A few observations in relation to yet another article critical of men

The mainstream media is awash with articles infused with anti-male bias. Indeed after being conditioned through decades of exposure to this material, most people accept what they are told. In comparison to most of those articles, the focus of this post regarding alleged male risk-taking behaviour is admittedly rather benign. Indeed, if taken at face-value it appears to be sympathetic to the welfare of men & boys.

Examined more closely however the article reflects the contrasting and hypocritical manner in which the media addresses men’s & women’s issues.

The same day I noticed this article I came across another in a similar vein. That article mocks men in relation to another trait associated with masculinity – demonstrating protective behaviour towards women.

No there is nothing controversial about shaming men – just men – about pretty much anything nowadays. That’s kind of my point. And the article isn’t so much about “asking why“, but telling us why … apparently men are foolish.

And oddly, whilst this is an article about men’s behaviour, it begins with an account of the drowning of a 23 month old toddler. This seems to infer that even very young boys are dying due to masculinity-induced recklessness. Presumably female toddlers are more careful.

As the article is relatively brief, I’ll provide it here in its entirety:

Drownings blamed on men’s risky behaviour‘ (The Australian, 30 December 2016)

“The twin brother pulled unconscious from a Sydney swimming pool has died three days after his sister, in what has been described as a “deeply disturbing” week for water deaths.

Charli and Robbi Manago, 23 months, had been fighting for life in The Children’s Hospital at Westmead since they were found in their family’s pool around 7pm on December 20. The hospital last night confirmed Robbi had died.

His death takes the number of coastal and inland waterway fatalities since Sunday to 11. Nine of the dead were men.

Experts say a deadly cocktail of conditions — male bravado, consistent warm weather, and a poor understanding of water dangers — has led to the deaths.

As police and volunteers return to Sydney’s Maroubra Beach to find the body of missing teenager Tui Gallaher and search a Wagga river in the south of NSW for a 42-year-old man, experts have warned people not to overestimate their abilities.

Between 80 and 90 per cent of drowning victims are male, according to recent figures.

Four people died on Boxing Day, including 60-year-old Geoffrey Blackadder, who died trying to save young relatives from a rip on the NSW north coast, and 25-year-old Amine Hamza, who died after swimming with friends at Bents Basin in Sydney’s west.

“It’s deeply disturbing. Men are more likely to overestimate their swimming ability and underestimate how dangerous conditions are,” said Justin Scarr, chief executive at the Royal Life -Saving Society Australia.

“Men are more likely to swim in locations away from lifeguards and crowds, and they’re also more likely to consume ­alcohol.””

As you can see, the premise of the article is that substantially more men die from drowning due to those men taking excessive and presumably avoidable risks.

May I ask you, when was the last time you saw a headline “X blamed on women’s risky behaviour”? Where ‘X’ might have been death/rape/injury/cosmetic surgery/whatever. 1965? That’s because journalists know that when they discuss any such situations they must, at all costs, avoid be called-out for ‘victim-blaming’. And yet the same consideration is not on offer when men are the victims. Gender equality when it suits?

The assertion that drowning deaths result from men taking undue risks appears unproven. The examples of swimming outside the flags and drinking are provided, although neither of these behaviours are exclusive to men.

There are other possible explanations for a gender variation in deaths, particularly the likelihood that men venture into the water more often, and for longer periods, than do women. Clearly those who don’t go to the beach, or who lie on their towels 95% of the time, are less likely to drown in the ocean.

All outdoor activities have some degree of inherent risk, i.e. they are all “risky”. Given that men are significantly more likely than women to participate in almost all forms of outdoor recreation, they are clearly more likely to be injured or killed participating in such activities. One of the few exceptions is netball, a sport recognised as having a low risk of drowning.

If a significant number of drowning deaths were due to medical emergencies then it would make more sense to focus on men’s health, than male shaming. It is likely that some of the male drowning deaths were also the result of men attempting to rescue others.

For the purpose of this discussion let’s concede that “risky behaviour” (to be defined) may indeed result in more men drowning than women. And of course it would be preferable that those tragedies not occur. But before rushing to judgement let’s also consider the issue of risk-taking by men in a broader context.

Men tend to take more risks than women, and this risk-taking results in a range of both positive and negative impacts on society. On the positive side I would go so far as to propose that risk-taking by men has been and continues to be the powerhouse of civilisation.

Need someone to step forward to defend a woman being attacked? Men are expected to step forward, and are shamed if they do not. Need someone to defend a country from attack? Ditto.

In Australia 97% of workplace deaths involve men – around 175 people in 2016. Men working in dangerous and unpleasant jobs that women generally won’t accept. Where is the outrage about the risks these men take in providing necessary services to the community?

Based on media coverage, or lack thereof, it would appear that men taking risks in the name of chivalry, industry and national service is acceptable if not expected. In contrast, men taking risks during their leisure hours is unacceptable and worthy of negative media attention.

Men don’t deserve to be shamed for exhibiting the trait of risk-taking, nor for choosing not to do so. In fact greater recognition that male risk-taking more often benefits society would seem appropriate.

Sure there will be times when some men deserve a thoughtful journalistic rap over the knuckles, but this should not be the default position. Similarly there are times when women’s behaviour merits a commensurate sanction. At the moment however women are rarely subject to criticism, are encouraged to take risks, and the blame for any negative repercussions more often placed at the feet of men.

It’s time everyone got on the same page with gender equality, and recognised that there should be one standard to which we are all held. And that support and empathy should be consistently applied and gender-blind. Anything less will see more of the same unfortunate and divisive gender bias that now permeates the mainstream media.

See also:

Reader posts in a related Reddit discussion thread here

Former senior judge Richard Gee latest to die in summer drowning tragedy (3 January 2016)

Further related blog posts that may be of interest include:

On chivalry

Persistent pro-feminist and anti-male bias in the mainstream media

On masculinity and ‘real men’

How men are portrayed … Haw Haw Haw! The jokes on us

Women are held accountable for … (say hello to the Teflon Gender)

Men do more of most things … get a target painted on their backs

On being male or female (incl. innate differences, stereotyping and so on)

On women/girls providing public displays of racism

Regular readers of this blog would be aware that I tend to get a bit riled about the way that men are consistently portrayed as the perpetrators of anti-social behaviour, whilst their many good deeds are often taken for granted. Women, on the other hand, are far more likely to be portrayed as the victims of abuse or negative discrimination whilst their countless infractions are continually white-washed or minimised.

I just came across a post in a blog that reflected this sort of bias, a picture from which is provided below.


The post provides some tips on how observers might intervene in ways that would hopefully diffuse a volatile and potentially violent situation. That’s a positive thing. Unfortunately however, the blogger tainted an otherwise potentially valuable message with a goodly measure of gender bias, portraying:

  • Men as the aggressors
  • Women as the victims of male aggression
  • Women as the rescuers of women suffering male aggression

(Disclaimer: I recognise that the followers of Islam do not constitute a ‘race’. I also appreciate that in the context of anti-Islamic abuse, women are more likely to be singled-out due to their distinctive clothing.)

That said, in the broader context of racially-motivated abuse in public places, it would seem that:

  • Women are just as likely, if not more likely, to engage in taunting or abuse
  • Men are just as likely, if not more likely, to intervene to stop abuse (example)

And indeed I’ve seen evidence of many nasty incidents involving girls/women unleashing racist rants on others. Obviously some men are also racists, but I have noticed relatively few stories with men as perpetrators. Why might this be so? Could it be, for example, that women consider themselves relatively immune from harsh intervention by victims and/or bystanders? I’m thinking here of possible underlying factors such as entitlement, the pussy-pass, and ‘it’s different when a woman does it‘.

Here are some links to relevant articles:

‘Upset and humiliated’: Second statement rocks Sam Kerr trial (5 February 2025)

High-end wedding photographer and family shocked as they’re berated with sickening ‘racist’ insults from fellow United passenger (2 December 2024)

‘It was a mistake’: Woman ordered to pay tradie $6000 after calling him ‘Jackie Chan’ in anti-discrimination case (22 November 2024)

Japanese tourist visiting Australia racially abused in vile rant (21 March 2024)

What Sam Kerr allegedly said to a police officer revealed (7 March 2024) and then before you know it the media inform us that the public are cheering on Ms Kerr … ‘National icon’: Australians defend Sam Kerr after details of slur emerges. Oh how very different things would be were genders swapped

Are women really ‘Central to Global Peace’? The tale of Sarah Douglas (22 February 2024)

Four girls aged 11 to 15 charged after vicious brawl at Burwood Station caught on video (12 February 2024) Australia

Woman fired after telling German tourists on train to ‘get out’ of US (6 October 2023)

Drunk Muslim woman, 20, who brawled at bowling alley and called police ‘f****** whites’ (25 July 2023)

White ex-University of Kentucky student indicted for viral racist attack (25 February 2023)

Asian-American woman using the N-word on the subway (undated video on Twitter) Vile language warning

Ex-Kentucky student Sophia Rosing indicted by grand jury after racist assault captured on viral video (23 February 2023)

‘Ryde, emphasis on Ryde’: Woman lashes out at innocent staff in ugly rant (20 February 2023)

‘Rude’: America ‘disgusted’ by group of young women in viral video (20 February 2023)

Woman unleashes racist rant on Sydney light rail (17 November 2022)

‘Actually shaking’: Model and influencer Lizzie Cao racially abused in Sydney car park (1 September 2022)

Aussie fisherman films racist joke at Sydney show (3 August 2022) Karen’s male partner does most of the talking in this episode where humor goes to die

Vile woman bit mum in disgraceful attack in front of son, 4, after racist rant (2 August 2022) UK

Newsreader Tracy Vo’s shocking racist encounter (26 July 2022)

Police: Suspects attacked woman on bus in Queens, made anti-white statements (15 July 2022)

Shocking details of Liz Cambage’s pre-Olympic outburst finally revealed (29 May 2022)

‘Not American’: NBA star Norman Powell films woman harassing him at a gym (26 May 2022)

Driver goes viral for refusing ride for woman over ‘racist’ remarks (17 May 2022)

Police will now investigate woman who ‘hit a boy, 12, with a paddle because he was black’ (11 May 2022)

‘Aliens’: New Zealand woman’s racist rant on Auckland city street (28 April 2022)

‘We’re going to find him’: Osaka explains racist history behind on-court tears after fan’s insult (13 March 2022) Except it wasn’t a “him”, it was a her

Influencer Jade Tuncdoruk’s Uber Eats rant prompts publicists to pull her from invites list (22 January 2022)

Bra tycoon Michelle Mone sued for $378K over ‘racist’ message (12 January 2022)

Underwear model, 24, filmed screaming racist slur outside nightclub on Boxing Day as cops investigate (31 December 2021)

Female Muslim student at Fairfax High School involved with false allegation of an alleged hate crime (19 December 2021) See related Twitter thread here.

Victoria’s Secret shopper filmed lunging at another customer (news.com.au) (15 July 2021)

‘White privilege’: Amazon deliver driver allegedly attacks customer (news.com.au) (6 June 2021)

Dane Frances De Leon in Brisbane Magistrates Court for public nuisance at refugee protest | The Courier Mail (3 June 2021)

Israel and Palestine conflict: Prime Minister Scott Morrison’s warning to Australians (news.com.au) (13 May 2021) Woman carrying a burning Israeli flag down the street

‘Get Off My Train:’ Woman Deals Woman Head Blow in Possible Subway Hate Crime (5 May 2021) USA

Teacher’s ‘horrible’ racist rant recorded after she failed to hang up after Zoom call (28 March 2021) USA

City Council candidate Susan Lee pushed down subway stairs in random attack (25 March 2021) USA

Pregnant woman hit with ‘rampage of racial slurs’ while waiting for scan (24 March 2021) Australia

‘Disturbing and unacceptable’: American Airlines responds to flight diversion over racial slur (2 March 2021)

Sister of Christchurch victim films racist rant (29 December 2020) NZ

Woman caught on video telling black neighbor to ‘act like a white person’ (19 November 2020) USA

‘We don’t take blacks’: Melbourne woman booted from Airbnb over disgusting texts (9 November 2020) Australia

‘Inferior’: British wife ordered to pay $180k for racial abuse of Aussie Duncan Bendall (9 September 2020) May not have ranted in a public place, but nevertheless, ewww. And a feminist too, it would appear

Woman goes on racist tirade at three black joggers on an LA beach and calls 911 claiming they ‘assaulted her’ (3 September 2020) USA

Racist thug flashes boobs at kebab shop workers and accuses them of rape in vile rant (28 July 2020)

‘Karen’ shouts anti-Asian slurs at post office employee in shocking video (28 July 2020) USA

‘Racist’ CEO who terrorised Asian family slammed over apology (10 July 2020) It’s great that the waitress stood up for this Asian family, but can you imagine people contributing to a GoFundMe page for a man doing the same thing?

This Caucasian woman didn’t get the response she was anticipating when she called another woman the ‘n’ word (25 June 2020) USA video

Black Lives Matter: Lisa Alexander’s husband fire after filming encounter (17 June 2020)

This woman doesn’t like Hawaiians (13 June 2020) Video, and this woman doesn’t like someone else (Video)

Furious Woolworths customer hurls shopping baskets and some VERY foul language at staff and security as shocked shoppers look on (12 June 2020) Australia

Woman spits on black teenager during protest march (9 June 2020) USA

Arizona ‘Karen’ is slapped across the face after racist rant in which she yells at a Hispanic woman in gas station to ‘go back to her country’ (8 June 2020)

“We speak English here!” (2 June 2020) USA woman objects to people listening to Mexican music in the park (Tweet)

Woman who called the police on man in Central Park stood down from job after video goes viral (27 May 2020) USA

Bystanders shut down woman during racist rant in Melbourne (8 May 2020)

Coronavirus: Melbourne woman’s racist rant at Chinese bubble tea shop (6 May 2020) Australia

Doctor calls for unity during coronavirus pandemic after being targeted in racist attack (20 April 2020)

Victoria police search for women caught on camera attacking Chinese students (18 April 2020)

Woman tells Telstra worker to ‘go back to China’ in racist attack (10 April 2020)

Asian dog, you brought corona here’: Young women racially abused, spat on in Sydney street (31 March 2020)

Police: Niles woman charged with hate crime after hitting 87-year-old with purse (10 March 2020) Ranting and then some

‘Racist’ abuse towards New Zealand train conductor slammed by passengers (28 February 2020)

The journalist at a Trump Press conference doesn’t need to rant, we can guess what she’s thinking. See @flightcrew Twitter account on 27 February 2020

Leftists at the University of Virginia are dictating who is and who isn’t allowed in the new Multicultural Student Centre (13 February 2020) Video

Woman Who Spat On Bus Driver’s Face In Lengthy Meltdown Avoids Prison (13 February 2020)

Woman yells racist slurs, spits on and assaults hotel receptionist (27 November 2019)

‘Speak English in Canada,’ woman rants at Asian staff in B.C. drugstore (30 October 2019)

Actor Nakkiah Lui calls out shocking racism in Sydney supermarket (23 October 2019)

British woman grounds flight after calling Muslim passengers ‘terrorists’ (15 July 2019)

‘White trash b***h: ACA reveals audio recording of model’s assault of flight attendant (27 June 2019)

When actions move beyond words … this female international student was assaulted in Melbourne CBD and told to leave Australia … details in this tweet (26 March 2019)

Straphanger makes citizen’s arrest after hell beaks loose on subway (14 December 2018)

Simone O’Broin: Lawyer in wine-rage rant arrested after plane lands (15 November 2018)

Women yells obscenities at family speaking Spanish at Virginia restaurant (23 October 2018) USA

Missouri Woman Fired For Blocking Black Man From Entering Apartment Complex (15 October 2018)

Southwest Airlines Passenger Called Flight Attendant the N-Word (2 October 2018)

Tweet regarding racist rant at public pool (27 June 2018)

Air force fires waitress over racist video (17 June 2018)

After Racist Tweet, Roseanne Barr’s Show Is Cancelled by ABC (29 May 2018)

Video of woman bashing up allegedly racist woman in Florida goes viral (27 August 2017) USA

Vancouver SkyTrain Passenger Goes On Racist Rant, Gets Called Out By Riders (25 August 2017) Woman does a racist rant and boy comes to the defence of those who she targeted

Student sentenced over racist attack on Muslim woman caught on film (4 August 2017)

Airbnb host fined, ordered to take college course after turning away Asian guest (14 July 2017)

This July 2017 article “based on 243 cases of verified Islamophobic incidents collected over 14 months in 2014-15” suggests that “perpetrators were three times more likely to be male“. I’m more than a little dubious.

Woman’s Islamophobic rant on Sydney bus caught on video (4 June 2017)

Walmart racist shopper’s rant against Latina and black woman (24 May 2017) USA

Airlines after hurling vile insults at Sydney family (23 May 2017)

Four Sydney Muslim women attacked in Broadway (11 May 2017) Australia

Woman reportedly told shopper in Va. store: ‘I wish they didn’t let you in the country’ (May 2017) USA

Racist footy fan exposes unhealthy obsession (12 April 2017)

Teen filmed attacking a Chinese man with a chisel on a Sydney train is set for jail (16 March 2017)

‘I’m not sending a lady to prison for this’: Student spared jail after racist slurs during Notting Hill club rampage (14 March 2017) UK

Party-loving teacher marched off flight after drunken outburst (1 February 2017)

Woman captured on camera abusing a Muslim student wearing a niqab: ‘Take it off, you terrorist’ (22 January 2017) Australia

Woman abuses Coles supermarket staff in Melton (5 January 2017)

Girl, 17, fined after unleashing foul-mouthed tirade on tram traveling on Port Road on Boxing Day (30 December 2016) Lacking obvious racial overtone but otherwise similar in character to the other incidents reported here

‘Invading our country’: Racist rant on Adelaide public bus caught on video (20 November 2016) with follow-up article here

Another racist rant by a woman on public transport (29 October 2016)

Port Adelaide fan who threw banana at Eddie Betts banned ‘indefinitely’ (22 August 2016)

Woman jailed for racially abusing teenage girl on Sydney train (13 April 2016)

Woman accused of racial abuse (16 January 2016) Australian video

Another racist rant – and threatened violence – by a woman on a train (28 December 2015) Australia

Another racist rant by a woman travelling on public transport (19 December 2015) Australia

Racist abuse on a Sydney bus left Lindsay Li fearing for her safety (25 September 2015) Australia

Stacey Eden defended a Muslim woman who was being verbally abused on a Sydney train (17 April 2015) Villain and hero are both women in this story

Disturbing video emerges of horror racist attack on Perth family (1 April 2015)

From “Women assault elderly man” to “Shame on men” in easy steps (1 March 2014) Why many men would choose not to strike back at racist wrong-doers

Psycho Chick fights with pregnant passenger on Perth commuter train (14 June 2013) Video Australia

Woman’s racist rant on train (3 July 2014)

Woman’s racist rant on bus (26 June 2013)

Goodes abuse: teen didn’t know ‘ape’ was racist, says McGuire (27 May 2013)

Woman’s racist rant on train (19 April 2013)

I also noticed that if you search on the words ‘racist rant by woman‘ on YouTube you get 165,000 results. If you search on ‘racist rant by man’, you get 317,000 results but the search results for the latter appear to capture video clips for both ‘man’ and ‘wo(man)’.

Elsewhere in this blog you might also be interested in:

Differing public response to partner violence depending on gender of victim

On chivalry

On violence perpetrated, or instigated, by women and girls

I thought women were meant to be more empathetic?


Who pays on dates?

There have been, and there continues to be, many articles written about the topic of who should meet the costs of dating or courtship. Most articles appear to be written by women, and mocking (to varying degrees) the alleged or implied cheapness of men who dare object to paying the entire cost of a night out.

Whilst hardly a ‘life or death’ matter, this topic has special significance in that it illustrates how some traditional gender roles are aggressively retained whilst others are forcefully discarded. With the former all appearing to benefit women.

A number of justifications are put forward as to why one partner should pay for the other. Perhaps the most common is the suggestion that the person who makes the approach, and issues the invitation, should pay for the date. That is clearly very convenient for women given that 99 times out of 100, the male is the one doing the asking (this being yet another retained gender stereotype).

After that, the rationalisations as to why men should pay get even more ‘out there’ … especially when it is a feminist at the keyboard. Consider for example, ‘I Let Him Pay for Dinner – Am I a Bad Feminist?‘ by Suzanna Weiss (5 July 2016)

My own position is that if the costs of dates aren’t shared, or if partners aren’t treated on alternate dates, then it is free-loading no matter how you dress it up. And if the first date is such that you know there won’t be a second one, then you should definitely split the bill. Forget ideology, it’s just the decent thing to do.

And now the gender wage gap, in an increasing number of employment segments, is actually reversed (i.e. favors women). This means that in more and more instances, the female dinner-goer would have a more substantial income than her male partner (see related post). Surely now, women would be proud to pay their own way. Ha, ha, yes, I’m only kidding.

A number of relevant articles now follow: 

‘Attitude problem’: Man’s bold text after date (1 November 2024)

Influencer says men ‘should pay on the first date’ because women spend a lot on make-up (20 March 2024)

Surprisingly traditional dating ‘rule’ Gen Z men won’t let go (13 February 2024)

Reason men should always pay on the first date (10 January 2024)

People need to chill about women getting ‘free food’ on dates (13 July 2021)

Woman, 26, forced to pick up $500 dinner date bill (24 November 2023) And not just any woman, but an “adult content creator”.

The $2000 dating rule to avoid ‘frightful’ sex syndrome from men (2 November 2023) More dating wisdom from Jana Hocking

Why men feel entitled to sex if they pay on a first date (14 March 2023)

‘Extreme’ response to date’s $4.50 burger concern backfires massively (13 March 2023)

Splitting the bill on dates makes no sense (14 February 2023) No, what’s make no sense is investing several minutes in reading this feminist contrived nonsense.

Woman went on six dates a week, didn’t grocery shop for two years (24 January 2023)

Woman Sues Man For $10,000 For Failing To Show Up To A Date (20 July 2022)

Woman blasts her date for not paying after she said no to sex (24 June 2022)

Why men should always pay on the first date (20 April 2022)

Abbie Chatfield angers Italian men after calling out ‘sexist’ menus (7 April 2022) How ridiculous is this? Abbie and the sisterhood should all pay their share, and they’re welcome to have a menu with prices. The thing is, they don’t want to know prices in order to pay – they want to know in order to be able to gloat.

Single woman says men shouldn’t get a second date if they don’t pay (4 April 2022)

Woman left stunned by date’s split bill request (6 December 2021) “A man should pay everything and should bring you a gift for spending your time with him, commented one woman.”

Woman’s bad date disaster goes viral: ‘He bought food for himself’ (13 November 2021)

Jana Hocking on why men should always pay on the first date (4 December 2020)

Feminists on Twitter get upset that man on a date doesn’t pay for a cake for his date (1 March 2020)

Young women at Griffith University (Australia) get tips about what to expect/demand in a special dating guide. (February 2020) Gee, hope they enjoy the company of cats.

10 Reasons Why Women Should Expect Men to Still Pay for Everything | by Fox | Medium (22 January 2020)

Unpopular opinion: Guys who split the bill on dates are douchebags (15 October 2019)

Forget the booty call, the foodie call is the new dating (out)rage (6 July 2019)

A third of women only date men because of the free food: study (21 June 2019) USA

‘Serial Dine-and-Dasher’ arrested for awful dating etiquette (29 August 2018) And would a women be reported to the police? I think we know the answer to that

Beware of ‘foodie call’ dates who are just in it for a free meal (30 August 2017) USA

Women forced to pay for dates (9 March 2017) Video

How is it okay for a stranger to pay for your first-date dinner because he’s a man? (27 January 2017)

6 Things a Feminist Woman Who Dates Men Should Look For on a First Date: Validate his every political and social view conforms to those you require. Offer to pay and think of him as cheap if he accepts (27 October 2016) Reddit mensrights discussion thread and linked article.

A Women’s Advantage (2016) Concerns research into OKCupid users, not just regarding who pays on dates but also courtship protocols generally.

Guy texts girl demanding she pay him back after he bought her a drink at a bar (12 September 2016)

“I’ll be more cautious who I take free drinks from in the future!” Free?

Lizzie Cundy slammed by viewers for insisting a man should always pay on a first date (31 August 2016)

Woman Says She Was Left With $163 Tab After Man She Met On Dating Site Dined, Then Dashed (3 August 2016) with related Reddit discussion thread here

“Operation: No Pay May”: A Houston Woman Attempts 31 Dates in 31 Days (31 May 2016) with related Reddit discussion thread here

The new economics of dating: Do men still need to pay? (24 May 2016) Reddit discussion thread and linked article

For men, finding love is still more costly (16 May 2016)

I said no to a second date so he asked for a $40 refund (11 May 2016)

That’s rich… women decline to date men who earn less – however good looking (3 February 2016) UK

Shock horror! A man feels I should pay my own way on dates. “I feel this is a dealbreaker.” Welcome to feminism (9 November 2015) Reddit mensrights discussion thread

Attention, straight men dating women: Here’s why they still — yes, still — expect you to pick up the check (28 August 2015) with related reddit discussion thread here

Paying while dating: meet the men who pick up the check (and those who don’t) (28 August 2015) and being in The Guardian we just know which team they’ll be rooting for.


Two Strong INDEPENDENT Feminists demand men pay for dates (18 August 2015) Video and related reddit discussion thread (Quote: “I understand most women don’t want to be used as sex objects. Maybe they should stop looking at men as success objects“)

Ladies, It’s Now Your Turn to Pay On the First Date (9 January 2015)

Cha-Ching! Guess who spends the most in love? (February 2015)

Valentine’s Day spending driven by single men in search for love (12 February 2015)

Who Pays for Dates? Following Versus Challenging Gender Norms (2015)

Why women should never go halves on a date (27 November 2014)

Why I’d never be with a man who always pays the bill‘ (28 September 2014) Article unconvincing but see readers comments

It’s 2014: Why are men still paying for first dates? (18 September 2014) and here’s the feminist perspective on that issue (though note that not all readers agreed with her assessment)

Helena Andrews explains why men should always pay for dinner by Janet Bloomfield (9 September 2013)

Should I Pay for a Date Simply Because I Am the Stud? (6 September 2013)

I just made a woman pay for her own food, her reactions were interesting (19 November 2014) Reddit mensrights discussion thread

Valentines Day, by the numbers (14 February 2013)

Almost all of the articles on this subject in the mainstream media focus on heterosexual couples, and are set in the context of first world western countries.

The heterosexual focus is interesting as my initial impression is that courtship costs are approached in a somewhat more egalitarian manner in gay/lesbian relationships. I have listed some articles about splitting costs & gay/lesbian dating and courtship below. If readers can suggest more and/or better references then please leave a message.

Who Should Be Paying on a Same Sex Date? (11 May 2016)

Who picks up the tab on a date between two gay people?

When two gay men (or ladies) go on a date who pays?


On masculinity and ‘real men’

Hyper-masculinity? Toxic-masculinity? What is this masculinity thing that is painted as such a blight on society?

Why is there is never any mention of toxic femininity when (to varying extents) many of the same issues apply? Just look at my posts on for example, female violence, lack of empathy, sexual abuse by women, and damseling and the shameless exploitation of male chivalry.

The articles below all address the concept of masculinity, alternately either from a feminist, egalitarian, MHRA or another alternate position:

‘A fatal miscalculation’: masculinity researcher Richard Reeves on why Democrats lost young men (9 November 2024) USA

Did sexism propel Donald Trump to power? (9 November 2024) USA

Kamala’s Anti-Male Sexism Drove Men from the Democratic Fold (7 November 2024) USA

The sad truth is that anti-feminist backlash helped propel Trump to victory (6 November 2024) and another related item ‘No sex, no babies: 4B Movement goes viral after Donald Trump US election win‘ (8 November 2024)

Regarding the #NotAllMen assertion (October 2024)

‘Toxic masculinity’ is toxic terminology (3 July 2024)

Masculinity isn’t toxic, it’s the tonic society needs. An interview with therapist, Professor Miles Groth (27 October 2023)

Fears for Australian women as more die allegedly at the hands of young men and experts speak out (16 April 2024) Hey, let’s ignore the men and boys killed, the growing perpetration of abuse committed by women, and in fact any thought of holding women accountable … for anything

Helping young men to have healthy, respectful relationships (25 October 2023) Australian Federal Government media release. Another $3.5 million down the feminist toilet

Landmark research study finds clear evidence of pro-women/anti-men bias (28 September 2023)

In praise of heroic masculinity (30 August 2023)

The Best Way to Find Out If Someone Is a Trump Voter? Ask Them What They Think About Manhood (14 July 2023) Written by Katelyn Fossett

Andrew Tate’s Career as the Baddest Boy on the Internet Might Be Over (16 January 2023)

This man really knows how to deal with kids playing on the driveway (3 July 2022) Video

The words Will Smith didn’t need to say in his latest apology (2 April 2022) The female journalist implores readers to go easy on Will (for many reasons as listed).  The journalist uses the term ‘toxic masculinity’ but then states that “In no way, shape or form did Smith’s actions harm the people attending the Oscars, or anyone watching at home.” Whilst it’s rare to see people being asked to show empathy for men, what’s the bet that it’s only happening here because Will is perceived to have ‘done it for a woman’? #WhiteKnight

Will Smith, we don’t need men to protect us’ (28 March 2022) Meanwhile, in real life and starting immediately after Will Smith hit Chris Rock, the media began exposing women stating things like “Gee, I wish I had a man to protect me like that!” #EyeFlutter

The tragedy of modern love (25 July 2022)

Men love women more than women love men (22 July 2022)

Gender Self-Confidence as a Protective Factor for Suicide Risk: Analysis of the Sample of Lithuanian Men (23 May 2022)

Buy a real shaver – Jeremy’s razors (22 March 2022) Video satire, though meaningful

Oh but men commit 95% of all violence, blah blah blah (18 March 2022) Some real stats about the prevalence of male violence

‘Just part of everyday cowboy life!’ Hero dad, 40, who saved his son, 18, from raging bull at Texas rodeo says he was just ‘glad he was there to protect him’ (2 March 2022)

How much do you know about male psychology? (2022) Video

A Philosopher ponders ‘What Do Men Want?’ Insights and quotations from Nina Power’s book (14 February 2022) Book review

‘Dehumanizing the male’. Another book review (2 December 2021)

Testosterone Administration Induces A Red Shift in Democrats (2021)

When did traditional masculinity become toxic? (25 November 2021)

Is toxic masculinity the reason there are so many climate-hesitant men? (13 November 2021)

Stop calling people ‘toxic’. Here’s why | Hannah Baer | The Guardian (26 July 2021)

Tweet regarding men expressing emotion (9 July 2021)

Man expresses enthusiasm = creep. Man expresses frustration = incel. Man expresses anger = toxic. Man expresses sadness = weak. Man shares emotions other than happiness = emotional labor. Man shares no emotions at all = emotionally distant

How Has Feminism Been for Young Men, with Tristan Glosby // Men are Talking Podcast – Episode 1 – YouTube (7 July 2021)

Stop Emasculating Men, Then Wondering Where All The Good Men Went (thefederalist.com) (14 June 2021)

Gender Equality and Where Feminism Gets It Wrong – Woke Father (24 May 2021)

The push to “Raise Boys Right” implies that men need to be fixed (20 April 2021)

The pandemic of male loneliness (24 February 2021)

China’s gender roles: War on ‘feminisation’ aims to build boys’ ‘masculinity’ (5 February 2021)

The Atlantic obviously doesn’t have any idea ‘What it means to be a man’ (19 February 2020)

Can we talk about ‘Toxic Femininity’ yet? (22 July 2020)

Watch: Daily Wire’s Matt Walsh on modern culture destroying masculinity (20 November 2019)

Well, America, Gillette’s idiotic ad may have finally turned the tide on ‘toxic masculinity’ (22 January 2019) USA

Masculinity isn’t a sickness (16 January 2019)

Traditional masculinity has been dubbed ‘harmful’ by a major health body (16 January 2019) with related tweet her

Psychology as indoctrination: Girls rule, Boys drool? (15 January 2019)

Barbara Kay: American Psychological Association declares masculinity an “ideology” (12 January 2019)

You can’t help men by attacking masculinity, by Dr John Barry (27 November 2018)

Male authority – Be a “Man”, by Rollo Tomassi (13 November 2018)

Brown University Offering Programs for ‘Unlearning Toxic Masculinity’ (25 October 2018) See related tweet from James Woods

The fact that we’re considering making misandry a hate crime should concern everyone who believes in equality (17 October 2018)

The mysterious invisibility of men’s good deeds, by Mark Dent (14 July 2018)

Feminism: Toxic Masculinity (26 June 2018)

Why men are refusing to help women and children (6 June 2018) Video (and also take a look at this Jim Muldoon article on the same theme)

How feminists developed ‘Toxic Masculinity’ (14 June 2018)

Rethinking Gender, Sexuality and Violence (25 October 2017)

Charts – Where You Fall on the Alpha / Beta Scale (9 October 2017)

Does the NRL have a culture problem? (13 September 2017) Video

Duke recruits men for program to fight ‘toxic’ masculinity (13 September 2017)

Houston Rescuers Prove the Lie of ‘Toxic Masculinity’ (1 September 2017)

Andrew Cadman: We are paying a high price for the feminisation of Britain (3 August 2017)

Delingpole: Too Much ‘Maleness,’ Complains Feminist Reviewer of ‘Dunkirk’ (2 August 2017)

We’re doomed and only women can save the day (20 July 2017) How men think of, and treat other men, is part of the problem.

SJW DYLAN MARRON GETS OWNED l Response to Unboxing Trump’s America and Masculinity l SJW Cringe (6 July 2017) Video

First police officer at London Bridge attack “was rugby player who took on all terrorists until forced to ground” (4 June 2017) UK

Study: Most Women Like ‘Manly’ Men, Don’t Worry About ‘Toxic Masculinity’ (13 May 2017)

The epidemic of sexless marriage is symptomatic of the modern emasculated husband (undated/2017)

The ‘Toxic Masculinity’ Trend Blames Boys For Being Born Male (12 April 2017)

Missed a spot, by Dalrock (1 March 2017)

E.B. White’s Touching Letter to Man Who Lost Hope in Humanity (27 February 2017)

Feminists wage war against romance on Valentine’s Day (14 February 2017)

Gender wars: Is masculinity toxic for boys? (9 February 2017) Reddit discussion thread and linked video

Toxic masculinity: Will the ‘war on men’ only backfire? (28 January 2017) Australia. Related Reddit discussion thread here.

‘Toxic masculinity’ is ruining men’s lives, by Corrine Barraclough (26 January 2017)

Dear Feminists, male vulnerability isn’t a virtue (3 January 2017)

Today (30 December 2016) I noticed two articles that took a now common approach of using/portraying generally positive attributes associated with masculinity (protectiveness towards women & risk-taking behaviour) in order to mock or criticize men:

Men are weirdly concerned about trans women’s use of female bathrooms according to new study and Drownings blamed on men’s risky behaviour

Male college students to undergo ‘critical self-reflection’ of masculinity (3 January 2017)

Feminist Prof: Cats are the solution to ‘Toxic Masculinity’ (15 December 2016)

To what should males aspire? (15 December 2016)

No Gender December: When did ‘gender’ become such a dirty word? (13 December 2016) Australia

The miseducation of young men, part 3 (9 December 2016)

Why women can’t complain about men (4 December 2016) Video

Masculine white men more likely to be mentally ill, says new ‘study’ (22 November 2016)

Why Colleges Should Stop Teaching “Toxic Masculinity” (16 November 2016)

The False Dichotomy of Feminist Ethics (11 October 2016)

‘Toxic White Masculinity’: What is it all about? (10 October 2016) USA

If gender is a social construct, why aren’t women ever accused of exhibiting toxic masculinity? (9 October 2016) Reddit discussion thread

What will feminists accomplish by defining masculinity as toxic and pathological? (8 October 2016)

This Woman Never Looked At Her Fiancé The Same Way After He Abandoned Her During A Violent Mugging: Toxic lack of masculinity? Reddit discussion thread and linked article.

‘Effeminism’ and the War on Boys (23 September 2016)

It’s not Muslims or people with mental health problems who are most likely to kill you in a terrorist attack – it’s men, by Janey Stephenson (28 July 2016)

Oddly, there has recently been other articles very similar to this one published in different countries, but with ostensibly different authors. See ‘What mass killers really have in common’, by Rebecca Traister (17 July 2016) and ‘One group is responsible for America’s culture of violence, and it isn’t cops, black Americans, Muslims or rednecks. It’s men‘, by Melissa Batchelor Warnke

And here is an MRA response to the type of article listed above: ‘The bizarre feminist response to Islamic terror in Orlando‘ (27 July 2016)

I Am A Transwoman. I Am In The Closet. I Am Not Coming Out (11 March 2016)

Joy of Masculinity (9 June 2016)

YouGov Poll: Only 2% of men aged 18-24 feel masculine (20 May 2016) UK

The Myth of the Masculinity Crisis (9 May 2016)

As a female college student, what can I do to empower my male friends who are (seemingly) very emasculated and don’t stand up for themselves? (9 May 2016) Reddit mensrights discussion thread

‘Masculinity isn’t toxic — our attitudes to it are’ (8 May 2016) UK

Violence in Men vs Women. Things aren’t how they seem (6 May 2016) Reddit discussion thread

Miranda Devine: Stop telling boys to act like girls (24 April 2016) Australia

39 Things Women Will Just NEVER Understand About Being A Man (14 April 2016)

Shaming Men Doesn’t Build Healthy Sexuality (9 April 2016)

New York Times: ‘Teaching Men to be Emotionally Honest’ (4 April 2016) with related Reddit discussion thread here

Toxic Femininity and Heroism (14 March 2016) Australia

Female counselor says men are increasingly ashamed of their masculinity (28 January 2016) UK

European Queens Waged More Wars Than Kings (27 January 2016)

How the European male was turned by the feminist into a “WIMP, PUSSY, AND MANGINA”, is it on it’s way here? (25 January 2016)

European men now being criticized for their lack of masculinity (25 January 2016) Video

Although the vast majority of people who risk their own lives to save others are men, this BBC article doesn’t mention that this is mostly a male behaviour. Every time there’s a mass shooting or a terrorist attack, feminists blame “toxic masculinity”. Why they don’t talk about ALTRUISTIC MASCULINITY? (5 December 2015)

Audio: Karen Straughan’s brilliant lecture on “toxic masculinity and toxic femininity” at SFU (21 November 2015)

Question to feminists regarding “toxic masculinity” (29 July 2015) Reddit discussion thread

Male Definition of Masculinity Is a Surprise – Toxic Masculinity Debunked (2008) with reddit discussion thread here

Feminism’s Real Target is Masculinity (December 2014)

It’s time to do away with the concept of ‘manhood’ altogether (29 October 2015) Nauseating pieces penned by mangina journo for The Guardian, but which attracted plenty of reader’s comments

“Toxic Masculinity” is hate speech. Full stop. It pathologies maleness and attempts to link violence to men’s culture. Feminists discussing “toxic masculinity” is little different than white supremacists attacking “ni**** culture” and “black violence” Reddit mensrights discussion thread (15 October 2015)

‘Real men don’t hit women’: The big problem with Malcolm Turnbull’s anti domestic violence message (10 October 2015) Australia. I agree with the prolem with the ‘real men’ message, but much about this article is wrong, not least the assertion by Michael Salter that female violence only occurs in the context of self-defence, and that the fact that most people in jail are male is proof that men are responsible for most crime.

Salon blames Oregon shooting on ‘traditional masculinity’ (9 October 2015)

Are today’s standards for being a ‘real man’ leading to violence against women? (8 October 2015) Australia. But what of violence BY women?

How to stop mass shootings (2 October 2015) and related https://www.reddit.com/r/MensRights/comments/3n8xmn/new_from_milo_yiannopoulos_on_the_root_cause_of/

Vanderbilt Women’s Center to Lecture Men on ‘Healthy Masculinities’ (31 August 2015)

Masculinity and Violent Behavior: A Complex, Combustible Relationship (25 August 2015) and related reddit discussion thread

Masculinity is more than a mask, by Christina Hoff Sommers (13 January 2014)

What would happen if no men showed up for work today? (17 September 2013)

The End of Men, by Hanna Rosin (July/August 2010 edition of The Atlantic)

Manhood in the Making: Cultural Concepts of Masculinity (15 October 1991) with more here





Further sources yet to be reviewed:





Further posts within this blog that may be of interest:

On being male or female (incl. innate differences, stereotyping and so on)

The Elliot Rodger tragedy co-opted as a feminist bandwagon

Gender inequality within the criminal justice system

One of the pillars of feminism is that all women are in a state of perpetual victimhood, with one of the key reasons for this being the alleged violent and controlling nature of men. Feminists support this bias, in part, by pointing at the far greater percentage of jail inmates that are male. They assert that this is indicative that most crimes, especially serious crimes, are committed by men.

The situation is not that simple however given that there is clear evidence of substantial and widespread gender bias at every step of the law & order process within the justice systems of western democracies.

Yet feminists, who claim to be motivated by a desire for greater gender equality, have no interest in reducing this disparity. Instead they are lobbying to make this justice gap even broader (see this article, with further examples amongst the various linked articles listed below).


Readers can access a myriad of additional case-studies at reddit/r/PussyPassreddit/r/pussypassdenied and PussyPassNeutral

Olympic boxer Harry Garside’s ex-girlfriend avoids conviction for assaulting him (3 December 2024) Only a good behaviour bond for the perpetrator. Of course. And it was very fortunate that he have filmed the episode.

Justice denied, by Bettina Arndt (20 November 2024)

Whistleblower police, by Bettina Arndt (27 October 2024)

Empathy for women, prison for men (29 September 2024)

The Use and Abuse of DVOs, by Augusto Zimmermann (19 September 2024)

Zali’s back for Lehrmann’s hat (26 July 2024)

Abusive women punches grocery store employee in the face – in front of the police (25 July 2024) USA Video. Lots of soft words and sympathy … for the perpetrator, that is.

Locked up without a trial, by Bettina Arndt (24 April 2024) About how many men are being treated in the ‘justice’ system

Mum asked man in pub to guess her age then glassed him in face when he said 43 (23 April 2024) UK

Mom who admitted smothering two-month-old baby girl to death while high on meth walks free (18 April 2024) USA

Sentence changed for woman found guilty of killing romantic interest (22 March 2024)

Catfish mum posed as man on gay dating site and threatened to release video of victim (5 March 2024) UK. He tried to kill himself. She got a twelve month bond!

New breed of feminist lawyer, by Bettina Arndt (24 February 2024)

California Woman Who Stabbed Boyfriend 108 Times Sentenced to Probation and Community Service (25 January 2024) 

Norfolk woman ‘could have killed’ ex-partner she stabbed (19 January 2024) “In passing an 18-month sentence, suspended for two years, Recorder Brooke said it was “by a whisker” that he had pulled back from imposing an immediate custodial sentence”.

Margate woman spared jail after kicking Wilko security guard in the head (20 November 2023)

Woman spared jail after groping man’s genitals in ‘drunken joke’ (3 November 2023)

Drunk dental receptionist who groped schoolboy, 13, and told him she wanted to ‘ride him till morning’ before exposing herself (5 October 2023)

Narelle Atkinson: Mum walks after manslaughter charge dropped over husband’s death (16 August 2023)

Feminist capture of justice system (21 July 2023) by Bettina Arndt

Glamour model’s kids told teaching assistant ‘our mum’s gonna batter you’ – and she did (20 July 2023) UK

Projected surge in female prison population is ‘incredibly worrying’, says charity (15 July 2023)

Scope creep and the sexual assault industry, by Bettina Arndt (26 June 2023)

Carrickfergus woman admits harassment after posting ‘false allegations’ about a man on social media (25 June 2023)

Single mother, 26, avoids jail sentence for series of alcohol-fuelled fights in Macclesfield after explaining to magistrates she was driven to violence because ‘she does not like the town’ (22 June 2023) UK

‘Devil Baby’ model stalker of Premier League footballers spared prison (21 June 2023)

‘Abused and traumatised mother’ who killed baby boy in Fraserburgh flat has conviction overturned (30 May 2023) UK

Colorado woman, 31, who had sex with boy, 13, who referred to her as ‘mom’ and then became pregnant with his child is jailed (20 May 2023) USA. Sentenced to *three months* in prison

Perverting justice, by Bettina Arndt (11 May 2023)

Female care worker started sexual relationship with teenager (13 April 2023)

‘Not worth my sister’s life’: Family’s shock at manslaughter sentence (13 April 2023) Two women killed and the (female) perp only gets 3 years in jail. 

Woman accused of stabbing boyfriend told to ‘grow up and be a good mum’ by judge (3 April 2023)

Woman misbehaves on Jetstar flight – police unload her before plane departs – no conviction recorded (20 March 2023)

‘Fake Barbie’ OnlyFans model, 24, who was jailed for murdering her boyfriend complains that she is not allowed overnight conjugal visits from men (19 March 2023)

Jealous wife who tried to set husband on fire over false cheating fears walks free from court (16 March 2023)

Colorado woman who admits to having sex with 13-year-old and having his baby won’t face jail time under plea deal (2 March 2023)

Mum walks free from court after stabbing husband in housework row (1 February 2023)

Police officer kneed in the groin by EastEnders star Jessie Wallace ‘has quit the force’ and was left feeling ‘unsupported and exposed’ after she was let off with a caution and ‘failed to apologise’ (23 January 2023)

Paedo mum-of-three, 28, who groomed boy, 15, into sexual relationship while plying him with booze & cannabis dodges jail (16 January 2023)

Mobiles in the dock, by Bettina Arndt (11 January 2023)

Operation Soteria (23 December 2022) An article from the Illustrated Empathy Gap

Woman spared jail for groping man who asked for her to be sentenced like a man (20 December 2022)

Violent Queensland woman avoids jail again (12 December 2022) Twitter post with video

Mother-of-one who blackmailed man out of £200 by falsely accusing him of rape is spared jail after judge said her plot was ‘not sophisticated’ (25 November 2022)

Gender bias apparent in trying cases of sexual misconduct (undated)

“Ruth Smith, for Kim Crapper, said her client was in a “controlling, toxic and abusive relationship” and felt “powerless and helpless”. She said Crapper was manipulated by her husband who “drew her” into committing the abuse.”  (Source) aka ‘He made me do it!’

Cheating wife, 61, who made false rape claims against her husband after he refused to do household chores when she had an affair avoids jail (19 October 2022)

‘One-woman crime wave’ Teneil Lee Hassan back behind bars (6 October 2022) Finally in jail, but could be out anytime now

No jail for woman after fake abuse claims (13 September 2022)

Woman who kept ‘sex slaves’ weeps in court as she appeals conviction (31 August 2022)

Former Texas teacher sentenced to just 60 days in jail for sex with underage student (8 August 2022)

Texas teacher’s sex abuse sentence delayed after she gives birth (3 August 2022) USA

Female private school teacher, 42, who had sexual relationship with 15-year-old girl pupil while her marriage fell apart has two-year prison sentence reduced by 11 months after judges rule term was ‘excessive’ (30 June 2022)

Jealous woman, 23, who knifed man in head when she found him in bed with love rival at party – moments after he rejected her – avoids jail as judge rules she suffered psychotic episode (7 June 2022)

The forgiveness given to men is a huge advantage for Johnny Depp (25 May 2022) Well now, here’s a different perspective (#FacePalm #Nonsense)

My son is found ‘not guilty’, by Bettina Arndt (18 May 2022) An example of how the ‘justice’ system can, and often does, rip into young men accused of crimes against women/girls – and the terrible effect that this has on them and their families

Doctor Strange star jailed for sex abuse of 13-year-old girl (17 May 2022) He gets 14 years – she gets 8, coz he was the “driving force” who exerted “influence” over his wife. 

Outsmarting cops is child’s play for these bikini babes (29 April 2022) USA

NRL streaker sentenced in court after taking off shirt and running on field (26 April 2022) Yes, a bond, of course.

Why teacher who groomed student was released from prison early (22 April 2022)

Girlfriend told man to ‘kill himself’ before he committed suicide (8 April 2022)

Baby-faced teenager punches man unconscious in street – but is cleared of causing his death just days later (4 April 2022) UK

Patricide and shooting in kindergarten: Russian remains in custody until the end of May (30 March 2022)

‘Depressed’ grandmother, 57, who mowed down her boyfriend with her Renault Clio after a breakfast row avoids jail (29 March 2022)

E. Belfort Bax – The Anti-Feminist Sage Whose Warnings Went Unheeded (25 March 2022) Video by Janice Fiamengo

Woman details horrific sexual abuse by mum and stepfather (6 March 2022) “her stepfather was sentenced to 25 years in prison and her mum received just 18 months” – sounds about right (#sarcasm)

Police are told to treat attacks on women and girls as seriously as terrorism under new plans by Priti Patel (27 February 2022) UK

Mother-of-one, 20, is FREED from jail for faking her own KIDNAP to con her ex-boyfriend out of £2,000 after judge quashes ‘manifestly excessive’ 34 week sentence because she is ‘young and vulnerable’ (23 February 2022)

Woman who ‘stomped’ on teen’s testicles over $100 drug debt sentenced (18 February 2022) Australia. “County Court Judge Mark Dean on Friday said Sommer’s prospects for rehabilitation would be better if she was handed a community corrections order rather than a jail sentence“. Of course … #FacePalm

Tragic Star Hobson’s mum could see 8-year jail-term increased as ‘staggeringly soft’ sentence sent to Court of Appeal (12 January 2022)

NYPD cop caught on video giving her boss a lap dance ‘didn’t know he was married’ (26 December 2021) More harshly judged because she was a woman? Nowadays, that would be a first.

Why a judge ruled a mother who killed her two young daughters is not guilty of double murder (22 December 2021)

Male prisoners’ free family phone calls are scrapped – but women’s aren’t under MoJ decision (19 December 2021)

Katelin Beasleigh sentence for violent Glass House Mountains robbery (6 December 2021) Suspended sentence … of course 

Police resent enforcing unjust feminist laws – former police officer speaks out. – Bettina Arndt #MENTOO (2021)

Sister of Newtownabbey man who killed himself after wife stabbed him ‘disgusted’ as partner avoids jail after domestic incident (8 November 2021) Ireland

Suspended sentence: Woman who falsely claimed elderly motorist reversed into her vehicle avoids jail (26 October 2021)

Why glamorous alleged fraudster was freed from prison on bail (26 October 2021)

Jealous management consultant, 46, who shared naked photos of her businessman ex online by hacking the Alexa device in his home and accessing his cameras is spared jail (7 October 2021)

Sally Challen defence QC leads domestic homicide review – BBC News (10 September 2021) “The fear is women – who are themselves victims – are serving lengthy jail sentences for simply choosing to survive.” Of course, no mention of men as victims or women as perpetrators. Not biased at all … nuh uh, no way!

Mumbai Shocker | 16-Year-Old Porn Addict Girl Forces Younger Brother For Sex Against His Consent; Now Pregnant – Men’s Day Out (28 August 2021)

Mother-of-two, 27, who poured kettle of boiling sugar water over her neighbour is spared jail | Daily Mail Online (10 August 2021)

Deadly driver thanks judge for jail term (msn.com) (13 July 2021)

Man, 55, reveals horrific injuries at the hands of ‘controlling’ ex who was spared jail | Daily Mail Online (9 July 2021)

Weaponizing our criminal justice system against men – YouTube (23 June 2021)

Send female drug addicts to rehab not jail, says Baroness Butler-Sloss (msn.com) (22 June 2021)

Dorset wife, 76, who abused and assaulted her retired Bournemouth law professor husband avoids jail | Daily Mail Online (7 May 2021) UK

24 Hours in Police Custody fans ‘disgusted’ by ‘absolutely shocking’ verdict (13 April 2021) UK. A 16 month sentence for repeatedly abusing and then killing her partner

Court rules rape victims not ‘mentally incapacitated’ if they became intoxicated voluntarily (27 March 2021) USA. Ooh, personal accountability, that’s like Kryptonite to feminists.

Mother avoids jail after gambling her daughter’s $93,000 trust fund (msn.com) (2 May 2021)

‘Well-respected’ woman spared jail after biting off tip of former friend’s finger (24 February 2021) Australia

Short prison sentences for women are ineffective and a waste of money – investment is needed in rehabilitation (11 February 2021) UK

Mamiki Dukuly handed home detention sentence after fraudulently claiming more than $80,000 in dole payments (5 February 2021)

‘Alarming’: female prison population rises by 100,000 in past decade – report (10 December 2020) UK

‘Smirking’ mum claimed she ‘slipped’ after hitting ex-boyfriend with car (30 November 2020) UK

 ‘A mass imprisonment crisis’: why more women are doing time (17 November 2020)

Minnesota teacher avoids jail for ‘clouded judgement’ with teenager (12 November 2020) Canada

Teacher, 24, who had sex with student, 14, and sent him lingerie pics is spared jail (31 October 2020) USA

Family of dad killed by ‘evil’ partner say she ‘got off lightly as she’s a woman’ (2 October 2020) UK

Instagram model jailed for bizarre masked robberies (22 September 2020) In news.com.au this article was entitled ‘Model sent to brutal women’s prison‘. Can you imagine an article entitled ‘Architect sent to brutal man’s prison’? It doesn’t have have quite the same heart-string tugging effect now does it?

Misconduct and Sex Bias in Police Response to Domestic Violence (2020) USA

Woman caught on camera raping two young boys, already received special treatment (22 July 2020) USA

Research regarding gender bias by magistrates (9 July 2020) UK (Twitter discussion thread)

Woman, 22, who had ‘sexual contact’ three times with a boy, 14, who she met on the internet avoids jail after judge says ‘there was genuine affection’ between the pair (1 July 2020) UK. And yes, in case you were wondering, it was a female judge.

Woman attacks boyfriend with knife, no jail time – this is the feminist law in the UK! (25 June 2020) UK video

Mum who glassed boyfriend in pub and severed his ear is spared jail (21 June 2020) UK

Drunk mum stabbed man in front of his terrified daughter, 9 (17 June 2020) UK. Joanne Goodeve was sentenced to 12 months in prison, suspended for 12 months 

The push for ‘Amanda’s Law’ (18 May 2020) Australia

Teenage girls who stabbed and shaved neighbour they suspected was a rapist avoid jail time (17 April 2020)

Appeals court slaps down Conroe judge (10 April 2020) USA

Interview with Donna Rotunno … Harvey Weinstein’s lawyer (11 March 2020) Video

Don’t punish them with short sentences because prison “is especially damaging for women” (4 March 2020) Twitter discussion

Rooting out stereotypes about men in our legal system (26 February 2020) Canada

Why do men get away with killing women – is there an amnesty on male violence? (20 February 2020) Misandrist Julie Bindel provides the feminist response to the pro-female gender bias of the justice system – there’s really a bias that favors men

Women were charged with making false rape accusations. The charges were dismissed (9 February 2020)

District Attorney in Maine wants to start prosecuting people based on accusations and nothing else (3 February 2020) That’s in the US, whilst in the UK, feminist judges and academics are celebrating the emergence of ‘feminist justice’

Jamming the revolving door of women in prison, Jill Prior is putting a new spin on lady justice (2 February 2020) Australia. Because there is no such thing as a “vulnerable” man, right?

Mother who used her BMW to deliberately run over two teenage boys in revenge for ‘knock and run’ prank on her house and left one with a BROKEN LEG is spared jail (16 January 2020)

Daycare works hangs toddler with noose, lenient judge sets her free (9 November 2019) USA 

Woman who forced ex into sex at machete-point sent to psychiatric hospital (1 November 2019)

Pimps spared prison, judge strikes down mandatory minimum sentence for trafficking minors (31 October 2019) Canada. Oh and by the way, the “pimps” happened to be women.

Can we build a better women’s prison? (28 October 2019) USA

Europol says women ‘equally capable of crime’ as men as it reveals most-wanted list (19 October 2019)

Woman who sat on boyfriend’s face and demanded sex act spared jail (17 October 2019) USA

Female paedophile, 24, who told police a computer virus caused nearly 2,000 indecent images of children to be stored on her computer is spared jail (16 October 2019) UK

London’s Khan Launches Programme to Spare Criminals Jail Time If They’re Women (19 September 2019)

Ex-sorority girl who told police she shouldn’t be arrested because she’s a ‘clean, thoroughbred, white girl’ pleads guilty to a DUI charge (18 September 2019) and of course she avoids going to jail

What happens when an abused women fights back? (30 July 2019) So when a woman breaks a court DV order it’s wrong when they get sent to jail? Zero mention of men, of course, who are also victims and who fight back and get sent to jail.

Glamorous drug dealing flight attendant escapes jail sentence (12 July 2019) Australia. Not sure what being “glamorous” has to do with anything, but the same journalist seems to like using this term.

Serial drink driver, 30, who was twice limit when pulled from horror crash is spared jail ‘because she’s a WOMAN’ (8 July 2019)

Jury takes 15 minutes to acquit high school teacher who had sex with student (17 June 2019) Mr Zillman, the defence lawyer for Ms Guazzo, said the student was aware of his actions and had treated the defendant like a piece of meat.

Woman accused of sharing Dane Swan in bed video has charges struck out (13 June 2019)

Mother who drowned her toddler twins after splitting from their father will NOT face murder trial (11 June 2019) UK

Drunken Woman Who Stabbed Man With Stiletto Gets $250 Fine – No Conviction (11 May 2019)

Female teacher, 43, who had sex with a 17-year-old student is FREED after winning appeal against her jail sentence (9 May 2019) UK

Jilted mistress who stalked former lover and his wife is spared jail (7 May 2019)

California mom, 41, will avoid jail for having sex with both of her teenage daughter’s boyfriends, aged 14 and 15, after plying them with alcohol and cigars (16 April 2019)

Women filmed performing sex acts in broad daylight (14 April 2019) Will not be charged by police

Judge tells banned drink-driver who caused massive crash: “I’d have jailed you if you were a man” (12 April 2019)

Former New Albany business owner who tried to have ex-boyfriend killed will avoid prison (11 April 2019)

Wrongful death lawsuit against Michelle Carter dismissed (11 April 2019) USA. And then in January 2020 her sentence was reduced to nine months.

Sally Challen freed as she awaits murder trial after pleading guilty to husband’s manslaughter (5 April 2019)

Woman who stole almost €12,000 from pub gets suspended sentence (30 March 2019) Ireland

Mum sentenced for gambling away cancer fund (29 March 2019)

Liberal Democrat support of Layla Moran – politicians seven times more likely to support female perpetrators of domestic violence than to criticise them (29 March 2019) UK

Teen driver receives probation for killing three pedestrians (13 March 2019)

A man would have been sent to jail: Male victim bashed by drunk female nurse, 24 (1 February 2019) UK

Woman arrested for grabbing Owen Shroyer by the crotch at Women’s March (31 January 2019) Good news and hopefully this woman will get more punishment than just a mere ‘talking to’

‘Drunk’ female trooper in 3am sex assault on male Windsor Castle guard is let off with a reprimand ‘because she’s a woman’ (20 January 2019)

Estimating gender disparities in Federal criminal cases (27 November 2018)

USC Library Censors Article on ‘Female Privilege in Prison Sentencing’ (14 November 2018)

Former model, 24, who stabbed a man she met at a nightclub in the heart after he rejected her romantic advances walks free from court (4 November 2018)

Why doesn’t prison work for women? (29 September 2018) UK I’ll have to read this again to see if it suggested one single thing that was the fault of women, rather than men or some aspect of society at large. Whereas men, well, they can suck it up can’t they?

The Victorian female prison population has risen by 97% in the past ten years (September 2018) If this was about men, it would be further compelling evidence of the horror of #Toxic Masculinity. But it’s about women so it means we have to spend more on their health/welfare.

Women will only be jailed for serious crimes, Justice Secretary reveals (27 June 2018) UK

Gender bias in prison sentencing (12 March 2018) by Jeffrey Ketland

Woman faints as jury hands down guilty verdict (15 November 2017) Woman massively shocked when pussy-pass denied

Mother who spread ISIS propaganda on Facebook spared jail for terror offences due to children’s ‘suffering’ (7 November 2017)

Drunk woman sexually assaulted a gay man at a party in ‘sickening’ attack (11 October 2017)


Trainee hairdresser, 21, who slashed her ‘jealous’ boyfriend’s face with a kitchen knife during a blazing row over a Facebook snap of her with another man avoids jail (10 October 2017) Oh dear, she had to do community service

And mother goes free (10 September 2017) Australia. Video

Fewer women to be jailed under new Government strategy to curb growth in crime (28 August 2017) NZ

‘If you were a man, you’d be going to jail,’ judge tells woman burglar (23 August 2017) UK

Chivalry and the Law: How Women Get Off (11 August 2017)

Woman found not guilty of assaulting ambulance officers due to head injury (11 August 2017)

Model, 28, who was spared jail due to her ‘considerable talents’ after trying to steal £1k of designer clothes from Harrods celebrates her freedom with a jog in Chelsea (5 August 2017)

No jail time for Australian Tinder date slasher (31 July 2017)

Baltimore teacher sex case: Spanish instructor left during daytime hours to record sex act with student (11 July 2017)

Woman who groped passenger gets 8 months home detention (10 July 2017)

Alberta mother who killed son, sentenced to 26 months in Indigenous healing lodge (7 July 2017)

Former DCS worker who molested dying boyfriend’s son gets probation (9 June 2017)

‘I hate sending women to prison’: Judge tells office manager, 30, who used her company credit card to buy £38,000 worth of designer clothes and holidays he will spare her jail (24 May 2017)

Sword-Wielding Student’s Viral Post Shows How White Privilege Protected Her (18 May 2017) It wasn’t white privilege that protected her, it was her #PussyPass … try this stunt as a white male and see what happens

Oxford student who stabbed boyfriend could be spared jail ‘because of her extraordinary talent’ (16 May 2017) Now fast-forward to September and pussy-pass confirmed. Oh and here’s a contrasting example with a young male perpetrator who was jailed for three years.

Protect women from TV licence bullies, BBC is told: Corporation ordered to ‘rapidly’ change way it collects fees after women make up 70% of all prosecutions (26 April 2017) UKImage

Infanticide law in Victoria: How is this not murder? (21 March 2017) Australia. This – making gender-specific laws – is definitely the wrong path to take.

Philip Davies: Feminists Believe in Equality – But Only When it Suits Them (20 March 2017)

Woman left scarred for life after being glassed by love rival blasts court’s decision to let attacker walk free (14 March 2017) UK

‘I’m not sending a lady to prison for this’: Student spared jail after racist slurs during Notting Hill club rampage (14 March 2017) UK

Women who commit violent crimes need programs to help them while in prison (3 March 2017) Australia. Yet another article along the lines of ‘There are valid reasons why women are violent and they deserve sympathy/support – not like the nasty men’

We found out what happens when a man and a woman both try to push into a queue – and the results will surprise you (26 February 2017)

Woman who denied pulling out ex-husband’s intestines cleared of attempted murder (16 February 2017)

Jealous ex-girlfriend who posted revenge porn online threatened former partner’s new lover in terrifying 18-month harassment campaign (8 February 2017) UK. No jail time despite it being her second offence.

UK Prisoners – The Genders Compared (7 February 2017)

Justice system discrimination and the myth that sexism against men isn’t “Institutional” (29 January 2017)

Ex-dinner lady who had sex with 14-year-old boy spared prison spell because it would have put her four children into foster care (8 January 2017) UK

Young mother, 20, who left her ex-boyfriend with brain damage after she drunkenly mowed him down grins and gives a thumbs up as she AVOIDS jail (4 January 2017) UK. See related Reddit discussion thread here.

Female Batterer With a Long Criminal Record Batterers Her Husband Again! (26 December 2016)

Woman spared jail for domestic abuse that left boyfriend in fear (20 December 2016) UK

Instagram life coach, 28, who stole £95,000 while flaunting her five stone weight loss online walks free after claiming she was a ‘modern day Robin Hood’ as she ‘gave most of it away’ (15 December 2016) UK

Mothers in prison (25 November 2016) USA with related Reddit discussion thread here.

Background paper for the 2016 International Men’s Day debate in the UK Parliament, in which gender bias in sentencing was one of the featured issues.

Police blitz on Noosa beach nudists nets men while women walk free (13 November 2016) Related Reddit discussion thread here.

Road rage mother-of-two, 38, who drove into MS sufferer and fractured her spine after row over minor traffic shunt gets suspended sentence (9 November 2016)

Judge questions marriage plans of freed woman who was jailed for kicking and punching boyfriend unconscious (8 November 2016)

Former teacher’s aide admits to having sex with student (7 November 2016)

Domestic violence prosecutions (4 November 2016) Question in the UK Parliament asked by Philip Davies

Mother-of-two, 37, escapes jail despite being found naked with a boy of 14 on top of her after saying she was ‘very, very drunk’ at the time (4 November 2016) UK

Victoria entrenches most gender-biased anti-male jurisdiction (3 November 2016)

Why feminists need to discuss gender disparity in the criminal justice system (16 October 2016)

Cottage Grove woman, 27, sentenced to jail for sex with teen (16 October 2016) Sentenced to picking up litter.

Federal judges’ report outlines horrific conditions at women’s jail in heart of New York? (16 October 2016) Presumably the male part of this facility is just as bad, but that isn’t “scandalous” … because men.

Ex-private schoolgirl avoids jail for drug dealing after arguing that going to jail would ruin her career prospects (13 October 2016) and Privately-educated drug dealer spared jail as lawyer claims stress of case has damaged her skin (13 October 2016)

Male teacher gets 40 years jail for sex with female teen student v female teacher gets 4 years jail for sex with male teen student (12 October 2016)

As female jail population increases, call for reform (30 September 2016) USA

“Women stuck in a system meant for men that doesn’t meet needs”

Australia is locking up too many women but the UK offers a blueprint for a radical new approach (14 September 2016)

The feminists who are turning British justice against men, writes barrister LAURA PERRINS (7 September 2016) Recommended reading.

Lubbock woman gets 7 years probation for aggravated sexual assault of a child (2 September 2016) USA

4 Really Disturbing Ways Jail Is Much Worse for Women Than Men (26 August 2016) with related Reddit discussion thread here. I’m crying a river.

Paedophile sisters who abused boy, 6, for over a decade dodge prison after judge says they would be ‘too isolated’ (19 August 2016)

Teenage girl arrested at school on ‘nightmare’ police treatment (25 July 2016) UK. Her behaviour was not the problem it seems, the real issue is her feelings.

Philip Davies blasts ‘sexist’ justice system for ‘discriminating against men’ (15 August 2016)

Philip Davies presentation of the Justice Gender Gap in the U.K (8 July 2016)

Female domestic violence victims being punished for acting in self defence, say advocates – only a problem when it happens to women. Australia. Related Reddit discussion thread here.

Young woman threatens others with knife at shopping mall, gets arrested, punished only lightly, but painted as the victim (26 June 2016) USA. Video of incident here

Female imprisonment numbers soar amid calls to free the majority of inmates (18 June 2016) Australia, with related Reddit discussion thread here

Feds sue state over staffing issues at women’s prison (13 June 2016) with further comment here.

Why we should close women’s prisons and treat their crimes more fairly (1 June 2016)

Mother didn’t let her responsibility for her children stop her from committing various crimes, but now asks not to be deported because of her children (24 May 2016) Australia

Why Men Shouldn’t Vote For Hillary Clinton (2 May 2016) USA

So Hillary Clinton has just announced that women will face separate and more lenient justice system (27 April 2016) with related Reddit discussion thread here

Playboy model mum Angie Vu gives incredible interview from prison demanding nail polish and a mirror (27 April 2016)

Mother Who Filmed Herself Raping Her 1-Year-Old Son Receives Shocking Sentence (1 April 2016) New Zealand

How the Roles Society Assigns Men and Women Factor Into Sexual Abuse in Schools (1 April 2016)

It’s Not “Justice” to Sentence Adam Johnson to 6 years but Spare an Abusive Female Teaching Assistant (24 March 2016) UK

Lesbian lovers who worked in refunds at John Lewis conned the store out of £30k by pretending to return items – including Armani watches – then selling them on eBay (9 March 2016) UK

Canadian ‘bling ring’ mastermind gets 90 days in jail, modelling contract (23 February 2016)

Chivalry and the Law: How Women Get Off (15 February 2016) Recommended reading – a very comprehensive resource

No conviction recorded for woman’s “disgusting behaviour” (3 February 2016)

Teen girl jailed over unprovoked stabbing attack on classmate (2 February 2016) Australia. Shows no remorse – gets less than two years

Adult woman pretended to be 15 so she could groom boys as young as 10 is spared jail (30 January 2016) UK

No jail term for child abuser (25 January 2016) NZ

Michigan woman sentenced to prison in IL after sexually assaulting children (22 January 2016) USA

Croton mom pleads guilty, to serve probation in daughter’s death (19 January 2016) USA. Another pussy-pass success story

How can we mitigate the crime that is female over-imprisonment? (12 January 2016) Australia, with related reddit discussion thread here

Ohio seeks to stem spike of women in prison (10 January 2016) USA with related reddit discussion thread here

Woman sentenced to deferred adjudication in manslaughter case (8 January 2016) and related reddit discussion thread

Teenage girl who called herself ‘the Ninja’ is jailed after helping burglars raid 34 homes and steal items worth £320,000 (5 January 2016)

Even in the rare case they are punished, they are not really punished — “I went to (a woman’s) prison and I never wanted to leave” (4 January 2016) Reddit discussion thread and linked article

Former Menomonee Falls HS teacher pleads not guilty to sex assault charges (4 January 2016)

Associations between being male or female and being sentenced to prison in
England and Wales in 2015, by the Ministry of Justice. UK 

Woman who tied boyfriend up, ripped out his body piercings with a screwdriver, carved his skin with scissors, and mutilated his genitals with a screwdriver will serve only 30 days in jail (31 December 2015 ) Reddit discussion thread and linked article. USA

Woman acquitted for sex abuse after judge finds “no independent evidence and she denied the alleged victim’s claim”. Yet men are prosecuted and found guilty under similar circumstances all the time, with the onus on them to prove the accuser is lying. Three cheers for a consistent justice system! (9 December 2015) Reddit discussion thread here. Australia

Feminist Judicial Double Standards (2 December 2015)

New York Times: Women are the First Priority in Reducing Overall Incarceration (30 November 2015) Reddit discussion thread and linked article

Give our women prisoners the break they’re long overdue (29 November 2015) UK

The Pussy Pass Remains Alive and Well (27 November 2015) NZ

‘Selfish and stupid’ mother who cried rape after having a sexual encounter with her fiancé’s boss avoids jail as judge does not want her young children to suffer (24 November 2015)

The U.S. Rate of Incarcerated Women is Shockingly High, and Rising (20 November 2015)

Babysitter who forced boy, 13, to perform sex acts on her is spared jail (10 November 2015) UK

Babysitter, 21, was ‘notch on belt’ for 11-year-old lad (5 October 2015)

We had sex 50 times then Miss said I’d made her pregnant (29 September 2015) Yes, that’s right, just a community service order. But in this similar case, but involving  a male perp, a three year jail sentence was handed down.

Woman who burnt cheating boyfriend’s penis with hair straightener gets suspended jail sentence (16 September 2015)

Revenge Porn: First woman sentenced for offence is spared jail (3 September 2015)

Former Trinity College School teacher Leslie Barton pleads guilty to sex charge (1 September 2015) And another. “No jail sentence can fix the wrong that was done.” So let’s just settle for a slap on the wrist, ok?

Youth leader gets ten year probation sentence in sex assault case (25 August 2015) But not one day in jail – Yep, another pussy-pass success story

Molly Shattuck was once a Baltimore ravens cheerleader, now she’s a convicted rapist (22 August 2015) But not one day in jail – Another pussy-pass success story

The Rabbit Hole (20 August 2015) Discrepancies in the sentencing of men and women in Canada

Ex-teacher pleads guilty for sexual relations with student; could serve only 120 days (11 August 2015) Pussy-pass? SUCCESS

The extreme anti-male bias of the Ministry of Justice with respect to prison sentencing, by Mike Buchanan (24 July 2015)

Former Campbell Co. Teacher’s Aide Sentenced For Sex Crimes With Minor (15 July 2015) and related reddit discussion thread

“On Tuesday, judge John Cook sentenced her to 10 years in prison on each of four felony counts, relating to the inappropriate relationship, but suspended all but 12 months, including time served– so that means she has about 6 months left to serve”. Pussy-pass? SUCCESS

In Federal Appeals Courts, Chivalry Is Not Dead (12 June 2015)

No criminal charges for teacher who seduced two pupils (3 June 2015) Pussy-pass? SUCCESS

Grand jury declines to indict Scottsdale yoga instructor (2 June 2015) Pussy-pass? SUCCESS

Victoria female prison rates soar – but are women in jail for crimes they didn’t do? (1 June 2015) and related reddit mensrights discussion thread

Feminist writer says it’s equality to treat male and female prisoners differently, and all female prisoners should get community service – idea backed by justice minister (18 May 2015) Reddit mensrights discussion thread and linked article

Saskatchewan teacher found not guilty of sexually exploiting teenage boy (25 May 2015) Pussy-pass? SUCCESS

Law student laughs as she walks free from court for hitting aspiring male model over the head with a bottle of champagne cutting his forehead to the skull (2 May 2015) Pussy-pass? SUCCESS

Woman sentenced for sexual assault of teen boy (30 April 2015) Pussy-pass? FAIL

Sexist Green Party policy: “the only women who should be in custody are those very few that commit serious and violent crimes and who present a threat to the public” Reddit mensrights discussion thread and linked article

Two girls assaulted autistic boy – coerced him to have sex with dog among other things. Today I find out that the one 17 year old girl who faced 80 years in prison got off with a comfy 4 year juvi sentence (12 April 2015)

Let’s keep mothers out of Scotland’s prisons (28 March 2015)

Criminal sentencing: Do women get off easy? (16 March 2015)

Married teacher spared jail for sex with school boys because she’d already served time (16 March 2015) No doubt a male teacher would have been put back inside for twice as long

Nick Clegg calls for fewer women behind bars (22 February 2015)

Women in prison: It is equality to treat female offenders differently to men (30 January 2015)

http://www.reddit.com/r/MensRights/comments/2tpg7z/in_a_turn_of_events_that_will_shock_noone_a/ (26 January 2015) Reddit mensrights discussion thread with linked BBC article here

Domestic violence an equal opportunity killer, by Bill O’Chee (7 January 2015)

Gender profiling men for arrest for domestic violence (undated)

Several posts on sentencing disparities for women and men (undated)

Men are 5 times more likely than women to be breathalysed (3 December 2014)

Imprison fewer women (30 November 2014)

Domestic violence policies central to mass incarceration (undated)

The Corston Report – A Case Study in Gynocentrism (23 November 2014)

Reddit mensrights discussion thread on sentencing disparity b/w men and women (November 2014)

Lisa Philips lied over pregnancy to avoid jail (11 November 2014)

Female privilege in sentencing (7 November 2014)

If male offenders were treated in the same way as female offenders, 68,000 of the 80,000 men in British prisons wouldn’t be there (9 October 2014)

U.S. Soccer reaffirms due process for Solo (22 September 2014) See also my post on the Hope Solo case

Shipley MP calls for end to ‘lighter’ jail terms for women (7 May 2014)

Men sentenced to longer prison terms than women for the same crimes‘ (Huffington Post 2012)

Gender disparity in criminal court, by Hannah Wallen (29 July 2013)

Judge slashes sentence for Virginia teacher who slept with student, citing diagnosis of hypersexuality (24 May 2013)

On why we shouldn’t send women to prison (25 March 2013)

Prof. Starr’s research shows large unexplained gender disparities in federal criminal cases (16 November 2012)


http://www.aic.gov.au/media_library/conferences/evaluation/gelb.pdf (‘Women in prison – Why is the rate of incarceration increasing’) (Australia)

Five sentencing myths of female offenders (23 October 2012)

A Comprehensive Look at Gender Equality: Taking On The Institute For Women’s Policy Research | My “Male Side” To Gender Issues (wordpress.com) (16 February 2012)

Integrated responses to domestic violence: Legally mandated intervention programs for male perpetrators (December 2010) Australia. No need to worry about violent women.

Judges ordered to show more mercy on women criminals when deciding sentences (11 September 2010)

Doctor accused of inappropriate exam behaviour to return to practice, with conditions (29 November 2009) Pussy-pass? SUCCESS 

This shameful liaison does not deserve prison (29 November 2009)

Child porn woman Rebecca Jane Clarke goes free on appeal (3 July 2008)

Does gender really matter? Criminal court decision making in New Zealand (January 2002) NZ


“When you’re accustomed to  privilege, equality feels like oppression”



White Ribbon Campaign to men: Stand up! Speak up! Shut up!

I wanted to draw your attention to a disturbing development involving the Australian arm of the White Ribbon Campaign (‘WRC’). Before proceeding, I should clarify that this particular organisation is separate and fundamentally different from the White Ribbon Campaign led by Ms. Erin Pizzey. The distinction between the two groups is discussed in this other post.

In summary, Erin’s organisation recognises and advocates for victims of both genders. It believes that the root cause of domestic violence lies in generational family violence, and that the patriarchy is an ideological concept devoid of value or meaning within the context of the debate regarding domestic violence.

As is the practice with many feminist organisations, WRC suppresses useful and potentially constructive debate and actively censors dissenting views. A very clear example of this occurred in February 2015 involving one of WRC’s ‘ambassadors’, a fellow by the name of Tanveer Ahmed.

The role of ambassadors within the Australian arm of the White Ribbon Campaign is described as follows:

“White Ribbon Ambassadors are men who recognise the importance of men taking responsibility and playing a leadership role in preventing men’s violence against women.

White Ribbon Ambassadors are formal representatives of White Ribbon Australia who have the knowledge, skills, attributes and determination to influence Australian men to critically evaluate their attitudes and behaviours toward women.” (Source)

Tanveer did just that. He showed leadership by writing an article about domestic violence that presented a perspective that included an acknowledgment of female perpetrators of violence, as well as a discussion of certain factors underpinning violent behaviour by both men and women.

For feminists this was like a red rag to a bull. They incorrectly interpreted “factors underpinning perpetration” as meaning “excuses for men to commit violence against women”. And as for his claims that significant numbers of women are also committing violence, well, every feminist knows that’s not true.

I should also point out that the sorts of ideas Tanveer shared in his article have been proposed by others and are hardly new or revolutionary. This fact sheet from SAVE, for example, also identifies various factors as being potential precursors of partner violence (refer Fact #5).

Here are some of the key items that have appeared in the media thus far:

Men forgotten in violence debate‘ by Tanveer Ahmed (9 February 2015)

Feminism in crisis as male supporter expresses view of his own (9 February 2015)

White Ribbon Ambassador Tanveer Ahmed’s dangerous message on domestic violence by Clementine Ford (10 February 2015)

White Ribbon Ambassador Tanveer Ahmed recommitting rather than resigning (11 February 2015)

Look at how the feminists turned on Tanveer by perusing his Twitter stream around 9/10/11 February 2015. See the brickbats hurled at him by high-profile feminists like Jane Caro and Elizabeth Broderick, as well as countless faceless SJW, their mouths frothing with spittle. It’s ironic how online bullying morphs from patriarchal scourge to sacred duty when someone dares to question the holy grail of feminism.

In a lengthy statement issued by WRC on 10 February 2015 it was noted that “Dr. Ahmed has agreed to participate in the Ambassador recommitment process”. (Source) Shades of totalitarianism … quite chilling really.

Yet despite the issuing of this statement an angry feminist horde continued to bay for Tanveer’s blood across the social media. See, for example, the WRC Facebook page (extract below) and Twitter stream. Perhaps somewhat surprising, most of the comments in the Facebook page were posted by women. Surprising only in that WRC is ostensibly an organisation for men. I guess the male supporters were well and truly cowed, just how their feminist masters wish them to be.


Australian ‘White Knight’ politician Tim Watts, now teetering on the cusp of becoming a fully-fledged ‘Mangina’, stood up in federal parliament to demand that Dr Ahmed stand down from his role with WRC. A video of Tim’s speech is provided in his Facebook page (see 11 February), with further righteous fury evident in Tim’s Tweets.

The feminist’s message is crystal clear: “Men, we want you nice and visible up the front but don’t you dare say anything that isn’t 100% in accord with the feminist narrative or we will turn on you in a flash.”

The WRC is not an organisation that is interested in accurately describing the nature of domestic violence, in objectively teasing it apart into its component pieces, and in considering the widest possible range of solutions. This is an organisation that places a higher priority on maintaining the ‘integrity’ of the feminist narrative, and in pursuing both individual and collective self-interest.

Thus WRC portrays a picture of DV that conforms to their biased viewpoint, and that only acknowledges those causes and those solutions that fit neatly into the framework that they themselves have fashioned.

The thing is, we have already thrown many years and many million of dollars at that approach, only to have the self-same feminists come back to the public-funding trough claiming that the problem is getting worse and that we are now facing an “epidemic” of domestic violence. “Oh, but if only we had more funding we could keep the women and children safe“.

The ideologues at WRC and elsewhere in the femosphere now chanting ‘cast him out’ are nothing less than blinkered gender fascists. How any right-thinking adult could continue to support this group simply beggars belief.

The sacking of Tanveer from his role at The Australian newspaper and his removal from the role of ambassador with WRC demonstrate further escalation in the process of feminist retribution. The only question is whether the ad hominem attacks will continue in order to drive home the message to not only Tanveer, but others, to avoid criticism of all things feminist.

Rightly or wrongly I see some parallels with the case of recently-released Al Jazeera journalist Peter Greste. I think I can state with confidence though, that any irony will be lost on SJW who pledged support for one, only to subsequently attack the other.


Tanveer’s next best step would be to accept a role as an ambassador for Erin Pizzey’s group, securing a far more inclusive outlet for his passion, as well as according him the opportunity to offer a one-fingered wave to his misguided former colleagues-in-arms.

Postscript 27 April 2015: Dr Ahmed to speak at USA DV symposium 5-7 June 2015


See also:

Reddit mensrights discussion thread on this blog post (12 February 2015)

Say goodbye to the burly blue-collar face of unions: they’re now feminist (4 June 2015)

Lynched by the feminist mob-ette (14 March 2015)

White Ribbon Australia’s ethical dilemma (19 February 2015)

‘Disempowered’ men still lead on economic power (13 February 2015)

White Ribbon Australia ambassador challenges the sisterhood – is slated for re-education camp (15 February 2015)

Columnist Tanveer Ahmed sacked by the Australian over new plagiarism allegation (16 February 2015)

White Ribbon’s got some explaining to do (17 February 2015) As does the author of this article … so many obvious misrepresentations

Men’s rights activism, White Ribbon Campaign and Liberal Feminism (9 February 2015)

Elsewhere in this blog see:

Beware the ire of an angry feminist
So what exactly is the ‘Domestic Violence Industry’?


But when a woman hits a man it’s different

Female aggression is now increasingly being portrayed and seen as acceptable, and almost a hallmark of an empowered woman. Look for example at some of the speeches made by female celebrities following the election of President Trump in the USA.

The feminist logic appears to be:

  • Women are oppressed
  • Men are oppressors
  • Violence against the oppressors is liberation (Source: ‘Sinisus’)

An example of this ‘it’s different when women do it’ argument can be found in this delusional post by a feminist.

In an earlier article entitled ‘Jennifer Garner: Why I Wanted My Girls to Take Karate‘ (20 November 2014), one of Jennifer’s goals for her daughters is for them “to be able to kick a guy’s ass“.

Ms Garner’s comments aren’t unusual – I have simply chosen hers as but one example of a long line of articles/comments that I have read expressing similar sentiments. This is the flip-side of a culture increasingly being moulded by feminist organisations like ‘White Ribbon Campaign’, whereby female aggression is downplayed or completely ignored whilst male-perpetrated violence is exaggerated.

In July 2014 Whoopi Goldberg started a feminist firestorm with her comments on a US talk show in which she said that women should not hit their partners, and that if they did they should not be surprised if the man hit them back. Feminists have misrepresented Whoopi’s position as being one of supporting men who hit women, but in fact she just said that she supported the position of the innocent party who was hit first (whether that be a man or woman). Her position was that neither party had the right to hit the other.

Inherent in this discussion is the view amongst many feminist women that because men are bigger/stronger [which is not always the case] that men never had the right to hit women, regardless of whether the woman struck the first blow. The video clip of Whoopi’s statement is here, and here are some discussion threads and articles: Vfm article by Paul ElamVfM discussion thread, reddit #1.

David Webb also attracted criticism for daring to suggest that women shouldn’t hit their husbands and boyfriends. Feminist journalist Barbara Ellen thinks that women hitting men is ‘different’ and OK. Kelly Brook thinks hitting her boyfriends is OK, too. Finally the issue was nicely summed-up in this article, with which I wholeheartedly agree.


See also:

EastEnders fans open-mouthed as Shirley Carter punches Zack Hudson in the face in brutal scenes (21 June 2022) UK

Ten years in jail for ‘feisty’ mum who stabbed lover to death in Bromsgrove (22 October 2020) UK

Before you laugh, imagine it happened to a woman (4 October 2020) and a link to a related Reddit discussion thread

Real women don’t hit men (29 September 2020)

Twitter discussion thread regarding the excuse of ‘just a slap’, beginning with assertion by UK feminist organisation ‘Refuge’ that it is used to minimise violence against women (23 June 2020)

When women strike back, courts can’t always see their history of abuse (9 October 2019) Australia

This Boy Gets Suspended For Fighting Back Against The Girl Who Beat Him At School And People Are Furious (September 2019)

“I kick balls – deal with it”. Slogan used by ‘Sport England’ to promote women’s sport (April 2019) Scroll down to read about a similar 2017 Australian campaign

Layla Moran was wrong to attack her partner. But domestic violence by women is not the same as domestic violence by men (26 March 2019)

Women on the British TV show ‘Loose Women’ discuss the perceived double-standard regarding the portrayal of violence by men and by women (March 2019) Video

Old timey women stabbing handsy men (31 January 2019) Twitter thread started by Rebecca O’Neal

I did a social experiment, male versus female (16 November 2017) Reddit discussion thread

Slag (27 September 2017) Video

Beyond Atomic Blonde: cinema’s long, proud history of violent women (30 August 2017)

How can anyone excuse this abuse of a woman? (29 July 2017)

Bianca Lee Sams speaks out after being punched in face during road rage attack at Doyalson (26 July 2017)

“It doesn’t matter what the circumstances, you don’t punch women, ever”

Swiss feminist on state TV: “It’s okay for women to beat their husbands if they are being stupid (13 June 2017) Reddit discussion thread

Girl beats boy at school (1 June 2017) Article with linked video

Sickening moment bouncer punches woman in the face outside Liverpool bar (18 April 2017) UK. Woman attempting to hit bouncer = not sickening, but bouncer defends himself is.

Woman punches man at Trump rally. Man punches her back. Media reports it as him sucker punching her. Only explanation to describe it as a “sucker punch” is her believing that she wouldn’t get hit back. (18 April 2017)

1,500 acid attacks have been recorded in London since 2011 (13 March 2017) And 3/4 of the victims were men. Reddit discussion thread here.

The secret Facebook page where women brag about violence toward men (4 February 2017) with related Reddit discussion thread here.

Women kicking balls, I’d like to see that (22 January 2017) New TV ad promoting women’s sport. Imagine an ad ‘Men grabbing pussy, I’d like to see that’. Appropriate or humorous? Didn’t work for Don Trump and this one will reflect poorly on the AFL.

I have a short story that has seriously wrecked my mood for a week now, and I need to get it off my chest (14 January 2017) Reddit discussion thread

Man asks for legal advice after slapping his physically abusive girlfriend, comments section accuses him of beating his girlfriend (3 January 2017) Reddit discussion thread. USA

In fiction, girls painfully slap their boyfriends and it’s portrayed as comedic, righteous and deserved. But when a guy does something like grab her wrist that is not nearly as painful, it’s portrayed as dark and abusive (26 December 2016) Reddit men’s rights discussion thread

Joe Mixon videos released (16 December 2016) Video. USA. NB: Hit someone and there’s a good chance you’ll get hit back. Women included. Welcome to equality.

Nova100 radio & Chrissie Swan celebrates the severing of a man’s penis (26 November 2016)

Not so safe: Roz Ward attacks Trump supporter (21 November 2016)

Punch caught on video leaves New Jersey teen fighting for her life (5 November 2016) USA

Sassy misandry is good for business – but assault on men is never funny (1 November 2016)

Viral Video Of Violent Teen Fight Raises Concerns In Vallejo (18 October 2016) Discussed in thread entitled ‘Girl attacks boy. Boy defends himself. Boy is ridiculed on Social Media for putting hands on a girl’

Normalisation of female on male violence in media? (7 October 2016) Reddit mensrights discussion thread

Why ARE modern women so aggressive? It’s been called the dark side of equality – a surge in respectable women flying into violent rages for the most trivial reasons (15 September 2016) with related Reddit discussion thread here

“In 1957, men were responsible for 11 violent offences for every one perpetrated by a woman — today, that is four to one”

“Two in five victims of domestic violence in the UK are men. The number of women prosecuted for it rose from 1,575 in 2004/5 to 4,266 in 2008/9”

Methods for downplaying or side-stepping violence against men (19 August 2016)

‘I Had to Be the Voice of Women’: The First Female Hijacker Shares Her Story (4 August 2016)

This woman hit and hit until her partner eventually lost his temper and hit back (8 June 2016) Video

Fifty shades of Tarzan! ‘Feisty’ Margot Robbie punches Alexander Skarsgard during Legend of Tarzan sex scene (31 March 2016)

I hit my boyfriend first, then he hit me back a lot harder, worse, and more, should I forgive? (August 2015) See comments

When it comes to MMA star Ronda Rousey, is there a domestic violence double standard? (12 November 2015)

Feminist collective supports violence against men’s rights advocates (14 September 2015) Australian video

Japan’s ‘Black Widow’ Arrested Again After Poisoning Her Eighth Male Victim (11 September 2015) and related reddit discussion thread

Assaulted in bar last night (August 2015)

Maxim Magazine — A publication for men — joins in the celebration of the woman who allegedly lit her boyfriend’s penis on fire for cheating (19 August 2015)

Libyan symbol of freedom now facing years behind bars (1 August 2015) and related reddit discussion thread

Patriarchy vs Facts: Domestic Violence (PART I) (23 June 2015) Video

New York City commuter fights manspreaders by sitting on them (7 June 2015)

Very important pussy (4 June 2015)

Preston boxer struck woman’s face (19 May 2015) and related reddit mensrights discussion thread

Footage shows Indian woman body-slamming man at train station (4 March 2015) Reading between the lines here, there is no reason to assume that this was not simply an unprovoked act of violence by the women … except feminism

Teen Reportedly Threw Acid on Her Boyfriend’s Penis (4 February 2015)

Don’t hit me, I’m a girl! (26 December 2011)

ISIS women recruits: What life is really like (30 January 2015)

Feminists Rely on “Men Shouldn’t Hit Women” To Get Away With Hitting Men – Compilation (25 January 2015)

Wife chops off cheating husband’s penis, twice (14 January 2015) Somehow I don’t think a story about a man cutting off his wife’s breast would be given the same whimsical treatment as per this article

The ‘Manslamming’ campaign is literally a campaign for slamming into men and then claiming they slammed into you (12 January 2015)

http://www.reddit.com/r/MensRights/comments/2pmn5w/over_in_raskwomen_femaleonmale_domestic_violence/ (December 2014)

When you’re a boy you can get beat up and it’s totally fine (3 December 2014)

#BBCtrending: Indian sisters beat up another man in new video (2 December 2014) Further developments on that incident here.

Why I won’t teach my boys not to hit girls (24 November 2014)

‘The View’ Co-Hosts On NYC Subway Brawl Video: ‘She Needed To Get Slapped Back’ (12 November 2014)

Women and violence: Society’s double standard (29 July 2014)

Have you ever beaten up a boyfriend? Cause, Uh, we have an article that appeared in Jezebel in August 2007, with commentary/rebuttal by MRA Janet Bloomfield (and here)

Woman goes crazy when man says hello (3 September 2013) Video

Researcher says women’s initiation of domestic violence predicts risk to women (17 November 2011)

Initiation of domestic violence increases risk of violence‘ (6 August 2009)





Other posts in this blog most closely related to this topic:

On violence carried out by women and girls

Differing public response to partner violence depending on gender of victim

How men are portrayed … Haw Haw Haw! The jokes on us

Regarding the notion of ‘Ironic Misandry’

#HeForShe: Men pressed into service with nary a hint of ‘quid pro quo’

The last few years have seen a surge of social programs calling on men to step up to the line to perform some pledge or action for the womenfolk. These have been launched by government agencies, pro-feminist not-for-profits and various social media personalities. The foci of these demands for action have related mainly to sexual assault, domestic violence, and employment opportunity.

The #HeForShe hashtag/movement/thing was a reasonably high-profile example of such a campaign from the second half of 2014. The links below provide a small sampling of some of the other campaigns that have been and/or are now taking place:

One Billion Rising, A Call to Men#YouOKSisWhite Ribbon campaignPolished Man, Red my Lips, Beards Against Abuse, Walk a mile in her ShoesWhat Men Can Do, Men Stopping Violence, and #LeanInTogether

walkamileMale Champions of Change (also discussed herehere and here) is a home-grown campaign which has now spawned a ‘Female Champions of Change‘ program. And no, the latter campaign was not intended to provide a corresponding support network to champion the welfare of men. Beyond Australia there is a similar program known as Men Advocating Real Change (MARC), mentioned in this article.

Most of these campaigns have been packaged on the basis of selling a message to the broader community that feminists want to be inclusive and work with men to address shared issues of concern. Perhaps feminists realise they now have a serious image problem, having been stung into action by developments like the #WomenAgainstFeminism movement. The problem though is that beneath the shiny wrapping paper, the nature of the various campaigns runs contrary to any notions of equality, mutual respect or inclusiveness.

Firstly these campaigns all seem to be promoted on the basis of overstating men’s responsibility for both causing, and solving, each particular issue. At the same time they underplay or ignore the accountability of women in contributing to the problem, as well as their own responsibility in relation to undertaking any necessary remedial action.

There seems to be a fundamental hypocrisy associated with a movement that claims that women are strong and equal, yet continually demands that men step up to address women’s apparently helplessness in the face of real or imagined adversity.

Secondly, it is telling that no similar movements have been proposed or created by women to support men. In fact, there is no sense of reciprocity whatsoever. Nor is there even public acknowledgement that men might need or deserve similar recognition or support. And heaven help the women who dare to raise awareness of the need to help men & boys (example).

It is, in short, very much a one-way street. Given the many areas of relative disadvantage for men and boys this seems grossly inequitable. The underlying factor here is a culture of gynocentrism, explained here, here and here.

Thirdly, and in what must be a soul-destroying experience for the ‘white knights‘ who flutter around these campaigns like moths to a flame, many feminists resent men who openly support these campaigns. Do read this criticism, by a feminist journalist, of an admittedly  ludicrous initiative by male staff of the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.

And thus whilst we have one group of feminists demanding that men ‘help’ women, other feminists berate them for interfering in women’s issues and/or for seeking thanks/congratulations for being good. This is apparent, for example, in this Facebook post about a recent campaign known as ‘Red my Lips’ … peruse the bitter and angry comments by feminists and other ‘white knights’ directed at men behind the campaign – and men generally.

Change Makers, Indoctrination for Australian men seeking help in becoming a suitably compliant puppy in the workplace (December 2022) And no, there’s no equivalent training available for women.

The archly feminist domestic violence industry does next to nothing for the many male victims of domestic violence and yet males are being called upon to do more to help them (1 March 2020)

Aggrieved Entitlement – women’s reaction to temporary loss of chivalry, by Peter Wright (27 January 2019)

Why haven’t the men of Hollywood spoken up? (11 October 2017)

We Need Fraternity Men to Do a Lot More Than ‘Walk a Mile in Her Shoes’ (4 June 2017)

It’s not enough for men to turn up. They have to do the work, by Clementine Ford (13 March 2017)

Men can stop sex-trafficking (20 January 2017)

Why do so few men turn up to hear women speak? (10 March 2016) Australia. And of course no reciprocal expectation on women to attend events addressing male issues (unless to pull fire alarms and disrupt proceedings). See also my related blog post here.

She for He – Part 1 – Introduction (9 March 2016) Video by Canadian Association for Equality

Most disturbing of all are those instances where men are called upon to aid and abet the indoctrination of boys in feminist doctrine as discussed at ‘We must stop indoctrinating boys in feminist ideology‘ (20 July 2015)

Consider next the example of the uproar over University of Tasmania’s ‘women’s officer’ (8 April 2015) Isn’t this also #HeForShe? Why aren’t the women cheering this fellow? Here’s how this story ended – yeah feminism! Further discussion and readers comments here and here

If men owe women chivalry, what do women owe men? (30 November 2015)

NCFM Member Man Up asks Big Brothers Big Sisters of San Diego why they don’t ask women to women up? (25 October 2015)

The 30% Club is coming to Australia, but ‘men speaking for women’ may miss the point (9 March 2015)

Catering to men’s rights is not the point of feminism (15 October 2014) Now that’s telling us! Silly me, I always though feminist was about gender equality

Oh and this is rich. Actress Rose McGowan castigates gay men (“as misogynistic as straight men, or more so“) for not doing more to advance women’s rights in the middle East. More here

We have just seen Julien Blanc tossed out of Australia, a fellow that apparently makes a living running seminars on how to pick up women. I don’t support him or the whole PUA thing, but yet again I can’t help noticing that men were called upon to deal with him.

Still in Australia, ex-Governor-General Dame Quentin Bryce headed a Task Force on Family and Domestic Violence. Submissions to the Inquiry had just closed at the time this article appeared in the pro-feminist Guardian newspaper. It seems that those people who prepared submissions need not have bothered, as Quentin already knew that men were the problem and that the “the key drivers of change should be men and police“. That’s right ladies, no need to lift a finger, off you go and get yourselves a nice cup of tea whilst the menfolk cop all the blame plus the job of making things right.

Michelle Obama urges men at women’s summit to ‘be better’ (14 June 2016) Hmm, I wonder how she would feel if someone got up on a stage and urged black people to ‘be better’? But wait, don’t the klan do that already?

Ooh this is a bit funny naughty – feminists might go blind if they read this

The three reasons I don’t support feminist equality campaigns (13 December 2015)

Why the #YouOKSis “White Feather Campaign” failed … badly (11 December 2014)

White House calls on men to ‘step up’ in sexual assault prevention (19 September 2014) also here

Men have a special privilege of having to help women, I think we should check it (14 February 2015) Article and linked reddit discussion thread

Stella McCartney’s right: Women can use their ‘weakness’ as a form of strength (1 October 2014)

Finally, some blinding irony with the movement called ‘Men Speak Out‘  who “aim to engage men in the process of ending FGM and, on a larger scale, to end violence against women and promote gender equality through a human rights’ approach“. Bearing in mind, of course, the negligible level of interest/activity by feminists in ending the practice of involuntary male circumcision.


Specifically on Emma Watson and #HeForShe

Fans rush to Emma Watson’s defence after she’s branded a ‘hypocrite’ and a bad example of feminism for braless magazine cover (3 March 2017) Hypocrisy

Would any women here be interested in a ‘She for He’ campaign? Reddit discussion thread with further discussion here

The Reality of #GiveYourMoneyToWomen (31 May 2015)

Seven things Tony Abbott should start fixing now that he has joined HeforShe (4 March 2015)

Youtube video #1 concerning Emma Watson’s speech (23 September 2014)

Youtube video #2 concerning Emma Watson’s speech (23 September 2014)

Youtube video #3 concerning Emma Watson’s speech (23 September 2014) See feminist reaction in comments section

The five little words that betrayed Emma Watson, by Ally Fogg (23 September 2014)

Janet Bloomfield talks about #HeForShe (23 September 2014) YouTube video

Sorry, Privileged White Ladies, but Emma Watson isn’t a ‘Game Changer’ for Feminism (24 September 2014)

Resurgence of feminists soliciting for male allies (25 September 2014) Reddit mensrights discussion thread

Emma Watson leads the retreat for UN feminism (25 September 2014)

The UN’s risible #HeForShe campaign: Pointless self-flagellation for sex-starved beta males (25 September 2014)

Sorry, Emma Watson, but HeForShe is rotten for men (26 September 2014)

Four reasons I won’t be one of the men signing Emma Watson’s #HeForShe pledge (26 September 2014)

Stefan Molyneux on Youtube about Emma’s speech (29 September 2014)

Emma Watson and the future of feminism (6 October 2014)

#HeForShe was nicely summed up by ‘Mean0Dean0’ in a reddit discussion thread on the matter:

The very concept of “He For She” makes women look like helpless children. This isn’t even “She for She,” implying sisterhood and communal responsibility. This isn’t even “We For She,” which is one-sided and focused on a minority of victims of violence and social problems, but at least community-minded. “He For She” blatantly states that men have all the power (even when they don’t) and that women need men to do their work for them (even when THEY don’t).

It’s regressive and gender-traditionalist and feminist all in one, simultaneously telling women that they can be free to be doctors or lawyers or strippers on poles, so long as big strong men open up all the big heavy doors for them. It’s patronizing to women and insulting to men, and if a man had come up with the hashtag he would have been called out as a patriarchalist traditionalist chauvinist pig. “Let’s help out those less fortunate little ladies, eh guys? Guys???”

Emma Watson – classic hypocrisy (September 2014)

sheforhe heforshe

Elsewhere in this blog you might also be interested in:

Women are held accountable for … (say hello to the Teflon Gender)
‘Bristly Woman’ campaign launch
Good manners versus chivalry
I thought women were meant to be more empathetic?

We’ve all heard of the gender ‘income gap’, but what about the ‘expense gap’?

In two other posts within this blog I explore the concept of the gender wage gap:

How feminists misrepresent the gender ‘income gap’, and
That tired old feminist chestnut that is the ‘gender wage gap’ resurrected in Australia

Those posts found that the ‘wage gap’ is an issue that is persistently misrepresented by the feminist lobby, and that differentials in salary are generally reflective of personal choice rather than gender discrimination in the workplace.

This post explores the notion that there is a flip-side to the ‘wage gap’, that I label the gender ‘expense gap’. This concept is borne from the premise that men/boys incur significant additional expense, in comparison to women, to access or obtain various goods or services and/or to perform the role that western society demands of them.

The existence of a gender expense/cost gap is addressed in the media from time to time, but such discussions are limited to the gynocentric meme of a ‘pink tax’. Such articles, examples of which are provided below, focus on women paying more for retail products such as shavers, fashion, haircuts and sanitary products. The reality that men pay more than women for other goods/services is overlooked.

Tesco cuts price of women’s razors so they cost the same as men’s (2 January 2017) UK
NYC pharmacy introduces ‘man tax’ provoking protests which it labels ‘hate’ (14 October 2016) USA
The Pink Tax (25 August 2016) A video by ‘ShoeOnHead’ (a female MRA)
The ‘tampon tax’ is not a marginal issue – it’s the force of structural sexism at work (25 July 2016) USA
This Is How Much More It Costs To Be A Woman (2 April 2016)
Price discrimination isn’t only about pink razors (6 February 2016) UK
‘Pink tax’ angers women from New York to London (3 February 2016)
CBS News goes undercover to reveal gender price discrimination (25 January 2016)
Pink premium? There are greater problems (24 January 2016)
Britain’s ‘sexist’ high streets: How women are being charged TWICE as much as men for almost identical items (19 January 2016)
Ever heard of the ‘pink tax’? It’s real and cutting into women’s finances in a big way (30 December 2015)
Why you should always buy the men’s version of almost anything (22 December 2015)
So Who Is Responsible For The Gender Cost Gap? (23 December 2015)
Women Pay More for Everything From Birth to Death, Report Finds (23 December 2015)

‘Girl tax’: women call out being charged more by tradies, mechanics (23 March 2024)

The Gender Expense Gap is broader and more pervasive than simply retail pricing differentials, encompassing for example:

  • Men being required to pay more for a particular product or service than a woman for the same or similar product or service (i.e. gender discriminatory pricing). A broad range of examples can be identified including nightclub entry, membership of online dating sites, and insurance (health, life, auto, etc). Here is one such example.
  • Men being expected (via social convention) to meet the full cost of a given expense, e.g. a restaurant meal or a holiday, rather than the relevant expense/s being split 50/50 with their female companion
  • Men being forced, by law, to incur certain expenses that would either not be incurred by women, or would only rarely be incurred by them, e.g. payment of alimony or spousal support
  • Men being unable to avoid particular expenses (without a penalty being applied), that women in the same circumstances would or could avoid  (e.g. in the US, women are less likely to meet their commitments to pay child support, and less likely to be penalised for doing so)
  • Men being denied compensation or financial support that would, in the case of women, offset costs incurred by them. Consider for example discounts or financial incentives or external funding support denied to men but available to women, e.g. scholarships and educational grants (example), sanitary products, superannuation top-up payments (here and here), maternity leave, and rebates or tax reductions for female-owned business start-ups.

How might we also, for example, assign a financial cost to factors such as workplace deaths (overwhelming affecting men), and the health impacts of reduced medical research/treatment (whereby the government spends a pittance on men/boys relative to women/girls).

This is a most challenging task as far as economic analysis goes, but nevertheless ‘nothing ventured, nothing gained’. A related reddit discussion thread can be found here.

Let’s look now at some of the specific factors that might be considered:

Courtship expenses and celebratory days

Men are still expected to subsidise most of the costs associated with courtship. The issue of who pays for dates is addressed in another blog post. One of the articles listed there is ‘Why women should never go halves on a date’ (27 November 2014).valentines-spend-ecommerce

Men are also expected to spend more on celebratory days, for e.g. birthdays, Mothers Day and Valentines Day, than are women.

‘I told my husband not to buy me a Christmas present – I’m fuming that he actually isn’t’ (21 December 2022)

Men, if you’re guilty of this, your wife will probably leave you (4 December 2023) Gee, wouldn’t it be interesting to read the husband’s version of events? But you never will, of course.

The Fathers Day spending deficit is addressed here, but some related articles include:

The Father’s Day spending gap: Why does mom always win? (10 May 2015)

Less spent of Father’s Day gifts than Mother’s Day gifts (6 September 2014)

Valentine’s Day spend twice as high for men: bank research (13 February 2017)

Valentine’s Day spending driven by single men in search for love (12 February 2015)

Valentines Day, by the numbers (14 February 2013)

Why Are Some Men Such Awkward Gift Givers? Let Them Explain (5 December 2016) USA. Talk about ‘look a gift horse in the mouth’! On that note see also “Men are also pretty useless at buying gifts in general”

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2385196/Sorry-gents-results-Men-really-ARE-good-fear-women-need-rid-spiders.html#ixzz4wCarcD3N
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

Older men charged more for using Tinder’s premium service, Choice mystery shoppers find (12 August 2020) Five times more!

And on a lighter note, see If girls proposed to guys (Video)

Marriage and co-habitation

Although times are certainly changing, men typically remain the primary breadwinner in the family and are responsible for supporting most/all of the living expenses of their spouse and children. Men are also likely to bring considerably more assets into the marriage than are women. Woman however still typically remain in charge of making most of the decisions regarding the expenditure of household income.

WA de facto couples will be able to split super if relationship breaks down (25 October 2018) Men typically bring significantly more assets into a relationship, but the fact that they might take out more is “fundamentally unfair” … gynocentric much?

Is this the new normal? Women who live on a weekly ‘allowance’ from their husbands (7 May 2017)

New research reveals females control the household budget (27 November 2015)

‘I get a wife bonus — and I deserve it’  (29 May 2015)

Women who out-earn their husbands are also more likely to make money decisions for the family (17 March 2015)

New fathers must have same pay rights as mothers, says Nick Clegg, who vows to smash ‘Edwardian’ view on raising children (20 October 2014)



Men make more, women decide how to spend it (11 May 2012)

I declare the gender pay gap to be a truly dead and gone issue (27 April 2014)

The following quote addresses the average differential between earning and spending in male/female households:

“Men earn 61.5% of all income but only account for 25% of domestic spending. Men only spend 40% of what they earn after tax. In contrast women make up 38.5% of all income but control 75% of domestic spending, women on average spend 90% more money that they earn. Men are exploited as cash machines and even with spending on children accounted for women still spend more money on themselves than the combined spending for men and children.” (Source)


Divorce/Separation, incl. spousal/partner/child support and alimony

Sources addressing the issue of spousal maintenance/alimony can be found in this other blog post, but some examples are provided below.

Paying child-support for a non-biological child (5 March 2018)

Rosenblum: As times change, should alimony change, too? (25 March 2016)

Afeni Shakur And Whether Or Not Men Deserve Alimony (18 March 2016) USA

Group pushes male-dominated S.C. Legislature to change permanent alimony law (1 March 2016) USA

Report: NJ woman sued for writing ‘bum’ and ‘loser’ on ex-spouse’s alimony checks (19 December 2015) More on this case in this discussion thread and linked article

Breadwinning Women Are Driving Alimony Reform (18 November 2015) and related reddit discussion thread

Even though 37% of women earn more money than their husbands, only 3% of divorced men receive alimony (30 June 2015) Reddit discussion thread

Retired farmer must pay more in alimony than monthly income, Nebraska Supreme Court rules (27 June 2015)

Are Moms Less Likely Than Dads To Pay Child Support? (26 February 2015)

Divorced wife told to get a job and stop living off her ex-husband (23 February 2015)

Deadbeat moms? Should mothers be required to pay child support? (20 April 2014) and related reddit mensrights discussion thread

Jail Becomes Home for Husband Stuck With Lifetime Alimony (27 August 2013)

Woman sues ex-husband for a share of wealth he made years after they divorced (9 December 2014)

Why Do So Few Men Get Alimony? (20 November 2014) USA

Working woman in /r/legaladvice divorcing and is horrified that she has to give part-time-working ex-husband half her assets (15 November 2014)

Ex-wife of US oil baron to appeal $1 billion divorce award (13 November 2014)

Halle Berry’s Child-Support Fight: Female Breadwinners Can’t Have It Both Ways (20 October 2014)

Businessman is ordered to pay £28,500 to ex-girlfriend in landmark court ruling because he led her to believe he would look after her for life (17 October 2014)

Veteran chooses jail over giving his disability money to ex-wife (17 September 2014)

Alimony is broken – But let’s not fix it (1 September 2014)

Cost of education (esp. regarding the availability of financial support via government or university grants or discounts for example)

Critics Tell Young Men that Their Penises are NOT Golden (But They Are) (15 September 2022) by Janice Fiamengo. Recommended reading

Biden touts freeze on collections of $1.14m student loans (30 March 2021) USA. But let’s not say what percentage of those loans were to women, because that might seem like more #GenderEqualityWhenItSuits

According this female MRA posting on Twitter, 92% of all sex-specific scholarships are reserved for women (December 2020) USA

145 universities under federal investigation for sex discrimination against male students (27 May 2020) USA

Growing debate whether Title IX should help male students excluded by female-only programs (7 May 2020) USA

UN Women Australia MBA scholarship (May 2020) Each scholarship is worth $60,000 – available at the University of Sydney Business School. I have since written to relevant agencies about this matter, details regarding which can be found in this post.

Pell’s 6-Billion Dollar Gender Gap (1 March 2020)

Male Title IX activist expelled after “feminist witch-hunt” (12 November 2019) USA

Veteran of anti-male discrimination lawsuits SOUNDS OFF after study shows disproportionate female-only scholarships (26 August 2019)

ICRAR Visiting Fellowship for senior women in Astronomy (July 2019) Some previous fellowship recipients here.

Widespread sex discrimination found in college scholarship programs (18 May 2019) USA

Among 1,161 sex-specific scholarships, 91.6% were reserved for female students, with only 8.4% designated for male students.

Sydney University partners with UN Women Australia to offer women-only scholarships (March 2019)

Jordan Peterson, dozens of academics attack Ivy League anti-male bias (8 February 2019)

New data shows women now surpassing men in STEM fields (3 December 2018) USA. And then read this paper (2 March 2019)

The Science Ambassador Scholarship (December 2018) USA

Anti-male discrimination complaint gets UMN to change scholarship rules (2 November 2018)

Scholarship funding available for women working in the horticulture sector (28 September 2018)

Scholarships for Women in Male-Dominated Industries (12 September 2018)

Scholarships for ‘Board Ready’ Women in the Disability Sector (30 June 2017)

Sydney University defends new scholarship that favours men as ‘consistent with diversity’ (8 February 2017) Feminists lose it when a university faculty applies the same logic to attract more male students, and cry ‘sexism!’

Storm over Shami’s £500,000 to help girls get degrees … (4 January 2017) UK

Women in MBA Scholarship: 30 full rides. There are no men in biology or men in elementary education scholarships (23 September 2016) Australia

VCAT green light will let Ivanhoe Grammar School offer more places to girls (11 August 2016) Australia

“The decision [to escape provisions of sex discrimination legislation] will allow Ivanhoe Grammar to target female students in its advertising and to offer sweeteners to attract girls, including “scholarship and bursary assistance”.”

UN Women National Committee Australia MBA Scholarship (April 2016) Just one example – how many more like this?

There are four times as many scholarships for females as there are for males (28 February 2016) Reddit discussion thread and linked article

“It would be bad enough that men are continuously shamed for earning more than women, and told that because women get better grades in easier subjects, that women are more intelligent (SourceFed, 2014) or motivated (Lewin, 2006). However, women are also given disproportionate financial aid to attend college, even though they are now a sizeable majority of college students compared to men. While data is difficult to find, using the University of Oklahoma as an anecdotal example, in 2007 women received 78% of scholarships, and between the years of 2008 -2013 women received 89%, 77%, 68%, 94%, 92%, and 100% respectively (OU SLIS, 2013).

Government grants are another major source of funding for women wishing to attend college. There are numerous resources available created specifically for women (Scholarships for Women), but none specifically for men, unless you count athletic scholarships, which are a sticking point with Feminist activists who resent that female athletics lose money while male athletics make money for colleges (Bloomberg News, 2011). It seems fans aren’t interested in paying to watch female athletes perform at the level of a male high school junior varsity team. However, if you put athletics aside, and focus only on the resources available to help men obtain college degrees, those resources are sorely lacking, while money is being thrown at women who are wasting it on Liberal Arts degrees instead of STEM.(Source)


Scholarship discrimination (7 December 2015) Reddit discussion thread

How the Australian Research Council promotes gender equality … by providing “at least two named Australian Laureate Fellowships targeted at outstanding women researchers” (2015) None for men

Verizon donation makes STEM summer camp for girls free of charge (20 November 2015)

Female postgraduate engineering students entitled to taxpayer-funded sponsorships worth £22,750, on the basis of gender alone (30 April 2015)




Supporting women scholarships (February 2015) Australia. How many men-only scholarships are offered? My guess is ‘none’

4x as Many Scholarships for Women — a Disadvantage for Men? (27 February 2013)

Student Loans Help Women More than Men in Reaching Graduation (21 February 2013)Image


Why Men Don’t Care About The Healthcare Debate (13 November 2017) USA

Men pay £170 a year more than women for car insurance despite EU gender rules (3 October 2017)

Men ‘pay £101 more’ for car insurance than women (13 January 2017) UK

Differences in insurance costs (29 June 2016) Reddit discussion thread

Men paying more for car insurance. Mensrights discussion thread and linked article (3 May 2015) Ireland

The benefits gap — a cursory analysis of US social security (OASI) and disability insurance (DI) (28 October 2014) A Reddit discussion thread

Canada’s Insurance Rates: Men vs. Women (17 January 2012)

Articles that address other gender-based expenditure/cost/revenue differentials

Norway broadens ‘Gender Equality’ debate to address disparities facing men and boys

The Grant Funding Deficit for Washington’s Boys and Men (15 September 2023)

Vodafone is paying women 500 extra a year for being women, possibly in violation of the 2009 law Fair work act in AU (15 March 2017)

The Travel Insurance Company Tackling Australia’s Gender Pay Gap (15 February 2017)

“Equal Pay is Not Enough”, says violent feminist ad for overpriced shoes complaining that women pay more for things (25 January 2017) Video with related Reddit discussion thread here.

About a company that operates lounges at conferences and to promote equality, men are charged more for refreshments based on the gender pay gap (18 January 2017) Reddit discussion thread with linked article.

Female scientists with young children offered extra $10,000 annually to stay on at Brisbane Institute (17 December 2016) Australia

Swiss parliament rejects paternity leave plea (27 April 2016)

Give Your Money To Women: The End Game of Capitalism (10 August 2015)

Why Do Women Have More Credit Card Debt Than Men? (28 June 2015)

“Bring it on” – Says Fitness center illegally charging men more for membership in the UK when complaints are raised (9 April 2015) Reddit mensrights discussion thread. And here’s how that story eventually played out.

Goldman Sachs 10,000 Women program Financial support for entrepreneurs (males need not apply)

You Should Know About: Feminist Perversion of Scientific Research. Athena SWAN – The go-to positive discrimination vehicle for feminists in STEM HE (14 November 2014)

Elsewhere in this blog you might be interested in:

On taxation and the ‘Female Economy’

Len & The Lamprey: The other side to the issue of financial abuse

When banks divert from banking to social engineering

Good manners versus chivalry

Differing public response to partner violence depending on gender of victim

In a segment on the ‘Sunrise’ morning TV show there appeared a video where actors simulated a display of partner harassment/violence in a public space. In the first scenario the man was the aggressor, and in the second scenario they reversed the roles. The differing reaction by members of the public was profound. The same clip has been circulating on the internet for some time now and has been the subject of much discussion in fora such as Reddit Mens Rights (see link below).

I was interested to see how the topic was dealt with on Sunrise for a couple of reasons. Firstly in promotional clips they seem to suggest that the story was about whether members of the public should intervene in instances of partner violence – rather than about the different reaction to having a male as aggressor versus female as aggressor.

Secondly, I was interested because one of those presenting the story was Andrew O’Keefe who is heavily involved in the ‘White Ribbon Campaign’ in Australia. The issue here is that the ‘White Ribbon Campaign’ is complicit in injecting into the public’s consciousness the notion that ‘domestic violence = men’s violence towards women’. In so doing the ‘Campaign’ and other domestic violence advocacy groups like it, divert attention from the other facets of domestic violence (i.e. M+M, F+F, and female on male violence).

It was indeed ironic then that Andrew tut-tutted the contrasting public reaction to female on male violence shown in the video, given that could be viewed as an outcome of the message broadcast by the White Ribbon Campaign and many pro-feminist organisations like it.

The unfortunate fact is that the average member of the public simply does not now recognise a woman’s aggression towards a male as being domestic violence, or that women’s aggression generally is of any particular social significance.

Jeremy Kyle slams audience for LAUGHING at male domestic violence victim who threw himself off a balcony (12 May 2015)

Youtube has apparently removed at least one video showing women abusing men (after it hit 6,000,000 views), but has left online videos showing men abusing women – details in this reddit discussion thread (30 October 2014)

Here is a good blog post about the video by Ally Fogg

An article in the The Independent (27 May 2014) and related Reddit discussion thread

An article about the same video in The Daily Mail

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gbPmdePpfG0 and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LlFAd4YdQks (A second/separate video showing public reaction to women abusing men)

In this hidden camera experiment a women is seen spiking her date’s drink – see how bystanders react. And yes, drink-spiking by women occurs quite often in real life – here is just the latest incident to appear in the media.

In this hidden camera experiment first a woman, and then a man, take money from a sleeping homeless guy. See the differing reaction by members of the public.

Another hidden camera experiment – Many people come to the aid of a women being abused, but yet again no-one comes to the aid of a male being subjected to abuse by a woman

A feminist justifying the differing public response to M/F and F/M violence and a related reddit discussion

This discussion thread and linked video isn’t about partner violence, but it does show how many members of the public will paint a man as the aggressor even when a woman initiates violence and continues despite efforts to reason with her.

This paper contains many links to further sources proving examples of male victims of domestic abuse not being taken seriously.

Also not about partner violence but still relevant – this video shows a female student assaulting a male student while a female teacher watches on but fails to control the situation.

Why didn’t I stop to help a woman in need? (5 August 2014)

Reaction to women abusing men in public (26 March 2008) Video

But maybe public reaction will be different in the case of sexual harassment. Hmm, maybe not

See also:

Man stabbed multiple times after trying to intervene in alleged assault in Sydney’s southwest (9 September 2024) Why don’t feminists intervene for a change?

Another video showing the contrasting public reaction to male and female perpetrators of violence (15 February 2023)

Why Women Are Overly Confident With Themselves On The Street, by Rollo Tomassi (26 July 2022) Video

Lone women drivers are top priority, says AA after tweet backlash (22 January 2022) This article has nothing to do with partner violence but is included here to illustrate the pervasive gender bias in the media. “We are more at risk physically than men in that situation. It’s just a fact, I’m afraid.” No, it’s not a fact at all.

COVID-19: The bystander role has never been more critical in calling out (9 April 2020) Makes perfect sense – assuming you only recognise female victims of domestic violence

Woman on an Indian TV show slaps a male and he slaps her back. White Knights in the studio then attack the man en masse. The only good news is that apparently the man later took successful legal action against the woman who hit him. (1 March 2020)

The latest clip doing the rounds on Twitter (24 February 2020) Again, a girl strikes first. Her target hits back and then the crowd turns against him

Another clip seen on Twitter. As usual when girl attacks boy, no-one intervenes until he defends himself … then both males and females aggressively seek to stop & punish the male (2 September 2019)

Girl in a classroom hits male student. No-one steps in until he finally strikes back – and people seek to rescue her (Tweet & linked video)

Feminists laugh at the idea of violence against men (2017) Video

Tania Reynolds on Men as stereotypical perpetrators of harm: Half hour of Heterodoxy #40 (30 November 2018)

I abused a man in public and no one cared (11 October 2017) with Reddit discussion thread here

Bystanders often don’t intervene in sexual harassment – but should they? (21 February 2017) Although artfully camouflaged, the gender bias runs deep in this article. It ignores violence against men, ignores violence by women, and suggests that women more likely to intervene to stop violence.

VIDEO: Do our beliefs about domestic violence match the facts? (12 January 2017)

Dash Cam captures the moment a ‘disgruntled’ wife rams her husband’s van (4 January 2017) Australia

If a boy, a girl, a cat and a dog were abandoned in a park who would be rescued first? (20 August 2016) The patriarchy works in mysterious ways

An Open Letter To Eddie McGuire & TripleM (13 March 2016) Australia

Gang of ‘vigilantes battered a man to death with a hammer after they saw him having an argument with his girlfriend in the street’ (4 March 2016) UK

It’s not clear whether this incident at a US school was partner violence or not, but I have included it here as the media coverage and school commentary certainly display a gender-based double standard (18 February 2016)

No more slapping (15 February 2016) Video

Would YOU intervene if you saw a woman slap her boyfriend? Shocking video shows strangers ignoring domestic violence in the street – but they rush to help a female victim (10 November 2015)

Anti-bullying video carried empowering message (29 October 2015) But no mention of the corresponding reaction when a boy was bullied. Why not? Well perhaps because it was produced by the same guy who did the infamous street harassment of a woman in New York video.

Feminist Student repeatedly assaults boy until he responds (16 June 2015)

Taraji P. Henson Slaps the Hell Out of SNL‘s Taran Killam in New Promo (9 April 2015)

Physically Abused Boyfriend Hits Girlfriend Back In Public Experiment! (6 April 2015) Another hidden-camera video

The ‘Women are Wonderful’ effect (Wikipedia entry) and this video by Christina Hoff Sommers (30 March 2015)

Domestic abuse in public (3 October 2014) Video

Insightful article by Jim Muldoon regarding why men may not always choose to step in for women (1 March 2014)

Reality TV actress slaps male contestant. White knights in studio audience beat male contestant when he slaps her back (12 February 2013) Youtube video

An article about gynocentrism: This paper concerns the mindset that underpins the widespread failure to recognise men as being worthy of assistance or positive intervention in situations like domestic violence. This concept is further explored here.

 Elsewhere in this blog you might be interested in reading:

But when a woman hits a man it’s different
How men are portrayed … Haw Haw Haw! The jokes on us
On recognising and supporting male victims of domestic violence