NSW provides a world of opportunity. For women

I received an email on 21 June 2022 advising me of the following. No mention of any opportunities for men – I guess that will follow later … “The first Women’s Opportunity Statement was published today alongside the NSW Budget 2022-23. The Statement sets out the NSW Government’s plans to make New South Wales the best place in … Continue reading NSW provides a world of opportunity. For women

Women’s Economic Opportunities Review (NSW Treasury)

“The Review will consider how to improve women’s economic security through increased economic participation over the next 5-10 years. ​ Your ideas will help inform and refine the next steps taken towards improving women’s economic opportunities. This is an important occasion to have a direct voice about the changes you want to see in your community and our society.​” (Source) More details … Continue reading Women’s Economic Opportunities Review (NSW Treasury)

NSW Joint Select Committee on Coercive Control

In another of my posts entitled ‘Finessing definitions to preserve the image of female victimhood‘, I talk about the propensity of the feminist lobby to expand in influence (and finding) via inventing newer and worse ways to ‘prove’ the unutterable beastliness of the patriarchy. Two of the newer buzz-terms being bounced around the domestic violence … Continue reading NSW Joint Select Committee on Coercive Control

Excuse me NSW Government, your gender bias and lack of objectivity is showing (again)

On 21 October 2016 the Daily Telegraph published an article entitled ‘Domestic violence: Perpetrators would receive warning texts and videos‘. I have reproduced the article below with my own comments inserted and shown in blue, and with further comments following the article: DOMESTIC violence thugs would be sent texts messages and videos to remind them … Continue reading Excuse me NSW Government, your gender bias and lack of objectivity is showing (again)

NSW feminist groups seek to roll back reform of domestic violence shelters

(NB: The following is a working draft only at this point in time – see **) In 2014 the New South Wales government implemented a program to rationalise the operation of a large number of publicly-funded domestic violence refuges and homeless shelters. It’s my understanding that the review process was primarily driven by a desire … Continue reading NSW feminist groups seek to roll back reform of domestic violence shelters

Domestic Violence NSW censors dissenting views (before lapsing into paranoid delusion)

I spent some time the other day browsing content within the ‘Facebook page of Domestic Violence NSW’. As a first-time visitor I was somewhat taken aback at the extent of anti-male and pro-feminist bias evident in the material posted there. By way of background, Domestic Violence NSW is a Sydney-based charity that received over $6 million in government … Continue reading Domestic Violence NSW censors dissenting views (before lapsing into paranoid delusion)

Australian conference regarding false allegations and law reform (31 August 2024)

The justice system and legal reform are pivotal factors to be addressed in moving towards true gender equality, and I mention this in a number of my blog posts, including: On false accusations by women/girls against men/boys Gender inequality within the criminal justice system Which leads me to the focus of my post today … … Continue reading Australian conference regarding false allegations and law reform (31 August 2024)

Profound gender bias at the Australian Human Rights Commission (Part 3)

On 6 July 2023 the Government announced the name of the person who will take on Kate Jenkin’s previous role with the AHRC. Here is the text from an article that appeared in ‘Women’s Agenda’: “Professor Anna Cody is Australia’s new Sex Discrimination Commissioner Professor Anna Cody has been appointed as Australia’s new Sex Discrimination … Continue reading Profound gender bias at the Australian Human Rights Commission (Part 3)

Has the accepted role of journalism become that of a woke lullaby?

On the 16 June 2023 Australian media operator, Crikey, issued the following advice in relation to an article written by senior staffer, Guy Rundle: “Crikey has made the decision to unpublish the article, and apologises to Brittany Higgins and readers”. Thus Crikey didn’t simply grovel, it took the somewhat unusual step of also deleting the … Continue reading Has the accepted role of journalism become that of a woke lullaby?

Male victims of domestic violence – some personal accounts

“There’s a lot of men suffering the same Abraham, men are less likely to report it though. Its a two way street. I found it degrading after having my bipolar partner restrained by police to be put in an ambulance, that the literature given to me and having called the help line, that it was … Continue reading Male victims of domestic violence – some personal accounts