How feminists misrepresent the gender ‘wage gap’

Some people call the notion of a gender pay gap a ‘myth’, but it does in fact exist. A certain mythical element arises however in the way that feminists blatantly misrepresent the pay gap to support and advance their peculiarly jaundiced view of the world. You see, feminists would have us believe that women earn substantially less than men for … Continue reading How feminists misrepresent the gender ‘wage gap’

On sexual assault and unwanted sex

Every year both men and women and girls and boys are raped. Rape is never OK. There is also a significant and growing incidence of people falsely accusing others of sexual assault. To knowingly falsely accuse someone of rape is also never OK, albeit very rarely punished. False claims can destroy the lives of the … Continue reading On sexual assault and unwanted sex

The ‘Marriage Strike’ and MGTOW

Look at this July 2024 article in which feminists dump on the perceived inadequacy of men, and how they’re being routinely cheated out of that which they feel they deserve. Don’t hold your breath waiting for the corresponding article in which men list how women are doing. It’s not going to happen. Oh, if only … Continue reading The ‘Marriage Strike’ and MGTOW

Persistent pro-feminist and anti-male bias in the mainstream media is a major online source of mainstream news in Australia, the CEO of which is David Penberthy who was mentioned in a reader’s post here. Some time ago a reader sent me a copy of an email that he had sent to the team at after he had got fed-up with their ongoing … Continue reading Persistent pro-feminist and anti-male bias in the mainstream media

Are feminists truly committed to equality for all women and girls?

In another post I question the extent to which feminists are concerned about equality for men and boys (they’re not). In this post I wanted to focus instead on women and girls. Every day we hear another feminist scorning those who query some or all aspects of feminist ideology because, you know, feminism is just about … Continue reading Are feminists truly committed to equality for all women and girls?

On boys and education

I would suggest beginning your exploration of this very important topic by viewing this video. Next I’d recommend reading this more recent article. Then perhaps have a look at, and particularly the comments contributed by readers. It’s about the trouble many boys experience in school, and what one feminist researcher sees as the key contributing … Continue reading On boys and education

To feminists ‘equality’ is just a marketing ploy to get what they really want

The contemporary version of feminism is not a movement devoted to achieving equality – as its proponents so vociferously claim. There are many areas where feminists have achieved policy and legislative changes that have swung the balance of power very much in favour of women, and yet they still argue for further reforms on the … Continue reading To feminists ‘equality’ is just a marketing ploy to get what they really want

Western men with Asian women: Gender relations through a different frame of reference

Those who have spent a reasonable amount of time in Thailand would have recognised a strange and intriguing dynamic between western men, western women and Thai women. It is of particular interest to yours truly as it provides an opportunity to examine – from a different perspective – the current state of play between the … Continue reading Western men with Asian women: Gender relations through a different frame of reference