The justice system and legal reform are pivotal factors to be addressed in moving towards true gender equality, and I mention this in a number of my blog posts, including:
On false accusations by women/girls against men/boys
Gender inequality within the criminal justice system
Which leads me to the focus of my post today … have you heard about the ‘Restoring the Presumption of Innocence Conference‘ that was held at Rushcutters Bay, Sydney, Australia on 31 August 2024?
What has happened to the presumption of innocence in Australia?
- How can accused men receive justice in a system where police and prosecutors refer to complainants as “victims” or “survivors”?
- Over the last six months, five NSW District Court judges have spoken out about insufficient evidence supporting cases of men accused of sexual assault.
- Now the NSW public prosecutors are conducting an audit of all current sexual assault cases.
- Legal rights of men accused of domestic violence are under siege after activists falsely claimed an epidemic of domestic homicide – despite the Australian Institute of Criminology just announcing a 30-year decline in domestic homicide rates.
Care to learn the true facts – from legal experts, law professors, statisticians, whistleblowers, victims of injustice, media analysts – exposing how ideology has captured our justice system and tossed aside the basic principle of equality before the law?
“The time is right. Equality before the law no longer exists in Australia. The presumption of innocence has been tossed aside – totally discarded by our biased media and undermined by legislative tampering with basic principles of justice.
For decades our justice system has been tilted to favour “victims”, with the result that men and women are treated very differently – by police, the Family Court, judges and juries in the criminal law system.
But gradually the rot in the system is being exposed. Right now, 400 current sexual assault cases are being audited by NSW public prosecutors to determine whether, as six judges have claimed, such cases are being pushed through to trial with insufficient evidence.
We are seizing the moment, and bringing together real experts to expose what is going on here. And to talk about what’s needed to achieve a fair system.
Our conference supports all victims of violence and sexual assault and that requires telling the truth about these complex issues. All victims, whether male or female, deserve policies based on up-to-date accurate data and truthful analysis. Flawed analysis can only lead to flawed policy which contributes to the ongoing crisis in our justice system and the current misleading public narrative on these issues.
Most importantly, the current high rates of false allegations are making it difficult for genuine victims to be heard. These victims deserve a better system.”
Zali’s back for Lehrmann’s hat (26 July 2024)
As someone who has been through an unjust false allegation trial – and who now pays the lifetime penalty for being a male who came across a man-hater in a position of power – I fully support this conference and hope that positive change comes from it. Long overdue (16 years in my case). Hope I can see it recorded as I live in ADL.