“BOYS as young as nine will be targeted in the new fight against domestic violence.
Social media will also become the new way to deliver the Federal Government’s $30 million education campaign.
The Assistant Minister for Women, Michaelia Cash, has revealed boys aged between nine and 12, non-English-speaking women and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders are among the groups chosen for special focus …
We want them to understand the girl standing next to you is the same as the boy standing next to you,” she said.” (Source)
With respect Minister, but that is a nonsense. If you really believed that to be true then both boys and girls would be given the same instruction. In other words there would be a corresponding expectation that girls/women treat men/boys with respect. But no, that is not what is being proposed.
So congratulations Minister for swallowing the feminist narrative hook, line and sinker. In so doing you are complicit in the ongoing process of downplaying female perpetration of violence (increasing), and ignoring the many male victims of DV.
And this incredibly sexist and biased policy move seemingly based on a survey that didn’t even bother to ask about public attitudes to violence towards men, thus robbing it of proper context in which we might interpret its findings.
See also:
Courier Mail Facebook post See readers comments, most of whom call for the inclusion of girls in the proposed program
A November 2015 article by Australian feminist journalist, Wendy Tuohy, put forward as an example of just how one-sided (i.e. gynocentric) the discussion about respectful relationships has become
Elsewhere in this blog you might be interested in reading:
No place for feminist propaganda in our schools or universities
Two awareness campaigns. Only one can be criticised. Cowed by feminism?
On violence carried out by women and girls
On recognising and supporting male victims of domestic violence
The trouble with boys and learning
My response to the report of the Queensland Task Force on Family Violence