The Big Picture

This post is a work-in-progress that comprises a collection of articles that deal with the ‘big picture’ – topics larger than specific men’s rights issues, … for example, about the ways society works now and in earlier times. Please feel free to suggest other worthy papers that might be included here.

On addressing mass migration (7 August 2024) Video

The Great Abdication (19 March 2023) Watching California – no, the entire west coast – slide down the toilet while the woke would rather discuss topics they found amongst their navel lint

AI campaigner says CEOs are ‘freaking out’ about rapid advancement as humanity approaches point of no return (29 May 2024)

The Global Gender Divide We Really Should Be Talking About (6 April 2024)

The violent gang crisis shaking Sweden (19 November 2023) Concerns the post-immigrant surge in violent behavior in Sweden.

Stephen J Shaw speaks with Jordan Peterson about falling birthrates (April 2023) Video entitled ‘The Epidemic that dare not speak its name’. See also the viewers comments (there’s already more than 10,000 of them)

Video of Ray Bradbury talking about space travel and theology

Video showing Konstantin Kisin speaking about the ‘woke’ phenomenon (January 2023)

Women Are Disproportionately Hurting Our Country (30 August 2022)

Authoritarianism gets women hot, by Lillian Andrews (30 March 2022)

The data are clear: The boys are not all right (8 February 2022)

Alarmist Gatekeeping by Dr Debbie Garratt (12 August 2020)

How will history treat the Coronavirus lockdown? with Prof Denis Rancourt (28 April 2020) Video

Love Drugs: The Chemical Future of Relationships (January 21, 2020)

Jordan Peterson on 12 Rules for Life (17 January 2018) Video. How can a society that produces a guy like this also produce feminists – feminists of the type that feature elsewhere in this blog?

#MeToo jumps another shark, by Cathy Young (29 January 2020) USA

Gynocentrism and the demographic implosion of western civilisation (25 November 2019)

How feminism destroyed the family (17 February 2019)

What would be really ‘awesome’ is if women could do something original without relying on removing men from an existing ‘awesomeness’ or assimilating Male Space to do something worth recognising. That would be awesome ladies; this is just a weak contrivance” (8 February 2019) A Tweet by Rollo Tomassi that appealed to me

#MenToo: Defending Dartmouth’s Todd Heatherton (21 November 2018) USA

Male authority – Be a “Man”, by Rollo Tomassi (13 November 2018)

The Coddling of the American Mind (19 September 2018) Video regarding free speech with interview conducted by Jordan Peterson

The Myth of the Alpha Female, by Rollo Tomassi (12 August 2018)

A Comprehensive Look at Gender Equality: Taking On The Institute For Women’s Policy Research (20 April 2018)

Why Are Millennials Wary of Freedom? (14 October 2017)

Jordan Peterson – why few women are in positions of power (3 March 2017) Video

MTV & the death of social justice (21 December 2016) Video

We believe  – doing violence to due process (18 October 2016)

Sisters need to get out of privilege bubble (16 November 2016) Australia. Related Reddit discussion thread here.

The curious power of hate propaganda in open societies (24 October 2016) An otherwise interesting and valid article compromised by its inference that the tactics it describes are only employed by the conservative right.

Fake hate crimes in the USA This regularly updated database may or may not be symptomatic of a ‘big issue’ but it is significant and I couldn’t think of anywhere else to stick it.

By making misogyny a crime, we are sleepwalking into tyranny (13 September 2016)

Why Women destroy nations/civilizations – and other uncomfortable truths (17 February 2016) Video

The two linked articles that follow concern the work of Dr Adam Perkins, who wrote a book called ‘The Welfare Trait’ (reviewed here). Adam is an academic who set out to remedy a problem with no intention of pandering to political correctness. I could have put these in either my ‘fudging the figures’ post or my ‘censorship’ post, but as the underlying issue is broader than feminism, I decided to place them here instead:

I was no-platformed by student ‘radicals’ for telling the truth about welfare (24 February 2016) and Persecution of Scientists Whose Findings Are Perceived As Politically Incorrect (16 February 2016)

On the same theme as the above is ‘Is crime genetic? Scientists don’t know because they’re afraid to ask’ (6 March 2016)

The Totalitarian Doctrine of ‘Social Justice Warriors’, by Cathy Young (2 February 2016) USA

Gynocentrism – the heart of what MGTOW fights (12 August 2014) Video

Let’s put the brakes on this growing trend of government by wacky cause, by Bettina Arndt (30 January 2016) Australia

The Real Victims of Victimhood (26 December 2015)

Rex Murphy: University administrators and real professors should take note: every brain needs a spine (14 November 2015)

State benefits negatively affect personality – here’s how (9 November 2015) This isn’t about gender but rather how research/researchers are now shunned if they dare to explore topics that are new/dear to the hearts of liberal progressives/SJW. Adam Perkins was subject to harsh criticism and exclusion (example) because he dared to examine how the welfare state is not just supporting but growing the number of unemployable people.

The Men’s Movement — why there is so much to gain from “the left” (26 January 2016) An article for everyone who’se tempted to paint everything bad in the world as being ‘left wing’

What is a Social Justice Warrior? (6 October 2015)

How to stop mass shootings (2 October 2015)

Where microaggressions really come from: A sociological account (7 September 2015) On the emerging culture of victimhood

Pleasure-seeking vs. relationships (1 September 2015)

Full response from traditional marriage advocate, Katy Faust (20 August 2015) Australia

Because we’re worth it – How and why lofty ideologies cohabit with rampant corruption (12 July 2014)

The real ‘Everyday Sexism’ is against men (24 March 2015) and related reddit mensrights discussion thread

Is it time that Britain had a Minister for Men? (23 March 2015)

Social inequality’s deepening roots, by George Will (20 March 2015)

Everything is problematic (24 November 2014) A woman reflects on her days as a rad-fem

I can tolerate anything except the outgroup (30 September  2014)

Social Justice Warriors, Jihadists and Neo-Nazis: Constructing identities disregarding facts (6 September 2014)

Men and boys and the ethical demand for social justice by Samuel Vincent Jones (2014)

Making women happy by Diana Davison and John Hembling (10 August 2014)

Breaking the pendulum: TradCons versus Feminists (Dean Esmay, 26 March 2014)

The Trouble with Traditionalism (19 August 2014)

Gynocentrism (MasculistFeminist)

Modern Feminism, Social Justice Warriors and the American Ideal of Freedom (18 August 2014)

Is America the greatest country in the world? (26 June 2012) Video

In-depth: How We Waded Into The Sexual Harassment Quagmire — And How to Wade Out: One Man’s View (11 December 2011) Recommended reading from a big-picture viewpoint

Why women do not wish the suffrage (September 1903) UK (related tweet)


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