July 2017)

Reservoir woman charged with stabbing murder of 13-month-old daughter (5 June 2017)

Police investigating after mother and young son found dead at Glenelg North (26 May 2017)

Infanticide law in Victoria: How is this not murder? (21 March 2017) Australia. This – making gender-specific laws – is definitely the wrong path to take.

Little angel Seth Docherty died alongside his mother Stacey in their Hillsdale apartment (14 March 2017)

“she was a really great mum” and “she was a loving mother and a very good and caring person”

Mother drugged 9-year-old daughter and burnt her to death amid bitter custody battle (11 March 2017)

Mum accused of drowning sons in bath ‘first tried to run them over while they were tied up with twine’ (10 March 2017)

Mother to be charged with murder, attempted murder of sons in Moama (3 March 2017) Australia. No anger for the killer, but media lashes out at absentee dad (see related reddit discussion thread here and a rebuttal here)

Michelle Leask pleads guilty to manslaughter over death of seven-week-old baby Lili (9 February 2017) Australia

Akon Guode pleads guilty to murdering three children she drove into lake (16 January 2017) Further report regarding trial testimony here and here

“He said no Victorian mother had ever been imprisoned for infanticide, which carries a maximum penalty of five years in jail.

“Often people who kill their children are cases that are meted out with life sentences. This is not a case of that kind,” he said.”

New Mexico girl Victoria Martens, 10, ‘had STD before murder’ reportedly at the hands of mum Michelle Martens, Fabian Gonzales and Jessica Kelly (11 January 2017)

Cairns woman, 43, charged over 1996 mutilation death of baby boy (9 January 2017)

Mum Egypt Moneek Robinson is accused of killing son Aries Juan Acevedo cause she thought he was Hitler (8 January 2017)

Mother kills 12-month-old son, then dies in apparent suicide: Police (27 December 2016)

Ruislip murder: Mother killed son before taking own life in murder suicide, detectives say (17 December 2016) UK

Mother admits to killing her baby before dumping it in a cooler bag (7 December 2016)

Court docs: Mom killed her 2 young children so that husband couldn’t have custody in divorce (18 November 2016) USA

Family of four found dead inside Sydney northern beaches home (18 October 2016) Australia

Maggie Watson’s mum not guilty by reason of insanity (13 October 2016) NZ

Mum Michelle Martens ‘had sex with daughter Victoria’s killer Fabian Gonzales 20 minutes after girl’s death’ (12 October 2016)

330 child homicides (2 October 2016) UK. Recommended reading. This paper also illustrates the depth of bias employed by feminist groups such as Women’s Aid.

Mum jailed over ‘violent’ death of abused baby who had meth in system (3 October 2016) Australia

Amber Pasztor accused of abducting and killing her own children is ‘evil’, says her mother (28 September 2016)

Girl, 2, found dead in Miller, in Sydney’s south west (14 September 2016)

Third suspect in court in ‘brutal’ murder of 10-year-old Albuquerque girl (28 August 2016)

Kylie Anne Hie has admitted causing the crash that killed her daughter Charlotte (18 August 2016)

How fiction helps us understand the reality of a mother abandoning her newborn baby (29 July 2016) Let’s retreat into a discussion of fantasy in order to mitigate the culpability of women who kill defenceless children. But no such softly-softly approach in response to men who offend in a similar manner. More an ’empthy chasm’ than ’empathy gap’. See similar article in The Conversation here and here.

Port Denison murder-suicide inquest: Coroner says court stress weighed on homicidal mother (29 July 2016) And yet the authors of this other article assert that women rarely perpetrate muder/suicide. They add:

“Murder-suicide is most often perpetrated by men – but this is hardly surprising. Men are generally the perpetrators of murder, and men make up the majority of suicides in Australia, too.” Heartless much? That many men kill themselves is held up as proof that men are violent.

Woman charged in Boscobel infant’s death first blamed father (28 July 2016)

4 Children Stabbed to Death in Memphis, Mother in Custody (2 July 2016)

Akon Guode may not have to face court after triple-0 call caused her to collapse (30 June 2016)

Mom fatally shot daughters to punish her husband (28 June 2016) USA

Texas mum who killed two daughters before being shot by police was a gun advocate (26 June 2016) She stated that she did it to hurt her husband

Major differences between women and men who commit deadly violence (14 June 2016) Reddit discussion thread with linked paper

French woman accused of murdering daughter on beach blames witchcraft (20 June 2016)

The degree of delusion demonstrated by feminists can be astounding. In this article the author asserts the reverse position to that proposed in this blog post. In other words, that male perpetrators are let off the hook (with regards to media coverage) compared to the critical scrutiny faced by violent women.

Mom suspected of killing 2 children in murder-suicide was seeking sole custody of kids (8 June 2016)

Phoenix Mother Murdered Her Three Boys, Dismembering Two of Them (5 June 2016)

Liam Fee: Mother and partner guilty of murdering two-year-old boy (31 May 2016) UK. The partner was another woman btw

Mum jailed for 24 years after horrific murders of her two young daughters (18 May 2016) UK. Jane Caro, please note the “she was a wonderful mother” comment – I’m sure you’ll rail against that, right? Oh, and Jane, this child rapist is said to be “a very engaging and charming young lady” – I’m sure you’ll savage all those involved, right?

Saskatchewan mother gets 5 1/2 years in prison for slitting six-year-old son’s throat during custody fight (19 April 2016) Canada, with more here

sanayaMother of Sanaya Sahib confesses to toddler’s murder (12 April 2016) Australia. See screensave – can you imagine this message being posted in the case of a male offender? Dream on

Dead toddler grew up in ‘dysfunctional environment’ (12 April 2016) Oh, and look, now the media is busily trying to link this toddlers to death to a man/men (any man/men), and now it appears the authorities are doing likewise.

Police investigating deaths of a woman and a young boy at Sydney’s Maroubra Beach (25 March 2016)

Pianist’s estranged wife charged with killing 2 daughters (21 March 2016) USA

Boy, five, is shot dead by his mother in murder-suicide despite his father’s attempt to get a restraining order against his ‘mentally ill’ ex-wife (15 March 2016)

The Melbourne suburbs where a parent is most likely to murder their child (12 March 2016) Australia

Melbourne woman Anitha Mathew burnt sons alive in revenge plot, coroner finds (8 March 2016) Australia. See related Reddit discussion thread here.

1 child killed every 2 weeks by family member: time to free children’s lives from violence (28 February 2016) Australia. Note again how in situations where there are as many or more female perpetrators, the topic of gender is not mentioned. Yet when there are more male perpetrators – or it can be falsely claimed that there are – then perpetrator gender is absolutely central to the discussion. Just another example of the entrenched hypocrisy of feminists and feminism.

NSW mum charged with son’s murder (23 January 2016) Australia

Croton mom pleads guilty, to serve probation in daughter’s death (19 January 2016) USA with related reddit discussion thread here

NEW study shows fathers more likely to kill their children than mothers — or does it? (14 December 2015)

Mother suspect in death of girl, 11, at Auchenflower (9 December 2015)

Madera County woman charged with murdering daughter also accused of abusing four other children (8 December 2015) USA

Mother pleads guilty to murdering two children in Santa Ana hotel after losing custody battle (4 December 2015)

Mom Fatally Attacks 2-Year-Old Daughter Who Won’t Eat Noodles: Prosecutors (2 December 2015) USA

German police arrest woman after discovery of eight dead babies (14 November 2015)

Just Say Goodbye – ‘Devoted’ Mothers Kill? (11 November 2015)

Mom accused of tossing newborn girl had baby son die in 2008 (1 October 2015)

Teenage mother avoids jail after killing daughter and dumping body under tree (24 September 2015) Australia

Campsie ‘murder suicide’: First photo of Nguyen family (22 September 2015)

Girl, 7, was shot dead by dad for ‘revenge’ (5 September 2015)

Women who kill (28 August 2015)

Prosecutor: Mom says she killed young sons to help daughter (18 August 2015) USA and related reddit discussion thread

Mother charged with murder after baby’s death (24 July 2015) Australia

Former teacher Erin Agren ‘killed husband, toddler, then shot self’ (22 July 2015)

Granted this July 2015 case involves an aunt rather than a mother, but as with the Cairns massacre, note the ‘kid gloves’ treatment by the police/media:

“He said the aunt wasn’t under police guard and was assisting police but had not been formally interviewed”

Mother gets 18 years for killing 8-year-old son in NYC hotel (29 May 2015)

Mother deemed not responsible in son’s death due to mental illness (27 April 2015)

Megan Huntsman gets up to life in prison for the deaths of six of her newborn children (21 April 2015)

Lacey Spears jailed for 20 years for murdering son Garnett with salt overdose to attract blog hits (9 April 2015)

Melbourne lake crash: Police to question woman driving car that crashed in Wyndham Vale lake, leaving three children dead (9 April 2015)

Mom charged with kid’s death at Midtown restaurant is schizophrenic, received positive psychiatric review 6 months ago (1 April 2015)

Australia’s most horrific case of child abuse: Boy, 7, died after being starved, fed his own waste and beaten by his siblings as God fearing step-father filmed them… but mother said he fell off a pogo stick (31 March 2015)

Records: Mom forced daughter to put dead sister in freezer (27 March 2015)

Deasia Watkins charged with aggravated murder after beheading baby daughter Jayniah (18 March 2015) and here also

An open letter to Rosie Batty, by Mark Dent (15 March 2015)

Reddit mensrights discussion thread in relation to the Cairns murders

Woman kills her children – some search engine results

Female annihilation (female perpetrated) (17 February 2015)

Mother charged with ‘house of horror’ murders of eight children may never face trial if psychiatrists deem her mentally ill (23 December 2014)

A mum guilty of infanticide after killing her baby girl and injuring the child’s twin has avoided jail  (28 March 2014)

Fiona Anderson: Pregnant suicide mum was begging for help but no-one heard (21 April 2013)

Children most often killed by their mothers (25 September 2012) NZ

Seeking to understand the inexplicable (Mothers are just as likely to kill their children as are fathers) (Sydney Morning Herald, 24 February 2012)

‘Mentally ill’ mother who killed child found guilty (8 June 2011)

The truth about women who commit domestic violence and child murders (7 April 2011)

Child murder by mothers: patterns and prevention (October 2007)

Women: The forgotten child murderers (3 February 2001)





‘Our Watch’: DV advocacy or shrill mouthpiece for gender feminism?

I hold significant reservations in relation to the operation of the staunchly feminist group Our Watch‘, formerly known at the ‘Foundation to Prevent Violence against Women and their Children‘. The feeling appears to be mutual as, despite being a law-abiding Australian taxpayer, I have been blocked from both their Facebook page and Twitter stream since late 2014.

My concerns include, but are not limited to:

  • The cost-effectiveness of allocating public monies to ‘Our Watch‘ with regards to achieving a measurable reduction in the incidence of domestic violence and/or providing tangible assistance to all victims of domestic violence
  • The extent to which the activities of ‘Our Watch‘ are driven by a desire to maximise the acceptance and influence of feminist ideology rather than a desire to maximise the two outcomes listed above
  • The effect of ongoing misrepresentations made by ‘Our Watch‘ in relation to the allocation of resources towards research into female perpetration of violence, the level of support provided to male victims of domestic violence, and the availability of counselling/treatment options for violent women and couples

On the first point, I believe that it is appropriate that the government both participate, and support the participation of others, in combating domestic violence and in assisting its victims. But this should be done in a manner that is both impartial and cost-effective. There should also be complete transparency and accountability on the part of both those allocating and those receiving public monies.

In 2013/14 ‘Our Watch‘ received a whopping $4,675,550 in government funding whilst raising a paltry $6,083 in donations. These funds were sourced from the federal government ($1 million/year) and the governments of Victoria, South Australia and the Northern Territory. A financial report for ‘Our Watch’ can be sourced from the web site of the Australian Charities and Not-for-Profits Commission (see the relevant ACNC registry entry here and a related blog post here).

As with the White Ribbon Campaign (another Australian feminist DV advocacy group),  ‘Our Watch‘ do not directly assist victims of domestic violence. Instead they rent office space, employ many feminists staff, and run various PR/’education’ campaigns. These campaigns are divisive and involve the dissemination of misinformation that demonises men whilst failing to deal with female perpetration of violence. I am dubious about the extent to which their campaigns reduce the incidence of domestic violence, and indeed this has yet to be demonstrated.

I note that former MP turned journalist Gary Johns was subjected to harsh criticism after querying the effectiveness of government funds being provided to advocacy groups like ‘Our Watch‘ in lieu of directly funding service provision by government agencies.

Our Watch‘ advocates for female victims of domestic violence, which in and of itself is a laudable goal. A problem arises however when ‘Our Watch’ justifies their focus by claiming that the overwhelming majority of domestic violence is perpetrated by men upon women, and then seeking to validate this assertion through the ongoing misrepresentation of information concerning patterns of DV perpetration (example).

I don’t think there is any doubt that statements by politically astute groups such as ‘Our Watch’ do have a significant influence on decisions by government in relation to policies, priorities and funding allocation related to the sphere of domestic violence. This has resulted in a situation whereby government agencies treat all men as potential (if not, actual) violent abusers, where there are almost no resources available to battered men (and their children), and violent women are essentially waved away until such time as they commit a serious felony.

Those who visit Our Watch‘s Facebook page and Twitter stream will note that surprisingly little of the communication emanating from that organisation is directly related to their purported area of primary concern – domestic violence.  What you will see instead is considerable self-promotion, and a preponderance of material that could only be described as feminist propaganda.

On a visit to their Facebook page on 26 October 2014 for example I noted the following:

Reader Kath Kerr: It is not fair and it is not right that privileged men who murder are consistently granted lenient sentences.

Our Watch: Too many young people in Australia have witnessed acts of physical domestic violence against a parent. (No mention that equal number of kids have seen their mum abuse their dad, as have seen their dad abuse their mum – Source)

Our Watch: It’s time to stop asking what about men (in relation to this article)

Our Watch: Congratulations to Liz Broderick, Sex Discrimination Commissioner and Our Watch Ambassador, for winning the 2014 Women of Influence award. (Celebrating the work of a highly-paid femocrat who has demonstrated absolutely zero interest in the welfare of men & boys)

And finally …

Our Watch: Strong language Warning: Oh my! Language, ladies. *clutches pearls*
This is F*cking brilliant and quite possibly the best thing on the internet. Ask yourself, What is more offensive? A little girl saying ‘f*ck’ or the f*cking unequal and sexist way society treats girls and women?” http://vimeo.com/109573972 

Avril Mesh, Ben Lakos, Domestic Violence Resource Service Mackay and 63 others like this.

If any readers of my blog have yet to witness this video, and wish to see just how far feminism has fallen, then click on the above link (Strong language warning)

Ok, enough! And so I proceeded to raise my concerns with the ministers of those agencies that see fit to hand millions of our tax dollars over to ‘Our Watch‘ … namely the federal Government, the Northern Territory Government, and the Governments of Victoria and South Australia.

“Dear Minister 

I write to you today to voice my strong objection to material posted in the facebook page of the group known as ‘Our Watch’ (refer attached ‘screensave’). I do so as I am aware that they receive a substantial amount of ongoing gov’t funding, and thus should be at least somewhat accountable to broader public standards.

The disgusting video that they have promoted and ‘liked’ on their facebook page (see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XqHYzYn3WZw&noredirect=1) is discussed in these articles: http://www.theblaze.com/contributions/feminism-has-nothing-to-say-but-it-still-wont-shut-up/ and http://fullcomment.nationalpost.com/2014/10/24/barbara-kay-feminist-video-turns-to-child-abuse-to-send-distorted-message/

I believe that their support for such an ‘initiative’ is reprehensible and they should be required to remove both this and other radical feminist material from their web site, twitter account and facebook page. I don’t know if you look at the material that they promote in their facebook page, but it is almost entirely either pure self promotion for key personnel or strongly pro-feminist ideological material that has only cursory relevance to the subject that is meant to be their focus – domestic violence.

Please would you act on this matter as it is clear that ‘Our Watch’ require much greater oversight if they are to continue to receive large amounts of taxpayer-funded support. Thank you for your anticipated prompt intervention concerning this matter.”

I subsequently received a response to my complaint from John Elferink, Attorney-General and Minister for Justice, with the Northern Territory Government:

“I write to you in response to your email dated 28 October 2014 in regards to a Facebook post ‘Potty-Mouthed Kids Drop F-Bombs for Feminism by FCKH8.com’ shared by the group ‘Our Watch’.

As you are aware the role of Our Watch is to drive long term cultural and attitudinal change from the ground up through community engagement and advocacy and working in close partnership with the Second Action Plan to the National Plan to Reduce Violence Against Women and their Children.

The Northern Territory Government is committed to reducing domestic violence. The financial contribution to Our Watch is just one of the ways that this Government is supporting initiatives which seek to drive attitudinal and cultural change.

Whilst the initiative that was placed on their Facebook page was divisive, this should not detract from the important work that Our Watch does in the primary prevention of violence sphere. I thank you for your vigilance in monitoring the material placed on the Our Watch social media pages and bringing it to my attention. I believe the offending post has since been removed and I have instructed the Domestic Violence Directorate to monitor the site content regularly.”

The Hon Kevin Andrews MP, Federal Member for Menzies and Minister for Social Services sent the following reply dated 3 December 2014:

“I appreciate you raising your concerns regarding the link to a video Our Watch posted on 21 October 2014. Our Watch was established as an independent company by the Commonwealth and Victorian governments in June 2013, as an initiative under the National Plan to Reduce Violence against Women and their Children 2010-2022.

Our Watch will work to provide national leadership to prevent all forms of violence against women and their children. This will be done by changing attitudes, behaviours, social norms, and practices that create violence against women and children, including the promotion of gender equality. There is a growing body of evidence showing that people with a poor understanding of gender equality may also have attitudes and behaviours that support violence.

The long term outcome of Our Watch is to encourage public conversations in Australia to support gender equality and understand the links between gender inequality and violence against women. Content on the Our Watch Facebook page is chosen to engage people in the debate by raising awareness about the importance of gender equality, challenging stereotypes and preconceived myths regarding the role of women in our society.”

So there we have it … promoting a video of pre-teen girls swearing their heads off = providing “national leadership“, a further aspect of which involves Our Watch encouraging “public conversations” by removing dissenting Facebook posts and banning their authors from contributing further. Would the Minister be equally comfortable with a men’s rights group promoting a similar video “challenging stereotypes and preconceived myths regarding the role of (men) in our society.” Probably I guess, unless, of course that would involve facilitating just a little too much real gender equality.

The Hon Jay Weatherill MP, Premier of South Australia sent a very basic acknowledgement only, and the Hon Heidi Victoria,  Minister for the Arts, Minister for Women’s Affairs, Minister for Consumer Affairs,  has yet to provide me with a response. I will update this post should such a response be received.

See also:

Not content with offering ‘guidelines‘ instructing the media how to cover domestic violence in line with feminist dogma, Our Watch is now offering tangible incentives for those who comply (May 2022) … And here’s more feminist guidelines telling people the correct manner in which to write about violence against women (December 2022)

Another grubby video (using child actors) from the leftist/feminist/SJW crew (October 2019) USA

Oh, but look what happens when videos are made using allegedly right-wing kids who employ bad language, e.g. Joe Bernstein’s coverage of ‘Soph’. Clearly not seen as cool & empowering in that situation, huh? And yet another feminist double-standard (May 2019)

Our Watch charity invited to assess its own schools gender equity program (4 February 2017) Conflict of interest? What conflict of interest?

Statement in relation to *some* of the funding that Our Watch receives from the federal government each year

A further example of the inappropriate use of children to help bang the feminist drum

Natasha Stott Despoja launches anti-violence campaign (10 November 2015) with related reddit discussion thread here



Other posts in this blog that are most relevant to this topic:

So what exactly is the ‘Domestic Violence Industry’?
Fudging the figures to support the feminist narrative
Just how heartless (or deeply in denial) can people be?
A busy few weeks for gender matters (Aug/Sept 2014)
Feminist advocacy group ‘Our Watch’ seeks shield from public scrutiny

Is child abuse a gendered crime too?

The nature of child abuse

Child abuse can consist of physical abuse, sexual abuse, emotional abuse and/or neglect. Each of these forms of abuse are explained on this page, and an estimate of the relative scale of each of these forms of abuse is provided here.

Sexual abuse of children, the least common form of abuse, is mostly committed by men. Although note that there is no shortage of female perpetrators. Neglect of children is mostly committed by mothers, reflecting the fact that they are usually the primary care-givers. Female perpetrators tend to dominate the other two forms of abuse, although there are significant variations (and gaps in data) between different studies. Links to sources of statistical data concerning the perpetration of child abuse are provided below.

Child abuse, where it occurs within the home, is itself a subset of a broader range of destructive behaviours known as domestic violence.

Domestic violence is not a gendered crime, although most feminists believe otherwise and never stop telling us so. They justify this position on the basis of their claim that domestic violence is overwhelmingly perpetrated by men against women. But if we were to accept that, then surely child abuse and neglect must also be a gendered crime given that the majority of the perpetrators are female and the majority of victims male? Why isn’t perpetrator gender nearly such a big issue in the child abuse debate (or abuse of the aged, etc), as it clearly is in domestic violence?

I would draw the readers attention to an article entitled ‘Abuse and neglect: Australia’s child protection ‘crisis’’ published in ‘The Conversation‘. An interesting thing about that article was that it never mentions the issue of gender. This contrasts strongly with articles that ‘The Conversation‘ publishes about domestic violence, wherein gender is invariably the central theme.

I submitted a comment in relation to that article – pointing this out – but it was removed by their moderator within minutes. As an aside, that’s entirely typical of the censorship that takes place at that web site.

Thus we seem to have one form of violence involving somewhat more male perpetrators, and where gender is absolutely pivotal. Then we have other forms of violence where most perpetrators are female, yet apparently gender is not a significant issue. How strange and paradoxical.

Could it be, as some have suggested, that researchers move the goalposts depending on whether the relevant information alternately supports or undermines the feminist narrative? The issue of the corruption of gender-related research is addressed in another blog post.

How about we start telling it like it is? Most child abuse and neglect is perpetrated by women, and women should acknowledge this and deal with it the same way they harangue men to take ownership and deal with domestic violence, i.e. tell all your friends it’s wrong. Though the impact of that approach, in isolation, is unlikely to amount to much in the way of a reduction in abuse.

Perpetrators of domestic violence expose their children to the unhealthy experience of seeing and hearing abuse taking place, thus this behaviour is itself a form of child abuse. Pro-feminist advocacy groups and journalists sometimes offer up statements such as “25% of young people have witnessed physical domestic violence against their mother”.  As always, the lack of comparative data for male victimisation is a sure-fire indicator of sexist bias.

The actual situation, as identified by ‘One in Three‘ is:

“23% of young people have witnessed physical domestic violence against their mother or stepmother, and 22% of young people have witnessed physical domestic violence against their father or stepfather” (Source)

See also ‘Why aren’t we talking about abusive mums?‘ by Corrine Barraclough (15 June 2017)

It is of great significance that victims of child abuse, be they male or female, are much more likely to become perpetrators of not only child abuse, but also domestic violence, upon reaching adulthood. Thus abusive women are guilty twice over. In the first instance they abuse their partners and children, turning their lives into a living hell. Then, assuming their abuse doesn’t lead to murder or suicide, those children grow up and have children who they abuse – thus perpetuating an inter-generational cycle.

We should be giving equal emphasis to combating all forms of domestic violence including child abuse and elder abuse. Instead because of the inordinate degree of influence by the feminist lobby, the government is concentrating all of its effort on reducing violence against women based on the flawed claim that DV originates from the disrespectful attitudes of men and boys.

I believe that, were we to take a broader and longer-term view of the DV issue, then we should be placing far greater emphasis on women’s role in perpetrating child abuse. This would see, for example, the provision of more behaviour modification programs for abusive women with the aim of reducing the level of domestic violence in both the current and subsequent generation.

Statistical information on child abuse, and related discussion:

As previously noted, many statistical sources regarding child abuse (esp. in the past 5-10 years) don’t detail the gender of the perpetrator. This problem was identified in this Australian study for example. This is rather curious given that gender is promoted as the pivotal issue in the sphere of domestic violence research. Of course there the majority of perpetrators are male and thus entirely consistent with feminist dogma.

(The above quote was a reader’s comment in relation to ‘The blind spot in our domestic violence crisis’)

Lucy Letby: Nurse accused of murdering babies ‘wrote note saying “I killed them on purpose”’ (18 April 2023)

Brisbane mother and girlfriend jailed after ‘heinous’ abuse of three-year-old boy (12 June 2020)

Vile mother who dressed her nine-year-old daughter in a Playboy outfit and restrained the girl while men raped her cries as she’s found guilty (12 March 2020) Australia

An inconvenient truth about child abuse | The Spectator Australia (14 July 2018) By Augusto Zimmermann – Recommended reading

Women who sexually abuse children are just as harmful to their victims as male abuser (21 August 2017)

New research on perpetrators of child sexual abuse released (29 September 2016) Australia

This U.K article notes that “mothers are the “unseen force” behind so-called honour-based abuse, inflicting violence on their daughters” and that “of the 100 “honour” crimes she studied, 49 involved mothers – but this was often not recorded in crime reports.”

FactCheck Q&A: does Australia have some of the highest rates per capita of fetal alcohol syndrome in the world? (18 April 2016)

Who abuses children? (September 2014)

The Cost of Child Abuse in Australia – Nov 2008 The sole reference to the gender of the perpetrator in this study was the following quote from another study (page 111)

“mothers were more frequently cited as being the perpetrators of maltreatment (63% compared to 45% for mothers and father respectively)”

Child Maltreatment 2013 (USA)

40.5% of all child abuse is committed solely by biological mothers 17.7% of all child abuse is committed solely by biological fathers 19.3% of child abuse is committed by both the mother and the father 6.4% of child abuse is committed by the mother and some other individual 1.0% of child abuse is committed by the father and some other individual 11.9% is committed by someone other than the parents 3.1% is committed by an unknown or missing perpetrator.

Child Maltreatment 2012 Department of Health and Human Services USA. Refer table 5-3. Other reports in this series can be found here.

Reddit discussion threads on the issue of perpetrator gender, included here as they contains links to further statistical sources of note:

Child Abuse – Who Are the Perpetrators? (2016)
Do mothers commit the majority of child abuse? (2016)
Anyone have statistics on the gender of the perpetrators of child sexual abuse? (2013)
Just in case everybody doesn’t know by now: the majority of child abuse is perpetrated by women, not men (2012)

The truth about women who commit domestic violence and child murders (7 April 2011)

“The Western Australian figures shed light on who is likely to abuse children in families and are in line with overseas findings. The data show there were 1505 substantiations of child abuse in WA during the period 2007-8. Natural parents were responsible for 37% of total cases. Of these, mothers are identified as the perpetrator of neglect and abuse in a total of 73% of verified cases.”

Mum, not dad, more likely to neglect kids (23 September 2009)

Most child abusers are women: report (11 April 2007) Australia

“The report shows there were 13,184 substantiated child abuse cases across Queensland in 2005-06. Women were responsible for 7,319 – or 55.5 per cent – of cases, and males for 5,846, or 44.3 per cent.”

Characteristics of child sexual abuse victims according to perpetrator gender (August 1995)

Some specific incidents of female-perpetrated child abuse:

PhD student Nicole Virzi could face death penalty for baby’s alleged murder (26 August 2024)

Mother gets probation for abusing 3-year-old son (25 July 2024) incl. link to video. Revolting behaviour and then let off by the Court

Bionca Ellis, woman accused of stabbing 3-year-old Ohio boy to death in grocery store parking lot, smirks and giggles as the charges are read to her (10 June 2024) USA

Mom Sentenced in Death of 4-Year-Old Daughter Who Was Fed Mountain Dew in a Bottle, Causing Her Teeth to Rot (25 May 2024) USA

Stockport nursery worker guilty of baby’s manslaughter (20 May 2024) UK

Colorado paraprofessional arrested after police say video shows her beating autistic child on school bus (9 April 2024) USA

Woman who kept toddler, 2, in cage and also tried to sell child for £1million found dead (7 April 2024) UK

Monster mum who served up her 16-year-old daughter to a rapist confronted: ‘F**k yourselves’ (2 April 2024) Australia. Nothing but #SoundOfCrickets from Feminist HQ. As is usually the case

Ohio woman gets life in prison after toddler starved at home while she was on vacation (20 March 2024)

School shooter’s mum hosted hotel sex parties (3 February 2024)

YouTuber Ruby Franke sobs in court as she’s jailed for child abuse (21 February 2024)

Two women charged after allegedly tossing baby ‘like a toy’ outside bar (18 September 2023) USA

‘You f–king pig’: Mum’s comment to boyfriend accused of toddler murder (25 June 2023)

Girl drowns in hotel pool while mum drank at bar, prosecutors say (17 May 2023)

Charlie Nowland: 47-year-old charged with manslaughter, criminal neglect (26 April 2023) Australia

Judge’s socialite ex-wife charged with distributing child porn, planning to sexually abuse girl (22 April 2023)

Drug-addict mum jailed for eating daughter’s pet hamster Mr Nibbles in disgusting video (9 March 2023)

Mum dawdled on phone, slept while daughters died locked in sweltering car (14 February 2023)

UK nurse Lucy Letby accused of murdering seven babies allegedly told parent of bleeding newborn ‘trust me, I’m a nurse’ (12 October 2022)

Leiland-James Corkill: Killer lied to social workers, report finds (29 July 2022)

Mum arrested for selling her five-day-old boy for £2,900 ‘to pay for a nose job’ (12 July 2022)

Evil mum who slashed adopted son’s penis in sick punishment caught after 7 years on run (10 July 2022)

Woman jailed after prolonged abuse, killing of 5yo Malachi Subecz (30 June 2022) NZ

Five-year-old Logan Mwangi who was found dead in a river was kept ‘like a prisoner’ and ‘dehumanised’ in small bedroom ‘dungeon’ in days before he was murdered (12 April 2022) Boy neglected, abused and killed by mother, step-father and another.

Welsh mum ‘missed punishing’ son after death, court hears (6 March 2022)

Brothers, 4 and 6, found in street after midnight while their mum went drinking (4 March 2022)

Why Melbourne mum left her baby in boiling car for five hours (10 February 2022)

Woman is charged with attempted murder for allegedly stabbing two young children and injuring herself (3 February 2022)

Toddlers found tied and trapped in woman’s home, police say (14 January 2022)

Teen mum tosses newborn into dumpster in New Mexico (11 January 2022)

Police say woman sex trafficked five-year-old daughter to man who raped and killed her (2 January 2022)

Kaija Millar left baby in car for five hours in 37C to play pokies at Melbourne pub (3 November 2021) “I just want him to survive because I don’t want to go to jail.”

Teen mother, 19, bursts into tears as she is jailed for nine years | Daily Mail Online (7 August 2021)

Nurse Lucy Letby accused of murdering eight babies and attempting to kill nine (news.com.au) (11 May 2021) UK

Indiana woman arrested after child nearly dies from severe head lice infestation (news.com.au) (8 May 2021) USA

UK teen mum leaves daughter to starve to death after partying for six days straight (27 March 2021)

Cops release photo of woman who punched 2-year-old boy on subway (23 February 2021) Read the article … no criticism of the perpetrator, but bystanders were blamed for not getting involved.

Childcare worker charged after allegedly ‘binding disabled boy’s wrists’ (26 November 2020) Australia

Babysitter, 30, ‘squeezed baby girl, 1, to death until she felt her bones pop’ (16 November 2020) USA

Foster son of Britain’s most sadistic mum opens up about horror childhood (29 October 2020) UK

Boy traumatised after neighbours act out at noisy kids (19 August 2020) See how far you have to scroll down to find out the horrible neighbour was a ‘she’. Curious that

I ‘beat the crap’ out of my toddler. I hit so hard I hurt my hand (28 February 2020)

Monster mum ‘tortured and beat son, 2, so horrifically all that was left of him was his leg and liver’ (1 November 2019)

Dad busts babysitter kicking twin babies on nanny cam (22 October 2019)

A girl has died after her nanny ‘forgot’ her in a hot car (23 September 2019) USA

‘Mum cut my throat’: Toddler’s shocking dinner-table confession (13 July 2019)

Vile mum films herself beating her toddler daughter and sends footage to jailed ex-husband to get back at him (5 June 2019)

Baby dies after mum took him clubbing and fell asleep on him (8 June 2019)

Violent mum dragged father of her child around ‘like a rag doll’ in Wythenshawe school (18 April 2019) UK

Chilling story of the ‘kind’ Victorian midwife who murdered hundreds of babies (8 December 2018)

Teachers allegedly used zip ties to restrain young students (2 October 2018)

#Diversity #Inclusion (September 2018)

East Texas mum made explicit videos of her 8-year-old daughter and tried to sell her for sex (24 June 2018)

We lost the battle but we’ll win the war: Father of little girl who was brutally attacked by own mother …  (27 April 2018) Australia

90 days in jail for Eagan home day care provider convicted of inflicting brain injuries on 1-year-old (29 September 2017)

Woman charged in child’s gruesome death in hot car released on bail (22 September 2017) Canada

Lesbian couple who beat their 5-year-old son with a hammer, duct-taped his eyes shut and kicked him in the groin in a brutal attack that caused him to suffer two strokes are jailed for 20 years (21 September 2017)

Woman spiked two-year-old boy’s Fruit Shoot drink with enough morphine to kill an 11-stone adult and tried to blame the boy’s father (9 September 2017) UK. Serious child abuse + false allegation, and is then awarded a pussy-pass

Adelaide mother escapes jail sentence after bashing eight-month-old daughter with a spoon (8 September 2017)

15 mothers who viciously killed their children (15 July 2017)

Texas mum left two kids in hot car as punishment (25 June 2017)

‘I was sexually abused by my mother and I need to talk about it’ (17 June 2017)

An Albury mother has been charged with serious child neglect (10 May 2017)

Kolkata Teacher Brags About Molesting A 10-Year-Old Boy, Accepts She Is A Pervert (23 March 2017) India

Mother accused of daughter’s attempted murder told police she was ‘possessed’ (9 March 2017)

Girl, eight, allegedly bashed to death by grandmother wrote ‘I hate this life’ in her diary (3 March 2017)

Mother allegedly assaulted two sons for opening Christmas presents early (23 December 2016)

Video of Pecos woman hitting her daughter (21 December 2016)

Toddler starves to death and his sister, two, is left alone with the body for three days after their mother leaves them without food to spend nine days with her lover (8 December 2016)

2 Wisconsin women charged in death of 7-year-old who was starved, burned and beaten (3 December 2016)

Girl 5 died after her mother sedated her with heroin (30 November 2016)

Mother left her son, 2 in a washing machine … (27 November 2016)

Day care worker hangs 1-year-old boy (21 November 2016)

Nanny charged with abuse after being filmed ‘putting buttocks in disabled boy’s face and dragging him across floor’ (6 October 2016)

My childhood home – scene of my nightmares (4 October 2016)

2 women found drunk in Salem parking lot with infants, police say (20 September 2016)

Woman who battered and knifed 8 year old boy jailed for 15 months (20 September 2016)

Mother guilty of bruising son’s genitals (15 September 2016) Australia, with related Reddit discussion thread here

Gold Coast mother accused of shocking abuse of her daughter including rape, torture (3 September 2016)

Mother who repeatedly beat her children across the arms legs and backs with a TV CABLE is spared jailed after a judge rules it would be worse for them if she went to prison (24 August 2016)

Mother accused of poisoning her nine-year-old daughter by putting URINE in her intravenous drip after she was admitted to hospital with life-threatening condition (19 August 2016)

Abused girl says her name is ‘idiot’ as mum Jennifer Deden and Clarence Reed are arrested for child abuse in Arkansas (18 August 2016)

Girl whose mum put her in a oven begs for her to remain in jail (29 July 2016)

Mother found guilty of allowing death of baby at hands of boyfriend (29 July 2016) The headline tries to diminish responsibility of mother – the mother did not merely “allow” the death, she was an active participant in the abuse and was also charged with murder. Pussy-pass?

Woman charged in Boscobel infant’s death first blamed father (28 July 2016)

Queensland mum jailed for abusing four daughters (22 July 2016) Australia

Three and a half years jail for mum who dumped newborn in drain (21 July 2016) Australia

Mother, 40, ‘locked her naked five-year-old son in a cupboard for more than 10 HOURS while she went on a family day out to Blackpool’ (12 July 2016)

Day-care worker pleads to raping, videotaping toddlers (2 July 2016)

Stepmother of five-year-old Josiah Williams handed 99-year sentence in brutal starvation case (29 June 2016) USA

Brockton babysitter accused of horrific child abuse on two boys (14 June 2016) USA

Red Deer mom charged with using son to make child porn sent to U.S. man (2 June 2016) Canada

Woman ex-soldier used electric shock dog collar to punish toddler and beat him so hard she broke a wooden spoon (26 May 2016) UK

What do I do? Wife verbally abusive and now starting to get physical with toddler (13 May 2016) Reddit discussion thread

NSW mother charged with attempted murder after allegedly hitting her young son with her car (10 May 2016)

Double Jeopardy on Sunday Night: Will baby Chloe’s killer ever be brought to justice? (4 April 2016) Australia

Brisbane mum jailed for child cruelty (29 March 2016) Australia

Single mother, 35, is arrested for ‘putting her two-year-old daughter in the oven, leaving her with third-degree burns’ (21 March 2016)

Mother Stabs Her Baby 90 Times With Scissors After He Bit Her While Breastfeeding Him! (8 March 2016)

Vacaville woman convicted of having sexual relationship with young boy (8 March 2016) USA. It was her own son

Babysitter Moriah Gonzales was caught smothering a baby with her hand, police say (5 March 2016) USA

Nanny who beheaded Russian child says it was revenge for Putin’s Syria strikes (3 March 2016)

Mum Christi Howell and her boyfriend Casey Shackleford allegedly waterboarded her son (20 February 2016)

Mom charged with murder after allegedly running daughter over with lawn mower (18 February 2016)

Grandparents deny seeking revenge for mum’s sexual violation of baby (28 January 2016) NZ

Mom Sentenced For Molesting Son (25 January 2016) USA

Day care teacher who turned classroom into a ‘baby fight club’ found guilty (17 January 2016) USA

Lesbian couple ‘beat one woman’s 5-year-old son with a hammer, duct-taped his eyes and kicked him in the groin until he bled and suffered two strokes’ (14 January 2016)

Woman eludes murder conviction for son’s death after beating (4 January 2016)

Mum who sexually abused her own daughter is jailed for 9 years (9 December 2015)

FGM: mother and retired nurse both found guilty of mutilating two sisters (12 November 2015)

Rachel Kinsella charged with intentionally poisoning her nine year old son repeatedly (8 November 2015)

Mildura Mother used daughter as ‘sex slave’ to satisfy husband’s lust (5 November 2015)

Mother and her lesbian lover ‘beat toddler to death over eight days then tried to frame seven-year-old boy for his murder’ (6 September 2015) and related reddit discussion thread

Woman Gets 23 Years For Killing Baby Girl In 2012 (4 September 2015)

Mother, 71, jailed for historical sexual abuse of twin daughters (28 August 2015)

Hunter Valley woman appears in Cessnock court charged with injecting daughter with urine (19 August 2015) Australia

Mother charged with torture and murder of Tyrell Cobb (14 August 2015) Australia

Woman Accused of Tossing Infant from 4th-Floor Window (8 August 2015)

Queensland’s Task Force Argos helps shut down Philippines-based child abuse ‘service’ for ­foreigners (26 June 2015) A ‘service’ run by women, by the way

County Commissioners will investigate Pocono Child Abuse Response (18 June 2015)

Psycho woman goes on a rampage with 2 children, father doesn’t do anything (15 June 2015) Video

Mother allegedly hit five vehicles during police chase while children in the car (14 June 2015)

Mom sentenced to 40 years for raping own children (7 May 2015) USA

Woman accused of putting her newborn in plastic bag, leaving it in her desk drawer (27 April 2015)

Texas woman helped starve boy to rid him of a ‘demon’ (16 April 2015)

B.C. woman put superglue in baby nephew’s ears because she was jealous of son-bearing in-laws (8 April 2015)

Mother, accused of molesting daughter, jailed for bail breaches (31 March 2015)

Mother used one-year-old baby as weapon in Alice Springs street fight (21 March 2015) Features the comment “Women who are victims of domestic violence should seek help from relevant support agencies long before it reaches such a crisis point.” Of course she’s a “victim“, rather than a perpetrator … she’s a woman, right?

Blogger Mum Poisoned Son To Death With Salt (2 March 2015)

Mother charged in brutal stabbing of 4 year old son in NW Harris County (27 February 2015)

Mum arrested for abuse after ‘beating daughter and sending her to school in grade-shaming T-shirt’ (25 February 2015)

Joyce Hardin Garrard charged with making nine-year-old granddaughter Savannah run until she died (23 February 2015)

Mother Accused Of Punching Son In Face For ‘Being Too Feminine And Gay’ (20 February 2015)

“Listen to their screams…”: Mother’s chilling phone call to husband ‘as she burned their three daughters alive’ (12 February 2015)

Father finds surprising video on his son’s IPad (9 January 2015) Click on video and scroll to the one minute mark

Queensland woman charged with trying to kill two kids in house fire (30 December 2014)

Children stabbed to death in the Cairns suburb of Manoora (20 December 2014)

Five-year-old Scottish boy suffered a ‘sickening and violent death’ that was so gruesome medics had to be given counselling – as police question mother (6 December 2014)

Texas mum ‘hid daughter’s body in fridge’ (5 December 2014)

No jail time for former Lake Charles woman in scalding case (30 October 2014)

Mum who tried to turn daughter against father condemned as ‘child abuser’ (12 June 2014)

Mum tried to sew daughter’s mouth shut (18 October 2014)

Woman, 48, jailed for seven years after horrific torture of teenage nephew (16 October 2014)

Killer mum in court to access daughter she injured in horror attack (7 October 2014)

‘Sickened’ judge jails woman for ‘horror’ child abuse (6 October 2014)

Mother pleads guilty in Shaniya Davis’ death (18 October 2013)

General discussion of child abuse:

Intimate partner violence a major risk factor for filicide but researchers say new data provides a roadmap to intervention (2 July 2024) Feminists again trying hard to avoid female accountability for filicide (Australia)

Brutalised children can become brutal adults: An interview with clinical and forensic psychologist Dr Naomi Murphy (3 May 2023)

Rotherham mum-of-two stormed into post office and attacked elderly owners with screwdriver (18 March 2022) UK

Feminists throw children under the bus – by Bettina Arndt (30 August 2021)

Feminism’s shameful betrayal of boys – by Bettina Arndt (2 June 2021)

Evidence shows children who are smacked are more likely to be involved in partner violence in adulthood (3 May 2021)

Women caught on video abusing children (10 March 2019)

Half of Canada’s prisoners were abused as children, McMaster study suggests (21 February 2019) Article doesn’t identify the ratio of male/female abusers, which generally means ‘predominantly female’

An article informs us of the considerable danger caused by dads drinking, but neglects to mention the (even greater) danger caused by mums drinking (17 February 2019) and subsequent Tweets from Bettina Arndt (and another).

The Female Abuser Is Protected by Society (30 May 2018)

A study has found kids who get smacked are more likely to assault their partners as adults (11 December 2017)

Mothers who sexually abuse their sons, by Ginger Gorman (8 June 2017) Australia

Unspoken abuse: Mothers who rape their sons, by Ginger Gorman (15 January 2017)

Why do mothers abuse children? It must be the fathers, so says the US government (28 June 2016)

Children are the forgotten victims of family violence, by Jeremy Sammut (7 December 2015) Australia

When mothers abuse (5 November 2015) Australia

Women who kill, by Janet Bloomfield (28 August 2015)

New research shedding light on sex abuse committed by mothers against their sons (8 August 2015) Profiles the work of Lucetta Thomas

Maternal Punitive Reactions to Children’s Negative Emotions and Young Adult Trait Anger: Effect of Gender and Emotional Closeness (16 April 2015)

Child-killer parents should have subsequent children taken away: coroner (10 April 2015)

Let’s not forget the real victims of family violence… children (5 April 2015)

An open letter to Rosie Batty, by Mark Dent (15 March 2015)

Why deliberately alienating a father from his child is domestic abuse (9 December 2014)

Most of this blog post concerns killings by women, but child abuse is addressed towards the end (13 October 2014)

Five reasons feminism should deal with women who abuse children (20 October 2014)

Mum, not dad, more likely to neglect kids (23 September 2009) Western Australia

Turning a child against a father with false accusation is…child abuse (4 August 2014)

Some people have suggested that feminist ideologues using pre-pubescent girls in expletive-laden videos to further their cause is also a form of child abuse (commentary here and here). Another one is seen when feminist mothers bemoan the fact that they are rearing a male and map out a path of indoctrination, see this article for example.

Other related posts within this blog include:

On women having flings with children and students

The often contrasting reaction when mums and dads kill their children

On violence carried out by women and girls





On violence perpetrated, or instigated, by women and girls

Most people were sickened to learn of this violent unprovoked attack on an old man in Australia, which was subsequently discussed in this rather insightful article by Jim Muldoon. One perpetrator subsequently went to court in September 2014 and walked free on a good behaviour bond. No surprise there.

This was not an isolated episode though, and there have been many recent instances of violent crimes involving female perpetrators. Including more attacks on the elderly man (a 2018 example). Indeed, the numbers of women committing violent crime is increasing significantly. Further, the gap between the rate at which violent crimes are committed by men and women is slowly narrowing as male perpetration has either plateaued or declined in many jurisdictions. This trend casts further doubt on the veracity of claims that the number of male victims of domestic assault is inconsequential.

Nevertheless, society generally looks on violence by females as being something far less serious or significant than violence by males, and punishes them accordingly. This is also evident, for example, in these filmed situations where first women and then men are assaulted in public. Worse still there is a growing sense, in some quarters, that female violence is often justifiable and is a facet of female empowerment.

It was also apparent in an August 2014 segment on the ‘Sunrise’ TV show when the panel joked about women filmed fighting on a train platform in Melbourne – their only concern being that a man didn’t intervene.

“A third of family murders involved a female as the killer. In sibling murders, females were 15% of killers, and in murders of parents, 18%. But in spouse murders, women represented 41% of killers. In murders of their offspring, women predominated, accounting for 55% of killers” (Source)

The paragraph above was extracted from a 1994 publication, not because patterns of gender perpetration have changed greatly but because the feminist filter has been imposed so completely now that we only see articles like this one that present statistics in a manner that suggests that women are the perpetual victims of oppressive male malevolence. (Reddit discussion thread here)

The first group of linked articles/papers below explore the general issue of violence by females. A second and subsequent collection of links relate to specific acts of violence by women/girls.

Note that there are many related posts within this blog, for example posts specifically dealing with women abusing their partnerskilling their partners, killing their children, neglecting/abusing the elderly, sexually abusing children/youth, and the neglect/non-sexual abuse of children.

Given all of the above it’s frightening how few anger management programs there are available for women here in Australia. In fact the only dedicated program of which I am aware is LifeWorks. If you know of others then please let me know and I will list them here.

Links to online sources dealing with the issue of violence by women/girls (other than specific incidents or case studies)

Lesbian domestic violence proves it’s not just a male problem (22 July 2023)

Women are more likely to be abused in lesbian relationships than in heterosexual relationships (22 December 2022)

Toxic teenage girls: the new subtle bullying and how to spot it (2 July 2022)

Girls assaulting other girls on Scottish rail network a ‘consistent trend’ – British Transport Police (13 February 2022)

Can We Talk About Female Bullies Please? (5 October 2021)

When women commit war crimes (28 October 2020)

Faces of 14 women who killed and how long they will spend behind bars (15 August 2020) UK

How ultra-violent girl gangs are responsible for terrifying new crime wave across Melbourne (2 June 2020)

What’s your emergency? (22 February 2020) A British TV series, this episode looking at the rise in female violence. Video

I’m not surprised female violence against men is on the rise (27 January 2020)

Domestic abuse by women triples in a decade with female attackers carrying out almost a third of assaults (26 January 2020)

Attacks on family members by women rise twice as fast as by men, new report shows (25 January 2020)

Australian Domestic Violence Homicide Statistics 2018 (19 June 2018) Most DV-related homicides in the first half of 2018 were committed by women. A reality very much at odds with the misandric messages issued by the feminists who have adopted the Eurydice Dixon tragedy as their current cause celebre.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Female_suicide_bomber A google search on the words ‘female suicide bomber’ will also reveal many papers on the subject as well as details of specific incidents that have appeared in the media (example).

“Women have increasingly assumed more operational roles in jihadist terrorism activities, as have minors and young adults. One in four (26%) of the arrestees in 2016 were women, a significant increase compared to 2015 (18%)” (Source)

Why don’t we admit it: Women commit domestic violence too (19 February 2019)

The Female Abuser Is Protected by Society (30 May 2018)

Teens’ hair pulled, faces punched by girl gang in shopping centre (12 February 2018)

Slag (27 September 2017) Australian video by Gary Orsum

Female violence, society’s blind spot, by Hannah Wallen (4 August 2017) Video

Australia’s most dangerous women inmates (8 July 2017)

Ideal killers: ‘Young, beautiful, reckless’ female death squad (5 July 2017)

Don’t mess with a queen! Female rulers over the past 500 years have waged war more often than kings (28 April 2017)

Extensive Research: Women Initiate Domestic Violence More than Men, Men Under-report It (24 March 2017)

Female domestic abuser: Why I hit my partner (1 March 2017) UK

Number of women convicted of domestic violence at record high (20 September 2016) UK

Girls and their frenemies, by Linda Stade (19 September 2016)

Why ARE modern women so aggressive? It’s been called the dark side of equality – a surge in respectable women flying into violent rages for the most trivial reasons (15 September 2016) with related Reddit discussion thread here

“In 1957, men were responsible for 11 violent offences for every one perpetrated by a woman — today, that is four to one”

“Two in five victims of domestic violence in the UK are men. The number of women prosecuted for it rose from 1,575 in 2004/5 to 4,266 in 2008/9”

Isil bride Sally Jones’s role in training female recruits for attacks on West (12 September 2016)

Denying female domestic violence (28 August 2016) by Augusto Zimmermann

When women attack (25 August 2016) A Terence Popp video

Which sex is the most violent? You won’t be surprised! (10 August 2016)

The Gender of Domestic Violence (11 June 2016)

The Rise of Female Violence (7 June 2016)

Tasmanian budget 2016: Women’s prison to be expanded after spike in family violence by women (25 May 2016)

Shocking photos of woman who lost eye in stiletto attack emerge – as the shoe is revealed to be weapon of choice for drunk women across Britain (21 March 2016)

Girl fights: Are Aussie women becoming more violent? (18 March 2016)

European Queens Waged More Wars Than Kings (27 January 2016)

Feminism And The Manufacture Of A Modern Misogynist (18 December 2015)

Teenage girls using social media to plan public brawls, Queensland police warn (12 January 2016)

Female perpetrators of intimate abuse, by Donald D. Dutton, Tonia L. Nicholls, Alicia Spidel (3 January 2016)

Beiwel: Pardoning female domestic abusers sends the wrong message about feminism (14 December 2015)

Tashfeen Malik and the American women who became mass shooters (3 December 2015)

Refusing to talk about violent women hurts women more than it hurts men (25 November 2015)

Who was the woman in the suicide vest? (19 November 2015) with list of recent incidents involving female terrorists here

BBC3 – The Rise of Female Violence (18 November 2015)

Just Say Goodbye – ‘Devoted’ Mothers Kill? (11 November 2015)

Confronted by Evidence, by Steve Carter (10 November 2015)

The Rise of Female Violence (8 November 2015) A BBC3 documentary, with reviews/rebuttals by Mike Buchanan here and HEqual here.

Girls Are the Fastest-Growing Group in the Juvenile Justice System (1 October 2015) and related reddit discussion thread

Another Drop Of Blood – Violence Is Genderless (14 September 2015)

America’s girls have a violence problem (7 September 2015)

Monsters Too Scary for Words (7 September 2015) Lengthy paper regarding female killers

Women who kill (28 August 2015)

Your Field Guide to the Female Psychopath (10 August 2015)

ISIS’s female Gestapo wreaking terror on their own sex: They bite and whip any woman who steps out of line and force girls to become sex slaves. Most shocking of all? SIXTY of them are British (12 July 2015)

Alcohol-related injuries increasing for Australian women (20 June 2015)

Very important pussy (4 June 2015)

The ugly truth of female violence, by Jasmin Newman (28 April 2015) Australia

Women given ‘free pass’ on domestic violence, says former Nationals senator (7 January 2015)

If 10% of M&Ms are poisoned, shouldn’t the question be how they got that way? (1 September 2014)

Women more Violent and Controlling than Men: Various Studies find (27 June 2014) and related reddit discussion thread

References Examining Assaults by Women on Their Spouses or Male Partners: An Updated Annotated Bibliography (June 2014)

Arrests of women in NSW are rising and now at a faster rate than men (30 May 2014)

The two facets of female violence: The public and the domestic domains (January 2014)

A cold war fought by women (18 November 2013)

The rise and rise of the violent femme (30 April 2013)

Study: 10 Percent of U.S. Youths cause Sexual Violence – Females are just as likely to be perpetrators as males (7 October 2013)

The startling facts on female sexual aggression, by Ally Fogg (4 September 2013)

https://www.crimejusticejournal.com/article/view/101 (Girls, crime and violence: Toward a feminist theory of female violence)

Violence is violence versus the Duluth model (video) and If and When a woman has to change her behaviour (video)

Working with violent women‘, by Erin Pizzey

Systemic gendered violence?‘ by Karen Straughan (31 December 2011)

Where Do All The Bullies Go? (4 November 2014)

Say no to violence against men (12 November 2014)

Why are all the mass-killers always men? Uh, they aren’t (13 October 2014) Reddit discussion thread here

Do we give female domestic violence abusers a pass? (1 October 2014)

Woman As Aggressor: The Unspoken Truth Of Domestic Violence (19 September 2014)

Save the women and children … from women? (21 September 2014)

The Surprising Truth About Women and Violence, by Cathy Young (25 June 2014) Recommended reading:

“The February CDC study found that, over their lifetime, 44% of lesbians had been physically assaulted by a partner (more than two-thirds of them only by women), compared to 35% of straight women, 26% of gay men, and 29% of straight men.”

Awesome post addressing the notion that men=violence but women not so much

Terror cases allege women wanted to fight, not wed fighters (4 April 2015)

Aussie women in terror groups (March 2015) Video

The Myth of Female Frailty (3 March 2015)

Female terrorists, feminist denial  (3 February 2015)

Where do all the female bullies go? (30 January 2015)

Australian women ‘joining IS foreign fighters’ (24 January 2015)

Have you ever beaten up a boyfriend?  Cause, Uh, we have


http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/girls-get-violent-1345290.html (Girls get violent)


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LlFAd4YdQks (Filmed reaction to women abusing men in public)

Congo’s Forgotten Curse: Epidemic of Female-on-Female Rape (3 December 2013)






Prevalence of physical violence in intimate relationships, part 2: Rates of male and female perpetration (2012) with Twitter discussion thread here.

http://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/violent-crimes-committed-by-teenage-girls-have-surged-in-nsw/story-e6freuy9-1226239405809 (8 January 2012)


Researcher says women’s initiation of domestic violence predicts risk to women (7 June 2009) Article by Glenn Sacks


Undated Youtube video showing violence by women

Some specific examples of violent behaviour either carried out, or instigated, by women or girls

Washington woman seen in ‘high spirits’ and ‘dancing about’ in Newcastle after assaulting man (1 September 2024) UK

‘I had to defend myself, dude’: Instead of showering together, woman allegedly stuns man with bat and breaks off blade in his body in unprovoked attack (23 August 2024)

Mother-of-eight who poured petrol over her ex-lover’s brother before she set his new van on fire is hit with a 10-year restraining order – but spared jail (25 July 2024)

Teenage girl fighting for life after stabbing in Fortitude Valley (15 July 2024) Australia

Chinese teen loses teeth in alleged Auckland bus assault by ‘200 kilogram woman’ (2 July 2024)

Female lifeguard battered boyfriend and drove over his mobile phone after he confessed to kissing another woman on a night out (8 June 2024) “But Judge Whitehouse added she did ‘not view it as being a classic case of domestic abuse’ as she pointed Sutherland-Young’s ‘great deal of mitigation'”

Mum must wear two ankle tags after beating up disabled boyfriend while he sat in wheelchair (4 June 2024)

Group of teenage girls wreak havoc on train (3 May 2024) Australia

Woman assaults girl and her mother for no apparent reason (May 2024) Video. See what happens when a man intervenes

Mums in ugly attack at Disneyland caught on video (2 May 2024)

Woman stabs ‘popular landlord’ to death outside Maidstone pub ‘in cold blood’ (1 May 2024) UK

Teenage girl in court over murder of 10-year-old sister (30 April 2024)

Girl, 13, charged after Ammanford school stabbings (26 April 2024) UK

Teen ‘may not recover’ after vicious brawl near US high school (17 March 2024) USA

Mum threatens legal action, video emerges of brutal schoolyard fight (6 March 2024)

Mother’s horrific wounds after she’s slashed across the face with broken glass by stranger in random bar attack while celebrating Beaujolais Day – as ‘wicked’ thug is jailed five years (3 March 2024) Look! No room to put the word ‘woman’ in the headline

Kimberlee Singler: Children of US mum arrested in London were shot (15 February 2024)

Four girls aged 11 to 15 charged after vicious brawl at Burwood Station caught on video (12 February 2024) Australia

Disturbing footage captures moment girl set upon, bashed by group in horrific group attack at bus stop (20 November 2023) Australia. As usual, if it was a group of boys attacking then this would have featured in the headline.

‘If you’ve got the balls lady, do it’: Taunt that sparked woman’s wild stabbing revealed after appeal launched (3 November 2023)

‘Bash the b****’: Racist teens attack young Korean woman in Sydney (1 November 2023)

Mum gets 78 years prison for killing her two daughters (24 September 2023) USA

Hartlepool woman jailed for life for murdering elder sister (20 September 2023)

Shocking moment three female youths punch two women in the head on station platform in south London ‘after robbery on board train’ (19 September 2023)

Teenage girl, 16, is stabbed to death during fight over sweet and sour sauce outside a McDonalds in Washington DC (29 August 2023) You have to read this closely to learn that the killer was another teenage girl

Wild brawl between three teenage girls breaks out at Beaudesert Public Library (2 August 2023) Australia

Naked woman fires gun on busy California highway (27 July 2023) USA

Four teens arrested after Adelaide Uber carjacking (13 July 2023) They meant to write ‘Four teen girls’. Sure

Shocking fight caught on camera at Tamworth Woolworths (6 June 2023) Not even fighting over toilet rolls this time.

Woman charged in I-95 stabbing to be held without bond (11 April 2023) USA

Woman intentionally killed 2 maintenance workers with her car and was aiming to kill a third, police say (30 March 2023)

‘Absolutely disgusted’: Seven-year-old girl allegedly stomped by teen on playground (29 March 2023) Look for the word ‘girl’ in this article (re: the perpetrator) – every other term used bar that one.

Jealous woman smashes ex-boyfriend over the head with glass bottle and an ashtray then stabs him as he tries to leave (27 March 2023) UK

Three girls charged after 13-year-old allegedly lured to home and tortured (22 March 2023)

Mum shouted ‘after my fella are you?’ as she stabbed neighbour in the face (8 March 2023)

Woman tried to saw boyfriend’s head off with bread knife after stabbing him 29 times (24 February 2023)

US girl, 14, takes own life after video shows other girls beating her up (10 February 2023)

Shocking moment women throwdown in road-rage brawl (31 January 2023) Melbourne, Australia

Killer’s voicemail message after she killed mum’s best friend (27 January 2023)

Woman allegedly bashed pregnant woman over queue disagreement in Gold Coast venue (24 January 2023)

Woman accused of murdering, dismembering her elderly parents (21 January 2023) USA

Japanese killer Miyuki Ueta chokes to death on prison food while awaiting execution (19 January 2023)

Former Playboy model found guilty of second-degree murder, sentenced to 25 years in prison (11 January 2023)

Woman ‘killed lover and put head and penis in bucket after drug-fuelled sex game’ (10 January 2023)

Girl, 16, charged with murder after Boxing Day stabbing (28 December 2022)

Stabbers filmed snapchat videos during horror car boot kidnapping (9 December 2022)

Woman and her friend ‘revenge attack’ ex-boyfriend (30 November 2022)

Mia Miller faces court after viral video of assault (25 November 2022)

Girl, 15, who attacked pregnant woman walking with pram jailed for a year (23 November 2022)

Women’s vicious racing brawl caught on camera (1 November 2022)

Police hunt three women following brutal assault at London Bridge Station (25 October 2022)

Mum slams ‘complete animals’ in bizarre alien costumes who assaulted, robbed NYC teens (5 October 2022) See also how victim’s mum complained about men not taking action against female offenders

Lodger, 49, who attacked her terrified landlady in Psycho-style knife frenzy is jailed for more than four years (1 October 2022)

Shocking moment woman with baby hit repeatedly on Brisbane bus (22 September 2022) Hit by other women!

Waitress smashed pint glass into neighbour’s face in angry row over noise days after she celebrated 18th birthday with raucous party (7 September 2022)

Innocent disabled bystander (male) run over and killed due to two women fighting (August 2022) Video

Ashfield robbery: WA teen charged after sickening assault on ‘friendly’ mother (6 September 2022)

Jury told of wife’s act after discovering husband’s ‘affair’ (29 August 2022)

‘Despicable’: Woman charged after allegedly drowning pet Chihuahua (13 August 2022)

California dermatologist is arrested for ‘poisoning her husband’ after he told cops he’d been sick for a month and set up camera in their $2.7m mansion to prove it (9 August 2022)

The moment two women brawl in Primark, swapping blows and rolling around on the ground in front of stunned shoppers (12 July 2022) UK

Dallas woman sentenced to life in prison for convincing boyfriend to kill her husband by faking physical, sexual abuse (23 June 2022)

Woman attacks elderly man twice in shocking road rage (21 April 2022) Article is behind the ‘Brisbane Courier-Mail’ paywall

Girl’s plea after shocking beating by teen gang (20 April 2022) Note that it’s not displayed as “teen girl gang”. Par for the course. Funny thing that.

Man, 58, who died six days after being knocked unconscious with one punch by a baby-faced teen girl, 19 – as she is cleared of causing his death (5 April 2022)

Teenage girls arrested on tip from their mothers after video ‘shows them attacking homeless people’ (30 March 2022) USA

Woman, 26, turns herself in for shove that killed beloved 87yo: police (23 March 2022) USA

Teens cheer as schoolgirl bashed, thrown down stairs“. By another girl – though that bit’s left out of the headline (15 March 2022). Crime occurred at Bundaberg, Queensland. Article is behind the Courier-Mail paywall.

Kill the Bill rioter who attacked officer with skateboard and smashed police station window during violent Bristol protest sobs in the dock as she is jailed for five-and-a-half years (11 March 2022)

Woman allegedly decapitated lover while high during sex (3 March 2022) USA

Woman’s botched attempt to burn down house with children inside caught on CCTV (24 February 2022)

CCSD teacher says she was brutally attacked by student (21 February 2022) USA

German teenager sentenced for murder reveals chilling vow to kill in text to friend before brutally stabbing man taking her on a date (16 February 2022)

Woman dies after vicious 7Eleven coffee attack (15 February 2022)

Video shows Las Vegas student punched more than 30 times in the middle of a classroom (4 February 2022) A girl punching another girl, oddly not mentioned in any of the media items I’ve seen, or in the school’s response.

Mother-of-three, 33, kidnapped and tortured her boyfriend who had boiling water poured over him and cigarettes stubbed out on his arm because she wanted him to pay for her Botox (2 February 2022)

Teenagers charged after rideshare driver allegedly carjacked, threatened with glass bottle (7 January 2022)

Female DV defendant in court goes berserk (24 November 2021) USA. Video

Willetton Senior High School stabbing: Students charged over ‘plot to kill’ teacher (2 November 2021) It’s unbelievable how this article – and others – neglected to mention that the perpetrators were girls.

Woman glassed complete stranger, scarring him for life, then ‘blew kisses’ at him (30 October 2021)

Frankie Smith and Savanna Brockhill deny murdering Bradford toddler Star Alyssa Hobson (26 October 2021)

Teenage girl’s sickening attack on young sunbathers at Coogee Bay Oval (27 September 2021)

Why Kathleen Worrall stabbed sister Susan more than 50 times | news.com.au — Australia’s leading news site (14 September 2021)

Jack Grealish and girlfriend Sasha ‘on different pages’ as football pro ‘just wants to have fun’ (msn.com) (28 August 2021) 200 death threats a day, huh?

UberEats driver’s murder by carjacking teenagers captured by shocked bystanders (28 March 2021) USA

Florida nurse, 55, chokes Uber driver from behind and then bites into his neck ‘like a pitbull’ in unprovoked attack (22 April 2021)

Teenage girl arrested over horror stabbing at Sydney train station (19 March 2021) Australia

Man fighting for life after being slashed with broken bottle on the Gold Coast (17 March 2021) Australia

Melbourne: 45yo woman charged with elderly man’s murder (9 March 2021)

Woman stabbed best friend 18 times in ‘50 shades’ sex game (24 February 2021) UK

Woman poisoned to death by son’s girlfriend (16 February 2021)

Salem County teen charged in slaying of homeless man allegedly filmed victim’s beaten body (12 February 2021) USA

Teen accused of attacking woman with meat cleaver (25 December 2020) Australia

Woman stabbed boyfriend twice in the chest while high on crack – a judge has let her walk free in time for Christmas (24 December 2020) UK. “After being told it was ‘in everybody’s interest’ that she be released on licence, Higginson wept as she thanked the judge and wished him a ‘Merry Christmas'”

Woman charged with murdering her relative at a Perth home (16 November 2020) Australia

Crazed road-rage incident caught on video ends in woman stabbing another motorist (21 October 2020) Australia

Young dad working two jobs to support his family murdered by teen girl as he delivers pizza (12 September 2020)

Video shows two teens caught in ‘disgusting’ bullying attack in central Qld (3 September 2020) Australia

Prison officer at Silverwater jail stabbed in back by inmate (31 August 2020) Both female, by the way

‘Wild, dangerous’ Adelaide girl, 16, freed from youth detention after crime spree including Macca’s attack and violent carjacking (20 August 2020)

Two recent examples of groups of young American women on violent rampages in public places (29 July 2020) Example 1 + Example 2

Girl, 14, charged with murder after 10-year-old cousin found dead in NSW town of Gunnedah (9 July 2020) Australia

Stabbed friend, and committed bizarre undie-burglary (30 June 2020) NZ

‘Sudanese girls stomped her’: Sickening footage captures a 13-year-old girl being ‘senselessly beaten’ by a gang of schoolyard thugs (22 June 2020) Australia

Cian English: Two girls arrested over teen’s Gold Coast balcony death (4 June 2020)

Woman, 48, ‘beat her 32-year-old wife to death with a wine cooler days after gushing about their love’ (20 May 2020) USA

First picture of woman who was found ‘sawn in half’ and whose torso was dumped in suitcases (20 May 2020) UK. Safe in a women’s refuge? Think again

Teens face 25 years’ jail over ‘vicious’ assault at Figtree Grove shopping centre, likened to ‘pack of wild dogs’ (4 May 2020) Australia. And yes, the “teens” were girls

Alleged spitter charged with four cop assaults (24 April 2020) Australia

Teenage girls who stabbed and shaved neighbour they suspected was a rapist avoid jail time (17 April 2020)

Two women charged after violent fight breaks out at Woolies as toilet paper panic buying escalates (8 March 2020)

Young woman cleared of murder after driving car into group of teenagers (15 February 2020)

Woman, 25, who had sex with older men before setting their homes on fire is jailed for arson (12 February 2020)

Woman attacked ex with carving knife and mop handle after he ended their relationship (11 February 2020)

Woman kills gun range instructor because she’s ‘stressed-out’ from fight with boyfriend (10 February 2020)

Girl’s teeth knocked out in alleged bashing (6 February 2020) See how far you need to read through the article before it’s disclosed that the attackers were female. Do you think that would have been the case if they were male? Most unlikely

Girl, 11, charged after elementary school teacher stabbed in Australia (28 October 2019)

Adelaide woman avoids jail after slashing taxi driver at Elizabeth Shopping Centre (17 October 2019) Australia

Young women assault and pepper-spray a business owner after he confronts them about shop-lifting (14 October 2019) Video

Woman charged after Snapchat clip of bloodied and dazed father being confronted by teen girl in Thirroul goes viral (2 October 2019) Australia

One of many video clips on the net showing a woman beating a man in public, with no-one intervening … until the male strikes back. More such videos can be seen in this post. (September 2019)

Furious bus rage woman, 23, who brutally bashed a 75-year-old pensioner (12 September 2019) Australia

Woman charged after allegedly stabbing three men and daughter in Salamander Bay on NSW coast (28 August 2019) Australia

Stripper faces court over alleged glassing of ‘Neighbours’ actor in Gold Coast club (21 August 2019) Australia

Hull mum Chloe Hansom ‘loses control’ so glasses boyfriend, slaps landlady, and then spits on him (3 August 2019) UK

Calls for mental health law review as past assaults revealed (23 July 2019) Australia

‘Feral dog’: Teen spits on McDonald’s worker in vile video (12 July 2019) Australia

She smashed a wine glass into his face in a row over ‘texting other woman’ – but walks free as court told he is standing by her (10 June 2019)

‘He deserved it’ … woman stabbed boyfriend who told her she was packing to many holiday clothes (10 June 2019)

Australian model facing 21 years in jail for attacking a flight attendant asks American judge to throw out her conviction (4 June 2019)

Pregnant woman bashed in Sydney street (28 May 2019)

Three teenagers charged after 30 girls fight at Narre Warren reserve (16 May 2019)

Moment a woman, 25, violently shoves a man, 74, off a bus to his death after he told her to be nicer to other passengers (15 May 2019) USA

Party girl who stabbed a stranger in the head with a STILETTO in a random attack on her 21st birthday is let off with just a $250 fine (9 May 2019)

Woman sentenced for naked attack on boyfriend after brawl was caught on CCTV (3 May 2019)

Woman brandishes machete in Costco parking spot dispute on Vancouver Island (30 April 2019) Canada

A 22-year-old (*woman*) has been refused bail over the alleged bashing of an elderly woman at a bus stop in Geelong (18 April 2019)

Horrifying moment girl, 13, beaten in unprovoked attack at infamous fight school (10 April 2019)

Teen girls’ violent attack on chicken shop worker leaves victim badly injured (29 March 2019) Australia

Teen who murdered boy while pregnant ‘boasting about being a man hater’ (26 March 2019) UK

Teen who murdered boy while pregnant ‘boasting about being a man hater’ (26 March 2019)

Emma Sands, 32, impatient mother, punched grandmother, 64, in the face repeatedly because she was walking too slowly on the school run. Suspended sentence (24 March 2019) UK

Woman sentenced to 15 years for brutal brick beating of 92-year-old in Willowbrook (1 March 2019)

Shocking video shows girl, 12, being beaten by bullies as she screamed for help (7 February 2019) UK. And, as is typical of the media, the gender of the bullies was not mentioned in the article (hint: female).

Domestic violence double standards: Man stabbed by his girlfriend says hospital staff asked if ‘he deserved it’ – and some people still don’t believe he is a victim (2 February 2019)

Disturbing video of a brawl in which three girls gang up on one boy (1 February 2019) Australia

‘I killed her’: College student, 21, stabs her best friend 30 times with a butcher knife and greets cops covered in blood in the apartment they shared (27 January 2019)

Ottawa teen charged with killing her mother (26 January 2019)

Man stabbed in back while waiting in triage by ‘frenzied’ patient (23 January 2019) Australia

Woman jailed for violent invasion of elderly Christchurch couple’s home (16 January 2019)

Woman in ‘man hating’ group chat ‘murdered sleeping partner then smoked weed’ (7 December 2018)

Family of stabbing victim storm out of court as killer explains actions (5 December 2018)

Man, 94, shoved to the ground in school pick-up dispute (5 December 2018)

Schoolgirl viciously assaulted by two others (30 November 2018) with related Twitter post and sickening video

10-year-old girl overdosed on pills after being bullied at school (16 November 2018) Yes, that’s right read the fine-print and you’ll find that perpetrator/s female. Usually if male/s it features in the headline!

Savage bullies stamped on girl, 14, so hard she may have been left infertile (13 November 2018)

Elisha Browne, 40, jailed for three years over hit-and-run of boyfriend’s lover (26 October 2018)

Mum discharged without conviction after assaulting her daughter’s ‘bully’ (14 October 2018) NZ

Female indigenous activist knees cop ‘in testicles’ in her third police assault (28 September 2018)

‘Vicious, unprovoked and relentless’: Quartet charged after group attack (27 September 2018)

Wigton woman who stabbed teen lover in bed has jail term cut (19 September 2018)

‘Straight A’ student kills her love rival in stabbing at school in Michigan (13 September 2018)

4 suspects in assault of Applebee’s waitress identified (14 July 2018) USA

Gang of four women repeatedly kicks and punches man, 19, to the floor in vicious late-night brawl at London’s Leicester Square station (26 June 2018)

Serial killer Joanna Dennehy ‘worse than Rosemary West and Aileen Wuornos’ (26 June 2018)

Mother, 19, stabbed boyfriend during sex after telling him men should only be used for ‘human sacrifice’ (2 May 2018)

Lesbian mum who viciously beat bride walks free after telling court she has high levels of “male hormones” (18 January 2018)

US woman lured pregnant neighbour to her apartment, killed her and took her unborn baby (13 December 2017) USA

Woman ripped man’s testicle out with her teeth (7 December 2017) UK

Girlfriend, 20, who slashed her lover with a seven-inch kitchen knife in the face at his university flat while drunk and high on drugs is SPARED jail after judge heard she was ‘charming’ (1 December 2017)

Woman allegedly chops off man’s penis with garden shears (29 November 2017) I think we can safely say that if the victim was female then this article would have had a VERY different tone.

Woman assaults Queensland police officer (17 November 2017)

Escort says she shot client because he was bad at oral sex (10 November 2017)

His ex-lover, 48, ‘maimed him so no one else could have him’ (9 November 2017)

NSW tourist Prue Elizabeth Harvey ‘batters Zombie rider’ in Florida (25 October 2017)

Wife who threw boiling water over her husband’s mistress ‘was so distressed after catching them together she may not have been in control of her actions’ (24 October 2017)

Woman admits attacking men after drug comments (19 October 2017)

Grandmother charged with attempted murder over attack on baby in Brisbane home (17 October 2017) Australia

Woman filmed brutally stamping on tiny puppy in elevator (6 October 2017)

Horror as girl, 16, ‘walks straight into school and stabs welfare officer’ (26 September 2017) UK

Lesbian couple who beat their 5-year-old son with a hammer, duct-taped his eyes shut and kicked him in the groin in a brutal attack that caused him to suffer two strokes are jailed for 20 years (21 September 2017)

Security guard suffered collapsed lung after being stabbed by woman chasing after ex girlfriend (18 September 2017) UK

Four female Boston College foreign exchange students who were sprayed with acid at Marseille train station (18 September 2017)

Woman beats man in Houston, TX after Hurricane Harvey (2 September 2017) Video

Girl, 11, shot in the head in Tasmania (30 August 2017)

“An 11-year-old girl is in a stable condition in a Melbourne hospital with multiple gunshot wounds, after a supermarket brawl between two women allegedly later led to a shooting”

Italian tourist says she was ‘drunk and angry’ after kicking woman in the head in McDonald’s fight (23 August 2017)

Catholic schoolgirls suspended after bathroom fight broadcast live on Facebook (23 August 2017)

Woman jailed for murdering love rival and assuming victim’s identity in four year stalking campaign (16 August 2017)

Drunk bride-to-be drove with fiancé on bonnet of new £60K Range Rover for THREE MILES after smoking row (12 August 2017) UK

Mother and daughter ‘formed Britain’s first all female hit squad’ to carry out a knife attack on Westminster, court hears (11 August 2017)

Schoolgirl jailed for viola case acid attack on love rival in music room (10 August 2017)

Drunk recruitment boss, 50, left two men seriously injured when she attacked them with a broken wine glass ‘to teach them a lesson’ when one gave her a ‘dirty look’ in a pub (1 August 2017)

No jail time for Australian Tinder date slasher (31 July 2017)

It’s curious, but unremarkable, how only one article about this murder identified the three teenagers as being female (30 July 2017)

Gold Coast woman, Hannah Dayney, grabs bartender by the hair (26 July 2017)

Anna Schroeder ‘killed mum Peggy’ in Morrison Illinois, says later ‘you were my best friend’ (13 July 2017)

17 killed in multiple Boko Haram suicide bombings in Nigeria (12 July 2017) Doesn’t conform to the prevailing gynocentric narrative? = mainstream media silence

Bar girl murder suspects, dubbed Murder Babes, confess in strangest death case in Thailand (9 July 2017)

Woman sentenced for stabbing ex-partner after he ended affair by text (20 June 2017) “freed on three years probation”

Man, woman charged over alleged stabbing, arson attack (10 June 2017) Australia. An example of bi-lateral IPV – a far more common form of domestic violence than most people realise.

Woman stabs husband in ‘sudden outburst’ after he suffered years of domestic abuse (9 June 2017) UK

Eliza Wasni, aged 16, killed Uber driver in ‘random act of violence’ court told (1 June 2017) USA

Dark truth of Oxford student spared jail for stabbing lover (20 May 2017)

Woman accused with fatal stabbing in Queensland (13 May 2017)

Vancouver woman kicks dog and then hits its owner (7 May 2017) Video

Schoolgirls facing murder charges after Serena McKay allegedly beaten to death (5 May 2017)

Women turn on, stab driver after free ride (5 May 2017) Australia

Vulnerable father was forced to eat own testicle and then tortured to death, court hears (3 May 2017)

Women charged after allegedly assaulting police at bar in Sydney’s west (30 April 2017) Australia

Two teen girls on run after stabbing nearly kills male in east-central Minnesota (30 April 2017) USA

Serial killer sisters Renuke Shinde and Seema Gavit who abducted and murdered children in bid to avoid execution at the gallows (21 April 2017) India

Footage shows two young girls fighting while Melbourne commuters just watch (24 March 2017) Australia

““I can’t believe in such a crowded place only 1 man came to her aid!!!” (Apparently no feminists were on hand to intervene)

Homeless woman charged over Elizabeth Street stabbing (23 March 2017) Australia

Warilla stabbing victim airlifted to St George Hospital (16 March 2017)

Woman left scarred for life after being glassed by love rival blasts court’s decision to let attacker walk free (14 March 2017) UK

‘I’m not sending a lady to prison for this’: Student spared jail after racist slurs during Notting Hill club rampage (14 March 2017) UK

Chilling police tapes show mother who murdered her elderly neighbour then disposed of her chopped up body in her daughter’s pram (2 March 2017) UK

Three teenagers on the run after stabbing woman at Southern Cross station (19 February 2017) Australia

Woman allegedly stabs man with scissors in Brisbane suburb of Gaythorne (19 February 2017) They were in a relationship

Autistic teenager battered by female thug (16 February 2017) UK

Woman allegedly stabbed her lover after he refused a threesome with another woman (2 February 2017)

Woman stabs date, tries to eat his heart in quest to be serial killer (1 February 2017) USA

Killer grandma Cynthia Cdebaca says she would shoot son-in-law Geoward Eustaquio again if she had the chance (29 January 2017) USA

Woman who tortured, killed man was featured speaker at Women’s March (22 January 2017) USA

17-Year-Old Michigan Girl Charged with Raping 19-Year-Old Man at Knifepoint (19 January 2017) USA

Jilted woman throws acid, slashes boyfriend’s face (18 January 2017)

Teen girls live stream fight at Blacktown bus terminal (13 January 2017) Australia

Maid of honour ‘punches guest, tries to steal best man’s car’ at friend’s Florida wedding (13 January 2017)

Woman to face court for alleged Sydney axe attack (8 January 2017) This sick individual was actually a trans-woman and a feminist

Qld Boxing Day stabbing charges upgraded (28 December 2016)

Award-Winning Connecticut Cop Arrested for Domestic Violence Hours After Arresting Man for Domestic Violence for Reality Cop Show (26 December 2016)

Girl gang chops vegetables over football player after plying him with vodka in sex attack (15 December 2016) UK

When Chinese cubs turn on their Tiger Parents (11 December 2016)

‘Despicable’ Chinese student fined $5000 after she kicked fatally bashed teen (16 November 2016) Australia

Female anti-bullying ambassador, 23, arrested at Trump Tower protest for pushing man, 74, to the ground in fight over the new President-elect (12 November 2016)

Woman killed after being pushed in front of New York subway train at Times Square (8 November 2016)

Ashlee Martinson gives first prison interview since killing mother, stepfather (5 November 2016) USA

“I’m … just a girl, an abused girl who was forced to make a really bad decision. I’m not the monster they portrayed me to be”

Daughter, 20, charged with the murder of her mother after the 56-year-old was found bludgeoned to death in their Brisbane home (3 November 2016)

Woman accused of raping other woman (1 November 2016) Australia

‘Imagine if it was the other way around’: Teen films violent female assault (1 November 2016)

Gold Coast police charge 41-year-old woman over alleged stabbing in Surfers Paradise (31 October 2016)

23-year-old woman in serious condition after alleged Coomera assault (30 October 2016)

Woman allegedly threatens supermarket staff with machete (19 October 2016) Australia

Teen girl found guilty of murdering mother and daughter as they slept in their beds (19 October 2016) UK

Girl, 11, charged over WA arson attack (7 October 2016)

‘She’s going to stab me’: Peter Hook reveals details of turbulent marriage to Caroline Aherne (2 October 2016) If she was a ‘he’ then the term ‘domestic violence’ would be all over this article, but instead the marriage was “turbulent”.

Man stabbed repeatedly with fork in Redcliffe (1 October 2016)

Bodies wrapped in sheets: Man charged over couple’s murder (21 September 2016) Female gangster boss organises killings whilst still in jail

Woman charged with stabbing man who refused sex with her (20 September 2016)

Teenager, 15, is horrifically beaten by an ‘animal’ all-girl gang who lured her into a trap and set upon her – then uploaded the footage to Snapchat (19 September 2016)

Fury as drunk benefits mum dodges jail for her ELEVENTH attack on police – and her FOURTH this year (19 September 2016) UK

Sian Kingi murder: Valmae Beck’s evil (16 September 2016) Australia

Florida mum Rachael Leahy ‘ordered hit on ex-husband’ David Leahy (14 September 2016) USA

Teen girl charged with attempted murder after man doused in petrol and set alight (12 September 2016) Australia

Police officer stabbed by female terror suspect linked to foiled Notre Dame attack (9 September 2016)

Woman to serve eight years for torture, rape (9 September 2016)

Girl shoots classmate, turns gun on herself at Texas high school: report (9 September 2016)

This is just unbelievable (video)

Busselton woman charged after allegedly injuring partner’s genitals during argument (31 August 2016) Australia

Two young Queensland women facing extradition to South Australia over murder of Craigmore man Robert Whitwell (28 August 2016)

Shocking video of the moment Alabama high school student girl attacks a teacher with a stun gun (27 August 2016) USA

Lesbian who stripped naked and assaulted friend after she refused to have sex with her is FINALLY jailed for sending her a text calling her a ‘sewer rat’ (23 August 2016)

Man shot at Labrador (22 August 2016) Why are both the media and police so coy (i.e. gender neutral) when the perpetrator is a female? The man subsequently died. At least this article told it as it was.

Man’s leg slashed in suspected tomahawk attack at Sydney unit block (22 August 2016) Australia

Jasmine Richardson walks free a decade after, as a 12-year-old, she and ‘werewolf’ boyfriend massacred her family (21 August 2016)

Shaun Rudder found not guilty of assaulting Brittany Merrick (15 August 2016) Pussy-pass denied

‘If it was the other way round I think I’d be in prison’: Driving instructor, 23, who was brutally stabbed by his jealous ex-girlfriend is demanding tougher sentences for violent women (13 August 2016) UK

Brisbane beauty queen savagely bashed by a group of women (11 August 2016) Australia

Female officer charged with DV assault (8 August 2016) Australia

Murder trial to begin of Amirah Droudis for allegedly killing the ex-wife of Lindt Cafe gunman Man Monis (3 August 2016) Australia

‘Psychopath’ 14-year-old girl slits teen’s throat hoping to achieve her first kill (30 July 2016) USA

Foul-mouthed 20-minute tube row between ranting teenage girls and fellow passengers over an empty seat (29 July 2016) UK

Beauty queen knifed in the neck by her own mum as she slept (27 July 2016)

Girl, 17, charged after alleged stabbing (22 July 2016) Australia

Ontario Woman Accused Of Urging Men To Rape Ex-Boyfriend’s Pregnant Wife Appears In Court (18 July 2016) Further background here

Woman charged over alleged stabbing of man (30 June 2016) Australia. Domestic violence whereby the female offender breached AVO

Cops: Woman, 26, Wielded Hatchet After Her Demands For Sex Were Repeatedly Rebuffed (28 June 2016) USA

Mum killed daughter Taylor days before wedding (28 June 2016)

Woman accused of stuffing dead husband in container was convicted of raping, shooting teen decade ago (20 June 2016) USA

Amber Heard Arrested for Domestic Violence Against Girlfriend (7 June 2016)

Woman arrested for domestic violence while wearing very ironic t-shirt (25 May 2016)

Ambos angry after attack in Legacy Way tunnel (23 May 2016) Australia

Hairdresser screams ‘the system is f***ed’ as she’s jailed for 12 years for glassing a man in the face as he lay unconscious in the street after taxi rank fight (17 May 2016) UK

Woman (24) who punched man in wheelchair and robbed him had 102 previous convictions (14 May 2016) Ireland

How Shadi Jabar, a ‘sweetheart’ schoolgirl, was lost to terror (13 May 2016) Australia

Woman charged over Sydney factory shooting (10 May 2016) Australia

Woman charged with stabbing partner in back on NSW South Coast (8 May 2016)

Greenslopes stabbing: Woman allegedly stabs man (3 May 2016) Australia

Cleveland woman attacks father, brother with barbecue fork during dispute, police say (2 May 2016) USA

Cyclist critical after he was allegedly stabbed while stopping to help a young woman in Portland (23 April 2016) Australia

Student dies after being assaulted inside high school in Wilmington, Del. (22 April 2016) USA. Notice how gender of attackers not mentioned.

Tributes flow for slain fitness instructor Rachel Tyquin (17 April 2016) Australia

‘Selfie girls’ guilty of grisly murder of Angela Wrightson (6 April 2016) UK

Sickening attack by Hobart school girls (3 April 2016) Australia. Video

Woman jailed for just 12 years for horrific torture of flatmate who died from 72 different injuries (3 April 2016) UK

NSW girl assaults, robs disabled man: cops (3 April 2016) Australia

Enraged wife shoots cheating husband in his testicles (3 April 2016) USA

Trio of bikini-clad thugs arrested over vicious riverside bashing (2 April 2016) USA

Schoolgirl, 14, cowers on the floor as a gang of 14 female bullies stamp on her head, punch her body and spit on her during sickening attack (31 March 2016) UK

Aneska, 12, tells Dr Phil show: ‘Violence makes me feel comfortable’ (31 March 2016) USA

Woman charged with shooting up Qld home (23 March 2016) Australia

Freshwater death: Woman charged after body of 81-year-old May Ritchie found in unit (21 March 2016) Australia

Female bomber behind Ankara blast (18 March 2016)

Women captured on camera during violent brawl at Sydney races (16 March 2016) Australia

Woman stabs another woman at Caboolture (15 March 2016) Australia

Two teenage girls charged in France for allegedly planning terror attack at Paris concert venue (13 March 2016)

Melbourne mum accused of luring ex-boyfriend to brutal torture attack (13 March 2016) Australia

Woman charged with attempted murder after man stabbed during violent CBD row (12 March 2016) Australia

Teen twin sisters’ reign of terror included starting fires, racist abuse and throwing food at cars (11 March 2016) UK

Five women get into brawl over boombox on Spirit Airlines flight (10 March 2016) USA

Woman charged with Sydney break enter (6 March 2016) Australia

Video of ISIS teen girl stabbing German officer released online (5 March 2016)

Vicious schoolyard scrap between three girls caught on camera (3 March 2016) Australia

‘Killer babysitter’ leads Moscow police to apartment ‘where she beheaded girl’ (2 March 2016) Russia

Model, 17, has her eyes gouged out and ears sliced off as she is killed ‘by her jealous older sister (1 March 2016) Russia

Boy allegedly slashed with scissors by girl, 12, at Logan high school (1 March 2016) Australia

Baby taken to hospital following domestic violence incident in Sydney’s west (1 March 2016) Australia

Cranberries Singer Dolores O’Riordan Avoids Prison After Head-Butting a Police Officer: ‘I’m Glad It’s Over’ (24 February 2016) UK

Eight people injured in Canada school stabbing, student held (23 February 2016)

Woman arrested as part of police counter-terrorism investigation (23 February 2016) Australia

Viral video puts Sonoma Valley High in spotlight (16 February 2016)

Ohio woman assaults husband with mini baseball bat because he didn’t buy her a Valentine’s Day gift (15 February 2016)

Two 15-year-old girls who died in Arizona high school shooting ‘in a relationship’ (14 February 2016)

Ambarvale brawl: Girl, 17, charged after violent fight caught on video (11 February 2016) Australia

Bullied schoolgirl makes video of her savage beating to defy her attackers (4 February 2016) USA

Woman ‘disgusting’ for breaking DV order, wrecking property (3 February 2016)

Police seek woman over man’s stabbing in inner Brisbane (29 January 2016) Australia

Miami Doctor Accused of Attacking Uber Driver Calls It ‘Biggest Mistake of My Life’ (27 January 2016) USA


Brisbane man stabbed in domestic dispute (18 January 2016)

Woman accused of racial abuse (16 January 2016) Australian video

Two teenage girls face trial in Colorado for ‘planning mass school shooting’ (15 January 2016)

CCTV captures the moment a woman wearing a kangaroo headscarf tried to stab a 15-year-old boy on a London bus with an eight-inch kitchen knife (15 January 2016) UK

All-female brawl erupts in McDonalds in Victoria (13 January 2016) Australia

Te reo assault: Court says she pleaded guilty; she says she didn’t (12 January 2016) NZ

Coolamon woman charged with attempted murder of husband (12 January 2016) Australia

Woman beats disabled man with his own cane for not believing in God (7 January 2016) USA

Teen girl Sienna Johnson detained on $1.4 million bail for allegedly planning mass school shooting (8 January 2016) USA

Man in critical condition after being stabbed in Sydney’s south (4 January 2015)

Video shows woman threatening passenger with chisel on Sydney train (28 December 2015) Australia AND it turned out that she had done it before!

Brisbane Uber driver attacked by woman with machete: police (24 December 2015)

Woman ‘lit seven bushfires’ in South Lakes, Jandakot, Cockburn Central, Yangebup (23 December 2015)

Driver plows onto Las Vegas Strip sidewalk, killing one; dozens hurt (22 December 2015)

Engineering student, 22, arrested after she ‘shot and killed her fiance and then tried to make it look like a suicide’ (21 December 2015)

Gold Coast police officer cut with kitchen knife (18 December 2015)

US teenager bashed by ‘friends’ who lured her to a sleep over (18 December 2015)

‘I felt the need to be extreme’: Smartly-dressed MBA graduate is arrested four days after randomly stabbing a stranger in a Toronto drugstore and ‘confessing by email’ (17 December 2015) UK

Unlawful wounding charge, Sunshine Coast (15 December 2015) Australia

Florida woman attacks cop and is wrestled to the ground (13 December 2015)

Mother suspect in death of girl, 11, at Auchenflower (9 December 2015) By way of an aside, when I contributed comments on this issue in a reddit discussion thread these were removed by a pro-feminist moderator

Woman charged with the murder of a man whose body was found near in roadside ditch (6 December 2015) Australia


Caboolture schoolgirl, 12, charged with attempted murder (1 December 2015) Australia

Nursery nurse, 20, who joined in ‘feral’ gang attack on complete stranger just two days after she suffered a miscarriage is spared jail (27 November 2015) UK

Woman jailed for trying to kill husband with anti-freeze in Christmas Day drink (24 November 2015)

Dallas Archer was found by police to have a loaded 10cm pistol in her vagina after being arrested (20 November 2015) USA

Girl stabs teenage boy at Gold Coast school, say police (12 November 2015)

US woman rams police officer with her car (10 November 2015)

Bayonne woman charged with beating 85-year-old Jersey City man to death (10 November 2015) USA

Croydon bus attack: Met police arrest 14-year-old girl over ’87-year-old punched on bus’ (10 November 2015)

Chilling moment female Palestinian terrorist pulls out knife and stabs Israeli guard (9 November 2015)

Woman stabs Qld police officer in leg (5 November 2015) Australia

Melbourne Cup cop-pusher apologises for bizarre behaviour (4 November 2015)

The policeman was quoted as saying “I certainly don’t condone the behaviour but I can certainly see the funny side of it as well.” Bet he wouldn’t have said that if a man had pushed him.

Dashcam captures road rage incident with two women outside Racecourse Hotel, Werribee (3 November 2015)

Woman charged with stabbing man with kitchen knife during domestic argument (4 October 2015)

Five girls ‘bomb Nigerian city’ (3 October 2015)

Melbourne mum fights pregnant woman ‘over unflattering Facebook post about son’ (2 October 2015) Australia

Woman arrested after allegedly spitting in faces of six different people at Sydney train stations (26 September 2015) Australia

Yet another threatening racist rant by a woman on public transport (25 September 2015) Australia. More examples listed in this post.

Belinda van Krevel is confronted with brother’s past (20 September 2015) Australia

Danish teenage girl stabbed mother to death after watching Isil videos with Islamist boyfriend (15 September 2015) Of course it’s his fault, she’s only a girl

14yo girl arrested for stabbing man with steak knife in alleged domestic dispute (14 September 2015)

Qld woman used car to mow down another woman during fight (14 September 2015)

Hungarian nationalist TV camera operator filmed kicking refugee children (9 September 2015)

Shayna Hubers jailed 40 years for murder of ex-lover Ryan Poston who was to meet former Miss Ohio (16 August 2015)

‘Laughing’ mum accused of shooting social worker dead after losing custody of daughter (12 August 2015)

Teenage boy stabbed in Sydney, 15yo girl charged (31 July 2015)

Parent-teacher night at Cleveland school turns ugly with brawl (29 July 2015)

Teenage girl stabbed by intruder (29 July 2015) Australia

Coolangatta teen attacker taunts 15-year-old victim with scissors: ‘I’ll stab you again’ (22 July 2015)

A submission to the Victorian Royal Commission into Family Violence concerning family violence perpetrated by a mother (June 2015)

Young woman assaults bus marshal at station, he defends himself. Media portrays him as the ‘bad guy’ (13 June 2015) Youtube video. Australia

‘White trash at its finest’ as two women and a child fight in aisle of Walmart in Indiana (10 June 2015)

Teenage girl charged over Melbourne shopping centre stabbing (10 June 2015)

Man stabbed to death at Caboolture victim of ‘jealousy’ says friend (9 June 2015) The woman charged with murder was the former partner of the deceased

Woman charged with murder over road-rage killing says it was all an accident (5 June 2015)

Court documents reveal Jackson, who only got her licence back in January after a two-year driving ban, has twice had restraining orders taken out against her, both by ex-boyfriends in 2012.

One of the men claimed to have received 72 phone calls from Jackson in a single day. He accused her of later trying to break into his house through a bedroom window after leaving menacing voicemail messages, including “I’m going to hurt you”.

Professional boxer Adam Little was knocked to the ground by woman’s single punch (5 June 2015) Media mocks boxer for not hitting female assailant, but would have demanded he be banned from pro. boxing him if he had.

Woman ‘raped, stabbed female partner’ in Brisbane domestic dispute (4 June 2015)

Lesbian student Jessica Ewing murders Samanata Shrestha after date goes wrong (3 June 2015)

Girl, 14, charged after video of boy being punched in the face by foul-mouthed attacker (21 May 2015)

Woman found guilty of drugging, strangling and dismembering body of her adult son (21 May 2015)

Law student laughs as she walks free from court for hitting aspiring male model over the head with a bottle of champagne cutting his forehead to the skull (2 May 2015)

WATCH: Mother viciously beats woman over parking spat (29 April 2015)

Teenage girl ‘who held down friend to be raped back in jail for bullying victim’ (23 April 2015)

Woman gets up to seven years’ jail for opening fire at a McDonald’s store after her cheeseburger was missing bacon (23 April 2015)

Melbourne cyclist struck and dragged in alleged road rage attack during charity ride (21 April 2015)

Jamie Silvonek, 14, accused of ordering murder of her 54-year-old mother (20  April 2015)

Aaronessa Keaton said ‘sh*t happens’ when told she had killed a five-year-old boy (17 April 2015)

Kill plot wife Vicky Soteriou loses bid to avoid $2.4m compensation (15 April 2015)

Oregon woman accused of hitting man on head with baseball bat, says she didn’t want to date him (13 April 2015)

Jodi Arias sentenced to life in prison (13 April 2015)

Two white women part of racist gang that hunted down and killed black man in Mississippi (11 April 2015)

News crew catches teen girls’ attack on S.F. bus rider who had shushed them (9 April 2015)

Grandmother, 4yo boy stabbed to death in ‘horrific’ altercation in Melbourne (1 April 2015)

Wife of Sydney podiatrist charged with murder after Phillip Vasyli found dead in Bahamas (31 March 2015)

Woman annoyed by sound of gardener’s grass trimmer threw sulphuric acid in his face (27 March 2015)

Horrific Attack on Pregnant Woman Answering Craigslist Ad Leaves Baby Dead (19 March 2015)

Man tortured with hair tongs to his genitals by three women in ‘Reservoir Dogs’ style attack (18 March 2015) with follow-up article here

4 teen girls attack victim in Brooklyn McDonald’s as dozens stand and watch (12 March 2015)


Grandmother ‘uses circular saw to kill seven-month-old baby girl because she wouldn’t stop crying’ (10 March 2015)

Port Augusta woman allegedly killed partner in front of couple’s young children (8 March 2015)

‘America’s most hated woman’ Jodi Arias avoids death in jury deadlock (6 March 2015)

“This lady chest-butted!” Fight over handicapped spot at Walmart sends 71-year-old woman to the hospital (3 March 2015)

Woman accused of stabbing man she met on Tinder (28 February 2015)

Student, 18, ‘encouraged her friend to kill himself’, organized a fundraiser in his name – and was only caught when cops found her texts telling him to take his life (28 February 2015)

Man knifed in the back by girlfriend in Coventry as he was cleaning kitchen floor (13 February 2015)

Children stabbed to death in the Cairns suburb of Manoora (20 December 2014)

Crying baby sparks all-out brawl between four women on flight to Hong Kong (19 December 2014)

PD: Caretaker killed boy, tossed body like ‘piece of trash’ (19 December 2014)

‘Black widow’ millionairess is arrested in Japan after the death of her SEVENTH partner in suspected cyanide poisoning (19 November 2014)

Women attack bus driver at Dandenong Station after he asks for their fares (12 December 2014)

Disturbing footage has emerged of a vicious fight between two girls at a shopping centre (9 December 2014)

Who is this woman stabbing random people on the street? (3 December 2014)

Female suicide bombers kill at least 30 in crowded Nigerian market (26 November 2014)

‘Killer nanny’: Yoselyn Ortega apologised for butchering kids, court papers say (15 November 2014)

Magistrate Stephanie Tonkin ‘understands’ how drunk Taneeka Orchard 17, came to violently bash schoolgirl at party (7 November 2014)

The Unknown History of Misandry A comprehensive blog that discusses the issue of female sociopaths and serial killers, featuring innumerable case-studies

Woman who attacked her boyfriend with a hammer, pole and broken bottle jailed for eight years after ‘one of the worst’ cases of domestic violence police have seen (31 October 2014)

Nikole Ardeno (31 October 2014) Nikole is an anti-violence campaigner btw

Melissa Dawn Sellers (24 October 2014)

Women beating women in China (15 October 2014)

Police hunt woman in violent road rage attack (21 September 2014)

Female body builder arrested over boyfriend attack (17 September 2014)

Domestic violence program coordinator found guilty of assault (18 May 2010)

Spurned home-buyer stalks couple and solicits men to rape

Kelly Brook reveals she hit former boyfriends (31 August 2014)

Kay Te Atarangi Lyons tries to kill husband with hammer (19 August 2014)

Estate agent who smashed glass in man’s face avoids jail… even though it was her 18th court appearance for violence (14 August 2014)

Boy, 11, reports ‘mum from hell’ Samantha Starnes for alleged abuse (25 July 2014)

Female prisoner Rebecca Butterfield is ‘too violent ever to be let out’ (13 July 2014)

Michigan woman shoots boyfriend because he didn’t ejaculate enough (thought he was having an affair)

http://m.theage.com.au/victoria/injuries-inflicted-by-babysitter-mandy-martyn-led-to-daniel-thomas-death-coroner-finds-20140703-zsub7.html (3 July 2014)

Assault by girls in Dunedin, New Zealand (2 July 2014)

Savage assault of girl 15, by group of women in New York (30 June 2014)

Mum caught on video kicking daughter in the head (19 June 2014)

Jennifer Berube acquitted of attempted murder (3 June 2014)



When the bogeyman is a little girl (5 June 2014)

Nine year old girl beaten with hammer inside school (2 June 2014)

Janeen McKenzie (23 May 2014)

Sarah Brooke Gonzales McLinn (20 May 2014)

Miranda Fugate hit in head with shovel (8 May 2014)

Remember to buy her a gift (2 May 2014)

Katherine Knight (and related wikipedia entry)

Claire MacDonald









Model who attacked DiCaprio’s face and left huge gashes jailed for two years (15 January 2014) USA

Women are more violent says study (12 November 2000) And all these years later, the message is still being ignored


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