No place for Woke/Feminist propaganda in our schools or universities

I was reading an article the other day about the ongoing push to have feminist propaganda introduced into our schools under the guise of ‘respectful relationships’ programs.

The article in question, entitled ‘Bid to teach anti-violence to schoolkids‘ (Jessica Marszalek, Courier-Mail, 30 July 2015) included the following statements:

“She (QLD Minister Shannon Fentiman) said both teenage boys and girls would benefit from positive messages as they began in the dating world.

“We know that there are attitudes with particularly young men who think it is appropriate to pressure a woman for sex,” she said.

So as part of challenging those attitudes, those respectful relationship-type programs really help combat those views held by teenage boys. And for young girls, what they should and shouldn’t put up with.”

“We need to be running programs around respectful relationships but also we need to be running programs about how we view women, so tackling those attitudes is going to be central,” she said.

Queensland is not alone in this regard, with other states considering similar moves. This article concerns such a proposal in New South Wales.

In September 2015 Prime Minister Turnbull announced that “$5 million will also be provided as a longer-term measure to change the attitudes of young people to violence, through expanding the Safer Schools website to include resources for teachers, parents and students on respectful relationships.  This will build on the $30 million national campaign (jointly funded by the Commonwealth, states and territories) to change young people’s attitudes to violence, which will commence in early 2016.” (Source)

I don’t have a problem with the concept of ‘respectful relationships’ programs in schools, but I am concerned when the focus is wholly on the need for boys/men to respect girls/women. Yet this is the very type of school program that has been provided and/or vigorously lobbied for by many pro-feminist groups such as the White Ribbon Campaign.

I believe that children should not be put in a position of being alternately shamed or absolved of responsibility due to their gender.

A gender-neutral approach, on the other hand, sends the correct message that people need to respect one another regardless of gender, and that harm can be caused by both males and females alike. (Article on this perspective)

Postscript February 2016: And now, ladies and gentlemen, please put your jazz hands together to welcome the ironically-labelled ‘Safe Schools‘ program. A program which the feminist lobby formulated and then rushed to defend when mainstream Australia voiced their disquiet. This is a progressive social engineering project masquerading as an anti-bullying program.

Teachers told to spot ‘toxic’ incel culture in class to prevent attacks (6 December 2024)

I won’t raise a ‘dusty’ son – but that’s for me, not your daughter (11 September 2024) No, not one-sided at all #sarcasm

“Taking my daughters on dates so when your dusty son comes around, they already know their worth and what it is to be treated like a queen”

‘Make me a sandwich’: our survey’s disturbing picture of how some boys treat their teachers (1 May 2024) The latest gender-bigoted wisdom to emerge from Harpy HQ

The King’s School: Headmaster Tony George rants on ‘wokeness’, clickbait media and the ‘age of victimhood’ (20 March 2024) Australia

Helping young men to have healthy, respectful relationships (25 October 2023) Australian Federal Government media release. Another $3.5 million down the feminist toilet

Girl viciously attacking another girl in a US high school @ClarkCountySch (6 February 2022) Teacher did nothing to help. The school’s lame response can be seen here.

#IsThisOk: Greater Manchester sexual harassment video targets men and boys (18 December 2021)

How masculinity became a dirty word: The feminisation of boys in British schools (16 November 2021) Video

Sandwell awarded £119k to help tackle violence against women and girls (5 November 2021) “Specific actions that form of part of this programme include delivering a theatre production to raise awareness and challenge sexualised behaviours and culture, and creating boys group sessions tackling issues such as misogyny.”

Revealed: how the government’s ‘milkshake’ consent video came about (20 April 2021)

Janice Fiamengo mentions another male-hate campaign aimed at boys. It’s called ‘Man Up’ (9 April 2019)

Teacher takes on male-bashing Respectful Relationships propaganda (March  2019) Australia

Ward departs La Trobe following program’s scrapping (19 June 2017)

An epidemic of transgender children is Safe Schools’ legacy (16 April 2017)

Safe Schools program to be overhauled and founder Roz Ward removed (16 December 2016)

Girls who are girls but not girls — It’s time to stop the Safe Schools subterfuge (24 July 2016)

Miranda Devine: Marxist agenda a red flag for not so safe schools, by Miranda Devine (29 May 2016)

Flag slur underlines concerns: Turnbull (28 May 2016) What’s the bet that Premier Andrews eventually comes to regret getting into bed with these leftist radfem nutters?

Victorian Labor Government deceives on Safe Schools (19 March 2016) Australia

Does Imposing Queer Theory Really Lead to Safe Schools? (14 March 2016)

Bullying linked to gender and sexuality often goes unchecked in schools (3 March 2016) “Gender-based bullying”? Oh please! Desperate feminist author tries to invent nexus b/w ‘Safe Schools’ program and as many topical issues as possible to make it look like a great idea.

Trojan Horse gay claim laughable, by Wendy Tuohy (2 March 2016) Australia

The vitriol against the Safe Schools program reflects state-sanctioned homophobia, by Moo Baulch (26 February 2016) Australia

See also:

Modern Educayshun (2015) Video

Helping young men to have healthy, respectful relationships (25 October 2023) Amanda Rishworth MP spreads the hypocrisy and bias far & wide with this $3.5 million ‘initiative’

Sex education must engage boys to tackle harassment – MPs (5 July 2023) UK

Prestigious university sparks outrage after medical students were forced to sit a ‘white privilege’ assessment (30 April 2023)

Kids to be taught reading and writing, NOT gender fluidity under back-to-basics election proposal to rid NSW classrooms of creeping indoctrination (20 March 2023) NSW, Australia

The demonisation of our sons: Browbeaten by toxic masculinity crusaders invited into schools, boys are feeling cowed and worthless (20 March 2023)

Primary schools should teach boys what is unacceptable behaviour as part of whole-society approach to tackle misogyny, senior police officer says (13 March 2023)

Mum of Manhattan Pharma heiress had to hire a ‘deprogrammer’ to help her unlearn crazed ‘woke’ views (26 November 2022) Twitter discussion thread

Pupils in London to be trained to recognise sexist behaviour (19 November 2022)

Toxic masculinity – Blame men for everything (30 June 2022) Video

School hits back after complaint from parent about PSHE assembly (26 November 2021)

UK primary school asks boys to wear skirts to ‘promote equality’ (4 November 2021)

Grace Church High School: Teaching & the Voice of Conscience with Paul Rossi ( (30 April 2021) USA. Video with Jordan Peterson & Paul Rossi

Melbourne youth worker orders white, Christian high school boys to stand in class, calls them ‘oppressors’ (26 April 2021) Australia

Teens to learn about consent in sex-ed shake-up (14 April 2021) But they will only learn about the dangers of violence against women (This article is/was behind a paywall for the Brisbane Courier-Mail & allied newspapers)

Boys at schools embroiled in sex abuse scandal change out of uniform to avoid being branded rapists | Daily Mail Online (4 April 2021)

Schoolboy lashes his school for making the boys stand in front of the girls during assembly and ‘apologise’ for rapes committed by their gender’ (30 March 2021) Australia

Activist Chanel Contos says school’s move to make male students apologise to females is ‘problematic’ (29 March 2021)

Brauer College, Warrnambool: School forces boys to apologise to girls for ‘sexism’

How to teach your children (especially your sons) about feminism (26 December 2020) UK

Stop indoctrinating kids (1 September 2020) Australia

Let’s make it mandatory to teach respectful relationships in every Australian school (28 May 2019) and related Twitter thread

Feminist School ‘Punishes’ Boys by Curtailing Their Recess on International Women’s Day (16 May 2019) Spain

Teacher takes on male-bashing Respectful Relationships propaganda (5 March 2019) Bettina Arndt video interview

‘Victimhood narrative’ taught in schools fuels anxiety in young women, academic claims (21 October 2017) UK

The feminization of everything fails our boys (9 May 2017)

‘Feminist Collective’ strategy in schools (26 April 2017) Australia. More feminist/SJW madness from the Victorian government

In The Name Of ‘Gender Equality’, Kindergarten Teacher Doesn’t Let Kids Play With Legos (April 2017)

The ‘Toxic Masculinity’ Trend Blames Boys For Being Born Male (12 April 2017)

Fake anti-domestic violence programs just demonise our little boys, by Miranda Devine (12 April 2017)

Sydney Girls High School prefects hit back after Sydney Boys’ viral video (13 March 2017) This oughta teach those boys to stand up for feminism

Gender theory banned in NSW classrooms (9 February 2017) Australia

Our Watch charity invited to assess its own schools gender equity program (4 February 2017) Talk about the (feminist) fox looking after the henhouse

How much can a teddy bear? (14 January 2017)

Recognising ethnic identity in the classroom: a New Zealand study (21 December 2016)

“This article argues that … rather than promote the affirmation of student identity, the enactment of this directive might, in fact, lead to ethnic division. Second, attempts to recognise and affirm identity have led to the displacement of school subject knowledge in classroom programmes. These unintended outcomes are not only unacknowledged, but they continue to disadvantage the community the identity directive was intended to address.”

B.C. teacher fired for having the wrong opinion (7 December 2016) Canada

Melbourne high school teacher says she would refuse to teach ‘lewd’ safe schools and respectful relationships program (29 October 2016) See related Reddit discussion thread here.

Kids program teaches men are ‘greatest threat to women’ (25 October 2016) Australia

Toxic identity politics polluting Victorian schools, by Rita Panahi (24 October 2016)

Masculinity is not to blame for domestic violence (24 October 2016) Australia. Related Reddit discussion thread here.

The dangers of brainwashing our children, by Jasmin Newman (22 October 2016) Australia

Globally and historically men are the greatest threat to women” (October 2016) A slide from a Powerpoint presentation shown to Australian schoolchildren

Victoria, a misandrist state of child indoctrination (17 October 2016) Alternative link here

Lessons on ‘male privilege’ in $21.8m Victorian schools program (14 October 2016)

Girls feelings are far more important than the truth, by Mark Dent (12 October 2016)

A dummies guide for teenage girls on how to respect boys (20 September 2016) Not the sort of relationships message that feminists would stand for.

ReNew program for sons aims to stop family violence (15 September 2016) Australia with related Reddit discussion thread here.

VCAT green light will let Ivanhoe Grammar School offer more places to girls (11 August 2016)

Reducing ‘mean girl’ behaviors in classrooms benefits boys and teachers too (2 August 2016) USA. The sort of program that should be in schools, but unlikely to get the feminist tick of approval.

Sonia Kruger objects to scholarships for gay, lesbian and transgender students as ‘reverse discrimination’ (1 August 2016)

It is not enough for schools to address sexism after the scandal, by Dana Affleck (29 July 2016) Ordinary men are the enemy, not (just) bad men. Meanwhile no mention of female teachers having sex with students, or girls bullying, harassing or objectifying boys.

Clementine Ford teaching your children (18 July 2016)

Feminist/PC brain-washing of boys in US school system (12 July 2016)

Teach Him Early (29 June 2016) USA feminist video campaign, with discussion thread here

Why our 7-year-olds desperately need to learn about feminism (23 June 2016)

Truthful debate is slurred into silence by the Left, by Mark Latham (7 June 2016)

The Left doctrine that no one can criticise (18 May 2016)

Kids of 7 learn ‘gender diversity’ from Safe Schools Coalition (14 May 2016)

Transgenderism: Has anybody seen my girl? by Miranda Devine (29 April 2016) Australia

We all wear the White Ribbon (April 2016) Video. Australia. Completely and utterly one-sided … men hurt women/men must respect women

University defends research used as basis for Same Sex program (5 April 2016) I find the readers comments more persuasive that the entreaties of the Deputy Vice Chancellor. Only good research gets through the rigourous vetting process? Yup, how about the research project mentioned in this post? Or the ones mentioned here? This post is worth a read too

Controversial sex-ed program will teach Aussie toddlers about cross-dressing (6 March 2016) Australia

Domestic violence cycle continues as children as young as 10 offend (20 February 2016)

Principal Corrine McMillan said she was proud of her students, who will this year mark White Ribbon Day. “Students will present a declaration to make a stand against domestic violence,” she said. “I’m proud to see the students – particularly the male population – live up to the challenge.”

These uni students are holding feminist workshops in Sydney high schools (5 January 2016)

Inspiring STEM literacy package will aim to get more girls interested in maths and science (21 December 2015) Australia

Domestic Violence Awareness Video Claims Abuse is ‘Just Something Boys Do’ (18 December 2015)

Stop encouraging boys to ‘say no to feminism’ (15 December 2015) Radfem journalist Clementine Ford presents the case for ramping-up indoctrination

Why We Need To Stop Telling Boys Not To Hit Girls Because ‘She Is A Girl’ (4 December 2015) India

Men are not monsters (19 November 2015) Note the tone of the readers comments

Boys should have the right to say no to feminism. The evangelical drive to teach boys to be feminists reached a new high last week with the news that every 16-year-old in Sweden is to be given a free copy of the book “We Should All Be Feminists” with reddit discussion thread here

Fightback: Addressing Sexism in Australian Schools (undated)

Maybe This Is Why Boys Don’t Respect Women (30 November 2015)

When Society Encourages Mean Girls to Bully Boys (26 November 2015)

Newington College has launched a powerful domestic violence campaign (27 November 2015) Australia

The make-believe world of child-abuse campaigners (26 November 2015)

Feminism campaign sparks controversy at Vic High (25 November 2015)

Feminist bullies and the pernicious myth that sexual morality is just about ‘consent’ (24 November 2015) UK

Blakely teacher restricts Lego-play to her girl students in the pursuit of gender equity (24 November 2015)

Campaigners’ fury at bid to cut feminism from politics A-Level syllabus: Call for department of education to reverse ‘insulting and misguided’ move (20 November 2015) UK

Men are not monsters (19 November 2015)

Breaking the Silence program: Schools in South East SA raise awareness about domestic violence (17 November 2015)

In Brazil, the high school national test essay theme was “Violence against women”. Any students with dissenting opinions automatically failed the test (15 November 2015) Reddit mensrights discussion thread

Feminism to Become an Official School Subject (2 November 2015)

Fighting school sexism: feminist theory hits classrooms (1 November 2015)

Keep Gender Politics out of Scouting (29 October 2015) UK

Gender-based violence prevention in the classroom is just a start (25 August 2015) Australia

Brisbane teacher wins scholarship to develop program to reduce domestic violence, coward punches (10 August 2015)

We must stop indoctrinating boys in feminist ideology (20 July 2015) More than 1,000 readers comments!

Bankstown Public School boys “all say no” to abuse against women in their own hip hop song and video (24 March 2015) Hmm, no sign of a girl’s choir singing nice things about boys … funny that.

We mustn’t make boys feel bad about being male (3 December 2014) with 193 reader’s comments

The thought police telling kids heterosexuality’s not the norm, by Miranda Devine (17 October 2012)

Do these girls represent the next generation of Australian women? Products of PC/feminist-corrupted education system … amoral narcissists with an abundance of entitlement and little respect for themselves, let alone men/boys? Image

Elsewhere in this blog you might also be interested in:

The trouble with boys and learning

Two awareness campaigns. Only one can be criticised. Cowed by feminism?

Privilege, respect and entitlement

Differing public response to partner violence depending on gender of victim

On violence carried out by women and girls

On recognising and supporting male victims of domestic violence

Fudging the figures to support the feminist narrative

Finessing definitions to preserve the image of female victimhood

(NB: The following post is intended as a companion piece to Fudging the figures to support the feminist narrative)

Consider this scenario:

1. Feminist ideologues use either patently false statistical ‘information’ or misrepresent genuine statistical sources to make a case is support of one or more aspects of the feminist narrative. Alternatively, feminists resist efforts to correct outdated and/or unrepresentative methods of data collection in the knowledge that enhancements to data collection would work against their inbuilt bias.

2. Feminists get ‘called out’ enough times – in public and by suitably authoritative sources – to feel the need to manipulate data collection and/or presentation in order to continue to present a version of reality which reinforces rather than undermines the feminist narrative. Because remember, a lessening incidence of rape (or domestic violence/online harassment/workplace harassment/etc) not only undermines the credibility of the feminist narrative, but also weakens the case for feminist groups to receive additional government funding.

Question: What do you do when available statistics don’t support the image of men as empowered aggressors and women as powerless victims, that is carefully cultivated by the feminist movement?

Answer: You change the rules and/or move the goal posts.

And so a favored strategy is to raise the bar as to what constitutes victimization of men, whilst lowering the bar in relation to women. Thus the position that men cannot be raped, or (begrudgingly) they can but only if penetrated by an object. For women however, a sideways glance or accidentally brushing past someone in a crowded bus equals sexual assault.

The case of domestic violence: Early domestic violence definitions focussed on physical violence, and feminists run hard up against two problems here. The first problem is that the incidence of violent crime in western countries has, overall, been decreasing in recent decades. (Though paradoxically, violence by females is actually increasing). This makes it potentially awkward for feminists to continuing using terms like “a growing epidemic of violence against women“). The second problem for feminists is the increasing availability of independent unbiased research which has consistently found that there are as many female as male aggressors using the physical violence criteria. Gender parity in domestic violence undermines the feminist perspective. Whatever can we do?

  • Broaden the discussion of DV to include sexual violence, including sexual violence towards children (but being careful to exclude non-sexual abuse and neglect of children, because oops, that’s mostly perpetrated by women), and
  • place greater emphasis on criteria other than physical violence, such as psychological abuse, threats to withhold affection or sexual activity, or perceived motivations for aggressing.

A ‘good’ example of this is the section of IPV within the ‘Australian Longitudinal Study on Women’s Health’:

“Forty-five percent of women aged 18 to 23 reported some form of IPV, with 12% reporting one form of abuse, 8% reporting two different forms of abuse and 25% reporting three or more forms of abuse. The most common forms of IPV were being told they were ugly, stupid or crazy (28%), being harassed over the telephone, email, Facebook or internet (25%), and their partner trying to keep them from seeing or talking to friends or relatives (18%).” (Source) Clearly casting the net very wide to capture more ‘victims’, with this effect being accentuated through the use of very subjective criteria.

In another example, I was reading this article and noticed for the first time the use of the term “implied domestic violence“. I then googled on the term seeking background and/or a definition, and came across this:

“Credible threat, according to this new law, means a verbal or written threat, or a threat implied by a pattern of conduct made with the intent and the apparent ability to carry out the threat, so as to cause the person who is the target of the threat to reasonably fear for his or her safety or the safety of his or her family.” (Source)

The muddier the water the better, for intangible and subjective criteria makes future correction/undermining of data more difficult. We’ll have those silly MRA running around in circles for years trying to prove we are wrong.

Voila! Data adjusted on the basis of newly revised definitions of domestic violence magically skews the role of aggressors very firmly back towards men. Yay feminism!

See also:

More than 1 in 5 Australians have perpetrated an act of sexual violence, survey reveals (10 July 2024) Refer for example to “The most common form of this was pressuring someone for a date or sex (3.8 per cent)”

Lies, damned lies, and STEM statistics (2 March 2019)

Trump administration ‘rolling back women’s rights by 50 years’ by changing definitions of domestic violence and sexual assault (24 January 2019). See related tweet here.

‘Understanding domestic abusers’ (undated) from the New York State Office for the Prevention of Domestic Violence. See “responsive violence”. Sure women are violent but only in order to “attempt to forestall attack, defend self and others, or control the situation

Feminists are the new mafia (24 January 2017) Video

many of he crimes [women] fall victim to are the result of broadened definitions of things like rape & DV

More than one in three victims of domestic abuse are now men (10 December 2016) UK. Refer comments by Polly Neate

The Future of Domestic Violence Prevention (1 November 2016)

Vera Baird has now posted a second sexist hate poster on her police force’s Facebook page (26 December 2015) UK

Domestic Violence is not on the rise (16 December 2015)

New domestic abuse law on controlling behaviour unveiled (18 December 2014)

A flood of DV insanity and doublespeak (4 December 2014)

Bullying husbands who shout at their wives could be found guilty of domestic abuse under new crackdown (24 November 2014)

The case of sexual assault: Feminists are active on at least two fronts here to build on, or at least to maintain, the current status quo:

1. With regards to the sexual assault of women they are continually seeking to stretch the boundaries of what constitutes sexual assault in order to artificially ramp up the perceived incidence of this crime in the face of declining perpetration. Google on “stare rape” as an example of how ridiculous their assertions can be.



2. With regards to the sexual assault of men, feminists are resisting the efforts of men’s rights activists to ensure that official statistics include the many men/boys raped in jail (by both men and women) and to ensure that male rape statistics include incidents of acts currently designated as ‘forced envelopment’ or ‘made to penetrate’ rather than as rape. They do so, at least in part, because they know that if rape was defined as all ‘forced/unwanted intimate sexual activity’, then there would be gender parity. Again, to preserve the image of female victimhood, feminists must ensure that the definition of rape remains limited to sexual activity involving ‘forced penetration’ (i.e. excluding ‘forced envelopment’ or ‘made to penetrate’).

Another relevant aspect of this debate is that many feminists simply don’t recognise that men can be raped, it being their view that ‘men always want it’. Some women also incorrectly believe that the very fact that a man has an erection (necessary for vaginal penetration) is proof of his consent.

Scroll down to see the definition of ‘sexual violence’ on this page. It includes  “withholding sex and affection” yet how many times have I read in feminist web sites that men are never “entitled” to sex from their partner? Double-standard much?

Mary P. Koss considers it “inappropriate” to consider men who have been raped by women as rape victims, and prefers to call it “unwanted contact” instead. See related reddit discussion thread here (27 December 2015) USA


FBI: Violent crime drops, reaches 1970’s level (10 November 2014)

Erasing male rape victims (15 September 2014)

More at University of Michigan: Withholding sex, Discounting feelings are ‘Sexual Violence’ (25 September 2014)

Do the math: rape stats don’t add up (26 September 2014)

The CDC’s rape numbers are misleading (17 September 2014)

The CDC updated its sexual violence figures – still does not include “made to penetrate” in its definition (5 September 2014)

NISVS 2011 released – Increased male victimisation (9 September 2014)

40% of rapists are women (19 October 2013)

How official rape statistics are distorted and inflated, by Angry Harry (August 2014)

See which includes threads such as: whichal_refutation/ (24 March 2013)

Child custody: As detailed in John Hirst’s groundbreaking 2005 Quarterly Essay, Kangaroo Court: Family Law in Australia, the legal tactic employed was to make false accusations of child sexual assault against the father. Based on unproven allegations of abuse, the Family Court would decide that a child could be at risk of harm and withdraw the father’s limited access visits.

The situation for fathers subsequently improved due to family law reforms introduced by the Howard Government. Women’s groups, with the help of sympathetic lawyers and academics, then began lobbying the subsequent (labor) government to water down the earlier reforms. They complained that women and children were being forced to have contact with violent and abusive fathers. At least six reviews were commissioned to prove this “fact”, yet none of the subsequent reports contained evidence that shared parenting was exposing women and children to harm.

“The Gillard government has got around this by deciding to redefine family violence. The Family Law Legislation Amendment (Family Violence and Other Measures) Bill 2011 has expanded the definition to include psychological harm, financial abuse and other threatening behaviour that controls, coerces or causes fear. Significantly, the government has ruled out requiring that fear of family violence be “reasonable”.

Based on past experience in the Family Court, the expanded definition will create a new and open-ended legal means by which good fathers are banished from the lives of their children. There also no longer will be any penalty (no cost orders) for knowingly making false allegations, and the friendly parent provisions, requiring parents to be supportive of each other’s role in their children’s lives, will be substantially diminished.” (Source)

The case of workplace harassment

See ‘A Man Is Out Of A Job (And Much More) Over This Innocuous Crap‘ by Amy Alkon (16 February 2015)

References that further demonstrate the above points can also be found in the my blog posts on the relevant topics (links provided below), and when I get a moment I will extract them and add them into this post.

Domestic violence is not a gendered issue – Why the pervasive sexist bias against men?

On sexual assault and unwanted sex and On the feminist myth of ‘rape culture’

Harassment and discrimination in business and the workplace: Surprise, surprise, it goes both ways

Workplace harassment takes a number of forms, and these may or may not be related to a worker’s gender. Whilst sexual harassment is the most often discussed, all forms of harassment or discrimination warrant serious consideration and remedial action. No-one should have to tolerate working within such an environment. Everyone deserves respect.

Thus sexual harassment, gossiping and false accusations, bullying, and gender discrimination in recruitment, promotion and management policies – all deserve attention.

If the majority of perpetrators are historically male, as is likely the case with regards to sexual harassment, then a gendered debate might be called for. What we are seeing nowadays though is more a case of systematic demonisation of male managers and staff, whilst female perpetration of sexist and abusive behaviours is downplayed or even air-brushed out of contention.

Despite the fact that both men and women can (and do) perpetrate these types of behaviours, or be victimised by them, media coverage focuses almost entirely on the victimisation of female staff (example/example/example/example/example/example and example).

And it’s not just the media that are guilty of this bias, in this report by DV lobby group ‘Our Watch’, male victims seemingly cease to exist.

The furore about sexual harassment that initially centred on the misbehaviour of Harvey Weinstein has only amplified this already heightened degree of gender bias. It has also added to the confusion regarding the boundary between acceptable and unacceptable workplace behaviour.

Men are thus, both collectively and individually, painted as the architects of toxic workplaces, and responsible for victimising a slew of women and other men. And as with so many of these issues, men are the ones held responsible for fixing the problem and judged harshly on any perceived lack of progress.

Conversely, the media generally avoids identifying women as having significant involvement in discriminatory and/or harassing patterns of behaviour.

One of the outcomes of this situation is that men are discouraged from reporting abuse, in turn reinforcing the view amongst policy-makers and managers that female perpetration is little more than a rare aberration.

Numerous examples now follow:

‘Abuse’: Gender workplace trend erupts (27 December 2024) Australia. No mention of the gender that is primarily dishing out the abuse. No surprise there

Glamorous female lawmaker, 30, ‘bullied male aide into sex then made him run her errands’ (7 December 2024) USA

Female fire worker sues for harassment claiming her male boss is a ‘sexual predator’ after he said his wife had a Mulberry handbag just like hers (28 November 2024)

‘Almost always a man’: Ben Shewry lifts lid on ‘problematic’ restaurant culture (1 October 2024) And one-sided blurts like this are almost always written by feminists or their White Knight enablers. Meanwhile let’s let abusive women off the hook entirely, shall we?

State senator forced chief of staff to perform sex acrobatics that left him with back, hip injuries: suit (9 September 2024) USA

‘Obviously serious’: Huge payout over wrongful Xmas party ‘thrust’ claim (25 August 2024) Why no automatic commencement of a false allegation charge against the complainant?

Court Rules White Starbucks Manager Was Fired Because Of Her Race, Awards Her $25M (15 June 2023) USA

Female Army commander faces wild claims she forcefully kissed, groped male troops (26 April 2023)

Google executive fired after female boss groped him (29 January 2023)

Sydney woman welcomes new office rule men say makes them ‘uncomfortable’ (17 October 2022) The woman is a feminist canetoad, oops I mean journalist. Heaven help men complaining about being made to feel ‘uncomfortable’ … that’s a woman’s job, right? Heaven help them too, if they express interest in the view provided.

Henry Cavill hesitant to flirt so he doesn’t get accused of sexual harassment. Twitter then accuses him of being sexist for not flirting (16 October 2022) Reddit discussion thread regarding men being harassed by women

Kamala Harris and Female Sexual Power, by Janice Fiamengo (25 September 2022) Recommended reading

What guy wouldn’t want it? (2022) Journal of Social Issues. Recommended reading

Sex question women always ask strippers revealed (15 August 2022) No mention of the term ‘harassment’ here, because the women are just having fun and games

Report into bullying and sexual harassment in NSW parliament makes shocking findings (12 August 2022) Some male victims are mentioned, although the focus appears to be on gay men. I/we will need to review the full report to get answers.

Guy sacked after declining date invitation from female staff member (11 August 2022) Refer link to Reddit discussion thread

‘Disturbing’ report into NSW parliament’s culture uncovers examples of bullying and sexual harassment (10 August 2022) Not one mention of the gender of perpetrators in this article. Did the study find ample instances of female-perpetrated harassment as per the Parliament House Canberra/Jenkins report?

SNP MP Patricia Gibson under fire over sexual harassment comments during misconduct investigation (6 August 2022)

“An SNP MP has been accused of making “appalling” comments about sexual harassment during a probe into allegations she pestered a male staffer. A submission by Patricia Gibson claimed it is “discriminatory” to say the impact of sexual harassment of a man by a woman is the same as by a male against a female.”

Extracts also stated it was “highly unlikely” the complainer would have felt “any kind of physical threat or vulnerability” as a man.

Jeff Huntington: Every Girl’s Feelings, No Concern for the Boy’s (5 August 2022) Video interview with outdoor education leader forced to resign after whistle-blowing in relation to a male student unfairly expelled from his course.

Gendered violence is a workplace risk (18 July 2022) Not a mention of risks experienced by males

Women in construction say greater diversity will stamp out sexism and fix labour shortages (21 July 2022) Are some women really this out of touch? #FacePalm

Fired D.E. Shaw Fund Manager Michalow Wins $52 Million From Firm (30 June 2022)

I get sexually assaulted at every gig and now I’ve had to hire a bodyguard, reveals The Chase star Mark Labbett (14 May 2022)

Male singer on stage is groped by female audience member (28 March 2022)

‘I am being bullied’: Kimberley Kitching made formal complaint before her death (17 March 2022) Australia … then The bullying of Kimberley Kitching and Pauline Hanson says ‘bullies out there’ are covered up ‘because they’re women’

Set the Standard: Report on the Independent Review into Commonwealth Parliamentary Workplaces. This report by AHRC Sex Discrimination Commissioner Kate Jenkins surprisingly found a substantial amount of bullying by female members of staff. Note Tweet on this topic by journalist Janet Albrechtsen (17 March 2022)

Gender bias in student surveys on teaching increased with remote learning. What can unis do to ensure a fair go for female staff? (8 March 2022) Lookee here, it’s ok to criticize men’s teaching/working style because they’re sexist, but criticizing a woman’s style is evidence of “gender bias”. And it’s not like male students aren’t already being bombarded with gender-based negativity.

Survey reveals insane thing half of Aussie men believe (1 December 2021) Sexist and condescending as #$@#

Teachers are ‘quitting their jobs’ after being falsely labelled ‘paedophiles’ by students in TikTok videos (25 November 2021)

Twist in Tim Paine sexting scandal as it’s revealed female colleague only complained about his messages after she was allegedly busted stealing nearly a year later (19 November 2021) Asserting rights under law as an act of vengeance – or butt covering – is not a good look.

Two men win sex discrimination payout after female director vowed to ‘obliterate’ JWT’s reputation | Daily Mail Online (24 July 2021)

Alleged rape claim on board a ship full of women scientists (8 March 2021) So much back-pedaling and side-tracking in an attempt to make sure 100% of the blame – for anything & everything that might have happened – was placed on men.

Male victims of workplace sexual harassment are viewed less favorably and elicit less sympathy (16 February 2021)

Red Hot Chilli Piper: Women grope me under my kilt (25 November 2020)

Female B.C. RCMP officer docked 29 days’ pay for sexual misconduct (9 July 2020) Canada. See Twitter discussion thread here highlighting likely variation in punishment were the genders reversed.

Women Bullied At Work: Here’s Why Your Female Boss Doesn’t Support You (19 February 2020)

Sydney casual teacher fired after Christmas party harassment (10 January 2020)

Nearly half of young retail workers report being sexually harassed, on average, seven times a year (29 October 2019). As the survey was conducted by the AHRC, it’s no wonder that male victims were relegated to being merely an aside.

Adam Devine on Ghosting, Rom-Coms, and the Romantic Fail He’s Still Embarrassed About (22 October 2019)

Men now avoid women at work and are much more reluctant to shake a female colleagues hand … (31 August 2019) I’d suggest that you scan the readers comments after you finish the article.

‘Katy Perry exposed my penis to group of people’. Male model from Teenage Dream video (13 August 2019)

Poldark star Aidan Turner admits he’s ambushed by gangs of 20 WOMEN as he reveals his swooning admirers get ‘hands-on’ at events (9 July 2019)

The rise of ‘toxic femininity’: Author reveals female colleagues tricked her into making mistakes so she wouldn’t be promoted and told her everyone hated her – and insists other women create the REAL glass ceiling (8 June 2019)

“I’ve never had a male co-worker try to undermine me and backstab me, but I’ve had plenty of female co-workers do both” (29 May 2019) Twitter discussion thread

Game of Thrones star Daniel Portman’s disturbing fan encounters (25 April 2019)

Opera House contractor who got drunk after work wins job back (8 March 2019) Australia

What about the gender workplace safety gap? (19 February 2019) Australia. Senator David Leyonhjelm asks more questions that need to be asked

Square Enix Fires Kingdom Hearts 3 Dev For Being A Victim & Industry Ignores It (15 January 2019) Video and related Tweet

Labor MP Emma Husar Is Accused Of Sexual Harassment (2 August 2018) Australia

Kimberly Guilfoyle left Fox News after allegations of misconduct (27 July 2018)

Jordan Peterson and sexual harassment by women in the workplace (28 May 2018)

Many men are sexually harassed in the workplace – so why aren’t they speaking out? (13 March 2018)

A Fan Groped Harry Styles At A Concert & it’s Not OK (26 October 2017) Reddit discussion thread and linked article

Estate agent whose female boss told him at boozy Christmas lunch that she’d perform sex act on him if he hit sales target wins discrimination tribunal (1 June 2017) UK

To the workplace sleazes of the world: Your time is up, by Julia Baird (21 April 2017) Because only men can be sleazes, right?

Workplace equality meaningless unless ‘macho’ culture disappears, by Mary Barry, CEO ‘Our Watch’ (13 February 2017) Not content to simply ignore female perpetration/male victimisation, the author suggests the answer lies in feminising the workplace. But wait there’s more, as the author draws an even longer bow in asserting a nexus between the perceived overt masculinity of many workplaces, and the incidence of domestic violence in the community.

Not asking for it (2016) Australia. This article interviews 13 women about their experiences of sexual harassment. I guess no men were available on the day.

In this example the author again makes no mention of there being either female perpetrators or male victims of inappropriate behaviour (see Reddit discussion thread here).

Similar bias can be seen in ‘Know where the line is: Melissa Hoyer and Elizabeth Broderick address sexual harassment‘ (May 2014). Interestingly though, readers comments paint a quite different picture. This then prompts a furious backlash, with feminists asserting that others are seeking to downplay the significance of harassment of women and/or justify that harassment on the basis that women also harass men. This tends to be the pattern with articles on this topic, and I sense a great deal of pent-up frustration with the one-sided coverage of these issues.

(Addendum: Ms Broderick is now raking in plenty of $$ shaming business into conducting surveys of sexist behaviour which confirm, surprise, surprise, that they have a toxic culture that can only be remedied by feminist consultants.) 

If you care, then stand up and say sexism is not OK (9 January 2016) and Sexual harassment is serious business (13 January 2016). Two further typical offerings, again both ignoring the reality of women as harassers and of there being substantial numbers of male victims of discrimination.

We need to do more about sexual harassment in the workplace (6 January 2016) One need go no further than the first two sentences of the article to note that male victims have been excluded from consideration.

Sexism fail? EOC’s sexual harassment video criticised for showing mostly female victims (30 November 2015)

Australian women share their experiences with sexism in the workplace (16 April 2015) This typical mainstream media article about discrimination in the workplace lacks even a single reference to the fact that men experience the same or similar problems and issues. But again, take a look at the subsequent readers comments both here and at the relevant post in the Facebook page … an avalanche of angry men and women pointing out how biased and inaccurate the article is.

Things my male colleagues have actually said to me‘ (10 April 2015) Don’t hold your breath waiting for part 2 ‘Things my female colleagues …’, at least not in the mainstream media. And I note that readers comments are not permitted – which is typical in the case of these anti-male hit-pieces

In contrast very little indeed, with the exception of readers comments, has been written about toxic workplaces from the male perspective. Have men been given a free pass from having to endure such experiences? Or has the plight of male victims simply been ignored, as has occurred in the case of domestic violence and sexual assault?

Unfortunately, one outcome of ignoring female perpetration/male victimisation is the relative lack of objective research. And of course as long as research bias results in such behaviour being excluded from consideration, then there is an over-reliance on conjecture and anecdotal evidence. Hardly an ideal situation in terms of getting the powers-that-be to sit up and take notice.

On that note I just google-searched using the words “My female boss …” and was surprised by the topics that automatically appeared. Try it yourself. Looks like a lot of people having problems with female supervisors. Personally, both my best and worst bosses were female. But boy, the bad ones were shockers.

Moving on, I think it’s clear that some of the behaviour that is perceived as harassment or discrimination in the workplace is a function of the different ways that men and women operate. There are gender-based differences at play, and it is hardly unreasonable to suggest that both men and women should try to understand and compromise.

This WSJ article is another in a long line of articles proposing that men need to adjust to women, but never the other way round (read the comments too). See a critique of this article here, and again I would suggest also reviewing the readers comments.

And again, this August 2016 article appearing in the pro-feminist/SJW ‘The Conversation‘ provides a remarkably one-sided view of the issue. It’s entitled ‘Calling all men! Five ways you can be a feminist at work‘, and it’s by UK academic Scott Taylor.

This provider of business training videos obviously hasn’t heard – or doesn’t care to acknowledge –  that women can also be perpetrators (scroll down to ‘Employment and Workplace Issues‘).

More recently David Schwimmer and Sigal Avia produced a series of short videos portraying sexual harassment of women (12 April 2017) None of the videos showed women harassing others or men being harassed.

There are a number of implications – both positive and negative – regarding the current ‘debate’ and related media coverage. One of the negative outcomes is the growing reluctance by men to work closely with individual women, as discussed in this and various other recent articles.

The following sources consider discrimination/harassment/false allegations suffered by men/boys:

Defending Yourself Against False Accusations at Work (20 June 2024)

Is BHP discriminating against men? by Bettina Arndt (15 August 2023)

‘I’m sexually assaulted by women up to 10 times a night’ (14 December 2021)

Man was forced out of Leicester university job for calling out ‘no middle-aged white men’ jibe (6 November 2021) UK

Teen singer gets violated at awards show (28 June 2020) Tweet regarding assault on Justin Beiber

Teacher sexually assaulted colleague, panel hears (1 November 2018) UK

Jordan Peterson and sexual harassment by women in the workplace (28 May 2018) Video

Sexual harassment occurs with women in power, too (9 March 2018)

Homophobic bullying at my past work. Nothing was done since the bullies were FEMALE and I’m male (19 July 2017)

Just typed this out on another thread thought I would share, my experience being hounded out of an all female office (19 June 2017) Reddit discussion thread

Men Shouldn’t Refuse to Be Alone with Female Colleagues (5 May 2017)

Co-worker made a grievance claim to end my career, I gathered facts to prove otherwise. Compromised HR says I’m taking this too seriously and dismiss it. Advice? (4 April 2017)

Wayne County Deputy Philip Kozlowski files sexual harassment suit aginst female sergeant (3 January 2017) USA

I [25M] am getting sexually harassed by my [32F] co-worker (8 December 2016) Reddit discussion thread

Ex-Yahoo employee sues Marisa Mayer claiming she led an illegal purge of male employees (8 October 2016) with more on that issue here

Sportsman Julian Edelman groped by female fans at book signing (undated) USA

Father wins £30,000 sex discrimination case in row over shared paternal leave (3 October 2016) UK

Men are targets of sexual harassment at work far more commonly than we assume (25 August 2016) UK

‘A bunch of Gaylord Fockers’: The prejudices failing male nurses (20 August 2016)

Teaching accreditation exams reveal grading biases favor women in male-dominated disciplines in France (29 July 2016)

Lorry driver, 40, sent home from work and docked a day’s wages for wearing SHORTS on the hottest day of the year (20 July 2016) UK

Feminist instructor proudly informs readers how she discriminates against male students (15 July 2016) Australia. Reddit discussion thread with linked article.

Student investigated by uni for harassment (19 June 2016) NZ

Workplace sexism: we still don’t want to talk about it, by Kate Jenkins (1 June 2016) Australia. A sole reference to male victimisation in an article that otherwise implies sexism only affects women. I’d suggest that one reason why men “don’t want to talk about it” is the strongly gendered nature of the debate which is equal parts disinterested and dismissive of men’s concerns.

Update on Rates of Violence in Male and Female Exotic Dancers (18 May 2016) France. Reddit discussion thread with linked article – be sure to click through to the earlier study which showed roughly equal rates of harassment/abuse of male versus female performers.

Why women need to stop complaining about their high heels at work (13 May 2016)

Workplace (In)Equality (7 May 2016) Reddit discussion thread. On situations where men & women are paid the same but men routinely given the harder jobs.

Exclusive: Calgary call centre dispatchers accuse female colleagues of sexual harassment (26 April 2016) Australian Human Rights Commission and state anti-discrimination agencies, are you hearing this? This is what happens when you focus on harassment of women 100% of the time:

“She turned towards me and she said, you can’t sexually harass a man”

Are Sexual Favors In The Workplace Discrimination against Men? (11 April 2016) with related Reddit discussion thread here.

Men are victims of sexism too (18 March 2016) Some interesting readers comments

Men of Reddit, have you been sexually harassed and if so what did you do? [serious] (13 March 2016)

Male teacher numbers dwindling, work in education an ‘isolating experience’ for men (22 February 2016) Australia

Karalee Katsambanis: Male teachers face shocking prejudice (1 February 2016) Australia

Former Yahoo employee accuses company of gender bias – against men (3 February 2016) Men standing up for their rights under the law dismissed as “some kind of ridiculous trend”

Here are two of countless Reddit/mensrights discussion threads about the sexual harassment of men and boys in the workplace: and Bfs boss being highly inappropriate, HR shrugging it off because she was intoxicated (21 January 2016)

Colton Haynes Speaks Out About Male Model Income Inequality (8 January 2016)

Rise of the female sex pest: Think it’s only men who harass colleagues with wandering hands and crude taunts? Not any more (7 January 2016) UK

Deutsche Bank Executive Wrongly Fired on `False’ Sex Complaints (25 September 2015)

Men too are victims of sexism, finds survey (21 August 2015) Discussed results of a survey of 2,000 people in India

Sexual harassment inquiry: senior doctors say women can also be perpetrators (12 August 2015)

Women sexually harass female soldiers, says report (20 July 2015)

Traditional Scottish pub barmen stop wearing kilts as women check what is underneath (14 July 2015)

I’m being discriminated against at my job! Help! Reddit discussion thread (24 June 2015)

Monash University awarded $900,000 in indemnity costs for failed sexual harassment case (11 June 2015)

Privileged Feminists STUNNED by Empirical Evidence – Mike Buchanan MRA London Live TV (26 May 2015) UK

Stop punishing the family man (15 May 2015)

Why Some Male Members of Congress Won’t Be Alone with Female Staffers (14 May 2015)

The unfairer sex? (18 April 2015) On recruitment bias in the STEM sector

‘I was the victim of women sex bullies at work’ (12 April 2015)

Told by my boss I’m intimidating and less effective at my job “because I’m a male” (3 April 2015)

Women falsely accuse man of sexual harassment, man takes women to court (26 March 2015) This was known as the ‘Team Harpy’ case. A good Breitbart article on this issue can be found here.

Gender and prestige bias in philosophy (18 March 2015)

How I learnt the importance of reporting sexual harassment in the workplace (10 March 2015) As always, have a good look at the reader’s comments

How feminist propaganda is destroying men’s lives (2 January 2015)

Verbal abuse in the workplace: Are men or women most at risk? (17 November 2014) The same study is also discussed here

Paternity leave:  The rewards and the remaining stigma (7 November 2014)

Sex discrimination against men: 10 ways employers could fall foul (13 October 2014)

Workers happier with members of the same gender, study finds (6 October 2014)

I found a hostile anti-male environment at my new job (2 October 2014) (Reddit discussion thread)

Sexism alive and well in the workplace (A brief discussion on Reddit – perhaps a bit picky but still makes a valid observation) (22 May 2014)

Domestic violence: The NFL isn’t the only workplace with a problem (23 September 2014) See the infographic, which also provides some stats for male victimisation

The myth of the glass ceiling (24 July 2014)

Sexual harassment of men revealed (25 June 2006) (15 May 2014) (8 April 2014)

Women complain a lot, interrupt, developer says at conference (4 June 2014) The article is a beat-up but there are some interesting reader’s comments about harassment/discrimination in the workplace) (5 April 2014) (7 April 2014)

Discussion thread about female on male harassment (1 August 2014)

Article about male US academic taking action against harassment in his workplace (4 September 2014)

Black knights (22 March 2013)

Profile: Male nursery worker reveals how he faced sexism and prejudice working in the childcare sector (7 March 2013)

In-depth: How We Waded Into The Sexual Harassment Quagmire — And How to Wade Out: One Man’s View (11 December 2011) Recommended reading

Articles about how women treat other women/girls at work

“I can’t understand the push for more women in the workplace. My partner has just quit specifically because of problems with women at her workplace. Her sister also has quit her job from a different workplace for the same reason. This prompted me to ask other women I know if they have problems with women in the workplace.

The answers I received staggered me. I have two sisters that I could ask and both said they were having problems with women in the workplace at the moment, but never with men. My own mother when asked said to me, “to be honest with you the only problems I have had in my working life have been with women”.

I have asked now dozens of women when I get the chance, many that are friends, and every one of them say the same thing. That they find it difficult to work with women and that they are the cause of stress in the workplace for them, preferring to work with men.

I challenge readers to ask this question to women they come across. The answers I receive are amazing to me. A real problem that is either unknown or swept under the carpet in my opinion.” (Source)

Perspective: The real reason the all-women workspace failed (16 September 2022)

Greens Senator Lidia Thorpe accused of ‘legs shut’ gibe at Liberal colleague (2 December 2021) Australia

School principal made secretary take rude photos of her and then send it to her lover ( (11 June 2021)

Groundbreaking female U.S Air Force pilot … fired for ‘scolding subordinates like children’ and ‘creating borderline abusive environment’ (20 August 2020)

High-ranked women less generous than men when sharing a reward with their collaborators (10 October 2017)

Caleb Bond: ‘We can’t disregard the viciousness of girls’ (11 September 2017)

OPINION: ‘Sexism among women is still sexism. It’s time to stop dragging each other down’ (24 March 2017)

Sexual-Harassment Claims against a ‘She-E.O.’ (20 March 2017) USA

When female managers are better at kicking you down than helping you up (15 March 2017) Australia

‘Just got thrown a really dirty look like to say ‘ewww”: More than half of women give each other unfriendly and judgmental glares (8 March 2017)

Lorna Jane sportswear former employee Amy Robinson suing company for $550,000 (14 February 2017) This is not the first time female staff at this company have been accused of bullying (google on ‘Lorna Jane bully’)

‘Go and grab a jacket!’: Nine newsreader Amber Sherlock blasts colleague for wearing similar outfit (13 January 2017) Australia. But we’re not allowed to draw attention to women generating toxic workplaces because – misogyny! And now even Clementine Ford has weighed in about terrible it is that people dare to call out inappropriate workplace behaviour by women.

Senior policewoman ‘bared her breasts at younger colleague’ during drunken rant (30 November 2016) UK

Do women prefer female bosses? (18 September 2016)

Horrible bosses exist. But does their gender make a difference? (16 September 2016)

How The Bachelor turns women into misogynists (18 August 2016) Read this article which tells how women only undermine other women when manipulated by TV producers … then read the papers below.

Woman fired because of other women’s insecurities (10 August 2016) Reddit discussion thread

The myth that women secretly hate other women has a long history (24 September 2015) Australia. This author gives every indication of being someone who is deeply, DEEPLY, in denial. Here is a related reddit discussion thread.

A Crack in the Lens: Women working for women, by Lucy Brogden (6 May 2015)

Cutting down the tall poppies: female athletes bullied in Aussie schools (21 July 2015)

Sleep with me or be sacked (14 July 2014) with the same issue addressed here where some guy is quoted as having said: “You’ll see more sexual harassment cases in Silicon Valley [like this] because of the male dominated culture“. Here are two of the readers comments that followed:

“Don’t be shocked. My female manager harassed me for years. I was maybe 24 and single, she was probably 40, married and had 2 kids. I knew her family pretty well, which made it even more weird.
For years she would come in and sit on my lap, or make comments like “If I don’t eat soon, I’m going to get goofy and rape you or something”… It was very uncomfortable. Especially since I knew her husband, and her regular “boyfriend”.. Finally, one day she was teasing me, I turned around and said, must you? She says, why is it sexual harassment? I responded, I don’t know, what if you were sitting in this chair and I was behind you tickling your neck, would that be harassment? A week or two later I got my layoff notice… So I don’t find this story hard to believe at all….”

“This is about a woman harassing another woman, but yet this running dog had to curry favor with his feminist masters and find a way to vilify men and make them responsible somehow for the wrongdoing to this female victim. Nobody can just admit that women are as prone to indulge in harassing behavior as men are” (Warning: Bad language and politically incorrect humour abound in the Youtube offering) (11 December 2013)

Too many women ignore their own misogyny (4 June 2014)

I don’t want to hire women (14 May 2014)

Women In Academia Are Less Likely Than Men To Cooperate With Lower-Ranked Colleagues (3 March 2014)

Women prefer male bosses even more than men do (16 October 2014)

Out Of The Mouth Of A Female Who Worked At Yahoo: “Who Are The Meanest People In The Corporate World? Women” (12 February 2014) USA. Go to 3:41

Bitches be mean. Ladies be crying. Let’s give them MORE responsibility! Clearly, they can handle it (31 March 2013) USA

Girl cop ‘felt up and slapped five officers’ (10 May 2012)

Women Helping Other Women? Not so Much, it Seems (15 November 2010)

Good Game presenter claims ABC gender bias after axing (October 2009) Australia

Catfights over handbags and tears in the toilets. When this producer launched a women-only TV company she thought she’d kissed goodbye to conflict… (7 April 2009) with related reddit mensrights discussion thread

Women like women more than men like men (December 2004) and related reddit discussion thread

Most men are harassed by women at work (2 July 2008)

“Hostility to the Presence of Women”: Why Women Undermine Each Other in the Workplace and the Consequences for Title VII (May 2004)

See also:

Sexual Harassment of Men: Its Types and Consequences (16 March 2023)

Half of men in corporate Australia are fatigued by gender equality (24 November 2021) Entitled, condescending nonsense. Scroll through the readers comments in Twitter and elsewhere, and then imagine the same style on commentary aimed at a feminist author … it would create an absolute furor.

Australian companies grant paid menstrual, menopausal leave ( (25 June 2021)

Two young men report sexual harassment at New Jersey grocery store (undated)

Gender harassment harming women in male-dominated industries (9 November 2020) Australia. You’d think that it would make sense to conduct a similar survey of men working in female-dominated industries, to provide context … but no. As I mentioned in this other post, feminists don’t want context – merely to support pre-ordained conclusions supportive of the feminist narrative.

Women as active agents: Female perpetrators of sexual harassment and domestic abuse by Dr Melanie D Douglass (2020)

Men who engage in workplace misconduct ‘significantly’ more likely to cheat on their wives (8 October 2019) This article seems to suggest that men are the only perpetrators in this regard (?) A ludicrous notion

A panic is not an answer: We’re at imminent risk of turning this #metoo moment into a frenzied rush to blame all men (26 November 2017) by Christina Hoff Sommers. Included here as it includes some interesting statistics re: the prevalence of harassment

Over-friendly, or sexual harassment? It depends partly on whom you ask (17 November 2017)

ABC News and Washington Post intentionally excluded male victims from their already flawed sexual harassment survey (12 November 2017)

‘Half of women’ sexually harassed at work, says BBC survey (25 October 2017) Men less likely to report harassment – no surprise there

It’s Not Just Mike Pence. Americans Are Wary of Being Alone With the Opposite Sex (1 July 2017)

If festival crowds can unite to help a crowd-surfer, they can unite against sexual assault (6 February 2017) Australia. This article demonstrates the prevailing mindset of only men harass/only women are harassed & it’s men’s duty to defend women. The hypocrisy of creating an assistance ‘hotline’ that only caters for women is lost on these people. See also the reader’s comments

Heinous sexist culture inside STEM industries exposed, by Liz Burke (27 January 2017) Ignores discrimination and recruitment bias against men – the implication being only women are affected. Relies heavily on anecdotes, and fails to provide corresponding statistics for men (ditto) – all typical of pro-feminist journalism/’research’.

Women suffer much more work stress than men, says psychiatrist (30 December 2016) When was the last time you saw an article in the MSM entitled “Men suffer much more <anything>“? Wonder why that is

No man is above unconscious gender bias in the workplace – it’s “unconscious” (14 December 2016) And no woman is above unconscious gender bias either, but this author can’t bring herself to admit that. Perhaps indicative of her own bias?

Women more likely than men to be bullied at work: Report (30 November 2016) Australia

Swedish women get hotline to report mansplaining (16 November 2016) Feminists hard at work addressing the big issues. All men magically know whether each individual woman knows more about a given topic than they do. Well all men except the misogynists it seems. NB: Women never guilty of behaving in a patronising manner.

Statistics from the UK National Workplace Bullying Advice Line and Bully OnLine reveal that at least 50% of over 6000 cases involve a female serial bully. The top four sectors for cases are teaching, nursing, social services, and the voluntary / not-for-profit sector, in which there is a higher percentage of female managers. Serial bullies, male or female, can be recognised by their behaviour profile.

Sexual harassment in politics, by Karen Middleton (15 October 2016) Australia. The article contains details of a string of incidents of gross conduct by men in the political sphere. Karen asserts “that attitude and that kind of predatory behaviour is extremely – extremely – common” (para 9), and then in the final paragraph:

“The men I’ve described are ordinary men. That’s the problem – that it is and has been ordinary to behave this way. Women don’t talk about it for lots of reasons. They fear it would damage their careers, their social lives, their relationships. But that doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen …”

No, ordinary men do not behave in this manner, and such conduct is not part of the ordinary course of events in Australian workplaces. It is certainly not “extremely common“. In fact the author admits “it was only a handful of our elected representatives who did these things“.

Karen omitted any/all incidents of female perpetration of abuse. And yet men are also victims, albeit it to a lesser extent, though they also “don’t talk about it for lots of reasons“. Whilst journalists fail in their duty to report the other part of the workplace harassment problem … “But that doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen”.

Watch your language: The gender bias in job adverts (7 October 2016) To avoid frightening away special snowflakes one shall not use terms like ‘leader’ or ‘competitive’ in job advertisements. Seriously

Why are women stil being judged by appearance? (2 October 2016) Unintended harassment via acts of benevolent sexism (eye roll)

Feminist guru paid $2 million to weed out public service gender bias (17 September 2016) Surely a study that only considers discrimination against women is itself evidence of systemic gender bias? This together with the fact that 66% staff are female (a point I see that has now been raised by Andrew Bolt).

“Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull’s department is paying a feminist “change agent” almost $200,000 to conduct a three-month “cultural audit” to find and weed out any unconscious bias against women”

The Unexpected Effects of a Sexual Harassment Educational Program (2 September 2016)

This person has the perfect solution for women in the workplace (2 September 2016) Because only women have to walk on eggshells due to the entitlement and/or fragile egos of their co-workers. Feminist erasure – This blogger failed to upload my comment in relation to her post.

Half of women in UK have been sexually harassed at work, study finds (10 August 2016) No men were surveyed so results give the impression that this problem only affects women. Now why would they do that? See also ‘Report Claiming Half Of Women Harassed At Work Involved Hardline Feminist Group

How men and women can help reduce gender bias in the workplace, by Emma L Johnston (15 July 2016) This piece in The Conversation oozes gynocentric condescension …

“I am a professor and a newly minted pro vice chancellor and I have spent my entire research and working life with male bosses or supervisors. I have never reported to a woman.”

So presumably men have mentored the author throughout her career, and been instrumental in her elevation to the top job. Despite this she implies that the disproportionate number of men in senior positions is sinister, given their inherent propensity to exercise power to the benefit of men. Greater gender equity is only achievable through listening to women’s voices. Men should be grateful for sound guidance that women shall provide … and for any incidental rewards that may come their way. Oh wait, I get it, those men, the first lot, they were different.

(As a footnote: I sent three tweets in response to this article (see Twitter stream 15 July 2016) and was immediately blocked by the author. What a curiously inept response for someone so obviously well-credentialled to attempt to defend her position.

Middle-aged women bosses more at risk of sexual harassment, finds study (30 June 2016) I can’t locate the results of the Australian Journal of Public Administration study cited in the article anywhere online … if anyone reading this can provide a link, then pls let me know. Thanks in advance.

Research: Vague Feedback Is Holding Women Back (29 April 2016) with related Reddit discussion thread here.

Sexual harassment rife in service industry because ‘customer is always right’ (8 March 2016) Article ignores harassment of male hospitality workers

Flexible work a career killer for men: report (3 February 2016) Australia

Men must be on board to help eradicate workplace gender bias (18 December 2015) Ireland. Because workplace gender bias only consists of (according to feminist journalists) men discriminating against women.

Female firefighter hits out at secret report, feels ‘used’ by Jane Garrett (16 December 2015) Jane Garrett is the Victorian State Emergency Services Minister. A feminist politician “pushing an anti-male agenda“? Oh, surely not.

Julia Gillard was right. Sexism is rampant in Australia (9 December 2015) The article is predictable one-sided feminist tosh – more interesting were the number of anti-feminist and anti-Gillard reader’s comments

Well done, feminism. Now men are afraid to help women at work (1 October 2015) UK

These men’s rights activists are using a 1950s law to shut down women in tech (2 September 2015) and related reddit discussion thread

Women who don’t want to work for a woman (4 May 2015) Video of Studio 10 (a TV show) segment

#ThankYouEllenPao? Only if You Like Bullying, Vexatious Opportunists (30 March 2015)

Why the U.S. Economy Is Biased Against Men, by Marty Nemko (18 April 2012)

In-depth: How We Waded Into The Sexual Harassment Quagmire — And How to Wade Out: One Man’s View (Part 1 of 3 Parts) (11 December 2011)


Elsewhere in this blog you might also be interested in reading:

Recruitment bias favours hiring female staff

Fudging the figures to support the feminist narrative

Profound gender bias at the Australian Human Rights Commission (Part 1)

I thought women were meant to be more empathetic?

Companies with women at the helm perform better (so they say)