Respect women (… well, unless they respect men)

One surprising inclusion in the 2020 Australia Day honours list was a Member of the Order of Australia award for Bettina Arndt. It was surprising not because the recipient wasn’t deserving of it (she was), but because such public awards tend to favour those pushing politically palatable (and increasingly left of centre) causes.

You would probably be aware that Bettina is an active supporter of various issues affecting men and boys, and that this has put her in the cross-hairs of the feminist lobby on more than a few occasions.

And thus once the awards were announced, the feminist lobby went rather crazy. This included approaches being made to the Governor-General’s office by a number of politicians, including the Victorian Attorney-General, seeking to have Bettina’s award withdrawn. Such an approach is typical of the approach that feminists (and their attendant White Knights) often take.

(Update: In September 2020, it was announced that Arndt would keep the award)

And also true to form, although Bettina’s views have been described as “dangerous”, most of the media comment focused on her professional integrity rather than the specific issues she raises. Look for example at the Twitter stream for ‘New Matilda’ (@newmatilda) and you’ll see tweet after tweet after tweet concerning Bettina’s academic qualifications, but none addressing her views regarding (for example) an alleged campus rape culture.

Kindly read on for relevant details, including Bettina’s response to those launching the attacks on her.

Women on top. A paper by Bettina that highlights the favour in which Australian women are now held generally (26 June 2024)

The Kangaroo Justice of Sexual Assault Cases (2 October 2021)

Why the fuss about Bettina’s honours award? Find out who wanted her cancelled… – Bettina Arndt #MENTOO (2021)

New Matilda Statement On Bettina Arndt’s Defamation Of Nina Funnell (26 February 2020) Bettina Arndt has previously suggested that Nina was conducting a long-running & concerted campaign against her. Readers might wish to scan social media and form their own view. The Twitter stream @CEOWomensSafety could be one place to start.

Labor demands men’s rights activist Bettina Arndt be stripped of Order of Australia (25 February 2020) So we see that whilst most politicians are themselves too gutless to stand up for men/boys, they do manage to summon sufficient courage to punish people who will. Absolutely disgraceful

Episode of The Drum (ABC) shown on 24 February 2020 (video). One of the topics addressed was, what the panel perceived as, the desirability of stripping Bettina Arndt of her OAM. See The Drum’s Twitter feed for further discussion (@ABCthedrum)

Calls grow for Bettina Arndt to be stripped of Order of Australia (22 February 2020)

Divorce is painful enough without Bettina Arndt involved, by David Penberthy (15 February 2020)

When men are victims of domestic violence, by Augusto Zimmermann (8 February 2020)

Bettina Arndt interviewed the teacher who raped Grace as a child. She wants Arndt’s honours to be taken back (8 February 2020)

Gendered prejudice and the wrath of the left, by Tanveer Ahmed (7 February 2020)

In defence of Bettina Arndt (6 February 2020)

Agony Arndt: The Precarious Future Of One Of Australia’s Loudest Men’s Rights Voices (4 February 2020) How pathetic that a men’s magazine would make such a weak effort to identify and discuss the male perspective. They might have at least spoken to a male or female MRA, or someone who had a clue. And it seems this publication has quite a history of bowing at the altar of feminism (example 1, example 2, example 3). Sad effort, people, sad.

A video by Daisy Cousens entitled ‘Feminists attempt to cancel Men’s Rights Advocate – Bettina Arndt’ (4 February 2020)

Another great video – This time from ‘Independent Man’ addressing the story to date (2 February 2020)

A great Gary Orsum video entitled ‘Bettina versus the Three Stooges’ (1 February 2020)

And then the feminists came for Bettina Arndt (1 February 2020)

Bettina Arndt and the Australia Day honours, by Eva Cox (1 February 2020)

Batty ‘thrilled’ with government call to remove Arndt’s gong, calls for men to join push (30 January 2020)

‘Absolutely hilarious’: Row over Bettina Arndt’s honour explodes (30 January 2020)

Strip Bettina Arndt of OAM, says Victorian Attorney-General Jill Hennessy (30 January 2020) You can hear a related ABC radio interview here. Further details are available at the Twitter accounts of @JillHennessyMP and @thebettinaarndt

No. There is no evidence of evidence of Bettina Arndt’s ‘contributions to gender equity’ (28 January 2020)

Psychologist, Clinical Psychologist, Doctor Or None Of The Above? Will The Real Bettina Arndt AM Please Stand Up! (28 January 2020) Hit piece from Nina Funnell and Chris Graham

How can a woman who supports a convicted male paedophile be rewarded? by Jenna Price (27 January 2020)

One specific criticism that has been levelled at Bettina is in relation to her allegedly ‘going soft’ on paedophiles, particularly in relation to one specific interview she conducted. One of the odd things here though, is that I have yet to hear any feminist speak out about the burgeoning problem of female paedophiles. And thus more feminist hypocrisy.

Online petition aiming to stop Bettina Arndt’s award (26 January 2020) There is more than one petition to revoke the award, as well as petitions to congratulate Bettina for receiving the award.

Rosie is sickened, by Mark Dent (27 January 2020) Recommended reading

‘Sickened’: Rosie Batty’s fury after men’s rights advocate is given Australia Day honour (26 January 2020)

Controversial commentator given Australia Day honour for ‘advocacy for men’ (26 January 2020)

Bettina Arndt awarded Australia Day honour for services to “gender equity” (25 January 2020)

Response/s from Bettina Arndt:

Qualifications beat-up fails again (29 January 2020)

Bettina in a videotaped interview with Chris Kenny on the Daily Telegraph web site (27 January 2020)

Bettina Arndt – Achieving gender equity through advocacy for men (video)

Nina Funnell tries to rain on my parade (January 2020)

Bettina Arndt hits back at ’poisonous’ side of feminism as backlash grows against her Australia Day honour (27 January 2020)

(Stay tuned … more to come on this issue)

Related posts within this blog:

Beware the ire of an angry feminist

On the censorship and erasure of non-feminist perspectives and opinions

I am not a feminist


Negative (and invariably false) portrayals of the Men’s Rights Movement

The nature of criticism put forward in relation to the men’s rights movement says a lot about both the MRM and it’s critics – just not in the way most authors intended.

At the outset let me note that while writers may claim to be directing their criticism towards the men’s rights movement, they are frequently either unknowingly or deliberately inaccurate.

As I’ve said elsewhere in this blog, one of the great things about those people who are supportive of the men’s rights movement is their extraordinary diversity. They may not agree with every aspect of MRA beliefs, nor us them, but they have taken the time energy to research and to present their views.

A selection of related papers:

The Tweet that Launched a Thousand Quips, by Janice Fiamengo (27 November 2024)

The sad truth is that anti-feminist backlash helped propel Trump to victory (6 November 2024) Watch the woke use terms like ‘MRA’ as being synonymous with ‘men’, ‘Trump Supporter’, sociopath, etc. etc. And see this related piece entitled ‘No sex, no babies: 4B Movement goes viral after Donald Trump US election win‘ (8 November 2024)

Radical anti-feminism the most prevalent form of violent extremism in Australia, report finds (18 July 2024) This article in provided further information including a link to the actual report produced (26 July 2024).

Bi-Annual Report From ‘Diverting Hate’ (March 2024) This project is funded by the US Department of Homeland Security’s Center for Prevention Programs and Partnerships

FBI documents associate internet slang like ‘based’ and ‘red pill’ with ‘extremism’ (11 April 2023)

Schiff, Durbin demand Google and YouTube crack down on dangerous Incel content (25 October 2022)

Yes, I Am Afraid to Write About Men’s Rights (12 July 2022)

This is why I’m teaching my nine-year-old son about incels (12 September 2021)

Men who hate women and their online refuge of scoundrels (28 November 2020) Australia. Staggeringly one-eyed and biased coverage of the issue from the feminist perspective.

Goodbye Spectator (21 November 2020) UK

The “manosphere” is getting more toxic as angry men join the incels (7 February 2020)

Are men’s movements a new form of terrorism? (25 November 2018) Australia

Did you forget International Men’s Day? Don’t worry – the men’s rights activists did too (22 November 2017) Australia. Another offering from the poison pen of Jane Gilmore, who produces many such cookie-cutter hatchet-jobs on the men’s movement.

One Nation has reached an inexcusable new low (26 October 2017)

‘Men’s rights’ movement rooted in ignorance (27 September 2017)

Discussion thread regarding an MRA meet-up that was promoted in the Reddit Los Angeles forum (August 2017) Many of the comment illustrate the negative knee-jerk reaction that any mention of men’s rights commonly elicits

The Privilege Discussions We Need To Have (21 June 2017) If I get time I would love to write a rebuttal of this post. A classic example of someone who clearly thinks they know a great deal about the men’s rights movement but whose understanding is in fact deeply flawed.

How the ‘pissing pug’ became a perfect metaphor for the men who hate feminism (3 June 2017)

I am so sick of people acting like “misandry” is equivalent to misogyny (1 June 2017)

“Stop referring to them as Men’s rights activists” (undated)

New Hampshire State Rep Who Created Reddit’s ‘Red Pill’ Resigns (17 May 2017) Feminists can be as hateful and biased as they like but has one ever been forced to resign from public office? This selective and media-endorsed persecution of anti-feminists and MRA’s is why so many opt for anonymity in the first place.

‘You can’t tell me women don’t lie, of course they do’: why Men’s Rights Activists hate AVOs (12 May 2017) Except pointing out that the AVO process is sometimes abused is not the same thing as hating AVOs.

The conservative young men who need a trigger warning when women are around (1 May 2017) Australia

Professor says she felt raped by white male student’s paper touting men’s rights (25 April 2017)

The Anger Bias (29 March 2017)

Holden and Kia pull ads from YouTube as Google boycott widens (26 March 2017)

Well met, Professor Sullivan (13 March 2017) Video with Karen Straughan

Men’s rights movement infiltrates political parties, Calgary prof cautions (8 March 2017

On International Women’s Day, don’t forget men, by Ben Pobjie (8 March 2017) Australia. The secret to witty caricaturization is knowing your subject, and this guy is clearly clueless about MRA’s and the men’s rights movement. Then again, if he understood the movement, he’d be less inclined to mock it.

Don’t call it men’s rights (6 January 2017) Canada

Philip Davies MP interviewed by radfem Jane Garvey, BBC Woman’s Hour (20 December 2016) Reddit discussion thread with linked video

Hannah Wallen comments on feminists accusing men’s rights advocates of being “angry” (15 November 2016) Video

Can feminist men open up a useful dialogue with men’s rights activists? (1 November 2016) Australia. See related Reddit discussion thread here.

Men have problems – but men’s rights activists aren’t solving them (24 October 2016) with related Reddit discussion thread here.

David Futrelle is a high-profile critic of the Men’s Rights movement. “Futrelle is considered the go-to expert on the Men’s Rights Movement by many mainstream journalists”. This web site discusses his work.

Karen Straughan (Female MRA) dissects a negative review of the film ‘The Red Pill’ (13 October 2016) Video

The MGTOW group really, really don’t like women (8 October 2016) You’d think feminists would be delighted to have more men disengaging from women, but no it’s just too good an opportunity to mock and misrepresent. This article is a knock-off of another article in The Independent (UK) a week earlier.

Comment: Hanson’s policies on family law equally dangerous, by Jane Gilmore (15 September 2016)

“Hanson’s audience is, as it always has been, bitterly angry white men, furious that their place at the front of every queue is no longer guaranteed by the power of their tiny, white penises”

Men’s rights activism and the mad rush to victimhood, by Caitlin Johnstone (14 September 2016)

Guy at party mentions the issue of violence against men and a women spits her beer in his face and mocks him. Other people at the party encourage HIM to apologise (video)

Why I’ll never date a feminist (9 September 2016) Check out the readers comments, many of which attack the author regarding his physical appearance, etc etc. Further discussed here and here

Backlash: Angry men’s movements, by Michael Flood

Why don’t mens rights activists fight for men’s rights? by Jane Gilmore (25 August 2016) Australia. It being extremely hypocritical for this feminist writer to level this criticism – see this post

Suspend the rightwing Tory MP Philip Davies? No way, he’d love it, by Michael White (15 August 2016) UK. Then see the video of his presentation

The burning question I didn’t get to ask Pauline Hanson on Q&A (21 July 2016)

“In response to Sonia Kruger’s comments, radio personality Meshel Laurie stated the bare facts: “The most dangerous people in Australia are Australian men who kill Australian women at a rate of one a week.”

“That’s more than any terrorist has ever done,’ pointed out her co-host, Matt Tilley. Following One Nation’s logic, is the solution to domestic violence to ban all men from entering Australia?”

Dylan Jones: men have never had it so good (9 August 2016)

Cracked’s 5 Lies and Strawmen Attacks on the MRM (5 July 2016)

Deluded men’s rights activists are conspiracy nutjobs – don’t believe a word they say (23 May 2016)

Swallowing the Red Pill: a journey to the heart of modern misogyny (14 April 2016)

Being blocked is not the same as being censored, by Clementine Ford (8 April 2016)

Mum angry about son uploading meme concerning society’s expectations on men vs women, and feminists rush to her defence

Do you think the ‘Disrespect Nobody’ ad campaign is horribly sexist? (28 February 2016) Note the many stereotypical negative comments against any suggestion that men’s victimisation should be acknowledged. Here is the ad itself with comments an MRA. Strangely, the Disrespect Nobody website itself is gender-neutral.

How creating outgroups manufactures outrage (27 February 2016)

Laurie Penny (for it is she) says all you do is “hang out on forums talking about raping and beating up women” in an open letter to Who Don’t Need Feminism (21 February 2016) Reddit mensrights discussion thread

The men hijacking family law reforms (Februrary 2016) by Nijole Cork. Revelations regarding trolling activities allegedly undertaken by this author here.

The fact is, I like men. Just not these men (8 February 2016) by Wendy Tuohy. Australia

Here’s what we think of you and your ‘rape van’ (18 January 2016) Australia

Why the MRA ‘Manosphere’ Isn’t Actually Helping Men Cope with Rejection (4 January 2016)

Men’s Rights, the Southern Poverty Law Center, and Hate (1 January 2016)

What The Media Fails To Tell Us About The Men’s Rights Movement (28 December 2015)

Men’s Rights Activists are cave dwelling idiots (21 December 2015)

“Red Pill”: Feminist hit-piece gets decimated in the reader’s comments section (13 November 2015) UK

Barbara Kay: Anti-male ignorance on parade at the CBC (13 November 2015) USA

Equality, Feminism, and the Zero-Sum Game (18 October 2015) Reddit mens rights discussion thread

Miranda Devine and Men’s Rights Activism, by Naomi Fryers (3 October 2015)

Malcolm Turnbull on domestic violence: Some people will hate what the PM had to say (24 September 2015)

” … there will be voters out there who really object to the Prime Minister calling out their attitudes towards women …”

So if you disagree with the Prime Minister’s ill-informed comments and/or the nature of his package of funding, then it’s because you hold negative attitudes towards women.


How MRAs and the MHRM help men (16 September 2015) YouTube video that rebuts some of those feminist criticisms

Men’s Rights Agency – Feminism (undated) Australia. Includes reference to comments by Judge Alistair Nicholson, who “publicly accused those who disagreed with the practices of the Family Court (mostly men), as being “discontented litigants, sometimes obviously dysfunctional“. Nicholson, the Chief Justice of the Family Court further abused his advantaged position, (i.e. protected from rebuttal under the secrecy provisions within the Family Law Act), by claiming “most persistent critics behaved in a way which cannot stand up to public scrutiny, particularly in relation to issues of violence against women and children“.”

Feminist collective supports violence against men’s rights advocates (14 September 2015) Australian video

Why does speaking out about the issues men face always trigger a furious reaction? (8 September 2015)

Hilarious ‘men’s rights’ campaign urges people to stop ‘Mancrimination’ (29 June 2015)

The Men’s Rights Movement: Feminism’s Mirror Image (25 June 2015)

The propaganda of toxic feminism Part 31 (21 June 2015) Video

‘There’s a group of men who believe you are trying to ruin their lives. And I met them’ (17 June 2015)

Possibly a Guiness record for unashamed feminist hypocrisy: sticky post, “Tell Pride to ban CAFE”. Two post further down: “Why are MRAs blaming feminists for Pride CAFE backlash” (10 June 2015)

What if we awarded men danger pay for getting married? by Janet Bloomfield (8 June 2015)

The propaganda of toxic feminism part 28 (4 June 2015) Youtube video

No, I will not take the Men’s Rights Movement seriously (28 February 2014) with related reddit mensrights discussion thread

#BlameOneNotAll reveals feminist hatred for men, by Jack Barnes (28 May 2015)

Ten of the worst anti-feminism arguments: DEBUNKED (20 May 2015) In this article the author subsequently rebuts criticism of the men’s rights movement provided in an original article

Five Feminist TV Hosts Vs MGTOW – Peter Lloyd, author of ‘Stand Up For Your Manhood’ (7 May 2015) Youtube video of Australian TV show

New ‘bro-bible’ claims feminists have turned men into 2nd class citizens (23 April 2015)

Why we should probably stop paying attention to men’s opinions (20 April 2015)

4 ways men’s rights activists actually hurt men, by Amanda Marcotte (17 April 2015)

Pickup artist: Women with short hair are committing self-harm, should be monitored by authorities (17 April 2015)

The AgainstMensRights forum on

6 Cheap Ways People Dismiss Feminism – And How To Hold Your Ground When They Do (30 March 2015) with related reddit mensrights discussion thread

David Futrelle redefines the words “sick motherfucker” (27 March 2015) Notorious mangina seeks to blame Germanwings tragedy on MRA

Milo Yiannopoulos vs. Feminism: A response to The Big Question (20 March 2015)

“There is much fudging of stats by the Father’s Rights movement and IMO many (not all) of the men in those groups are [domestic violence] perpetrators posing as victims.” Reader’s comment by Barbara Roberts, Author of “Not Under Bondage: Biblical Divorce for Abuse, Adultery & Desertion.” Co-leader of A Cry For Justice (Source) 21 March 2015

Inside men’s rights groups (21 March 2015) and related reddit mensrights discussion thread

Are you man enough for the men’s rights movement? (March 2015)

Responding to GQ’s “Are You Man Enough for the Men’s Rights Movement” (20 March 2015)

I’m an MRA-bashing Feminist—But Because I’m Male, Trolls Leave Me Alone (11 March 2015) Please tell me this guy isn’t serious

MRA Group Attacks Ontario’s Anti-Sexual Violence Campaign with an Idiotic Billboard (10 March 2015)

Leah McLaren: How men’s rights groups are distorting the debate about equality (13 March 2015)

Men’s rights campaigners should work with feminists instead of fighting them (9 March 2015)

To the Male Supporters of the Men’s Rights Movement (19 February 2015) Rubbish article but do take time to peruse the reader’s comments

How To Be A Man, According To A Woman (29 December 2014)

Why It’s Time For Male Allies To Fight Men’s Rights Activists (24 December 2014)

Men’s rights groups resorting to macabre blackmailing stunt (24 September 2014)

In Which a Grumpy Lesbian Offers Her Feminist Understanding of Men (3 February 2015)

8 Things Some A$$#ole Says in Every Debate About Sexism (19 February 2015)

The ‘Men’s Rights’ Movement Is Hilariously Self-Defeating (27 February 2015)

Understanding the misogyny and bigotry of the illiberal, anti-MRA progressives at (28 February 2015)

Puerile trash avoid facts on domestic violence, by David Penberthy (20 September 2014)

“Men’s rights” group’s sad reality: Behind the doors of a depressing confab (11 July 2014)

The Anatomy of a Men’s Rights Activist (25 June 2014)

Feminism didn’t kill men’s rights advocate Earl Silverman (30 April 2013)

Anti-Feminist Backlash and Violence against Women Worldwide, by Katherine van Wormer (2008)



Elsewhere in this blog you might also be interested in:

Australian feminist attacks integrity of advocacy group for male victims of domestic violence

Feminist efforts to shut down, disrupt and/or denigrate the 2014 Conference on Mens Issues

A busy few weeks for gender matters (Aug/Sept 2014)

I thought I would create this post to mention several significant developments related to the gender debate that occurred in Australia during the period late August to late September 2014. As usual the feminist lobby monopolised the newspapers and airwaves, and consequently the news was mostly negative from a men’s rights perspective. The silver lining, however, was the level of discussion that occurred, and within it the large number of people who openly questioned the feminist narrative and/or spoke up for the male perspective … even in Tim Watts’ own Facebook page.

22 August 2014: Leader of the federal opposition, Bill Shorten, cleared of rape allegation  – But of course false rape allegations are just a misogynist myth … apart from perhaps just this one exception

25 August 2014: Launch of the Australian ‘Polished Man’ campaign.  The campaign web site originally stated that “Men perpetrate approximately 90% of violence against children and by wearing nail polish, YGAP asks men to raise awareness, generate conversation and become positive role models in the fight against violence towards children“. I say “originally stated” because they quickly changed the wording of the relevant page, presumably after too many people called them out on their lie. Their site now states that men cause 90% of sexual violence against children. Many web sites who received the original media release still, however, have the original wording online. (As an aside, this initiative inspired me to launch my own campaign to help prevent child abuse and neglect.)

4 September 2014: The re-badging of the ‘Foundation to Prevent Violence against women and their children‘ to ‘Our Watch‘ – I assume this bit of window-dressing was to make the Foundation appear more inclusive, and less the bigoted feminist echo-chamber that it actually is.

7 September 2014: Tim Watts MP tells feminists about men’s violence towards women

9 September 2014: Article in The Australian newspaper by Gary Johns entitled ‘Violence knows no gender divide’

Gary Johns made two main points in his article. Firstly he queried whether the government should provide substantial ongoing funding to an advocacy group (Our Watch) with relatively little oversight/accountability, in lieu of providing the same funding to the relevant Government Dept to provide direct services to victims and their families.

Secondly Gary queried why virtually all the funding for domestic violence was directed towards female victims when there are also substantial number of male victims. We don’t need to get hung up on the exact percentages, the point is that the current situation is highly inequitable and unhelpful in addressing the needs of all affected families. Again, hardly a heretical position to adopt.

Nevertheless the knives were out in a flash and Twitter and online feminist hang-outs were full of exaggeration and invective about this nasty misogynist man who dared question the feminist ‘DV= Men’s violence towards women’ construct.

10 September 2014: Article in The Australian newspaper by Tim Watts MP entitled ‘Violence against women is about gender’.  See also comments made in Tim Watts Facebook page. This and the article that followed were a veritable tsunami of shrill ill-informed white-knightery.

10 September 2014: ABC item by Tim Watts MP entitled ‘Labor MP tells men who criticise campaign to prevent violence against women to ‘Grow up!’.  See Reddit mens rights discussion thread and Reddit Australia discussion thread

17 September 2014: Release of findings from the 2013 National Community Attitudes towards Violence against Women Survey (NCAS). See Reddit Australia discussion thread. No questions asked about violence towards men, guess it’s not that important really. Oh, and of course because survey respondents weren’t asked the same questions concerning violence against men, there is no context provided nor point of comparison for the questions about women. This omission hugely compromises the value of the results with regards to forming an appropriate policy response.

17 September 2014: Trivialising and excusing violence against women plus 240+ readers comments, discussing the results of the NCAS.

17 September 2014: Woman who bashed elderly bus passenger escapes jail

See the video of the original incident at the top of this page. If two young men had beaten and spat upon an elderly woman, would they have walked from court with a slap on the wrist. Ermm. No way. Still that’s equality, feminist style.

21 September 2014: David Penberthy launches a further attack on Gary Johns and anyone else who thinks male victims of domestic violence should be acknowledged entitled Puerile Trash Avoids Facts on Violence, with a rebuttal by Mark Dent. (If anyone needed convincing of David’s status as one of this country’s foremost manginas, then fast forward to June 2016 to first read this article, and then this rebuttal by Mark Dent).

Regarding the notion of ‘ironic misandry’

August 2014 saw the publication of a number of articles discussing an unfortunate development in the gender debate that has been labelled ‘ironic misandry’.

Misandry is, of course, the irrational fear and loathing of men. These articles spawned the #MaleTears hashtag on Twitter, as well as the production and marketing of a range of products on the theme, such as coffee mugs and t-shirts.

The Rise of the Ironic Man Hater by Amanda Hess (8 August 2014)
Me and my #MaleTears: Facing the consequences of ironic hatred by Ally Fogg (10 August 2014)
Ironic Misandry: Why Feminists Pretending to Hate Men isn’t Funny by Sarah Begley (12 August 2014)
Hating men isn’t funny, says writer who doesn’t get good jokes by Dayna Evans (12 August 2014)
Your Guide to Understanding Ironic Misandry by Clementine Ford (26 August 2014)

pennyI loathe the concept of ironic misandry and see it as yet another symptom of an ideology that has gone seriously off the rails. Here’s why:

1. Ironic misandry is entirely at odds with the credo of ‘do unto others’

According to Wikipedia, “the Golden Rule or ethic of reciprocity is a maxim, ethical code or morality that essentially states either of the following:

  • One should treat others as one would like others to treat oneself
  • One should not treat others in ways that one would not like to be treated

This concept describes a reciprocal, or two-way, relationship between one’s self and others that involves both sides equally, and in a mutual fashion.

Many of us think of ‘do unto others’ as being a Christian credo, but the same or similar phrase is common to many religions and cultures across history. That’s no accident. ‘Do unto others’ is a noble and eminently sound ideal that would be understood and supported by most reasonable people.

Ironic misandry runs contrary to how I want to treat others or be treated myself. Ironic misandry does not represent how I want my friends and family to be treated, and I don’t think it’s how most women want their male friends or family members to be treated. And don’t even try to suggest that mocking men is different because … patriarchy.

And in terms of the community generally, how would most women would react were this concept to be turned back onto them in the form of ‘ironic misogyny’? But more on that later.

 2. Ironic misandry isn’t ironic

The definition of ‘irony’ is:

  • the expression of one’s meaning by using language that normally signifies the opposite, typically for humorous or emphatic effect.
  • a state of affairs or an event that seems deliberately contrary to what one expects and is often wryly amusing as a result.

But the indisputable fact is that real life feminists don’t believe or act in the opposite manner, i.e. treat men in a loving and respectful manner. Look at my posts on feminism, feminist anger, and feminist censorship for examples of what feminists say about men and how they treat them. Heck, just look at comments by Clementine Ford in her paper listed above, or Samantha Allen in this article.

Clementine Ford describes the “I bathe in male tears” logo and associated paraphernalia as “one glorious phrase and a handful of beautiful associated memes“. She goes on to state that “images such as the above pillory the buffoonery of the MRA movement while giving increasingly stressed out and undermined women a means of laughing at the enemy.”

valentiSo despite the fact that feminists are always telling us how they don’t hate men, Clementine has no qualms about referring to us as “the enemy“. (Oh I get it, just joking, right?)

Ironic misandry isn’t rocking the boat with regards to the status quo – it’s reinforcing it.

The proponents of ironic misandry consider it first and foremost a humorous invention. I beg to differ. As would, I would suggest, most mature adults concerned about social justice and the welfare of men and boys. In fact pretty much anyone with an ounce of empathy, a conscience, and a brain in their head. Either way, you can’t change sexist bigotry into something else just by claiming it is funny. As they say, “a monkey in silk is a monkey no less“.

Regardless of the selective blindness of feminists, many men and boys are suffering and their tears are very real. For example, we have just experienced the suicide of comic genius Robin Williams, at a time when the suicide rate for men is substantially greater than for women. Ditto for homelessness, etc.

3. Ironic misandry erodes mutual respect between the genders

Ironic misandry removes even further respect between the genders, when mutual respect is an essential ingredient in moving onwards and upwards with the gender debate. We need to be doing everything we can to build respect not eroding it further. Ironic misandry and other feminist devices like it will condemn us to many more years of lobbing grenades from trench to trench instead of working together to address a multitude of issues of shared concern.

Given that that the original ‘Slate’ article has been addressed by others, I’ll conclude this post with some comments in relation to the paper by Clementine Ford which I found to be particularly noisome:

MRAs will have you believe that misandry is:
a) rampant within the feminist community and
b) capable of causing equal if not greater harm to men than millennia of oppression and disadvantage could ever possibly do to women.

As I indicated earlier misandry IS rampant within the feminist community, as is feminist denial about that fact. I challenge you to assume a male identity and go online and try to post reasonable comments in debates regarding gender, and see how you are treated. How you are are routinely abused. How your posts are removed. How often you are banned, excluded, denied a voice.

Oh, and by the way Clementine, didn’t you/your editor close your article to comments so very quickly once the expected support failed to materialise? Let’s see what reader Jane was able to contribute before the shutters came down on your sideshow:

Baffled to why teenage girls don’t describe themselves as feminists? Re-read this article and imagine yourself as a teenage girl looking for relevance to her life. Instead of a reasoned argument, inspiration or anything that might be impacting her now or in the future, Clem “click-bait” Ford delivers a short rant on why it’s fun to ridicule certain people on the internet. Sure it might be a “release valve” to Ford who must have to deal with some crazy nutters on the internet but if this is the only article they read on feminism this week while asking, “Am I a feminist?” then I can understand why many, a few or even one young woman might reply, “If this is feminism, then no.”

Feminists just love to exaggerate the position of MRA with assertions like “MRA claim that men are more oppressed than women”, “MRA would have you believe that everything bad that happens to men is because of women”, and so on, and on. Can Clementine point us towards even one reference where MRA have stated that misandry can cause more harm than all the oppression and disadvantage ever experienced by women? Of course, she can’t – because no MRA ever made such a statement.

“Misogyny and misandry are treated by MRAs as interchangeable things, with the latter being widely viewed as ‘just as bad, if not worse’.” 

No, MRA treat these as two distinct things. The fact that some MRA might consider ‘misandry’ to be worse, is due only to the level of denial and hypocrisy within the feminist movement (regarding their inherent misandry), and the resultant chasm between how feminists demand to be treated and how they treat others.

“Feminism seeks to dismantle the patriarchy, thus liberating both women and men from its suffocating clutches.”

OK, Clementine, please provide some examples of feminism “liberating” men from anything.

“Humour is a vital tool for feminists lest we lose our marbles completely when dealing with the irrational and factually incorrect bleatings of people who, among other things, argue that sexual violence statistics have been made up by feminist run government agencies to oppress man’s sexual nature.”

Clementine, some examples please of statements made by MRA that are “factually incorrect”, or where MRA have claimed that sexual violence statistics were made up … “to oppress man’s sexual nature”. MRA have highlighted inaccuracies and distortions within statistics related to domestic violence, sexual assault, and other issues. I invite you to examine and comment upon the many examples that are provided in my blog posts on these topics. MRA raise these concerns only in the interest of enabling informed public debate based on a balanced and accurate portrayal of these important social issues.


4. Gender reversal: What happens when a man attempts ironic misogyny?

In 2010 Paul Elam published an article entitled ‘October is the 5th annual Bash a Violent Bitch Month‘ in response to an earlier article in the feminist journal ‘Jezebel’. Although Paul has always asserted his article was satirical, years later it is still cited by feminists as proof of the alleged hideous misogyny of the men’s rights movement. A well-written discussion of Paul’s article can be found here.

In early 2016, Daryush ‘Roosh’ Valizadeh hit the headlines across the world when it was reported that he supported the legalisation of rape. This is what he actually wrote. Roosh’s article is explained further in ‘What Roosh’s satire exposed about modern-day socialism’.

Did feminists extend the same patience and understanding towards Paul’s or Roosh’s ironic offerings, to which they themselves felt entitled? Absolutely not, and in Roosh’s case both he and his supporters were subjected to a global campaign of harassment and threats of violence. Yes, the very same behaviour that feminists angrily assert that men oppress women with. Anyway read both this article and this one, and you can form your own view.

Moving forward to June 2016, and Australian TV personality Eddie McGuire chose to offer up a little of his own brand of irony. Team feminism went ballistic. And on and on they went:

I refuse to date men who like footy, by Koraly Dimitriadis (13 July 2016)
Time to call BS on the ‘just jokes’ defence, by Chris Bath (28 June 2016)
There can be a fine line between humour and menace in blokes banter, by David Penberthy (26 June 2016) Male self-loathing tosh (**Then read a good rebuttal by Mark Dent here**)
This is what happens when you call out sexism in Australia (25 June 2016)
Police: Don’t take McGuire’s comments lightly (23 June 2016)

And finally,  Miranda Devine’s sensible comments on the matter here

See also:

The evidence is mounting – a man’s place is in the home (4 November 2017) I don’t see the humour here but the author, Hadley Freeman, claims it’s satire:

Hadley’s article was very similar to this 27 October 2017 article in

In this article Irish feminists reject the notion of misandry (October 2017)

“It is impossible to have an “ingrained prejudice” against men when we live in a world made by men for men. In a patriarchal society, the idea of men who are oppressed by virtue of their gender could never be anything but a joke.

Clementine Ford: This is the personal price I pay for speaking out online (13 July 2017) Such a martyr to the cause of misandry. And “a message that was quite clearly withering satire” Oh yes. Clearly. Because vagina.

Men shouldn’t get offended by people saying that “men are trash”  (12 July 2017) Reddit discussion thread

Michelle Carter found guilty by judge in text message suicide case (16 June 2017) USA

Why you should think twice before laughing at that rape joke online (8 June 2017) Clementine Ford rails against “dark humour” – now that’s ironic

I am so sick of people acting like “misandry” is equivalent to misogyny (1 June 2017) These feminists won’t even concede that misandry is a thing.

Forget your PC nonsense, this hormone needs to be banned from workplaces (29 May 2017)

Bad Girls Advice members call for the group to be shut down after posts made fun of terror attack (24 May 2017) In this case, not so much ‘ironic misandry’ as ‘ironic misanthropy’

‘Anti-feminism’ posters at American University investigated as a ‘hate crime’ (10 March 2017)

The one question I’d like to ask those who defend Wicked Campers’ vile ‘humour’ by Clementine Ford (19 February 2017)

Woman urges people to ‘murder all male babies’ (24 January 2017)

Women kicking balls, I’d like to see that (22 January 2017) New Australian women’s football ad campaign

Hwages: Music clip sparks debate, celebration in Saudi Arabia (5 January 2017)

#KillAllMen: A feminist play at Australia’s National Institute Dramatic Art (October 2016) as discussed in this blog post

“Eight women create an internet utopia where they discuss the most intimate details of their lives, the most righteous, and the most hilarious. Dating, camming, work, love, and how to be an out and proud feminist. But when one of them disappears after being attacked everything changes. #KillAllMen suddenly moves from joke to reality.”

Feminists treat men badly. It’s bad for feminism, by Cathy Young (30 June 2016)

Now this IS ironic (25 May 2016) USA

Oscar-winning actress Emma Thompson’s diversity solution: ‘Kill’ all the old white men (13 February 2016) UK

Men: Here are ten perfect holiday gifts for the feminist in your life (21 December 2015) So a Masters in Gender Studies qualifies someone to write articles like this … impressive

The Year in Male Tears (21 December 2015) and related reddit discussion thread

Some people sadly missed the point about #MasculinitySoFragile (24 September 2015) with related reddit discussion thread here

Hateful Guardian writer Julie Bindel proposes Feminazi concentration camps for all men (5 September 2015) Further good paper on this issue here (The Other McCain)

Ironic Misandry Claims Its First Victim, by Amanda Hess (22 May 2015) and here is other side of this story

The irony of ironic misandry (13 May 2015)

‘Rape prevention tips’ go viral. Upset men (23 March 2015)

29 Perfect Accessories For All Women Who Don’t Give A F*ck (22 March 2015)

And of course it’s definitely NOT funny should some men attempt to start their own campaign with a similarly whimsical theme (16 March 2015)

Feminists are bad comedians (15 March 2015) (the disscussion thread from which the discussion thread extract shown above was sourced)

No, we don’t literally want to ban men. But 2014 was the year women got even (16 December 2014)

Samantha Allen explains why she hates men (7 November 2014) An example of not-so-ironic misandry

Deprogramming women’s hatred of men (10 September 2014)

The ironical irony of ironic misandry (4 September 2014)

Clementine cashes in (12 September 2013)

Clementine Ford on “those accusations” and what motivates her activism (22 August 2014)

Misandry: Feminists Pretend to Hate Men and It’s Not Funny | Time (12 August 2014)

Clementine Ford calling fellow feminists stupid (8 May 2012)

More bleating from Clementine Ford by Greg Canning (3 June 2012)

Down under news roundup by Greg Canning (14 September 2013) Refer para.6

The Misandry Choir by Andy Bob (31 December 2012)



Deconstructing pro-feminist articles in

There is nothing at all remarkable about the articles discussed in this post. The pro-female sexist bias that they exhibit  reflects a broader pattern that is discussed in this other blog post. Here I thought that I would dissect a small sample to show how the mainstream media gets things so wrong when it comes to addressing gender issues.

Whilst in this post I have chosen to use and their affiliates as my focus of attention, there are plenty of other media outlets that are as bad or worse with regards to their degree of pro-feminist bias, for instance The Guardian or Daily Life.

It’s no accident that most of these articles didn’t allow readers comments to be posted, the editors no doubt well aware that they would have been called out in relation to their obvious bias. Postscript 5 May 2015: It appears that has realised that people are circumventing this strategy by posting critical comments on the facebook page, and so some articles are not being posted in their timeline either (example).

First up is a little gem entitled “The top nine unexpectedly common Tinder profile photos“. It starts off well with  ”I’ve been far too amazed and astounded at the photographs that people seem okay with having as their profile shots“.  But no, it’s not about “people”, it’s about men. Stupid men who post pictures that are ridiculous or inappropriate in the eyes of one female journalist. Haw. Haw. Haw. Aren’t they silly?! The journo could have just as easily pulled out five “funny” profiles from men and five from women, but I guess poking ‘fun’ at men is more newsworthy or socially acceptable or something. Or perhaps the journalist is a sexist bigot.

Carnivorous men’ versus ‘lying bitches’ in sex war

An academic stoush has exposed the dark recesses of the gender wars. On one side are radical feminists who see men as “carnivorous and necrophiliac” and on the other side are men’s rights extremists who see women as “lying bitches” who routinely make false rape accusations.

The Townsville Bulletin revealed last week that Dr Greg Canning quit his James Cook University post in protest because they refused to discipline his feminist colleague Dr Betty McLellan for writing an article which he thought stereotyped all men as sexual abusers.

Dr McLellan wrote on radical feminist website RadFem Hub that in light of male violence and rape we should be asking ourselves what it is about men that leads to these behaviours. Dr Canning said the article painted all men as evil, but the university declined to take any action.

(Mod: And given that women also engage in violence and rape … “what it is about women?“)

Now it turns out Dr Canning is the Australian news director of a US hate site that claims men have almost no legal rights and should shift to a “war mentality” because women now have “supreme power”.

(Me: Please substantiate the claim that ‘A Voice for Men’ is a “hate site” and provide a link/citation for the quoted remarks. Let me help by suggesting this article – read paragraph 5 and see what they actually say.)

Dr Canning works for A Voice for Men. AVFM’s claims include that there is an “epidemic” of false rape accusations, that rape and domestic violence awareness campaigns are examples of “male sex witch hunting”, and that women, literally, get away with murder.

The site’s motto is “FTSU” which stands for ‘F***king their s**t up’ in reference to feminists, and it is closely connected to a site called “Register Her” to name and shame women who are “lying bitches” or bigots. For example, actor Katherine Heigl features on there under the heading “bigot” because she once made a joke about castration.

(Me: How about a link to a page in the Voice for Men site to substantiate the claim about its motto? In return I’ll happily provide links to feminists using hateful terminology and taunts about men.)

Dr Canning told he disagreed with the tone of some sections of the website and that he did not agree with all the arguments on there, but that he believed it was a rare place where men could speak up.

He does, however, talk about false rape allegations on the site, a topic that is a core issue to AVFM. Men’s rights extremists claim women often invent rape, either because they regret sex or because they want to frame men.

When questioned about another claim that there was a “corrupt” domestic violence “industry”, Dr Canning said he believed that the domestic violence sphere was controlled by feminists who ignore violence against men. He then went on to attack Dr McLellan afresh, pointing out that the website she wrote on describes men as having “carnivorous and necrophiliac” behaviours.

RadFem Hub also warns about the dangers of “penis in vagina” sex and argues that men “as a class” are trying to destroy women.

Gender and violence expert Dr Michael Flood, a senior sociology lecturer at the University of Wollongong who has had disagreements with Dr Canning and men’s rights activists in the past, said vitriol and extremism were rife online. He said the false rape allegation claims were a standard way men’s rights activists tried to discredit rape victims.

“It ends up disempowering victims and protecting perpetrators,” he said, adding that false rape allegations were rare and likely made as often by men as by women.

(Me: What a ridiculous assertion … based on what statistical source pray tell?)

Dr Flood also said the internet could be a dangerous place for women, particularly feminist women.

“The internet has provided a forum for more extreme and vitriolic beliefs and it has provided a forum where angry anti-feminist men can voice the most hostile and toxic kinds of attacks, particularly against feminist women,” he said.

(Me: Oh yup, hey let’s just overlook the fact about women going online to shares extreme and vitriolic views about men … or is that somehow justified or OK?)

An inspiration: Mori Gabriella Montgomery shares her domestic violence story on social media

Sad story, but the journalist just couldn’t pass up the opportunity to slip in a bit of anti-male bias in one of the final paragraphs:

“One woman dies every week from domestic violence in Australia, and in America where Ms Montgomery is from, spousal homicide is the number one killer of young African American women.”

Wouldn’t it be appropriate to also acknowledge that there are male victims of domestic violence? The USA spousal homicide figure is bogus … I cite one or more references about this particular feminist myth statistic in my blog post about domestic violence. Further details concerning the misuse of domestic violence statistics can be found here.

Upskirting laws anger reddit users, claim women only get what they want when they whine

Complete distortion and misrepresentation by this journalist … read the reddit thread and then re-read the article. I couldn’t find any mention of women whining – just discussion of the court case and some issues related to it. Where was all the support for people wanting to take up-skirt photos? Which mens rights groups “weren’t happy“? The comment “there you have it ladies” in the context of the rest of the article, tends to suggest that the courts decision followed lobbying from the mens rights movement, or at the very least the mens right movement supported the courts decision. A nonsense all round.

Why all feminists, including Tony Abbott, should support gender reporting

” … Gender reporting is not without its critics too. Some complain that companies already disclose gender information on their websites. Some do, but it’s usually those with the least to hide.

Critics also claim companies face their own incentives to stamp out discrimination, because doing so will help them make the most out of their most talented workers.

And yet, gender discrimination continues. And so regulation is needed to push companies in a better direction.

Gender reporting isn’t red tape — it’s more like the gardening tape you use to train small shrubs to grow up straight …”

Ahh, a breathless and silky smooth transition from tallying the respective numbers of male & female employees, to the incidence of actual gender “discrimination”. I mean what other explanation could there be for < 50% female representation? And of course anything less than 50% is a big problem – one that companies must be made to fix. (Correction: Anything less than 50% WOMEN is a big problem)

Well sorry to rain on your feminist parade girls, but that is utter rubbish. Read this post first, and then this one, and maybe, just maybe the truth will set you free.

Locket CEO Yunha Kim reveals what it’s really like being a female CEO in Silicon Valley

And of course men never get hit on in the work environment do they? I mean stuff like this just can’t be true:

I began working in the 60s also. I saw (and experienced) the male vs. female sexism in the workplace, and also female vs. male. My son knows many men who have been propositioned in the workplace, also being told their jobs might depend on it. I think a lot of men who are put in that position, and don’t find it morally acceptable to acquiesce, don’t report it because nobody believes it happens. (Adrienne)

I worked in a female predominant workforce. I have been groped, grabbed, propositioned, had breasts rubbed on me, my back (while at a computer). I have been physically assaulted with a book hit over my head. Women folks are no better than men in the workplace. (RME)

Oh, you bet Yunha, “fund-raising can be easier” … do tell the good readers how many subsidies and funding sources are available to aspiring female entrepreneurs in the USA versus those available to males?

Girls will help you because you are a fellow female entrepreneur”. Really? Because I’ve read plenty of accounts from women who describe the bad/worse treatment they have received from other women. And “a bunch of studies that show women perform better on the job“. Hey I’d really like to read those studies, citations please.

And now, when can we expect to see the companion piece entitled ‘what it’s really like being a male CEO in Silicon Valley’ with similar remarks about female candidates, colleagues, etc? Hmm. What do you mean, “never”? Oh OK, I understand. Unless you carefully vetted the author he would probably come out and say stuff that undermined the feminist ‘women good/men bad’ victim narrative. And we couldn’t have that, now could we?

And now let’s finish off with this article from (Notice how the word ‘rape’ isn’t used once in the article. And read how the male rape victim failed to “perform” … you won’t read that remark about a female rape victim anytime soon)

Other related posts in this blog:

Men in the media. Haw Haw Haw! The jokes on us
Persistent pro-feminist and anti-male bias in the mainstream media
Seeking a news source without feminist bias

Persistent pro-feminist and anti-male bias in the mainstream media is a major online source of mainstream news in Australia, the CEO of which is David Penberthy who was mentioned in a reader’s post here. Some time ago a reader sent me a copy of an email that he had sent to the team at after he had got fed-up with their ongoing sexist bias:

“As a frequent visitor to your site I am dismayed by the evident bias I see with regards to:

1. The types of articles that you choose to publish
2. The decision as to which articles you allow comments on and which you don’t
3. The decision of moderators as to whether comments are posted or excluded

In particular the type of bias that I find most annoying and which is particularly prevalent in your site is a stridently anti-male and pro-feminist bias.

I have read your FAQ page entries in relation to some of these points but I find that in practice your team makes decisions that are not necessarily in line with your guidelines. For example I myself on many occasions have sought to post comments that were in no way profane, etc etc but were not accepted.

Further some of the articles you publish, and also some of the comments, I (and I am sure many others) find to be in poor taste or offensive … it just seems that some positions are consistently deemed more acceptable than others … and lo and behold these seem to feature misandric themes that belittle and promote negative stereotypes concerning men. It’s tiresome and it’s wrong and you should improve your performance in this regard. If uncertain simply apply the test …. if this article or this comment was about women, would I publish it? If yes then go ahead. If not then don’t …” replied addressing a side-issue – but said nothing about the central issue of gender bias. This other blog post provides some examples of their biased journalism.

So how is sexist bias reflected in newspapers and web sites like It is done through a combination of the following measures:

  1. Through the choice of which subjects are addressed in articles and which ones are ignored, and then whether the coverage of each subject is balanced or only provides a partial picture of the issue at hand
  2. Through whether or not online public comments are enabled, and if so, for how long comments are accepted
  3. Through the nature and degree of moderation of online public comments
  4. Through the choice of loaded words within articles to reflect whether each particular view expressed, or person quoted is either good/valid or bad/invalid, as seen through the ideological filter imposed by the journalist or editor
  5. Through the use of misleading or bogus statistics within articles to support a pro-feminist perspective

With regards to point 2 above, I have noted a recent trend towards not permitting readers comments in relation to topics for which there will likely be a reader backlash against the pro-feminist position being advanced by the author and/or editor. A ‘good’ example of this is an article entitled ‘Proof that men are bigger idiots than women‘. In this case not only were readers comments not permitted, but the article was also excluded from’s Facebook page and Twitter feed. Thus those who objected to the obvious misandry of the article were effectively silenced, conveying an impression of reader acceptance.

With regards to point 4 above, this reddit discussion thread looks at the choice of words used by the media in reporting instances of sexual assault of underage boys by women (versus the words used when reporting underage girls assaulted by men). The headline of this article in ‘Teachers accused of having threesome with student, 16, in Louisiana‘ would no doubt have been ‘Teachers gang-rape student’ were the student female instead of male. Anti-male bias was also evident in this 2009 academic report by Roland Landor.

This article is another example of how journalists change language depending on the gender of the victim. When a woman assaults a man (who doesn’t even try to defend himself) it is a “fight“, but if it was the other way around it would be reported as an “unprovoked attack“.

Ah, but by no means has a monopoly on applying feminist bias and blocking material that portrays men and mens rights in a fair and balanced manner. No, Australia’s ABC is yet another citadel of femdom. This was amply demonstrated in the 2014 article entitled ‘A lesson for men’s rights activists on real oppression‘ by misandrist journalist Clementine Ford.

Despite the usual feminist moderator habit of binning the majority of posts contributed by those not supportive of feminism, there were still some interesting exchanges amongst the readers comments.

Still on the topic of Clementine Ford, perhaps have a look at this other paper. If you scroll through the readers comments, amongst the offerings of simpering sycophants you will note a contribution from another who stated:

“You lost any right to speak about equality when you attacked and demonise those who are attempting to act as a counterbalance to the feminist movement. The only thing this article resembles is propaganda. For every issue females suffer, and they were good points, you proceeded to ignore about a dozen which society is now suffering under because of feminism.

Like how masculinity is seen as a “problem to be removed” at the age of school children.

About how it is encouraged for females to become teachers now with no effort to do the same for males to balance the number of people from each gender tutoring students.

How abuse and sexual assault against males is often either ignored or used as a source of humour, especially in forms of media. To the point where the castration of a male is only laughed at and mocked by a female audience.

About how some laws in the US have changed for the worse. One in particular allowing females the right to charge a man with rape if they have consumed any amount of alcohol, even if it was consensual sex and she was the one who talked him into it.

About how university and college applications emphases upon getting more female students even long after they make up a considerable percentage of those entering each established teaching institute.

About how unemployment rates are far higher for males than they are for females; with “stay at home dads” being encouraged as a good thing while the very thought of a “housewife” staying at home and cleaning is regarded as offensive.

About how homeless the number of homeless men is staggeringly higher for males than it is for females, yet in many countries with this problem there are far more women’s shelters than there are those devoted to men.

About how divorce courts favour women over men, allowing them to leave with far more of their former husband’s possessions than the other way around. Similarly how unemployment is grounds for the divorce with a man while it is not for a woman.

About how any research which feminists deem “offensive” causes those who research it to be blacklisted. Such as one scientist who showed produced a paper showing findings and statistics which showed that for women, the hormone transfer from semen provides a number of health benefits, including anti-depressants.

Or how about how any attempts by masculinists to counterbalance and correct where feminism has gone too far and men’s rights are suffering is scorned as being “chauvinistic” or childish?

All that and far more you simply ignore and choose to portray MRA’s as acting irrationally and out of fear of equality? I’m not sure whether to laugh or weep. 

Equality has not been achieved, that is something you got right, but it is not simply the female populations suffering. Some points you made were good, as I stated, but you seem blind to the idea that females might be dominating aspects to society and equality might come from them losing power as much as males.

Next time attempt to think about what you are talking about. Or better yet, why don’t you show some of that supposed interest in equality you kept mentioning and try to discuss the problems each gender is facing.”

And how did Ms. Ford respond to this thoughtful observation? By typing “TL;DR” (i.e. too long/didn’t read). Definitely not the sharpest knife in the drawer, and clearly not the least bit interested in considering alternative perspectives.

Here is an interesting comment contributed by a reader of an article entitled “Feminism protest shows why the movement is dying“:

“I think many feminists have unfortunately become as inflexible and unlistening as they say men are largely because of the media’s selective reporting. 

When reporting on gender issues and the male-female dynamic, as on all other issues, the media are supposed to objectively reflect all views. But over the past four decades they have reflected ideological feminists’ views almost exclusively.

The effect of this long-running lack of objectivity is, I think, to create in our collective mind an entrenched and immutable perception that no other view is possible and that gender issues and the male-female dynamic as portrayed by these feminists are not foolhardy concepts but widely accepted fact that is completely beyond dispute.

Thus, the ordinary woman — even the woman who may disdain feminists — can hardly be blamed for believing she is taken advantage of by men and must endure such oppressions as poorer treatment by male doctors and lower pay than the men at her company doing the exact same work.

Many if not most women are subjected to these oppression stories virtually very day of the year in the still-unobjective (liberal) media. The stories are convincingly told by intelligent, sophisticated members of such groups as the National Women’s Law Center (NWLC), which says in the very first sentence of its position statement on equal pay:

“American women who work full-time, year-round are paid only 77 cents for every dollar paid to their male counterparts.”

If such educated, sophisticated groups as the NWLC — and the Institute for Women’s Policy Research, the subject of the following commentary — believe women are unfairly paid less, it must be true. Why would they lie?

(Source: The Doctrinaire Institute for Women’s Policy Research: A Comprehensive Look at Gender Equality)

This article informs us of an “alarming” (11.7%) increase in the number of women over 55 facing homelessness. It was based on a study by the University of Queensland’s Institute of Social Science Research. There is no mention that this demographic is a small percentage of homeless people generally, who are predominantly male. In fact there is no mention of men at all. Funny thing that.

Here is one reddit users response to this article:

“It is fairly annoying to constantly hear men make up the majority of x, therefore we need to help the female minority, but when the roles are reversed, the answer is still to aid women. Men are the problem when they comprise a majority that women want to be a part of, and men are ignored when they’re the minority or the majority of something women want no part of”

See this article for an example of how feminists don’t acknowledge gender when the story doesn’t fit their victim narrative (i.e. in this case six boys rather than six “students”). In this October 2014 BBC story note how no mention was made of the gender of the murdered students, guess they must have all been male (they were). This article addresses the same issue.

See the diagram in this Guardian article entitled ‘Drowning Lower and Middle Income Countries‘. It says “Worldwide 33% were female”. Hmm, I guess that means two-thirds of those who drowned were men.

“Read the tone and language in this article about a man who threatens his female partner with a knife, then read the tone of these two articles one about a female stabbing her male partner the other of a female murdering her partner by stabbing him. Great examples of the sexism and bias in the media”:……

The following articles which all appeared in May 2016, exemplify the trend towards allowing ever stronger expressions of anti-male bias and loathing:

‘Oi luv, show us ya tits’: Are all men pigs? (19 May 2016)

Rise in men taking out domestic violence orders against mothers and partners at Southport Court (18 May 2016) Elsewhere in their web site/Twitter account this article is listed as “Men controlling women with DV orders” and “Rise in men taking out DVOs on GoldCoast has support workers worried

Congratulations creeps: You’ve scared women off the streets, by Wendy Tuohy (13 May 2016) Australia

Domestic violence will flourish because of government funding cuts, by Jenna Price (2 May 2016) with rebuttal by Jasmin Newman here.

It’s hard to believe that once decent papers like The Age and the Courier-Mail now deem this hateful and misleading rubbish as being somehow worthy of publication.

And in closing …

How to make a complaint to the Australian Press Council

See also these sources:

Not content with offering ‘guidelines‘ instructing the media how to cover domestic violence in line with feminist dogma, Our Watch is offering tangible incentives for those who comply (May 2022) … And here’s more feminist guidelines telling people the correct manner in which to write about violence against women (December 2022)

IPSO upholds accuracy complaint in domestic abuse report by (6 September 2022)

Media ‘loses reader trust’ by painting the Johnny Depp and Amber Heard trial as ‘misogynistic’ (3 June 2022)

Johnny Depp and The Tragedy Of Male Abuse Victims (28 May 2022)

Nadia Bokody: Grammy win proof men aren’t ‘ruined’ by sex abuse claims (9 April 2022)

Fatal workplace accidents in gender neutral language with a story about a woman who died (31 July 2021)

Latham’s law | The Demonisation of Men‘, another good article from Mark Latham (10 April 2021)

Domestic violence: Why does The Spectator relentlessly peddle feminist propaganda and lies about domestic violence, but not the truth? (30 March 2021) UK

Sarah Everard missing: Why a curfew for men isn’t a bad idea (12 March 2021)

The truth about those still defending Q&A (11 November 2019) Australa

In December 2018 Australia’s SBS ran a program called “Is Australia sexist?”. Oh dear, this video critique exposes the rampant feminist bias of the SBS production.

Advocacy journalism (31 July 2017) Video

BBC caught covering up false rape allegations once again (7 July 2017) UK

Pro-feminist web site ‘Vice’ blocks archiving of their pages (4 July 2017) Caught out too many times publishing false/misleading ‘information’, so prefer to hit and run (& hide the evidence)?

Sometimes anti-male bias takes the form of simply omitting any reference to men (often in relation to male victimisation). This article, concerning homelessness, is one such example.

Our feral media attacks Cassie Jaye, by Bettina Arndt (12 June 2017)

12 Cognitive Biases Explained – How to Think Better and More Logically Removing Bias (30 December 2016)

BBC forced to retract its smears of Philip Davies MP but leaves misleading headline in place (16 December 2016) UK

Naming the ‘invisible perpetrator’: a big step forward for media coverage of violence against women (9 June 2016) Australia. I can’t believe that this illogical & biased article was written by a “Professor of Journalism”. No, wait, I can.

Child sexual abuse is always rape (12 May 2016) USA

Family Court ruling: violent father given sole custody of child (17 April 2016) Australia. Turning a child against a parent not seen as child abuse by feminist journo, plus the “violent father” may have been subjected to false allegation/s

Is Dr Phil Afraid of Janet Bloomfield? (22 January 2016) Paul Elam on video

When Gender Hatred Is ‘Funny’, by Mark Dent (20 January 2016) Australia

Analysis: NPR Talks About Women’s Issues Five Times More Than Men’s (18 December 2015)

BBC libels Mike Buchanan as “anti-women” and supports criminal attacks by campus cry bullies (6 December 2015)

These six tragic revelations from Carly Simon’s memoir will make you ashamed to be a man (if you are a man) (20 November 2015) USA. Once upon a time some men did some bad things to Carly Simon. Now, decades later, all men should be ashamed (WTF?) See readers comments

BBC continues to single out the number of female deaths when reporting tragedies (17 November 2015) Reddit men’s rights discussion thread

BBC3’s anti-male coverage shows that men’s issues are still not taken seriously (12 November 2015)

BBC has never reported a single suicide caused by false rape allegations (9 October 2015) UK

Men stab, rape and kill women because they can. It’s time to say they can’t (25 September 2015) Australia

Everyday sexism at the Australian State Broadcaster: When airmen die in training and combat they are labelled “crew” and “people”. When two thirds of the workforce making the aeroplanes are men, the article notes that “one third were women” (19 September 2015) Reddit mensrights discussion thread

Why are we denying that women used Ashley Madison? (25 August 2015)

It’s a matter of dignity (31 July 2015) Where in this article does it mention that 86% of the homeless people in London are men? Umm, nowhere.

Suicide on Campus and the Pressure of Perfection (27 July 2015) Profiles only female suicides, conveniently overlooking the fact that most suicides are male.

The spread of mainstream media bias against men’s rights activists (25 May 2015)

Canadian Association for Equality video on media bias (2 May 2015)

According to their male defenders, female interviewers can’t handle Rand Paul (9 April 2015)

MRA spokesman Mike Buchanan dumped from International Business Times (31 March 2015)

I just read the first couple paragraphs of the NYTimes piece on the Ellen Pao Verdict. I don’t think I was entirely sold on media gender bias until right this minute. (28 March 2015) Reddit mensrights discussion thread

BBC gender bias and censorship (28 November 2014) Reddit mensrights discussion thread

Here are further articles  dealing with bias by the BBC in England – article#1article#2 and article#3

This article talks about the situation in Germany, and this article talks about what is happening in New Zealand.

A Currently Bigoted Affair (24 July 2014) An expose of some of the anti-male bias of Australian media

And here are some articles about daytime TV’s (pro-feminist) font of psycho-wisdom, Dr Phil in the USA:

The freeze-out of MRM perspectives in the media (Reddit discussion thread, 30 August 2014)

Sexism, only this time about men (8  August 2014)

How many men are paedophiles? (29 July 2014) Coz everyone knows there’s no female paedophiles right? Now they couldn’t have written an article called “How many people are paedophiles?” could they? ah, because … misandry

When journalists commit domestic violence (23 September 2014)

‘It’s not a contradiction for men to discriminate against other men’ (14 July 2014)

The differing portrayal of mentally ill men versus mentally ill women (11 July 2014)

Blogged down in polarities (7 July 2014) This article isn’t about pro-feminist bias, it is about a broader issue of media behaviour that see views deliberately (and irresponsibly) polarised to attract reader interest and involvement. This is sometimes known as “click-bait journalism”.

Inherent double standards (A reddit discussion thread)

Why would anyone in a position of power ever stop pandering to women? – A reddit discussion thread (24 June 2014)

Add these to the misandry Hall of Fame (19 June 2014) (about ‘journalists’ using fudged statistics to support the feminist stance on domestic violence)

A Comprehensive Look at Gender Equality: Taking On The Institute For Women’s Policy Research (16 February 2012) USA. Updated November 2016
