Another feminist myth: Most male victims of domestic violence are abused by other men

It disgusts me how often I come across this claim. I invariably then look for sources to fire back at the author/s of these spurious claims … and can’t find something quickly. There are probably relevant sources in this existing post and/or in this one, but from now on I will insert them onto this page.

If readers can point me towards other relevant sources, that would be much appreciated.

Here is the first cab off the rank, drawing on data from the Office of National Statistics:



“Ridiculous! 4 Jan 2016. Those 1 in 3 statistics are BS. Yes the stats are “real”, albeit misleading. People fail to recognise the perpetrators of violence against men are often OTHER men. Very rarely is the perpetrator a female.

Women are allowed to joke about violence against men – the dominant majority – because “reverse sexism” DOES. NOT. EXIST.
Yes, women joking about & mocking men is funny. As is People of Colour joking about white people. As is disabled people joking about able people. White straight men: Check your privilege!
MRA’s- Cry me a river, big enough to swim in, it’s going to be a hot week.” (Source)


2 thoughts on “Another feminist myth: Most male victims of domestic violence are abused by other men”

    1. Noted with thanks. I will review your site for material relevant to my post, but in the interim I’ve included a link here

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