If the central tenet of feminism is equality then what mens/boys causes have feminists championed recently?

Anything? Someone? Anyone?

And this despite the fact that:

1. Men are continually being called upon to support and intervene in situations where women are in a situation of real or imagined disadvantage, and

2. There are many areas where the support of women’s groups and individual women would be invaluable, as demonstrated in the following links:

Carpe Diem, American Enterprise Institute, by Mark J Perry. Be sure to check out this table, which is periodically updated.

RealSexism.com (The original blog is no longer online)


http://dontneedfeminism.com/post/70993946998/how-can-you-be-anti-feminist-do-you-not-believe (no longer online?)


Sixty More Reasons why Modern Feminism is complete BS: The Facts Sheet

Ok, well while someone thinks of a concrete example of how feminists have lent tangible support to an area where men/boys are disadvantaged, please read the comments contributed in this discussion entitled ‘Do you think feminism is becoming a sexist anti-men movement?’

And then peruse the following sources:

Feminist Lara Witt advises that “on a weekly basis, cisgender men ask me how they can be (better) allies. I don’t usually respond because I’m forever tired of teaching for free. So because I’m super generous I decided to put together this primer on … How men can be slightly less trash” (4 March 2019)

Women’s Network tries to hijack International Men’s Day! (22 September 2017) Video. You couldn’t make this stuff up … An IMD2017 event organised by women’s group behind cover of bogus men’s group, with proceeds to pro-feminist group that ignores male victims of domestic violence.

College Gender Gap: Women Earn More Degrees AND Get Special Treatment (31 May 2017) USA

How To Respond To The Current Feminist Mantra ‘Men’s Problems Today Are Simply The Result Of Traditional Gender Roles’ (3 February 2017) Reddit discussion thread

Why did the BBC erase the 88% of rough sleepers who are men? And what can we do about it? (28 January 2017)

Rough sleeping rises at appalling rate, charity says, as figures show 16% rise (25 January 2017) More men affected? Let’s remove gender from the debate then … or simply ignore men.

Elite Daily columnist: “It’s OK To Hate Men Because of Trump” (23 January 2017)

Feminism’s benefits for men (20 November 2016) Reddit mensrights discussion thread

Can’t we all just get along? (4 November 2016) Australia

Defining, Demonstrating, & Understanding Male Disposability (30 September 2016). See related Reddit discussion thread here, and note in particular the comment by ‘Numbers2357’.

An open letter to the men who say they don’t need feminism, by Julia Lynn Rubin (29 September 2016) USA. Hmm, seems to be a bit of push-back in the reader’s comments Julia. Methinks your case is weak.

Karl McCartney MP: Shrill equality warriors ignore half the human race (16 September 2016)

I wish men were as interested in discussing gender issues as women are (1 September 2016) Choke on the hypocrisy and misandry  inherent in this offering

This feminist offers equality to men in relation to objectification, but only subject to her conditions (17 August 2016) UK. See related Reddit discussion thread here.

“Nice” feminism: How a hate movement uses its grassroots against men, by Hannah Wallen (4 June 2016) Recommended reading

Does the NUS have a man problem? (31 May 2016) UK

Florida N.O.W. The State’s Most Powerful Feminist Lobby Group Lies About Shared Parenting Bill During Opposition (10 April 2016) USA

University Won’t Recognize Men’s Issues Group after Feminists Say it Makes Women Feel Unsafe (29 January 2016) with related reddit discussion thread here

Ryerson’s independent student newspaper the Eyeopener reports the Ryerson Students’ Union (RSU) has “rejected the last appeal” to have the school sanction the Men’s Issues Awareness Society (MIAS).

According to the group’s president, Kevin Arriola, the point of the group is to raise “issues that have never been [talked] about or usually disregarded.”

MIAS has received its major opposition from the school’s Feminist Collective.

In November, Ryerson Feminist Collective organizer Arezoo Najibzadeh called the idea of the group “horrifying.” Najibzadeh said, “I think it’s just horrifying. I don’t see the benefit of having them on campus.”

Men’s Affairs Department redundant as enough laws protecting men, women’s groups say (5 January 2016) Malaysia

““We have a women’s ministry which is to escalate and ensure women’s issues issues are brought to the forefront and to the centre of government policy because at this time there’s clearly serious gender inequality in society…It is almost like nullifying the efforts of the women’s ministry, having a Men’s Affairs Department,” Women’s Aid Organisation (WAO) executive director Sumitra Visvanathan said in a phone interview with Malay Mail Online”

Has anyone else noticed how it’s becoming more common for feminists to claim that they care about men’s issues too, when there is an abundance of evidence that shows otherwise? (18 December 2015) Reddit mensrights discussion thread

This fellow has compiled dozens of links to sources showing how feminists have actively undermined the rights and welfare of men and boys (14 December 2015)

See the articles in this other post, regarding actions taken by York University (UK) in November 2015 to stop discussion of male issues on International Men’s Day

Who’s really being silenced in the gender debate? (4 November 2015)

Feminists Fight To Harm Men NOT To Empower Women (undated) Contains many links to related sources providing examples of feminism working against the interests of men/boys

A Critique of Feminism: A Humanitarian Won’t be Silenced about Sexual and Domestic Violence (24 August 2015)

“I’m just going to say it: Sometimes I feel sorry for men” (July 2015) This is a fairly typical NAFALT ‘look, feminists understand’ piece – the closest thing to  genuine sympathy that any feminist will put her name to. But nowhere will you see any form of acknowledgement that women are partially responsible for the pressure that men face. Instead it is always “people” or “society” that force men to adopt/maintain assigned gender roles. And of course no examples are provided as to where women have actively assisted with any problematic issues affecting men/boys.

Men adrift (30 May 2015) The Economist

Poster at University of Queensland: this room is “a safer space for anyone who is not a cis-man” (25 May 2015)

The denigration of men: Ridiculed, abused, exploited – the triumph of feminism has made today’s men second class citizens, argues a deliciously provocative new book And it’s time the chaps fought back (18 April 2015)

Men more likely than women to be cut off benefits due to “cruel” and “unfair” reasons, survey suggests (6 April 2015) U.K.

Are female MPs the most sexist against men? Very much so, especially if they’re Lib Dems (24 March 2015) Shared parenting

Paternity Fraud Begs the Question: Who’s Your Daddy? (25 February 2015)

Official thinking on involving men in “gender equality” still getting it wrong (9 March 2015)

NOW panics and dumps articles after AVFM exposes hypocrisy (8 March 2015)

Leslie Loftis: Mothers speak up for their sons – and enrage hardline feminists (5 March 2015)

Response to opinion editor’s idea of feminism (6 December 2014)

The right kind of equality (21 October 2014)

U.S Open gilds the lily of anti-male discrimination (8 September 2014)

Barnardo’s: Sexual exploitation of boys overlooked (26 August 2014)

Feminists oppose alimony law reform in Florida (reddit discussion thread, August 2014)

The Mask You Live In: One Time Pays For Naught (13 December 2013)

Two dozen women urge Scott to veto alimony bill (26 April 2013) and here

Comprehensive listing of where and when the feminist lobby have fought against reforms that would promote equality for men/boys (10 September 2014)






http://www.avoiceformen.com/men/mens-issues/suicide-the-problem-they-claim-to-be-working-on-but-arent/ consent



