Van Badham’s eye roll: Just hysterical

My post today begins with a panel discussion entitled ‘Have men become second-class citizens’ that featured on the ‘Sunrise’ TV program in Australia.

“Miranda Devine, Mark Latham, Van Badham and Rory Gibson join Sunrise to discuss if women are receiving preferential treatment in today’s society, and if feminism is responsible for men feeling displaced.”


Mark Latham spoke out strongly in the affirmative sparking the usual immediate backlash. Guardian Australia columnist and feminist activist Vanessa ‘Van’ Badham also upset a few people with her anti-male comments, and subsequently received a slew of feedback via social media. You can review her Twitter account to get a sense of the nature of that feedback. I didn’t notice anything of a particularly hurtful or threatening nature. Indeed, the comments she received were considerably tamer than the noisome effluence that is Van’s contribution to social media.


Nevertheless, Van Badham issued the following tweet:





Just as with Clementine Ford, it seems to a case of those who launch the most mud and the sharpest barbs, squealing the loudest when someone dares return fire.

Anyway, shortly thereafter I issued a few tweets in relation to the Sunrise program, one of which is shown below. These were not in response to tweets posted by Van Badham (with whom I have never previously communicated), nor were they specifically directed at her. No matter, because I had revealed myself as being one of ‘them’ rather than one of ‘us’.


Van Badham chose to respond by alerting an Australian law firm who apparently use a marketing slogan “We fight for fair“. She did so in the vain hope of involving me in some sort of legal wrangle.  And in so doing she earnt a ‘like’ from her feminist colleague, journalist Wendy Tuohy, who features elsewhere in this blog.

So this is how strong independent women behave? No, but it’s how feminists behave.

This illustrates, yet again, that the default position of most feminists is to do whatever it takes to divert attention away from key issues and discourage public discussion thereof. And this means shutting-down and/or isolating dissenters as quickly possible, one example of this are ongoing coordinated campaigns to shut down anti-feminist Facebook pages.

Why? Because they know that their best hope of retaining credibility/power is to keep as many people as possible from recognising the expansive chasm between the ‘dictionary definition’ of feminism, and what is actually being said and done by real-world feminists. Discussion can lead to enlightenment, whilst shunning and censorship is more likely to preserve the status quo.

But of course feminists won’t come out and admit that. They attempt to rationalise their unwillingness to respond to opposing viewpoints in other ways. In this article concerning the same TV program, Clementine Ford states:

“We need to stop wading into these debates and understand that we lose nothing by refusing to participate. We are under no obligation to defend our feminist ideals from anybody, and we certainly have no responsibility to try to ‘prove’ the necessity of them to those who feel threatened by them.”

Those who have taken the time to read other posts in this blog would have noted that the theme of feminist-imposed censorship emerges again and again in the context of many gender-related issues. This is, in itself, a blazing ‘red flag’ with respect to the true nature of contemporary feminism.

Van Badham then joined that rather pathetic group of feminists/SJW who have blocked me from their social media accounts simply for questioning aspects of the misguided ideology to which they still desperately cling …

Shun this person who doesn’t support feminism! Unclean! Unclean!


And predictably Van then demands the opportunity to share, what will no doubt be, a long drawn-out procession of ‘last words’ on the issue:

I have sympathy for Mark Latham. He’s barking at a cloud that’s passed him by (4 May 2016)

Van Badham and Steve Price went head-to-head on Q&A (12 July 2016) See also this article in The Age. Response from  Steve Price here.

Van Badham reveals ugly response to Steve Price’s comments about her (14 July 2016) And of course, her own words and behaviour played no role whatsoever with regards to the subsequent public reaction. Yup, sure. Let’s make it all about Steve … and misogyny. And to suggest that Steve’s solitary off-the-cuff comment constitutes “demonisation” is absurd posturing on Van’s part.

Look what I found in a Reddit discussion thread about Van Badham’s stouch with Steve Price … apparently Van wanted to put Tony Abbott underwater. Wait, where have a heard a comment like that before? Oh yes, Eddie McGuire.

From The Spectator, ‘Van Badham and the ugly facts of an ugly matter‘ (15 July 2016)

Readers might care to seek out a tweet by @RitaPanahi on 12 July 2016 for further examples of what Ms Badham considers appropriate to dish out (but not receive). Gems such as:


And on a parting note, an item by Andrew Bolt entitled ‘How Van Badham attacks even children‘ (2 March 2017).

Sadly, Australian politicians only find the courage to criticise the feminist lobby after they retire

If any further proof were needed about the extent of power wielded by the feminist lobby in Australia then consider the fact that gender issues are rarely mentioned by politicians unless their views are in lockstep with the feminist position on the relevant matter. As for direct criticism of feminists or feminism … well that’s as rare as the proverbial hen’s tooth.

One of the few exceptions to the above rule that I am aware of is Victorian MP Graham Watt. Whilst his criticism was mute, it was certainly unambiguous. Another is former Senator Mitch Fifield who refused to roll over when subjected to a sexist slur in parliament. Queensland MP Tim Mander highlighted the hypocrisy of leftists/feminists who call for diversity and gender parity but look away when the gender balance favors women (media response).

ACT politician Mark Parton ruffled feathers when he claimed that middle-aged white men were being ignored in the rush to diversity.

That this is the case speaks far more about the effectiveness of feminist lobbying and infiltration of the media and public service, than about the actual number of adherents to feminist ideology out in the broader community.

In early 2015 only 18% of Americans considered themselves to be feminists, this figure representing a substantial drop in feminist numbers since 2013. Consider too that most of those identifying as feminists likely only possess a superficial knowledge of feminist theory and its tawdry history. In Britain now the figure is even lower, sitting at just 7%. Nevertheless, the feminist hierarchy has no qualms about claiming to be the font of wisdom with regards to what all women want, and how they should live their lives.

Yet despite this our elected representatives, from Prime Minister on downwards … are too busy cowering in fear at the thought of being labelled misogynists to take a stand. Thus they would rather please a screeching minority group than represent the best interests of the majority of their constituents.

This sad trend is addressed in this February 2017 article by respected British MP Philip Davies wherein he states:

“The recurring theme is the number of MPs in different parties who tell me, privately and in a whisper, “Of course you are absolutely right about this, it is all ridiculous” but – with very few but notable exceptions – will not dare to say so publicly.

This highlights two things. Firstly, most MPs lack courage – even to say things which are just plain common sense.

Secondly, it demonstrates how petrified MPs are at standing up to the increasingly extreme feminist agenda, which no longer seems to argue for equality and thinks it is perfectly acceptable to discriminate against men.”

The sitting politicians’ concerns are, unfortunately, understandable when one considers the harsh criticism meted out to those rare individuals who do dare to speak out (related article) and another entitled ‘Goodbye Spectator’.

One of those attacked for questioning the feminist-constructed status quo is former MP Gary Johns (example). All Gary had to do was question the merit of providing substantial funding to feminist advocacy groups (in lieu of direct funding of relevant government agencies), and secondly to query why male victims of domestic violence were being ignored.

Another former MP, Bill O’Chee, has written articles highlighting the plight of male victims of domestic violence (such as this and this).

Mark Latham has attracted wave after wave of abuse after writing about feminism and motherhood, the current political approach to the issue of domestic violence, and celebrity ‘victim’ Rosie Batty. Listed below are a few examples of articles that have heaped scorn upon Mark for daring to offer an opinion contrary to the feminist narrative:

Em Rusciano: Good riddance Mark Latham (17 August 2015)
Men are second-class citizens? Give us a break, by Wendy Tuohy (2 May 2016)

Mark Latham and others in a Sunrise (TV program) panel discussion regarding feminism (1 May 2016) Video

Left bleaters ignore truth about wife beaters (29 February 2016)

In January 2016 Mark again found himself the target of furious feminist and ‘white knight‘ scorn after he commented upon the rampant gender bias and misrepresentation within the domestic violence debate:

Mark Latham attacks Rosie Batty in first podcast for Triple M on new segment called ‘Lathamland’ (22 January 2016)

Mark Latham under fire for Triple M podcast describing domestic violence as ‘coping mechanism’ (22 January 2016) with related reddit discussion threads here and here

Mark Latham’s spray makes him an apologist for perpetrators of violence against women, by Wendy Tuohy (22 January 2016)

Why we can’t and shouldn’t look away from the damage Mark Latham is doing (22 January 2016)

Mark Latham’s spray may be his last on Triple M after backlash over domestic violence comments (22 January 2016)

‘You do believe that Rosie Batty causes more harm than good?’ Mark Latham challenged on Sunrise about controversial domestic violence comments on Triple M… as radio station is slammed for hiring him (23 January 2016)

Rosie Batty responds to Mark Latham’s comments about domestic violence (25 January 2016)

Alan Jones and Mark Latham talk about domestic violence (31 October 2016) Audio. See media follow-up here and in The Australia (behind paywall). Jenna ‘Destroy the Joint‘ Price then had to weigh in with some righteous fury.

Mark Latham is not actually retired – he jumped across to the NSW parliament. And since then he’s still addressing feminism and gender issues, which is great. Here’s Mark asking questions about domestic violence and the BOSCAR report findings (October 2019)

Latham’s law | The Demonisation of Men‘, another good article from Mark Latham (10 April 2021)

In this interview with Bettina Arndt, former politicians Peter Beattie and Peter Reith discuss the non-feminist perspective on domestic violence (10 October 2016). On that note, see also this further video from Bettina entitled ‘Enough Talk, More Action’ (17 October 2019)

See too ‘Abbott slams “anti-men” policy, but why are other MPs silent?‘ by Corrine Barraclough (3 May 2017). Bravo Tony!

David Leyonhjelm also kicked some good solid goals. David moved from the federal government to the (NSW) state arena (see video), until exiting the political arena in 2019.

And last, but by no means least, Pauline Hanson – the only woman in federal parliament who has anything to say in support of men/boys (2023 video).

Beyond these few courageous individuals the picture is bleak indeed. So much for living in a parliamentary democracy. So much for freedom of speech. So much for teasing apart a problematic issue and discussing new and/or alternative solutions to achieve positive change.

Now shut-up and prostrate yourselves before the wonder and wisdom of 4th wave feminism.

Meanwhile in the USA Image

Other blog posts related to this topic include:

Dealing with men’s issues – The current situation in Australia
Beware the ire of an angry feminist
Going Batty: The making of a champion of the Domestic Violence Industry
Persistent pro-feminist and anti-male bias in the mainstream media
Australian taxpayer-funded organisations that do little/nothing for men (other than demonising them)
On the censorship of non-feminist perspectives and opinions

The people speak: Feminist journalist hears but won’t listen

You might be interested in taking a look at this article entitled ‘A gender-equality wish list for 2016’, and the readers comments that follow.

The article was written by feminist journalist Wendy Tuohy. I think I first introduced Wendy in this blog post. I would probably place her in the second tier of Australian feminist journalists, were they ranked according to stridency and degree of bigotry. In other words she is a self-professed feminist with narrow and stereotypical views on gender matters, but by no means barking mad. Like many feminists she enjoys cats and blocking dissenting voices.



The issues that Wendy flagged in her latest article included domestic violence, the gender pay gap, the proportion of women in management positions, the number of women on current affairs show panels, female economic empowerment, and women playing football. No surprises there.

Ah, but then Wendy got a surprise. For with but two exceptions, her readers tore her article to shreds. Quite coherently, and with facts.

Some brief extracts from Wendy’s readers:

“We have a media dominated by women’s voices focusing (as most of you do) exclusively on women’s issues. It’s simply mind blowing to hear you say women have no voice. The only time men can speak with any confidence they won’t be crucified by the media is when they speak in total support of anything concerning the welfare of women”

“Sure, you have two journos dedicated to women’s issues and none dedicated to men’s. Maybe get a third female journo talking about female issues as a step closer to equality? Maybe four or five and we are there?”

“Yes we need to do more about DV mostly adopting an honest approach, recognizing that it is not a gendered crime and producing all the stats not just part of them.

The figure of 78 women has been front and centre but broken down 28 were not DV related and 10 were killed by women so men killed 40 women and 4 children (DV related). Women killed 19 men and 10 women plus after removing clear cases of mental problems they killed 11 children.”

The final numbers, men (in a DV situation) killed 44 and women killed 40. So let us be honest next year and tackle the problem in an unbiased manner.”

True to feminist form Wendy did not respond to her critics here, let alone attempt a rebuttal of the points they raised. But elsewhere, in her Twitter account, she implored a supporter to avoid reading the comments in the Herald-Sun, of which she was haughtily dismissive …


Yes, whatever you do fellow feminists, don’t expose yourselves to the nasty views of the unbelievers.

Hold true to your feelz, and to our precious narrative, special snowflakes!

Don’t learn, don’t understand, don’t engage or collaborate, and don’t empathise. We’ll show them.


But then the fear and loathing with which feminists and SJW view the dark threat that constitutes the reader’s comments section is now well-recognised. (PS: And in fact Wendy has since closed her blog because of her disdain for comments contributed by her readers)

Australian MRA Mark Dent also posted a copy of his reader’s comment on Wendy’s Facebook page. The subsequent exchange between Mark and Wendy is quite interesting, and I’ve reproduced it below in the event that it disappears from Facebook.

“Hi Mark, my brief is to focus on issues impacting women, kids and families — all of which are affected by the issues I touched on in my article titled ‘A few small changes could make a big difference’ in The Herald Sun last Sunday, and just up on my blog. Of course I care about issues impacting men: I’ve written lots about male adolescent mental health and better supporting boys in education and not ‘writing off’ teen boys (of which I have two lovely examples). But I stick to my primary brief in most of my work: issues primarily impacting women. Here is one pay gap link, reporting ABS statistics. Thanks for reading, Wendy”

(Mark replies) “Thanks for responding (as you always do) but you have proved my point. The media are not stupid. They know women devour stories about their victimhood or heroism. This is why our papers and TVs are saturated with females talking about issues which affect women.

Please point out one male journalist whose brief is to write exclusively about issues which are confronting men and placing them at a disadvantage. It seems there are many women who do just what you do so how do you then complain about a lack of female voices in the media?

Just because your brief is to focus on women’s issues does not make your statements about gender inequality any more true or acceptable.

I have presented a range of issues which impact upon men in a far more devastating way than a mythical wage gap based on gender or a purported lack of a voice (when the opposite is true). Men’s issues are about death, injury, the right to see their own children, huge disparity in sentencing for the same crime when compared to women and their total invisibility when it comes to being victims of family violence. There are weighty issues which lead to homelessness and suicide yet when was the last time any paper devoted a segment to the horrendous obstacles and injustices confronting men?”

(Wendy replies) “Mark, my former editor, Simon Pristel called me in and commissioned me to write a blog/do a round focused on women. I don’t know what his thinking was or why he chose me to do it (I was a general features writer before that for a couple of decades) but it has been going now for about 5 years so I guess it must be considered to be serving a market that perhaps we weren’t offering as much for previously.”

Mark: “Wendy-I am not attacking you for writing about women’s issues. I am questioning why this should almost always lead to anguished diatribes on all of the inequities women supposedly face and creating the very false narrative which says men are somehow privileged over women in our society.

As I have said repeatedly (and supported with facts) it is men who suffer the biggest obstacles and disadvantages as a result of their gender.

I challenged you to point out one male journalist who devotes his whole job to writing about issues concerning men and you didn’t respond. The very fact that male editors ignore men’s issues backs up my comments about politicians (male and female) devoting all of their time, energy and funding to women’s issues.

Men simply don’t matter in our world.”

Wendy: “Men matter Mark. Perhaps the ones who need attention the most don’t get it, I can only say as the daughter of a non ‘Alpha’ male and wife of same and mother of same X 2 that maybe it’s harder for the non typically macho men. That is a guess. Shoot me down if you want to.”

Mark: I don’t want to shoot you down. You seem to be a lovely person. It is just so upsetting to be fed this line of female suffering and inequality day after day in our media. You seem to accept my arguments with regard to male disadvantage but unlike female issues-there is literally no focus on these issues.

As I said-women have a voice-men have no voice in our mainstream media. You say men matter but whenever you write about family violence you focus exclusively on female victims, just as Rosie Batty does. How can this be justified?

I am passionate about the very real gender empathy gap in our society and will continue to voice my concerns whenever the opportunity arises. Here’s something I wrote about the gender empathy gap.

Thanks again for engaging in such a civilized manner.”

Wendy: “Mark, thank you for treating me civilly, unlike some men on Twitter, one of whom reacted to my column like this:”


Mark: That kind of language is totally unacceptable, Wendy. This type of abuse is often a result of deep frustration over the issues I have tried to outline in our discussion. Some men respond to the sense of injustice and helplessness (men have no voice in the public forum) with angry attacks.

I am not justifying or excusing it, but I have been abused in a most vile manner by feminists for simply presenting the arguments I have written to you. One group of feminists actually set up a website and posted pics of me and wrote lies about me being a hater of women and girls and someone who excuses DV. They said they wanted me sacked from my job as a teacher. They literally made stuff up. All because I asked why we don’t give the same attention and compassion to the suffering of males.

I know Andrew Bolt gets death threats and abuse every day. My point? Many female journalists hold up online abuse as some kind of male problem carried out by neanderthals who hate women. Men receive vile, abuse from women too. Clem Ford is a mainstream journalist who uses far worse language than that directed at you and as I said-there are no repercussions. Yet she gets a man sacked from his job for abusing her.

Perhaps if men had an opportunity to be heard in the media rather than be mocked or branded a woman hater for expressing concern for males there would be less anger and frustration in the community. You have never had to endure an almost daily assault on your gender for nigh on forty years, Wendy.

Anyway, I thank you again for engaging and allowing me an opportunity to express my views.”

A civil exchange without a trace of rancour, but you would have observed that neither here nor in her tweet does the journalist actually address the *facts* raised by readers.

Whilst Wendy Tuohy may well be a “lovely person”, both her work to date and her comments on this occasion, lend further support to the existence of a feminist mind-set characterised by:

  • a belief that the views of those speaking up for the rights of men and boys are unworthy of even the most superficial consideration
  • a belief that anyone who challenges feminist beliefs and/or champions the rights of men/boys is not only anti-feminist but also a misogynist
  • a lack of awareness of the male perspective on many, if not most, gender-related matters

How shall we ever move beyond this impasse and engage in an informed and constructive manner whilst feminists remain blissfully unaware of the male perspective, and react with visceral disgust and censorship upon encountering the views of non-feminists?

Is anyone else starting to get the feeling that in just a few year’s time western society will look back on 3rd wave feminism in a similar manner to that which we now look back on the hippie era? As something akin to a Dagwood Dog … a sliver of substance embalmed in a voluminous barf-inducing batter of self-indulgence and narcissism.

dagwood dog

Happy New Year.

No place for Woke/Feminist propaganda in our schools or universities

I was reading an article the other day about the ongoing push to have feminist propaganda introduced into our schools under the guise of ‘respectful relationships’ programs.

The article in question, entitled ‘Bid to teach anti-violence to schoolkids‘ (Jessica Marszalek, Courier-Mail, 30 July 2015) included the following statements:

“She (QLD Minister Shannon Fentiman) said both teenage boys and girls would benefit from positive messages as they began in the dating world.

“We know that there are attitudes with particularly young men who think it is appropriate to pressure a woman for sex,” she said.

So as part of challenging those attitudes, those respectful relationship-type programs really help combat those views held by teenage boys. And for young girls, what they should and shouldn’t put up with.”

“We need to be running programs around respectful relationships but also we need to be running programs about how we view women, so tackling those attitudes is going to be central,” she said.

Queensland is not alone in this regard, with other states considering similar moves. This article concerns such a proposal in New South Wales.

In September 2015 Prime Minister Turnbull announced that “$5 million will also be provided as a longer-term measure to change the attitudes of young people to violence, through expanding the Safer Schools website to include resources for teachers, parents and students on respectful relationships.  This will build on the $30 million national campaign (jointly funded by the Commonwealth, states and territories) to change young people’s attitudes to violence, which will commence in early 2016.” (Source)

I don’t have a problem with the concept of ‘respectful relationships’ programs in schools, but I am concerned when the focus is wholly on the need for boys/men to respect girls/women. Yet this is the very type of school program that has been provided and/or vigorously lobbied for by many pro-feminist groups such as the White Ribbon Campaign.

I believe that children should not be put in a position of being alternately shamed or absolved of responsibility due to their gender.

A gender-neutral approach, on the other hand, sends the correct message that people need to respect one another regardless of gender, and that harm can be caused by both males and females alike. (Article on this perspective)

Postscript February 2016: And now, ladies and gentlemen, please put your jazz hands together to welcome the ironically-labelled ‘Safe Schools‘ program. A program which the feminist lobby formulated and then rushed to defend when mainstream Australia voiced their disquiet. This is a progressive social engineering project masquerading as an anti-bullying program.

Teachers told to spot ‘toxic’ incel culture in class to prevent attacks (6 December 2024)

I won’t raise a ‘dusty’ son – but that’s for me, not your daughter (11 September 2024) No, not one-sided at all #sarcasm

“Taking my daughters on dates so when your dusty son comes around, they already know their worth and what it is to be treated like a queen”

‘Make me a sandwich’: our survey’s disturbing picture of how some boys treat their teachers (1 May 2024) The latest gender-bigoted wisdom to emerge from Harpy HQ

The King’s School: Headmaster Tony George rants on ‘wokeness’, clickbait media and the ‘age of victimhood’ (20 March 2024) Australia

Helping young men to have healthy, respectful relationships (25 October 2023) Australian Federal Government media release. Another $3.5 million down the feminist toilet

Girl viciously attacking another girl in a US high school @ClarkCountySch (6 February 2022) Teacher did nothing to help. The school’s lame response can be seen here.

#IsThisOk: Greater Manchester sexual harassment video targets men and boys (18 December 2021)

How masculinity became a dirty word: The feminisation of boys in British schools (16 November 2021) Video

Sandwell awarded £119k to help tackle violence against women and girls (5 November 2021) “Specific actions that form of part of this programme include delivering a theatre production to raise awareness and challenge sexualised behaviours and culture, and creating boys group sessions tackling issues such as misogyny.”

Revealed: how the government’s ‘milkshake’ consent video came about (20 April 2021)

Janice Fiamengo mentions another male-hate campaign aimed at boys. It’s called ‘Man Up’ (9 April 2019)

Teacher takes on male-bashing Respectful Relationships propaganda (March  2019) Australia

Ward departs La Trobe following program’s scrapping (19 June 2017)

An epidemic of transgender children is Safe Schools’ legacy (16 April 2017)

Safe Schools program to be overhauled and founder Roz Ward removed (16 December 2016)

Girls who are girls but not girls — It’s time to stop the Safe Schools subterfuge (24 July 2016)

Miranda Devine: Marxist agenda a red flag for not so safe schools, by Miranda Devine (29 May 2016)

Flag slur underlines concerns: Turnbull (28 May 2016) What’s the bet that Premier Andrews eventually comes to regret getting into bed with these leftist radfem nutters?

Victorian Labor Government deceives on Safe Schools (19 March 2016) Australia

Does Imposing Queer Theory Really Lead to Safe Schools? (14 March 2016)

Bullying linked to gender and sexuality often goes unchecked in schools (3 March 2016) “Gender-based bullying”? Oh please! Desperate feminist author tries to invent nexus b/w ‘Safe Schools’ program and as many topical issues as possible to make it look like a great idea.

Trojan Horse gay claim laughable, by Wendy Tuohy (2 March 2016) Australia

The vitriol against the Safe Schools program reflects state-sanctioned homophobia, by Moo Baulch (26 February 2016) Australia

See also:

Modern Educayshun (2015) Video

Helping young men to have healthy, respectful relationships (25 October 2023) Amanda Rishworth MP spreads the hypocrisy and bias far & wide with this $3.5 million ‘initiative’

Sex education must engage boys to tackle harassment – MPs (5 July 2023) UK

Prestigious university sparks outrage after medical students were forced to sit a ‘white privilege’ assessment (30 April 2023)

Kids to be taught reading and writing, NOT gender fluidity under back-to-basics election proposal to rid NSW classrooms of creeping indoctrination (20 March 2023) NSW, Australia

The demonisation of our sons: Browbeaten by toxic masculinity crusaders invited into schools, boys are feeling cowed and worthless (20 March 2023)

Primary schools should teach boys what is unacceptable behaviour as part of whole-society approach to tackle misogyny, senior police officer says (13 March 2023)

Mum of Manhattan Pharma heiress had to hire a ‘deprogrammer’ to help her unlearn crazed ‘woke’ views (26 November 2022) Twitter discussion thread

Pupils in London to be trained to recognise sexist behaviour (19 November 2022)

Toxic masculinity – Blame men for everything (30 June 2022) Video

School hits back after complaint from parent about PSHE assembly (26 November 2021)

UK primary school asks boys to wear skirts to ‘promote equality’ (4 November 2021)

Grace Church High School: Teaching & the Voice of Conscience with Paul Rossi ( (30 April 2021) USA. Video with Jordan Peterson & Paul Rossi

Melbourne youth worker orders white, Christian high school boys to stand in class, calls them ‘oppressors’ (26 April 2021) Australia

Teens to learn about consent in sex-ed shake-up (14 April 2021) But they will only learn about the dangers of violence against women (This article is/was behind a paywall for the Brisbane Courier-Mail & allied newspapers)

Boys at schools embroiled in sex abuse scandal change out of uniform to avoid being branded rapists | Daily Mail Online (4 April 2021)

Schoolboy lashes his school for making the boys stand in front of the girls during assembly and ‘apologise’ for rapes committed by their gender’ (30 March 2021) Australia

Activist Chanel Contos says school’s move to make male students apologise to females is ‘problematic’ (29 March 2021)

Brauer College, Warrnambool: School forces boys to apologise to girls for ‘sexism’

How to teach your children (especially your sons) about feminism (26 December 2020) UK

Stop indoctrinating kids (1 September 2020) Australia

Let’s make it mandatory to teach respectful relationships in every Australian school (28 May 2019) and related Twitter thread

Feminist School ‘Punishes’ Boys by Curtailing Their Recess on International Women’s Day (16 May 2019) Spain

Teacher takes on male-bashing Respectful Relationships propaganda (5 March 2019) Bettina Arndt video interview

‘Victimhood narrative’ taught in schools fuels anxiety in young women, academic claims (21 October 2017) UK

The feminization of everything fails our boys (9 May 2017)

‘Feminist Collective’ strategy in schools (26 April 2017) Australia. More feminist/SJW madness from the Victorian government

In The Name Of ‘Gender Equality’, Kindergarten Teacher Doesn’t Let Kids Play With Legos (April 2017)

The ‘Toxic Masculinity’ Trend Blames Boys For Being Born Male (12 April 2017)

Fake anti-domestic violence programs just demonise our little boys, by Miranda Devine (12 April 2017)

Sydney Girls High School prefects hit back after Sydney Boys’ viral video (13 March 2017) This oughta teach those boys to stand up for feminism

Gender theory banned in NSW classrooms (9 February 2017) Australia

Our Watch charity invited to assess its own schools gender equity program (4 February 2017) Talk about the (feminist) fox looking after the henhouse

How much can a teddy bear? (14 January 2017)

Recognising ethnic identity in the classroom: a New Zealand study (21 December 2016)

“This article argues that … rather than promote the affirmation of student identity, the enactment of this directive might, in fact, lead to ethnic division. Second, attempts to recognise and affirm identity have led to the displacement of school subject knowledge in classroom programmes. These unintended outcomes are not only unacknowledged, but they continue to disadvantage the community the identity directive was intended to address.”

B.C. teacher fired for having the wrong opinion (7 December 2016) Canada

Melbourne high school teacher says she would refuse to teach ‘lewd’ safe schools and respectful relationships program (29 October 2016) See related Reddit discussion thread here.

Kids program teaches men are ‘greatest threat to women’ (25 October 2016) Australia

Toxic identity politics polluting Victorian schools, by Rita Panahi (24 October 2016)

Masculinity is not to blame for domestic violence (24 October 2016) Australia. Related Reddit discussion thread here.

The dangers of brainwashing our children, by Jasmin Newman (22 October 2016) Australia

Globally and historically men are the greatest threat to women” (October 2016) A slide from a Powerpoint presentation shown to Australian schoolchildren

Victoria, a misandrist state of child indoctrination (17 October 2016) Alternative link here

Lessons on ‘male privilege’ in $21.8m Victorian schools program (14 October 2016)

Girls feelings are far more important than the truth, by Mark Dent (12 October 2016)

A dummies guide for teenage girls on how to respect boys (20 September 2016) Not the sort of relationships message that feminists would stand for.

ReNew program for sons aims to stop family violence (15 September 2016) Australia with related Reddit discussion thread here.

VCAT green light will let Ivanhoe Grammar School offer more places to girls (11 August 2016)

Reducing ‘mean girl’ behaviors in classrooms benefits boys and teachers too (2 August 2016) USA. The sort of program that should be in schools, but unlikely to get the feminist tick of approval.

Sonia Kruger objects to scholarships for gay, lesbian and transgender students as ‘reverse discrimination’ (1 August 2016)

It is not enough for schools to address sexism after the scandal, by Dana Affleck (29 July 2016) Ordinary men are the enemy, not (just) bad men. Meanwhile no mention of female teachers having sex with students, or girls bullying, harassing or objectifying boys.

Clementine Ford teaching your children (18 July 2016)

Feminist/PC brain-washing of boys in US school system (12 July 2016)

Teach Him Early (29 June 2016) USA feminist video campaign, with discussion thread here

Why our 7-year-olds desperately need to learn about feminism (23 June 2016)

Truthful debate is slurred into silence by the Left, by Mark Latham (7 June 2016)

The Left doctrine that no one can criticise (18 May 2016)

Kids of 7 learn ‘gender diversity’ from Safe Schools Coalition (14 May 2016)

Transgenderism: Has anybody seen my girl? by Miranda Devine (29 April 2016) Australia

We all wear the White Ribbon (April 2016) Video. Australia. Completely and utterly one-sided … men hurt women/men must respect women

University defends research used as basis for Same Sex program (5 April 2016) I find the readers comments more persuasive that the entreaties of the Deputy Vice Chancellor. Only good research gets through the rigourous vetting process? Yup, how about the research project mentioned in this post? Or the ones mentioned here? This post is worth a read too

Controversial sex-ed program will teach Aussie toddlers about cross-dressing (6 March 2016) Australia

Domestic violence cycle continues as children as young as 10 offend (20 February 2016)

Principal Corrine McMillan said she was proud of her students, who will this year mark White Ribbon Day. “Students will present a declaration to make a stand against domestic violence,” she said. “I’m proud to see the students – particularly the male population – live up to the challenge.”

These uni students are holding feminist workshops in Sydney high schools (5 January 2016)

Inspiring STEM literacy package will aim to get more girls interested in maths and science (21 December 2015) Australia

Domestic Violence Awareness Video Claims Abuse is ‘Just Something Boys Do’ (18 December 2015)

Stop encouraging boys to ‘say no to feminism’ (15 December 2015) Radfem journalist Clementine Ford presents the case for ramping-up indoctrination

Why We Need To Stop Telling Boys Not To Hit Girls Because ‘She Is A Girl’ (4 December 2015) India

Men are not monsters (19 November 2015) Note the tone of the readers comments

Boys should have the right to say no to feminism. The evangelical drive to teach boys to be feminists reached a new high last week with the news that every 16-year-old in Sweden is to be given a free copy of the book “We Should All Be Feminists” with reddit discussion thread here

Fightback: Addressing Sexism in Australian Schools (undated)

Maybe This Is Why Boys Don’t Respect Women (30 November 2015)

When Society Encourages Mean Girls to Bully Boys (26 November 2015)

Newington College has launched a powerful domestic violence campaign (27 November 2015) Australia

The make-believe world of child-abuse campaigners (26 November 2015)

Feminism campaign sparks controversy at Vic High (25 November 2015)

Feminist bullies and the pernicious myth that sexual morality is just about ‘consent’ (24 November 2015) UK

Blakely teacher restricts Lego-play to her girl students in the pursuit of gender equity (24 November 2015)

Campaigners’ fury at bid to cut feminism from politics A-Level syllabus: Call for department of education to reverse ‘insulting and misguided’ move (20 November 2015) UK

Men are not monsters (19 November 2015)

Breaking the Silence program: Schools in South East SA raise awareness about domestic violence (17 November 2015)

In Brazil, the high school national test essay theme was “Violence against women”. Any students with dissenting opinions automatically failed the test (15 November 2015) Reddit mensrights discussion thread

Feminism to Become an Official School Subject (2 November 2015)

Fighting school sexism: feminist theory hits classrooms (1 November 2015)

Keep Gender Politics out of Scouting (29 October 2015) UK

Gender-based violence prevention in the classroom is just a start (25 August 2015) Australia

Brisbane teacher wins scholarship to develop program to reduce domestic violence, coward punches (10 August 2015)

We must stop indoctrinating boys in feminist ideology (20 July 2015) More than 1,000 readers comments!

Bankstown Public School boys “all say no” to abuse against women in their own hip hop song and video (24 March 2015) Hmm, no sign of a girl’s choir singing nice things about boys … funny that.

We mustn’t make boys feel bad about being male (3 December 2014) with 193 reader’s comments

The thought police telling kids heterosexuality’s not the norm, by Miranda Devine (17 October 2012)

Do these girls represent the next generation of Australian women? Products of PC/feminist-corrupted education system … amoral narcissists with an abundance of entitlement and little respect for themselves, let alone men/boys? Image

Elsewhere in this blog you might also be interested in:

The trouble with boys and learning

Two awareness campaigns. Only one can be criticised. Cowed by feminism?

Privilege, respect and entitlement

Differing public response to partner violence depending on gender of victim

On violence carried out by women and girls

On recognising and supporting male victims of domestic violence

Fudging the figures to support the feminist narrative

Australian minor political parties and their views on feminism & men’s rights

In another post in this blog I mention the fact that there are scarcely any individual politicians in Australia, let alone political parties, that are prepared to move out of lockstep with the feminist lobby.

Also in another blog post I briefly discuss the position of the major parties on feminism and men’s rights, in the context of the 2016 Australian federal election.

In this current blog post I thought it might be interesting to put this question to some of the smaller parties. First up we hear from Senator Bob Day of the Family First Party:

“Subject: Your party’s position on feminism vs mens issues

Good morning. I would be interested to learn about the position of family first concerning the influence of feminist ideology in Australia, and
particularly in the political sphere and public service. I would also be interested to learn if FF has a position in relation to one or more of the men’s issues as nominated and discussed in my blog at

Thank you, and I look forward to hearing from you in due course”

Response received on 10 June 2015:

“Thank you for your email to Senator Day regarding Family First’s position on feminism.  Feminism has brought about social change, improved treatment & representation of women and improved productivity.  These gains are now considered commonplace factors in everyday Australian life.  Our focus as a modern political party is on the question of family and how that basic foundational institution in society can be encouraged, supported and protected from harm and government excesses of power.

Family First supports the role of the family as the foundation for Australian society, and acknowledges that male and female are complimentary, each able to make valuable contributions to the community. We encourage you to visit Senator Day’s website:  or Family First’s website for further information.

Your blog discusses many different issues with a common theme being the role of male and female within the family sphere (domestic violence, legal custody battles, or matters pertaining to parenting in general). Regarding this matter, Family First supports the traditional family and whatever can be done to ensure that families with children stay together.  The sad reality today is that many relationships fail, and then there are public policy questions about dealing with the breakdown.  Thankfully, throughout the Australian community there are in the majority of cases accepted norms about how child access and support is resolved after separation.

A great many families resolve their post-breakdown arrangements without resort to lawyers, violence or alienation of a parent from their child or children.  Often they do so to put the children first, and the parents’ disputes second.  Regrettably, in some cases the breakdown is so acrimonious that violence and/or alienation of a parent occurs.  Moves in recent times to exclude lawyers and prefer mediation at the first opportunity have been welcome shifts away from adversarial resolution of post-breakdown child support and access questions, towards an approach that focusses on what is agreed between the parents.

Family First supports a child having the involvement of a father and mother in their life.  Studies show this is vital to their healthy development.  However, it must be stressed that there are exemptions to this position.  Modern society now has a myriad of social problems, from drug, alcohol and other substance abuse; to domestic violence; to child physical and/or sexual abuse.  Mental health of children and/or parents is also a major factor in family breakdown.  Children must be protected from situations that might expose them to harm.  The court system is so overwhelmed with allegations of this behaviour that it is rare that it gets to the bottom of those allegations.

The handling of family breakdown is further complicated by yet another example of state and federal jurisdictional ambiguity.  States and territories are responsible for laws concerning child protection and domestic violence, whereas federal law regulates child support and family law concerning post-breakdown child access and distribution of property.  At times the two areas do not connect properly with one another, at times – for instance – seeing at-risk children ordered by a federal court to go to a parent who may place those children at risk of harm.

Senator Day appreciates that you have written to him about a current issue that concerns you.  The Senator has been elected as a Family First Senator for South Australia on a platform of “Every family, a job and a house”.  This is a massive task which promotes independence and self-reliance, reducing the need for government intervention. This leads to smaller government, lower taxes and therefore more money in the pockets of families. Senator Day therefore has a limited capacity to advocate for (a) issues outside of his State or (b) policy priorities beyond that focus.  Having said that, Senator Day has indicated above what he has to say about the issues that you have raised.”

Next I sought to profile the Liberal Democratic Party, but they did not reply to my emailed invitation to put forward their views on the issues discussed in this blog. I did however note this reddit discussion thread regarding their platform, and this article in which Bill Shorten attacks Senator David Leyonhjelm regarding his views in relation to broadasting women’s sport.

It is encouraging that Senator Leyonhjelm has since written some articles in support of a gender-neutral approach to domestic violence, such as this one. He has also done some good work in committees – see this video in particular. In this video he discusses domestic violence and diversity.

In May 2017, Mark Latham announced that he intends to join the LDP.

I then approached Australian Liberty Alliance regarding their position, and they responded:

“We don’t have a policy on every issue, for this our first campaign we are concentrating on our 20 core policies. Please see Q4 from our FAQ.

I approached Nick Xenophon Team and await their response. Their policy position on family violence appears gender-neutral, which is a positive sign.

Another federal parliamentarian, Bob Katter (Katter’s Australian Party) has  previously expressed concern regarding anti-male bias within the family court system.

I also approached the Glenn Lazarus Team for comment (also nil response). The Team appears to have just one gender-related policy, which relates to removing the GST on women’s sanitary products:

“The Glenn Lazarus Team believes women should not be penalised financially for the need to purchase essential items such as tampons and sanitary napkins, and all women should have access to these basic sanitary items during times of difficulty and hardship. Sanitary items are essential products for women and must be GST free.” (Source)

Independent Senator Jacqui Lambie was discussed in this blog post. More recently she had the claws out for Pauline Hanson. Hardly promising.

On that note, perhaps the most positive thing to emerge from the 2016 election campaign was the success of Pauline Hanson’s One Nation. This article appeared during the campaign: ‘Pauline Hanson claims women make frivolous DV complaints‘, with the party’s actual policy available here.

Immediately following the election we were treated to two click-bait article attacking both Pauline and advocates for men’s issues generally. In both cases the majority of readers comments were at odds with the biased views of the writers.

The first was entitled ‘How ‘angry man’ vote resurrected Pauline Hanson‘ ( Apparently from this journalist’s perspective, when the major parties focus exclusively on women’s issues, that’s gender equality. In contrast, when One Nation proposes to address men’s issues, that’s indicative of a “blokes’ show“. Psst, Malcolm Farr, your white-knightery is showing.

A subsequent article, ‘Even for Pauline Hanson, doing the bidding of mean men is risky’, was from feminist journalist Wendy Tuohy. This very negative and scare-mongering offering paints Pauline as a foolish ingénue toying with drooling sociopaths (otherwise known as people seeking to have men’s issues properly acknowledged and addressed).

I had to laugh when I read this article in The Conversation where the academic author states – presumably not tongue-in-cheek – that for Pauline Hanson and the “paranoid right“, “the normal rules of political engagement – coherence, consistency, fact, logic, proportion – do not apply“. That which is “normal” for feminists and the regressive left? I’m thinking D-e-l-u-s-i-o-n-a-l

In February 2017 Pauline Hanson proposed mandatory pre-nuptial agreements as a means to reducing backlogs in the Family Court system. She has also pushed strongly for family law reform.

In October 2017 One Nation announced details of their policy direction in relation to domestic violencethis video shows the disappointing response from the Queensland Government (also addressed in this article, and again here).

Derryn Hinch and his Justice Party are discussed in this Facebook post by Leith Erikson from the Australian Brotherhood of Fathers

Cory Bernardi (Australian Conservatives) is making waves with this call for greater scrutiny of the pro-feminist White Ribbon Campaign.

(Footnote – April 2019: I just noticed this mostly negative review of the policies of the ‘Australian Better Families Party’)

Overseas examples

An interesting development across the water in New Zealand, where David Seymour of the ACT Party is ruffling a few feminist feathers with his proposal to introduce a Minister for Men, discussed in more detail here.

In this paper a fellow put forward some ideas for consideration by political parties in relation to the 2015 UK election … these are also useful thought-starters for Australian political parties.

Australian government announces intention to reprogram boys to reduce domestic violence

“BOYS as young as nine will be targeted in the new fight against domestic violence.

Social media will also become the new way to deliver the Federal Government’s $30 million education campaign.

The Assistant Minister for Women, Michaelia Cash, has revealed boys aged between nine and 12, non-English-speaking women and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders are among the groups chosen for special focus …

We want them to understand the girl standing next to you is the same as the boy standing next to you,” she said.” (Source)

With respect Minister, but that is a nonsense. If you really believed that to be true then both boys and girls would be given the same instruction. In other words there would be a corresponding expectation that girls/women treat men/boys with respect. But no, that is not what is being proposed.

So congratulations Minister for swallowing the feminist narrative hook, line and sinker. In so doing you are complicit in the ongoing process of downplaying female perpetration of violence (increasing), and ignoring the many male victims of DV.

cuteAnd this incredibly sexist and biased policy move seemingly based on a survey that didn’t even bother to ask about public attitudes to violence towards men, thus robbing it of proper context in which we might interpret its findings.

See also:

Editorial in the Courier Mail

Courier Mail Facebook post See readers comments, most of whom call for the inclusion of girls in the proposed program

A November 2015 article by Australian feminist journalist, Wendy Tuohy, put forward as an example of just how one-sided (i.e. gynocentric) the discussion about respectful relationships has become

Elsewhere in this blog you might be interested in reading:

No place for feminist propaganda in our schools or universities
Two awareness campaigns. Only one can be criticised. Cowed by feminism?
On violence carried out by women and girls
On recognising and supporting male victims of domestic violence
The trouble with boys and learning
My response to the report of the Queensland Task Force on Family Violence

On deaths related to domestic violence

In this post I address the topic of murder and suicide occurring within the context of intimate partner violence. There are also separate posts dealing with suicide, and with the DV-related deaths of children.

As readers might well be aware, significant numbers of men, women and children lose their lives each year by way of incidents related to domestic violence. As in the case of non-lethal injuries and mental anguish, feminists portray women’s deaths as constituting the “overwhelming majority“, and then use this as justification for ignoring the deaths of men.


In 2015 feminist activists operating under the banner ‘Destroy the Joint’, established an ongoing tally of the number of Australian women allegedly killed in DV situations. They then disseminated this data throughout the media, generating considerable publicity using the tagline “two women each week” (are being killed by their male partners). They claimed that there had been a doubling in the rate of men murdering their partners, and that domestic violence was twice as bad in 2015 as it was in 2014.

Even if their figures were drawn from official sources it would have been problematic to draw conclusions from statistics relating to short periods of time, as the results for the period in question may differ greatly from the long-term average.

We do know however that when averaged over the preceding twelve month period the corresponding figures were (approx.) one women killed every seven days versus one man killed every ten days. We also know that, at that time, 40% of homicide victims (occurring in a situation of domestic violence) were male.

(Postscript April 2016: The report of the Victorian Royal Commission into Family Violence included the following statistic, “Data from the Victorian Systemic Review of Family Violence Deaths shows that, of the 288 deaths of relevance to the review between 2000 and 2010, 138 were men and 150 were women (that is, 48 per cent male)”. (Volume 5, p207)

It is important to acknowledge that neither the ‘Destroy the Joint’ Facebook page, nor the various spin-off media stories, made mention of:

  • the corresponding number of men killed by their intimate partners or family members
  • the number of women killed by other women
  • the number of suicides linked to domestic violence (predominantly involving men)

On that last dot point, it’s worth reading this 2010 paper by Richard L Davis which addresses the relationship between domestic violence and suicide. (Postscript: This 2018 article concerns the suicide of a woman following the DV-related murder of her children. As is typically the case in MSM articles, the death of men in similar circumstances was overlooked.)

Another issue with the ‘Destroy the Joint’ tally is that (AFAIK) none of the cases it reported, at the time of writing this post, had been the subject of completed court proceedings. As a consequence it is not entirely certain that the deceased women were killed by a man, and/or that the deaths occurred within a context of domestic violence.

Furthermore, at some unspecified point in early 2015 (I suspect when deaths dropped below the previously claimed weekly average) the ‘Destroy the Joint’ tally was quietly expanded to include all women who were murdered  (i.e. not just partner violence).

Jasmin Newman subsequently established the ‘Destroy the Narrative’ Facebook page to keep track of the corresponding number of male deaths at the hands of women. In December 2016 Jasmin published this paper regarding her work on this issue, which I strongly recommend you read now.

(Postscript: Sadly, Jasmin discontinued her online MRA efforts due to a concerted campaign of harassment by people opposed to her views. With regards to deaths related to DV, a new tally is being maintained by a group known as Domestic Violence Awareness Australia. Time will tell with regards to the longevity and reliability of this data source.)

Turning now to another issue. one of the statistical sources cited by ‘Destroy the Joint’ was this report by the NSW Coroner (Refer appendix C bar chart this is in the report on page 59 or 75 depending on how you read page numbers).

On first inspection it appears quite damning in relation to the culpability of men for DV-related deaths, but on further review there are a number of provisos that must be taken into consideration including:

  • the small sample size
  • the skewing of the results by the much higher incidence of DV-related deaths in the indigenous community
  • the fact that men are significantly less likely to report being subjected to domestic violence, and therefore many of the male perpetrators cited in the report may in fact have been victims of domestic violence (either as children, as adults, or both).

See also ABS Causes of Death, Australia 2013

I’ll close this post with this comment contributed by ‘Phil’ in response to this article:

In order to provide solutions to any societal problem, the first step is having a complete understanding of the problem, all the relevant & accurate information, and an ability to see the bigger picture of the issue. It also requires a unified approach, appropriate systems in place to embrace & encourage change, and a shift in mindset that brings long-term & sustained behavioural change.

A great example of this is drink-driving, which is now seen as irresponsible, selfish, dangerous, disgraceful & a condemned behaviour after being culturally accepted for many years, until the effects of such actions, portrayed the destruction it was having on many lives. This change was brought about through the grief, heartache & suffering associated with losing a loved one and was driven by the love & compassion people felt for each other, their family & the broader community. Even though it was predominately men who were guilty of drink-driving, it wasn’t tackled as a gendered issue because society demanded a holistic approach to the problem, they wanted this senseless behaviour eradicated, no matter who was doing it and certainly wasn’t propelled by hatred or condemnation of one sex & not the other.

So, why has this approach not been taken when it comes to domestic violence? Why is one gender singled out as being the problem, when everyone with half a brain knows that both males & females are capable of being perpetrators of the vile acts of behaviour? How are we, as a society, meant to really eradicate this behaviour when blatant misrepresentation of the truth is communicated by groups hell-bent on only recognising some victims & perpetrators and not all? When did domestic violence become a political pawn used to generate votes & financial windfalls and one that promotes much debate & hatred, instead of a people focussed, behavioural problem that requires love & respect for fellow human beings to be solved?

It’s a figure quoted by media outlets, politicians & domestic violence advocates – 79 women killed due to domestic violence last year (2015) and the inference that these deaths occurred by their male partners. This is the figure devised by the Facebook page, Destroy the Joint {1}, who maintains a body count of women killed in Australia due to violence against them.

On September 24th 2015, newly appointed Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull announced a new $100 million domestic violence package with former Australian of the Year & self-appointed expert of domestic violence, Rosie Batty, Turnbull stated in his press conference that 63 women had been killed to date in 2015. This gave the perception that all of these deaths had occurred due to domestic violence and at the hands of a current or former male partner of the deceased.

But when you look into these deaths in detail, you will find that the figure quoted is more propaganda by the “radical feminist” brigade who are insistent on only recognising female victims of domestic violence and ensure funding is siphoned through their sexist organisations. Of the 63, less than half were found to be killed by their current or former male partner (44%) and in total, 60% of these deaths were committed by male perpetrators known to the deceased.

I am in no way trying to minimize the impact of these tragedies as any life taken is a vile act of brutality towards another human being, what I am highlighting though is the gross misrepresentation of data that is being communicated to only further their own cause – not actually provide solutions to ending Australia’s domestic violence crisis other than to falsely propagate that it is a “gendered issue”.

Upon further analysis of the 79 women killed last year, here are my findings (based on information provided by ‘Destroy the Joint’):

43% killed by current or former male partner (34 in total)
16.5% killed by known male (13)
13.9% killed by a female (11)
11.4% killed by unknown male (9)
8.9% killed by either victims son, brother or father (7)
6.3% killed by an unknown perpetrator (5)

From the information provided & the perception of all these women being killed due to intimate partner violence being driven by various outlets, this represents an over inflation of the figures by a mammoth 132%! Destroy the Joint claims at least 75% {2} of these deaths are perpetrated by males known to the female victim but the figure actually equates to 68.4% and again their accuracy is found to be questionable. This is especially damaging when it is being used as “factual” information by government agencies, domestic violence groups, & prominent media outlets that inform the public, when analysis shows the information to be incorrect.

Paramount to solving any problem is having the correct details, being truthful in your communications and having a thorough understanding the issue at hand. With embellished & distorted information like this being used, clearly this is not about solving domestic violence holistically, merely being used as a catalyst to gain further funding.

{2} Destroy the Joint disclaimer – “Please note: We do not confine our count to only deaths attributed as domestic or family violence, as we believe all violent deaths targeted against women are the result of societal misogyny. Most of these cases are subject to court proceedings but we do know that in at least 75 per cent of the cases reported from 2012 to 2015, the victim knew her alleged killer. We include women killed by other women (lateral violence). Their relatively small but equally sad number confirms that most violence against women is perpetrated by men.”

Recently, I was viciously attacked for the post I made scrutinising the claims by Destroy the Joint about the women killed in violent circumstances last year. These attacks were cold, calculating, methodical, vile & extremely derogatory towards myself but worse still, my family & in particular, my children. It appears that I may have hit a nerve by revealing the truth about the misrepresentation of the information provided by them and the perception that there were 79 women killed in domestic violence scenarios last year.

Normally, I am not bothered by these types of attacks as they occur on such a regular basis and I have become desensitised to the constant taunts I receive. But, these were different, they were filled with so much hatred & vile language that I found myself a bit shaken by them and was appalled that some felt it warranted to continue this vitriol towards my children when I was not retaliating to their relentless abuse.

This type of toxic behaviour is quickly becoming normal, especially in the world of social media, with people spewing hatred towards one another purely because of a difference of opinion on a certain subject. Is this the type of behaviour, values & morals we want instilled in our next generation? Are we, as a society, truly considering the long-term impact this will have on future generations and teaching them to be accustomed with hatred instead of love? In order to overcome this problem of domestic violence, the solution cannot be based on hatred between the genders – it requires solutions based on love, respect, compassion, understanding & acceptance of every human being regardless of gender, sexual orientation, race or religion.

I will leave you with a quote from the remarkable Nelson Mandela to ponder – “No one is born hating another person because of the colour of his skin or his background or his religion. People learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate, they can be taught to love, for love comes more naturally to the human heart than its opposite.”

(Postscript October 2018. The following article, or variants of it, received considerable coverage in the media: ‘Six women killed in five days, you need to engage with this crisisby Jane Gilmore. See related tweet here)

(Postscript February 2020: Whilst most articles about DV-related domestic violence still don’t bother to provide corresponding statistics for male deaths, we are told that ‘Australia is a nation of dead women, and we’re becoming numb to it‘. The level of feminist hypocrisy and disconnect remains staggering.)

(Postscript May 2020: I just learnt today – not from the mainstream media – that the number of women killed, in the UK, by their partner was now at a 40 year low – Source)

(Postscript July 2024: ‘Growing’ problem of violence against women and girls)

Other related references, including DV-related murders that you are unlikely to read about in the ‘Destroy the Joint‘ page – or in overseas equivalents such as, for example, @CountDeadWomen in the UK:

Woman’s ‘bizarre’ act while being arrested for murdering her bf (10 December 2024) USA

Model kills husband, takes own life (3 December 2024) USA

Is our view of partner violence misleading? (October 2024) Video

Surge of Female-Perpetrated Domestic Homicides in Past Month (21 September 2024)

Police reveal horrendous details after dad found 10yo dead (14 August 2024) Australia. Nil mention of the term ‘domestic violence’. Color me surprised

Sarah Boone, searching for 9th attorney, represents herself at hearing (26 July 2024) USA

Twist in alleged hit and run murder of Kiesha Thompson (23 July 2024) Australia

Seventeen more women killed by men than at this same time last year, government launches intimate partner homicide counter (1 July 2024) This thing only registers female deaths, can you believe that?

Kerrie Lee Catling jailed for manslaughter of her husband, Chris Catling (23 April 2024)

Tweet by Men are Human (8 April 2024) The top ways that women murder men:  

*Anything that might be put down to illness (poison)  *Or accident (car, fire in bed, pushing) *Proxy violence (hitmen, white knight, swatting) or *Drive him to suicide. Or failing that, stab him, say you were abused, & label it self-defense.

Police appeal Anastasia Marshall bail decision at Supreme Court (15 March 2024) Australia

49 women have been killed in Australia so far in 2023 as a result of violence. Are we actually making any progress? (20 November 2023) Australia

NorthEast records equal male and female domestic abuse fatalities in three years (1 October 2023) UK

Bundaberg woman, 55, charged with murder after woman found dead in Glenella home (6 October 2023)

Evil law graduate, 28, stabbed fiancé to death on street as he pleaded ‘I love you’ (7 August 2023) UK

Women jailed after tracking her lover through the streets and stabbing him to death (23 June 2023) UK

Woman murdered her partner after argument ‘about nothing’ (16 April 2023) UK

Woman charged with murder over fatal shooting and acid attack on man (23 February 2023) UK

Mum-of-five ordered hitman on dark web to kill ex-lover and ‘make it look an accident’ (9 February 2023)

Man stabbed near heart, locked on balcony as woman ‘sets fire’ to belongings (2 February 2023)

NSW Police eye Supreme Court orders to prevent domestic violence homicides (31 January 2023)

Laughing teacher, 34, bragged ‘I just stabbed him’ after knifing her partner who took 2 days to die from infected wound (20 January 2023)

Negligent carer found guilty of manslaughter in hospital, delaying sentencing proceedings (1 November 2022)

Four Corners’ ‘How many more?’ reveals the nation’s crisis of Indigenous women missing and murdered (26 October 2022) One of a collection of articles on this topic – all of which failed to mention Indigenous men going missing and/or being killed.

Woman Sentenced To 100-Plus Years For Strangling Ex With His Favorite Tie, Poisoning His Oatmeal (8 October 2022) Pussy-pass denied!

Mum-of-four in court charged with murder of boyfriend, who allegedly had penis severed, and his friend (29 August 2022)

Nurse, 52, facing life in jail after being convicted of murdering her husband by stabbing him twice as he slept (26 August 2022) UK

Salem woman kills former partner, running him over several times after dispute, police say (22 August 2022)

Albert Thorn, Jordan Bottom, Ricki Smith stand trial for brutal murder of Bradley Lyons (18 August 2022) A story to be considered every time some clueless and/or dishonest person says ‘Men can’t be subject to domestic abuse because they are bigger & stronger than women‘.

OnlyFans model Courtney Clenney charged with murdering boyfriend (12 August 2022)

Woman who ran over and killed boyfriend in Fife avoids jail (9 August 2022)

Woman stabs roommate, says she’d been “thinking of killing him for a while” (3 August 2022)

Queensland study reveals horror rise in men threatening to burn their partners alive (2 August 2022) Data provided by staff of feminist NGO’s (ring any bells?). Authors neglect to mention instances of husbands/boyfriends set on fire by female partners.

Hayley Keating trial: Woman cleared of murder but found guilty of killing partner (28 July 2022)

‘Jealous’ British woman, 31, ‘pushed boyfriend, 21, to his death from 100ft-high Turkish hotel balcony after discovering he had cheated on her with an ex-girlfriend’, court hears (22 July 2022)

Woman, 26, charged with murder of young father at address she was sharing with her 26-year-old female friend (21 July 2022)

Jealous woman, 23, who knifed man in head when she found him in bed with love rival at party (7 June 2022)

Outcast powderkeg men, by Bettina Arndt (22 April 2022) What factors drive men to commit murder after their marriage falls apart? Could changes to the police & justice system prevent such murders occurring?

OnlyFans star, 25, is arrested for ‘stabbing boyfriend, 27, to death during a domestic dispute’ in their luxury Miami high-rise (8 April 2022)

Pizzeria Owner Shot Business Partner Boyfriend in Head with ‘LadySmith’ Revolver, Hid Body for Weeks, and Told His Son in Italy He Was ‘Away on Business’ (1 April 2022)

Emotional tributes to young dad, 22, found dead at home – as woman, 23, known to him is held on suspicion of murder (27 March 2022) UK

Are all missing persons female? (17 March 2022) USA. This is not specifically related to DV murders, but rather to the prevailing practice of ignoring or minimising male victims.

MPs listen in silence as names of women killed in the UK read out (11 March 2022) UK. There’s also dead men you say? Meh

Victorian mother-of-five jailed for setting husband on fire, causing his death (11 March 2022)

New Beith fire: Cops say 31-year-old woman killed in a Brisbane blaze is believed to have first set ex-partner on fire (10 March 2022)

The “Pathways to intimate partner homicide” project: Key stages and events in male-perpetrated intimate partner homicide in Australia (2022) Research by two Australian agencies with an entrenched pro-feminist orientation – ANROWS and the Australian Institute of Criminology. This paper omits acknowledgment of partner murders committed by men, due to the expressed view that most designated partner murders are perpetrated by men.

Lethal lovers: National strategy needed to end domestic homicides (22 February 2022) The feminist perspective, which continues to be to ignore female perpetrators and their many male & female victims. A more detailed article in the Canberra Times, addressing the same topic can be found here.

Florida woman facing murder charges after allegedly stabbing her husband more than 140 times (21 February 2022)

Paania Lawrence: Gold Coast woman jailed for ‘accidentally’ shooting partner dead in 2018 (11 February 2022)

Professor Karen Read charged with drunkenly running over and killing Boston cop boyfriend John O’Keefe (2 February 2022)

Homicide in England and Wales: year ending March 2018 (2021) See section 5 which shows DV deaths to be at a 40 year low

Man allegedly murdered by wife in Bali while on video call with his ex (16 January 2022)

Lorna Middleton jailed for stabbing husband to death (18 November 2021) UK

Sister of Newtownabbey man who killed himself after wife stabbed him ‘disgusted’ as partner avoids jail after domestic incident (8 November 2021) Ireland

Domestic abuse charities condemn ‘harsh’ sentencing of Penelope Jackson, by Patrick Sawer at The Telegraph (30 October 2021) Paywall protected article. An extremely inappropriate move by the Industry, speaking up here on behalf of a recently convicted (female) murderer. (Relevant case here)

Drunk woman stabbed man so hard between the eyes the knife reached his brain – Mirror Online (26 July 2021)

Homicide research reveals society ‘blind’ to male victims of domestic violence | University of Cumbria (30 June 2021) UK

Furious mum murdered her 81-year-old husband of 38 years by pouring boiling water mixed with sugar on him while he slept – Manchester Evening News (15 June 2021)

Natasha Darcy guilty of murdering Walcha sheep farmer Mathew Dunbar ( (15 June 2021)

The forgotten victims of Australia’s female killings epidemic (6 May 2021) Now, for balance, let’s throw in a feminist perspective from Candace Sutton. Can you spot the difference?

There are more male victims of domestic violence than we think‘ An article by Janet Fife-Yeomans in the Daily Telegraph (23 February 2021) Australia. According to the NSW Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research, 61 of the 146 people killed in domestic-violence related homicides in New South Wales were men (i.e. 42%).

Pensioner got stepson to sharpen knife she used to stab husband to death (8 February 2021) UK

Elderly man fighting for life after shocking axe attack in Sydney’s inner west (3 December 2020) Australia

‘I’ll get you, you mutt’: Ugly scenes unfold at sentencing for fatal Queensland stabbing (5 November 2020) Australia

Jealous girlfriend, 38, who bit her boyfriend’s testicles weeks before stabbing him to death in front of horrified friends is found guilty of manslaughter (22 October 2020) UK

Numa Gautam: Sydney woman pleads not guilty to manslaughter of husband (16 October 2020) Australia. “She had a charge of domestic violence-related murder withdrawn and dismissed

Woman charged with murder after man’s body found in Sydney’s west (14 September 2020) Australia. A “domestic-related incident”? They can’t quite bring themselves to say ‘domestic violence’, now can they?

UK female sentenced after acid attack on ex-boyfriend (8 September 2020) Video

Woman charged with domestic violence stabbing death north of Brisbane (6 September 2020) She also contravened a ‘Domestic Violence Order’. Sadly, but not unexpectedly, this incident received relatively little coverage in the media.

Olivia Labinjo-Halcrow conviction for manslaughter quashed (1 August 2020) UK

Wife charged with murder of Clydebank man William Middleton as tributes paid to ‘amazing’ dad (1 July 2020) UK

Woman charged with murder over the death of Zane Meyer (19 June 2020) Australia

Abused woman who killed husband is granted the family’s U.K. estate (1 June 2020)

Delhi: Woman kills spouse, says he died of Covid-19 (8 May 2020) India

Wife from hell who stabbed her husband to death because she was ‘annoyed’ he had to work late could walk free after serving just a THIRD of her nine-year sentence (6 May 2020)

Man dies after Surfer’s Paradise stabbing, woman arrested (22 April 2020)

Spotlight on why men kill partners (21 April 2020) This research project represents a collaboration between the Australian Institute of Criminology and Australia’s National Research Organisation for Women’s Safety (ANROWS). Clearly women killing men is not that big a deal (?!)

We must count: It’s time for a national Violence Against Women & Children Toll (25 February 2020)

Family of murder victim Jeffrey Lindsell describe heartbreak over accused killer’s death three weeks before trial (9 February 2020)

Fashion designer who threw a knife at her husband – piercing his heart and killing him – because he came home late from work says her nine-year sentence is ‘manifestly excessive’ (3 February 2020)

Man escapes burning house only to have his wife run over him (31 January 2020)

Wife charged after Geelong man found burned to death (28 January 2020)

Woman accused of stabbing partner to death claims self-defence (21 January 2020) We will see how this case concludes, but obviously when men are consistently portrayed as violent and abusive, then an argument of self-defence is more likely to be convincing.

Migrant, indigenous home violence ‘out of proportion’ (19 January 2020)

Battered husband syndrome as an explanation for murdered wives (December 2019) Reddit discussion thread

Robyn Lindholm jailed for 28 years for murder of lover George Templeton (7 November 2019)

Former Boston College student charged with boyfriend’s suicide (29 October 2019)

The reckoning: One city, four murders (18 October 2019) By Richard Guilliatt. This is not specifically about DV-related murders, but addresses some interesting and related issues

Sally Challen spared murder retrial for killing controlling husband (9 June 2019) UK. And here is an article on this issue that appeared in spiked-online on 8 June 2019.

Woman dubbed ‘Mother-of-the-Year’ jailed for killing husband with kitchen knife (1 June 2019) UK

Questions remain about spike in female killers in Queensland (19 May 2019)

“While it’s well-known women are at risk of being killed by an intimate male partner at separation or divorce, my analysis shows that some men are at risk of death at the hands of a current or former female partner in certain situations, like financial insecurity such as the drawing up of a new will,” she said.

Judge sentences murderer Martyna Ogonowska after guilty verdict (25 April 2019) UK

Recap as Lindsey Gabriel is sentenced for murder of boyfriend James Field (8 April 2019)

Sally Challen freed as she awaits murder trial after pleading guilty to husband’s manslaughter (5 April 2019)

Playboy, Maxim model arrested in death of doctor found in car boot (30 March 2019) USA

Sally Challen murder conviction quashed over husband’s death (1 March 2019) UK. I won’t be holding my breath waiting on a man accused of murder getting a similar result.

McKeesport woman sentenced in fatal stabbing of boyfriend at Brew House Lost Apartments (25 January 2019) USA

Intimate partner problems and suicide: are we missing the violence? (January 2019)

Life sentence for first-time offender’s ‘lethal error’ (12 December 2018)

Media double standards: Where are the panel discussions about vengeful ex-wives who kill their ex-husbands’ new girlfriends? Instead, a story about the ‘tragedy,’ and what a nice teacher the killer was (29 November 2018) Video

Fiance killer: He called me ‘a rat and a dog’ (13 November 2018)

Dividing the Sexes: Critique of the Coroner’s Report on Domestic Violence Homicide (3 June 2018) Most DV-related homicides in Australia in the first half of 2018 were committed by women. A reality very much at odds with the misandric messages issued by the feminists who have adopted the Eurydice Dixon tragedy as their current cause celebre.

When we make excuses for male violence, we encourage it, by Van Badham (17 May 2018) But it appears that making “excuses” for female violence, which is quite commonplace, is perfectly OK

GP Geraint Hughes death ‘may have been prevented’ (9 April 2018)

Susan Mouat appeals sentence for pushing husband Bruce Mouat to his death (27 November 2017)

Woman charged with stabbing partner to death (17 November 2017) Australia

She threatened violence when her ‘sugar daddy’ cut her off. She followed through, police say (6 November 2017)

Pakistani bride allegedly kills 17 relatives in failed bid to murder husband with poisoned milk (2 November 2017)

Woman Charged for Fatally Stabbing Her Husband at Hospital (15 October 2017) USA

Qian Liu tells jury her husband’s stabbing death was an accident (11 September 2017) Australia

Molly Martens weeps as she and her father found guilty of second degree murder of Jason Corbett (9 August 2017)

Helen Milner – New Zealand’s ‘Black Widow’ killer (July 2017)

Men are killed at a greater rate than women in Australia – what can we do to reduce their risk? (28 June 2017)

Homicide stats reveal shocking details of Australian murders from 2012-2014 (18 June 2017) Also shocking that the author deemed male deaths not newsworthy, so left out any mention.

Michelle Carter found guilty by judge in text message suicide case (16 June 2017) USA

Friends of Luke Mitchell react with horror to his stabbing death (13 May 2017)

Media experts lie to their students‘ by Bettina Arndt (3 May 2017) Australia

Wife killed husband after fight over burned casserole, police in Pennsylvania say (1 March 2017)

Invisible Dead Men (25 February 2017) UK

Woman charged after allegedly stabbing fiancé to death in Sydney driveway
(18 February 2017)

Intimate partner homicide of men in Australia (31 January 2017)

Wife of slain California mayor gets 3 months jail in killing (20 January 2017)

Murder of Stuart Rattle prompts review into how family violence is dealt with in the gay community (17 January 2017) Only gay men deserving of (feigned) understanding and support?

Sunbury hit-and-run: Woman charged with murder of partner (9 January 2017)

It’s time to stop “counting dead women” and face the facts, by Jasmin Newman (28 December 2016)

Niece of Californian mayor says his wife should have divorced him rather than shot him dead (1 December 2016) USA

Woman, 53, gives first prison interview after killing cheating husband in road rage attack (16 November 2016) USA

Woman gets life in prison for fatally stabbing her former partner during drunken brawl (3 November 2016) Australia

Mashed potato murderer has no idea where former partner’s body was dumped (31 October 2016)

Joe Cinque’s Consolation: violence, delusion and the question of guilt (11 October 2016) Australia. Friends were told of the impending murder but did nothing – was this an inevitable outcome of community being conditioned to think that female-perpetrated violence is a rare and unlikely aberration.

The boyfriend who was stabbed to death in a frenzied attack by his ex-glamour model girlfriend when he texted her to say ‘it’s over’ (22 September 2016)

Vicious whispers led to doting dad’s murder (13 September 2016)

Woman charged over Gold Coast shooting (23 August 2016) Australia

Woman widowed three times now on trial in death of second husband (11 August 2016) USA

Hong Kong ‘milkshake murderer’ in fresh court bid (30 July 2016)

Woman sentenced in husband’s 2015 stabbing death (29 July 2016) But only to ten years probation!

A cycle of violence: when a woman’s murder is called ‘understandable’, by Laura Bates (27 July 2016) UK. Feminist perspective that ignores the fact that explanations/excuses are also routinely found when women kill their partners (in fact I would suggest that this is more common in such situations)

San Antonio woman gets 50 year sentence for fatal house fire (16 July 2016)

Domestic violence deaths at ‘epidemic proportions’ despite awareness (30 June 2016) DV-related deaths are NOT at “epidemic proportions”, ‘Destroy the Joint’s tally is by no means “meticulous”, and this is yet another feminist offering that air-brushes out male deaths.

‘I shot my British former boyfriend in self-defence,’ says ex-model in Spanish court (25 May 2016)

Woman charged with murder over Adelaide man’s death (4 May 2016) That’s now at least 17 murders by woman in Australia this year.

Domestic violence will flourish because of government funding cuts (2 May 2016) Australia. According to Jenna Price the pussy-pass works in reverse .. men do all the killing but the justice system lets them off the hook. Reality check please. All in all, an extremely misandric article. Reddit discussion thread here.

Man dies after being stabbed in Mt Isa (23 April 2016) Australia

Woman sentenced to home detention for manslaughter (21 April 2016) NZ

Former prostitute found guilty of murdering her businessman fiance – who was shot 10 times in the head by her lover (20 April 2016) Australia

Woman ‘stabs husband and feeds his flesh to dog’ (6 April 2016) Spain

Sharon Edwards: Violent wife murdered lawyer husband (8 March 2016) UK

“The number of women convicted for domestic violence rose by 30% in the year to April 2015, from 3,735 to 4,866. It marks an upward trend – the number of convictions involving female perpetrators is now six times higher than it was ten years ago”

Woman who killed husband with axe spared jail (8 March 2016) Australia. Related Reddit discussion thread here

Springfield woman apologizes for helping mother poison family with antifreeze (1 March 2016) USA

Male victims still overlooked (28 February 2016) Australia. This article states that:

“The reality is 12 people have died in domestic violence [related incidents in 2016] and eight of them have been men. Men are dying at the rate of two to one, but we show only show one male victim out of half a dozen or eight females.” And yet at the same time Destroy the Joint tweeted that nine women had been killed in the same period. Someone’s maths skills are seriously impaired.

Newlywed bride ‘liked being a solicitor’s wife so killed hubby when he lost his job’, court hears (24 February 2016)

Jealous hairdresser, 23, stabbed her boyfriend to death with a breadknife after losing her temper because he spent too much time on Facebook (22 February 2016)

Doctor ‘killed husband with hammer’ after their sex with teen (2 February 2016)  Australia. Guess we’ll never know his side of the story

Woman ‘arranged for ex-boyfriend she said had made her pregnant to be stabbed to death in a graveyard’ (27 January 2016) UK

Male domestic violence deaths become focus in Cornwall (25 January 2016) UK

“Michelle Davies, domestic abuse strategy manager for Safer Cornwall, said it was “difficult to pinpoint” why more men than women have died in domestic situations in Cornwall over the past five years.”

‘What I did was a horrible thing’: Anu Singh seeks atonement for killing Joe Cinque (14 January 2016)

Domestic violence: How to get away with murder (undated) Australia

Grandmother Lucia Colella not guilty by reason of mental incompetence of killing husband with axe at Alberton (22 December 2015)

Woman jailed for life over ex-lover murder (17 December 2015) Australia

Woman accused of murdering man, attempting to kill children in Perth suburb of Leda (7 December 2015)

Spanish woman stabs her husband 150 times (25 November 2015)

“In 2015, statistics from the Ministry of Health recorded three women killed in the province of Seville at the hands of their partners or former partners. There is no official count for murdered men, but through the news published by the media know that this crime was the second in 2015 … (In the first case) a neighbor beheaded her husband and then cut the veins. Like the (recent) case, the woman had a mental disorder.” And in a related reddit discussion thread it was noted that:

“As expected, (the) “battered woman” and “mental issues” justifications appear in the news. And as expected, the case is treated as “domestic violence”, not “gender violence”. At least 29 men have been murdered by their partners (and in comparison, 48 women) in Spain this year, according to the press.”

Woman stabs boyfriend to death because he threw her cat against a wall in a fit of anger (28 October 2015) Many of the reader’s comments here are from people supporting the woman’s action

Broken Hill woman charged with murder over alleged stabbing outside hospital (6 October 2015)

Another Drop Of Blood – Violence Is Genderless (14 September 2015)

Stop the tide of female blood (11 September 2015) More of the usual gender biased narrative from feminist journo Wendy Tuohy, but do take the time to scan the readers comments

UPDATE: Taylor County Woman Charged With Murder After Husband’s 2012 Death (22 August 2015) and related reddit discussion thread

SA court jails wife who stabbed husband in neck at end of sexually complicated marriage (10 July 2015)

Men the often-unreported victims of family violence (4 July 2015)

Woman kills husband over his affair in 1979, gets suspended sentence (26 June 2015)

Former Brewers player Darryl Hamilton found dead (22 June 2015)

Counting Dead Women: The issue we need to talk about (5 May 2015)

Male pattern violence is the problem: CountingDeadWomen (23 April 2015) Australian radfem perspective on the issue

Home isn’t a refuge for domestic violence victims (23 April 2015)

Wife of Sydney podiatrist charged with murder after Phillip Vasyli found dead in Bahamas (31 March 2015)

Two women are now killed by domestic violence every week. The time for discussion is over. It’s time to act (19 February 2015)

Domestic violence an equal opportunity killer, by Bill O’Chee (7 January 2015)

Why I Didn’t Wear a White Ribbon (28 November 2014) Provides Australian statistics in relation to DV-related deaths and injuries

‘My son’s cougar girlfriend was a monster who stabbed him 24 times then watched him die’: Grieving mother of murdered student shares her story (25 April 2014)

Woman ‘fed up’ with messy boyfriend stamped him to death after he came home drunk and spilled beer on the carpet (31 October 2012) UK

Children most often killed by their mothers (25 September 2012) NZ

Domestic violence: how the law treats women who kill a violent partner (31 July 2012)

When battered women kill (24 October 2011)

Penis-burning wife Rajini Narayan walks free (13 April 2011) Australia

Domestic violence related deaths, by Richard L Davis (2009)

Intimate partner homicide methods in heterosexual, gay, and lesbian relationships (2008) “We predicted that men would kill their partners more brutally than would women, but the results indicate that the opposite is true.”


Some other deaths you won’t read about in the ‘Destroy the Joint‘ page involve those men who paid the ultimate price for intervening to protect women who were being assaulted. Some of their stories can be found in this post.

Image(Australian data – Source)




Elsewhere in this blog you might also be interested in reading:

On violence carried out by women and girls
Feminist myth: Women usually only commit domestic violence in self-defence
Going Batty: The making of a champion of the Domestic Violence Industry
Mostly female perpetrators, so child abuse is a gendered crime then?
On the punishment of women and the notion of a ‘pussy-pass’
On suicide

The Unbearable Lameness of Being

Feminists. The things they do <facepalm>

I found out this afternoon that I had been blocked from a Twitter account – one belonging to an Australian journalist. The journalist in question is indeed a feminist, but by no means in the ‘barking mad’ misandrist league of Clementine Ford or Caitlin Roper, for example. Which makes her action all the more disconcerting.

I’m not sure how many others have blocked me from their Twitter accounts (and/or Facebook pages, etc), but there must be a few by now. Two that spring to mind are White Ribbon Australia and Our Watch, both of which are feminist advocacy groups.

Anyway, so there I was, reading a newly-minted article about domestic violence. More accurately, an article about that component of domestic violence involving male perpetrators and female victims. I posted a reader’s comment which failed to appear (other reader’s comments were uploaded). As I had some issues with both the article and certain comments that followed it, I sallied forth looking for another outlet through which to express myself. I turned to Twitter only to be greeted with the following message:


Had I been bombarding the poor woman with dozens of tweets? Nope, just one actually. Well, it must have been particularly vicious! Judge for yourself (by the way, that tweet became the basis for this blog post)


I haven’t ever blocked anyone from Twitter, etc, but I can certainly understand others doing so in situations involving persistent unwanted messages/posts of a threatening or obscene nature. But what I am talking about here and now are situations that are far more benign. Situations where it is simply a matter of ‘I don’t like what you have to say so I am not going to share information or communicate with you in any way, shape or form. So there.’

I have never sent or posted a threatening, abusive or obscene message to anyone, and I challenge anyone to prove otherwise. I choose not to, and I certainly don’t need to, in order to achieve what I am seeking to achieve.

My blog post about feminist censorship included the fitting observation that:

Personally, when I read material produced by feminists and see how they respond in online forums, my mind is drawn to the Credit Union Australia adverts shown on Australian TV. In those ads people block out information they don’t want to hear/consider by covering their ears and saying “la la la”.

That blog post also noted that, despite the very different perception that feminists seek to portray as reality, more men than women are subject to online abuse and bullying, and substantial number of women/girls are responsible for this type of activity. I also noted the increasingly common tactic of feminists lodging false or exaggerated complaints with the intention of having other people’s Facebook or Twitter accounts suspended.

Whether feminists are blocking people from posting to their Facebook pages, from interacting with them via Twitter, or adding a comment to their article or blog post (that is, when they allow any reader’s comments at all). I’ve got to ask … what’s the point?

I guess it all comes back to the question of what are feminists trying to achieve via publishing material online. Sharing and persuading with/to the broader community, or simply seeking a platform to propagandise to the converted and to gullible ingenues.

What do feminists hope to achieve by blocking out alternative perspectives and information at variance with their own stated claims?  Do they not see any value in facilitating dialogue about gender issues? In being inclusive with regards to people who hold perspectives other than their own? Are feminists now so infantilized and imbued with victim-mentality that they see any disagreement as an attack?

I know. Call me biased. But the feminist response seems so juvenile, pointless and counter-productive.

Just … lame

Snap#1: Another feminist – @misskylie77 – just blocked me from her Twitter stream after I replied to one of her tweets (26 February 2015)

Snap#2: The organisation Domestic Violence NSW blocked me from posting to their Facebook page the very first time I posted there – and then employed another common feminist tactic by lodging a complaint against me with Facebook (12 March 2015)

Update 15 April 2015: Care to guess which feminist journalist ‘spat the dummy’ this morning and deleted ALL the readers comments (about a dozen of them) because not one of them supported her convoluted sexist perspective on violence in the community.

Footnote in relation to the following comment from the author of the article


 DV-deniers? Really? Readers raised concerns about the fact you had built your case on a series of crimes in which none of the alleged perpetrators had yet been convicted. That’s not denial, simply fact. Readers raised concerns that you based your article on events within a period of just a few weeks, which could greatly misrepresent the reality over (say) twelve months. Again, not denial, just conventional wisdom in the realm of statistical analysis.

Readers also raised concerns that you had not provided any statistics in relation to the number of men killed by their female partners (or alleged to be killed by partners) during this period. And indeed, you admit that you had not researched that topic. Surely both the actual nature of the problem, and the most appropriate remedial action, might be quite different were similar numbers of men being killed?

It looks a lot like you didn’t research the issue and then form an opinion, but cobbled together a somewhat dubious statistic that supported your pre-existing conclusion.

In fact the only denials about DV that I am seeing in this and in so many other articles, involve feminists denying men’s right to raise legitimate concerns about ongoing anti-male sexism and misrepresentation. Denials in particular about both the extent of male DV victimization and the substantial and growing level of female perpetration of violence.

See also:

Reddit mensrights discussion thread related to this blog post

Blocked: Silencing the public opinion (19 February 2015)

Facing the challenge of online harassment (8 January 2015) Jacques Cuze, when discussing this article in the context of his concerns about feminist groups suppressing free speech, suggested that “Twitter (and other sites) should be transparent and specific about who is banned and why. Transparency in who is blocked or banned and why is a critical part of making sure anti-harassment strategies are not abused” (10 January 2015)

Readers might also be interested in reading this related post within my blog:

On the inability to cope with criticism in a mature manner (You disagree with me = You hate women)


Negative (and invariably false) portrayals of the Men’s Rights Movement

The nature of criticism put forward in relation to the men’s rights movement says a lot about both the MRM and it’s critics – just not in the way most authors intended.

At the outset let me note that while writers may claim to be directing their criticism towards the men’s rights movement, they are frequently either unknowingly or deliberately inaccurate.

As I’ve said elsewhere in this blog, one of the great things about those people who are supportive of the men’s rights movement is their extraordinary diversity. They may not agree with every aspect of MRA beliefs, nor us them, but they have taken the time energy to research and to present their views.

A selection of related papers:

The Tweet that Launched a Thousand Quips, by Janice Fiamengo (27 November 2024)

The sad truth is that anti-feminist backlash helped propel Trump to victory (6 November 2024) Watch the woke use terms like ‘MRA’ as being synonymous with ‘men’, ‘Trump Supporter’, sociopath, etc. etc. And see this related piece entitled ‘No sex, no babies: 4B Movement goes viral after Donald Trump US election win‘ (8 November 2024)

Radical anti-feminism the most prevalent form of violent extremism in Australia, report finds (18 July 2024) This article in provided further information including a link to the actual report produced (26 July 2024).

Bi-Annual Report From ‘Diverting Hate’ (March 2024) This project is funded by the US Department of Homeland Security’s Center for Prevention Programs and Partnerships

FBI documents associate internet slang like ‘based’ and ‘red pill’ with ‘extremism’ (11 April 2023)

Schiff, Durbin demand Google and YouTube crack down on dangerous Incel content (25 October 2022)

Yes, I Am Afraid to Write About Men’s Rights (12 July 2022)

This is why I’m teaching my nine-year-old son about incels (12 September 2021)

Men who hate women and their online refuge of scoundrels (28 November 2020) Australia. Staggeringly one-eyed and biased coverage of the issue from the feminist perspective.

Goodbye Spectator (21 November 2020) UK

The “manosphere” is getting more toxic as angry men join the incels (7 February 2020)

Are men’s movements a new form of terrorism? (25 November 2018) Australia

Did you forget International Men’s Day? Don’t worry – the men’s rights activists did too (22 November 2017) Australia. Another offering from the poison pen of Jane Gilmore, who produces many such cookie-cutter hatchet-jobs on the men’s movement.

One Nation has reached an inexcusable new low (26 October 2017)

‘Men’s rights’ movement rooted in ignorance (27 September 2017)

Discussion thread regarding an MRA meet-up that was promoted in the Reddit Los Angeles forum (August 2017) Many of the comment illustrate the negative knee-jerk reaction that any mention of men’s rights commonly elicits

The Privilege Discussions We Need To Have (21 June 2017) If I get time I would love to write a rebuttal of this post. A classic example of someone who clearly thinks they know a great deal about the men’s rights movement but whose understanding is in fact deeply flawed.

How the ‘pissing pug’ became a perfect metaphor for the men who hate feminism (3 June 2017)

I am so sick of people acting like “misandry” is equivalent to misogyny (1 June 2017)

“Stop referring to them as Men’s rights activists” (undated)

New Hampshire State Rep Who Created Reddit’s ‘Red Pill’ Resigns (17 May 2017) Feminists can be as hateful and biased as they like but has one ever been forced to resign from public office? This selective and media-endorsed persecution of anti-feminists and MRA’s is why so many opt for anonymity in the first place.

‘You can’t tell me women don’t lie, of course they do’: why Men’s Rights Activists hate AVOs (12 May 2017) Except pointing out that the AVO process is sometimes abused is not the same thing as hating AVOs.

The conservative young men who need a trigger warning when women are around (1 May 2017) Australia

Professor says she felt raped by white male student’s paper touting men’s rights (25 April 2017)

The Anger Bias (29 March 2017)

Holden and Kia pull ads from YouTube as Google boycott widens (26 March 2017)

Well met, Professor Sullivan (13 March 2017) Video with Karen Straughan

Men’s rights movement infiltrates political parties, Calgary prof cautions (8 March 2017

On International Women’s Day, don’t forget men, by Ben Pobjie (8 March 2017) Australia. The secret to witty caricaturization is knowing your subject, and this guy is clearly clueless about MRA’s and the men’s rights movement. Then again, if he understood the movement, he’d be less inclined to mock it.

Don’t call it men’s rights (6 January 2017) Canada

Philip Davies MP interviewed by radfem Jane Garvey, BBC Woman’s Hour (20 December 2016) Reddit discussion thread with linked video

Hannah Wallen comments on feminists accusing men’s rights advocates of being “angry” (15 November 2016) Video

Can feminist men open up a useful dialogue with men’s rights activists? (1 November 2016) Australia. See related Reddit discussion thread here.

Men have problems – but men’s rights activists aren’t solving them (24 October 2016) with related Reddit discussion thread here.

David Futrelle is a high-profile critic of the Men’s Rights movement. “Futrelle is considered the go-to expert on the Men’s Rights Movement by many mainstream journalists”. This web site discusses his work.

Karen Straughan (Female MRA) dissects a negative review of the film ‘The Red Pill’ (13 October 2016) Video

The MGTOW group really, really don’t like women (8 October 2016) You’d think feminists would be delighted to have more men disengaging from women, but no it’s just too good an opportunity to mock and misrepresent. This article is a knock-off of another article in The Independent (UK) a week earlier.

Comment: Hanson’s policies on family law equally dangerous, by Jane Gilmore (15 September 2016)

“Hanson’s audience is, as it always has been, bitterly angry white men, furious that their place at the front of every queue is no longer guaranteed by the power of their tiny, white penises”

Men’s rights activism and the mad rush to victimhood, by Caitlin Johnstone (14 September 2016)

Guy at party mentions the issue of violence against men and a women spits her beer in his face and mocks him. Other people at the party encourage HIM to apologise (video)

Why I’ll never date a feminist (9 September 2016) Check out the readers comments, many of which attack the author regarding his physical appearance, etc etc. Further discussed here and here

Backlash: Angry men’s movements, by Michael Flood

Why don’t mens rights activists fight for men’s rights? by Jane Gilmore (25 August 2016) Australia. It being extremely hypocritical for this feminist writer to level this criticism – see this post

Suspend the rightwing Tory MP Philip Davies? No way, he’d love it, by Michael White (15 August 2016) UK. Then see the video of his presentation

The burning question I didn’t get to ask Pauline Hanson on Q&A (21 July 2016)

“In response to Sonia Kruger’s comments, radio personality Meshel Laurie stated the bare facts: “The most dangerous people in Australia are Australian men who kill Australian women at a rate of one a week.”

“That’s more than any terrorist has ever done,’ pointed out her co-host, Matt Tilley. Following One Nation’s logic, is the solution to domestic violence to ban all men from entering Australia?”

Dylan Jones: men have never had it so good (9 August 2016)

Cracked’s 5 Lies and Strawmen Attacks on the MRM (5 July 2016)

Deluded men’s rights activists are conspiracy nutjobs – don’t believe a word they say (23 May 2016)

Swallowing the Red Pill: a journey to the heart of modern misogyny (14 April 2016)

Being blocked is not the same as being censored, by Clementine Ford (8 April 2016)

Mum angry about son uploading meme concerning society’s expectations on men vs women, and feminists rush to her defence

Do you think the ‘Disrespect Nobody’ ad campaign is horribly sexist? (28 February 2016) Note the many stereotypical negative comments against any suggestion that men’s victimisation should be acknowledged. Here is the ad itself with comments an MRA. Strangely, the Disrespect Nobody website itself is gender-neutral.

How creating outgroups manufactures outrage (27 February 2016)

Laurie Penny (for it is she) says all you do is “hang out on forums talking about raping and beating up women” in an open letter to Who Don’t Need Feminism (21 February 2016) Reddit mensrights discussion thread

The men hijacking family law reforms (Februrary 2016) by Nijole Cork. Revelations regarding trolling activities allegedly undertaken by this author here.

The fact is, I like men. Just not these men (8 February 2016) by Wendy Tuohy. Australia

Here’s what we think of you and your ‘rape van’ (18 January 2016) Australia

Why the MRA ‘Manosphere’ Isn’t Actually Helping Men Cope with Rejection (4 January 2016)

Men’s Rights, the Southern Poverty Law Center, and Hate (1 January 2016)

What The Media Fails To Tell Us About The Men’s Rights Movement (28 December 2015)

Men’s Rights Activists are cave dwelling idiots (21 December 2015)

“Red Pill”: Feminist hit-piece gets decimated in the reader’s comments section (13 November 2015) UK

Barbara Kay: Anti-male ignorance on parade at the CBC (13 November 2015) USA

Equality, Feminism, and the Zero-Sum Game (18 October 2015) Reddit mens rights discussion thread

Miranda Devine and Men’s Rights Activism, by Naomi Fryers (3 October 2015)

Malcolm Turnbull on domestic violence: Some people will hate what the PM had to say (24 September 2015)

” … there will be voters out there who really object to the Prime Minister calling out their attitudes towards women …”

So if you disagree with the Prime Minister’s ill-informed comments and/or the nature of his package of funding, then it’s because you hold negative attitudes towards women.


How MRAs and the MHRM help men (16 September 2015) YouTube video that rebuts some of those feminist criticisms

Men’s Rights Agency – Feminism (undated) Australia. Includes reference to comments by Judge Alistair Nicholson, who “publicly accused those who disagreed with the practices of the Family Court (mostly men), as being “discontented litigants, sometimes obviously dysfunctional“. Nicholson, the Chief Justice of the Family Court further abused his advantaged position, (i.e. protected from rebuttal under the secrecy provisions within the Family Law Act), by claiming “most persistent critics behaved in a way which cannot stand up to public scrutiny, particularly in relation to issues of violence against women and children“.”

Feminist collective supports violence against men’s rights advocates (14 September 2015) Australian video

Why does speaking out about the issues men face always trigger a furious reaction? (8 September 2015)

Hilarious ‘men’s rights’ campaign urges people to stop ‘Mancrimination’ (29 June 2015)

The Men’s Rights Movement: Feminism’s Mirror Image (25 June 2015)

The propaganda of toxic feminism Part 31 (21 June 2015) Video

‘There’s a group of men who believe you are trying to ruin their lives. And I met them’ (17 June 2015)

Possibly a Guiness record for unashamed feminist hypocrisy: sticky post, “Tell Pride to ban CAFE”. Two post further down: “Why are MRAs blaming feminists for Pride CAFE backlash” (10 June 2015)

What if we awarded men danger pay for getting married? by Janet Bloomfield (8 June 2015)

The propaganda of toxic feminism part 28 (4 June 2015) Youtube video

No, I will not take the Men’s Rights Movement seriously (28 February 2014) with related reddit mensrights discussion thread

#BlameOneNotAll reveals feminist hatred for men, by Jack Barnes (28 May 2015)

Ten of the worst anti-feminism arguments: DEBUNKED (20 May 2015) In this article the author subsequently rebuts criticism of the men’s rights movement provided in an original article

Five Feminist TV Hosts Vs MGTOW – Peter Lloyd, author of ‘Stand Up For Your Manhood’ (7 May 2015) Youtube video of Australian TV show

New ‘bro-bible’ claims feminists have turned men into 2nd class citizens (23 April 2015)

Why we should probably stop paying attention to men’s opinions (20 April 2015)

4 ways men’s rights activists actually hurt men, by Amanda Marcotte (17 April 2015)

Pickup artist: Women with short hair are committing self-harm, should be monitored by authorities (17 April 2015)

The AgainstMensRights forum on

6 Cheap Ways People Dismiss Feminism – And How To Hold Your Ground When They Do (30 March 2015) with related reddit mensrights discussion thread

David Futrelle redefines the words “sick motherfucker” (27 March 2015) Notorious mangina seeks to blame Germanwings tragedy on MRA

Milo Yiannopoulos vs. Feminism: A response to The Big Question (20 March 2015)

“There is much fudging of stats by the Father’s Rights movement and IMO many (not all) of the men in those groups are [domestic violence] perpetrators posing as victims.” Reader’s comment by Barbara Roberts, Author of “Not Under Bondage: Biblical Divorce for Abuse, Adultery & Desertion.” Co-leader of A Cry For Justice (Source) 21 March 2015

Inside men’s rights groups (21 March 2015) and related reddit mensrights discussion thread

Are you man enough for the men’s rights movement? (March 2015)

Responding to GQ’s “Are You Man Enough for the Men’s Rights Movement” (20 March 2015)

I’m an MRA-bashing Feminist—But Because I’m Male, Trolls Leave Me Alone (11 March 2015) Please tell me this guy isn’t serious

MRA Group Attacks Ontario’s Anti-Sexual Violence Campaign with an Idiotic Billboard (10 March 2015)

Leah McLaren: How men’s rights groups are distorting the debate about equality (13 March 2015)

Men’s rights campaigners should work with feminists instead of fighting them (9 March 2015)

To the Male Supporters of the Men’s Rights Movement (19 February 2015) Rubbish article but do take time to peruse the reader’s comments

How To Be A Man, According To A Woman (29 December 2014)

Why It’s Time For Male Allies To Fight Men’s Rights Activists (24 December 2014)

Men’s rights groups resorting to macabre blackmailing stunt (24 September 2014)

In Which a Grumpy Lesbian Offers Her Feminist Understanding of Men (3 February 2015)

8 Things Some A$$#ole Says in Every Debate About Sexism (19 February 2015)

The ‘Men’s Rights’ Movement Is Hilariously Self-Defeating (27 February 2015)

Understanding the misogyny and bigotry of the illiberal, anti-MRA progressives at (28 February 2015)

Puerile trash avoid facts on domestic violence, by David Penberthy (20 September 2014)

“Men’s rights” group’s sad reality: Behind the doors of a depressing confab (11 July 2014)

The Anatomy of a Men’s Rights Activist (25 June 2014)

Feminism didn’t kill men’s rights advocate Earl Silverman (30 April 2013)

Anti-Feminist Backlash and Violence against Women Worldwide, by Katherine van Wormer (2008)



Elsewhere in this blog you might also be interested in:

Australian feminist attacks integrity of advocacy group for male victims of domestic violence

Feminist efforts to shut down, disrupt and/or denigrate the 2014 Conference on Mens Issues

How tragic that feminists ignore their role in demonising men

What follows is just one example of feminist hypocrisy. Not the worst example by any means. But just one that happened to come across my desk the other day. The author is a feminist journalist working for an Australian pro-feminist media group, an organisation that has been mentioned in one or two of my other blog posts due to it’s routine anti-male bias.

The title of the article is ‘How tragic that men are afraid to help kids‘ (29 October 2014), and it begins:

“THIS story finding more than two thirds of Australian men would be afraid to go to the aid of a child in need for fear of being thought a potential “pervert” is so sad for men and kids.”

Well that’s reasonable isn’t it? Of course it is sad that men are all too aware that they are viewed as potential predators. Very sad. But let’s think about how this situation came about.

Firstly, and undeniably, it is partly due to actual perpetration of sex crimes by a very small number of men, against a small minority of children. The actions of these people are obviously inexcusable, and clearly such offenders need to be dealt with to the full extent of the law.

But then the media, advocacy groups and public agencies take over, building that kernel of evil wrong-doing into a mountain of fear and foreboding. They do this not only in relation to their handling  of the specific issue of child sexual abuse by men, but also with regards to how they address the topics of (for example) domestic violence, sexual violence/‘rape culture‘, and workplace discrimination and harassment.

I need to digress here for a moment because feminists are wont to respond to what they imagine men are saying, rather than to what is actually said:

Men are not saying:

  • That the issues mentioned above are not real and/or do not warrant remedial action being taken
  • That all men are innocent of wrongdoing in relation to these issues
  • That the misrepresentation of men’s culpability is indicative of a global conspiracy against men (as is the case for example with feminists and their belief in the existence of a patriarchy)

Men are saying:

  • That media coverage of the issues listed above generally asserts (or at least implies) that men are almost always the perpetrators and that women are victims, when this is often not the case
  • That even in those situations where rates of male perpetration are substantially greater than female perpetration, this is not a valid justification for failing to acknowledge and address female perpetrators and male victims
  • That this biased misrepresentation of the actual situation appears to be a deliberate attempt of the part of many writers to damage the credibility of men and/or support and further the cause of feminist ideology
  • That this ongoing misrepresentation is unfair and unhelpful in addressing the issues under consideration

Let’s think about the broader picture of how men are presented in the media generally, and that is anything but a positive portrayal. It is no coincidence that the Australian media is overwhelmingly influenced and shaped by feminists and their white-knight cohorts. Should you doubt this fact then start reading almost any of the posts in this blog.

Let’s think about why women are not similarly viewed as potential predators despite the fact that they are responsible for most (non-sexual) child abuse and neglect, much elder abuse, and given that there are now almost daily incidents involve adult women preying on underage boys and girls.

A major factor here is, yet again, pro-feminist and anti-male bias in the media. This pervasive sexist bigotry sees men’s transgressions amplified, whilst women’s are minimised or ignored entirely. The general public then comes away with the idea that men’s perpetration is commonplace, deliberate, and severe, whilst women’s crimes are rare aberrations for which there are usually extenuating circumstances.

Let’s think about what feminists in general, and feminist journalists in particular, are doing to address this issue of men being portrayed as evil.  I mean apart from shedding crocodile tears by way of superficial space-filler articles like the one introduced earlier.

Are feminists, for example, lobbying for airlines to stop their discriminatory policy of not allowing men to sit next to unaccompanied minors? Are they lobbying for the imposition of gender quotas for male primary school teachers? Are they doing anything at all to help? Please prove me wrong, but I think you will find that the answer is no. No, they are much too busy pushing in the opposite direction.

PS: By the way, I did try to share my views about the article in the Herald-Sun web site via submitting a readers comment, but alas it was not posted. I’m hardly surprised … such censorship moderation is  absolutely par for the course when it comes to feminists seeking to avoid having their precious ideology critiqued derailed. Oh, and then the author of the article blocked me from her Twitter page – presumably in retaliation – rather than providing a mature and lucid rebuttal. This is what a feminist looks like.

See also:

Can we discuss gender issues rationally? Yes, if we can stop gamma bias (4 December 2018)

Male teachers fear student contact for false abuse claims: experts (4 August 2017)

Men won’t volunteer to help the Scouts for one depressing reason: they’ll be labelled paedophiles (13 April 2017) Reddit discussion thread and linked article

Wendy Tuohy: Too right, women do more work. And we’re so tired (17 March 2017)

Feminism: The demonization of males, by Stacy McCain (2 March 2017)

An open letter to men, who can help female runners feel safe (6 December 2016)

Rachel Stewart: No predator more dangerous than the human male (12 October 2016) New Zealand

‘Hysterical’ feminism isn’t helping our fight against domestic violence, by Corrine Barraclough (22 July 2016) Australia

The damage being done when people insist ‘boys will be boys’, by Clementine Ford (3 June 2016)

Congratulations creeps: You’ve scared women off the streets, by Wendy Tuohy (13 May 2016) Australia

Australian teacher warns young men not to become teachers as a result of the experience he has had (7 May 2016) The investigation into an accusation of inappropriate touching last two years – then found to be unsubstantiated.

Men won’t volunteer to help the Scouts for one depressing reason: they’ll be labelled paedophiles (3 May 2016) UK

Demonising men creates a culture of fear that is bad for everyone, by Karen Brooks (18 April 2016) Australia

Men are way creepier than women, according to science (14 April 2016)

Introducing the most derided ethnic group in Britain: young white men (14 December 2015) UK

When a women-only community is the answer to male violence, by Clementine Ford (18 August 2015)

A similar article from another feminist journalist at the same newspaper. This one is entitled ‘Why is being a male a crime these days?‘ (12 May 2015)

Women’s studies prof calls for ‘men control’ (23 June 2015) More on that here