Every year both men and women and girls and boys are raped. Rape is never OK. There is also a significant and growing incidence of people falsely accusing others of sexual assault. To knowingly falsely accuse someone of rape is also never OK, albeit very rarely punished.
False claims can destroy the lives of the accused, sometimes leading to suicide. False claims also diminish the validity of actual victims of rape. To make matters worse, the US Government is now requiring university campuses to undertake hearings and pass judgement on those accused of sexual assault even before the police become involved. This matter is discussed here and in many more recent articles.
The coverage, by feminists, of the issue of rape is often distorted, for example through the use of ridiculously broad definitions of what actions constitute ‘sexual assault’. The discussion of rape, by feminists, is also incredibly one-sided … addressing the rape of females is of paramount importance whilst the rape of males (by both men and women) is inconsequential.
The linked resources below explore a number of aspects of this important issue:
Toowoomba’s Brittany Higgins Wannabee, by Bettina Arndt (31 October 2023)
Kangaroo court casualties, by Bettina Arndt (6 September 2023)
Inflating campus sexual assault statistics, by Bettina Arndt (30 August 2023)
Saint Brittany or scheming charlatan? by Bettina Arndt (12 June 2023)
Perverting justice, by Bettina Arndt (11 May 2023)
Evasive, uncooperative and manipulative, by Bettina Arndt (20 February 2023) Another good paper on the Brittany Higgins case
Mobiles in the dock, by Bettina Arndt (11 January 2023)
Reddit discussion thread regarding prevailing attitudes towards the sexual assault of men (8 December 2022)
Higgins Case Finally Over, by Bettina Arndt (3 December 2022) Be sure to also look at the reader’s comments
Justice warriors in the dock, by Bettina Arndt (30 July 2022)
Shameful Star Chambers (26 June 2022) A Bettina Arndt video about events taking place at Australian universities
Sexism and sexual abuse, by Dr David C Thorp (undated) Australia
Bettina Arndt: The rape conviction rate – a scandalous deceit of parliament and the public (19 January 2022) Recommended reading
What the Case Against Ghislaine Maxwell Revealed About Female Sex Offenders (4 January 2022)
Campus lies, damned lies and statistics, by Bettina Arndt (14 October 2021)
The Kangaroo Justice of Sexual Assault Cases (2 October 2021) Australia
Sexual assault against boys is a crisis (22 February 2021) USA
Can we talk about sex please? (September 2020) Interesting broader coverage of the situation on US campuses

Dismissed, minimised and ridiculed: The harmful responses to male victims of rape (30 April 2020)
She begged him for sex and then accused him of sexual assault. Columbia expelled him despite audio proving his side (27 January 2020)
Why today’s young men are terrified of sex (11 January 2020)
When women sexually assault men (28 October 2019)
Forced penetration: If a woman forces a man to have sex, is that rape? (25 July 2019)
Can a Woman Rape a Man and Why Does It Matter? | SpringerLink (8 November 2018)
Rethinking Gender, Sexuality and Violence (25 October 2017) by Gideon Scopes
Sexual Victimization by Women Is More Common Than Previously Known (10 October 2017)
Education Dept: 90 Percent Of Sexual Assault Accusations Are The Result Of Regret And Drunk Sex (12 July 2017)
New CDC data again finds as many (if not more) male victims of female rapists than female victims of male rapists. CDC continues to ignore its own shocking findings (27 June 2017)
http://owningyourshit.blogspot.com.au/search/label/sexual%20assault (A collection of very good blog posts on the subject – highly recommended)
http://glosswatch.com/2012/08/26/feminists-how-about-shutting-up-in-the-name-of-free-speech/ (Mod: This pro-feminist piece drips with sarcasm in discussing mens concerns about being shut out of the rape debate, but have a look at the readers comments for incisive comments from Mike Buchanan)
How one young feminist reacts angrily to being provided with a perspective on unwanted sexual advances that differs from her own (see first reader’s comment and her subsequent posts … she even calls him a “rape culture apologist”)
Some interesting comments about rape and related convictions by a retired female police officer and there is a similar discussion thread here
The flyers pictured below were distributed on USA college campuses … why not the same for both genders? Unless of course the underlying belief set was one of men bad/women good.

On the sexual assault of men/youth
Boy left unclothed after Burgess Hill sexual assault by two women (5 July 2023)
Reynhard Sinaga case: why male victims and survivors need their own support system (11 January 2020)
‘Very violent’ Missouri woman, 43, punches her boyfriend and strikes him with a belt before sitting on his face after he refuses to perform oral sex on her (7 December 2018)
Montana woman with machete hides behind ex-boyfriend’s door, then forces sex on him, police say (27 June 2018)
UCLA Shock Study: Women Have Raped 3.6 Million American Men (4 August 2017)
Sexually violent women: The PID-5, everyday sadism, and adversarial sexual attitudes predict female sexual aggression and coercion against male victims (2017)
Male victims of sexual violence are being ignored by the government (21 December 2016) UK
Female sex predators: Why there are more of them than you think (1 December 2016)
It’s Not ‘Just a Women’s Issue.’ Men Are Survivors Too (7 March 2016) USA
Silent Suffering: Supporting the male survivors of sexual assault (2015) UK
Female prison guard rapes male inmate and the “legalization” of the rape of men by women (14 February 2016) Reddit mensrights discussion thread with linked papers
Hypocrisy: Transgender woman sent to male prison and suddenly people are concerned about prison rape (27 October 2015) Article here and discussion thread here
Britain needs to wake up to female sex offenders (22 August 2015)
Efficacy of a Sexual Assault Resistance Program for University Women (11 June 2015) The New England Journal of Medicine. See related Tweet by Bettina Arndt here.
Cierra Ross, Chicago Mom, Charged With Raping Man At Gunpoint (9 June 2015)
Female prison officers commit 90pc of sex assaults on male teens in US juvenile detention centres (1 April 2015)
Female Perpetrators and Male Victims of Sexual Assault: Why They are so Invisible (February 2009)
The Sexual Victimization of Men in America: New Data Challenge Old Assumptions (13 February 2014)
Shia LaBeouf Was ‘Raped’? You Must Be Kidding… (1 December 2014)
Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell, Don’t Think About It by Dean Esmay (14 November 2014)
What we aren’t talking about when we talk about #beenrapedneverreported (6 November 2014)
Megan Davis Hoelting charged with sexual assault of man in Texas (31 October 2014)
When women sexually assault men (9 October 2014)
About 14,000 Men In the Military Were Raped Last Year — Almost None Will Report It (14 October 2014)
http://www.reddit.com/r/MensRights/comments/1vv6zn/it_is_inappropriate_to_consider_as_a_rape_victim/ (But women can’t be rapists, silly!)
Men and boys get raped too (27 April 2014)
When men are raped (29 April 2014)
Told you so: Study finds women rape men more than you think (3 May 2014)
https://www.avoiceformen.com/allnews/feminist-professor-facing-sexual-assault-charges-after-having-a-sexual-relationship-with-profoundly-retarded-man/ (23 April 2014)
It is generally recognised that males have a generally higher predisposition towards under-reporting incidents of sexual assault. This issue is discussed in the following two part blog post:
http://dontneedfeminism.tumblr.com/post/71294252715/40-of-rapists-are-women-yes-get-over-it and http://dontneedfeminism.tumblr.com/post/71294309366/oratorasaurus-40-of-rapists-are-women-yes-get-over
A reddit discussion thread at http://www.reddit.com/r/MensRights/comments/28ubfn/12_month_versus_lifetime_victimization_statistics/ looks at a statistical discrepancy between recall in relation to recent sexual assault versus assault experienced over their lifetimes.
http://tamenwrote.wordpress.com/2014/04/04/fbi-clarifies-definition-of-rape/ (Concerning the FBI definition of rape)
Other sources concerning sexual assault and unwanted sex
Regarding rape, roofies and alcohol-induced amnesia (8 February 2019)
Mixing alcohol and sex is a dangerous cocktail (4 October 2018)
Hysteria Over Date Rape Drugs (15 June 2017)
Stanford releases survey results indicating 1.9% of all students experience sexual assault; receives protests (23 April 2016) USA. Reddit discussion thread
We need to fix our toxic rape laws before the names of more innocent men are trashed, by Alex Proud (18 April 2016) UK
Women’s Rights Groups Attack Study of Rapists Showing Attackers Likely to be 34-Year-Old, Jobless, Foreign Men (23 January 2016) France
Chrissie Hynde was right about rape. Now feminists want to silence her (31 August 2015)
The truth about a viral graphic on rape statistics (9 December 2014) Recommended reading
Memphis woman charged with aggravated rape (24 June 2014)
Gender crazies make it official: the truth is ‘victim blaming’ (25 July 2014)
The startling facts on female sexual aggression, by Ally Fogg (4 September 2013)
On jury nullification and rape by Paul Elam (1 August 2010)
Iggy Azalea wants fans to stop trying to finger her (23 April 2014) and women are the worst offenders. Here is a related video and related discussion thread.
Anti-feminist woman speaks up about another woman’s claim of rape (31 May 2014)
So where does that ‘one women in five are sexually assaulted’ figure come from?
Hey Amanda Marcotte, did you know “1 in 5” is really 1 in 5,446? (10 May 2014)
http://www.avoiceformen.com/feminism/feminist-governance-feminism/legally-obscene/ (When do minors who are victims of sexual assault pay their attackers? When they are male!)
http://www.avoiceformen.com/allnews/ncfm-letter-concerning-female-only-self-defense-classes-causes-media-sensation/ and http://www.rawstory.com/rs/2014/03/28/mens-rights-group-claims-free-self-defense-classes-for-women-are-sexist/ (Government-funded self-defence classes for women only – why?)
And finally the graphic shown below was sourced from this site.

Other related posts within this blog
A case-study of feminism in action – The Mercier Affair
On the feminist myth of ‘rape culture’
Domestic violence is not a gendered issue – So why the sexist bias against men?
More invisible male victims of rape
Paedophilia and underage sex
On the issue of traveler safety
On the issue of false allegations of sexual assault