‘Diversity’: A buzzword that sounds good but is often misused

Diversity is another one of those buzzwords du jour – and apparently the cure for all that ails. Except there are a few problems.

Firstly, diversity is often not – in practice – extended to embrace many within the community. I’m thinking here, for example, of white men, non-feminists, and those with a conservative or right-of-centre political persuasion.

In this blog post for example I examined the example of a debate organised by the Diversity Council of Australia. In that example, diversity meant assembling two debating panels that represented or supported a range of feminist perspectives.

A couple of other examples are provided in these other blog posts:

A couple of queries concerning ‘Balancing the future: The Australian Public Service gender equality strategy 2016-19’

We’ve set a target of having 10% of our senior management team female by 2017

Martin Daubney in the UK has drawn attention to this July 2013 article about part-time workers in Britain, which includes the following extract:

“For years, the term “part-time” has been synonymous with junior responsibility and low pay. And yet the pool of people who want to work in this way is incredibly diverse.”

Martin points out that only 12% of those featured on the ‘Power Part-time Top 50’ list mentioned in the article are male. Not so diverse in that regard, huh?

Elsewhere Martin provides the example of the organisation ‘CMI Women’, within whose web site we see an exhortation for gender diversity which starkly contrast with their own board membership (100% female).

Secondly, those who lobby for diversity tend to want to have it imposed by way of gender or racial quotas, selective recruitment, and the like. They do so despite the fact that such measures need not result in measurable improvements to organisational performance or community harmony, and may even be counter-productive in this regard. Indeed they are not averse to exaggerating or otherwise misrepresenting the benefits of diversity.

This aspect is discussed in these blog posts and others:

Less than 50/50 representation does not automatically imply ‘gender bias’
On affirmative action and the imposition of gender quotas
About what happened in Cologne

Thirdly, those who lobby for diversity fail to acknowledge, let alone analyse and debate, the negative outcomes that arise when achieving becomes the major determining factor when adopting government policy. Indeed, if we look at what is happening in some European countries now, such as greatly increased criminal activity, there is evidence of efforts being made to suppress such information.

(Postscript: It’s now 11 January 2023 and the Diversity Council has blocked me from their Twitter feed. I must be too diverse for their tastes. Or something)


See also:

The gender gap is taking us to unexpected places (12 January 2022)

University students show they’ve bought into the diversity delusion (24 February 2020)

Goldman Sachs will no longer do IPO’s for companies with all-male boards (23 January 2020) From 1 July 2020 Goldman Sachs will not work on IPO’s from companies that don’t have at least one “diverse” board member

Commissars in our universities (27 April 2019)

The ever-growing ‘diversity industry’ is overtaking higher education (25 April 2019) USA

Want viewpoint diversity on campus? Here’s how (16 April 2019)

Finally some robust research into whether ‘Diversity Training’ actually works – Unfortunately it’s not very promising (10 April 2019)

Ex-diversity officer smacked with massive fine after giving husband fellowship (15 March 2019) USA

Apple’s diversity VP apologizes for controversial statement at summit this week (14 October 2017)

A memo to Google – firing employees with conservative views is anti-diversity (11 August 2017)

Diversity Authoritarians (17 July 2017) Video

Opinion: Screen Australia’s sexist policies proof it is biased against men, by Mike O’Connor (12 May 2017)

Social Justice is winning (29 March 2017) Video

“Massive immigration and forced assimilation is called genocide when it’s done in Tibet. When it’s done in White countries it’s called “diversity.”” (Source)

College ‘Diversity Council’ Admits to Posting Fake Racist Flyers On Campus (23 March 2017)

Misguided drive for diversity is sending us headlong off a cliff (28 February 2017)

By promoting diversity over fighting ability the Army is alienating its warriors (25 February 2016)

Why Diversity Programs Fail (July-August 2016)

Thomas Sowell on ‘diversity’ – the World Champion of a Word That Substitutes for Thought (8 May 2013)


Related Twitter discussion thread re: the above quote

About what happened in Cologne (and in its aftermath)

First up a little background about what happened in Cologne on New Year’s Eve 2015/6 – see the relevant Wiki entry – not that Wikipedia is free from bias but on this occasion it’s probably as good a starting point as anywhere.

Whilst the focus of this post is what happened in Cologne, readers should be aware that similar issues have arisen (but on a thus far smaller scale) in many of the other European cities that accepted ‘refugees’. I won’t worry about providing a list of links here now – just google on ‘refugee rape sweden’ or similar and you will turn up dozens of sources.

I am also aware of an incident here in Australia that also involved a sexual assault by Muslim ‘refugees’, and an alleged media hush-up.

In relation to the events in Cologne please review the following sources:

After Cologne, Feminism is Dead (18 January 2016)

“Lie back and think of multiculturalism, German women were effectively being told”

Cologne attacks were not an isolated incident (18 January 2016) Australia

Where are the feminists? (18 January 2016) Video

Europe’s tragedy: Too much Angela Merkel, too little masculinity (17 January 2016)

“‘Taharrush’: Authorities Fear Repeat of Cologne as Middle East Rape Culture Imported to Europe” (13 January 2016)

The Arabic gang-rape ‘Taharrush’ phenomenon which sees women surrounded by groups of men in crowds and sexually assaulted… and has now spread to Europe (13 January 2016)

Europe is enabling a rape culture (10 January 2016)

Refugee scandal: How Germany’s politicians and police betrayed German women (8 January 2016)

Muslim Rape Gangs Attack Women, and Feminists Won’t Say a Word About It (5 January 2016)

Jane Kelly: The shock is not the 100 attacks on German women. It is the liberal media cover-up (8 January 2016)

Op-ed claims: Don’t blame immigrants for sex assaults, blame men (8 January 2016)

Now let’s ask ourselves this question: ‘If left-leaning liberal progressives (and this category captures many if not most feminists/SJW) had not lobbied for/permitted unfettered entry by so-called refugees, would the events in Cologne have taken place?’ I’d say the clear answer to that is ‘no’.

In looking at this incident we can see that preserving the treating Muslims and the displaced has been accorded a higher priority than keeping women safe and preserving social order.

Why is this so? What motivates people to adopt such as attitude? Naivity? Wilful stupidity? A desire to irrevocably alter the nature of western society? Or a combination of such influences? Theories abound but I half suspect that it is, in part, a case of viewing Muslim ‘refugees’ as the reborn 21st Century version of the ‘noble savage’.

But whatever is the intent of media, politicans and lobby groups, the pivotal issue is the feminist cohort is standing mute whilst the welfare of thousands of their own (white western women/girls) in compromised. Government agencies and the media have been complicit in covering-up the extent of the problem and in diverting attention elsewhere, and the law enforcement bodies have been hamstrung with PC directives from above.

And I believe that what we have seen to date – widespread sexual harassment/assault/robbery – is only the start of what is going to happen in coming months, and possibly even years.

We always knew that feminists had little regard for the welfare of non-white and non-western women, but they are clearly spiralling even lower in their race to the bottom.

What is doubly sickening is that feminists have then fashioned this (their own duplicity in creating a rape culture in western society) into a stick with which to beat all men. They are using it as fuel to feed their men bad/women good mantra, and anyone dissenting with their view is dismissed as a racist and/or misogynist.

I feel only revulsion at seeing what is happening, and sympathy for the women/girls who have been, or who will be, terrorised. If only we could have them trade places with the feminists/SJW who manufactured this unfolding debacle.

Here is one of the hundreds of reader’s comments in response to *that* article in ‘The Independant’:

This piece is such a shameless deflection of responsibility for the widespread criminal assaults against the women of Europe it actually frightens me. There were rapes. Young girls were brutally molested. Women who were disembarking from European train stations were forced to travel through a gauntlet of violent sexual abuse as the police stood back. Although Cologne had the highest number of reported incidents, they occurred across Germany and beyond. Stuttgart. Zurich. Helsinki. A small town in Sweden where a group of teenage girls were assaulted by a pack of Middle Eastern men. The attacks were vicious. The attacks were coordinated. The attacks were meant to test the resolve of free Western societies. Articles such as this demonstrate the mental gymnastics being applied in order to cling to an absurd political ideology. Sacrificing the safety of women in free societies in order to accommodate legions of foreign men who possess barbaric beliefs about women is not ‘tolerance’. It is lunacy.”

See also:

60 Minutes goes to Sweden to make a heart warming special about diversity, but see a different situation, then this happens (25 February 2024) Video and related discussion thread

Finland city spends 2.5 million Euro to make a TickTock video to stop rape committed by refugees (29 February 2020) Woke insanity

Danish Woman Given Just Three Months in Prison for Sexual Relations with Underage Asylum Seeker (26 October 2017)

Sweden: Female employees performed lap dances for “child refugees” and had sexual relations with them at an asylum centre (12 August 2017)

Growing Trend Of Older Women Becoming ‘Sugar Mamas’ For Young Migrants (28 July 2017)

Sweden Planning ‘Man-Free’ Music Event After Rapes, Sex Attacks at Festivals (6 July 2017)

Swedish feminists systematically having sex with refugees (8 June 2017)

Those malevolent forces of which we dare not speak, by Chris Kenny (6 June 2017) Interesting article that compares government/media response to Islamist terror versus domestic violence.

Racketeering Refugees: What the Million Marching Pussyhatters Really Want? (28 January 2017)

The Death of Nations: Globalism, Immigration and Migrant Crisis (9 January 2017) Video

Cologne Sex Attacks One Year On: 1300 Victims, Just 18 Convictions (15 December 2016)

Denmark: Female Aid Workers caught having sex with underage African/Muslim male refugees (2 November 2016) Reddit discussion thread

Regressive Left puts bigotry and militant Islam on a pedestal (17 September 2016)

Swedish feminist: It’s “worse” when Swedish men rape when than when immigrants do (5 July 2016) Reddit discussion thread with linked article

Politically correct schoolgirls cover up their own sex attacks at the hands of migrants (11 June 2016)

It’s not their fault, it’s yours! Swedish GIRLS blamed for rise in migrant sex attacks (31 May 2016) with related Reddit discussion thread here

When Islam meets the West it’s a train wreck, by Miranda Devine (22 May 2016) This article took an interesting slant on the issue, looking at how increasing permissiveness (some might say, amorality) in Western countries has provided the fuel for radical Muslims.

Why Women destroy nations/civilizations – and other uncomfortable truths (17 February 2016) Video

The Racism of Modern Feminism (30 January 2016)

Inside the Swedish town where armed gangs patrol the streets, crime has exploded and a beautiful social worker’s murder has shocked Europe (30 January 2016) Europe

Life in peaceful Sweden (24 January 2016) Video

VIDEO: Woman Uses Phone To Record Molesting, Foul-Mouthed Migrant Men (19 January 2016)

Danish Journalist Calls for a “Male Revolution” and for European Men to “Defend Their Woman, Children & Culture” From Refugees (28 January 2016) Video with related reddit discussion thread here

Swedish Police, Accused of Cover-Up, Look Into Reports of Sexual Assault at Festival (11 January 2016)

Immigrants Aren’t Responsible for Rape Culture in Germany (8 January 2016) with related reddit discussion thread here

Feminists’ Failure on Rotherham (29 August 2014) And again a google search will turn up dozens more links on this issue

(The graphic below was sourced here)
