Moderation policy/Legal disclaimer/Social Media policy

1. Moderation Policy

As site moderator I must approve all readers comments before they can be placed online.  This is essential, partly because of the volume of spam posts I receive, and partly to ensure comments meet/exceed a minimum standard of useful and civil communication.

I aim to include most contributed comments, and don’t exclude comments simply because they represent an alternative point of view. If your comment doesn’t appear then it was probably because it ticked one or more of the following boxes:

1.1 Your comments and/or hyperlinked material included within it, appeared to be irrelevant to the topic of the blog post to which your comment was attached. Most commercial spam posts fall into this category and are deleted immediately.

1.2 Your comments could be considered defamatory, prejudicial, racist, or inflammatory based on the judgement of the average *mature broad-minded adult*. Any comments that contain threats of violence and/or propose illegal acts are deleted immediately.

1.3 Your comments were in a language other than English, or were otherwise incomprehensible.

1.4 Your comments feature obscene language or vulgarity … please try to keep comments polite and respectful.

1.5 Your comment was associated with the same IP address as another comment submitted under a different name. I don’t care whether you use your real name or an alias, but be consistent. Your argument gains no more credibility because you put forward the same point of view using six different names.

1.6 The same or very similar comment was posted repeatedly in different posts.

1.7 You provide personal information about yourself or another individual such as  email/home or work address/phone number. This is generally unwise for all concerned.

1.8 I suspect that you are falsely representing yourself as another individual, organisation, or government entity.

1.9 Decisions to delete contributed comments are made at the administrator’s discretion and will occur without notice or further explanation.

2. Comment regarding the nature of material presented in this blog and links to external sources (disclaimer)

The inclusion of quotes drawn from external sources and/or the inclusion of links to content uploaded elsewhere, does not necessarily constitute an endorsement of those sources or that material.

Indeed in some cases I don’t support the material at all, but am simply seeking to provide readers with a range of perspectives on a given issue so that they might be better placed to form their own informed view of the matter.

The site is in no way related to the Australian law firm Maurice Blackburn.

3. Social Media policy

3.1 I much prefer not to block anyone on social media, but may make an exception in the following situations:

  • People who follow me whilst blocking me
  • People who repeatedly threaten/harass
  • E-thots who ‘like’ or re-tweet my posts

3.2 Purely to keep my Twitter stream focused, I generally don’t follow people unless they have a track-record in posting about gender issues (although not necessarily from a pro-men’s rights perspective).

3.3 I generally unfollow people who unfollow me

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