A few observations in relation to yet another article critical of men

The mainstream media is awash with articles infused with anti-male bias. Indeed after being conditioned through decades of exposure to this material, most people accept what they are told. In comparison to most of those articles, the focus of this post regarding alleged male risk-taking behaviour is admittedly rather benign. Indeed, if taken at face-value it appears to be sympathetic to the welfare of men & boys.

Examined more closely however the article reflects the contrasting and hypocritical manner in which the media addresses men’s & women’s issues.

The same day I noticed this article I came across another in a similar vein. That article mocks men in relation to another trait associated with masculinity – demonstrating protective behaviour towards women.

No there is nothing controversial about shaming men – just men – about pretty much anything nowadays. That’s kind of my point. And the article isn’t so much about “asking why“, but telling us why … apparently men are foolish.

And oddly, whilst this is an article about men’s behaviour, it begins with an account of the drowning of a 23 month old toddler. This seems to infer that even very young boys are dying due to masculinity-induced recklessness. Presumably female toddlers are more careful.

As the article is relatively brief, I’ll provide it here in its entirety:

Drownings blamed on men’s risky behaviour‘ (The Australian, 30 December 2016)

“The twin brother pulled unconscious from a Sydney swimming pool has died three days after his sister, in what has been described as a “deeply disturbing” week for water deaths.

Charli and Robbi Manago, 23 months, had been fighting for life in The Children’s Hospital at Westmead since they were found in their family’s pool around 7pm on December 20. The hospital last night confirmed Robbi had died.

His death takes the number of coastal and inland waterway fatalities since Sunday to 11. Nine of the dead were men.

Experts say a deadly cocktail of conditions — male bravado, consistent warm weather, and a poor understanding of water dangers — has led to the deaths.

As police and volunteers return to Sydney’s Maroubra Beach to find the body of missing teenager Tui Gallaher and search a Wagga river in the south of NSW for a 42-year-old man, experts have warned people not to overestimate their abilities.

Between 80 and 90 per cent of drowning victims are male, according to recent figures.

Four people died on Boxing Day, including 60-year-old Geoffrey Blackadder, who died trying to save young relatives from a rip on the NSW north coast, and 25-year-old Amine Hamza, who died after swimming with friends at Bents Basin in Sydney’s west.

“It’s deeply disturbing. Men are more likely to overestimate their swimming ability and underestimate how dangerous conditions are,” said Justin Scarr, chief executive at the Royal Life -Saving Society Australia.

“Men are more likely to swim in locations away from lifeguards and crowds, and they’re also more likely to consume ­alcohol.””

As you can see, the premise of the article is that substantially more men die from drowning due to those men taking excessive and presumably avoidable risks.

May I ask you, when was the last time you saw a headline “X blamed on women’s risky behaviour”? Where ‘X’ might have been death/rape/injury/cosmetic surgery/whatever. 1965? That’s because journalists know that when they discuss any such situations they must, at all costs, avoid be called-out for ‘victim-blaming’. And yet the same consideration is not on offer when men are the victims. Gender equality when it suits?

The assertion that drowning deaths result from men taking undue risks appears unproven. The examples of swimming outside the flags and drinking are provided, although neither of these behaviours are exclusive to men.

There are other possible explanations for a gender variation in deaths, particularly the likelihood that men venture into the water more often, and for longer periods, than do women. Clearly those who don’t go to the beach, or who lie on their towels 95% of the time, are less likely to drown in the ocean.

All outdoor activities have some degree of inherent risk, i.e. they are all “risky”. Given that men are significantly more likely than women to participate in almost all forms of outdoor recreation, they are clearly more likely to be injured or killed participating in such activities. One of the few exceptions is netball, a sport recognised as having a low risk of drowning.

If a significant number of drowning deaths were due to medical emergencies then it would make more sense to focus on men’s health, than male shaming. It is likely that some of the male drowning deaths were also the result of men attempting to rescue others.

For the purpose of this discussion let’s concede that “risky behaviour” (to be defined) may indeed result in more men drowning than women. And of course it would be preferable that those tragedies not occur. But before rushing to judgement let’s also consider the issue of risk-taking by men in a broader context.

Men tend to take more risks than women, and this risk-taking results in a range of both positive and negative impacts on society. On the positive side I would go so far as to propose that risk-taking by men has been and continues to be the powerhouse of civilisation.

Need someone to step forward to defend a woman being attacked? Men are expected to step forward, and are shamed if they do not. Need someone to defend a country from attack? Ditto.

In Australia 97% of workplace deaths involve men – around 175 people in 2016. Men working in dangerous and unpleasant jobs that women generally won’t accept. Where is the outrage about the risks these men take in providing necessary services to the community?

Based on media coverage, or lack thereof, it would appear that men taking risks in the name of chivalry, industry and national service is acceptable if not expected. In contrast, men taking risks during their leisure hours is unacceptable and worthy of negative media attention.

Men don’t deserve to be shamed for exhibiting the trait of risk-taking, nor for choosing not to do so. In fact greater recognition that male risk-taking more often benefits society would seem appropriate.

Sure there will be times when some men deserve a thoughtful journalistic rap over the knuckles, but this should not be the default position. Similarly there are times when women’s behaviour merits a commensurate sanction. At the moment however women are rarely subject to criticism, are encouraged to take risks, and the blame for any negative repercussions more often placed at the feet of men.

It’s time everyone got on the same page with gender equality, and recognised that there should be one standard to which we are all held. And that support and empathy should be consistently applied and gender-blind. Anything less will see more of the same unfortunate and divisive gender bias that now permeates the mainstream media.

See also:

Reader posts in a related Reddit discussion thread here

Former senior judge Richard Gee latest to die in summer drowning tragedy (3 January 2016)

Further related blog posts that may be of interest include:

On chivalry

Persistent pro-feminist and anti-male bias in the mainstream media

On masculinity and ‘real men’

How men are portrayed … Haw Haw Haw! The jokes on us

Women are held accountable for … (say hello to the Teflon Gender)

Men do more of most things … get a target painted on their backs

On being male or female (incl. innate differences, stereotyping and so on)

Deep down in places feminists don’t talk about at parties (‘pussy cartel’)

Let’s set aside the dictionary definition of feminism. And all the nice cuddly things feminists are quoted as saying in the mainstream media. There are other significant considerations or issues of concern to real-world feminists. But even though they may feel deeply about them, they rarely admit to it. This post is about one such issue. It’s referred to under different names including women’s sexual currency, erotic capital, or the ‘pussy cartel’.

Have you ever wondered why feminists have such a visceral reaction to the topic of western men with foreign wives, prostitution (involving men paying women for sex), men viewing pornography, men using sex aids for solo pleasure, and MGTOW?

That reaction is summed up succinctly in this post in a discussion thread about men with foreign wives:

“Anything that gives men more options seems to piss them off.  Also why they despise prostitution. They really seem to think that women derive value from sex, and treat any women who aren’t trading it for things as they see fit, the way a union views scabs.” (Source)

Yes, sure, that’s just one person commenting about a one particular topic. But I have seen the same suggestion put forward, often simply as an aside, by others in many separate discussions about the various topics listed above.

Granted this does not apply to all women who identify as feminists, but please let’s not divert into the maze that is NAFALT. Likewise I won’t be side-tracked into discussions as to the fairness or appropriateness of women choosing to sleep with alpha males rather than ‘nice guys’, or remaining celibate, or whatever. Women can choose to do pretty much whatever they want with their own bodies. And, aside from women in sexual servitude in third-world countries, women exercise this choice every day of their lives. Good for them.

What I do object to though, is the denial and hypocrisy surrounding the reality of modern-day sexual mores, and of feminists claiming the moral high ground when often so very poorly qualified to do so. And to those who acknowledge reality but attempt to lay responsibility at the feet of the ‘patriarchy’, I say nonsense! Utter nonsense!

In the film ‘A Few Good Men‘, a ‘Code Red’ was said to be an unofficial military order to rough up an uncooperative soldier, with the aim of enforcing and strengthening team unity. Who remembers Jack Nicholson (as Col. Jessep) bellowing the line: “You don’t want the truth because deep down in places you don’t talk about at parties, you want me on that wall, you need me on that wall.”.

Is it true in fact that feminists recognise that a woman’s strongest (and increasingly now their only significant) bargaining chip is their power to grant or withhold sexual relief?

Is it not also that feminists see people who fall into the categories mentioned above (e.g. men with Asian wives, etc) as devaluing the sexual currency of  women, and loathe them for it? Often even seeking retribution against them?

Does the feminist version of a ‘Code Red’ consist of a package of shaming tactics? For example, slut-shaming for prostitutes and party girls. Shaming of men with Asian wives with comments like “you couldn’t get a woman in your own country” and “you’re too weak to handle a union of equals“.

This theme is explored further in the following papers:

Why Do Men Watch Porn? (25 April 2021)

Pornographic Progress, Sexbots and the Salvation of Man (7 April 2016)

Author Tells Women to Use Their “P*ssy Power” to Get the Men They Want (6 April 2015)

Study reveals price plays exclusive part in women’s approval of sexualy explicit advertisements (9 December 2013)

Seems like its women who mostly slut-shame (27 September 2014)

You can’t get laid in the United States (26 September 2011)







Gender hypocrisy in porn debate (25 September 2013) This article was also reproduced in the AVfM web site with readers comments (some quite funny)

Intimate partner sexual abuse (3 August 2014)

Feminism’s homophobic roots – demanding compulsory heterosexuality because homosexuality oppresses women (A discussion thread on reddit/mensrights, July 2014) One reads little about the relationship between feminism and gay males, although there are quite a few gay male MRA.

Women should masturbate but men who do are lonely creeps

They’re afraid of men masturbating (20 September 2010)


Reddit discussion thread on slut-shaming

A Cold War fought by women, The New York Times (18 November 2013)

Women call other women sluts to guard their social standing: Study (29 May 2014)

Elsewhere in this blog you might be interested in reading:

Western men with Asian women: Gender relations through a different frame of reference

On Australian men seeking foreign partners

On sex, sexuality and sluts

Girls showing their bits = empowerment? patriarchal exploitation? self-indulgence? other?

On prostitution

Will fembots be a game changer?


Up till now I have incorporated comments by women opposed to feminism within several earlier posts within this blog, particularly:

About feminism & feminist antipathy towards issues faced by men
Beware the ire of an angry feminist
Not all feminists are like that (NAFALT)
Karen Straughan and others on feminist shaming tactics

But in past weeks the #womenagainst feminism hashtag has really taken off, so let’s celebrate this by launching a new post dedicated to the subject.

This is the blog that got people talking (and here it is on Facebook). And then came the feminist backlash, which ranged from bemused to concerned/pleading to (mostly) white hot anger:

They’re right, I don’t understand feminism (22 June 2023)

“Feminist Bitches” Who Needs Them? (11 August 2014) Both the article and readers comments have to be read to be believed – stupid on steroids. But be sure to read the contribution by ‘Bowspearer’ in the readers comments section – most insightful and eloquent.

Glenn Reynolds zaps infamous lib writer Nina Burleigh for #slutshaming young conservative women (2 August 2014)










Feminist Rebecca mocks the young women appearing in the #IDontNeedFeminism web page

“Women against Feminism” – The unfortunate product of the intimidating and hostile side of modern day feminism (27 July 2014)

Let’s bite the hand that feeds us shall we? (30 July 2014)

Are men behind the #WomenAgainstFeminism blog? (30 July 2014) Becky can’t believe that women would turn against the cult, men must be behind it! Ridiculous beyond belief.

Oh no, wait a minute, this is even more stupid. #womenagainstwomen is apparently for pedophiles and dirty old men (31 July 2014)

And here in Australia the feminists are really frothing at the mouth with rage (see also readers comments) (‘The Conversation’, 18 August 2014) Here nutty feminist ‘Jena’ responds to one of the few anti-feminists who bothered to post comments:

“I actually don’t need to answer to you Andrew and historical record is my proof of the fact that Lincoln, Wilberforce and other reformers have been lionised while your response to this article is singular proof (documented) that females are denigrated for the same work.

Now, it is left to me to also state that females are not compelled to answer to you and so, in future, your comments will be ignored by me at least.”

The Feminine vs. Feminism: Strong Women Rejecting Weak Ideas (1 October 2015)

More articles are listed here.

And the articles/stories about the feminist backlash:

Anti-feminism is the new feminism (12 September 2014)

Julie Borowski on women against feminism (15 August 2014)

Why so many people are against feminism This article actually pre-dates #womenagainstfeminism but raises many pertinent issues thus I have included it here

Women against feminism: Analysis of the their specific concerns (7 August 2014)

Feminism owns #WomenAgainstFeminism? (8 August 2014)

Scenes from the feminist implosion (4 August 2014)

Laura Perrins: Feminists savage their apostate sisters (4 August 2014)

Women against feminism movement grows The Today show (30 July 2014)

Women saying, ‘Enough!’ and the anti-feminist movement (2 August 2014)

Feminism is not the sisterhood. It is the victimhood (31 July 2014)

Dear Feminists: This is why you are in trouble (28 July 2014)

Anti-feminists baffle feminists (28 July 2014)

An Indian blogger comments on the backlash against #womenagainstfeminism – Interesting to read a response from someone with a non-western cultural background

BBC Trending video including interview with anti-feminist activist and blogger, Janet Bloomfield and another great article by Janet

Not all feminists: How modern feminism has become complicated, messy, personal and sometimes alienating (25 July 2014)







More than a year before #womenagainstfeminism, less than 20% were feminists – How few now? (16 April 2013)

Blonde lady destroys feminism in six minutes (April 2015)

Stop Fem-Splaining: What ‘Women Against Feminism’ Gets Right, by Cathy Young (24 July 2014)


Issues that arise when women travel

The biggest issue that arises when people travel is safety. This encompasses many topics such as sexual assault, robbery and scams, motor vehicle accidents, food poisoning, STD’s, animal bites, etc. Within the mainstream and online media most attention focuses on threats to the personal safety of women. It’s as if males are immune from muggings, drink spiking, motor vehicle accidents, etc … or are deemed  to be incapable of benefiting from advice.

Nevertheless, out in the real world, males are just as vulnerable to these threats as are females, if not more so. No one questions that women are deserving of support and advice in relation to the issue of traveler safety. But it would appear that men being men, well you know, they should just suck it up. Or something.

I read a post in a feminist blog that informed me that men don’t need this sort of advice because men “can look after themselves“. Well to the extent that men *can* look after themselves whilst travelling, they do so chiefly by following the same sort of advice that they offer to women (and then get called victim-blamers!). Funny thing that.

Aside from feminist bias I can’t think of a logical reason why journalists persist in compartmentalising their coverage of this issue along gender lines … that is unless the goal is simply to perpetuate a myth of eternal victimhood.

And so it is that much of the online discussion of traveller safety is devoted to women railing against the injustice of being unable to dress like a hooker – according to local mores – without being approached with offers of work.  Oh, wait, perhaps the patriarchy made them do it? Just what is the big deal about briefly modifying one’s normal fashion style? Those people promulgating this crazy notion of polite compromise as being akin to outright capitulation, have a lot to answer for. (Refer to these posts for more on this issue: Post 1 & Post 2 & Post 3).

Guys, on the other hand, seem to be able to enjoy their holidays just fine without the need to show off their butt cheeks whilst shopping in the market.

No, no-one deserves to be harassed or raped. And in an ideal world we could wear whatever we chose, and go where-ever we wanted at any time of the day or night, without attracting judgement or a violent response. 

But it’s not an ideal world, and it is foolish to ignore patterns of behaviour correlated to higher levels of threat, in favour of feel-good public rituals and esoteric babbling about the need to “educate” men and boys. Sounds a lot like comfortable insulated upper middle-class delusion to me. The criminal underbelly of society, along with the mentally ill, naughty boys (and girls!) one and all … they just need a good talking to, and a couple of polished Powerpoint presentations should straighten them out.

Christian schools have been teaching the ‘do not steal’ lesson for a couple of thousand years now, and we still seem to have a problem with theft. I am not saying that there is no place for education, but I sure wouldn’t be relying on it as the biggest stick in my armoury.

Oh, but heaven help any man who attempts to join the discussion and suggest tips like “don’t get drunk or take drugs”, “dress conservatively” or “don’t walk alone at night”, for they are immediately labelled victim-blamers and rape-apologists!

This theme, that the behaviour of women never causes nor contributes to the problems they encounter or anything bad that happens to them, is a feminist mainstay. And dare you suggest otherwise then you are the bad guy, even if you really don’t think you are … because your mind has been corrupted by “cognitive bias’ and ‘systemic sexism’. Move over Scientology!

An example of a recent article about traveller safety that demonstrates this narrow fem-focus can be seen at http://www.chiangmainews.com/ecmn/viewfa.php?id=3795

An alternative position is provided by this article – http://matadornetwork.com/change/travel-safety-is-not-a-gendered-issue/

Did you know that some airlines still have a policy of not seating unaccompanied minors next to men? I guess that haven’t read my post about female kiddy-fiddlers.

Airline discrimination table

And so in April 2014 a Australian feminist journalist by the name of Tracey Spicer wrote an article about how she didn’t want her children sat next to men on flights – see the article and related discussions here and here. This article in a feminist web site contributes nothing to the debate but there are some interesting points buried amongst the readers comments.

Yet despite the fact that men on planes are a cause for concern, on account of them probably being perverts, these men stepped in to help the flight attendants when help was needed.

Oh, but I love this article, it contrasts feminists silence about men being required to sit away from unaccompanied children, with the requests of ultra-orthodox Jewish men to be sat away from women.

On a positive note, in July 2014 an article by Amanda Blair entitled ‘We’ve become too paranoid about men in the company of children‘ highlighted the way many people assumed the worst when men were observed in proximity to children in playgrounds, shopping centres, etc. This UK newspaper article addresses the same issue, as does this item.

This blog post discusses an article by Wendy Tuohy on the same topic, but which in this case drips with hypocrisy bearing in mind the pronounced feminist bias of her prior repertoire of articles and offerings on social media.

This family-oriented tourist attraction in England has taken the step of banning unaccompanied adults from entering, though I suspect that unaccompanied women would not encounter a problem.

 See also:

Airline allows women to choose seat away from men in world first (22 July 2024) No similar option planned for male passengers. Yet again, #GenderEqualityWhenItSuits

‘Absolute disgrace’: Locals furious at tourist’s lewd act with statue in Florence, Italy (18 July 2024)

Shocking moment furious female passenger struts naked through airport security in protest over fee (13 June 2024)

Woman forces whole plane to get removed after refusing to comply with exit row instructions (21 May 2024)

Woman loses it as she’s dragged off Spirit Airlines flight (5 April 2024)

Jetstar passenger who filmed unruly passenger on board flight speaks about horrific ordeal (19 March 2024) Australia

Woman asked to leave plane after boarding without wearing a bra (6 February 2024) USA

Woman refuses to stop singing on Delta flight (13 November 2023) USA

Woman arrested after running onto tarmac and under plane at Canberra Airport (2 November 2023)

Woman told to ‘cover up’ top on plane (1 November 2023) Australia

Influencer’s mid-flight meltdown: ‘I’m Instagram famous, you f**king bum!’ (19 September 2023) USA

TV star shamed for ‘inappropriate’ plane outfit (8 September 2023) So even *stars* need to be taught how to get dressed? #FacePalm

Passenger on 12-hour flight refuses to let woman recline her seat (15 August 2023)

Woman banned from boarding flight over racy outfit (10 August 2023)

Woman banned from United Airlines after wine uproar forced landing (2 August 2023) USA

Unhinged passenger chases flight attendant home from airport (28 July 2023)

Moment woman URINATES on floor of Spirit Airlines jet after complaining staff had prevented her from using bathroom (21 July 2023)

Woman has epic meltdown over ‘not real’ passenger on American Airlines flight (5 July 2023) See also follow-up article from 14 August 2023

Teenage schoolgirls and passenger fight on Sydney train (18 May 2023)

Shock as pregnant passenger beats up airline manager (4 May 2023) USA

Passengers arrested after wild mid-air brawl (25 April 2023) Now if this story involved 3 or 4 guys causing mayhem then I bet the journalist would have given us a gender rundown within the first paragraph (if not in the headline).

Woman zip tied mid-flight after threatening to kill flight attendant (12 April 2023)

Woman filmed doing a bizarre act on a Sydney train (6 March 2023)

Plane passenger ‘tried to storm cockpit for a drink’ (25 February 2023)

Elderly woman accused of biting flight attendant’s arm during Gold Coast trip (13 February 2023)

Tourist bites woman’s finger off over beach beanbag (2 February 2023)

US sports star Sha’Carri Richardson kicked off American Airlines flight (22 January 2023)

Woman cheered off Jetstar flight for allegedly being disorderly (11 January 2023) with subsequent coverage here (no conviction recorded)

Former US politician Chris Christie’s niece accused of biting, injuring cops during violent plane meltdown (5 December 2022)

Woman’s wild excuse after biting passenger in mid-air plane rampage (1 December 2022)

United flight attendant taken to hospital following incident with ‘disruptive customer’ (14 November 2022)

Woman unleashes on plane, throws bottle at passenger (14 October 2022)

Elderly woman escorted off plane after allegedly slapping steward (26 August 2022)

I flew business class, but what I found was zero class (16 August 2022)

Angry man watches passenger turn seat into a bed during flight (30 June 2022)

‘I was kicked off a flight because of my 10kg boobs,’ model claims (2 June 2022) Who dehumanised who, here?

ABC Illawarra host Nick Rheinberger victim of ‘shocking’ road-rage incident (30 May 2022) “Her car came screaming up and parked directly in front of my car and she got out and just started abusing me,” he said.”

Woman claims airline told her to ‘cover up’ exposed chest on plane (21 May 2022)

OnlyFans model’s gross flight G-string act divides the internet (19 May 2022)

Love Island star Amelia Marni says she was asking to ‘cover up’ on Jetstar flight (16 May 2022)

I wasn’t allowed on a plane because of my X-rated pants (28 April 2022)

US woman allegedly opens emergency exit, flees aeroplane down inflatable slide (21 April 2022)

Lizzo wears outrageous butt-baring outfit on plane (12 April 2022) Grotesque

Woman who ‘slapped passengers’ on Jet2 flight banned for life and fined £5,000 (24 March 2022)

Is this the rudest passenger ever? (23 January 2022)

Miss Universe model Olivia Culpo told to ‘cover up’ before boarding plane (17 January 2022) Virtually identical articles as per this one seem to appear a couple of times a week now … they are beyond tedious. It’s time that narcissists (and their media enablers) put on their ‘big-girl’ pants.

Passenger claims woman breastfed cat on-board flight (25 November 2021)

Bizarre moment woman walks through Miami airport in a bikini and Covid face mask | Daily Mail Online (4 September 2021)

Woman lights cigarette on Spirit Airlines flight, stunning passengers | news.com.au — Australia’s leading news site (27 August 2021)

Mum and daughter kicked off Southwest flight for demanding passengers’ seats (news.com.au) (11 August 2021)

Eight outfits that got people thrown off flights (13 July 2021)

Woman attacks passenger, unleashes on Ryanair flight from Ibiza (news.com.au) (1 June 2021)

Woman Accused of Punching Flight Attendant, Yelling at Another for Not Picking Up Her Garbage (msn.com) (4 May 2021)

Female passenger hits & abuses male partner (31 March 2021) USA (Video)

American Airlines passengers brawl over who gets to leave plane first (25 March 2021) USA

Jetstar rules: Model Isabelle Eleanore told to cover up on flight (news.com.au) (3 February 2021) Articles like this *frequently* appear in the MSM. This is news?

US airline passenger charged with punching woman whose kids kicked her seat (8 January 2021)

Woman in only underwear and T-shirt forces plane to divert (11 November 2020)

US mum forced to cover chest with flight attendant’s jumper (4 November 2020) Articles just like this one now appear almost daily (another example). Eye Roll. It’s just so unfair that women can’t wear trampy outfits on planes. (See also this blog post)

Woman punches flight attendant for not wearing mask correctly (21 October 2020) USA

Woman’s epic freak out on flight compared to The Exorcist (29 September 2020)

Girl’s hair set on fire in random attack on Adelaide bus (1 September 2020)

NFL player sues United Airlines, alleges woman sexually assaulted him on flight (21 May 2020)

Two ‘dirty’ female plane passengers leave social media grossed out (9 March 2020). Not so much a safety issue as one of empathy and respect for others around them.

Mum and daughter face court for allegedly attacking pilot in cockpit (4 March 2020) UK

Mother, 38, is spared jail for trying to commit sex act on male passenger on TUI flight after ditching her daughter, 7 (4 February 2020)

Drunk flight attendant busted after passing out for entire trip (10 August 2019)

Kind stranger comforts scared 96-year-old on flight (9 August 2019)

Woman smashes man with laptop during violent argument on aeroplane: ‘Just take her off the plane!’ (24 July 2019) USA

Drunk flyer kicked off plane, arrested for disgusting act (18 February 2019)

Women-only plane seating needed to combat sexual assault and midair ‘manspread’ (7 December 2018)

Air India starts selling seats in female-only section (17 January 2017)

Angry woman slaps airport worker in London after missing her budget flight with Ryanair (13 January 2017) UK

Businessman tests airline on gender discrimination by saying he can’t sit near men (25 October 2016)

Women-only train carriages? What a ridiculously regressive idea (4 May 2016) Australia. Pro-feminist article attracting more that 1,200 comments

City of Perth trials pink ‘female-friendly’ safe bays with better security (13 April 2016) Australia

Women-only ‘pink carriages’ idea for Aussie trains causes controversy (5 April 2016) and ‘Pink carriages’ for women only draws fire from feminists and commuters

Travel advice: Five places that women shouldn’t travel to (3 December 2014) The focus of this article appears to be mainly ideological dangers. In such places one might catch sexism from a seat in a bus.

Eva J Marie

Beware the ire of an angry feminist

Whilst most of them labour on in denial, the fact is that feminists can be particularly spiteful and relentless in the manner in which they attack those who question or criticise their jaundiced view of the world. Although not according to this feminist:


Feminists are also not averse to turning on allies, particularly the men who openly support them (for examples see 12/ 34/ 5/ 6/ 7/ 89). Wow, don’t they just love dishing it out?

Consider the vendetta against Tanveer Ahmed, which you can read about in this blog post. Consider the reaction to a pro-feminist initiative by students at Sydney Boys High School. And the list goes on and on.

Now as I mentioned in the “About this blog” post, women who publicly defend men and men’s rights issues are especially loathed by feminists. Click on this hyperlink and read an example of some conservative women who wound up with targets on their backs in this manner.

And two more examples of women targeted by feminists are Erin Pizzey and Catherine Hakim:

Erin Patria Margaret Pizzey is an English family care activist and a novelist. She became internationally famous for having started one of the first women’s refuges (called women’s shelters in the U.S.) in the modern world, Chiswick Women’s Aid, in 1971, the organisation known today as Refuge. Pizzey has been the subject of death threats and boycotts because of her stance that most domestic violence is reciprocal, and that women are equally as capable of violence as men. Further details about Erin here and here

Catherine Hakim is a British sociologist who specializes in women’s employment and women’s issues. She has worked in British central government, and as a Senior Research Fellow in the London School of Economics. She is currently a Senior Research Fellow at the Centre for Policy Studies. She has published extensively on labour market topics, women’s employment, sex discrimination, social and family policy, as well as social statistics and research design. She has published over 100 articles in academic journals and edited collections, and over a dozen textbooks and research monographs. She is best known for developing preference theory and her criticism of many feminist assumptions about women’s employment.

Apparently even worse still are women who not only criticize feminism, but do so on the basis of its overt misogyny towards women. This is discussed in a post by a well-known female MRA, Alison Tieman.

And yet at the same time, feminists have a deeply unenviable propensity to quickly play the ‘frightened and oppressed victim’ card should the tables be turned (aka ‘cry bully’).

Perhaps the most common way in which feminists lash out is through employing what is known as shaming tactics. At other times, though their response can include tactics such as online bullying, stalking and threats, and/or the lodgement of false or exaggerated claims to Twitter/ISP’s/etc in order to have the accounts of their targets closed.

In another post I talk about a recent Australian example involving the ‘Sunrise’ TV show. In one of the media articles that ensued, Michael Lallo suggested that only feminist women posting online attracted threats of violence/death … with of course the threats being made by men.

Well Michael, time to open your eyes and wake up … and you can start by checking out these sources:

We have to erase men’: Lesbian author who urges women to ‘eradicate’ men from their lives racks up 5 star reviews on Amazon (24 October 2020)

Feminists treat men badly. It’s bad for feminism (30 June 2022)

Feminist aligned terrorists promote violence and share tactics openly on Facebook: New meme: “If You Own a Meninist Shirt L Will Not Hesitate to Stab You” (5 December 2016) Reddit discussion thread with linked article.

The reality of feminism (2016) Video

The Dark Web of Feminist Political Agenda (24 June 2016) Australia

A 19 Year Old Liberal-Feminist Tries to Kill a Street Preacher Because “Words” Hurt Her Feelings (29 May 2016) USA

Feminists and white knights plan vendetta against author of the ‘Return of Kings’ web site (2 February 2016) Australia. Feel the hate and see the spittle around the mouths of those who have probably never read a single article within the ROK site. Check out the surfeit of shaming language in this Daily Mail article. But this article is the most worrying of all – the hypocrisy of people who claim to be opposed to violence, only to then encourage others with that goal in mind.

Academic finds 84 serious threats of violence directed at Roosh and Return Of Kings readers (13 March 2017)

Women’s hate, violence and death threats (November 2013)

Women and white knight’s hate at Stephen A. Smith (July 2014)

Attack on the home of the founder of the group ‘Fathers 4 Justice’ (28 July 2014)

University prof pleads ‘no contest’ after attack on pro-life students (25 July 2014)

Irate women screams at pro-life kids: “No uterus … no right to talk about it!” (11 July 2014)

Feminist Declaration of War Against the Non-Feminist World, by Fidelbogen (9 April 2014)

http://www.avoiceformen.com/feminism/feminist-lies-feminism/when-is-a-death-threat-funny/ (27 November 2011)

http://www.avoiceformen.com/allnews/swedish-dissenting-feminist-receives-death-threats/ (18 January 2014)

Evidence Collection – Patterns of feminists making death threats (18 June 2013)

http://www.avoiceformen.com/feminism/when-feminists-attack/ (8 December 2011)

Feminist Enemy Number One. Christina Hoff Sommers might need a safe space (June 2015)

In addition:

See also:

“It’s pretty much a constant”: Women are more unhappy than men around the world (21 July 2022) And the opposite of angry is …

The bullying of Kimberley Kitching (17 March 2022)

We need to talk about Karen, by Paula Wright (13 February 2022)

Here’s what happened to Esther Vilar after she angered feminists (14 April 2020)

Nina Funnell has been very busy (January 2020) Regarding the ongoing attack on the credibility and professionalism of Bettina Arndt

Profanity at Women’s March proves protestors aren’t learning: Devine (19 January 2020) and a video of feminist Mona Eltahawy in action

Protest targeting male workers in Spain on International Women’s Day (8 March 2019) Video

The truth about those still defending Q&A (11 November 2019)

The ABC hosts controversial Q&A with a panel stacked with feminists – who call for women to kill rapists (5 November 2019) and then ABC launches investigation into Q&A episode over provocative language

‘I want patriarchy to fear women’: Mona Eltahawy says the time for being civil, peaceful and polite is over (28 September 2019)

Sandra Muller, France’s #MeToo creator, fined for defamation (25 September 2019)

54-year-old feminist angry at dating agency for not finding her a rich husband (30 March 2019) Just throwing this article in for a chuckle

The future is female. And she’s furious, by Cathy Young (28 January 2019) Recommended reading

Why feminists are bullies, in a nutshell (3 October 2018)

Anti-Brett Kavanaugh protesters go wild (October 2018) Video. USA

Russian feminist splashes bleach onto the crotchs of men sitting on public transport in order to protest ‘manspreading’ (27 September 2018) More here

Title IX Complaint Filed Against Professor Behind WashPo ‘Anti-Male’ Column (28 August 2018) This is regarding Professor Suzanna Danuta Walters who authored the infamous “Why Can’t We Hate Men?” column in the Washington Post

‘How I took the female cyber bully who used Facebook to ruin my life to court. And won’ (13 November 2017)

Distinguished Georgetown Prof Spreads Personal Info Of Political Opponents To Intimidate Them (22 May 2017)

‘Anti-feminism’ posters at American University investigated as a ‘hate crime’ (10 March 2017) I wish I could say that government agencies are above this type of absurdity, but …
UK Police Force Re-Educating 1,400 Officers To Treat Misogyny As ‘Hate Crime’ (9 March 2017)

To Milo or not to Milo? (21 February 2017) How the left neutralised a very annoying thorn  in their side. A story rich in hypocrisy given what various feminists/SJW have previously said & done & walked away from without penalty.

Good Word for the Contemptible Straight White Male, by Timothy Cootes (19 February 2017)

Islamic State using feminism to lure Australian women into becoming ‘Jihadi Brides’ (12 February 2017) This must be at, or close to, ‘peak stupid’.

Vlogger’s bizarre video sparks outrage after she urges people to murder ‘male babies’ (24 January 2017)

Rebel reporter assaulted at Women’s March (22 January 2017) USA. Male feminist, Dion Bews, assaults female journalist then female feminists help him escape into the crowd and tell the journalist to “calm down”. Meanwhile, also at the Women’s March, an anti-Trump protester sets a girl’s hair on fire. What pathetic hypocrites these people are. And another article in a similar vein.

Anti-bullying advocate Roz Ward harasses bystander (21 November 2016)

Annaliese Nielson, founder of start-ups GodsGirls, Crushee, and the exclusive Los Angeles … decided to start an expletive filled tirade on a Lyft driver … Nielson took issue with the drivers bobble head figurine and was determined to create a violent confrontation (28 August 2016)

Feminism Has Enabled My Husband to Be Lazy and Selfish (26 August 2016) Further proof that only a masochist would marry a feminist. See related Reddit discussion thread here.

Feminist journalist: All men are rapists and should be put in prison and then shot (15 August 2016)

Feminazi Zealots Adopt Feminazi Zealot Tactics To Get An MP Sacked For Pointing Out Their ‘Zealotry’ (13 August 2016) UK

HuffPo Women’s editor, Alanna Vagianos, says that pointing out that most of those dying violently in the USA are men is “extremely offensive” and that those making this observation should STFU (12 July 2016)

George Christensen the most abused MP on Twitter, election analysis shows (1 July 2016) In Australia, conservative male politicians receive the most online abuse (no women in the top 20 … male privilege?)

Feminists treat men badly. It’s bad for feminism, by Cathy Young (30 June 2016) USA

On @Anne_Theriault and the Endless Futility of Feminist Revenge Fantasies (17 June 2016)

The Facebook Page Wars of 2016 : Profiling Rose S Garston (19 April 2016)

How A Torpedoed Kickstarter Campaign Unintentionally Revealed An Unlikely Unit of Cyber-Terrorists (18 April 2016) USA

These Are The Strange Cookies This Mom Brought To A 2nd Grade Class (5 April 2016) Feminist takes rejection badly

Student feminist group ‘Campus Witches’ attack a man while he eats his lunch after he harassed his ex on Twitter (1 April 2016)

The persecution of Sage Gerard at Kennesaw State University (KSU) (11 March 2016)

Anti-feminist activist Lauren Southern has urine poured on her (5 March 2016) Canada

Great Men Under Siege – The Fiamengo File Episode 14 (28 February 2016) Video

Brought Milo Yiannopoulos to Rutgers and Liberals Freaked Out (13 February 2016) USA

Sir Tim Hunt To Leave Britain: How Feminists Chased Away One of Britain’s Geniuses (18 December 2015)

If not for double-standards, she’d have none at all (1 December 2015) Australian feminist with a long history of perpetrating hateful online bigotry and abuse, has man sacked for calling her a ‘slut’

Feminist administrator and professor threaten male journalist with false accusations and ‘muscle’. This is what it’s like to be a college student in 2015 (10 November 2015)

Spain: feminist march against “gender violence” turns into anti-male cesspool. Also, a few women were assaulted for reclaiming equal support for men (9 November 2015) Reddit discussion thread

Feminist tries to get me fired: BACKFIRES SPECTACULARLY (3 November 2015)

She ain’t honest (Nurse Ratched) (29 September 2015) Discussion concerning feminist journalist Clementine Ford

Miranda Devine: Demonising men won’t stop domestic violence‘ … and here is an example of the predictably vicious and misleading feminist reaction: ‘Sorry Miranda Devine, but domestic violence isn’t a poor person’s problem’ (27 September 2015). Miranda responded to her feminist critics first with this article, and then this one.
Barrister ‘reduced granny to tears with online rant’ (12 September 2015) Charlotte Proudman & her daddy issue

Em Rusciano: Good riddance Mark Latham (17 August 2015) Australia

When ‘Slutwalk’ Feminists Attack Lauren Southern (25 June 2015)

You have to watch rabid feminists attack Daily Beast writer for daring to defend man accused of rape! (7 February 2015)

The hatred of the modern feminist (30 January 2015) Australia

Amanda Marcotte: The David Duke of Feminism (9 January 2015)

Vandalized: Residence of U-M Student Who Dared to Mock Trigger Warnings (15 December 2014)

‘All women should be banned from barber shops’ (26 November 2014)

One of BBC’S Top 100 Women in foul-mouthed attack on ‘InsideMan’ magazine  (21 November 2014)

Twitter is censoring accounts before a single tweet goes out (12 November 2014)

Opinion You’re Going To Hate: Women aren’t Oppressed, They’re Actually The Most Protected Class In Our Society (14 October 2014)

Don’t bully me because I’m a feminist (14 June 2013)

Is there a cyber war on women? (2 February 2014)

What @AdamRichman Learned (2 July 2014)


Feminists post how-to guide on taking down Facebook pages with false reports





A blog post about ongoing feminist attempts to discredit a lobby group serving the interest of people who have been falsely accused of sexual assault

List of links of women making online threats (Reddit discussion thread, September 2014)


Here are some articles discussing hateful sexist diatribes by feminists about men

Julie Bindel calls for men to be jailed and then shot (15 August 2016)

The anti male language that you read about and shrug off as just venting hot headed feminism …is real. (6 June 2015) Reddit mensrights discussion thread

Petition To Have Bahar Mustafa, Goldsmith’s Diversity Officer, Who Tweeted ‘Kill All White Men’, Sacked Reaches 12,000 (20 May 2015)

#Howtospotafeminist the only guide you’ll ever need (6 May 2015)

‘Kill all Men’: Lib Dem activist in hate speech scandal (17 April 2015)

My comment to Jezebel regarding the feminist who aborted her male son (11 February 2015)

Samantha Allen is a feminist writer – here is a recent example of her work. Another article in which she proudly states that she hates men is discussed here (source article available here)

Reading feminist theory (23 August 2014)

When they fuck us (29 July 2014)

Can feminists do anything on their own? (15 August 2014)

Meet the woman who wants to reduce the male population by 90% “for peace” (22 August 2014)

Add these to the misandry Hall of Fame (19 June 2014)

Abolish the white race, abolish men – presentation by a feminist in a public library (2 June 2014)




http://deltabravo.net/cms/plugins/content/content.php?content.316″ target=”_blank


http://evebitfirst.wordpress.com/2010/10/07/a-rant/ http://imgur.com/4EZHcLc (‘Feminism vs decency’)


Related posts within this blog include:

About feminism & feminist antipathy towards issues faced by men
Regarding online harassment
On violence carried out by women and girls
On the censorship of non-feminist perspectives and opinions



Mens human rights activism: A growing tide of men and women saying “Enough is enough!”

MHRA stands for ‘mens human right activism’ or ‘mens human rights activist’. It’s an acronym that the community is going to encounter more and more often in the media. Another commonly used term is ‘Mens Rights Activist’ or MRA.

As with feminism, the non/anti-feminist sector has a number of discernible groups within it as shown in the diagram below. MHRA’s/MRA’s represent just one of these. Another significant subset of the mens movement is known as MGTOW (Men going their own way).


I once thought the Mens Rights Movement consisted of guys running naked together in the forest, or weird stuff like that. Maybe it was once upon a time, but back in those days I wasn’t paying much attention as I still thought that feminists had a valid point. Now, many years later, I can appreciate the chasm between the cuddly all-inclusive (we’re only interested in equality!) variety of feminism that’s presented in the mainstream media, and what the self-appointed leaders of this insidious movement are actually saying and doing.

The feminist/media portrayal of those people interested involved with mens rights is very much based on an image of ill-tempered, right-wing, portly and socially-inept white middle-aged men. In actual fact there is enormous diversity amongst MRA with regards to age, gender, and the political and religious viewpoints that are held. There is also a major division between the ‘trad-cons’ (traditional conservatives) and the those that believe that men need to create a new social construct based on egalitarian principles. This article by Dean Esmay discusses the tradcon perspective.

Interestingly, many MRA initially identified as feminists but then became disillusioned due to the hypocrisy and corruption of that movement. Warren Farrell was a high-flier in the feminist movement before becoming a pioneer and leading light in the mens rights movement, here he talks about certain aspects of this transition.

Both this discussion, and this article, are about the relationship between the Mens Rights movement and feminism and whether it is feasible to have a foot in each camp. This feminist blog post asks the same question (see also interesting comments about domestic violence late in the readers comments section). This reddit discussion, on the other hand, looks at how feminist women stifle input from men who join their movement.

The MHR movement involves men and women who are committed to taking action to address  the hypocrisy, deceit, and increasingly anti-male bigotry of current day feminism. Yes, I said men AND women. One of the refreshing things about most mens rights organisations and web sites is that ideas and input by women are welcomed and encouraged.

These two reddit discussion threads concern women who are sympathetic to the mens rights cause (thread 1 and thread 2), with both containing quite a number of interesting comments. This is a great article (August 2014) about women who are active in the mens rights movement, and here’s another.

Here is a BBC radio interview with Karen Straughan (September 2014), and here is a July 2015 video by Karen entitled ‘Why do MRA’s attack feminism?Here is a video by a founding member of the Honey Badger Brigade which notes some of the differences between feminism and the men’s rights movement.

This article in Salon, on the other hand, does a hatchet-job on them, as does this article from Amanda Marcotte. But more on feminist views regarding MRA in other posts in this blog.

If you are new to the subject then this article entitled ‘An Introduction to the Men’s Rights Movement‘ (21 March 2015) is a good place to start. I would also recommend that you take a look at The Illustrated Empathy Gap web site.

There are also a number of other articles listed below concerning what the men’s movement is all about, and there are also many relevant web sites detailed on this page within my blog.

Yes to men’s rights (provided it never actually happens) (20 May 2014)
Women of the mens rights movement (video) (23 July 2014)

This article advises that CAFE Canada was subject to exclusion from the 2014 Pride Parade. Clearly feminist elements within the LGBT community applied pressure due to CAFE’s activities in advocating for men and boys.

This is a fabulous rebuttal (by Victor Zen) of a young feminist’s complaint that she felt threatened by the creation of a men’s rights advocacy group at her university. And here is a follow-up post by Victor.

One of the standard taunts of the feminist movement is that MHRA organisations are “hate groups”. They largely pin this claim on a statement made by an organisation known as the ‘Southern Poverty Law Centre’. Read this article by that organisation, and as always, be sure to look at the readers comments. Too bad, too sad, that the FBI recently distanced themselves from the SPLC.

In actual fact, mens rights groups have an exemplary record in relation to using non-violent means to make their point. Indeed in one recent situation, various branches of the men’s rights movement raised a reward in order to try to find a person who was alleged to have attacked a Canadian feminist. Various feminist groups were approached to match this amount, but chose not to do so.

Many men in western countries believe that their only choice is between celibacy and submitting to the gynocentric strictures of the society in which they live. For these folks an epiphany can occur via exposure to life within another different culture, and I think this is evident in some of the material links to this post about cross-cultural marriages.

The issue of why many men are having difficulty appreciating the social changes that are seeing men’s position in society being increasingly eroded, is addressed in this article. The other related factors slowing the growth of men’s rights activism are media bias, and feminist tactics such as shaming, censorship and disruption which have been reasonably effective in stifling open and organised group dissent up to this point in time.

The Global Gender Divide We Really Should Be Talking About (6 April 2024)

The Grant Funding Deficit for Washington’s Boys and Men (15 September 2023)

The Misogyny Myth (Summer 2023)

Why young men are giving up (10 April 2023) Video

From Sex War to Family Union: an interview with Neil Lyndon (6 January 2023)

Richard V. Reeves: Why Are Men Failing at School, Work, and Life? (19 October 2022) Recommended listing

Yes, I Am Afraid to Write About Men’s Rights (12 July 2022)

Beyond ‘male privilege’. An interview with Rick Bradford (aka Will Collins), author of The Empathy Gap (30 June 2022)

The man always pays (29 June 2022) An example of men’s rights activism literature circa 1948.

E. Belfort Bax – The Anti-Feminist Sage Whose Warnings Went Unheeded (25 March 2022) Video by Janice Fiamengo

Why would you stand up for men and boys? Milgram’s message of hope to male psychology (2 December 2021)

When America Embraced Wonder Woman and forgot G.I. Joe (21 November 2021)

ICMI20: Eccentrik Hat – “Why Men Need Help And Why Feminism Won’t Help Them” – YouTube (18 November 2020)

Why do so few MRAs engage in practical (offline) activism? by Jim Buchanan (26 August 2019)

Cognitive Distortion in Thinking About Gender Issues: Gamma Bias and the Gender Distortion Matrix (2 March 2019) Contains many links to further relevant sources

State of the Manosphere 2018, by Rollo Tomassi

Can we discuss gender issues rationally? Yes, if we can stop gamma bias, by Martin Seager and Dr John Barry (4 December 2018)

Is it time for #HeToo to ‘save the males’? (6 August 2018)

From Women to Men (3 August 2018) Video

When did “angry men” become political pariahs? (26 October 2017) by Corrine Barraclough

It doesn’t look like anything to me: Confronting Willful Blindness Against Men’s Issues (14 May 2017)

To Feminists with Love, by Steve Brule (video)

The Forces on Men, by Tom Golden (31 January 2017) Video

The Important Achievements of the Men’s Rights Movement (9 October 2016)

The new gender agenda – A TedX talk by Glen Poole

Wales gives 77 times as much money to women’s groups than men’s groups (21 August 2016)

Centuries of oppression (30 May 2016) Yes, that’s right, a post about that endlessly-repeated claim that men have had the upper-hand since time began.

A non-feminist FAQ (6 August 2016)

The men’s rights movement: A smart, necessary counterweight to man-hating feminism‘ (2 August 2016)

The Red Pill: the movie about men that feminists didn’t want you to see (12 November 2015)

Why do MRA’s attack feminism? (7 July 2015) A video by Karen Straughan

A reader’s comprehensive comment on men’s rights, from the Telegraph (July 2014) Reddit mensrights discussion thread

Louder Than Words: What Modern Feminism Has Actually Achieved (3 June 2015)

Innocent until proven guilty. Unless you are a man (10 May 2015) Australia

National Coalition for Men successes (May 2015) USA and here is a further list on North American successes for the men’s rights movement

Has Britain become hostile to blokes? (March 2015) BBC video

Is Finding Equality Just as Difficult for Boys in the Current Climate? (16 March 2015)

The most important difference between Men’s Rights and Feminism (11 March 2015)

Men’s rights movement: why it is so controversial? (19 February 2015) The article is rubbish but the reader’s comments informative

Are Men’s Rights Activists Misogynistic Pricks? (28 November 2014)

A Recent Manosphere Tactic: Fighting Fire with Fire (16 November 2014) Reddit mensrights discussion thread about calling out the hypocrisy of feminists and other SJW

Catering to men’s rights is not the point of feminism (15 October 2014)

Get your grubby male hands off my equal rights (20 April 2014)

Why so few men protest anti-male sexism (Or: Why men fear women) (23 January 2012)

Historic Anti Feminism Broadcast In The UK : James Williams : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive (4 December 2010) Audio presentation

The End of Men, by Hanna Rosin (July/August 2010 edition of The Atlantic)

What is the ‘Lace Curtain’? by Warren Farrell (1999) with Part 2 here

“We care about men as human doings, not as human beings. We care about him as an individual like I care about the individual parts of my car – I care about its problems only when it’s causing me problems. Or I care about prevention only when lack of prevention will cause me problems. Even when a man’s problems are affecting his ability to be a protector, we often refer to his problems from the perspective of the problems they create for a woman (he cheated on her; he got drunk and hit her). Which is why the other men who make the front pages are the villains who are causing us problems.

In brief, men’s lives count only to the degree they are heroes who perform for us or save us, or villains who disturb our peace. Women’s lives count more for their own sake…a woman’s pain is every talk show.”

Not all is great in the world of men: a reference book of men’s issues

How can you be an anti-feminist? Do you not believe in equality? I have come across many lists like this, showing mens disadvantage in key areas, but never one this detailed.



http://www.womenagainstmen.com/about and http://www.womenagainstmen.com/media/feminism-is-a-hate-group.html




http://www.avoiceformen.com/feminism/feminism-seeks-rights-without-responsibilities/ (Some historical context to the contemporary mens rights movement)



Men’s Rights Market (pro-MRA & anti-feminism merchandise)

If you wish to keep abreast of men’s rights issues then a very good source to monitor is the reddit subgroup on mens rights. A few examples of the hundreds of discussion threads there are shown below:






Finally, now take a look at this brief article which provides quite a reasonable middle-of-the-road discussion that includes good readers comments with links to further supporting information.


Karen Straughan and others on feminist shaming tactics

To gain an appreciation of the feminist art of shaming I would suggest first having a look at:


How some feminist shaming tactics discredit feminist theory (24 June 2014)

Go Karen! Karen Straughan is a great representative of the many women who refuse to accept the ‘conventional wisdom’ of today’s feminists. See http://www.youtube.com/user/girlwriteswhat for more by Karen

Perhaps you might then google search for material by another Canadian anti-feminist Alison Tieman, including for example her site at http://www.genderratic.com/ and this video at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-0Ye4_ZCIYY

For more about shaming tactics employed by feminists see also  http://www.avoiceformen.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2012/04/Shaming-tactics.pdf

This site repeats some of the material in the ‘A Voice for Men‘ shaming fact sheet, but also includes a lot of interesting readers’ comments: http://exposingfeminism.wordpress.com/shaming-tactics/


Feminist ‘Kylie’ responded to an article on male victims of domestic violence by Bill O’Chee. The now common motif ‘What about the menz‘, implies that men defending their rights are pathetic, reactionary and infantile. Women doing the same thing are proactive, strong and empowered. After I replied (my first and last communication with her) I was blocked from her Twitter account – another common feminist tactic.

On Gaslighting (And Why “What About Teh Menz” Is A Perfect Example) (21 April 2012)

Yet another common taunt used by feminists is “You’re only an MRA because you can’t get laid!

Here’s an example of another feminist attempt at shaming – this time the target group are young women who had the temerity to publicly announce their disregard for feminism. More about that issue in this post.

See also:

Read the post by Claude Lau in this discussion thread for one person’s insight into the feminist proclivity towards shaming (9 December 2015)

Here’s an idea, guys — find someone your own age (5 October 2015) Australia

The recently released force majeure shows shaming men for cowardice is now a feminist act (17 April 2015)

Typical reactions against anti-feminists

Sex-shaming: The feminist weapon of choice to silence dissenters (10 October 2014)