Denying female perpetration of sex crimes – The Mercier Affair

Adele Mercier is an unrepentant feminist and an Associate Professor of Philosophy at  Queens University in Canada. In April 2014 Adele hit the headlines for all the wrong reasons, as detailed in the following sources: (31 March 2014) (1 April 2014) (2 April 2014) (4 April 2014) (4 April 2014) and then read Ms. Mercier’s subsequent threats here and here and here. Most recently a video was uploaded to Youtube attacking the MHRA response, possibly produced by Mercier’s supporters, (9 April 2014)

Further Youtube video by Alison Tieman here discussing the issue (23 April 2014)

Adele did not merit her very own post in this blog simply because what she said was so egregious. I have no doubt that many other feminists, including others working in educational institutions have said and are still saying, things that are just as bad or worse. In many such cases however the relevant information does not make it beyond the walls of the relevant institution, as it did on this occasion.

Rather, I have created this post because the Mercier Affair is an excellent example of where feminism has taken us to at this point in time. And where is that, you might ask? Well it’s a dark place characterised by:

  1. Feminist spews forth haughty and patronising criticism of those who identify anomalies, misrepresentations or inappropriate comments made by said feminist or feminists in general.
  2. Feminist reacts to legitimate complaints or accusations as if molten metal was thrown in their face, even though concerns are  presented in a more logical and reasonable way than would be the case were the situation reversed (i.e. a male being accused, by feminists, of being a rape apologist).
  3. Increasingly frantic behind-the-scenes attempts to remove evidence of wrong-doing from the public domain and to silence critics via whatever means are available (generally beginning and ending with ad hominem attacks)
  4. Feminists attempts to shame the responsible authority (in this case the university) into coming to her to defence

All this would appear to be an automatic or default response borne from a generous measure of arrogance and a misguided sense of moral righteousness concerning the female condition. Combine this with an endemic failure to recognise and react to the female perpetrators of violence and their male victims, and feminism transforms itself from merely a sexist ideology into a vehicle for active misandry.

The Mercier Affair seems to have faded away – for now. I have no doubt whatsoever that if it was a male academic saying the same sorts of things about incarcerated girls, then he would already have been given the choice of ‘resign or be fired’. But then, of course, women are special … and connected feminists even more special.

Meanwhile be sure to read this paper concerning women guards in an adult prison, and how their behaviour is rationalised by a pro-feminist journalist. The item is entitled ‘The New Yorker’s Jeffrey Toobin: “Cynical and devious” male inmates abused female guards‘.

See also:

One female staffer at Bronx juvenile jail sexually abused a dozen troubled kids: lawsuit (13 July 2024) USA

Kentucky prison system in chaos after more than THIRTY workers are caught having sex with inmates behind bars (28 February 2024)

Report on Sexual Victimization in Juvenile Correctional Facilities (October 2010)

Boys in Custody and the Women Who Abuse Them‘ (22 June 2015) and
Teen says juvenile detention center used inmates as ‘sex slaves’ (30 August 2017)

Some related posts within this blog:

On violence carried out by women and girls
Paedophilia and underage sex: Not just male deviant behaviour
On sexual assault and unwanted sex
On the feminist myth of ‘rape culture’