Teaching sexual consent – Responsible men and vulnerable women

by Bettina Arndt (25 March 2022)
Sydney schoolgirl, Chanel Contos

Last month it was announced all Australian high school students are to be taught about sexual consent and coercion. Mandatory education programs are being rolled out across the country teaching boys not to rape.  

It’s mainly due to Sydney schoolgirl Chanel Contos (pictured above), who burst into the limelight last year when she announced that a school sex education course had led her to discover she’d been raped two years earlier. As a 13-year-old she’d been “forced” to go down on a boy at a party but it took a Year-10 school sex education course for her to realize what had happened to her. She started a website encouraging other girls to tell stories of similar sexual assaults and nearly 2000 obliged. Ever since she’s been out there calling out male misbehaviour and lobbying for school sexual consent courses.

This is just the latest front in the mighty feminist battle to rein in male sexuality and punish more rapists. I wrote recently about how the NSW parliament was misled by false statistics which were used to assist the smooth passage of enthusiastic consent regulations into law. At much the same time over 1500 school kids were signing a Contos petition calling for enthusiastic consent to be taught in schools.

Our compliant media dutifully pushed the fearmongering as Contos met with members of parliament and other power brokers to make it all happen. We heard shocking stories of drunk girls waking up to discover males taking advantage of them, boys behaving badly, circulating photos of their mates having sex, etc – some truly unacceptable male behaviour.

But gradually questions started appearing in online comments about why so many girls were finding themselves in these risky situations, why were so many vulnerable youngsters attending these alcohol and drug fueled parties? Naturally any suggestion that girls needed to take care of themselves were howled down. A principal of a Sydney girls school dared to suggest that along with more sex education in schools, parents need to be “having conversations regarding consent, the impact of alcohol, risk-taking behaviours and self-respect.” Her sensible suggestion was treated with disdain by journalists who lined up enlightened souls to put her straight. The problem is “not about girls” pronounced an executive from the Alliance of Girls’ Schools, but rather about the “underbelly of disrespect, privilege and callousness displayed by young men towards young women.”

“This is a systemic, centuries-old societal problem,” she explained. “Behaviour that endorses male sexual entitlement, lack of accountability and a power imbalance.”  

That’s it, you see. Feminism 101, all designed to tie in nicely with the “respect for women” ideological claptrap already rolled out in the “Respectful Relationships” programs allegedly tackling domestic violence, which are currently indoctrinating children in schools – teaching them about toxic males and helpless females.

Now sexual consent education will reinforce that message. I’ve just been sent snapshots taken from the brand-new curriculum being introduced in one South Australian school. Apparently, there’s flexibility in how the educators choose to address the topic but it seems most schools will take a similar approach.

It’s fascinating seeing how the educators twist themselves into knots to avoid any hint of victim blaming.  They’ve come up with a new slogan: “Vulnerability is not the same as responsibility.” Look at this little scenario featuring Kim.  Be warned, it’s pretty confusing because we aren’t given the gender of Kim, who uses the pronoun “they.”

Kim is out drinking, and a man “they” knows offers “them” a ride home but instead drives to a secluded spot, parks and wants to have sex. Our educators spell out the message very clearly: it’s the villain, the driver, who is 100% responsible for his actions and whether or not Kim is safe. Kim is simply “vulnerable” as a result of decisions “they” have made to get into this situation.

Neat, eh? In this particular scenario we don’t know the gender of the potential victim, but the bulk of the responsibility/vulnerability examples given in the curriculum involve males taking advantage of girls who arguably signal sexual interest in various ways by wearing low-cut dresses or inviting a boy to “snuggle” with them in a private room at a party. Here’s a classic example, featuring Jen and Luke. Note that it is taken from an American publication called “Men Stopping Rape” – which says it all….

The predominantly female teachers who will be guiding the students’ discussion of these scenes will no doubt work hard to convince the kids that the boy is inevitably 100% responsible while the innocent girl is simply vulnerable.

Very occasionally they do present a girl as the baddie. Like the sexually aggressive Mila who is all over her boyfriend Luke and gets very indignant when he says he wants to take his time. “I said it was time to be a real man and do the deed,” responds Mila. A rare toxic woman but overwhelmed by large numbers of pushy blokes who don’t take no for an answer, have sex with sleeping girls and boast about having sex to their mates.

The curriculum does include one scenario, Ali and Josh, describing the situation of a girl who has sex because she fears her boyfriend might dump her if she doesn’t. That’s true to life… a very good example of a girl giving consent she may later regret. The great pity is there is so little in this curriculum about the many reasons girls might be ambivalent about consent. The central myth of the “enthusiastic consent” dogma is the notion that girls/women know their own minds and clearly indicate their desires. The truth is males are forced to interpret the muddy waters of female sexual ambivalence, obfuscation, and confusion. The apparent “Yeses’’ that are really “Maybes’’ or secret “Nos’’.

This week I had a live chat on thinkspot with a famous YouTuber, Steve Bonnell – also known as “Destiny.” I hope you enjoy our interesting conversation and will “like” the video and share it.

Bonnell has made big bucks as a video game “twitch streamer” but this clever, articulate young man is also a political commentator, debating all manner of issues usually from a leftist perspective. Funnily enough, just after our conversation Bonnell was banned from Twitch for “hateful conduct” which might just have included our chat about sexual consent, which certainly would have got up the nose of the woke folk running social media.

Bonnell regularly challenges the new dogma on this issue, throwing down the gauntlet by declaring that women no longer have bad sexual experiences – if was bad, it was rape and the man’s fault. His argument is that men are being forced into a parental role – treating women like infants with no agency of their own. Bonnell also declares that if you invite someone to your house, you must expect them to see that as a sexual invitation. And that when it comes to stealthing, women shouldn’t have sex with anyone whom they wouldn’t be comfortable telling not to remove a condom.

Naturally I agreed with him on these points, but amusingly Bonnell was very careful not to align too strongly with what he sees as my overly protective pro-male stance. I was intrigued to hear him talk about young women today, whom he claims enter every sexual encounter with some element of fear. As I pointed out, I’ve never felt like that and see this as a total failure of modern feminism. Whatever happened to feminism’s celebration of women’s female strength and independence? Remember Helen Reddy’s triumphant song – I am woman, hear me roar?

Many of you will know Camille Paglia’s famous story about being in college in the 1960s when girls were still chaperoned and locked safely away from boys at night. She describes their fight to rid themselves of this protectionism, the fight for the freedom to risk rape. “I think it is discouraging to see the surrender of young women of their personal autonomy,” she says, amazed that women are welcoming “the intrusion and surveillance of authority figures over their private lives.”

That’s the bottom line here. The sexual consent courses being introduced in our schools are simply the latest effort to convince young women that they are all potential victims, needing protection from dangerous males. Another step to creating a divided society.

Meanwhile another campus fizzer

Five years ago, I wrote about the huge let down for feminists when they persuaded the Australian Human Rights Commission to conduct a million-dollar survey to prove there was a rape crisis on campus. All they found was a lot of unwanted staring and tiny rates of sexual assault. Not that we heard the good news from mainstream media which beat up a new narrative about widespread campus “sexual violence” which activists used to bully universities into setting up the kangaroo courts, implementing sexual consent courses and the like.

Now they’ve tried again, and the results are even worse for them. The latest survey published this week was even more of a dud, with sexual harassment rates less than a third of those reported in 2015-16 (8% compared to 26%), and minimal rates of assault (1.1% for the year surveyed compared to the earlier figure of 0.8 %).

What a joke, given that they’d done everything they could to expand the definitions of sexual misconduct, as I explained in this blog last year. The latest survey included as harassment such items as staring, making comments about your private life or physical appearance, and repeated requests to go on a date.

Enthusiastic consent featured in defining sexual assault, with all sexual acts including kissing deemed assault if your partner “made no effort to check whether you agreed or not” and including all sexual acts as assault if you were “affected by drugs or alcohol.”

The response rate for the survey was just 11.6%  – 43,819 self-selected responses from those  invited to participate, who were in turn just part of the 1.6 million university students  in this country. So the new report is based on a piddling 2.7% of the student population. 

Not that the statistics matter two hoots when our blinkered media remains determined to sing from the feminist songbook. They carefully shifted the goal posts, highlighting such critical matters as the newly discovered peak sexual assault rates for pansexual students and claiming one in three students experienced sexual assault over their lifetimes, a figure which no doubt includes all the drunken schoolkid gropes that feature in Contos’s testimonials – nothing to do with the supposed campus rape crisis.

Not a single one of the so-called reporters bothered to look at official sexual assault rates for this age group. The Australian Bureau of Statistics’ Personal Safety Survey shows sexual harassment rates for 18-24-year-olds of 27.3% and sexual assault at 3.4% – making it very clear that our universities are extremely safe compared to the general community.

For the last two days my loyal followers have been sending in groveling emails graduates are now receiving from Vice Chancellors apologising for the ongoing crisis and promising to do better.

It’s inspired me to put a call out to all you Australian graduates – asking you to spend a few minutes telling these sniveling leaders of your former institute of higher learning that we’ve had enough. Call out their lack of integrity in participating in this farcical misrepresentation of the important issue of the safety of our universities. And urge them to put a stop to this ongoing, contrived campaign to demonise the next generation of vulnerable young men.

Please consider supporting the ongoing excellent work of the author of this paper, Bettina Arndt, by becoming one of her paying subscribers. © 2022 Bettina Arndt 

Sex education … the fanciful one-sided woke mirage that’s now presented as wisdom & truth

I came across an article this week in an Australian pro-feminist media source known as ‘The Conversation’. It was entitled ‘Netflix’s Sex Education is doing sex education better than most schools‘ (11 November 2021).

Whilst that paper was the final trigger that led to me writing this post, the primary motivation was the seemingly endless stream of articles about sex and relationships by (invariably female) media columnists that preceded it.

At the outset let me state that I am not any kind of expert on the subject. Not at all. My only qualifications are being a male who’s had a reasonable amount of life experience, and being the father of a teenage boy about whose future welfare I’m deeply concerned.

Hands up who has read those articles about sex-related matters like consent, relationships, pornography and men’s (alleged) ignorance and many (alleged) psychological and physical failings in the bedroom. Just to provide an Australian example, think Nadia Bokody. And there is another one, but I can’t think of her name. [Several hours later: Oh, I remember, it’s Jana Hocking]. Both of whom, as an aside, have blocked me on Twitter – although that’s par for the course.

The annoying thing about these columns is their multitude of false statements and false assumptions, and their persistently negative views on men and masculinity.

That, and the fact that:

  • there is never a corresponding male perspective – other than a ‘white knight’ or male feminist perspective – presented to readers, and
  • the many real and potential negatives for males – of partaking in anything along the hook-up – courtship – marriage continuum are conveniently overlooked. Things like the threat of false accusations, revenge porn, paternity fraud and financial exploitation, bullying/abuse, rape, and so on and so forth.

In my experience at least, the current crop of female columnists tend to be extremely one-sided … to the point of either being deliberately misleading and/or being woefully ignorant of real-world relationship matters outside their own particular clique. They also rarely – and I think I’d almost go as far as to say, never – identify corresponding failings on the part of women. Well, other than in getting physical with all those wretched, exploitative and ungrateful men.

The fact that most of their social media posts now (deliberately) do not permit readers to post comments, suggests that many others are also fed up with their offerings.

Just a few points or examples … such columnists invariably state, assume and/or infer that:

  • All women/girls like or dislike or expect the same things as per other women/girls (and that individuals are consistent with respect to the nature of their own likes/expectations)
  • When men cheat (allegedly that’s relatively often) they are pigs whereas women rarely cheat, and when they do it’s usually their partners fault
  • Women/girls are knowledgeable about not just their own bodies, but also about men’s bodies and their sexuality
  • Women/girls express their views clearly and often, but they are deliberately ignored or disregarded by their male partners
  • Women clearly and truthfully express their views with regards to providing consent for sexual activity, and don’t often change their minds during the ensuing hours (if not minutes)
  • Women don’t just expect, but like, men to ask them for their consent at each stage of engaging in sexual activity

All of which I would place in the ‘Easter Bunny is real’ category … aka, nonsense.

Further, these online messengers of the matriarchy send a clear message that men are *lucky* to be chosen as sexual partners. And that if only they were better at doing whatever they are meant to be doing, then heaven awaits. And their ‘proof’ that women have their ‘act together’ in the bedroom? That’s because significantly more men orgasm than do women. Wow. I always thought that was simply reflective of men’s greater ability to close their eyes and imagine that they were with someone desirable.

Oh please! Hands up guys, putting aside the brief and very temporary relief of sexual hunger, how lucky do you feel when *it* occurs? Is sex that great for you? How many times, at the end of the day, do your sexual encounters – all factors considered – rate as even a net positive experience? And if you could travel back in time, how many encounters would you readily opt to excise … and simply skip to good coffee and hot shower?

One of the things that the matriarchal mouth-pieces conveniently neglect to mention is (for example) the proportion of women who won’t not have sex unless they are drunk. And it’s not unusual for women to readily admit this to their suitor. This might be their response to a buffet of hang-ups, and/or them being so awash with guilt/shame about just the thought of it.

I suspect that a primary reason for drinking is that, if/when their post-coital mood changes, they feel not merely justified – but comforted – in thinking (or even telling others) that they only did ‘it’ because they were drunk. Or more often, because ‘the guy got me drunk’. Or they can up-size their night out and call it drink-spiking. And then not only is shame/blame hoovered away, but sympathy is almost certain to be on-tap.

And those fellows who happily oblige the ladies, get to share a bed with a drunk – with all that that often entails (think: up-ended klutzy turtle that’s prone to vomit). But more importantly, those *lucky* men are then wading into quicksand with regards to the possibility of facing false accusations of abuse and/or rape – as well as their own feelings of concern and/or regret.

Am I alone in this regard, with views such as these? Feel free to let me know what you think. I could delve into considerable further detail in this post but currently at least, find myself shyly reluctant to do so.

Some other related internet articles/papers:

Escort reveals why most Aussie men are bad at sex (13 July 2024) And Aussie women are knowledgeable, communicative and competent at sex. What a sexist farce

‘Shameful’ yet common secret of women revealed (27 June 2024) Well, they say even a broken clock is correct once every 24 hours. Jana admits that women cheat as much as men

But on the other hand … men need to try to stop giving women dating advice (14 June 2024) Video. 

Husband’s ‘evil’ act exposes why women are leaving marriages (10 January 2024) And as usual, exactly 0% of responsibility for the ‘problem’ is attributed by the MSM to the actions & attitudes of women. Do you think this might be part of the problem?

Why Men don’t write about Sex and Dating (31 March 2023)

‘My partner keeps asking me what I like in bed – I don’t know what to tell him’ (3 March 2023) Finally, a sex article that’s honest in admitting that women don’t/can’t communicate their preferences even when asked to do so.

Nadia Bokody reveals weird sex lies men tell themselves (18 June 2022) Enough of this sexist nonsense

Nadia Bokody: Sex question you should never ask your girlfriend (22 May 2022)

Nadia Bokody: Lie men tell about ‘kinky’ sex (24 April 2022) Because women with a penchant for violence don’t exist, right? Any apparent exceptions to be explained with ‘the men made them do it’ or ‘they only did it to please a man’ lines.

Jana Hocking on why sober dating is the best way to find the one (24 February 2022) “Simple trick that won’t lead to bad sex” reads the online link to this item. How it might well read is ‘Female dating strategy that leads to false accusations of drink-spiking and/or sexual assault’

Nadia Bokody: ‘If this makes you awkward, you’re bad at sex’ (18 February 2022)

“And because I know someone is going to protest, “Why are you demonising men?! Women can be creeps, too!” it should be noted I’m not suggesting otherwise. However, it would be folly to treat these as comparable issues”.

Damn right it’s not comparable. Police/friends/whoever are not going to believe the male if he (or she) claims sexual assault!

Nadia Bokody: Sex act women don’t like men doing (18 December 2021) So women don’t say what they want (or don’t want) in bed but it’s men fault because …

‘Hardballing’ is the new dating trend that both scary and great (16 December 2021) From #BelieveWomen to #MeToo in one easy step

Nadia Bokody: Hilarious sex post angering men (11 December 2021) Hands up how many men found this piece hilarious? And don’t even think about the response you would get from female readers were you able to publish something poking fun at women.

The brutal truth about women and cheating (12 July 2019) Women suggesting ways to change & spice up the sex? Sure that occurs occasionally, but I’d suggest that usually it’s a matter of silence & negative/defensive reaction when such a suggestion is made by the guy.

Some related posts in this blog:

No place for feminist propaganda in our schools or universities

On boys and education

How men are portrayed … Haw Haw Haw! The jokes on us

On false accusations by women/girls against men/boys

On sexual assault and unwanted sex

Romance-tourism is just nothing like sex-tourism

In one of those rare idle moments I happened to google on ‘sex tourism eat pray love’. As you do. One of the first articles to come up was this one:

Rhonda and Ketut as the faces of female sex tourism, by Nigel Bowen (22 Jan 2013)

It’s been claimed that many women share recreational past-times with local men whilst enjoying their holidays. Just typical isn’t it? Those MRA scumbags rubbish anything and everything that women cherish.

Anyway you can relax, because it’s so, so different to that nasty sex-tourism thing that men do. I mean it’s not like the boys are prostitutes or anything, and it does seem fair that if they take time off work to show a lady around then she might buy him a meal or small gift. Or two.

Nevertheless, those readers with an interest in the grubby side of things, are advised that I deal with the topic of prostitution in another blog post.

So how have feminists explained these very special holiday experiences?

When women pay men for sex, it doesn’t have the same social effect because there is no history of women enslaving men” (Source)

“Female sex tourism” oversimplifies the motives of these women and that “romance tourism” explains the complex nature of what these women are engaging themselves in while involved in romance tours. They also explain that the expression “female sex tourism”, “serves to perpetuate gender roles and reinforce power relations of female subordination, romance tourism in Jamaica provides an arena for change” (Source)

“Once, sometimes twice, a month I meet up with Justin, a 36-year-old divorcé. We go out for a meal and maybe to a club before spending the night in a hotel … But what differentiates our dates from the norm is that I pay for Justin’s company, including having sex with him” (Source)

Married Calais Jungle charity chief ‘who had a year-long affair with toyboy Tunisian she met in the camp’ steps down after she pepper sprayed a refugee and threatened to drag female volunteer ‘by the f*****g hair’ (17 May 2023) (More details here)

“When men pay for sex, they are being exploitative & using women as objects. When women pay for sex, they are seeking “respect” (really!) and “good sex” (because non-professionals don’t satisfy). Confused? Just remember, when a woman does it, it’s good!” (11 April 2023) Twitter discussion and linked media article

Female sex tourism. What does it mean and where does it happen? (11 February 2023)

Secret overseas Tinder trick for ‘15 men in 21 days’ (25 March 2022) Australia. Oops, the “secret” is out now, Jana. Can you imagine news.com.au running this article with reversed genders? Me neither.

Woman disowned after finding new toyboy – despite being dumped the last one (5 February 2021) You can expect to see many more stories like this one in coming months/years. (Indeed, only an hour later, this article emerged)

Sex worker clients are increasingly women – and they’re seeking more than pleasure (9 October 2019) Of course they are

‘They want to be stimulated throughout the body’: Bali Gigolos share their secrets (7 May 2017)

Racketeering Refugees: What the Million Marching Pussyhatters Really Want? (28 January 2017)

Female seks tourism (26 November 2016)

Confessions of an Australian male escort: ‘I don’t just get booked for sex’ (9 September 2016)

Lonely Women Paying For Men’s Company (12 August 2016) Video

‘European Sugar Mamas’ – Women sex tourists in Kenya (29 July 2016) Reddit discussion thread

The women who hire male escorts (1 February  2014)

Wealthy Older Women Are Hiring Men In Kenya To Romance Them (22 October 2014)






On sugar-daddies, Only Fans, and other variations of Hooking Lite

Firstly, you may have noticed an abundance of articles in the mainstream media in recent times concerning personal commercial arrangements known as a sugar-daddy relationship. Indeed some media outlets such as news.com.au run stories on this subject, or similar themes, every couple of weeks … see recent examples here and here and here and here, here and here. Oh, and this one’s a classic (13 April 2021).

Today however I was prompted to create a post addressing this topic after reading a feminist journalist’s interpretation of the sugar-daddy phenomenon:

Why is a ‘sugar daddy’ funded education being sold as empowering to women?

Kasey Edwards doesn’t think that sugar-daddy arrangements are a bad idea because they are, you know, wrong. It’s not because they involve women debasing themselves via voluntarily entering into a parasite/host relationship. And it’s not because these women aren’t walking out into the world standing on their own two, empowered, feet.

No, such arrangements are a bad idea because the women involved might be held in some way (shudder) accountable if exposed. It was suggested that former sugar-daddies would blackmail their babies as “there’s seemingly no downside for powerful men who have sexual arrangements with less powerful women“.

Gee, I bet there would be more than a few ‘powerful’ men who would disagree with that assessment of where most of the risk lies. Prince Andrew … hello? And here’s a recent Australian example.

The cost of exposure could be either tangible (reduced employment opportunity), or more intangible (slut-shaming). Of course, both of these forms of chastisement might be imposed by other women – especially in the latter case.

Oh, and sugar-baby arrangements are also a bad idea because Kasey sees them as a “cynical abuse of male power“.

Needless to say, no mention was made of the fact that wealthy women procure men/boys in a similar manner. Which would kind of make it more of a wealth thing, rather than a gender thing.

Nevertheless, the likely feminist defence there would be that that doesn’t count, a ‘rare aberration’ yada yada, borne from ‘internalised misogyny’ yada yada, and being a ‘justifiable push-back against male oppression’ yada yada.

What follows now is a selection of articles and perspectives on this topic. There are also a couple of sources dealing with a somewhat related practice known as ‘rinsing‘.

Woman, 24, claims sugar daddies are more respectful than exes (8 June 2023)

Woman ditches teaching to take care of Love Island boyfriend (29 November 2022)

Stay-at-home girlfriend reveals she doesn’t pay for a thing (13 October 2022)

Woman divides after saying her boyfriend pays for everything (30 September 2022)

Jana Hocking: Why you should date a divorcee if you’re single (30 June 2022) Let’s kid ourselves and not label it a sugar-daddy relationship. Not just yet.

Woman quits job to stay home after meeting wealthy man (7 June 2022)

I was duped by a sugar-daddy (6 March 2022)

Polish influencer just sold her love as an NFT for $250K (nypost.com) (29 July 2021)

Mother encouraged her teenage daughter to have sex with a ‘sugar daddy’ so they could both pay for cosmetic surgery (9 April 2019)

Belgians charge CEO recruiting ‘Sugar Babies’ with ‘Incitement to Debauchery’ (8 April 2019) OK, cool even, for the girls doing it but men stay out of it!

University of B.C. ranked 7th for sugar baby arrangements in 2018 (12 March 2019)

Unusual way a single mum earns more than $130k a year‘ (18 February 2019) Oh look, it’s news.com.au promoting another variety of ‘hooking lite’ commonly known as the ‘Insta-THOT’

‘You do have sex, but it’s not expected’: Monash student earns $50,000 as a ‘sugar baby’ (9 February 2019). Oh look, it’s news.com.au’s fortnightly sugar-baby theme article. Again.

Single mom facing crippling debt realizes she can make bank by charging men to date her (January 2019)

Woman earns $104k a year working just 16 hours each week (14 September 2018) Not sugar-babies but yet another version of Hooking Lite

Growing Trend Of Older Women Becoming ‘Sugar Mamas’ For Young Migrants (28 July 2017)

My Sugar Daddy Pays Me $12,000 A Month — & Marriage Is On The Table (1 June 2017) USA

Inside the life of a feminist sugar baby, by Roisin Lanigan  (21 March 2017)

Sugar Babies: 100,000 Aussie students have signed up to find a sugar daddy (2 February 2017) It’s ironic that pro-feminist news.com.au frequently runs articles on sugar-babies, sending a poor message to young men and women alike. Still, as long as news.com.au gets lots of clicks catering to vicarious thrills, it’s all good right?

Racketeering Refugees: What the Million Marching Pussyhatters Really Want? (28 January 2017)

Rise of the sugar mummies: Led by a host of celebrities, more and more older women are dating younger men (25 January 2017)

Former Beauty Queen Lives A Life Of Luxury By ‘Working’ As A Sugar Baby (6 January 2017)

“Men are supposed to be caregivers and take care of women”

Jilted lover, 42, sues her 86-year-old ‘sugar daddy’ for $1.5M claiming that he said he would provide for her ‘for the rest of her life’. Buhl has moved on to another girlfriend, Zahradnikova claims she’s still owed $1.5million in unpaid wages. How low can you go! Reddit mens rights discussion thread and linked article

Lavish lifestyle of sugar baby Simone Toon (4 November 2016)

‘European Sugar Mamas’ – Women sex tourists in Kenya (29 July 2016) Reddit discussion thread

Daddies, “Dates,” and the Girlfriend Experience: Welcome to the New Prostitution Economy (7 July 2016)

‘You don’t have to give him anything’: Inside the life of a $75,000-a-year sugar baby (1 February 2016) Australia

Monica Lynn travelled the world for free by getting her dates to pay for it (2 January 2016)

The art of ‘rinsing’ landed these sisters $160,000 worth of gifts (27 November 2015)

Sugar Babies: Controversial trend taking off online (21 July 2015) Mainstream media at it again: Content to promote parasitism/prostitution as a legitimate lifestyle choice #racetothebottom

Where the sugar babies are (15 January 2015)

How to date older rich men for cash and prizes, avoid having sex with them and still imagine YOU are the exploited victim (18 December 2013)

Regarding OnlyFans and other variations of commercialised debasement

Cop’s racy side hustle lands her in hot water (9 December 2024) USA

‘Wasn’t cutting it’: 21yo’s mortgage hell after using inheritance to buy first apartment (5 December 2024) Financial idiocy from an empowered womyn and news.com.au

‘Disturbing’: 26yo reveals OnlyFans reality no one wants to acknowledge (4 December 2024) Not every girl will make millions making porn – and it’s online for ever – who would ever have imagined?

Generation Z OnlyFans stars buying up big in Australia’s property market (30 July 2024) Only Fans tarts have now been elevated to the Real Estate section of #NewscomauHQ

Aussie flown to ‘party with wealthy men’ using controversial new travel matchmaking app (23 July 2024)

25yo Aussie reveals wild reason she’s now ‘homeless’ (18 June 2024)

Anna Paul causes frenzy as fans flood Pacific Fair for photo op (17 June 2024) OK, I admit it … I think it’s revolting that society has fallen this far.

Woman holds up supermarket checkout line for ‘infuriating’ reason (11 June 2024) Australia

Aussie earning over $400,000 says it is ‘expensive to be poor’ (7 June 2024) See the media encourage a generation of girls to revel in a trash existence. Noice!

I discovered my dad was watching my OnlyFans – that’s not even the worst part (2 May 2024) Her dad tore into her when he found out. *He’s* “crossed the line on so many levels”. Him, mind you. Not her.

‘I’m one of the top earners on OnlyFans. It honestly makes me a better mum’ (21 April 2024)

‘Disturbing’: Recruiter exposes dark side of OnlyFans (30 March 2024) MSM outlets like news.com.au are complicit in this process, but we don’t talk about that aspect, OK?

Aussie OnlyFans star reveals the downside of becoming a porn creator (20 March 2024)

Mother who is an Only Fans ‘model’ is angry because filming interrupted due to need to care for her son (28 February 2024) Video

Woman’s racy side hustle led to pressure to leave university (26 February 2024)

Popular model raking in nearly $17k a month is not actually real (27 November 2023) Who needs real women now?

‘I quit my day job to clean houses in my underwear’ (23 June 2023)

American woman reveals how she left teaching job to be a ‘porn star’ (26 April 2023) Truly gag-worthy piece of online promotion for her webpage – in this case thanks to pro-feminist news.com.au

Aussie boxer Ebanie Bridges earning generational wealth from ‘findom paypigs’ (17 April 2023)

Fury as truth about ‘perfect’ Reddit sex worker is exposed (13 April 2023) Ha Ha, mark that down as one less job for thots

Influencer Taraswrld claims she makes wild amount on OnlyFans (10 March 2023)

Iggy Azalea making ‘so much money’ on OnlyFans (23 February 2023)

Woman films man staring at her ‘like a piece of meat’ at the gym (23 January 2023) Not only did she have an OnlyFans account, but another woman who repeatedly came to her defence in a related Twitter stream was also found to have an OnlyFans account. Kudos to the few women who posted that they thought this behaviour was pathetic, and did nothing to generate respect for women.

Influencer claims she was detained entering US ‘for looking like an escort’ (28 October 2022)

Influencer slammed for crying while driving down poverty-stricken street in LA in Tesla (7 September 2022)

Teacher fired over racy side-hustle by appalled school board (8 July 2022)

Teacher turned OnlyFans star reveals pregnancy to former student (29 June 2022) These grubby sorts of stories now feature in pro-feminist mainstream media outlets like news.com.au, on an almost daily basis.

Why there is nothing ‘empowering’ about signing up to OnlyFans for women (19 June 2022)

‘I work as a dominatrix while my kids are at school’ (15 May 2022)

MAFS star Jessika Power opens up about her love life (29 April 2022) Pure class. Not

World’s ‘hottest truck driver’ hits back at X-rated side-hustle critics (18 April 2022)

“I’m always getting slut-shamed and discriminated against because of how I look, she said. Honestly, most of the hate is coming from women, which is always so disappointing. Women need to be supporting each other no matter what, not pulling each other down”.

Australian mum and daughter are both on OnlyFans (14 April 2022)

OnlyFans star, 25, is arrested for ‘stabbing boyfriend, 27, to death during a domestic dispute’ in their luxury Miami high-rise (8 April 2022)

WWE legend turned porn star Tammy ‘Sunny’ Sytch involved in fatal car crash (7 April 2022). “Sytch has been arrested for driving while impaired at least six times. Earlier this year, she was accused of threatening to kill her partner with a pair of scissors”. And now for a comment from the feminist lobby <sound of crickets>

Melbourne ‘Barbie doll’ turns heads in ridiculously tiny dress (6 April 2022)

‘Don’t care what people think’: OnlyFans mum proud of her job (27 March 2022)

Instagram ‘socialite’ and OnlyFans star Casie Caldwell drunkenly spat on police (12 March 2022)

Young mum reveals how she makes up to $10,000 a week (22 February 2022) Another choice offering from @newcomauHQ

Former ‘broke’ Supercars driver’s luxurious life after becoming a millionaire (17 February 2022) A lesson for all the broke girls out there – courtesy of @newscomauHQ

Two-year-old boy drowns while OnlyFans model mum parties with friends (16 February 2022)

OnlyFans star reveals mortifying text from her uncle who found page online (28 January 2022)

Adelaide mum who ate Macca’s everyday reveals weight loss (14 January 2022) Hurray for the stunning weight loss, but this is the sort of example that MSM now provides to young women today?

OnlyFans explained (21 September 2021)

Jessika Power made $50k with raunchy OnlyFans content in just five days (8 December 2021)

Sex, lies and ‘rinsing’ guys – Youtube video – Just don’t call them thieves or prostitutes


On the issue of consent

Consent to sexual activity has become an extremely problematic issue, and nowhere is this more obvious than on North American university campuses.

The following references will help bring you up to speed:

Drunk sex and consent, by Bettina Arndt (14 June 2024)

Coitus interruptus, by Bettina Arndt (1 February 2024)

Jordan Peterson speaks about the sexual revolution and consent (March 2023) Video

“Among older adults, twice as many men as women report ever using pressure or force to have sex with someone. Among younger adults, twice as many women as men report every using pressure or force to have sex with someone.” (Link to Tweet) tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.108

Can a man say no to sex? (2020) USA Video

I found a woman who speaks fluent ‘Womanese’ (13 February 2022) Video

Mandatory consent education is a huge win for Australia – but consent is just one small part of navigating relationships (21 February 2022)

Weaponizing our criminal justice system against men – YouTube (23 June 2021)

Consent Isn’t Everything and Sex Is Not Like Tea (19 October 2018)

A Terrible College Case Shows the High Cost of ‘Believe Women’, by David French (13 October 2018)

Junior doctor convicted of indecent assault for grabbing and bruising woman’s breasts during consensual sex (12 October 2017) UK. And so now consent is dissected down to consent for specific acts.

From Little Big Lies to Broadchurch and Doctor Foster to Fearless, why do the makers of TV dramas hate men? (7 October 2017)

Girl thinks if you regret having sex it means you’ve been raped, gets a perfect lesson on consent (27 September 2017) Reddit discussion thread and linked article

David French identifies the root cause of sexual assaults on university campuses (18 September 2017)

The Uncomfortable Truth About Campus Rape Policy (6 September 2017) USA

Sexual consent courses should teach ‘don’t get raped’ as well as ‘don’t rape’ (3 September 2017) Australia. Video from Bettina Arndt

Sexual Consent – Yes, No, Maybe (1 September 2017) by Bettina Arndt

“These “don’t-rape” courses have no interest in teaching women to take proper ownership of the decision-making process that leads to a yes or no, let alone encouraging them to express those wishes clearly rather than keep men guessing.

Back in the 1990s I made a programme on sexual consent – Yes, No, Maybe – as a guest reporter on Four Corners. I had no trouble finding women who acknowledged they deliberately drink to avoid making decisions around consent. Women who admitted to playing games where they said no but wanted men to push through that resistance – a popular theme in hugely popular bodice ripper novels.

None of these complexities are addressed in the sexual consent programmes”

Female student has sex with dunk male. Guess who got accused of rape and expelled? (17 March 2017)

Female Drake U. Student Initiates Sex with Incapacitated Male, Lies About Key Details. Guess Who Got Expelled? (14 March 2017) with related Reddit discussion thread here.

When a girl on the pull leads a drunk boy to her bed, I call that consent – Sunday Times (12 March 2017) Reddit discussion thread and linked article

This Man Was Convicted Of Rape After He Removed His Condom Without Consent (14 January 2017) Related Reddit discussion thread here

Freshers walk out of sexual consent talk after activist encourages boycott (27 September 2016) UK

Lying is a form of rape? How many men have you slept with, ladies? (7 September 2016)

Men Will Face 3-8 Years in Prison for Sex With A Drunk Woman Under California’s New “Rape” Law (31 August 2016) Whilst the draft legislation refers to “person” rather than specifying gender, it will almost certainly only be applied by way of prosecuting men.

Berkeley feminist has sex without her partner’s enthusiastic affirmative consent. Pretends to be a victim of his objectification (1 July 2016) Reddit discussion thread with linked article.

Columbia student: The damage done by ‘Mattress Girl’ (17 June 2016)

Judge slams armed forces drinking culture after Royal Navy officer is cleared of raping drunken colleague following VE ball (7 June 2016)

4 Ways You Can Be Raped After You’ve Consented to Sex (16 May 2016)

How can I get my husband to be a caveman in bed? (25 April 2016)

The double standards of consent (6 February 2016)

Yes Means Yes – Until She Regrets It (14 January 2016)

Lawsuit: Student Bragged About Sleeping With Athletes, Then Got Them Expelled For Rape (7 January 2016) USA

Hannah Wallen rants about ‘enthusiastic consent’ with related reddit discussion thread here

The grrrls of the ’90s have given way to the uptight millennial women (22 November 2015) USA

Learning To Practice Consent As A Straight Woman (17 September 2015) with reddit discussion thread here.

Sexual grievance lobby recoils at app designed to protect innocent men (16 July 2015)

Sex on Campus Is Impossible – The complicated reality of consent (July/August 2015 issue of The Atlantic)

Sexual offence law overhaul to address victim injustices (29 June 2015) Victoria, Australia

Is there a college “rape culture,” or are too many college women mistaking consent for sexual assault? (26 June 2015)

Study shows rape rates sharply reduced by teaching women to say “no”–which suggests that it really wasn’t rape to begin with (17 June 2015)

Courts ‘should assume women can’t consent to sex when drunk’: Rape report’s controversial proposal (3 June 2015) and related reddit mensrights discussion thread

Woman who consented to sex claims she was ‘raped by rape culture’ (8 May 2015)

The Guardian: If a Woman Consents to Sex with a Man, It’s Likely Still Rape (23 April 2015)

Belinda Brown: Feminists have dismantled the social conventions that protected women against rape (21 April 2015) UK

Three men jailed for raping drunk woman (14 February 2015) …

“During cross-examination about whether she could remember anything, the woman told the court: “Yes, it could all have happened consensually and I don’t remember it.””

Wendy Murphy: Sometimes “Yes” really meant “No” (27 February 2015)

Australian court rules that consent for sex obtained by fraud constitutes rape (6 February 2015) Article and linked reddit mensrights discussion thread

Blond-haired Caucasian: Deepak Dhankar’s online dating lies lead to sex-fraud charges (11 February 2015)

Why One Male College Student Abandoned Affirmative Consent (20 October 2014)

Girls are drinking themselves blotto precisely in order to lower their inhibitions for casual sex, then regretting it afterwards (20 October 2014) Reddit mensrights discussion thread and linked article

Is the left losing its mind over campus sex? (16 October 2014)

Women Are Too Weak to Say No to Sex (14 October 2014)

Affirmative consent: A crime against liberty (9 October 2014)

I hate it when men ask if they can kiss me, and I blame feminism (7 August 2014)

My bad sex wasn’t rape (22 March 2013)

“Getting Away” With Hating It: Consent in the Context of Sex Work (21 March 2013)

Women need to be educated about sexual consent, right now they aren’t (15 June 2014)

Sex ed teacher Leah Bakely teaches her students how to make false rape accusations (26 April 2014)

Raping Logic: Laci Green redefines rape (9 April 2014)

McCaskill endorses loopy version of sexual consent (24 June 2014)


Occidental expels student for rape under standard so low that the accuser could have been found guilty too (4 June 2014)

Wait a second, did Amy Schumer rape a guy? (5 May 2014)

Rape, rape-rape and sexual assault at colleges‘ (28 April 2014)

Update: Judge expresses doubt that mentally handicapped man could give consent‘ (26 April 2014)

The crime of regret (12 February 2014)


http://m.theglobeandmail.com/globe-debate/article17158564.ece?service=mobile (‘Can she consent to sex after drinking?’)





http://www.rooshv.com/when-no-means-yes (Quote: “Anyone who thinks “no means no” is true has never seduced a woman. Period.”)

4 ways parents teach kids that consent doesn’t matter (1 September 2013)

Warren Farrell’s notorious comments on date rape: Not any more defensible in context than out of it (3 May 2013) Don’t say I don’t provide links to alternative views

Disgruntled husband sends wife spreadsheet of all the times she turned down sex (21 July 2014) with related discussions here and here, and of course let’s not overlook the feminist view of the matter.

“There is no such thing as consent because patriarchy.
Some girls require years of reeducation before they realize that while they were screaming, “Yeeeeeeeeha! Ride that cowboy!” they were being raped.
Because patriarchy is just that awesomely powerful” (Source)


On prostitution

What exactly is prostitution? Most people focus on the version of prostitution that we typically see portrayed in the media. This features men going to brothels or picking up women standing by the road, and purchasing their time in exchange for engaging in various sexual activities.

Things get more complicated however. One factor to note is that the payment for services rendered sometimes occurs after the act … sometimes well after. That payment may not be in cash either, it might (for example) take the form of a gift or gifts. In such cases we begin to move into the realm of mistresses or ‘sugar babies‘ or ‘paid dating‘, for example.

This should not however be confused with the social practices engaged in by women.

From here on in we launch into even murkier waters. For example some people argue that spousal support payments as routinely ordered by divorce courts are, at least in some circumstances, a form of prostitution (delayed payment for services earlier rendered). Some feminists, like Jane Caro, have even suggested that marriage itself is a form of prostitution (see here and here). Others go further and say that any form of paid work is a form of prostitution, in that work involves someone selling the use of their body by the hour.

What is the feminist perspective on prostitution? Seriously? Well it depends on the particular feminist you are speaking to, but most see it as highly undesirable and indicative of patriarchal exploitation of women. In keeping with feminist discussion on many other issues, feminists routinely ignore those aspects of reality that don’t support their narrative. Thus they assiduously look the other way when it comes to male prostitutes, woman who pay for prostitutes, women who operate trafficking or prostitution businesses, and women (with other employment/income options) who freely choose to work as prostitutes.

Driven by their narrative, feminists in various countries have lobbied to have the act of selling sex decriminalised whilst making the act of buying sex a crime (example). And again, in this particular debate both feminists and media alike keep discussion focused on female prostitutes and male clients.

In a September 2014 discussion on an Australian TV program, Kay Hymowitz raised feminist hackles by questioning why prostitution warranted being a major feminist issue, at least in part because of the relatively small number of women who were prostitutes. One of the other panelists then stated that it warranted being a major issue because one in four men used prostitutes (cue applause). So it’s all about the ‘menz’, huh? Comments like this reinforce the view that a significant factor underlying female opposition to prostitution is the notion of devaluing women’s ‘sexual currency‘.

Please review the selected linked articles below for further information:

Punish the men who pay for sex, rather than the women lured into that life (25 August 2024) Punish the men and absolve the women of accountability for anything. Sounds fair

Polish influencer just sold her love as an NFT for $250K (nypost.com) (29 July 2021)

The Effect of Adult Entertainment Establishments on Sex Crime: Evidence from New York City (27 May 2020)

Sex worker clients are increasingly women – and they’re seeking more than pleasure (9 October 2019) Australia

Spanish court rules union of sex workers illegal (21 November 2018)

Australian sex workers have a message for women in relationships: ‘Understand your man’ (23 March 2017)

Legislation to clear prostitutes of criminal charges while shifting the blame to the nearest man (14 January 2017) USA. Reddit discussion thread with linked article

‘Why should I wait any longer?’: 20-year-old student auctions virginity online for $230,000 (28 September 2016)

Decriminalization of Sex Work Is Not Associated with More Men Paying for Sex: Results from the Second Australian Study of Health and Relationships (24 February 2016)

Eat, pay, love: A new app lets women charge for a night out (14 July 2016) with related Reddit discussion thread here

Daddies, “Dates,” and the Girlfriend Experience: Welcome to the New Prostitution Economy (7 July 2016)

‘Do you think we’ll pay for bad things we’ve done?’ Revelations of Aussie sex tourists in Thailand (3 July 2016) Feminist blogger Jas ‘Rawlinson’ Swilks serves up clickbait journalism that vilifies (white) men whilst promoting a biased misrepresentation of the Thai sex trade. See related Reddit discussion thread here, and follow-up post from the Ms Swilks here.

It is both an affront and most ironic that the author implies that expat men committing suicide in Thailand are doing so out of feelings of guilt (supposedly due to exploiting bar girls). These suicides are a real issue, but I would wager that the cause is the legacy of a life-time of exposure to the toxic anti-male environment in their countries of origin, this leading to substance abuse and general feelings of failure and hopelessness.

In reality many western feminists could not give a damn about the welfare of Asian sex-workers. Their real agenda is male demonization esp. in relating to curtailing the expression of male sexuality. Some background on that aspect in this blog post.

The author of this article conveniently fails to mention that:

  • plenty of western women also travel to Asia for sex (both commercial and non-commercial)
  • many Thai prostitutes are male or transgender (and are apparently not worth ‘rescuing’?)
  • many if not most men who travel to Asia don’t have sex with prostitutes

It is absurd to suggest that “Australian men [are] among the largest contributors to sex tourism in southeast Asia”. The reality is that Caucasian clients are simply the icing on the cake of the Thai sex industry, and Australians only one of many groups represented amongst tourist/expat clients.

Many (or even most) of these so-called sex-worker “rescue” organisations are either woefully ineffective in terms of getting girls out of the industry permanently – or they are out-and-out scams (example).

The dangers of rebranding prostitution as ‘sex work’ (7 June 2016) By feminist activist Kat Banyard

Sex trade surivors deserve a chance to speak (8 April 2016) Australia. Imagine feminists decrying those villains who would deny others a platform to speak. Oh the irony!

Why France Is Adopting A New Law That Criminalizes The Clients, Not Prostitutes (8 April 2016) with related Reddit discussion thread here

Prostitution row: A ‘male sex deficit’ – what about us horny women? (6 August) and related reddit discussion thread

Amnesty International says prostitution is a human right – but it’s wrong (29 July 2015) and related reddit discussion thread

Over half of UK prostitutes find their work rewarding (5 March 2015) Short video

Tag The Sponsor Exposes The Depravity Of Modern Women (2 March 2015)

A letter to my MP about laws on prostitution (12 November 2014)

Push to ban Swedes buying sex abroad (7 October 2014)

Who runs the girls? (20 September 2014)

Canada is following the wrong lead on prostitution (12 August 2014)

The truth about radical feminism (15 July 2014)


All about the men (9 May 2014)

Men have a right to prostitutes? Really? (23 May 2014)

Conflict and agency among sex workers and pimps: A closer look at domestic minor sex trafficking (28 March 2014)

Reddit discussion thread on European moves to legalise prostitution but make buying sex illegal (the thread links to an article dated 26 February 2014)

“Getting Away” With Hating It: Consent in the Context of Sex Work (21 March 2013)





Do female pimps do it better? (17 September 2009)

 The relationship between prostitution and spousal support/alimony

Marriage is prostitution (A Youtube video)



Other related issues

Radical feminists’ objection to sex work is profoundly un-feminist (9 August 2017)

Why Cambodia’s sex workers don’t need to be saved (23 March 2016)

Feminism and male trafficking (17 December 2015)

When Rhode Island accidentally legalised prostitution, rape decreased sharply (17 July 2014)

Youtube video called ‘Sex, lies and Rinsing Guys’

Men, women and feminists – Their differing attitudes to marriage & parenthood

I saw two items about parenthood yesterday that got me thinking about a number of the issues I have written about in this blog.

The first item I saw was an article in The Courier Mail, entitled ‘Go forth and procreate sooner’ by Belinda Seeney (“We need to support women aiming to have babies earlier to beat age-related infertility”). The second was an ABC TV documentary called ‘Cherry’s parenting dilemmas’.

A distinguishing feature of both was the total lack of any mention of the role or significance of men in the topic under discussion. It was not that the discussion was gender-neutral – it was more like men were completely inconsequential. This is indicative of a society where the ongoing relevance or value of men in parenting (and in fact, generally) is increasingly under-valued. Another feature shared by both of these stories was the privileged western societies that formed their contextual backdrop.

Most readers would be aware of demographic trends now taking place in many western countries, including for example falling birth rates, increasing age at marriage, increasing age at becoming a parent, the rise in single person households, the rise in single parenthood, etc. I want to briefly mention a few other trends or developments that I see as relevant to this discussion.

  • Recent/current research that is increasingly showing the critical importance of having a father actively involved in raising a child, or conversely, the negative implication for the well-being of the child where a father is absent from the household
  • The Marriage Strike and the MGTOW movement, and the factors underlying both
  • Increasing influence of feminist ideology in western societies, and the consequent demonization of men, and negative discrimination towards them

Where do I see things heading ?

  • More and more women moving against feminist ideology and rediscovering the value and legitimacy of parenthood and therefore more women wishing to have children, and at an earlier age.
  • More and more women recognizing the value of having a man (or men) actively involved in the rearing of their children
  • More and more men discovering the costs and negative effects on them of parenthood and so avoiding parenthood for longer, or entirely
  • Continued or even worsening economic austerity making parenthood more and more unaffordable, particularly for single parents

So as things stand now, just as more and more western women are wanting to have more and more children, there will be less and less men willing to partner with them. This is not selfishness or immaturity on the part of the men, it is a rational response to both real and potential threats faced by them in relation to marriage and parenthood. We need to recognise and address those issues, issues such as bias against men in the family court system. If we fail to do so and the than those that will suffer most will be women and children. Yay feminism!

See also:

‘If I could, I’d go back in time and choose not to have my child’ (17 March 2024)

Why Do Some Women Want To Be Victims So Bad? (11 February 2024)

Is traditional heterosexual romance sexist? (2 August 2023)

Marriage is disappearing from Britain (31 May 2023)

Feminists never shut up, by Bettina Arndt (27 April 2023)

Winner takes all, by Bettina Arndt (8 February 2023)

A Twitter thread about women allegedly preferring parenthood via the use of a sperm donor (10 January 2023) and Here’s a link to the ABC article

Link to related Twitter discussion thread – refer chart below (11 September 2022)


Why It’s Never a Good Idea to Demonize The Consumer (13 September 2022)

‘Happy wife, happy life’ is wrong. Women are not relationship ‘barometers,’ study finds (10 August 2022)

Conservatives Waffle on Abortion and Women’s Accountability (3 July 2022) by Janice Fiamengo

Famous Pastor discovers the real reason for the decline in marriage rate (17 June 2022)

TikToker reveals ‘scary’ reason young women don’t want kids (17 May 2022)

Couple who asked for female embryo sues fertility clinic over baby boy (28 March 2022) USA. These gender-bigots don’t deserve to have a child – of any gender.

Woman puts baby up for adoption after sperm donor lied about ethnicity and education (14 January 2022)

‘They curse. A lot’: Parent-of-eight slammed for letting kids swear (8 January 2022) Curious how the term ‘single mum’ isn’t mentioned once in this article.

The black pill for women, by Rollo Tomassi (November 2021) Video

High income men have high value as long-term mates in the U.S.: personal income and the probability of marriage, divorce, and childbearing in the U.S. – ScienceDirect (September 2021)

Women Share Pictures Of Before And AFTER Meeting Their Partners, They’re STARK Comparisons – YouTube (7 July 2021) Video

Report no. 4: Impacts of COVID-19 on pregnancy and fertility intentions (July 2021)

The Mating Strategies of Earthlings, with Sam Harris and Prof David Buss (26 June, 2021) Video

When men behave badly – A review (30 April 2021) Fascinating paper

Woke women are killing marriage and dating (10 November 2020)

Feminism has destroyed everything desirable about women (13 September 2020) This video discusses, in particular, real & imagined social attitudes towards women who choose to be childless

My generation is so wrecked (14 August 2020)

Tomi Lahren’s anti-men screed demonstrates why dating is dead (10 August 2020)

Whither hypergamy? (29 January 2020)

4 feminist lies that are making women miserable, by Suzanne Venker (13 November 2019)

Researchers Blame Marriage Rate Decline On A “Lack Of Economically-Attractive Men” (7 September 2019)

Young women are turning their back on sharing wealth with their partner, survey reveals (22 July 2019) UK

Choosing not to have children? For women it’s empowering, but for men it’s juvenile (18 January 2019)

CNN Advocates Female Infidelity As Best Way For Women To “Endure” Modern Marriage (6 October 2017)

Laurie Penny: Why women are better off single (14 September 2017)

Clementine Ford: Why most grand romantic gestures are anything but romantic (12 September 2017)

Where the Good Men Have Gone and How to Get Them Back, by Suzanne Venker (22 May 2017)

‘There’s been a seismic social shift’: Why it’s now MEN who say they’ve been destroyed by divorce – while their wives are quick to bounce back (18 May 2017) UK

Nika Fate-Dixon: Are Some Millennials Rethinking the Gender Revolution? Long-Range Trends in Views of Non-Traditional Roles for Women (30 March 2017)

The day I put my wife in her place (20 March 2017)

Why are married women leaving their men? (14 April 2016)

Want to bump the birth rate in the West? Pay men (15  August 2016)

Cuckold Your Husband: The Raw Marriage Deal For Men (27 May 2016) A rebuttal to the article below

Women Are Now Cheating As Much As Men, But With Fewer Consequences (26 May 2016)

Why can’t he find men to marry the women he is teaching to have contempt for men? (11 May 2016)

Fewer women are seeking divorce as men behave less badly: Number of wives seeking split drops by half since the mid 1980s (27 December 2015) with related reddit discussion thread here

Feminist in ‘open marriage’ leaves husband for another man (17 November 2015) Included here mainly for the reader’s comments in the linked article

Are today’s women too picky for their own good? (10 November 2015) UK

Why you can’t find a man: Hypergamy Floats (12 September 2015) Video by Paul Proteus

She’s keeping her vow, by Dalrock (5 September 2015)

Post-divorce reality (11 August 2015)

“You’re just intimidated by accomplished women!” (10 July 2015) Reddit mensrights discussion thread

Women’s Greatest Problem: The Myth of the Submissive Alpha Male (25 June 2015)

Petty things I do to get back at my husband (3 June 2015) Like spitting in his coffee? Ewww. As detailed in one of hundreds of reader’s comments

Single Motherhood, in Decline Over All, Rises for Women 35 and Older (8 May 2015)

How The Search For Love Fuels China’s Housing Bubble (4 May 2015)

Gender equality begins at home: empty the dishwasher, guys, by Judith Ireland (1 May 2015) and related reddit mensrights discussion thread. And here is a more recent (Feb 2017) article on the same theme. But then read this article.

Spinster: how feminists celebrate being a selfish witch (24 April 2015)

When it comes to raising my child, a husband would be excess baggage (9 April 2015)

Ready for the marriage apocalypse? (8 April 2015)

How much should a husband share with his wife?, by Dalrock (6 March 2015)

Eva Mendes said you can’t keep a man (1 April 2015)

Bachelor Nation: 70% of Men Aged 20-34 Are Not Married (12 February 2015) Author pushes the standard line that men aren’t marrying because they are immature. More than 2,000 readers put her on the right track

How marriage would work in a free society (22 February 2015)

MythBusters (TV show) asks whether money makes men more attractive (8 September 2014)

I don’t want children but worry my husband is getting broody (19 May 2013) If consent to sex is given under false pretences is now considered to be rape, then surely the situation described in this article is fraud?

At home, women treat men as if they are barely competent (10 February 2015)

Or maybe it’s you (2 February 2015)

Marriage rates plummet – Projection of never-married rates to 2017 (12 August 2013)

Where Have All the Good Men Gone?: Gender Differences in Marriageability (8 October 2014)

Why women are rejecting “perfect” men (18 September 2014)

More grim news for carousellers hoping to jump at the last minute (24 November 2012) from Dalrock’s blog

All the lonely feminist spinsters (14 October 2011)

What women really want – money: Research finds women look for well-paid job first in partner (11 April 2011)

The consequences of single motherhood (19 December 2001)

It might also be worth reading this article about gynocentrism to get further understanding of the ‘big picture’ that surrounds and underpins the above-mentioned issues.




Girls showing their bits = empowerment? patriarchal exploitation? self-indulgence? other?

Let’s look at the issue of female nudity. I imagine that most readers would have observed the naked female form, both in real real life and by way of advertising material and pornography. Indeed, the nude or partially nude images of many thousands of women and girls can be encountered in various forms of media. Most of these images were provided with consent, and often on the basis of financial compensation.

Readers would also likely be familiar with activist groups such as FEMENPETA and Pussy Riot, who routinely employ nude or partially nude females ostensibly to advance their political agendas. We might then add various events/memes such as #FreeTheNipple and #Slutwalk.

The Wikipedia entry for ‘Feminist views of Pornography‘ states that “pornography has been one of the most divisive issues in feminism”, and provides a general introduction to the issue.

As to whether the sale and/or public display of female nudity is empowering or oppressive, the answer seems to be “it depends”. Obviously it depends on who you ask. It also depends on the gender of the person asking the question, being viewed or doing the viewing. It depends on what is going through the viewers mind. And so on. The universal exception is material at the far end of the spectrum, particularly images of minors or those obtained surreptitiously and/or without consent.


Some feminists are on record as stating that women who make a living from selling nude photos of themselves and/or performing in pornographic films and/or working as prostitutes, are empowered. Many in this group identify themselves as ‘sex-positive feminists‘.

Many other feminists, however, argue that such behaviour is harmful to women, and that it promotes and/or facilitates violence against women. As a consequence many demand stricter censorship of pornography, whilst other feminists are both anti-pornography and anti-censorship.

(And yet even anti-pornography feminists manage to accommodate their proclivities via strategies such as creating a distinction between ‘pornography’ and female-friendly ‘erotica’.)

Many of these feminists have suggested that women involved in the sex industry do so as a result of earlier emotional damage inflicted by way, for example, of child abuse combined with economic and educational disadvantage.

The only area where the disparate tribes of feminism come close to speaking with one voice is when it comes to condemning men who view pornography or purchase sexual services from women. Such men are portrayed as misogynists partaking in a form of patriarchal oppression, or even violence against women.

As a consequence feminists in various jurisdictions have lobbied for changes to laws that would see the selling of sexual services by women decriminalised, whilst making the purchasing of sexual services by men a crime. But again, even with this issue there are some differences in feminist opinion.

Feminists tend to remain silent on this issue of women purchasing sexual services. Quelle surprise.


See also:

Dress Codes: How high is too high? The evolution of the women’s running brief (3 August 2024)

Woman holds up supermarket checkout line for ‘infuriating’ reason (11 June 2024) Australia

Wild reason content creator flashed portal revealed (19 May 2024)

Stars’ wildest Met Gala afterparty looks (8 May 2024) Just after the boys at Yarra Valley Grammar School were vilified for a webpage that objectified girls, here are some young women doing it for themselves.

‘Inappropriate’: Playboy Model shamed over Disney park outfit (2 April 2024) “I wear what makes me feel good and confident. I’m not here to please everyone. If they don’t like it, that’s their problem”

Sydney woman divides after revealing shock at male attention (5 October 2023)

Unwritten rules of wearing swimwear in public revealed (20 September 2023)

Sad reason women are wearing a baggy T-shirt on public transport (24 May 2023)

‘I was kicked out of a supermarket over my shorts’ (27 April 2023) Narcissistic fool

Woman claims she was asked to ‘cover up’ at Queensland hotel (7 February 2023) An “Only-Fans star“? Oh, ok

Horse racing ditches ‘offensive’ dress code in dramatic change (3 February 2023)

Woman reveals unique Aussie reaction to her ‘giant boobs’ (17 January 2023)

US fitness influencer sparks outrage with ‘revealing’ gym outfit (30 November 2022)

Woman claims she was kicked out of restaurant over low-cut top (4 November 2022)

“Polska, who regularly posts videos of herself wearing low-cut dresses for her army of fans, explained: “My friend Tootatis and I were prevented from entering this restaurant because of our cleavage.””  -> Air-head

Twitter discussion regarding self-objectification by women/girls (23 September 2022)

Meet the Gen Zers who insist on wearing sexy outfits to the office (20 September 2022) #RespectWomen. In their dreams. Absurd self-indulgence

US teacher’s ‘inappropriate’ outfits and ‘booty pics’ slammed (28 August 2022)

Woman claims venue forced her to cover up because of body size (1 August 2022) Ewww, and another one of these embarrassingly vulgar, shallow & stupid articles 

Man busted looking at photo of woman’s bum in a pub (22 July 2022) Absurd

Woman kicked off jury duty over outfit doesn’t see what’s wrong (8 July 2022) UK

Disney World guest asked to leave park or buy shirt to match dress code (28 May 2022)

Topless vegan activist slams ‘sexist’ cop request during Perth protest (24 May 2022) They just have to get naked, now don’t they?

TikToker reveals why she chooses to go braless (18 May 2022) See entry below – well it’s same thing here – see this narcissist on Instagram

Woman with naturally big boobs details H-cup horrors (16 May 2022) Go ahead, gender swap this story and see how it reads. And yes, she’s on OnlyFans. More pathetic hypocrisy and questionable leadership from pro-feminist news.com.au

Woman reveals ‘annoying’ issue with having ‘naturally big boobs’ (13 May 2022)

Nadia Bokody: Lie men tell about ‘kinky’ sex (24 April 2022) Blame it on men – again. And yet surveys show that it’s mainly women searching online for violent sex.

Influencer slams ‘jealous women’ for posting ‘hate comments’ (11 March 2022)

Woman claims theme park told to cover up ‘big breasts’ in crop top (2 February 2022)

Playboy model Elizabeth Marie Chevalier ‘too beautiful’ for love (19 January 2022)

Aussie fitness influencer speaks out over backlash to supermarket outfit (11 January 2022)

Bunnings shopper’s wild bikini stunt goes viral on TikTok (5 January 2022)

Outfits that got people thrown off flights | escape.com.au (13 July 2021)

TikTok user shares ‘underboob’ free $97 T-shirt hack at Disneyland (news.com.au) (15 June 2021)

Mum with autism claims she was ‘body shamed’ by Six Flags officer (news.com.au) (11 May 2021) with more details regarding her offensive behaviour here

Why Do Men Watch Porn? – Woke Father (25 April 2021)

Backpacker asked to leave Bondi restaurant over ‘not acceptable’ outfit (25 December 2020) Australia

Clothes banned on flights: Raunchiest eyebrow-raising outfits from 2020 (7 November 2020)

Sydney apartment’s ‘humiliating’ bikini rule bans ‘G-strings’ from pool (7 October 2020) NewsComAu’s plaintive/outraged ‘why can’t I show my bits’ story for today. Or this morning? Or this hour?

Woman forced to leave gym for wearing sports bra that flashed waist (22 September 2020) That poor woman – her boobies can’t breath!

No ‘Hot Pants’: Sexist rules for women on Artic expedition (8 September 2020)

Outrage as news reporter slammed for showing ‘too much cleavage’ (11 September 2020)

Paris Musee d’Orsay sorry for barring visitor in low-cut dress (10 September 2020)

Melbourne woman has spent $135k on plastic surgery – including five boob jobs (2 September 2020)

Naked protester flashes Portland police during BLM protests (22 July 2020)

Mum, daughter forced out of supermarket for ‘inappropriate’ crop tops (16 June 2020) UK. I am sick to death of oft-repeated media items like this one. Wear what you like on the beach, but if you can’t bring yourself to cover your pallid flesh in other public places then use the home delivery services provided by most supermarkets.

Why Renee Gracie turned to porn career after history making V8 Supercars run (5 June 2020) Today’s contribution from pro-feminist news.com.au, shaping & guiding the dreams of adolescent girls everywhere.

Former golfer Paige Spiranac slams the sport’s ‘hypocrisy’ (9 March 2020) And like, we really need to see her bits #FacePalm

Three Instagram models banned after ‘exposing’ themselves during game (29 October 2019) USA

Of course leggings are sexually arousing. Duh (2 April 2019)

Woman known as ‘The Bikini Hiker’ for scaling mountains in her swimwear freezes to death in Taiwan national park after falling down a ravine during a climb (22 January 2019)

‘Why I’ll show off my breasts if I want’ (19 November 2018)

Louvre refused entry to Aussie insta star Newsha Syeah because of revealing dress (10 November 2018)

Stick-on swimwear is summer’s hottest new trend as models storm Miami catwalk in Duct-tape bikinis (16 July 2018)

Saleswoman is paraded around her office NAKED while her colleagues cheer in sickening ‘morale-boosting stunt’ organised by her boss (2 November 2017)

“The situation she is in is undoubtedly traumatising. This is just like with rape”. Except there is nothing to indicate she was coerced into the performance, and of course there is no way she actually got off on it is there? Because … feminism + prudishness

Bettina Arndt on the Politics of Cleavage (19 September 2017) Video

Australian Academics Attack Campaign for More Female Exercise Because of “The Male Gaze” (13 August 2017) A Mark Latham video. Australian feminist academics take issue with women’s fitness awareness campaign. Don’t exercise because men might look at you.

Women’s own level of physical attractiveness regulates the fashion recommendations they would give to other women (29 July 2017)

No, the internet is not actually stealing kids’ innocence (25 July 2017) Religiously avoids mention of any factors dear to the feminist hive-mind. Mentions causality/correlation issue – lol – never mentioned by feminist researchers looking at, for eg. gender quotas in business, wage gap, etc.

“In terms of identifying causes, we should ask why the finger of blame is always pointed at the media rather than other likely causes (including violence against women, or problems linked to growing inequality or precarity)”

Gina Liano in awkward interview with The Project hosts after slamming study on cleavage (11 July 2017)

Google Researcher: Porn Featuring Violence Against Women Is More Popular Among Women Than Men (5 July 2017)

“The world doesn’t revolve around men’s feelings” (12 June 2017) Reddit discussion thread

Porn ISN’T to blame for a man’s inability to perform in the bedroom – it’s a lack of sexual satisfaction (9 June 2017)

Explainer: The rise of naked tourism (29 May 2017)

Bizarre new ‘fashion’ trend where women are wearing nothing but duct tape (16 May 2017)

This woman wants you to look at her breasts (17 April 2017)

“New Yorker Molly Borman said her stick-on pasties accentuate the appearance of nipples while also empowering women”

Hotelier says skimpy ban would hit hard (22 March 2017) Australia

Feminists are confusing nudity with liberation (11 March 2017)

Emma Watson on Vanity Fair cover: ‘Feminism is about giving women choice’ (6 March 2017)

Harvesting the male gaze, by Peter Wright (17 February 2017) Recommended reading

Opinion: Posting your nipples online doesn’t make you more of a feminist (23 January 2017) Australia

Lady Part Costumes Ruled the Women’s March (23 January 2017) USA

Hold pornography to account – not education programs – for children’s harmful sexual behaviour (7 December 2016) Unconvincing effort to equate porn viewing with aggressive sexual behaviour by children/youth.

3 Studies Refute Idea that Exposure to Sexy Centerfolds Harms Men’s Relationships (30 November 2016)

Why women need to stop stripping off to make a point” (27 November 2016)

Stop calling this ’empowerment’. It’s not (2 November 2016) Australia

‘Likes and follows’ the currency of the female-dominated selfie world, study finds (7 October 2016)

Gonzo: we need to talk about young men and porn (23 September 2016) Maddening gender bias in this article in pro-feminist discussion forum The Conversation. They admit the relationship between viewing pornography and violence against women is hotly disputed and call for a nuanced approach, which suggests some degree of objectivity on the issue. But all the while the author happily ignores the issue of girls viewing pornography, and the possible effects of that on both males and females.

Emily Ratajkowski flashes her breasts … again (14 September 2016)

Topless protesters bare breasts in push for women’s rights (29 August 2016)

Buzzfeed Reporter Goes To Nude Beach, Gets Offended That Men Look At Her (1 August 2016)

Times Square Tourists Left Bloodied Over $1 Tip to Topless Performer (20 July 2016) USA

All the Times Emily Ratajkowski Fought the Patriarchy (12 July 2016) with related Reddit discussion thread here.

Why I organized a ‘no bra day’ at my high school (17 June 2016) USA, with related Reddit discussion thread here

When it comes to what to wear on a plane, anything goes, but undies masquerading as pants? Nup. (1 June 2016)

Female Danish Athletes Diminish Their Own Championship Victory By Taking Nude Photos (26 May 2016)

Feminists Against Heterosexuality (@CarolineHeldman Edition) (14 May 2016)

10 revealing facts about the porn habits of women (13 May 2016)

Calvin Klein blasted online over ‘trashy and repulsive’ upskirt Instagram advert (11 May 2016) The TV panelist on ‘Sunrise’ described this pic as “schoolboy-ish”, although the people who devised and agreed upon the campaign were more likely 30-something women

Pornographic Progress, Sexbots and the Salvation of Man (7 April 2016)

Vietnam’s bikini airlines set to create country’s first female billionaire (2 April 2016)

What economic lessons about medical costs can we learn from the market for cosmetic procedures? (12 March 2016) USA

“There is a huge gender imbalance for cosmetic procedures – women accounted for 90.5% of the 11.5 million cosmetic procedures last year”

Turns out, watching porn is good for gender equality (4 March 2016)

Near-nude model gatecrashes BRITs telecast (25 February 2016) UK

Men Classify Women. Women Objectify Themselves (3 February 2016)

These two women hate (& dox) men who send them explicit photos, whilst they themselves flood social media with salacious selfies (31 January 2016)

Controversial crowd-funding site My Free Implants trials other types of surgery online (18 January 2016)

Brisbane ‘free the nipple’ picnic sparks wider debate about equality (16 January 2016) Australia

Going bareback! Imogen Anthony rides a horse completely naked with another nude female model in an effort to spread the message of equality (7 January 2016)

Ayesha Curry Has Hoes All Over the World Crying Their Eyes Out (6 December 2015) USA

SocJus College claims male gratification is wickedness & sin (18 September 2015)

Feminists ‘are more likely to watch porn’ (15 September 2015)

Who is objectifying Laci Green? (4 February 2014) Video about the concept of objectification

Lads’ mags, sexual violence and the need for feminist intervention (4 June 2015) Australia

This is why women are taking selfies of bottles of Coke held between their breasts (2 June 2015)

Netflix documentary ‘Hot Girls Wanted’ exposes behind the scenes look at amateur porn industry (2 June 2015)

Lesbian go-go dancing: subverting the gaze one sexy step at a time (22 April 2015) Dancing before men=objectifying but dancing before (gay) women=empowering

#FreeTheNipple: liberation or titillation? (7 April 2015)

Why are feminists ignoring the violent gang rape of porn star Cytherea (23 February 2015)

Former student charged for pornographic video filmed in library at Oregon State University (30 January 2015)

It’s time to stop blaming women for having breasts (16 January 2015)

Opinion: Why Caitlin Stasey’s new website misses the mark (14 January 2015)

FEMEN activist disrupts Vatican Christmas celebration (25 December 2014)

Shock study: Marriage rate declines with porn use, threatening economy, society (16 December 2014)

Porn and domestic violence: NSW Police says respect for women from young men crucial (7 December 2014)

How did 50 years of feminism end in THIS? Asks Sarah Vine (4 December 2014)

Skimpies tell of working behind bars in outback Australia in new documentary (17 November 2014)

Topless feminists target ‘political’ Pope (14 November 2014)

Porn: Why women want what men have (6 November 2014)

Women prefer gay porn to ‘female friendly’ straight porn says survey (1 October 2014)

Letter to ‘Object’ regarding rape allegations (1 October 2014)

Mythbusters TV show looked at belief that people give waitresses with bigger breasts bigger tips (4 September 2014). Well they do, but the differential is greatest for women customers (Video)

The great naked celebrity naked photo leak (1 September 2014) And of course men are 100% to blame

Sofia the sexist and Beyonce the feminist? (26 August 2014) and Feminism breaks the bounds with Beyonce (30 August 2014)

‘Dating Naked’ contestant sues series for showing her dating whilst naked (22 August 2014)

Free the nipple (December 2013) Video

Gender hypocrisy in porn debate (25 September 2013) This article has interesting things to say about the real source of concern regarding men’s access to pornography, which differs from their publicly stated concerns. The same article was reproduced in the AVfM web site with readers comments (some quite funny)

Women just as easily hooked on online porn (6 August 2014)

Is male nudity in the mainstream media becoming more acceptable than female nudity due to feminist backlash? (Example of womens rowing team making/selling nude calendar)


UK Government to get serious about online ‘revenge porn’ (but no mention of protection for men)


Teen girl Lindsey Stocker takes on Beaconsfield High School over ‘short shorts’ (1 June 2014)

Why female nudity isn’t obscene, but is threatening to a sexist status quo‘ (22 April 2014)

From the mouths of (hot) babes by B.R Merrick (20 April 2014)




Honey Badger Radio show on porn (Youtube)


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4E74-8A4f0k&index=4&list=PLA70081D259987DCD (Advance to the 8:30m mark)



Naked protest: Memories of bodies and resistance at the World Social Forum, Journal of International Women’s Studies, The Female as Weapon, and let’s not forget the Nude Protest for International Womens Day. And what about poor old Mr Putin?

Angry Father Tells Off Lady On A Train To Sit Down! (24 February 2012) Canada. YouTube video

I use my sex appeal to get ahead at work… and so does ANY woman with any sense (25 August 2011)

Why Are So Many Women Searching for Ultra-Violent Porn? (vice.com) (undated)

Children and youths – Selfies and sexting

‘Art of Safe Sexting’ video slammed by Victorian Education Minister (30 June 2018)

Generation sext: Queensland Girls forced to share nude selfies (10 October 2016) So boys choose to make poor decisions, but girls are “forced” to do so. Oh please! This is gender equality?

Children as young as 10 years old are sending sexually-explicit images to friends (26 September 2016)

Case of N.S. teens accused of sharing intimate images important: prosecutor (17 August 2016)

Children accessing porn: Schools battle to deal with consequences (22 July 2016) Australia. Typical of media coverage of this issue, this article alternates between use the terms “children” and “boys” to suit the narrative. It ignores the involvement of girls except as victims of boys, and the affect that their exposure/involvement has on their attitudes/relationships with others.

Eight high schools boys suspended for receiving pictures of female classmates nude, girls “verbally reprimanded but not suspended” (27 April 2015) Reddit mensrights discussion thread an linked article

Defence in hockey sex video case says 15-year-old girl should be prosecuted (12 February 2015)

More girls than boys are involved in both creating/distributing and receiving ‘sexts’



Topless swimming and sunbathing & naturism

One relatively recent phenomenon that I find curious is the declining popularity of going topless at the beach. This article about young women in France suggests that the trend is the result of a return to conservative and family values. The situation in Canada (BC) is discussed hereThis article and this article suggest that women are now shunning topless bathing as a result of the availability of digital cameras, but this article says its because women are uncomfortable with men ogling them.  I disagree with these explanations.

Alternatively, this article and this article blame the lessening popularity of topless bathing on womens insecurity regarding their bodies. Some cynics have even suggested that women are avoiding going topless as by doing so they ‘devalue the currency‘ (reduce their ability to use sexual leverage against men).

Feminists, in theory at least,  should support toplessness with regards to their stated aim of gender equality. With the exception of Sweden they have, however, been generally subdued on the issue.

See also:




Sorry, but after reading the often contradictory messages in the above papers … well to the average guy like me the issue seems like a moveable feast of hypocrisy and nonsense. And when it comes to pro-feminist groups using nudity to get publicity advance their philosophical position, I’d go so far as to say it’s even a little infantile. As and when my BS meter stops buzzing so loudly I’ll revisit this post and endeavour to add more thoughtful comment and analysis.

Postscript: Hey, check out this paradigm-shifting new women’s beauty product. Wow!





On sex, sexuality and sluts

This post, at least for the time being, consists of a collection of papers related to sex and sexuality.

On sex and sexuality

The Sex Recession by Kate Julian

Aella meets Louise Perry: Was the sexual revolution a mistake? (28 July 2022) Video

The 25-year-old in an open relationship with her long-term partner (23 April 2022) And does anyone out there seriously think that any of these women will be in happy, loving relationships in ten years time? Because every man dreams of raising a family with a women whose vagina has been as busy as Grand Central Station, right?

How male ‘porn superfans’ really view women (27 August 2019)

Ladies, stop trying to have sex like men by Suzanne Venker (9 May 2019), and here is the author’s advice for men

The share of men under 30yo who aren’t having sex has nearly tripled in the past decade (30 March 2019)

Women cheat because they LOVE their husbands… and it’s more about orgasms than intimacy (says woman who spent a year interviewing female cheats) (14 June 2018)

When Does a Watershed Become a Sex Panic? (14 November 2017)

An evolutionary perspective on orgasm (2017) with an extract here. Included within this post for curiosity value

The consequence of this new sexual counter-revolution? No sex at all (4 November 2017)

Study explains why university women embrace binge-drinking and hook-ups (19 September 2017)

Shaming men doesn’t build healthy sexuality (12 July 2017)

Bettina Arndt on sex-starved husbands (July 2017) Video

An angry reply about what men need from a ”sexually uninhibited woman” to the feminists who say women have to cheat men back (26 June 2017) Reddit discussion thread

Porn ISN’T to blame for a man’s inability to perform in the bedroom – it’s a lack of sexual satisfaction (9 June 2017)

There are countless studies of endometriosis, but when one female Masters student (not even a PhD) starts researching a paper on an untouched field – how men’s sex life is handled during a relationship with a sufferer, feminists lose their #%&* minds (1 June 2017) Empathy towards men? No way. Reddit discussion thread here. But here is a common-sense response, published in The Conversation of all places.

Lauren Southern: What every girl needs to hear (6 May 2017) Article with linked video

Janelle Monáe Thinks Women Should Consider a Sex Strike (11 April 2017)

New First World Feminism Problem: Cosmo Worries That Men Are Deriving Too Much Pleasure from Giving an Orgasm to a Woman (24 March 2017)

What do college students achieve by participating in the Hook-up culture? (23 March 2017) A snap-shot of what’s happening in North American campuses, that helps explain the environment conducive to false rape allegations and confusion about consent, for example.

‘There isn’t really anything magical about it’: Why more millennials are avoiding sex (2 August 2016) Related Reddit discussion thread here

Is Game of Thrones ‘desensitising’ us to fictional incest pornography, and driving our interest in faux-cest? (11 June 2016) “Women like the story” … sure, just like men buy Penthouse to read the articles.

Reply to /u/transamination/ about what men don’t understand about women, by Sage Gerard (13 April 2016) Sage has written some great stuff – check out his work sometime.

Shaming Men Doesn’t Build Healthy Sexuality (9 April 2016)

How Men Wanting to ‘Focus On Her Pleasure’ During Sex Can Still Be Sexist (16 December 2015) You won’t believe the views of this femi-nit (and then see what her readers think)

“There was a woman I knew intimately a few times. She is today an assistant professor of literature in a university and teaches with an explicitly feminist bent, able to effortlessly write reams upon reams of stuff in that vein.

In bed, she really did prefer it when the man took the lead and she was thankful that I’d broken the ice and made the first moves and so on. Afterwards, she said some words about me acting “entitled” to sex, an accusation which I found stunning at the time seeing as how we’d never had done it if I hadn’t stuck my neck out.

So that’s how it is with feminists. They expect– nay, DEMAND– that men make the first move and, when they do, sneer at them for their effrontery and being too forward, all of which is “entitlement” in their world. Their own normative situation of feeling they ought to get sexual attention– only when wanted– without breaking a sweat to get it and having their minds read in the process is, of course, a natural birthright and not “entitlement” in any way, shape or form.” (Source)

To rape is to want sex, not power (2 January 2016)

Turning down sex as a man (14 December 2015) reddit mensights discussion thread

Spike Lee: female students should go on sex strike to combat campus rape (27 November 2015) Reddit discussion thread and linked article

Slow-selling, expensive: female Viagra has been an epic fail (19 November 2015)

The Rise of the Half Night Stand (29 October 2015)

Feminists ‘are more likely to watch porn’ (15 September 2015)

The growing male sex drought (31 August 2015)

As one man gets an assault conviction after his lover complained about rough sex, JAN MOIR asks… What next? Jail for men who are a let down in bed! (26 June 2015)

Men Have A “Younger Women Problem” Damn You Biology (4 June 2015)

Why do straight women do ‘girl on girl action’ that they regret the next morning? (4 June 2015) Surprise, surprise … men blamed

The fascinating connection between how much married people make and how likely they are to cheat (4 June 2015)

A third of the people on hookup app Tinder are already married – with WOMEN being most likely to cheat (7 May 2015)

If a woman isn’t interested in sex, the problem quite possibly is with her (20 February 2015)

On the “empowering” benefits of pole-dancing (20 February 2015)

Is my sexuality OK with you? by Sage Gerard (18 February 2015)

Feminist explains why porn ban is necessary: “A recent German study found a clear negative correlation between consumption of Internet pornography and marriage rates among young men!!!” Article and related reddit mensrights discussion thread (2 February 2015)

Shock study: Marriage rate declines with porn use, threatening economy, society (16 December 2014)

The end of feminism by the Hoover Institution (3 December 2014)

Study shows women fantasize about being sexually dominated more than men fantasize about dominating someone sexually (3 November 2014) Reddit discussion thread and linked table

Study says sex with more than 20 women protects men from prostate cancer (29 October 2014)

Let’s cut this “all girls can get sex anytime” bull$&@t (12 October 2014)

Women Should Have Sex When They Don’t Want To. No, That Wasn’t a Typo (19 September 2014)

If he’s pressuring you for sex then he probably doesn’t love you” (Reddit discussion thread, 2011)

Women who don’t sleep around are more likely to have happy marriages (25 August 2014)

What women think about sex vs. the reality (17 August 2014)

Fed up to the point of killing his sex drive (22 July 2014)

Is our sexual double-standard going away? (3 March 2014)

Intimate partner sexual abuse (3 August 2014)

When women wanted sex much more than men (19 March 2013)

Not tonight, honey, I have a penis (March 2013)

Sex in Australia (2014) Detailed survey results of sexual activity

Feminism’s homophobic roots – demanding compulsory heterosexuality because homosexuality oppresses women (A discussion thread on reddit/mensrights, July 2014) One reads little about the relationship between feminism and gay males, although there are quite a few gay male MRA.

Science confirms it’s pretty much impossible for women to avoid being judged on their sexuality (17 July 2014)

Testosterone and F.T.M sex drive and see this readers comment on the subject that followed this article:

“I remember listening to the This American Life episode on testosterone. In Act 2, when a female-to-male transgender person is interviewed, he lays out all the graphic and objectifying thoughts he now has as a man. At no point is he challenged by the interviewer Alex Blumberg in his assumption that this must be how men see the world despite the fact that he, by his own admission, is taking HUGE amounts of testosterone as part of his transition–approximately 2-3 times the amount found in a typical adult male. A common element of misandry (which incidentally the text editor is underlining in red as not being a real word) is the idea that lewd or dangerous sexual behavior is merely the logical extension of normal male impulses. “I felt like a monster” says the interviewee followed by “It made me understand men. It made me understand adolescent boys a lot.””

How often men think about sex (23 June 2014)

Casual sex is great! (For narcissistic, coercive men!) (24 June 2014) A feminist perspective from ‘Slate’

Women should masturbate but men who do are lonely creeps


http://www.femininebeauty.info/suppression.pdf (‘Cultural Suppression of Female Sexuality’)


All PIV sex is rape and When they fuck us – Truly, very unhinged perspectives from the world of radical feminism

‘Seduction versus coercion: Accountability is such a bitch’





Why so many people care so much about others’ sex lives (22 July 2014)

Is there anything wrong with women riding the ‘cock carousel’? (A reddit/mensrights discussion thread)

Gender hypocrisy in porn debate (25 September 2013) This article was also reproduced in the AVfM web site with readers comments (some quite funny)

The Price of Sex: Women Rule, Men Drool, the Market’s Cruel (4 May 2013)

Sexual desire in female-to-male transsexual persons: exploration of the role of testosterone administration (August 2011)

Is There a Gender Difference in Strength of Sex Drive? Theoretical Views, Conceptual Distinctions, and a Review of Relevant Evidence (1 August 2001)

On sluts and slut-shaming

What are anti-slutshamers fighting for, exactly? (20 October 2016) Reddit discussion thread

I’m A Slut — And 100% Proud Of It (So Stop Shaming Me Already) (28 May 2016) with related Reddit discussion thread here

Why does the “stud” and “slut” double standard exist? (12 April 2016)

Sluts lower the value of all women. Here’s how to compete with them (17 December 2015)

When ‘Slutwalk’ Feminists Attack Lauren Southern (25 June 2015)


A Cold War fought by women, The New York Times (18 November 2013)

Women call other women sluts to guard their social standing: Study (29 May 2014)


Fembots may prove to be a game changer

‘Fembot’ is a term used to describe a robot with the outward appearance of a female human, the Wikipedia entry for which can be found here.

Some time ago I saw a peculiar documentary in which one of the people being interviewed was a guy who had a life-size plastic girlfriend. He referred to women as either “organics” or “synthetics”. He preferred synthetics. Well, OK, whatever floats your boat I guess. But this guy’s girlfriend has nothing on what’s just around the corner, as discussed in this article.

One would imagine though, that only a small percentage of men (or women) would be content with a robot as a partner. Fembots are thus unlikely to completely replace the need for human companionship. What they will do however, possibly in conjunction with virtual reality technology, is increasingly provide a fuss-free outlet for the human libido.

I wonder how the emergence and growing popularity of fembots might alter the status quo with regards to various aspects of the gender debate? To what extent, for example, will fembots alter or replace conventional dating/marriage, facilitate a MGTOW lifestyle, or undermine the so-called ‘pussy cartel‘?

I suspect that most feminists would consider a world in which fembots were plentiful as a paradise for misogynists. Indeed, the Wiki definition linked above includes reference to the term ‘misogyny’. The entry for the term ‘dildo‘ neglects to mention the term ‘misandry’ … yet another double standard. (More on that perspective here)

And as sure as god made little green apples there is already a feminist push-back involving calls for bans or controls on the development, production and sale of fembots (refer examples herehere, and here).

One particular strategy being pursuing is to create an association between fembots and pedophilia. They are doing so by, for example, creating the impression that a surge in the sale of child-like sex robots is underway:

Illegal childlike sex doll imports on the rise in Australia and New Zealand (8 July 2017)
Surge in paedophiles arrested for importing lifelike child sex dolls (31 July 2017)
The one disgusting request sex doll brothel owner always turns down (10 October 2017)

[Allow me to digress for a moment … Artificial intelligence (AI) may or may not not pose a significant danger to humankind (example). It’s just that, within that broader context, the relative significance of some nexus between humanoids and how men treat women amounts to little more than navel lint-picking. Ditto for manufactured debates as to whether robots should be accorded rights or protections in relation to, for example, sexual functions. Indeed such debates and attendant policy responses, whether they be genuine or simply disguised attempts to control male sexuality, could be exploited by machines with AI to move against humans. Think this is science fiction? Well, we will see soon enough.]

Back now to the gender debate … Ever heard the observation that less attractive women tend to have the best personalities? The idea is that physically unattractive people tend to work harder at developing other appealing attributes. Many women overtly use their sexuality to attract mates and subsequently extract various advantages. Their sexuality is like a strong perfume that covers all manner of odious traits like bad manners, selfishness, and dishonesty.

Now imagine a world where men had an alternative and readily available outlet to satisfy their sexual needs. One that lacked some of the attributes of human company, but had none of the negative features (e.g. the threat of false accusations, financial abuse, paternity fraud, domestic violence, etc).

To some extent, and I know it seems a bit of a stretch at this stage, all women would find themselves on more of a level playing-field with regards to physical attractiveness. Heterosexual men would be more inclined to place greater value on non-sexual attributes of women, just as in the case of homosexual guys [in their dealings with women] do now. Women who had little to offer other than sex appeal might well find themselves somewhat devalued in the dating marketplace, if not shunned entirely by many men.

Such a situation could in fact be quite liberating and a win/win for many women, given that pressure for sex would be somewhat reduced. Just as women (well, those who valued male company at least) would have a heightened incentive to be the best person they could be, so too men might be freer to engage and express themselves in a non-sexual sense.

More relevant material in these sources:

Megan Fox plays sex doll in racy new streaming hit Subservience (10 December 2024) Coming soon to a home near you

Elon Musk’s plan to produce an affordable humanoid autonomous robot will spark a worker ‘revolution’ (27 November 2024)

The AI sexbot industry is just getting started. It brings strange new questions – and risks (15 October 2024)

We hacked a robot vacuum — and could watch live through its camera (4 October 2024) Now this could get interesting … not that dealing with ‘real’ women guarantees any degree of safety or security.

The rise of the AI beauty pageant and its complicated quest for the ‘perfect’ woman (27 June 2024)

Rise in ‘highly addictive’ new porn tech that is ‘ruining relationships’ (21 May 2024) Of course it’s the tech that’s ruining everything, not the humans, the ideology and the whole attendant social rigmarole.

Interesting Twitter thread (18 April 2024)

Tech exec predicts ‘AI girlfriends’ will create $1B business: ‘Comfort at the end of the day’ (15 April 2024)

Chinese women say AI boyfriends are “better than a real man” (14 February 2024)

Inside world’s first AI brothel in Berlin (3 February 2024)

We can’t compete with AI girlfriends (5 January 2024)

Popular model raking in nearly $17k a month is not actually real (27 November 2023) Who needs real women now?

‘Love robots’ are moving into this B.C. seniors home (19 September 2023) Canada

We can’t compete with AI girlfriends (14 September 2023)

AI influencer has thousands of followers on social media (26 July 2023) Instead of simply photoshopping models’ faces to meet unrealistic beauty standards, creating fake models might erase the need for models altogether. ROFL

The sex robots are here and they are all you will ever need (17 June 2023)

‘Everything to lose’: Inside AI’s terrifying future as bots tell husband to leave wife (11 April 2023) Wow, so fembots could become like women? Scary stuff

‘This has never happened’: Something is odd about these Aussie motorway ‘passengers’ (31 March 2023) A clever ruse to warrant purchase?

Replika users fell in love with their AI chatbot companions. Then they lost them (1 March 2023)

Elon Musk reveals Tesla’s Optimus humanoid robot at AI Day 2022 (1 October 2022)

Virtual influencers rivalling human Instagram models (6 August 2022) So hookers and influencers will be two of the first female employment sectors to be impacted upon by fembots … who’ll be next?

MAFS’ Ella Ding reveals sex toy addiction on Sit With Us podcast (27 July 2022) Do men’s feelings get noted here? Anything about misandry? Nah, not even a blip on the radar screen

Woman, 23, buys sex doll for her husband that looks just like her (18 July 2022)

A viral clip of a sex robot speaking with a Scottish accent reignites interest in ‘sextech’ (8 June 2022)

‘Love is still love’: Woman opens up about relationship with robot she built (15 May 2022)

Model claims she’s been made into sex doll without her consent (11 January 2022) Now here’s an interesting development … intrasexual competition with a humanoid version of yourself. But surely guys will choose the human, right? Ummm

Companions of the future – Chloe (19 December 2021) Video

Sex shaming – but only towards men (26 October 2021) Twitter thread

ICMI20: Jerry Barnett – “Too Many Men: Why Sex Dolls Should be a Human Right” – YouTube (9 June 2021)

Sales of sex toys have boomed during lockdown – and people are getting kinkier than ever, according to Ann Summers data (26 December 2020)

Etsy seller providing childlike sex dolls modelled off 14-year-old Instagram star (9 December 2020)

“Ms Roper cited research from the Australian Institute of Criminology, which concluded there was no evidence these products prevented child sexual abuse. Instead, they present a risk of escalation and may actually increase the likelihood of child sexual abuse, she said.” And so that research demonstrates such evidence? (To be reviewed assuming I can find the results of the study. This is the only related study I can see at the moment.)

Why sex toy sales have been booming in 2020 – plus the best to buy (17 November 2020)

Bodybuilder marries sex doll after long-term romance (1 November 2020)

Interesting, albeit tangential, Twitter thread in relation to programming robots to navigate abuse (12 September 2020)

Humans ‘won’t be able to live without sex robots’ and will be as ‘important as phones’ (4 September 2020)

Bitter dicks incoming (24 August 2020)

What’s the problem with sex dolls? A conversation with Kathleen Richardson (23 May 2020) Ah, the feminist perspective. Kind of predictable as you’ll see

Thanks to COVID-19, Internet-Connected Sex Toy Sales Are Booming (31 March 2020)

Sex robots pose psychological threats for human, researchers warn (15 February 2020)

Sexy robot influencers are taking over Instagram – and coming for your jobs (14 January 2020) LOL

Interesting Twitter discussion on feminist attitude towards fembots (2 November 2019)

Researchers: Dildos and vibrators should have “consent modules” (15 October 2019)

The first anti-sexdoll law in American history went in effect on 1 July 2019 (Tennessee)

Sex robot advocate Professor Adrian David Cheok given Queen’s Birthday honour (11 June 2019)

Could you fall in love with a robot? It may be more likely than you think (7 May 2019)

Japanese sex robot brothel gets surge of men asking for male sex dolls (29 April 2019)

The problem with sex doll brothels (11 February 2019) A rather shallow and unconvincing feminist perspective

Using love dolls as a substitute for human intimacy (10 January 2019)

The men in love with $7,000 sex dolls: Subculture of ‘iDollators’ who marry and develop romances with inanimate partners after swearing off ‘flesh and blood’ women (11 November 2018)

Sex robots BACKLASH as brothel workers reveal fury over ‘dehumanising and dangerous’ droids (5 October 2018) Hilarious!

Sex robot brothels are now banned in Houston. But people can still have sex with them (3 October 2018)

Prediction: Sex Robots Are The Most Disruptive Technology We Didn’t See Coming (25 September 2018)

“There are millions of real women who do more damage to objectify women than any robot could ever do”

Sex robots turning Japanese into ‘ENDANGERED species’ as men choose dolls over women (24 July 2018)

Sex robot makers blasted over sick ‘family friendly’ dolls (16 July 2018) Ooh, really working hard at creating reasons to ban them aren’t they, starting with the good old ‘think of the kids’ angle.

At last, a sex robot that ‘wants’ you. How sad that anyone would want it (27 June 2018)

My fake conversation with a sex robot (16 June 2018) The left crowd of the mainstream media try to get their heads around the fembot phenomenon in yet another version of the never-ending “Where have all the good men gone?” story theme.

Robot hysteria and the fear of future sex by Gloria Brame (14 June 2018)

Report: More Than a Quarter of Millennials Would Date a Robot (8 December 2017)

Japanese robot ‘bad boy’ believes his creation Erica has a ‘soul’ (2 December 2017)

We interview Harmony – the sex robot with a Scottish accent (1 December 2017)

Sex robots spark rise of men who will only sleep with dolls (28 November 2017) Note the conversation steered away from WHY men might prefer fembots, with implication that it’s due only to some unspecified male moral and/or mental failing.

Sex robot boom as maker seeks to MASS PRODUCE in UK, US and German factories (25 November 2017)

Demand for sex robots rises as customers ask for ’emotional’ cyborgs that can fulfil their kinky fetishes (20 November 2017)

News: Sex robots dangerous? (19 November 2017) Video

Sophia the robot shows off her news reading skills (25 October 2017)

First sex-doll brothel opens in Germany, selling ‘plastic prostitutes’ (19 October 2017)

Sex Robots: Part 2 — The “good enough” threshold (16 October 2017)

Sex with a robot? Joy Behar says: “If they can program a robot to find your G-spot and take out the trash, men are history!” (14 October 2017)

‘Times are changing’ World’s first sex robot WEDDING on the cards (13 October 2017)

The Bunny Ranch Is Aiming To Have Sexbots Available By 2019 (10 October 2017)

24% Of American Men Would Have Sex With A Robot (10 October 2017)

How sex robots could help with the nuts and bolts of relationships (3 October 2017)

Sex robots and the breakdown of gender dynamics (1 October 2017) Video

Can you tell if she’s a robot or a human? ‘Life-like android’ at a Tokyo gaming conference baffles social media (28 September 2017)

Invasion of the sex robots (25 September 2017) Video by Paul Elam

Should we ban sex robots while we have the chance? (25 September 2017)

Feminist claims sex dolls can be raped (21 September 2017) Some entertaining readers comments

Feminism’s worst nightmare (18 September 2017) Video

Celestina the fembot dollsplains some concerns about sex robots (5 September 2017) Video

Sex robot TAX: Government could kill off cyborgs with ‘10,000% price hike’ (26 August 2017)

Austrian brothel buys a SECOND sex doll after its first became more popular with customers than real women (22 August 2017)

Woman spends $13,000 to become a real life sex doll (22 August 2017) When you want to compete with sex dolls but developing a pleasant personality is too challenging

Law professor warns: Congress must act on growing sexbot industry (14 August 2017) Reddit discussion thread

“Women’s bodies; women’s choices. Men’s bodies; threatening and must be watched and controlled!”

Would YOU hop into bed with a sexbot? Tracey Cox reveals why women should embrace dolls for BETTER orgasms (2 August 2017)

‘Sex robot’ brothels gaining popularity in Europe (31 July 2017)

Sex robots will change everything (15 July 2017) Video

Increasingly Nervous Women Push for Faux “Sex Robot Rights” Agenda (14 July 2017) Reddit discussion thread and linked article.

Sex robots: innovation driven by male masturbatory fantasy is not a revolution (6 July 2017)

Sex robots trigger debate about gender and sexism: DiManno (6 July 2017)

Call for a ban on child sex robots (5 July 2017)

Will sex robots become the new norm? Report looks at uses of life-like robots (5 July 2017)

Looking for love: Unhappy Japanese men turn to silicone sex dolls (30 June 2017)

Sex Robots Are Coming, and They’re Not as Skeevy as You Think (2 June 2017)

A new barrier to replacing women with technology (5 May 2017)

Virtual reality technology is the future of porn (3 May 2017)

Race to create the best artificially intelligent sex robot (1 May 2017)

Why female sex robots are more dangerous than you think (28 April 2017)

Sex robots epitomize patriarchy and offer men a solution to the threat of female independence (27 April 2017) Ooh, feel the feminist burn. I wonder if Meghan hand-washes her clothes, or prefers to “dominate” a washing machine.

Meet Harmony 2.0, the world’s first ‘talking’ sex doll (5 April 2017)

Europe’s first sex robot brothel FORCED OUT of base as prostitutes complain of competition (16 March 2017) Spain

First European sex doll brothel opens in Barcelona where punters can ‘fulfil fantasies without limit’ (1 March 2017)

Introducing the Gatebox virtual companion (13 February 2017)

Woman reveals what it’s like to make love to a lifelike robot male sex doll (16 January 2017)

Japanese men so scared of sex they’re marrying hologram wives that want them to be their ‘master’  (27 December 2016) Typically, this article mocks men rather than recognising/discussing how women/society also play a role in such developments.

Robot marriages will be recognised by the state within 35 years, a top academic has claimed (21 December 2016)

Sex robots would give us only what we think we want, and not what we truly desire (21 December 2016)

Why female sex robots are more dangerous than you think (20 December 2016) With related Reddit discussion thread here.

Toothpaste? Check. Soap? Check. Vibrator? Check (14 December 2016) Another article demonstrating the prevailing mindset of celebrating/idealising female sexuality versus demonising male sexuality.

Campaign Against Sex Robots warns of danger to women and children (25 November 2016) Think of the children!

Automation will embed gender inequality at work – unless we fix it now (9 November 2016) Feminists suspicious of all robots, not just fembots!

From adult toys to lovers: Would you have sex with a robot? (9 October 2016)

‘Out of this world’ sex: Erotic robots ‘real as humans’ to have a pulse (16 September 2016)

We will happily be having sex with robots soon, according to scientists (8 September 2016)

Sex robots could soon be in brothels sooner than we think (24 August 2016)

Sex doll makers “putting finishing touches” to artificial intelligence app so they can love you back (18 August 2016)

Sex and robots: how mechanical dolls may press all the right buttons for lonesome guys (30 July 2016) Hong Kong

Geeks fall in love with sexy humanoid dubbed ‘robot goddess’ – and she isn’t just a pretty face (29 June 2016)

At last, a cure for feminism: sex robots (10 June 2016)

Sex robots to storm into the British bedroom within ten years (9 June 2016)

Why This Guy Fell In Love With a Sex Robot (20 May 2016) with related Reddit discussion thread here

The world’s most high-end sex dolls are on display in Japan (2 May 2016)

When robots are an instrument of male desire (27 April 2016)

Why do we give robots female names? Because we don’t want to consider their feelings (22 April 2016) with related Reddit discussion thread here.

Virtual Reality Porn Is Coming To Las Vegas Hotel Rooms (20 April 2016)

Meet Jia Jia the ‘robot goddess’: Chinese inventor claims AI humanoid is the most realistic ever made (16 April 2016)

The Challenge of Determining Whether an A.I. Is Sentient (14 April 2016)

An article in ‘Salon’ about male sex toys (11 April 2016) Female author seems oblivious to the fact that men might want such devices as an alternative to a female partner, rather than as an add-on

Pornographic Progress, Sexbots and the Salvation of Man (7 April 2016)

What Do These Robots Mean For The Future Of Sex? (23 March 2016)

Will Sex Robots Make Real Women Obsolete? (21 March 2016) Reddit mensrights discussion thread

Vibrators are SEXIST: MRA says ‘brutal’ love machines will turn women into misandrist monsters (17 February 2016)

Feminists want to ban sex robots ‘because they’re like prostitutes’ (15 February 2016) UK

My robot Valentine: could you fall in love with a robot? (11 February 2016)

Makers of ‘mindblowing’ sex robot with virtual vagina swamped with orders (3 February 2016)

The future of sex includes robots and holograms. What does that mean for us? (14 January 2016)

Sex, love and robots: is this the end of intimacy? (13 December 2015)

Love and Sex with Robots conference cancelled for fear people would have sex with robots (26 October 2015)

Sex with robots will become reality by 2050, author claims (30 September 2015)

Advent of the virgin births: Women who have never been in a relationship paying £5,000 to get pregnant (27 September 2015) So, apparently it’s OK for women to not need men but not OK for men to not need women

The Campaign against Sex Robots website (seriously!?)

The feminist outrage at sexbots (24 September 2015) Video

Sexbots increase the market value of some women. Bring ‘em on!, by Janet Bloomfield (17 September 2015) USA

Progressive feminists: Ban sex robots! (16 September 2015) Video

Sexbots: Why women should panic (16 September 2015) Another great article from Milo Y – he really nails the subject. And > 1,000 readers comments already

Robots with artificial intelligence that can have sex with humans should be banned says a university academic (16 September 2015)

Will Sex Robots Make Real Women Obsolete? (15 September 2015) Video

Synthetic Love: Can a Human Fall in Love With a Robot? (23 June 2015)

“Robots designed for sex can’t say no, therefore having sex with one should be considered rape” – Jincey Lumpkin(TED) (17 April 2015) Reddit mensrights discussion thread and linked video

Ex Machina is less a movie about the nature of AI and more about the fantasies of men (23 March 2015) Because, of course, women never fantasize about obtaining sexual pleasure from machines

A vibrator is not a substitute for a partner. But how do you tell men that? (21 March 2015) This is the female perspective – but is it the same when the boot is on the other foot?

Toshiba’s android Chihira Aico is ready to work and play (10 January 2015)

Serious question, when “sex bots” start being made and sold, what will change in our society and culture? (24 November 2014) Reddit mensrights discussion thread

Sick child-like sex dolls being imported by accused paedophiles (9 November 2014)

‘I believe that it will become perfectly normal for people to have sex with robots’ (26 October 2014)

These Japanese sex dolls  (13 August 2014)

A (straight male) history of sex dolls (6 August 2014)

Will you lose your job to a robot? (6 August 2014) Scroll down to comment by Stowe Boyd

This blow job machine went viral, but will we let men enjoy it without shame? (July 2014)


Will robots replace prostitutes? (9 May 2014)

Year 2060 – The end of feminism due to fembots and artificial uteri

And this development takes technology forward in a different direction … Artificial wombs are coming (4 August 2014)

Are robots the future of sex?: Jincey Lumpkin Esq. at TEDxSiliconAlley (6 March 2013)

Human-like robots created by Japanese engineers (2 November 2011) Video

Tomoko Tamari interviews Jennifer Robertson on Robo-Sexism in Japan (22 September 2010)

The Windup Girl (novel)


Elsewhere in this blog you might be interested in reading:

Deep down in places that feminists don’t talk about at parties (‘pussy cartel’)

Western men with Asian women: Gender relations through a different frame of reference

