#HeForShe: Men pressed into service with nary a hint of ‘quid pro quo’

The last few years have seen a surge of social programs calling on men to step up to the line to perform some pledge or action for the womenfolk. These have been launched by government agencies, pro-feminist not-for-profits and various social media personalities. The foci of these demands for action have related mainly to sexual assault, domestic violence, and employment opportunity.

The #HeForShe hashtag/movement/thing was a reasonably high-profile example of such a campaign from the second half of 2014. The links below provide a small sampling of some of the other campaigns that have been and/or are now taking place:

One Billion Rising, A Call to Men#YouOKSisWhite Ribbon campaignPolished Man, Red my Lips, Beards Against Abuse, Walk a mile in her ShoesWhat Men Can Do, Men Stopping Violence, and #LeanInTogether

walkamileMale Champions of Change (also discussed herehere and here) is a home-grown campaign which has now spawned a ‘Female Champions of Change‘ program. And no, the latter campaign was not intended to provide a corresponding support network to champion the welfare of men. Beyond Australia there is a similar program known as Men Advocating Real Change (MARC), mentioned in this article.

Most of these campaigns have been packaged on the basis of selling a message to the broader community that feminists want to be inclusive and work with men to address shared issues of concern. Perhaps feminists realise they now have a serious image problem, having been stung into action by developments like the #WomenAgainstFeminism movement. The problem though is that beneath the shiny wrapping paper, the nature of the various campaigns runs contrary to any notions of equality, mutual respect or inclusiveness.

Firstly these campaigns all seem to be promoted on the basis of overstating men’s responsibility for both causing, and solving, each particular issue. At the same time they underplay or ignore the accountability of women in contributing to the problem, as well as their own responsibility in relation to undertaking any necessary remedial action.

There seems to be a fundamental hypocrisy associated with a movement that claims that women are strong and equal, yet continually demands that men step up to address women’s apparently helplessness in the face of real or imagined adversity.

Secondly, it is telling that no similar movements have been proposed or created by women to support men. In fact, there is no sense of reciprocity whatsoever. Nor is there even public acknowledgement that men might need or deserve similar recognition or support. And heaven help the women who dare to raise awareness of the need to help men & boys (example).

It is, in short, very much a one-way street. Given the many areas of relative disadvantage for men and boys this seems grossly inequitable. The underlying factor here is a culture of gynocentrism, explained here, here and here.

Thirdly, and in what must be a soul-destroying experience for the ‘white knights‘ who flutter around these campaigns like moths to a flame, many feminists resent men who openly support these campaigns. Do read this criticism, by a feminist journalist, of an admittedly  ludicrous initiative by male staff of the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.

And thus whilst we have one group of feminists demanding that men ‘help’ women, other feminists berate them for interfering in women’s issues and/or for seeking thanks/congratulations for being good. This is apparent, for example, in this Facebook post about a recent campaign known as ‘Red my Lips’ … peruse the bitter and angry comments by feminists and other ‘white knights’ directed at men behind the campaign – and men generally.

Change Makers, Indoctrination for Australian men seeking help in becoming a suitably compliant puppy in the workplace (December 2022) And no, there’s no equivalent training available for women.

The archly feminist domestic violence industry does next to nothing for the many male victims of domestic violence and yet males are being called upon to do more to help them (1 March 2020)

Aggrieved Entitlement – women’s reaction to temporary loss of chivalry, by Peter Wright (27 January 2019)

Why haven’t the men of Hollywood spoken up? (11 October 2017)

We Need Fraternity Men to Do a Lot More Than ‘Walk a Mile in Her Shoes’ (4 June 2017)

It’s not enough for men to turn up. They have to do the work, by Clementine Ford (13 March 2017)

Men can stop sex-trafficking (20 January 2017)

Why do so few men turn up to hear women speak? (10 March 2016) Australia. And of course no reciprocal expectation on women to attend events addressing male issues (unless to pull fire alarms and disrupt proceedings). See also my related blog post here.

She for He – Part 1 – Introduction (9 March 2016) Video by Canadian Association for Equality

Most disturbing of all are those instances where men are called upon to aid and abet the indoctrination of boys in feminist doctrine as discussed at ‘We must stop indoctrinating boys in feminist ideology‘ (20 July 2015)

Consider next the example of the uproar over University of Tasmania’s ‘women’s officer’ (8 April 2015) Isn’t this also #HeForShe? Why aren’t the women cheering this fellow? Here’s how this story ended – yeah feminism! Further discussion and readers comments here and here

If men owe women chivalry, what do women owe men? (30 November 2015)

NCFM Member Man Up asks Big Brothers Big Sisters of San Diego why they don’t ask women to women up? (25 October 2015)

The 30% Club is coming to Australia, but ‘men speaking for women’ may miss the point (9 March 2015)

Catering to men’s rights is not the point of feminism (15 October 2014) Now that’s telling us! Silly me, I always though feminist was about gender equality

Oh and this is rich. Actress Rose McGowan castigates gay men (“as misogynistic as straight men, or more so“) for not doing more to advance women’s rights in the middle East. More here

We have just seen Julien Blanc tossed out of Australia, a fellow that apparently makes a living running seminars on how to pick up women. I don’t support him or the whole PUA thing, but yet again I can’t help noticing that men were called upon to deal with him.

Still in Australia, ex-Governor-General Dame Quentin Bryce headed a Task Force on Family and Domestic Violence. Submissions to the Inquiry had just closed at the time this article appeared in the pro-feminist Guardian newspaper. It seems that those people who prepared submissions need not have bothered, as Quentin already knew that men were the problem and that the “the key drivers of change should be men and police“. That’s right ladies, no need to lift a finger, off you go and get yourselves a nice cup of tea whilst the menfolk cop all the blame plus the job of making things right.

Michelle Obama urges men at women’s summit to ‘be better’ (14 June 2016) Hmm, I wonder how she would feel if someone got up on a stage and urged black people to ‘be better’? But wait, don’t the klan do that already?

Ooh this is a bit funny naughty – feminists might go blind if they read this

The three reasons I don’t support feminist equality campaigns (13 December 2015)

Why the #YouOKSis “White Feather Campaign” failed … badly (11 December 2014)

White House calls on men to ‘step up’ in sexual assault prevention (19 September 2014) also here

Men have a special privilege of having to help women, I think we should check it (14 February 2015) Article and linked reddit discussion thread

Stella McCartney’s right: Women can use their ‘weakness’ as a form of strength (1 October 2014)

Finally, some blinding irony with the movement called ‘Men Speak Out‘  who “aim to engage men in the process of ending FGM and, on a larger scale, to end violence against women and promote gender equality through a human rights’ approach“. Bearing in mind, of course, the negligible level of interest/activity by feminists in ending the practice of involuntary male circumcision.


Specifically on Emma Watson and #HeForShe

Fans rush to Emma Watson’s defence after she’s branded a ‘hypocrite’ and a bad example of feminism for braless magazine cover (3 March 2017) Hypocrisy

Would any women here be interested in a ‘She for He’ campaign? Reddit discussion thread with further discussion here

The Reality of #GiveYourMoneyToWomen (31 May 2015)

Seven things Tony Abbott should start fixing now that he has joined HeforShe (4 March 2015)

Youtube video #1 concerning Emma Watson’s speech (23 September 2014)

Youtube video #2 concerning Emma Watson’s speech (23 September 2014)

Youtube video #3 concerning Emma Watson’s speech (23 September 2014) See feminist reaction in comments section

The five little words that betrayed Emma Watson, by Ally Fogg (23 September 2014)

Janet Bloomfield talks about #HeForShe (23 September 2014) YouTube video

Sorry, Privileged White Ladies, but Emma Watson isn’t a ‘Game Changer’ for Feminism (24 September 2014)

Resurgence of feminists soliciting for male allies (25 September 2014) Reddit mensrights discussion thread

Emma Watson leads the retreat for UN feminism (25 September 2014)

The UN’s risible #HeForShe campaign: Pointless self-flagellation for sex-starved beta males (25 September 2014)

Sorry, Emma Watson, but HeForShe is rotten for men (26 September 2014)

Four reasons I won’t be one of the men signing Emma Watson’s #HeForShe pledge (26 September 2014)

Stefan Molyneux on Youtube about Emma’s speech (29 September 2014)

Emma Watson and the future of feminism (6 October 2014)

#HeForShe was nicely summed up by ‘Mean0Dean0’ in a reddit discussion thread on the matter:

The very concept of “He For She” makes women look like helpless children. This isn’t even “She for She,” implying sisterhood and communal responsibility. This isn’t even “We For She,” which is one-sided and focused on a minority of victims of violence and social problems, but at least community-minded. “He For She” blatantly states that men have all the power (even when they don’t) and that women need men to do their work for them (even when THEY don’t).

It’s regressive and gender-traditionalist and feminist all in one, simultaneously telling women that they can be free to be doctors or lawyers or strippers on poles, so long as big strong men open up all the big heavy doors for them. It’s patronizing to women and insulting to men, and if a man had come up with the hashtag he would have been called out as a patriarchalist traditionalist chauvinist pig. “Let’s help out those less fortunate little ladies, eh guys? Guys???”

Emma Watson – classic hypocrisy (September 2014)

sheforhe heforshe

Elsewhere in this blog you might also be interested in:

Women are held accountable for … (say hello to the Teflon Gender)
‘Bristly Woman’ campaign launch
Good manners versus chivalry
I thought women were meant to be more empathetic?

Privilege, respect, and entitlement


Felicitous feminism (23 July 2019) Article by Mark Dent

Kathy Gyngell: The silence of the males (13 November 2017)

There is no ‘debate’ to be had over the existence of male privilege, by Ruby Hamad (1 June 2017)

Insanity grows on Australian campuses: Melbourne U starts “white male privilege” workshops (30 May 2017)

Do you think women will ever recognise their privilege? (23 December 2016) Reddit men’s rights discussion thread.

Lessons on ‘male privilege’ in $21.8m Victorian schools program (14 October 2016) Australia

Is it ever possible to accept victimhood as a man? (7 October 2016)

Ten privileges of being male (4 October 2016) Video

Women Are Privileged, But Feminism Lies to Us (14 July 2016) USA

I love my female privilege, by Janet Bloomfield (2 April 2016) USA. Video. Don’t miss the viewers comments

Feminism = Theft (2 January 2016)

The truth about male privilege, by Stefan Molyneux (27 May 2015) Video

Finland Warns 900,000 Men About War Conscription; Feminists Remain Silent (9 June 2015)

Louder Than Words: What Modern Feminism Has Actually Achieved (3 June 2015)

The harrowingly oppressive burden of female privilege (9 January 2015)


I renounce my female legal privileges (11 October 2014)

5 legal rights that women have that men don’t (13 August 2014)

48 Female Privileges, by Sargon of Akkad (7 May 2014) Video

It happened to me: I’m a short guy (30 January 2012)

Abandoning men: Jill gets welfare – Jack becomes homeless (15 April 2011)

How can you be an anti-feminist? Do you not believe in equality?



Why do white men have any right to give their WHITE MAN opinions about non WHITE MAN issues?

Pray men never take a day off (18 September 2013)

http://youngcons.com/meet-the-poster-child-for-white-privilege-then-have-your-mind-blown/ (reprinted here with many readers comments)



http://thoughtcatalog.com/mark-saunders/2014/04/18-things-females-seem-to-not-understand-because-female-privilege/ and the subsequent feminist response here


http://www.cultural-misandry.com/female-only-programs/ versus http://www.cultural-misandry.com/mens-rights/





A while ago I came across a US state program that was designed to encourage males to have respect for women. The organisation ‘A Voice for Men’ responded with a provocative and graphic statement along the lines of “we’ll have respect for those people who are deserving of respect”. Read the comments that follow the pictures to capture the essence of the ensuing discussion.

David was one amongst the many feminists and camp followers to bite back. David’s article concluded with the statement:

“The logic here is airtight: because some women get drunk and urinate in public, women don’t deserve respect.

I guess men never get drunk and urinate in public, or ever do anything vaguely embarrassing that gets caught on camera?

Is it really asking too much to respect people as people, foibles and all?”

Well David, yes it is too much to ask of feminists apparently. Can you name even one single male “foible” that feminists are willing to accept?

Men do some gross things, and its usually no-one’s fault but our own. The difference is that we admit it instead of denying it to maintain a moral high ground above the opposite sex … or alternatively blaming our behaviour on someone else or some mythical matriarchy. Hell when some guys really go too far we even express pointed criticism of their behaviour, and urge them to lift their game. Another significant point of difference, yes?

If feminists were truly into equality then surely they would support a reciprocal program that urged girls and women to ‘Respect men’. No? What’s that I hear? Guffaws of laughter instead? Telling, isn’t it?

In fact on that point, a post that I recently contributed to an online discussion was zapped by a moderator because I concluded with the suggestion that women should respect men (in the same sentence I also said men should respect women). It wasn’t even a feminist site either. This is what things have come to … simply suggesting that women should respect men is just cause to be labelled a ‘redneck’ or similar.

I guess one gender must be more equal than the other, or something.

See also:

Guy ends relationship after his live-in girlfriend announces she is pregnant by another guy (October 2023) Nice. Sarcasm. Video

Ex-NRL WAG and reality TV star admits to stealing thousands from Sydney business (10 October 2023)

Married police officer fired after having sex with six different cops (10 January 2023)

Female prison officer had ‘inappropriate’ affair with inmate, court hears (10 January 2023)

Three young female prison guards jailed for secret illicit affairs with inmates (4 January 2023)

Jana Hocking on embracing her hoe era – and why you should too (24 November 2022)

‘Disturbing’: Thief caught pickpocketing dead body (9 September 2022) USA

Instagram ‘socialite’ and OnlyFans star Cassie Caldwell drunkenly spat on police (12 March 2022)

Drunk brawl breaks out between two naked sisters at Disney World (16 February 2022)

Feminists praise Cardi B for rapping about her vagina and being paid for sex (13 April 2020)

Mum quizzed by cops for ‘using sick son’s £10,000 charity fund on boob job and car’ (9 June 2020)

CNN Advocates Female Infidelity As Best Way For Women To “Endure” Modern Marriage (6 October 2017)

Bad Girls Advice group removed from Facebook over bestiality posts (22 July 2017)

UCSC Girls: College Boys are Creepy, Arrogant, and Suck in Bed (17 April 2017) USA. So much respect

YouTuber promises to release sex tape (23 January 2017) Feminists can find the time to criticize men on the basis of just about anything, but criticise a woman for eroding respect for women? No way, well not unless they are conservative and/or anti-feminist.

Stripper: There are many girls like Stacey (8 January 2017) Australia. Not seeing any thing here along the lines of an admission of greed, amorality and reckless stupidity. Yeah, girl power

Queensland woman in custody over sex acts with dog (20 November 2016)

Women now use the F-bomb more than men (8 November 2016)

Ladies, you are an utter disgrace (2 November 2016)

Former wife of All Black talks about ‘rampant temptation’ players face (7 October 2016) Notice there is not even a hint of criticism directed towards the girls/women throwing themselves at the players.

Woman arrested for urinating on war memorial (3 July 2016) UK

Ladies, you need to stop husband-shaming (11 May 2016)

Why are married women leaving their men? (14 April 2016)

Mum smoked meth while men gang-raped daughter (6 April 2016) USA

Gold Coast cancer fraud mum sentenced to five years in jail (29 March 2016)

Moment two women who promised a holidaymaker a threesome lead the weary man to a cash machine to empty his bank account after spiking his drink at a Spanish bar (19 March 2016)

Video emerges of half naked woman brawling with another outside late night kebab shop (12 January 2016) UK

Monica Lynn travelled the world for free by getting her dates to pay for it (2 January 2016)

The art of ‘rinsing’ landed these sisters $160,000 worth of gifts (27 November 2015)

Woman who trashed Perth pub toilet in drunk viral video says the exposure has devastated her life (26 November 2015)

It’s time for men to stop putting women down (25 September 2015) Because women never treat men like this

Arielle Engert allegedly offered oral sex to three cops to get all charges dropped (3 September 2015) USA

Woman soaks passengers on Melbourne train after they ask her to turn her music down (31 August 2015) Australia

Disrespecting respectability, dishonoring the honorable, by Dalrock (9 July 2015)

My husband forgot Mother’s Day flowers, so I had sex with someone else (2 May 2015)

Kendall Schler is the world’s dodgiest athlete (20 April 2015)

‘Help! I just accidentally slept with 25 men and I don’t know who the father is…’ (14 April 2015)

University student caught broadcasting live solo sex shows from the campus library (18 November 2014) And if it was a male student he would have been booted not “counselled”

Hello Sunday Morning: Young Australian women are most dependent on alcohol (12 November 2014)

Ladies, It’s Time To Take Responsibility For Your Failed Relationships (11 November 2014)

Vine celebrity Jessica Vanessa quit her job as a kindergarten teacher, now makes six figures from twerking (17 October 2014)

Dwarf stripper gets bride-to-be pregnant on her hens night (11 October 2014)

A question of respect, by Hannah Wallen (14 September 2014)

Women admit to regular lies (29 August 2001)

Russell Brand says no to Katy Perry’s $44 million fortune

The Scarlet Manifesto: The Rise of the Adulterous Woman (13 October 2012)

Sex, lies and ‘rinsing’ guys – Youtube video – Just don’t call them prostitutes

After ditching her family, Occupy mom snags $85k in divorce (28 October 2012)

Women paying for cab fares with blow-jobs (5 March 2014)

Sex-for-drinks scandal erupts in Mallorca (4 July 2014)

Your husband doesn’t have to earn your respect (22 February 2014)


“What happened to the modern man? I think he got left behind and died of starvation because I don’t see any around these days. I went on a date the other night, shocking right? But when the dinner came to an end and we were laughing away into the sunrise and the check came out- he slid it towards me. If you need to re-read that last sentence then please do so now.

Ahh yes, he slid the check to me and asked to split. The worst word in the English dictionary. Right next to debt and vegetarian. I mean, nobody wants to split their pants, their hair line, alcohol, or especially, a check. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not some mega bitch, but guys will always make more money than girls.” (Source)

The siege of Weinsberg (11 November 2022) A historic perspective

Woman slammed after saying she is too pretty to work every day (8 November 2022)

Resistance is rising to woke colleges’ race and sex discrimination (24 March 2022) Look what’s happening in America now. Bring it on

‘Mercedes Mum’ Margarite Tomovska pleading for money online to fund lavish lifestyle (31 May 2019)

Has Tinder really made the modern women this spoiled & entitled? (3 November 2016) See related Reddit discussion thread here.

Entitled People Are More Likely to Be Disappointed by Life (15 September 2016)


Why feminists hate debating anti-feminists (26 August 2016) Feminists feel entitled to not have their opinions challenged because only they can know their experience as a woman. Although they see no such contraint to understanding/explaining/judging men’s experiences.

Why are feminists absolutely obsessed with entitlement? (11 April 2016)

The fickle face of feminism: Women are fine with sexism… as long as it benefits them, says new study (5 February 2016)

Stripper: Rich Wall Street executives deserved to be drugged and robbed (30 December 2015) USA

David Futrelle defends female entitlement (23 November 2015) Reddit discussion thread and linked article

“The Alpha Widow” (6 November 2015) Reddit discussion thread

Feminists Are Wrong, Women Are More Privileged and Entitled to Space (5 November 2015)

The most ungrateful woman in the world (24 April 2013) Video

Gender identity triangle (3 June 2015) Youtube video

Entitlement, “Nice Guys”, and Feminism (3 June 2015)

The Reality of #GiveYourMoneyToWomen (31 May 2015)

Chivalry but equality: The feminist double-standard, by Prentice Reid (21 April 2015)

When billionaires divorce: wife ‘needs $8600 a month for groceries’  (25 February 2015)

How the feminine imperative “just happens” by Dalrock (26 December 2012)

‘The Missing Fear’ by Dalrock (9 December 2011)

Appreciation by Rollo Tomassi (14 November 2011)

White House meets with activists calling for gender equity in My Brother’s Keeper (15 July 2014) The current US administration shamelessly panders to the feminist hierarchy. They finally introduce one (1!) program aimed at helping males, and even then they had to exclude white males because of the anticipated backlash. Were feminists willing to make this one small concession? Oh no. Let’s not worry about the scores of pre-existing programs from which males are excluded. It’s pathetic, it really is. When are people going to wake up to what is going on?

Psychologists find that entitlement predicts sexism, in both men and women (7 June 2014)

The culture of narcissism and the female entitlement mentality (25 June 2024)

A Middle-aged Princess grows up


The top 10 reasons men should avoid princesses (27 March 2012)

A tongue-in-cheek Youtube video about modern-day princesses

What A Shame!Gold Diggers In Training Mothers Teaching Their Little Girls To Marry For Money (21 February 2010) YouTube video

Helena Andrews explains why men should always pay for dinner by Janet Bloomfield (9 September 2013)


Some related posts within this blog:

Female privilege check-list
If feminists have a genuine case then what’s with all the distortion, lies and exaggeration?
Persistent pro-feminist and anti-male bias in the mainstream media
Karen Straughan and others on feminist shaming tactics
Men in the media. Haw Haw Haw! The jokes on us

The ‘Marriage Strike’ and MGTOW

Look at this July 2024 article in which feminists dump on the perceived inadequacy of men, and how they’re being routinely cheated out of that which they feel they deserve. Don’t hold your breath waiting for the corresponding article in which men list how women are doing. It’s not going to happen.

Oh, if only I could get a dollar each time I heard a woman say “where have all the nice guys gone!?” (here’s one such offering). One may not, however, mention the corresponding query “where have all the nice girls gone” because that would be so terribly misogynistic.

Well, some clever guys made their way to Asia or to other parts of the world where the influence of feminism is less pervasive. Many others are waking up and smelling the coffee with respect to what a bad deal marriage can be for men. As a consequence a large and steadily increasing number of men are choosing not to get married, a phenomenon some have labelled ‘The Marriage Strike’.

Other men are taking it a step further and opting not to enter into ANY significant ongoing relationships with women. This latter group are referred to as ‘Men going their own way’ or MGTOW, which is discussed in this video.

A google search on the term ‘marriage strike’ produced many results, including these:




Many would have you believe that this phenomenon reflects men’s unwillingness to commit and accept responsibility to a union of equals. In fact the thread running through all feminists articles on the subject (and most MSM articles too) is that women are dateless or single wholly because of one or more named deficiencies on the part of men (example). There is rarely even the glimmer of a suggestion that some responsibility rests with women themselves.

Of course there are some men who have issues, but for most the decision not to marry is one of pragmatism. It is the outcome of a rational cost/benefit analysis by men that weighs up all the things they might (or will) lose through marriage, versus those things that they will (or are likely to) gain. The institution of marriage has now swung so far, in terms of the respective rights and responsibilities of men and women, that for men there is unfortunately now only one logical choice.

My own mother is in her 90’s and remains fiercely independent, and still very much sound of mind. Just in her circle of friends and family she has heard plenty of horror stories about guys being divorce-raped by selfish manipulative women. And her take on it? She says that if she was a young guy nowadays then there would be no way to get her to the altar as the odds are so very much stacked against them.

Read the articles below and see if you can seriously blame men for walking away from the institution of marriage. I despair at the number of women that I encounter whose primary, if not sole, focus is on what they can get from a relationship. I strain to see evidence of any serious thought being given to the question of “what I can contribute to this union to ensure it remains strong and fairly balanced?” It’s almost as if their sense of entitlement is so overwhelming that they believe that merely the pleasure of their company should suffice (refer this tweet for example).

Start with these four nuggets of harpy wisdom:

Psychologist receiving hate mail after ‘lonely, single men’ report (15 August 2022)

Celibate, Misogynist and Proud —This Is What Contemporary Feminism Has Done to Men (9 October 2016) Be sure to scan the readers comments. See also related Reddit discussion thread here.

Want to get yourself a man? Then shut up (20 January 2016) Strong women can’t get a man because of the unrealistic/unreasonable/inappropriate expectations/behaviour of men (and definitely not because “strong” is fem-speak for ill-mannered, controlling and selfish)

Why women need to start asking men out … because men have no balls (9 September 2014) In this piece an entitled princess pens an article that reads like a recruitment brochure to the MGTOW lifestyle … and be sure to read the comments that follow it.

And then these three articles written from a men’s perspective:

Most women don’t deserve a good man (15 March 2014)

Sad sluts are sad that no one wants to marry them (29 September 2015)

Women Want to Know Why Men Don’t Want to Marry Anymore…Allow Me – RedState (22 June 2021)

Leaving aside remnant neanderthals, most men today understand and readily concur with the idea of ‘give and take’ within a relationship. But we do have a problem with partners who take, take, take.

Of course once upon a time married men were accorded a higher social status than unmarried men, and marriage was once the only way decent men experienced a viable sex life. But not now.

Ok, so what tangible benefits does marriage confer on a man today?

A family? Assuming a man can afford a family AND marries a woman young enough to conceive, many resist having children. And at the end of the day, most men are all-too-aware that the prevailing legal system can and does remove a husband’s access to his kids with frightening ease and frequency.

A carer and housekeeper? Well this one is no deal-breaker as most guys are willing to pitch in and do their share. Indeed, am I alone in having encountered more than a few households where the husband does most of the house-work, as well as holding down a full-time job? Indeed many women now not only lack domestic skills (thanks to all those progressive mummies and daddies) but are also unwilling to countenance such tasks (example re: cooking).

Achieving financial security through building family wealth? OK, there are now plenty of households where husband and wife both work and contribute towards shared assets such as a house. All this can be to no avail however should a wife become restless and walk away, often availing herself of the often hugely disproportionate benefits conferred by a gynocentric legal system.

Consider also the many households where a wife chooses not to engage in paid work, does little or no housework, whilst profligately spending her husband’s income … only to then later financially destroy him upon initiating her no-fault divorce. Remember that men still generally take significantly more assets into a marriage than do women. Women are more likely to bring debt to the table – ‘student debt‘ for example. Oh, and remember that most divorces are initiated by women.

A similar proposition, though expressed in a somewhat more strident manner, was elucidated in this Return of Kings article.

This post, ‘The Marriage Strike and MGTOW‘, has attracted more hits that any other page in this blog. And then I learnt that for the first time in Google history, as many people are searching on the term ‘MGTOW’ as are searching on the term ‘patriarchy’:


Refer links to some interesting, challenging (and some face-palm worthy) articles/videos below:

Men are refusing to attend dating events (1 September 2024) Video

Aussie escort reveals unexpected cost of living sex trend (27 August 2024)

Housing Crisis: Australia forecast to have a 260,000 new home shortfall by mid-2029 (22 July 2024) And now the falling birth-rate is due to the housing shortage #FacePalm

China’s birthrate plummets as ‘illegal’ pregnancy tests spark outrage (22 July 2024) “Censorship of politically undesirable ideas is the easy first step” … but that’s only a negative when the ideas thus targeted are favored by the feminist hegemony.

Lawyers say ‘bank of mum and dad’ driving rise in ‘prenup’ requests (5 June 2024)

Tokyo’s local government will launch a dating app to try and boost Japan’s falling birth rate (4 June 2024) LOL, yes a new dating app will make all the difference in the world #FacePalm

‘Really low for Australian history’: Our fertility rate is dropping steadily amid cost of living crisis (23 April 2024) This article blames the rising cost of living

Would you be happy as a long-term single? The answer may depend on your attachment style (23 April 2024) Psycho-babble, and ignores the issue of gender

Women are sharing the reason they don’t want to have children (1 April 2024)

Why aren’t British women having babies any more? (The Times, 29 March 2024)

Explosion Of Leftover, Single And Childless Women Is Taking The West By Storm (5 March 2024) Video

In South Korea, world’s lowest fertility rate plunges again in 2023 (29 February 2024) And again, not a whisper about what the men are thinking or doing, and how much of a bearing that has on birth rates.

Husband’s ‘evil’ act exposes why women are leaving marriages (10 January 2024) And as usual, exactly 0% of responsibility for the ‘problem’ is attributed by the MSM to the actions & attitudes of women. Do you think this might be part of the problem?

New dating trends revealed in Bumble’s 2024 annual report (16 November 2023) Of course women dating less has nothing to do with any deficiency on their part. It’s because men don’t exhibit the deep & profound understanding of political and social issues. Like women do

Parliament votes for more fatherless children, by Bettina Arndt (21 October 2023)

Don’t mention the war!, by Bettina Arndt (30 September 2023)

The Dating Pool Drop-outs (September 2023) Article by a female journalist who pretended to be a guy in dating apps, and related discussions

Fewer and less expensive weddings hurting China’s massive marriage industry (19 September 2023) Just don’t mention the ‘M’ word (‘men waking up’)

Calls for courts to better acknowledge family violence in property settlement cases (18 September 2023) Australia. And the existence of family violence will be proven how exactly?

Family violence victims win in legal overhaul of property disputes (17 September 2023) “Victims of domestic violence” – as defined/determined by who?

I ask men to show me their bank balance on the first date because I only want to go out with wealthy guys – I need to know if I’m wasting my time (31 August 2023) USA

The collapse of the British family (21 August 2034)

Woman offers a $7k referral bonus to anyone who finds her a husband (12 July 2023)

Wedding industry impacted as Australians cut back on spending (6 July 2023) Yes, let’s talk about anything other than what men think

Expert hits back at anti-vaxxers for hijacking birth data for ‘faux science’ (20 June 2023) This article actually mentions gender equality as a relevant factor, but implying that it’s putting women off marriage/parenthood

Charlotte Ree on ‘two conditions’ her husband set before marriage (10 June 2023) Now swap the genders – she wouldn’t be controlling. She would be brave and fair and responsible.

She likes humbling men (May 2023) Video. Red flag is an understatement

Dry dating: Gen Z increasingly going sober on first dates (8 May 2023) One possible factor here are concerns real instances and/or false accusations of sexual assault

Why young men are giving up (10 April 2023) Video

Why more women than ever are cheating on their husbands (13 March 2023)

Disturbing reason why six in 10 young men are single (24 February 2023) And of course the reason has to centre upon one or more alleged weakness or deficiencies on the part of young men.

I’m a psychologist and these are 13 reasons why people DON’T want to get married anymore (23 January 2023) Gee, this is limited in its reach with regards to the male perspective.

Why men refuse to marry western women and go abroad for love (2022) USA video

Woman says she assumes dates are cancelled if not confirmed (26 November 2022)

‘I’m quiet quitting men and I’m not even sorry about it’ (10 November 2022) Be my guest

ABS reveals how Covid-19 pandemic impacted weddings and divorces last year (10 November 2022)

Earth to Poilievre: MGTOW Have Good Reason, and Every Right, to Avoid Women (10 October 2022)

Guys know that the rise in lonely single men in turn renders more women single too right? (August 2022) A female perspective. As usual there’s an enormous chasm between what they say and what they do IRL.

Women Could Sue Person Who Got Them Pregnant Under New Proposal (21 July 2022) USA

Woman swears off dating men due to frustrating trend (15 July 2022) Stop it! You’re going to make me cry

Woman goes to singles mixer—only women show up, sparking debate (26 June 2022)

Dating expert reveals the five words that send single men running (16 June 2022)

‘High maintenance’ is a red flag on dating apps. Women are still expected to shrink themselves (2 May 2022)

Divorces surge by almost 50% as ‘no fault’ law comes in, fueling fears the rule change has made marriage splits easier (14 April 2022)

‘Hollywood Hills Wife’ reveals her tips for attracting and marrying wealthy men (26 March 2022)

Men are blinded by great sex (25 March 2022) USA video

‘We get the raw deal out of almost everything’: a quarter of young Australians are pessimistic about having kids (21 February 2022) And yet another article that identifies the key issues (#sarcasm) behind lack of marriage/parenthood as being safe tame factors like Covid, the housing market, employment. Anything but the real elephant in the room issues, because talking about *those* things would very quickly rile the woke/feminist set. Hey you, stay away from our narrative!

Men get a raw deal in divorce cases … according to the women they are splitting from (20 February 2022)

Americans less likely to have sex, partner up and get married than ever (14 February 2022)

Women Share Pictures Of Before And AFTER Meeting Their Partners, They’re STARK Comparisons – YouTube (7 July 2021) Video

Cheating wife caught hiding in ceiling by raging husband after romping with toy boy in ‘love hotel’ (4 December 2020) The reward you get for working away on an oil rig. But adultery is a crime there – wow – whereas here she would score a job as a social media ‘influencer’.

Lesbian couples are twice as likely to divorce as married gay men, ONS data reveals as overall rates see largest rise in 50 years (18 November 2020)

Women are starting to worry, they see men leaving the game (12 November 2020) Video by ‘Better Bachelor’

The US divorce rate has hit a 50 year low (10 November 2020) Now let’s see – would that happen to be because the marriage rate is at a similar low? Hmm

Woke women are killing marriage and dating (10 November 2020)

Millions of men no longer want to get married, and you can thank the government for that (2 November 2020) USA

Finnish man ordered by court to pay alimony for a child resulting from his wife cheating with another man (19 October 2020)

‘We’re in deep strife’: Fertility wipe-out set to derail COVID-19 recovery (25 September 2020) Australia. It’s just extraordinary how the media routinely identifies tangential issues – in this case Covid-19 – upon which to assign ‘blame’ for the steep decline to marriage & parenthood. Anything is fair game, as long as it doesn’t upset the feminist/SJW crew. Oh, and here is the next monthly installment of same.

MGTOW: Men don’t need women? (28 August 2020) YouTube video by Diana Davison

Late 30’s feminist gets dumped repeatedly: “Men are so insecure she claims!” (24 June 2020) Good USA video

U.S. births fall to lowest level in 35 years (20 May 2020)

U.S. marriage rate plunges to lowest level on record (29 April 2020)

Is there a man drought in Australia? An Investigation (17 April 2020) Instead of addressing the actual reasons underpinning male reluctance to attach, feminist journos delight in throwing petrol on the fire with ‘wisdom’ like this:

“The perception of scarcity, frontier mentality and entrenched patriarchy has led to a wild proliferation of garbage behaviours among our menfolk”

Victim culture hits the courts: Woman gets paid for career she might have had, but gave up for marriage and kids (29 February 2020)

Young women at Griffith University (Australia) get tips about what to expect/demand in a special dating guide. (February 2020) Gee, hope they enjoy the company of cats.

He said ‘yes’! Why aren’t more women proposing to their boyfriends? (27 December 2019) “Benevolent sexism” is the magic ingredient that’s apparently holding men back from offering the ring. Of course it had to involve some kind of failing on the part of men. Of course it did. That many people take such a narrow view of the issue continues to astound me.

The weakened signal hits home (10 September 2019) by Dalrock

Fewer People Are Getting Married. The Reason Why Is Stunning, According to Science | Inc.com (7 September 2019) Yes, that’s right, it’s men fault. Of course it is!

Why are millenial women cheating more than men? (April 2019)

“Kelly was similarly unrepentant. “Part of me did it as a little bit of misandry,” she says. “Like, I can’t feel all that guilty because I didn’t really trust or respect men deeply enough anyway.””

The sex revolution of my youth wasn’t so great. Maybe today’s celibacy is a sign of progress (7 April 2019) Feminist woman gets it completely wrong again, femsplaining that young men steering away from sex and relationships is all about ‘incels’ resenting independent women. Well, apparently.

54-year-old feminist angry at dating agency for not finding her a rich husband (30 March 2019) Just throwing this article in for a chuckle

Marriage is still the main way for women to get rich: study (21 February 2019)

Speed dating event cancelled due to lack of men (12 February 2019)

Most Americans consider debt a dating deal-breaker (6 February 2019) Then most Americans are coming to their senses

If we seriously want men to marry and become fathers, let’s repeal no-fault divorce (13 January 2019)

The Sex Recession, by Kate Julian (14 November 2018)

The Breaking Point: Why Do Women Initiate Divorce More Than Men? (23 July 2018) States that 90% of all divorces are initiated by college-educated women

If we seriously want men to marry and become fathers, let’s repeal no-fault divorce (17 June 2018)

Rise of the bromance is bad for women, could become ‘genuine lifestyle relationship’: study (12 October 2017)

I’ve Gotten Blown Off By Men So Much Lately That I’m Literally Questioning Everything (October 2017) Author displays total absence of understanding that men have been treated this way since forever (well before the advent of dating apps!) Welcome to our world darling. Reader’s comments scathing but accurate.

Why are good men so hard to find? (23 September 2017) Canada. Author concludes that both men and women need to “get their act together”, but in ways she doesn’t clearly spell out.

Pension pot gold diggers: Middle aged women who marry a second time are mainly motivated by money (19 September 2017) UK

‘Cheap sex’ is making men give up on marriage (2 September 2017) USA. Men being immature, men wallowing in porn. Has to be men’s fault. Just has to be.

Explaining “MGTOW”: What this men’s rights trend is all about (16 May 2017) Some good reader’s comments

Childish men are to blame for women having kids late in life (13 May 2017)

Step up so they don’t have to (Part 1), by Dalrock (10 May 2017) An interesting Christian perspective on the contemporary male’s choice to avoid marriage. And whilst we consider the Christian perspective, perhaps view this video entitled ‘Young Women shouldn’t settle’, about what men versus women expect from their marriage partner.

Response to Jordan Peterson’s comments on MGTOW, by Karen Straughan (24 April 2017) Video

I’ll tell you where all the good men have gone (13 April 2017) Good overview of the issue

Older women, the expired lottery tickets – MGTOW (5 April 2017) Video

To fix marriage, we need to fix divorce (31 March 2017)

How couples are easily spending $150k on the modern Aussie dream wedding (17 February 2017)

Denying the feminist rebellion by Dalrock (9 February 2017) Recommended reading.

Most men are not afraid of commitment (19 January 2017)

Divorcees take five years to recover financially (13 December 2016) Interesting how the writer elects to profile a woman in this article … no sympathy for men?

Why Do These Straight Men Want Nothing to Do With Women? (18 October 2016)

The lonely single men of MGTOW (25 June 2016)

Why can’t women find a good man? (21 June 2016)

Women ‘freeze their eggs because they are waiting for Mr Right – rather than putting their career first’. Today’s generation have high standards and want Mr Right over Mr Will Do (17 June 2016) UK, with related Reddit discussion thread here

No, I’m not afraid to be single in my 40s (4 June 2016) I wonder if the author and female readers would view a man writing an article (in which he expressed similar thoughts) in the same light? If yes, then great. I somehow suspect however that there would be comments along the lines of the man being selfish, a man-boy, unable to shoulder responsibility, etc

Millennials’ latest mistake: embracing the ‘starter marriage’ (29 March 2016)

Marriage Is Declining Because Men Are Pigs (24 March 2016) As with the article below, this paper endeavours to falsely paint the marriage strike as indicative of a monumental failure by men.

Single By Choice: Why Fewer American Women Are Married Than Ever Before (4 March 2016) USA, with related Reddit discussion thread here. Female author attempts to present marriage strike trend as something that women want/brought about – men are air-brushed out of the picture entirely.

Young women increasingly anxious about their finances (7 March 2016) Australia. Two things here. Note increasing unhappiness of women despite feminist ‘advances’. Second I wonder how much of that stress is due to the realisation that they are increasingly unlikely to find a Mr. Right (or Mr. Anybody) who will step in and clear their debts and then keep them in the manner … So no Plan B after years of casual mooching of boyfriends & living day to day.

Real housewives of Gen Y: Rise of the millennial homemaker (6 March 2016) Australia. If true then I feel sorry that many will be unsuccessful in realising their choice, thanks in large part to their mothers’ complicity with the feminist movement. Related Reddit discussion thread here.

Women: Where are all the good men? (18 February 2016)

Marriage Debate by Peter Hitchens (10 February 2016) Video

College-Educated Women Can’t Find Good Men – What’s to blame? (3 February 2016)

Young Men Giving up on Marriage: ‘Women Aren’t Women Anymore’ (8 January 2016) USA

Blaming men for the rise of childless women is an insult to both genders (7 January 2016) UK

Marriage proposals are still a guy thing (5 January 2016)

The Mating Crisis Among Educated Women, by David M Buss (January 2016) USA. An article written by a male academic, but from a wholly gynocentric perspective.

Tamara Chabe: Female graduates lose out as feminists kill the dating scene (16 December 2015) Be sure to peruse the readers comments

Minnesota nears slipping below 50 percent married rate (3 December 2015) USA. Why do most of these articles only provide a part of the picture and studiously ignore the rest? For e.g. they all mention that the marriage rate is dipping due to women delaying marriage, but neglect to mention that one reason they do is because many men don’t want to marry them!

Obligational Why Men Don’t Want to Marry Article (23 November 2015)

The Sunday Times Magazine Provides Frank, Humanizing Look at the Men Going Their Own Way (18 November 2015)

Meet the men giving up on women (15 November 2015) UK. This article is behind a paywall but google searching might locate a freebie version

Belinda Brown: Men don’t need to marry to get sex (2 November 2015)

Why are men frightened of marriage? (26 October 2015)

Hooking Up When You’re an Anti-Rape Activist (23 October 2015) Mainly included here because of the reader’s comments. See also related reddit discussion thread here.

It’s Not Your Imagination, Single Women: There Literally Aren’t Enough Men Out There (26 September 2015) USA

These women can’t find enough marriageable men (24 September 2015) and related reddit discussion thread here

Burning Man: Attitudes toward marriage and children (21 September 2015) Interesting paper

“The Economics of Sex: Why are There No Good Men Left?” (9 September 2015)

Where have all the good men gone? (25 August 2015) and related reddit discussion thread

Observations on Relationships in a Grocery Store (22 August 2015)

Feminizing the decline (19 August 2015)

Supreme Court Says That Gays Can Get Married; Women Hardest Hit (27 June 2015)

MGTOWs are losers – really? (26 June 2015)

Men must stop playing by the rules, walk away, and claim their autonomy. The gender contract is null and void. If a new social contract is to be agreed, it must be agreed by free men (18 June 2015)

Men giving up on women (and women who hate them) (13 June 2015)

Fewer Young People Say I Do — to Any Relationship (8 June 2015)

The fascinating connection between how much married people make and how likely they are to cheat (4 June 2015)

Coontz, Cherlin and Putnam Get it Wrong on the Decline of Marriage (1 June 2015)

Rich educated women cannot find husbands and it’s all your fault,  by Sargon of Akkad (10 May 2015) Video

Men are to blame for the high divorce rate among America’s poor (4 May 2015) and related reddit mensrights discussion thread

Where are all the smart men? (3 May 2015) New Zealand with related reddit mensrights discussion threads here and here. A separate, and even more ignorant editorial here concludes with “The failure of men to foot it with them educationally in equal numbers is no reason to change the education system or promote men undeservedly. The shortage of partners for highly educated women is a problem only men can solve. Get your credentials, boys.”

Why men won’t marry you (1 May 2015)

Kathy Gyngell: Sexodus anger needs to be channelled before it explodes (27 April 2015)

Don’t give up on marriage? Request denied (23 April 2015)

Men’s rights activist to Fox News: Men need to avoid marriage at all costs (22 April 2015)

Kathy Gyngell: Men should stand up to feminists, not turn their backs on womankind (21 April 2015)

‘Divorce Corp’ 2014 documentary

Why men refuse to marry: Women complain chaps today won’t settle down. Sorry, ladies, but it’s all your fault, argues a wickedly provocative new book… Denigration of Men (20 April 2015)

Yes, Matt Yglesias, The Marriage Decline Is A Problem (2 April 2015)

The other impact that feminism has had on young men and relationships (30 March 2015) Reddit mensrights discussion thread

Inequality and the marriage crisis (26 March 2015)

MGTOW: Know them by their words (25 March 2015) This article by Peter Wright looks at sub-groups within the MGTOW movement

Majority of UK women don’t bathe or take a shower daily (24 February 2015)

Bachelor Nation: 70% of Men Aged 20-34 Are Not Married (12 February 2015) Author pushes the standard line that men aren’t marrying because they are immature. More than 2,000 readers put her on the right track

This article was a collaboration between Janet Bloomfield (aka JudgyBitch) and her husband on the subject of the modern woman’s one-sided expectations of marriage: Mr Judgy Bitch speaks (30 July 2013)

Okay, MGTOW, I get it now. If this is the option, I’d pass too‘ by Janet Bloomfield (22 April 2014) with a related discussion at reddit/mensrights here and a follow-up post here

Who said love was dead? More than HALF of under-35s getting married consider getting a pre-nup before they tie the knot (14  March 2015)

Women selling/buying positive pregnancy tests (March 2015) Youtube video

Feminist explains why porn ban is necessary: “A recent German study found a clear negative correlation between consumption of Internet pornography and marriage rates among young men!!!” Article and related reddit mensrights discussion thread (2 February 2015)

MGTOW: An impersonal force of history (13 December 2014)

Celebrating divorce by denying its existence (6 December 2014)

The Sexodus, Part 1: The men giving up on women and checking out of society (4 December 2014) with related discussion thread here, and The Sexodus, Part 2: Dishonest Feminist panics leave male sexuality in crisis (9 December 2014)

Can Stay-At-Home Dads Satisfy A Woman’s Need To Marry Up? (16 November 2014)

Is Marriage going Extinct? (19 October 2014)

Man ordered to pay £28,500 to his ex-girlfriend after break-up in landmark court ruling for unmarried couples (17 October 2014)

I left the love of my life because I thought I could do better. Now I’m childless and alone at 42 (9 September 2014) 652 reader’s comments suggest that this article hit a chord with many readers.

Why isn’t Carl good enough?’ (28 April 2014)

Don’t date before divorce, judge tells women (22 September 2014)

Record Share of Americans Have Never Married (24 September 2014) Interesting reading from Wendy Wang and Kim Parker at Pew Research

Why more women choose not to marry (15 October 2014) More than 2,000 readers comments, with a related reddit mensrights discussion thread here

The new merry-go-round (4 October 2014)

Has the war against men already been won? (5 October 2014)

Census: Marriage rate at 93 year low – even including same sex couples (18 September 2014)

MGTOW, Women and Sex by John Hembling (17 September 2014)

Man who paid child support for 22 years can’t get a refund (19 August 2014)

Fewer men are working, and marriage is dying (3 October 2014)

Six reasons why men are avoiding marriage by Helen Smith Ph.D (3 July 2013) Youtube video

Mates? Most married men waved our best friends goodbye years ago (13 August 2014)

The Future of Women in a MGTOW Society (12 December 2013) USA

You asked for it ladies, by Hannah Wallen (25 July 2013)

Can most men really afford a girlfriend? (15 April 2013)

Why men are withdrawing from courtship, by Dalrock (15 November 2013) Recommended reading


8 reasons straight men don’t want to get married (20 August 2013) So very few articles on this topic examine the issue honestly and/or from the average man’s perspective

The American dream is every man’s nightmare (24 June 2014)

Feminist gay-bashing (27 June 2013) Is feminist antipathy towards gay men part and parcel of feminist loathing of MGTOW’s?

Young men giving up on marriage: ‘Women aren’t women anymore’ (10 January 2013) Recommended reading

Of marriage and men: stereotypes that ignore half the story, by Bettina Arndt (14 October 2012)

The More Chores A Husband Does, The More Likely The Marriage Will End In Divorce (28 September 2012)

Men not marrying? How deep does “the problem” go? (15 March 2012) USA video

The long, strange quest to find a substance that kills sexual desire (2012)

Why are today’s young men scared of girls who want children? Reddit discussion and linked article





A video called ‘Divorce Corp’ (2014)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BoXQf2f2Yxo (A video called ‘Six reasons why men are avoiding marriage’)

http://www.unc.edu/courses/2010fall/econ/586/001/Readings/Brinig.pdf (‘These Boots Are Made For Walking’: Why Most Divorce Filers Are Women” American Law And Economics Review 2.1 (2000): 126-169

Some more reading/viewing:

The Marriage Strike Reddit and The MGTOW Reddit (discussion fora)

Redonkulas.com on MGTOW (satirical video) (19 March 2015)

I Wasn’t Treating My Husband Fairly, And It Wasn’t Fair (28 December 2014)

According to Hedonic Theory men have a greater chance of returning to their “hapiness baseline” after a serious spinal injury than they will after marriage (29 October 2014) Reddit discussion thread and linked article

Does your partner have a back-up waiting to take your place? (12 October 2014)

Whatever happened to ‘happy wife, happy life’? (10 July 2014)

78 percent of never-married women are looking for a spouse with a job. Finding one might be tricky (24 September 2014)

In-depth: How We Waded Into The Sexual Harassment Quagmire — And How to Wade Out: One Man’s View (Part 1 of 3 Parts) (11 December 2011) A good big-picture perspective

Woman steals ex-boyfriends sperm, has twins, sues for child support (23 November 2011)

Dr. Helen Smith on where the good men are, and why they left (19 June 2013)

This article is about “Men going their own way”


Message to men: It’s not you, it’s Mr Right (Australia)






https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vFzEOL2kbZU (Bill Burr on why he won’t get married – comedy video)

Here’s another article entitled “Parasitism and the Marriage Strike

This article includes a chart showing the decreasing rate of marriage in ten countries.

This UK newspaper article discusses the strong trend towards divorce on the basis of “unreasonable behaviour” by the female spouse.

Another UK newspaper article:http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-398998/How-feminism-destroyed-real-men.html

The myth of the lonely old man (12 September 2011)

Finally be sure to take a look at this GREAT ‘Girl Writes What’ video




On marriage (undated) A flip-chart presentation

Elsewhere in this blog you might be interested in reading:

Apparently there’s not enough educated men nowadays

Men and women and their increasingly divergent attitudes to parenthood

We’ve all heard of the gender ‘income gap’, but what about the ‘expense gap’?

Feminist inability to cope with criticism in a mature manner (You disagree with me = You hate women)

Have a quick read of this blog post on the subject of women not taking criticism well … and the responses that follow. I know the linked resource is kind of cutesy and shallow, but it does highlight an issue which I encounter time and time again – especially with regards to feminists. Also try googling on the words “why can’t women accept criticism?” to locate other similar discussions.

I appreciate that there are no doubt plenty of men who don’t handle criticism terribly well either, but the trait does appear to be much more prevalent amongst the feminist/SJW cohort. Why is that? Why does the average feminist fly off the handle so easily, and grossly over-use terms such as “misogynist” and “hateful” when responding to even the mildest criticism?

Wikipedia defines misogyny as “the hatred or dislike of women or girls. Misogyny can be manifested in numerous ways, including sexual discrimination, denigration of women, violence against women, and sexual objectification of women.” (Mod: This definition doesn’t appear to include ‘failure to enthusiastically accept every facet of feminist ideology’, ‘disapproving of certain aspects of learned female behaviour’, or ‘pointing out mistruths promoted by feminist spokespersons’, for example.)

Things are becoming so bent out of shape now that in some jurisdictions there are serious moves afoot to make anti-feminist comments illegal. Just madness! Terms like ‘sexist’ and ‘anti-democratic’ are far too insipid when describing this trend – it’s totalitarianism pure and simple.

As I mentioned in a related post, a major reason for establishing this blog was the very many times I have sought to add comments to online discussions about gender issues only to subsequently find that the comments were removed … never posted.

This inability by feminists to acknowledge views that differ from their own, to consider them, or even to allow them to be publicly discussed by others, is deeply disturbing. See my blog post about the ‘Strippergate’ affair. David Koch’s experience of having his online response to a feminist attack ‘disappeared’ was not in any way unusual – it seems to be virtually de riguer in feminist forums/blogs.

The only male responses that typically get posted – in an cynical attempt to suggest that all viewpoints are being accommodated – are either comments from misguided ‘white knights’ or inarticulate oafish rants. The latter are posted purely to ‘prove’ a point about the lack of validity of male viewpoints on gender relations issues. Any sensible male responses are conveniently binned by “over-enthusiastic” moderators – or however else you wish to dress up this deliberate policy of censorship.

Haven’t we already seen enough examples of the process whereby a particular group of people are targeted, disenfranchised, alienated and then demonised? This invariably leads to greater polarisation of positions, and to anger and ultimately radicalisation. This is exactly what is now happening with what passes as the sexism and gender relations debate (example).

One group (feminists) have hogged centre stage for so long now that they are unprepared to yield to others, even briefly. More worryingly still, they are motivated to prevent those alternative viewpoints being aired in any forum through any means at their disposal.

Alternatively, what better platform for us to come together around than the ideal of equality? This route would traverse honest mature forthright discourse, with each group conceding areas for improvement and assisting each other in implementing fair and workable fixes. Surely this is a better path to travel?

See also:

‘Anti-feminism’ posters at American University investigated as a ‘hate crime’ (10 March 2017)

Mozilla CEO threatens to fire person responsible for anonymous hate speech on Reddit (24 August 2015)

Why Do Feminists Cook Up Stories About ‘Misogyny’ When They Lose Debates? (11 June 2015)

http://thefederalist.com/2014/04/18/why-are-feminists-so-insecure-6-reflections-on-the-confidence-gap/ and this discussion on the related topic of Why women hold grudges


To feminists ‘equality’ is just a marketing ploy to get what they really want

The contemporary version of feminism is not a movement devoted to achieving equality – as its proponents so vociferously claim. There are many areas where feminists have achieved policy and legislative changes that have swung the balance of power very much in favour of women, and yet they still argue for further reforms on the basis of their ongoing alleged victimhood.

As time permits I plan to identify and precis a selection of articles on this topic.

To start the ball rolling, however, take a look at these three great articles  by well-known anti-feminist writer, Janet Bloomfield:

The first article is entitled ‘Feminists care about equality? Bullshit. They stand directly in the way of it

The second article is entitled ‘Five rights feminism delivered for women, but doesn’t want to share with anyone else‘. It’s language and tone might be a bit intense for some readers, but it does provide an interesting and valid perspective on the gender debate. Have a browse amongst some of Janet’s other great articles while you are visiting her site.

The third article is entitled ‘If Feminism Is About Equality, Why Do Feminists Oppose Equality?‘ (7 March 2015)

See also:

Feminism was never about equality (25 January 2023)

The World Economic Forum and the Misleading Politics of Gender Equality – Quillette (6 August 2021)

Start a conversation (2016) A set of publications produced by the respect.gov.au initiative. The one-sided nature of the respective rights/obligations of boys and girls set out in these documents almost defies belief. Essentially boys are obligated to respect women/girls, whilst women/girls are obligated to demand respect. Gender equality? Nothing close. This package is nothing more than a taxpayer-funded feminist wet dream.

Collectivists: Seen one, You Seen ‘Em All (28 July 2016)

Do women really want equality? by Nikita Coulombe (12 May 2016) USA

If Feminism Is About Equality, Why Do Feminists Oppose Equality? (6 March 2016) USA

It’s the £30bn cut you’ve never heard of. And women are bearing the brunt (26 February 2016) Yes, another one of those ‘equality only when it benefits women’-type of articles. This one about making the retirement age the same for men and women (although they don’t actually mention that … funny thing)

Do Women Want Equality – The Fiamengo File Episode 12 (29 October 2015) Video

Understanding the torchbearers of Gender Equality (21 August 2015)

“If they want true gender equality then,

1.    Do not have any gender biased scheme, be it education, occupation or any other sphere of life.

2.    There should be absolutely no gender based reservation and all existing forms of gender based reservation must also be abolished.

3.    Punishment for crime cannot be gender based. Principles of true, actual and absolute gender equality require that equal punishment be awarded to both men and women for the same offenses committed.

4.    Equal participation of women in all risky, dangerous and menial jobs like combat, mining, plumbing, painting, construction of building etc.

5.    No glorification of first woman combat trainer, first woman bus driver, first woman train driver etc.

6.    Abolish the concept of alimony and maintenance for all women who are educated 10+. There are enough jobs available for all people who have studied more than class 10. If men can find one, so can women.

7.    No special preference to the feminine gender in any form or respect. If men can stand in a line, so can women. If men can stand and travel, so can women.

8.    No special budget should be allowed for women else allocate equal budget specifically for men.

9.    Abolish all women specific bodies like National Commission for Women, Women and Child Development Ministry etc. or form similar bodies for men.

10.  No automatic license to commit violence on the basis of gender …”

A Permanent Gender War? by Angry Harry (undated)

Why Feminism Is NOT ‘The Fight for Equal Rights’ (10 November 2014)

Anti-Feminist Lawyer Plans Lawsuit to Force Women to Register for Draft (24 September 2014)

35 Practical Steps Men Can Take To Support Feminism (14 June 2014) These sorts of articles are fairly commonplace … list of things that men should do to please feminists. Of course if feminists were really into equality then they would write articles about corresponding commitments that women should make to men. But of course they don’t. Ever

Gloria Steinem says feminism is not about equality

What is a feminist, anyway? (14 May 2014) Read this, it’s quite good

Feminism v. Equality by Diana Davison (7 April 2014)




http://www.avoiceformen.com/feminism/feminist-lies-feminism/the-feminists-great-equality-lie/ (5 Nov 2013)

Feminism is no longer a dirty word‘ (CNN, 25 March 2014) Wow, more than 2,000 readers comments – and so few of them supportive of feminism

http://www.avoiceformen.com/feminism/feminist-governance-feminism/womens-legal-education-action-fund-the-first-rule-of-leaf-is-dont-talk-about-leaf/ by John Hembling (18 April 2014)


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