The Duluth Model: The theoretical basis for the feminist approach to domestic violence

The cornerstone of the feminist approach to domestic violence is known as the ‘Duluth Model’, which is often illustrated as follows:

The Duluth Model is “based in feminist theory positing that domestic violence is the result of patriarchal ideology in which men are encouraged and expected to control their partners”. (Source)

It is my position, and I am certainly not alone in this regard, that applying this theoretical framework to most (let alone all) incidents of domestic violence is highly misleading and inappropriate.

Further, if gender inequality is the most significant precursor in relation to domestic violence, then:

Why is the incidence of domestic violence greater in lesbian couple than in heterosexual couples?

How might one explain the already high and growing levels of female-perpetrated violence generally?

How might one explain the significant geographical variations in the incidence of domestic violence? The chart below, for example, looks at variations in the incidence of DV in the Australian state of New South Wales.


Why does there exist a very considerable number of male victims of domestic violence?

How might one explain the relatively high levels of child abuse and neglect involving single mothers?

Why is the level of domestic violence so high in countries like Sweden that, even feminists would agree, have a higher than average level of gender equality?

These categories or situations of domestic violence are not the inconsequential anomalies that many propose them to be. On the contrary, they constitute very large and substantial pieces of the domestic violence jigsaw.

In an intimate partnership between two people of different genders, an unequal balance of power can be a factor contributing to DV. But what feminists refuse to concede is that the partner asserting most power need not be male, and often isn’t.

The Duluth Model and its chief proponents are discussed at length in this illuminating series of email exchanges (mirror here).

“… the Duluth model essentially views all female transgressions as being self-defensive in nature (even against children!) and can be attributed either to previous victimization by a male or to an allegedly oppressive “patriarchy” (Dutton and Corvo, 2007)”

I would urge you to take a moment now to read Jason Dale’s detailed and insightful commentary. The quote below has been attributed to Ellen Pence (Wikipedia).


See also:

Drive: The wheels come off (3 August 2020)

Duluth worked even better than I expected (25 July 2019)

You can’t help men by attacking masculinity, by Dr John Barry (27 November 2018)

Setting the record straight on Duluth (6 February 2017)

The Duluth model is working as designed; you won’t smart mouth her again, by Dalrock (3 February 2017)

Taking an in-depth look into domestic violence research – The Duluth Model (6 September 2015)

The Gender Paradigm In Domestic Violence: Research And Theory (2005) by Donald G. Dutton and Tonia L. Nicholls


My submission to the 2016 Federal Government Inquiry into Domestic Violence and Gender Inequality


Thank you for permitting me the opportunity to contribute my thoughts in relation to the work of the Inquiry, and concerning the pressing issue of domestic violence generally.

I believe the Inquiry’s Terms of Reference to be ill-considered, inappropriate, and strongly indicative of ideological bias. In what appears to be akin to a ‘dorothy-dixer’[1] on the floor of parliament, the Terms of Reference appear to have been formulated with the intention of producing a report that simply justifies a continuation of the existing failed gender-biased approach to combatting domestic violence. In so doing it seems that remaining in lockstep with the feminist movement has been accorded a higher priority than actually addressing the problem via constructive debate about the full range of potential causes and solutions of/for DV.

I fully anticipate that the only new development to arise from the Inquiry will be leveraging the Committee’s ‘findings’ in order to be institute progressively higher levels of government funding for the Domestic Violence Industry[2]. Funding for which there will likely continue to be few, if any, controls or oversight in relation to performance monitoring and accountability.

The Committee has opted to pursue a biased, parochial and blinkered approach to a complex social issue about which there are many views but few certainties. It is an approach which, based on nothing more than the cherished belief of one particular lobby group, pre-empts consideration of other, quite likely more relevant, factors.

A strong consensus exists – beyond the confines of the feminist encampment – that several factors jointly bring about patterns of domestic violence. Gender inequality is but one of these. Parental abuse and neglect of children who subsequently grow up to become perpetrators being another. I would join others in suggesting that gender inequality is, in itself, generally a relatively minor factor. Indeed, I believe that in many cases it bears little or no influence at all.

In what has become an established tactic, however, anyone proposing that gender equality is not a pivotal factor underpinning domestic violence is shamed and threatened.[3] [4] [5] [6] The Terms of Reference of this Committee will clearly only strengthen the resolve of those who encourage and pursue such totalitarian and counter-productive behaviour.

Committee members, this is not the type of approach to adopt if you genuinely wish to identify and then win support for truly effective strategies to remedy complex social problems.

Might I suggest that the reference to ‘education’ (in the Terms of Reference) was intended to generate expressions of profuse support from the feminist faithful for further ‘public awareness campaigns’[7] and school programs[8]. This despite the fact that I am yet to learn of any conclusive proof with regard to the value of either of these strategies. Excepting of course their value to those pro-feminist advocacy groups and consultancies who will find themselves in receipt of generous allocations of public funds[9]. Additionally, in both cases I would suggest that a case could be made that such programs also have the potential to bring about certain negative outcomes.

As to diverting the discussion to examine the likely impact of toys and entertainment on the incidence of domestic violence? I feel that would likely constitute a poor investment of time and resources … these being inconsequential yet over-stated minutia in the overall scheme of things.

I reject the following positions in relation to gender equality and domestic violence:

That gender inequality is the primary contributing factor with respect to the incidence of domestic violence in Australia

That the overall picture of gender inequality in Australia is one that strongly favours men/boys

That in the overwhelming majority of cases, domestic violence manifests itself in the form of men abusing women

In contrast, individuals and organisations who ascribe to feminist ideology would count amongst the core supporters of those statements noted above. Bearing that in mind I would suggest that the Committee be mindful of the following:

  • The term ‘feminist’ is not inter-changeable with ‘woman’ or ‘women’ given that only a small minority of women identify as feminists [10]
  • Feminists do not hold any form of mandate to speak on behalf of Australian women
  • Feminists have a strongly vested interest in painting domestic violence as a gendered issue involving male violence towards women, including a substantial and growing pecuniary interest [11]
  • Feminists have a well-established ‘track record’ of engaging in biased and academically flawed research, and in misrepresenting research undertaken by others in order to support their position and/or to undermine the position of those holding alternate views.[12] [13]

These last two dot points imply a need to subject the statements and conduct of feminists and feminist organisations to some reasonable standard of scrutiny, rather than simply accepting them at face value.

Gender inequality as the primary contributing factor with respect to the incidence of domestic violence in Australia

The theoretical cornerstone of the feminist approach is the ‘Duluth Model’ which is discussed in this rather illuminating email exchange[14]this academic paper[15], and in various posts in my blog[16]. In a nutshell, applying this framework to most (let alone all) incidents of DV is highly misleading and inappropriate.

Further, if gender inequality is the single greatest determinant of domestic violence then:

Why is the incidence of domestic violence greater in lesbian couple than in heterosexual couples?[17]

How might one explain the already high and growing levels of female-perpetrated violence generally?[18]

How might one explain the significant geographical variations in the incidence of domestic violence? (refer chart which follows)

Why does there exist a very considerable number of male victims of domestic violence? [19] [20]

How might one explain the relatively high levels of child abuse and neglect involving single mothers? [21]

Why is the level of domestic violence so high in countries like Sweden that, even feminists would agree, have a higher than average level of gender equality?

These categories or situations of domestic violence are not the inconsequential anomalies that many propose them to be. On the contrary, they constitute very large and substantial pieces of the domestic violence jigsaw.


In an intimate partnership between two people of different genders, an unequal balance of power can be a factor contributing to DV. But what feminists refuse to concede is that the partner asserting most power need not be male, and often isn’t.

The Inquiry’s Terms of Reference are based on the premise that it is an established and undeniable fact that gender inequality is the predominant factor behind domestic violence. This is absolutely not the case. On the other hand, there are many others in the community who hold differing views – views similar to my own. In this submission I will introduce you to sources of information that very much counter the feminist position of domestic violence.

On the suggestion that the overall picture of gender inequality in Australia is one that strongly favours men/boys

Let’s assume for a moment that gender inequality is in fact the predominant trigger for the initiation of domestic violence. So just how much gender equality is present in Australian society? The feminist position is that there is a great deal of gender equality, and that it is strongly biased in favour of men/boys. I do not believe this to be the case. Feminists have a pronounced tendency to overstate or imagine disadvantages faced by women, whilst conveniently overlooking the many disadvantages faced by men/boys.

The indicator most commonly advanced by feminists to ‘prove’ the existence of gender equality is the gender wage gap. This use of the wage gap statistics for this purpose is misleading has been thoroughly debunked.[22] [23]

The next most commonly cited statistics are those concerning the number of male vs female politicians and CEO’s. Yes there is obviously an imbalance but again this need not be indicative of gender discrimination nor inequality.[24] Indeed if this were the case then surely there would be a Minister for Men’s Affairs, or at least men’s/boys divisions within government agencies – of which there are none.  Not only is there no advocacy for men/boys whatsoever, there exists active discrimination against them in many agencies including for example the Australian Human Rights Commission.[25] [26]

In terms of various other indicators of equality I would draw the Committee’s attention to the material contained in these two overseas sources:

On the suggestion that, in the overwhelming majority of cases, domestic violence manifests itself in the form of men abusing women

IF gender inequality was the primary cause of domestic violence, and IF there was rampant gender inequality in Australian, and IF that inequality favoured men/boys, then one would expect that almost all cases of domestic violence involved men abusing women. But is this the case? No, it is certainly not the case.

I would draw the Committee’s attention to the sources listed below, with many further sources available online[27]. These all demonstrate that at least one third of the victims of domestic violence are males.

References examining assaults by women on their spouses or male partners: An Annotated Bibliography by Martin S. Fiebert.[28] This bibliography examines 286 scholarly investigations: 221 empirical studies and 65 reviews and/or analyses, which demonstrate that women are as physically aggressive, or more aggressive, than men in their relationships with their spouses or male partners. Here is a link to an updated June 2013 version of Fiebert’s bibliography.[29]

Partner Abuse, Volume 1, No. 1, 2010 The new journal was created to showcase academic research into domestic violence without gender bias[30]

Partner Abuse State of Knowledge Project – Facts and Statistics on Domestic Violence at-a-Glance.[31] Sponsored by the Journal Partner Abuse, November, 2012. This study is also discussed in this article:

Male Victims of Intimate Partner Violence in the United States: An Examination of the Review of Literature through the Critical Theoretical Perspective, by Caroletta A. Shuler (2010)[32] and related reddit discussion thread[33]

Boys Victims of Dating Violence, Too[34] (29 January 2016) USA

Extensive listing of mainly North American research findings related to domestic violence[35] (29 April 2015)

Family violence in Canada: A statistical profile[36] (27 January 2011) This study found an almost equal numbers of male and female victims of DV

Partner Violence as Female-specific in Aetiology[37]

Intimate partner violence: Facts and statistics[38] (1 September 2014) This paper includes some discussion of ‘Patriarchal Dominance’ theory

Domestic violence rates are higher for homosexual couples than for heterosexual couples[39] (18 November 2013)

Differences in Frequency of Violence and Reported Injury between Relationships with Reciprocal and Nonreciprocal Intimate Partner Violence[40] (2006), which includes this statement:

“Almost 24% of all relationships had some violence, and half (49.7%) of those were reciprocally violent. In non-reciprocally violent relationships, women were the perpetrators in more than 70% of the cases.”

The graphic that follows, for example, was sourced from a Canadian organisation ( Interestingly, broadly similar patterns of perpetration have been observed in the UK, USA, Australia and Canada (although Australian lags somewhat in terms of the information available on male victimisation/female perpetration).



In closing I would invite members of the Committee to take a few moments to also read my submission to the recently-released Victorian Royal Commission on Family Violence[41], given that that document provides further relevant background information concerning certain matters that will also likely be addressed in this current Inquiry.

I wish the members of the Committee well in their endeavours, and I sincerely hope that the concerns I have expressed in this submission prove to be unfounded.
















[16] Violence


























OMG. Another domestic violence inquiry. And they sure have loaded the dice with this one

The inquiry that I am introducing in this post follows hard on the heels of another federal Senate inquiry into domestic violence. My submission to that earlier inquiry can be accessed in this blog post. There have also been several recent inquiries conducted by state governments.

The current federal inquiry is known as the Inquiry into Domestic Violence and Gender Inequality. It is being considered by a Senate Standing Committee on Finance and Public Administration known as the ‘References Committee’, the membership of which is listed here.

The proposed terms of reference of the inquiry are to examine:

Domestic violence and gender inequality, with particular reference to:

  1. The role of gender inequality in all spheres of life in contributing to the prevalence of domestic violence;
  2. The role of gender stereotypes in contributing to cultural conditions which support domestic violence, including, but not limited to, messages conveyed to children and young people in:
    1. the marketing of toys and other products,
    2. education, and
    3. entertainment;
  3. The role of government initiatives at every level in addressing the underlying causes of domestic violence, including the commitments under, or related to, the National Plan to Reduce Violence against Women and their Children; and
  4. Any other related matters.

As can be seen, these terms of reference were tailored for a feminist audience, and perfectly embrace the feminist narrative on DV. That is, in summary, that DV = men beating on women because patriarchy.

In fact each of these earlier inquiries demonstrated a pronounced pro-feminist bias, and this has greatly curtailed the breadth of issues and potential solutions discussed. Thus whilst some useful ideas were generated, these all fell well within the comfortable confines of what feminists consider to be appropriate policy responses.

As can be seen from its title, this inquiry hones in on one particular issue in the domestic violence debate that is absolutely central to the feminist perspective. The theoretical cornerstone of this is the ‘Duluth Model’ discussed in this email exchangethis academic paper, and in various other posts in my blog.

It is my belief, and one which is shared by many others, that applying this position to most (let alone all) incidents of DV is simply wrong. Focussing on gender inequality is diverting the domestic violence debate around 180 degrees in the wrong direction.

Thus all things considered, this inquiry will likely be an utter waste of time and money. So why then bother preparing a submission?

My answer? If people who hold alternative views don’t continue to publicly reject the feminist narrative, then the only voices on the public record will be those of the feminist fright-bats that populate organisations such as these. Not on my watch.

Not if we want effective solutions addressing the whole problem, rather than just more of the same costly inequitable and divisive policy failures.

The closing date for public submissions was 31 March 2016. The reporting date was nominated as being 24 August 2016, but don’t hold your breath for the last federal inquiry ran about a year overtime.

Here is a link to the list of submissions received by the Inquiry. My submission is #48, a copy of which is also available here.

Here is a link to the submission prepared by the ‘One in Three’ organisation

Feminist myth: Women usually only commit domestic violence in self-defence

I was reading an article the other day that included comments concerning domestic violence made by recently appointed Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull. Within it I noticed the following quote from an outspoken Australian feminist academic and female violence enabler by the name of Dr Michael Salter:

“In the context of intimate relationships we do see women use violence but it’s predominantly self-defence. We have to reaffirm everyone has the right to defend themselves against violence”.

Sadly this is by no means the first time I have come across a feminist proposing this shameful nonsense as a truthful reflection of reality.

Well at least Michael can bring himself to admit that women can be violent. This is certainly the case, and in many jurisdictions such crimes are on an upwards trajectory.

The dominant theoretical framework employed by the Domestic Violence Industry is known as the Duluth Model. A paper attempting to defend this approach, included the following statement:

“The vast majority of women arrested in Duluth for domestic assaults are being battered by the person they assault. Most, but not all, are retaliating against an abusive spouse or are using violence in self-defense. The notion that battered women share responsibility for the violence used against them because of provocative words or actions is a dangerous form of collusion with men who batter (Mills 2003). We do not accept that these women should complete a batterers’ program. We do agree that there are a small number of women who use violence resulting in police action against their partners without themselves being abused. This is not a social problem requiring institutional organizing in the way that men’s violence against women is.” (Source)

A selection of sources that argue either in support of, or against, the notion that women only perpetrate domestic violence in self-defence and/or after experiencing sustained abuse:

Scots mum who stabbed lover to death walks free from court (10 July 2024) UK

Narelle Atkinson: Mum walks after manslaughter charge dropped over husband’s death (16 August 2023)

Wife admits to killing husband after poisoning ‘favourite soup’ with medication, cutting wrist (28 July 2023) Australia

Model who made £50,000 a year from OnlyFans downed wine, Jagerbomb, rum and cocaine before fatally stabbing her ‘controlling’ boyfriend in the chest, court hears (14 October 2022)

Australia’s Divergent Legal Responses to Women Who Kill Their Abusive Partners (15 August 2022) A pro-feminist perspective of the matter from the team at Griffith University, School of Criminology 

Domestic abuse victims ‘should use Tony Martin defence’ to quash convictions (7 June 2022)

Are we right to assume that women perpetrate domestic violence in self-defence? (24 February 2020) Recommended reading

7 myths about domestic violence (23 January 2020) See Myth #2 (in particular)

Dividing the Sexes: Misrepresentation of Domestic Violence Statistics in Australia (18 March 2018)

‘Understanding domestic abusers’ (undated) from the New York State Office for the Prevention of Domestic Violence. See “responsive violence”. Sure women are violent but only in order to “attempt to forestall attack, defend self and others, or control the situation”

From the web site of the Canadian Association for Equality:

“Fact: Self defence is no more common a reason for female violence against a partner than it is for male violence against a partner

Sources:  Follingstad, D. R., Wright, S., Lloyd, S., & Sebastian, J. A. (1991). Sex differences in motivations and effects in dating violence. Family Relations, 40(1), 51–57.
Medeiros, R. A., & Straus, M. A. (2006). Risk factors for physical violence between dating partners: Implications for gender-inclusive prevention and treatment of family violence. In J. C. Hamel & T. Nicholls (Eds.), Family approaches to domestic violence: A practitioners guide to gender-inclusive research and treatment (pp. 59–87). New York: Springer (also available at http://pubpages.∼mas2″

Open letter to the Victorian Minister for the Prevention of Family Violence, by the One in Three organisation (17 August 2015) Exaggerating the extent to which female violence is attributable to self-defence

Differences in Frequency of Violence and Reported Injury Between Relationships With Reciprocal and Nonreciprocal Intimate Partner Violence (May 2007)

The Gender Paradigm in domestic violence research and theory (2005) Includes coverage of the claim that women engage in violence mainly due to self-defence.

Deconstructing Self-Defence in Wife-to-Husband Violence by Dr Sotirios Sarantakos (Australia)




(Source: Tweet from Dan Perrins dated 15 August 2022)

Feminists claim domestic violence is caused by ‘rigid gender roles and stereotypes’ (then apply them to men in painting them as perpetual aggressors)

I’d suggest reading the following article and the readers comments that follow it, and then come back for a brief discussion:

Quentin Bryce urges focus on gender inequality to tackle domestic violence (6 April 2015)

Firstly, a few words about Quentin Bryce. Quentin is a former Governor-General who recently chaired a state Taskforce into Family Violence the report for which was released in February 2015 (see related blog posts here and here).

Quentin deserves our thanks for performing that role without sticking out her hand for the sort of generous compensation demanded by other prominent talking heads of the Australian Domestic Violence Industry. Quentin was ill-advised, however, to issue statements during the course of the Inquiry that were pre-emptive and prejudicial, and which clearly signalled her own personal anti-male and pro-feminist agenda (example1example2).

In the article linked above Quentin reiterates a key element of the feminist narrative as it is applied to the issue of domestic violence, that:

“Domestic and family violence is caused by unequal distribution of power and resources between men and women, it’s about the rigid gender roles and stereotypes that characterise our society, and the culture and the attitudes that support violence against women”

Domestic violence does indeed involve an unequal distribution of power, but where feminists get it wrong is that the man need not be the partner wielding the power. The feminist perspective also ignores the reality of domestic violence affecting same-sex couples.

Feminists cling to this notion however because it dovetails with a theoretical framework that they rely upon so heavily, known as the Duluth model.

According to the Duluth Model, “women and children are vulnerable to violence because of their unequal social, economic, and political status in society.” The program’s philosophy is intended to help batterers work to change their attitudes and personal behavior so they would learn to be nonviolent in any relationship. Its philosophy is illustrated by the “Power and Control Wheel,” a graphic typically displayed as a poster in participating locations. (Source)

An excellent rebuttal of proponents of the Duluth model recently penned by South African MRA Jason Dale is well worth reading, with some further criticism here. A further study illustrating the ineffectiveness of the Duluth approach is provided here.

What galls me most, however, is the mind-numbing hypocrisy of feminists asserting that the application of “rigid gender roles and stereotypes” promotes domestic violence, whilst their ongoing portrayal of men as perpetual perpetrators relies upon applying those self-same roles and stereotypes. Cognitive dissonance anyone?

And here’s yet another example, an article entitled ‘Stop gender inequality and you will stop domestic violence‘ (3 September 2015)

See also ‘Testing Predictions From the Male Control Theory of Men’s Partner Violence‘ (2 August 2015)

And in closing perhaps you might like to read ‘Always beating up on men‘ by Bettina Arndt.

Elsewhere in the blog you might be interested in:

Domestic violence is not a gendered issue – Why the pervasive sexist bias against men?

Fudging the figures to support the feminist narrative

Male victims of domestic violence – How the scale of the problem is routinely minimised or ignored


(Regarding the use of the term “overwhelming majority“)

Whilst Tim Watt’s heart is probably in the right place, a combination of immaturity, male self-loathing, and a compulsion to play the role of ‘white knight‘, seems to have blinded him to reality. And that reality is that many women are abusive, that many men are victims of abuse, and that acknowledging this in no way diminishes ones ability to recognise and empathise the suffering experienced by female victims.

So, OK, how many men are we talking about here? The answer depends on a number of variables, particularly the issue of how domestic violence is defined. As a consequence the ratio of male to female victims has been found to range all the way from one in four up to three in four. Even if one only accepted the lower end of that range, that still amounts to a considerable number of male victims – and certainly far too many to simply disregard as a statistical aberration.

Detailed data and analysis in relation to domestic violence can be found in this other blog post, but I’ll provide a few snippets of information below.

One Australian survey found for example that “the rate of men reporting current partner violence almost doubled (a rise of 175%) since 2005 (an estimated 119,600 men reported such violence in 2012)” (Source)

A survey in the U.S.A reported that “We analyzed data on young US adults aged 18 to 28 years from the 2001 National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health, which contained information about partner violence and injury reported by 11,370 respondents on 18,761 heterosexual relationships. Almost 24% of all relationships had some violence, and half (49.7%) of those were reciprocally violent. In nonreciprocally violent relationships, women were the perpetrators in more than 70% of the cases.”

A survey in the U.K found that:



(And, for comparision purposes, click here to see the Canadian results for victimisation from violence generally)

**Male victims of domestic violence who are seeking assistance, and who live in Australia, should read this information**

On the level of support provided for male victims of domestic violence

“On the societal level, women’s violence against men has a trivial effect on men compared to the devastating effect of men’s violence against women” (Source).

“Shelley Serdahely, executive director of Men Stopping Violence, in Decatur, Ga., questions the validity of studies showing women are more violent. “Women might be more likely to get frustrated because men are not taught how to be active listeners and women feel like they are not being heard,” she said. “Often women are more emotional because the relationship matters a lot to them, and while that may come out in a push or a shove or a grab, all of which are considered dating violence, it doesn’t have the effect of intimidating the man.”” (Source)

This is the mistaken belief of many within the pro-feminist domestic violence sector whose philosophical approach is proscribed by the so-called Duluth Model. An attitude that underpins the chronic under-resourcing of services for male victims of DV.

“There are thousands of shelters in the U.S. for women and even thousands for our pets, but not a single independent shelter just for men (and no federal funding). The Domestic Abuse Project of Delaware Country, PA (where I grew up) was the first to campaign to assist victims of both genders but that only meant they were one of the first to allow mothers with teenage boys to find assistance as most still see 12-18 year old teenage boys as members of the “almost clinically and psychologically dead” (as per Dr. Helen Caldicott) “foreign male element.” Many states claim to help men somehow but not a one can provide any data on the number served.

England built their first men’s shelter in 2003 after 423 shelters (now 7,500) had been built for women (forced to open in secret due to fear of violent protests). All public funding for men’s shelters in England (like most countries), however, have since been pulled as men are now told to go to women’s shelters (a 2008 House of Commons report claimed there was no need or desire for male-only shelters with the issue only being distorted by a deep-seated contempt for women). Battered men around the world are routinely told to go to homeless shelters (what, no possibility of ingrained contempt for men?).

A few countries like Holland, Serbia, and Switzerland have set aside funds for battered men shelters but they are scarce and underfunded compared to homes for battered women. Most men are still waiting for their country’s first governmentally supported refuge. We must identify the violence done by women against men, see it as a serious social problem, and face the reality domestic violence is more likely mutual or female-initiated and so our public service announcements and federal service funding urgently need to be de-gendered.

The 1975 National Family Violence Survey (Behind Closed Doors: Violence in the American Family, Straus et al.) found men and women equally abusive. The myth of subjugated women (Gelles, 1988; Kaufman, 1990; Straus, 1991) has but “crippled prevention and treatment efforts” (Scott, 2006). In 2008, Drs. Douglas and Hines conducted the first-ever national survey of men who sought help for heterosexual partner violence. It regrettably showed a large proportion of men who seek help from American domestic violence agencies (49.9%) or hotlines (63.9%) are specifically told, “We only help women.”

Many men seeking assistance from DV agencies (40.2%) or DV hotlines (32.2%) end up accused of being the batterer, a third of male victims who call the police end up arrested, and less than a third of those who consult with any mental health professionals are offered details on how to get help from a DV program. The investigation concluded the worst places for men to get help were “those that are the core of the DV service system: DV agencies, DV hotlines, and the police. The qualitative accounts in our research tell a story of male help seekers who are often doubted, ridiculed, and given false information.”

 “I vividly remember accidentally walking into a “safe room” for victims of domestic violence at the court house and being pounced on by a bunch of quite militant women and told in no uncertain terms to get out of the room, for no other reason than I was male and they assumed I was the guilty party. It didn’t even occur to them that I , a male, was the VICTIM of domestic violence. The irony is that my extremely violent wife would have been welcomed with open arms in the same situation and been showered with empathy by them.” (Source: Readers comment)

“I’m not suggesting that violence against men doesn’t happen, of course it does, but it is actually really rare.” Karen Willis, Executive Officer for Rape and Domestic Violence Services in Australia (Source)


(Source of the table above)

Men who are abused by women are ignored (9 July 2024) Sweden

‘We start the day with 60 people waiting’: the lawyers helping the ‘never-ending list’ of Australia’s DV victims (21 May 2024) Sixty women, they mean

Male victims of sexual abuse and domestic violence: A steadily increasing phenomenon (January 2021) An Italian university study

Prioritising women’s safety in Australian perpetrator interventions: The purpose and practices of partner contact (April 2020). An example of the work of ANROWS, brimful of gender bias but substantive enough to the naïve, or biased, eye to have a significant influence on the manner in which DV-related funds are dispensed.

Why do male victims of violence seem to disappear like magic? (27 October 2022)

1IN3’s submission in response to the discussion paper: Implementation considerations should coercive control be criminalised in South Australia (12 April 2022) The actual submission lists a number of ways that male victims are routinely discriminated against and denied support services.

Male domestic abuse: Lack of refuges ‘inexplicable’, charity says (31 March 2022)

Men’s Aid chief says male victims of domestic abuse are ‘forgotten’ due to lack of support (1 March 2022)

What Happens When Someone Calls The National Domestic Abuse Helpline? [Short Answer] (27 November 2021) UK

An attendee at today’s Mankind Initiative conference writes … (17 November 2021) UK

Understanding the Profile and Needs of Abused Men: Exploring Call Data From a Male Domestic Violence Charity in the United Kingdom (28 June 2021)

One in Three Campaign – News Articles About Family Violence – How gender bias in research and the use of misleading language harms male victims of family violence – a case study (9 September 2021)

Live chat on how police hate enforcing unfair feminist laws ( (20 July 2021) Bettina Arndt interviews a former police officer

Homicide research reveals society ‘blind’ to male victims of domestic violence | University of Cumbria (30 June 2021) UK

Men with nowhere to turn (1 September 2020) Australia

Male victims are being left off the domestic violence conversation (20 August 2020) Canada

A question for the(ir) ABC and Scott Morrison (8 May 2020)

Who is best placed to help male victims of domestic violence? (21 December 2019)

The hidden male victims of domestic violence, by Augusto Zimmermann (5 December 2019)

Gamma Bias: Cognitive distortion in thinking about gender (17 July 2019)

What about the male victims? Exploring the impact of gender stereotyping on implicit attitudes and behavoural intentions associated with Intimate Partner Violence (2018)

Male domestic abuse victims ‘suffering in silence’ (1 March 2019) UK

OPINION: The Violence Against Women Act Is An Insult To Fairness (7 December 2018) USA

Who reports domestic violence to police? A review of the evidence (25 September 2018) It’s not newsworthy that men are less likely to report being victims of domestic violence

Domestic Violence programs discriminate against male victims, by SAVE (undated)

Marginalizing the Battered Male‘, by Todd A. Migliaccio, University of California (undated)

Relationships Australia (WA) tells their only male consellor to resign or be sacked after he mildly criticizes their feminist bias (May 2018)

Feminist-run domestic violence helplines guilty of anti-male sex discrimination for assuming male victims were perpetrators (27 November 2017)

Female victims of violent crime ‘should receive more compensation’ (10 August 2017)

Greedy feminists clutching DV funding are ruining men’s lives (19 June 2017)

Feminists against men’s domestic violence shelters (24 May 2017) Video

John Robson: Why are there almost no shelters for male victims? And why is asking that question so controversial? (23 May 2017)

Book review: ‘The Silent Man’ (2 May 2017)

Male victims of domestic violence are being failed by the system (13 March 2017) UK

Do Gay and Lesbian Victims of Domestic Abuse Get Less Attention from Cops? (8 March 2017)

“According to study author Brenda Russell, a psychology professor at Pennsylvania State University, the officers surveyed rated male perpetrators of IPV as more “dangerous” to others than any other gender or sexual orientation.

In contrast, male victims of female perpetrators were considered “responsible” in some way for the abuse they suffered.  Victims of lesbian and gay male violence were also considered more culpable and more likely to demonstrate thoughts and  behaviors indicative of mental illness.”

A submission by the One in Three organisation to the Victorian Victims Support Agency (2 March 2017) Well-worth a read!

Why some Survivors are more equal than others. And the case for inclusion & integration (15 February 2017)

The Duluth model is working as designed; you won’t smart mouth her again (3 February 2017)

Male victims of sexual violence are being ignored by the government, by Ally Fogg (21 December 2016) UK

One man’s grassroots insight into the Duluth Model domestic violence perpetrator programme (15 December 2016)

Women won’t be equal until they’re punished for beating up men (13 December 2016) UK

From the Home Office to the Independent: crying out for gender-inclusive policy, by Ally Fogg (9 December 2016) UK

The fox now guards the hen house ~ Bettina Arndt (17 November 2016) Concerns a negative aspect of the NSW Government’s recent allocation to support male victims of domestic violence.

Denied and dismissed (18 November 2016) Canada

Until we treat male and female domestic abuse victims the same, we’ll never be rid of it (8 November 2016)

Male family violence victims on safer pathway (7 November 2016) A positive development from the NSW Government in Australia

Feminist group, the ‘Women’s Liberation Front’, lobbies against allowing trans-women into DV shelters … men obviously out of the question! (1 October 2016) Australia. Reddit discussion thread and linked article

Domestic Violence Is Far More Than A Simple Story Of Good And Bad (27 September 2016) It’s very disappointing that we are still seeing the publication of biased and one-sided articles such as this, which undermine any nascent recognition of, and support for, victims of female abusers.

BBC & Notts Police Chief publicise non-existent “hate crimes” against women whilst ignoring fatal domestic violence against men (22 September 2016) UK

Spanish web site takes down a documentary about male victims of domestic violence following complaints from people who claimed it was sexist (2016)

Building stronger and safer communities for everyone (9 September 2016) Australia. But then in first paragraph I note the funds are to be used to “help reduce violence against women and their children”, so presumably men are included in the “everyone“.

The shame of being a male victim of domestic violence (3 September 2016) Australia

Domestic violence against men (August 2016) A video by female MRA ‘shoeonhead’

The Denial of Female Domestic Violence (Dr Augusto Zimmermann, Quadrant, July-August 2016)

According to figures quoted in this video featuring journalist Martin Daubney, only 10% of male victims of domestic violence in Britain report incidents to the police (versus 26% of women)

Vital research into male domestic violence under threat – because victims won’t come forward (15 June 2016) UK “Currently only 10% of male victims will tell the police, only 23% will tell a person in an official position, and only 11% will tell a health professional”

The Other Side of the Coin: Breaking the Stigma of Male Domestic Violence Victims (20 May 2016) Canada

Bob McCoskrie: Family violence is still not just a male problem (13 May 2016) New Zealand. Reddit discussion thread here

Action Opportunity: Reject Overt and Illegal Discrimination Against Domestic Violence Victims Based on Sex and Sexual Orientation in British Columbia, Canada

The Hen-pecked husband (30 April 2016) Spain, and then further on this theme:

Husband shares the hilarious (and VERY long) list of reasons why he’s had to apologize to his wife: ‘My steak knife touched the plate for one second’ (19 October 2022)

Submission by Bethlehem House (#43) to the 2016 federal Senate Inquiry into Domestic Violence and Gender Inequality (4 April 2016) Australia

Why female violence against men is society’s last great taboo, by Martin Daubney (15 March 2016) UK

Male domestic violence victims can’t get help even when their lives are at risk, says brother of lawyer killed by his wife (13 March 2016) UK

‘I was covered in blood from her punches’: Male victims of domestic abuse speak out (28 February 2016) Scotland

Male victims still overlooked (28 February 2016) Australia

Reddit AskMen discussion thread seeking men’s personal experiences of DV helplines (26 February 2016)

Male victims of domestic violence: A hidden battle (18 February 2016)

What percentage of male victims of domestic violence are arrested for Domestic Violence after calling the police? (16 February 2016) Reddit mensrights discussion thread

The blind spot in our domestic violence crisis (10 February 2016) This article written by a CEO of a Women’s Shelter – no prizes for guessing her sole focus. I’ve included it here though for the readers comments.

Details concerning an Australian campaign to lobby for changes to the current discriminatory manner in which male victims of domestic violence are dealt with (January 2016)

Baird’s Police website doesn’t provide a single support resource for male victims of domestic abuse – she’s Twitter blocking such organisations instead (7 January 2016)

How feminists and a Police Commissioner’s Office conspired against male victims of domestic violence on Twitter (5 January 2016) UK

Northumbria Police domestic abuse posters ‘should be torn down’ (31 December 2015) UK

The Empathy Gap in Domestic Violence, by Krista Milburn (2 December 2015)

How can we stand by and do nothing for male victims of domestic violence? (26 October 2015)

Mythology Is Killing The Solutions To Domestic Violence, by Jasmin Newman (October 2015) Australia

A Plea to Women (28 November 2015)

Why will no one fund male domestic abuse charities? (26 November 2015)

Story of domestic violence against men is hidden, complicated and disputed (24 November 2015) Australia

Silent Victims, by Bettina Arndt (14 November 2015) Australia

‘Domestic violence debate dominated by women’s perspectives’ (11 November 2015) NZ

Men exposed to domestic violence more worried about not being believed (6 November 2015)

Ireland does not have official statistics on male domestic violence (1 November 2015)

Why I’m backing QLD Labor Premier on male victims | Talk About Men (25 October 2015)

Domestic abuse charity for male victims could close (23 October 2015) UK

Annastacia Palaszczuk warned: don’t put domestic violence against men above women (19 October 2015) Australia

It’s Time to Acknowledge Male Victims of Domestic Violence (16 October 2015) USA

Why we don’t hear about male victims of domestic violence (13 September 2015) Whilst any coverage of male DV victims is a positive, this article is typical in the manner in which it downplays/minimises every aspect of male victimisation.

Handcuffed man, 48, dies in lobby of Texas jail after officer ‘put knee to his throat’ when he ran in saying his wife was trying to kill him (2 August 2015)

Pets of family violence victims to be offered protection in Victoria (5 July 2015) No men’s DV shelters but support for pets, hmm.

Astute Dr Elizabeth Celi UNRAVELS Truth about Men in todays Feminist world (11 June 2015) Video. Australia

Willow Domestic Violence Center: Beginning the path to healthy change (12 June 2015)

Time for fresh thinking on domestic violence (4 June 2015)

Two sides of the same coin: Domestic violence affects everyone (31 May 2015) Canada

Australian feminist journo, Sarah Farnsworth, agrees we should provide DV shelter accommodation for men too … “violent men” … so the police can track them down more easily! No mention that males can be victims (29 May 2015)

New voices: The ‘minority’ man? (May 2015) Journal of the British Psychological Society – Recommended reading

“Forty years of feminist campaigning and the influence of gender stereotypes have had a major impact on how society views IPV.” “Gender biases are highly influential in affecting people’s perceptions of the severity of IPV.”

Helpline for male victims of domestic violence in India receives more calls for help in its first year of operation than the government’s own helpline (which only caters for female DV victims) May 2015

Man Begins Hunger Strike at Queen’s Park Until Gov Promises to Open Shelter for Abused Men (11 May 2015) Canada

How ‘One in Three’ (an Australian advocacy group for male victims of DV) was uninvited from the Strathfield Council Domestic and Family Violence Forum, 13 May 2015

This April 2015 article by Attila Vinczer provides some interesting historical perspective on how society views/ignores male victims of domestic violence.

The ABC allows feminists to use Q&A as a bully pulpit (2 March 2015)

Here in Australia, to get an idea of the level of resistance to acknowledging male victims of DV, one only has to observe the response from feminists on the few occasions when some agency or individual (e.g. Tanveer Ahmed) publicly discusses male victims. The most recent example was when the NSW Police service featured male DV victims in a campaign in early 2015:

NSW police have started a controversial discussion about domestic violence on their Facebook page (20 January 2015)

NSW Police fail victims of domestic violence with flippant social media post (20 January 2015) Australian feminist journalist attacks NSW Police for recognising male victims of domestic violence. Somebody fetch me a sick bucket

Police Facebook post stirs debate on controversial issue (19 January 2015)

When it comes to Domestic Violence, she says she wants equality – however evidence to suggests otherwise (6 February 2015)

Two posts from the Facebook page of ‘Exposing Feminism’ concerning accommodation provided by ‘DV Connect’ for male & female DV victims in Brisbane – here and here (8 July 2014)

Abused boys and men: feminism’s acceptable losses (4 July 2013)

Malestrom pt 2: When anger is justified, by Ally Fogg (23 June 2013) Be sure to study the many thoughtful readers comments here

Male Victims of Domestic Violence (4 March 2011) USA

My wife hugged me to say sorry for beating me up… then knifed me in the back (13 January 2011) UK

Mom’s Abuse Makes Man Afraid Of Women (2 November 2010)

If you are really against Domestic Violence (13 May 2010) USA


General references pertaining to male victims of domestic violence:

Male domestic violence survivors say they feel the Depp-Heard trial is a turning point (25 May 2022)

Why better understanding male victims of domestic abuse is vital (10 November 2020)

Coercive control is a form of intimate terrorism and must be criminalised (6 October 2020) Australia. ‘Coercive control’ is the current buzz-word within the Domestic Violence Industry. This Guardian article is typical in that it infers that all perpetrators are male.

Figures reveal shocking extent of domestic abuse against men (22 June 2020)

Research on male victims of domestic abuse, by Mankind Initiative (April 2020)

Yet another study finds equal levels of abuse by men and women (2 February 2020) Australia

Domestic abuse by women triples in a decade with female attackers carrying out almost a third of assaults (26 January 2020)

Domestic violence against men: No laughing matter (19 November 2019)

Domestic abuse: The latest lie (19 July 2019) UK. This article addresses, amongst other things, the feminist myth that most men who suffer domestic violence are the victims of other men.

Recent Australian intimate partner violence research finds high rates of male victimisation (30 May 2019)

Brutal post details the harmful ways in which teenage girls abuse boyfriends (6 June 2017) UK

Charity reveals 128,767 men told police they were a domestic abuse victim during 2015 (17 December 2016) UK

More than 650,000 men said they suffered domestic abuse over the last year as gap between number of male and female victims falls to record low (8 December 2016) UK. See related Reddit discussion thread here.

Domestic abuse myth busting #2: So few heterosexual male victims report abuse because of shame (26 September 2016)

Domestic violence against men soars to record levels as number of cases treble in past decade (17 September 2016) UK

Men are also victims of domestic abuse, by Corrine Barraclough (31 August 2016)

Domestic violence not just a female problem: Documents reveal more than 10,000 males across NSW affected (12 August 2016) Finally some support for male victims (NSW, Australia)

AIFS “Experiences of Separated Parents Study” reveals high levels of domestic violence against men (29 June 2016) Australia

Men also suffer from domestic abuse (23 June 2016) Canada

Rise in men taking out domestic violence orders against mothers and partners at Southport Court (18 May 2016) Australia

How male victims of domestic abuse often end up getting arrested themselves (16 January 2016)

Domestic Violence Is Gender Blind, Unlike the Activists (30 November 2015) South America

Victims and Witnesses of Crime Court Support’ is an Australian organisation that supports male victims of violence (incl. domestic violence) in the court system

What happens when you fall in love with someone who’s aggressive? (18 November 2015)

“Across almost every study, gender came out as a significant factor: the male participants were more tolerant and more willing to stay in relationships that involved aggressions. This was unexpected, but may reflect a reluctance within men to define their partners as aggressors and themselves in some sense as victims, as seen in low reporting rates of domestic violence against men.”

The Number of Male Domestic Abuse Victims Is Shockingly High — So Why Don’t We Hear About Them? (26 October 2015) Almost 800 readers comments

Male Domestic Abuse Victims | World Have Your Say (BBC World Service) (8 October 2015)

What I’ve learnt from speaking to male victims of domestic abuse every day (25 March 2015)

YWCA says more men report being victims of domestic violence (24 March 2015) and related reddit mensrights discussion thread

An open letter to Rosie Batty, by Mark Dent (15 March 2015)

Time, Human Rights Watch ignore male victims of violence, report that female victims are ignored (13 March 2015)

Only women get help for spousal violence, while men are ignored – Barbara Kay (11 March 2015)


Interview with Canadian Association for Equality about getting recognition for male DV victims (10 March 2015) You Tube video also discussed in this article (features a number of good readers comments)

How funding changes in NSW locked women out of domestic violence refuges (9 March 2015) Male victims of domestic violence don’t even register as a blip on the radar screen of the feminists orchestrating the DV ‘debate’.

Men’s issues group unveils billboard in reaction to Ontario’s ‘sexist’ campaign against domestic violence (9 March 2015)

Domestic violence against men ignored (2 March 2015) Canada

The Myth Women Are The Only Victims Of Domestic Violence (3 February 2015)

Ray J Allegedly Beaten By His Girlfriend – Are Men Finally Legit Victims of Domestic Violence? (17 February 2015)

Stop violence against who? by John The Other (6 November 2011) Youtube video

Men’s ignored suffering from serious domestic violence injuries (undated)

Why is there such resistance to recognising male victims of domestic violence? (12  November 2014)

Why I’m fighting a charity that support female domestic violence victims (14 November 2014)

October 2014 reddit/r/todayilearned discussion thread on the lack of recognition and support given to male victims of domestic violence

I’m going to stab you’: Calls for more support for male domestic violence victims (22 October 2014)

Central Victorian man calls for more support for male victims of DV

Hospital’s undercover legal service latest check on violence against women (28 September 2014) But no similar service for men … why not? I mean other than stereotypes about men not needing help, etc.

Blog post on the lack of recognition of male victims of DV (18 October 2014)

Can male victims of domestic violence get the help they need? Conference presentation by Denise Hines, Clarke University, USA

The only DV services for men in Berlin are for perpetrators (23 September 2014) DV agency brochure plus linked reddit/mensrights discussion thread

Men are victims of domestic violence too by Bill O’Chee (3 September 2014)

Domestic violence against men hits record high (4 November 2013) Ireland

Abused boys and men: feminism’s acceptable losses, by Hannah Wallen (4 July 2013)

The Help-seeking Experiences of Men Who Sustain Intimate Partner Violence: An Overlooked Population and Implications for Practice (2011)

600 shelters for abused women in Canada but zero for men. Only 8% have ever admitted a man – usually elderly and/or disabled

Domestic violence refuge provision at crisis point, warn charities (4 August 2014) A good response to this article was then penned by Ally Fogg entitled ‘Throwing domestic violence victims to the wolves‘ – well worth reading. Despite there being very few beds available for men, when cutbacks are made (or accountability enforced) then men are blamed. The same thing is happening now in Australia. Women demand empathy from men (regarding DV) but when men seek support they are shamed.

The situation for women’s refuges is desperate – but we need to start admitting men, too (6 August 2014)

In Australia millions of dollars more to be poured into protecting “women and their children”, but no mention whatsoever of female perpetrators or male victims (July 2014) And a subsequent lobbying campaign by Men’s Rights Sydney

Male Domestic Violence victims need more support, by Mark White (30 December 2013) (6 July 2014)

Are women nagging husbands to death? Research shows henpecked men twice as likely to die young (9 May 2014)

Ground-breaking study shows need for unbiased domestic violence services (15 March 2007)

Men Shouldn’t Be Overlooked as Victims of Partner Violence (3 August 2007)

Gender bias in domestic violence treatment (31 August 2005) and

Inquiring Bryony House About DV Shelters in Nova Scotia (30 March 2014)

It’s time to challenge the myth of the male victim (24 March 2014)

Women’s Shelters and Domestic Violence Services Save the Lives of Men, by Katherine van Wormer (11 December 2010) This feminist author puts forward the argument that funding more women’s shelters is actually a bonus for men, because otherwise the women who couldn’t escape their homes would have to kill their partners

1994 TV debate between feminist and man running refuges for male victims of domestic violence (video)


Image(Source of the graphic shown above)




This blog contains many other posts that discuss the issue of domestic violence – for example:

On violence carried out by women and girls

Please click here to see a list of other relevant posts.

Posts addressing other related issues can be accessed by clicking on the relevant topic ‘tags’ at the base of this page


Going Batty: The making of a champion of the domestic violence industry

I have absolutely nothing personal against Rosie Batty, and in fact as a parent myself I have a great deal of sympathy for anyone who has lost a child under such horrific circumstances. Her tragic loss has provided her with a unique and potentially valuable insight, but it does not qualify her to direct public policy on dealing with domestic violence in the community. She is but one person affected by a scourge that has affected thousands of Australians.

This is a complex topic and we need to hear about, and be open to, the experiences and opinions of many others. We should also ensure that we consider different theoretical/ideological perspectives and not, as is done now, exclude serious consideration of all but one approach (feminism/Duluth Model).

Rosie has transformed herself and/or allowed herself to be transformed, into a veritable battering ram for the domestic violence industry. Feminist advocates and their allies in the media and political sphere have, like so many roman centurions, arranged themselves around her and are pressing her forward. Broader political events here in Australia have added further momentum as politicians look about for suitable populist issues with which to score cheap points and/or divert attention from other matters. This is patently obvious in Prime Minister Malcom Turnbull’s adoption of DV as one of his personal cause celebre.

This focussing of attention could have been a great thing in terms of getting decisive action on the issue of family violence and related issues like child abuse and elder abuse. But it won’t be. It won’t be because the whole episode is being choreographed by the archly-feminist domestic violence industry.

As a result all we will get is more of the same old failed and shockingly biased resourcing decisions and ‘initiatives’:

  • The continued turning-the-other-way when it comes to supporting male victims of DV and their children
  • The continued turning-the-other-way in relation the incidence of violent behaviour by women
  • The continued insistence that both the problem and its solution rests entirely in the hands of men
  • The continued emphasis on the discredited ‘Duluth model‘ of theorising domestic violence
  • The continued pouring of millions of dollars of public funds towards feminist consultants and advocacy groups
  • The creation of yet more consultative groups and the convening of more inquiries/royal commissions.

None of which have been proven to have any significant effect on reducing actual rates of perpetration and/or re-offending

And thus now we are witnessing a competition amongst state and federal politicians as to who cares the most about domestic violence, with ‘care’ manifesting itself through hideously costly inquiries and hand-outs to advocacy groups.

Here is a timeline of events:

Father who killed son, Luke Batty, at cricket ground had history of mental illness, says boy’s anguished mother (14 February 2014)

Luke Batty’s grieving mother speaks out on family violence (19 February 2014)

“The mother of Luke Batty says Australians need to have a greater understanding of family violence. Rosie Batty has also urged men to address the problem, in a long and emotional interview less than a week after her 11-year-old son was killed by his father at a Victorian cricket ground.”

Rosie Batty blasts Studio 10 host Joe Hildebrand on morning TV (2 April 2014)

Rosie Batty storms out of her murdered son’s inquest, almost in tears (23 October 2014)

It’s a disgrace some want Rosie to share the blame (23 October 2014)

Rosie Batty appointed ‘Australian of the Year’ (25 January 2015)

Rosie Batty’s speech after becoming 2015 Australian of the Year (25 January 2015)

Federal Opposition Leader Bill Shorten seized the opportunity of Rosie’s appointment to climb higher upon the feminist bandwagon by calling for a federal Royal Commission on domestic violence. Someone should remind him that a federal inquiry is already underway and is due to report in March 2015.

Predictably the media then went to the Government to ask them whether they would support a national Royal Commission. Thank goodness that the Government stood its ground against this misguided proposal – at least thus far – although they did make other concessions.

Domestic violence funding in NSW: Rosie Batty as Australian of the Year raises profile of state ‘epidemic’ (26 January 2015)

Rosie Batty, Australian of the Year, will save lives of family violence victims, former police commissioner Ken Lay says (26 January 2015)

Ken Lay is one of the most well-recognised ‘white knights‘ on behalf of the Australian feminist movement, known for his frequent use of the incorrect statement that the “overwhelming majority” of domestic violence was perpetrated by men upon women.

Rosie Batty: I’d like to see a government campaign to stop domestic violence (27 January 2015)

Rosie Batty and Ken Lay appointed to new domestic violence advisory panel (28 January 2015)

I posted a quite cordial comment in response to this article but gee whiz, look what happened:

This comment was removed by a moderator because it didn’t abide by our community standards. Replies may also be deleted. For more detail see our FAQs.

Imagine that, a pro-feminist news source (The Guardian) censoring a (polite and non-threatening) dissenting viewpoint. Seriously now, this happens so often that I really must get into the habit of creating screen-saves each time I post a comment. (And so I did – refer below)

Any response to family violence must include funding legal services (29 Jan 2015)flooding



Rosie Batty – The Opposite Case (28 June 2015) Video

We must support Rosie Batty as she highlights domestic violence (6 February 2015)

Rosie Batty on why passion must lead to change on family violence (7 Feb 2015) In this article Rosie again makes no mention of the existence of male victims or female perpetrators. Rosie also suggests that the courts are biased towards the interests of the men’s rights movement and the rights of fathers.

‘Stop blaming the victim’: Rosie Batty to address MPs (2 March 2015) Rosie admits that the factors driving violent behaviour are “not readily understood“, whilst in the same paragraph asserting that it’s all about “gender inequality and “men’s sense of entitlement that a woman is their possession“. Except for violence committed by women, of course.

Rosie Batty calls for funds as poll finds family violence feared above terrorism (6 July 2015) and related reddit discussion thread

Rosie Batty should apologise for this insult to Tony Abbott (28 September 2015)

See also:

Rosie Batty challenges men to ‘step up’ to end violence (3 April 2024)

Dad begs people not to judge cancer-stricken mum suspected of killing son in murder-suicide (31 August 2020) What a contrast!

Batty ‘thrilled’ with government call to remove Arndt’s gong, calls for men to join push (30 January 2020)

Rosie Batty speaks out against Australia Day award winner Bettina Arndt (26 January 2020) And this item by Bettina addresses points raised by Batty and her feminist cronies

Family law inquiry given green light by Senate as Rosie Batty questions Pauline Hanson’s role (18 September 2019)

Why people are furious John Setka reportedly invoked Rosie Batty’s name, by Wendy Tuohy (12 June 2019) It seems that he was expressing concern about the Domestic Violence Industry generally, rather than specifically about Rosie Batty, but look at the reaction.

Queen’s birthday honours list recognises trailblazers Rosie Batty and Ita Buttrose (10 June 2019)

The sad truth about the Luke Batty Foundation (19 February 2018) and Wrongdoing at Luke Batty Foundation is indefensible (22 February 2018) Mark Latham’s Outsiders discusses alleged financial irregularities and the abuse & turnover of female directors and staff, culminating in the closure of the Foundation.

If only Rosie Batty Hadn’t made her trauma about power (31 July 2017)

Rosie Batty joins 7.30 to discuss the Summit on family violence (28 February 2017)

Mark Latham’s attack on Rosie Batty rejected by head of Rosie Batty Foundation (1 November 2016)

‘Women are being traumatised’: Rosie Batty call to end cross-examination by ‘abusers’  (25 October 2016) No mention, of course, of men traumatized via abuse and/or false accusations.

Rosie Batty partners with Lancome for domestic violence campaign (18 September 2016)

Anti-violence campaigner Rosie Batty shares son Luke’s struggle with male role models  (13 September 2016) Conveniently ignores the fact that girls are equally likely to grow to become abusers after exposure to violence/neglect perpetrated by mum and/or dad (or mum’s male partner).

Rosie Batty and Danny Blay Speak about MRA’s (15 June 2016)

Rosie Batty Says Men Who Have Never Hit Women Can Still Be Dangerous (15 June 2016) And women? Hmm, not so much it seems

Rosie Batty to lead family violence survivors council (23 March 2016)

Rosie Batty: Face to face with a domestic violence perpetrator (15 March 2016)

“The prospect of a feminist party in Australia intrigues Ms Batty. But she is not sure if she would make the giant step from activist to politician. “I would never discount it … who knows, all I do know is that I genuinely want to make a difference and so if I was comfortable and confident that I could make a significant difference through a political career, I think I would definitely consider that. I think it would be a real privilege to be given that opportunity.””

Saying goodbye to Rosie (25 January 2016)

Mark Latham slams Rosie Batty’s ‘feminist nonsense’ in podcast spray (22 January 2016) Some very interesting comments to be found amongst those in this reddit/r/Australia discussion thread

Outstanding response to Rosie Batty article (7 January 2016)

Liberal MP Graham Watt remained seated during Rosie Batty standing ovation (27 November 2015) See readers comments

Mark Latham argues we are putting women in danger (27 June 2015)

An open letter to Rosie Batty, by Mark Dent (15 March 2015)

Sanctified bigotry (10 February 2015)

Rosie Batty launches anti-domestic violence app for young women (15 February 2015) How easy it would have been to market this App as a tool for both young men and women, and what a sad indictment of feminism (& Ms. Batty) that this did not occur.

Is Rosie Batty Using Her Child’s Death For Her Own Fame And Fortune? (25 Jan 2015) Whilst many will consider this an unduly harsh and cynical assessment of the situation, I’ll let you be the judge as to the validity of the points raised within the context of the broader Australian DV debate.

For non-Australian readers: The meaning of the phrase “going batty

In exchanges within the reader’s comments section that follow various articles on the topic of DV, I have noted supporters of Ms Batty asserting that she is a champion for all victims of domestic violence. Her own Twitter profile makes it quite clear that is not the case.


The ongoing erosion of research and publication standards – aka fudging the figures to support the feminist narrative

Firstly, what do I mean by the term “fudging” in the context of this blog post?

    • to present or deal with (something) in a vague or inadequate way, especially so as to conceal the truth or mislead and/or
    • to adjust or manipulate (facts or figures) so as to present a desired picture.

So how do feminists and their allies, go about fudging statistics? Well the most common technique used, so prevalent that it’s virtually a hallmark of feminist literature, is to report statistics in relation to female victimhood in the absence of comparative figures for men and boys. Such information is (or at least, was) generated in surveys but usually went unreported, unless doing so would support the feminist perspective.

Thus subsequently, and in a worrying trend, more and more research projects undertaken by pro-feminist organisations don’t include male subjects in surveys. Here is an example from the Australian Human Rights Commission (July 2023):


Nor does contemporary research typically investigate impacts on males and/or attitudes towards men (examples herehere, here, here, here, and here).

Clearly with corresponding data in relation to males unavailable then rapporteurs can easily deflect requests for contextual information. Information which would, in many cases, otherwise weaken their claims of gendered victimhood.

Thus biased researchers can represent a social problem as being gendered when it is not. And so the next researcher builds on existing incomplete research and concludes and/or implies in their report … this problem rarely affects men, or affects men in different & lesser ways, etc (but we can’t be sure because no data). And the cycle of gender bias in research, and subsequently in policy formulation, rolls on.

The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation believe the reverse to be true, and that there is a ‘gender data gap’ with “male-biased surveys that fail to capture women’s perspectives, their needs and their economic value”. They provide a 3rd world example upon which I am not qualified to comment, but with regards to 1st world countries their proposition is laughable. This Australian feminist writer, Kristine Ziwica, is pushing the same line (12 March 2019).

A paper by Dr. Murray Straus addressed the issue of feminists distorting domestic violence data. He identified the seven primary methods they used as being:

  1. To suppress Evidence
  2. To avoid obtaining data inconsistent with the Patriarchal Dominance Theory
  3. To cite only studies that show Male Perpetration
  4. To conclude that results support Feminist beliefs when they do not
  5. To create “evidence” by citation
  6. To obstruct publication of articles and obstruct funding research that might contradict the idea that male dominance is the cause of PV (see this post)
  7. To harass, threaten, and penalize researchers who produce evidence that contradicts feminist beliefs (see this post)

I was studying the readers comments in relation to a rather biased article about domestic violence. One comment was from a respected spokesperson on men’s health issues, Adam Blanch. Adam was talking about the latest ‘Personal Safety Survey‘ undertaken by the Australian Bureau of Statistics. This is what Adam had to say:

“Domestic violence is about people who are angry, jealous, distressed and mentally ill acting out their frustration. The motive for ‘control’ and ‘power’ is only present in a very small percentage of DV, and both sexes do it to the same extent.

The partner abuse state of knowledge Project, the largest and most comprehensive meta study of DV ever conducted, makes this information freely available at

The entire Duluth model, which asserts that domestic violence is about ‘Gender power relations’, has been so extensively disproven by legitimate researchers that no fair minded person without a ‘gender agenda’ could possibly subscribe to it.

PS. the ABS personal safety survey has some serious methodological issues that appear to have been built in, twice, to bias the outcome in favour of a ‘Gendered’ view of DV.

The 2012 report sampled less than 20% the number of women than men, down from 25% in the 2005 survey. though overall they increased the numbers for both genders for 2012, the male sample size is so small that many of the findings are unreliable again.

They were criticised for only using female interviewers in 2005, so in 2012 they trained a few male interviewers to be available on request. However, they don’t appear to have told the interviewees that they were available. This was based don ‘expert advice’ that both men and women would be more comfortable with female interviewers, these experts are unnamed. Who are they. Are they male? have they worked with male victims of abuse? What qualifies them as experts. I’ve worked with thousands of men, and I can assure you that most men will not reveal the same information to a woman that they will to a man.

This lack of transparency and sample balance is unacceptable for research conducted at this level.”

The Bureau shrugged-off this criticism and in September 2016 successfully obtained AHRC approval to only employ female interviewers in relation to a survey that encompasses the issue of domestic violence.

In ‘Australian Bureau of Statistics to discriminate against hiring men‘ it stated:

“Professor Triggs granted the ABS the exemption, accepting their submission, which included studies from not-for-profit groups, stating men were more likely to be perpetrators of DV and women were more likely to tell their stories to other women” And so disregarding the flipside … that male victims would be more likely to tell THEIR story to other men.

Please also read the related media release from the ‘One in Three’ organisation.

This is hardly the first time I have encountered concerns raised by authoritative sources regarding the credibility of domestic violence research, and in fact it appears to be an ongoing issue.

Australia’s ABC has a reputation for pushing the feminist agenda, with one example being the article ‘Domestic violence of epidemic proportions a ‘national emergency’: campaign groups‘ by Ursula Malone and Juanita Phillips. Nothing like turning up the rhetoric to keep that government funding flowing through to feminists and their organisations during these difficult economic times. And all based on fudged statistics, in particular that “Domestic violence is the leading cause of death and injury in women under 45“.

That statistic was sourced from this 2004 report by VicHealth. Indeed, that report was essentially 44 pages of taxpayer-funded feminist bias wherein violence towards men was dismissed in one sentence in the preamble: “Although men are among the victims of intimate partner violence, evidence suggests that the vast majority of victims are women and that women are more vulnerable to its health impacts”. That statistic was discussed in this 2014 article by Greg Canning and in this scorching rebuttal of the Malone/Phillips article by Men’s Rights Sydney (also available on the AVfM web site).

Now let’s look at three examples of misrepresentation from Australian feminist advocacy group ‘Our Watch‘:

1. This well-written 2013 letter from Dr Greg Canning to Natasha Stott Despoja concerns serious omissions and misrepresentations in a speech that she gave on DV (see also the reader’s comments). I am advised that a reply was never received from Ms Despoja.

2. This February 2015 article is laughably disingenuous and quite likely signals a new tactic by players in the Domestic Violence Industry: ‘Natasha Stott Despoja: ‘people are sick and tired of the statistics‘. Or in other words, ‘we are getting called-out for using false or misleading statistics too often now, so let’s publicly discredit all statistics and continue the argument on the basis of subjective and anecdotal evidence alone’.

3. In 2015 ‘Our Watch‘ launched a public education program called ‘The Line‘. The relevant web site features a section entitled ‘Myth-buster – Violence against women’. Myth #7 is that ‘Women often make false claims about domestic violence or sexual assault‘, wherein they state:

“The vast majority of sexual assaults are not reported to the police. Given for example that only 17 percent of women who experienced sexual assault by a male perpetrator (in their most recent incident of violence) reported it to the police (ABS 2012), the actual percentage of false cases is likely to be tiny. By one estimate, the actual percentage of false cases as a proportion of all rapes (reported and unreported) may be closer to 0.005 percent.” (Flood, M, 2014)

An Australian MRA by the name of Paul Rogers brought this error to their attention stating (in part) that:

“Even Wikipedia doesn’t suggest that false rape allegations are as low as you claim,  which is saying something. I have provided an excerpt below from Wikipedia to highlight that your claim is many orders of magnitude lower than even the lowest value claimed by most authorities … I urge you to state the truth rather than continue to cherry-pick outlier claims because they support your misandry.”

I should also point out that it’s not only feminist groups that engage is this sort of misrepresentation. In this media release, the advocacy group SAVE denounces the use of misleading information on domestic violence by none other than (then) President Obama himself.

Demonstrating the remarkably one-sided manner in which feminists view the world, in the following article a feminist journo criticizes a men’s rights group on their use of statistics:

Beware the dubious claims of this men’s rights group, by Sherele Moody (24 June 2017)

To counter that article let me introduce you to a linked paper by Hannah Wallen, USA. It’s recommended reading – including the readers comments:

The feminist advocacy “research” scam (20 June 2013)  

In a further blog post I look at the feminist predilection towards ‘tweaking’ the definition of terms such ‘domestic violence’ and ‘sexual assault’ in order to better support their claims of female victimhood and generally bolster public support: See Finessing definitions to preserve the image of female victimhood

(I note that the Australian government-funded company ANROWS has blocked me on Twitter)

The references listed below alternately discuss or exemplify bias against men, as perpetrated by journalists and others (often working in the sphere of domestic violence, sexual violence and related fields):

Exclusive: Health department suppressed gendered violence research (27 July 2024) Here’s one for the books … feminists claim that Australian Government agency has fudged its research to undermine the feminist narrative – not the opposite.

1IN3’s submission to the Inquiry into capturing data on family violence perpetrators in Victoria (1 July 2024) See submission #60. Recommended reading

Fighting academia’s feminist tentacles, by Bettina Arndt (February 2024)

Interesting Twitter discussion thread related to the subject of this post (10 February 2024)

Coitus interruptus, by Bettina Arndt (1 February 2024)

The harm hypothesis: How perceived harm to women shapes reactions to research on sex differences (3 January 2024)

Feminism’s latest weapon is a fraud, by Bettina Arndt (8 December 2023)

Ending political interference in the Australian Research Council (29 November 2023)

Narrow escape for Lisa Wilkinson (25 November 2023) Scroll down to the section dealing with an ABS suicide chart

Government to track and publicly release quarterly information on intimate partner homicides (25 November 2023)

The shocking number of Australian men sexually attracted to children and teens (20 November 2023) “Salter said the study focused on men because female perpetrators were less common, and usually co-offenders”. Classic line

Helping young men to have healthy, respectful relationships (25 October 2023) Australian Federal Government media release. Another $3.5 million down the feminist toilet

The Woke are now claiming that 2+2 equals something other than 4 (23 October 2023) Twitter thread and linked article

The Misogyny Myth (Summer 2023)

Inflating campus sexual assault statistics, by Bettina Arndt (30 August 2023)

Scope creep and the sexual assault industry, by Bettina Arndt (26 June 2023)

Demonizing Men with False Data on Sexual Abuse (20 June 2023)

How research is used to promote male hatred (11 June 2023)

New Report Exposes Feminist Misinformation about Parental Alienation (18 April 2023)

Pro-female and anti-male biases are more influential than race and other factors in Implicit Association Tests (26 March 2023)

How would you know if you are discriminating against men? (21 March 2023)

Gender equity when it suits (13 March 2023) Recommended reading

One of the most egregious, shameless statistical falsehoods I’ve seen in a long time, one that thoroughly shames @MayorofLondon @TenderUK in the recently published Teachers Toolkit on addressing gender-based violence & abuse (22 February 2023) UK Twitter thread by Ally Fogg. But on the positive side, and following lobbying by men’s rights activists, some statistical corrections were implemented

Jobs for the Girls, by Bettina Arndt (14 December 2022)

Women encouraged to cheat by research (21 November 2022) Video

People are more sceptical of sex difference research when findings favour men (28 September 2022)

The ABS fails to clearly identify the extent of male victimisation in relation to emotional abuse (25 August 2022) Displaying feminist bias again?

Justice warriors in the dock, by Bettina Arndt (30 July 2022)

Majority Of Fake Twitter Accounts Support Amber Heard, Not Johnny Depp, New Research Shows (25 April 2022)

1 in 3 Uni students have been sexually assaulted in their lifetime. They demand action on their vision of a safer society (23 March 2022) Note readers comments & concerns below the article and in the Twitter thread.

The push for ‘researcher entrepreneurs’ could be a step backward for gender equity (11 February 2022) Because government research funding favors men. Well, at least it does in some feminist mind-hive somewhere. #FacePalm

Bettina Arndt: The rape conviction rate – a scandalous deceit of parliament and the public (19 January 2022) Recommended reading

Is our attitude to men based on substandard research? (6 January 2022)

Bettina Arndt: “The great purge rolls on” (3 December 2021)

How feminists misrepresent the incidence of false allegations (27 October 2021) (Twitter thread)

Half-Truths, Falsehoods, and Lies: New Report Documents Long-Running Domestic Violence Misinformation Campaign (USA) (20 September 2021)

One in Three Campaign – News Articles About Family Violence – How gender bias in research and the use of misleading language harms male victims of family violence – a case study (9 September 2021)

Our uni teachers were already among the world’s most stressed. COVID and student feedback have just made things worse (19 July 2021) Some student respondents in a survey said some mildly critical things about some teachers, a bit more in the case of female teachers. In the old days you would take about the factors that may have contributed to these perceived weaknesses in teaching practice. Not now though. Now the snowflake patrol moves into action to spend the rest of the paper talking about why the survey respondents were wrong. Sexist and wrong. Damn them.

Elite journal under fire over racism (13 April 2021) Article by Stephen Rice which is behind a paywall at ‘The Australian’. Not directly related to misandry, but an example of how social problems are massaged to satisfy the fears or preferences of woke folk.

Not the full story (30 March 2021) Media Watch video. Yet another example of what happen when you start with a pre-determined narrative and then have to make everything fit around it.

Poll results: 21 per cent of women sexually assaulted at work (24 March 2021). Men weren’t included in the survey, but by jingo *they need to listen*!

Domestic violence on the rise during pandemic (13 July 2020) “The survey of 15,000 Australian women in May provides the most detailed information in the world about the prevalence and nature of domestic violence experienced by women during the pandemic.” How many men did they say were surveyed? That would be *none*. Here is a link to the web page of the agency that produced this research.

New AIC paper appears to cherry-pick data to fit “gendered violence” narrative (30 October 2019)

Feminists always lie #190689 (30 September 2019)

Domestic Abuse: The latest lie (19 July 2019) Most men who are victims of partner violence are in homosexual relationships, right? Wrong. But it doesn’t stop feminists from claiming it is true.

Whose research got us a picture of a ‘black hole’ in 2019? It was a girl right? See this tweet from Tom Golden with linked video that tells the story that the media didn’t.

Articles like the linked one now tell us how horrible the “trolls” are for “targeting” the female scientist, but funny how they don’t address the facts of the case – did she only produce 6% of the coding or not? See also this paper from ‘A Voice for Men’.

Lies, damn lies and STEM statistics (2 March 2019)

Girls more likely to face loneliness (6 December 2018) UK with related Twitter posts by Martin Daubney (first post/second post)

Australia’s disturbing attitude to domestic violence revealed (30 November 2018) Feminist as an be, and paid for by you, the taxpayer (ANROWS)

‘Blatant spin’: SBS accused of sifting data to show ‘sexist’ Australia, and SBS’s ‘sexism’ doco is just blatant propaganda (21 November 2018) Both of these articles appeared in The Australian newspaper, and are behind a ‘paywall’. Watch this Bettina Arndt video for some good background on this issue.

And of course there were various flow-on articles, such as ‘Are men victims of sexism?‘ (3 December 2018) which conceded that the male gender had some problems, that none of these were due to women, but that men were using feminism as a “scapegoat”. Then ‘Here’s how audiences reacted to ‘Is Australia Sexist?‘ (4 December 2018)

Social Justice and Far Left Ideology Is Corrupting Science (17 November 2018) This video broadens the field out beyond feminism but is still worth watching for its broader perspective.

USC Library Censors Article on ‘Female Privilege in Prison Sentencing’ (14 November 2018) USA. Hmm, don’t like what an academic paper states, and don’t want students exposed to it? Easy, just lose it

Journals publish hoaxers’ absurd gender studies (4 October 2018) with more here on that issue

A Mathematician Says Activists Made His Paper Disappear Because Its Findings Offended Them (10 September 2018) and Academic Activists Send a Published Paper Down the Memory Hole, by Theodore P. Hill (7 September 2018) Note too the readers comments here.

La Trobe bans my talk on the fake rape crisis, by Bettina Arndt (2 August 2018) This article concerns the exaggeration of the incidence of sexual assault in Australian universities by the Australian Human Rights Commission and others.

1IN3 responds to latest attack upon male victims by Daily Life (8 February 2018)

ABC News and Washington Post intentionally excluded male victims from their already flawed sexual harassment survey (12 November 2017)

Gender bias in Australian Institute of Family Studies Experiences of Separated Parents Study (2 November 2017)

This is how NFHS made wives’ mood changes as marital rape (18 September 2017)

UW Researcher Claims The ‘Experiences Of Women’ Invalidate Peer-Reviewed Research (14 August 2017) USA

Flawed sexual harassment report undermines the change it seeks (12 August 2017) Australia

Female violence, society’s blind spot (4 August 2017)

Biased Incompetence in CAFCASS and Women’s Aid Report (4 August 2017) UK

Why these professors are warning against promoting the work of straight, white men (16 July 2017)

Study finds ‘sexism’ in sexual assault research, but this time men are the target (10 July 2017)

Gender Bias in Science or Biased Claims of Gender Bias? (8 July 2017)

Peer Review: A (not so much) gender perspective (18 May 2017)

How to make anything a gendered issue, by Blaise Wilson (30 April 2017) Video

Irony Alert: Gender Bias Study by Women Researchers Suffers From Gender Bias, Peer Reviewers Say (18 April 2017)

Teacher advises student to “look for feminist sources” regarding wage gap (7 March 2017)

When care becomes control – financial abuse cuts across cultures (17 January 2017) As I state in this post, most papers on financial abuse ignore the reality of male victimisation, and this is yet another example. In the absence of conclusive proof that only women were victimised one would expect a researcher to survey men and women. Failure to do so, as in this and many other cases, is evidence of gender bias to support a particular ideological narrative.

BBC admits its viral “women write better code” story was fake news (28 December 2016)

New study making the rounds in the media claims patients taken care of by female physicians have reduced mortality

The US Department of Justice refuses to fund research into intimate partner violence against men, or the stalking of men (November 2016)

Girls feelings are far more important than the truth, by Mark Dent (12 October 2016)

Why feminists are so cagey about class (13 September 2016) UK

Why does the CPS report on violence against women include men in the stats? by Ally Fogg  (7 September 2016) UK

Always beating up on men, by Bettina Arndt (20 August 2016)

Cutting to numb the pain of sex abuse: interviews with young women in drug treatment (12 August 2016) Australia. Although this article focuses on the needs of young women, the underlying research surveyed both genders. Whilst I have yet to review the findings in detail, my default position is one of disquiet regarding the merit of applying different fixes to men and women. Without a very thorough understanding of all contributing factors, esp. in relation to cause/effect, there is a real danger that we may misinterpret the true situation. Also, from what has happened in the field of domestic violence for example, there is a real danger of a monopolisation of all available resources for the treatment of women.

Half of women in UK have been sexually harassed at work, study finds (10 August 2016) They didn’t bother surveying men so the readers believe, by implication, that this problem only affects women. I wonder why would the authors they do that? See also ‘Report Claiming Half Of Women Harassed At Work Involved Hardline Feminist Group

Confirmation bias in research survey into men’s mental health which includes questions based on toxic masculinity and Duluth power and control wheel (24 July 2016) Australia. Post in Reddit mensrights forum concerning research undertaken by Melbourne University

There’s no hiring bias against women in tech, they just suck at interviews (1 July 2016) Oh dear this feminist research didn’t run according to the script

Washington Post: Men lie on surveys, women don’t (30 June 2016) USA

Female politicians (sometimes) receive more abuse than male counterparts, apart from when they don’t… (29 June 2016)

6 Feminist Myths that will not Die, by Christina Hoff Sommers (17 June 2016)

Jess Phillips MP and her alleged 600 rape threats (6 June 2016)

Feds Spend $548,459 Studying Male Students’ ‘Microaggressions’ towards Women (6 April 2016) This example from USA may or may not involve fudging, so sure does looks like a huge waste of public money. Related Reddit discussion thread here.

Australia’s most shocking statistic: Sexual abuse and domestic violence against women with disabilities (20 March 2016) Australia. Makes zero mention of the existence of abuse of disabled boys, implies perpetrators are male. More about this article in this other blog post.

When Passionate Advocates Meet Research on Diversity, Does the Honest Broker Stand a Chance? (9 March 2016)

Happy IWD, Now Remember, You’re A Victim (8 March 2016) Video

Radio NZ Careless about Domestic Violence Figures (8 March 2016)

Anti-abuse campaign targets university students (22 February 2016) Australia. Typical of Our Watch research this survey appears designed to deliver a pre-determined finding of gendered female victimhood. The article reports one part of the picture, but where are the responses to (for example) how many boys were pressured “to do sexual things”? Whether girls respect the ability to consent in relation to boys who are drunk, etc.

Action Opportunity: Please Seek The Truth About Male Victims of Domestic Violence, and Defend the Honesty and Integrity of Australian Scientific Research (8 February 2016) Petition to the Australian Research Council

(I believe there to be a question mark over the extent to which the Australian Research Council is itself free of gender bias. I say this not in terms of funds provided to male versus female researchers, but in terms of social research projects with a feminist orientation being strongly favoured. Consider the examples provided of feminist research mentioned in this other blog post, as well as this article which will be discussed in a future post. The author of this article presenting a feminist-concordant perspective on the gender pay gap was also ARC-funded. These spreadsheets look at the nature of projects funded by the ARC)

Q&A: Australian of the Year David Morrison fires up over claim domestic violence data shows decline (2 February 2016) David really must be a feminist, with his ‘who needs statistics anyway’ line (when those statistics don’t support the feminist narrative)

‘Destroy the Joint’ feminist web site inflates the number of Australian women killed in situations of domestic violence (2 February 2016)

How feminists and a Police Commissioner’s Office conspired against male victims of domestic violence on Twitter (5 January 2016) UK. The second part of this investigation is here.

Domestic Violence is not on the rise (16 December 2015)

Clementine Ford is a Fraud (11 December 2015) See also this blog post

Children’s Rights Commissioner urges national focus on children affected by domestic violence (7 December 2015)

“The Children’s Rights Report being released today found one in every 28 people had also experienced sexual abuse as a child, while a further 23 per cent of children have witnessed violence against their mother”. This conveniently neglects to mention that various studies have found that as many kids have seen their mum hit their dad, as per vice versa. Here is one Australian source.

‘The Hunting Ground’s’ laughable response to me (30 November 2015) USA

Victim-blaming rampant in Australians’ attitudes towards violence against women – study (25 November 2015) And what of victim-blaming when men are the victims? And of community attitudes regarding violence towards males? Guess we’ll never know because the last thing feminist researchers want to do is provide context for their claims of female victimisation.

Comments from the One-in-Three organisation regarding errors contained in information submitted by (male feminist) Dr Michael Flood (November 2015)

Wikipedia is anti-feminist because its editorial policy doesn’t allow you to just make things up …. “conventions exclude and silence feminist ways of knowing and writing” (September 2015) Reddit discussion thread and linked article.

Female researchers outraged when asked to include men (9 September 2015)

Mary Koss doesn’t think women can rape men and boys (5 September 2015)

Open letter to the Victorian Minister for the Prevention of Family Violence, by the One in Three organisation (17 August 2015) On exaggerating the extent to which female violence is attributable to self-defence

Campus Rape Expert Can’t Answer Basic Questions About His Sources (28 July 2015) USA

In this June 2015 paper the One in Three advocacy group recounts the bias and antagonism they faced whilst contributing to the Australian Senate Inquiry into Domestic Violence

The Guardian Australia corrects domestic violence article (17 April 2015)

ABC misleads. No, it’s not more dangerous to be a woman, by Andrew Bolt (14 April 2015) One of the precious few examples of an Australian journalist pointing out the distortion of data by feminists. And here and here are examples of the types of pro-feminist articles that Andrew was railing against.

What about the men? White Ribbon, men and violence: A response to Dr Michael Flood by Men’s Health Australia (undated) Very detailed rebuttal of an ‘expert’ whose work is often trumpeted by Australian feminists in support of their cause

Why do we believe such terrible things about men that can’t be true? (24 March 2015)

How To Lie And Mislead With Rape Statistics: Part 1 (25 January 2015) and Part 2 (27 January 2015) Recommended reading

Feminists love statistics – the real sexual assault and violence statistics in Australia (13 January 2015)

NSW Police fail victims of domestic violence with flippant social media post (20 January 2015) Australian feminist journalist attacks NSW Police for recognising male victims of domestic violence. Somebody fetch me a sick bucket

Jane Gilmore should stop with the rubbish domestic violence games by Jim Muldoon (25 November 2014). Jane Gilmore is an Australian feminist writer, and in April 2015 she wrote another article, this time attacking the ‘One in Three’ advocacy group and their findings in relation to the extent of male victimisation.

Domestic violence Woozles (factoids) in Australia (25 November 2014) Concerns the feminist claim that DV is the leading cause of death and injury for women aged under 45, and on the same theme:

Criminal suspicion: Domestic violence leading cause of injury to women (undated) and Response to The Conversation Fact Check from 1IN3 (30 April 2018)

False claims undermine good causes by Claire Lehmann (24 November 2014)

1 in 4 women admit to violence in relationships (7 November 2014) Video by Tom Golden

The truth about a viral graphic on rape statistics (9 December 2014) Recommended reading

The following collection of reddit discussion threads detail moderator bias and censorship in relation to threads/posts concerning domestic violence and child abuse – See example 1example 2example 3example 4, example 5 and example 6 (27 October 2014) Includes the following quote from a moderator responding to a query as to why a post was removed: “It needs to be the right information from the right people. Here’s a shorthand guide: if you are an MRA or TRP, you need not bother posting. If your information may tend to make women look bad, same.”

New Anglicare WA Report finds over half of DV victims are male for some forms of abuse (28 October 2014) Yet despite this the report’s recommendations ignore male victims and female perpetrators

National Domestic Violence Statistics” page only has one statistic where males are a part of the victims. Can you find it? (27 October 2014) Reddit discussion thread and linked ‘fact’ sheet

The top 5 feminist myths of all time (8 September 2014) USA

Acid attacks: telling only half the story (26 June 2014)

Press regulator: Criado-Perez abuse claim was misleading (11 October 2014)

Domestic Violence Lies from Ottawa (22 January 2014) Video

You Tube video showing talk by Donald Dutton discussed fudging of statistics by feminist workers in the domestic violence industry (2008) Highly recommended viewing.

Commissioner Ken Lay’s professional misconduct (8 December 2013) Australia

Dishonesty in the Domestic Violence Industry, 2006 (Australia)

Do we ignore violence against men? G. Andresen and M. Woods (21 November 2007) This paper makes mention of the use of biased statistics by the ‘White Ribbon Campaign’, which is also mentioned in this 2008 discussion thread

Government deception won’t reduce family violence (June 2011)

Thirty Years of Denying the Evidence on Gender Symmetry in Partner Violence: Implications for Prevention and Treatment (July 2010)


How Government’s lie about domestic violence – Australia (17 August 2009)

Feminists deny truth on domestic violence (30 May 2006)

This is a good submission prepared by the Mens Rights Agency addressing the issue of the anti-male bias within domestic violence agencies – absolutely recommended reading

Harvard publishes a study showing women perpetrate more DV, and then the study mysteriously disappeared (A reddit discussion thread from 7 June 2014) and here is a link to an article about that Harvard study that includes a link to a saved copy of the actual study itself (and here is a link to study summary)

How feminists corrupt DV research, by Dr Murray Straus (8 June 2012) Recommended reading

Refuting 40 years of lies about domestic violence by Dean Esmay (19 December 2012)

Male domestic violence victims suffer from wrongful gender bias

Are domestic violence figures bogus? (22 February 2014) Includes discussion of the notorious ‘intimate partner homicide is the leading cause of death for African-American women ages 15 to 45’ statistic myth

Processes explaining the concealment and distortion of evidence on gender symmetry in partner violence by Murray Strauss (14 July 2007)

Domestic violence study suspended by UNSW for breach of ethics (14 April 2014) Further background to this matter can be found here

I spoke to hundreds of men about rape and domestic violence (24 September 2014) Note that this is a different survey to that discussed by Adam Blanch earlier. It is certainly feasible that interviewers might influence survey respondents. It hardly fills one with confidence about the reliability of the results when interviewers are prepared to go on record with such strong views on the matter being investigated.

Article about repeated anti-male bias by a judge hearing domestic violence cases

If manipulating and misrepresenting statistics to suit an agenda was a crime then the feminist authors of this “fact-sheet” should be in jail. Many of these so-called facts are debunked in papers listed in this other post about domestic violence, whilst others demand the smallest measure of common-sense to confirm just how misleading they are.

Womens Aid UK actively tries to discredit statistics of male victims of domestic violence (reddit discussion thread and linked article dated 15 June 2014)

“A third of family murders involved a female as the killer. In sibling murders, females were 15% of killers, and in murders of parents, 18%. But in spouse murders, women represented 41% of killers. In murders of their offspring, women predominated, accounting for 55% of killers” (Source)

The paragraph above was extracted from a 1994 publication, not because patterns of gender perpetration have changed greatly but because the feminist filter has been imposed so completely now, that we only see articles like this one that present statistics in a manner suggesting that women are the perpetual victims of oppressive male malevolence. (Refer to Reddit discussion thread here)

Misrepresentation of Gender Bias in the 1989 Report of the Gender Bias Committee of the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, by Mark B Rosenthal (23 November 2005)


(Source of the quoted statement above)

These final linked articles address the predominant influence asserted by feminists in conducting research, and in the subsequent formulation of DV policy:

Practical Implications of Current Domestic Violence Research (undated) USA

How feminists shaped Australian government policy on domestic violence (A doctorate thesis from December 2004)

A brilliant funding strategy” – How and why feminists took over the domestic violence movement Interviews with Erin Pizzey, Senator Anne Cools, Warren Farrell and others (Youtube video)

Domestic violence, predetermination, and the feminised bureaucracy (Peter Zohrab, 2008) The same author has written many other papers about domestic violence in New Zealand.

Regarding the table below … hardly an ‘epidemic’. The only increase is in male victimisation. It’s no wonder that, in pushing its ‘epidemic’ barrow, the Domestic Violence Industry increasingly relies on statistics generated by help-line call centres instead. And of course we can trust the integrity of those sources.


“Advocacy research consists of collating available evidence or producing new information to support a pre-determined policy position. Advocacy research is commonly carried out by pressure groups, lobby groups and interest groups (such as trade unions) and, occasionally, by political parties, journalists and academics – especially those working in the social policy field.”

Catherine Hakim (2000). Research Design: Successful Designs for Social and Economic Research. pp. 8–9.

“It is difficult to criticize advocacy research without giving an impression of caring less about the problem under consideration than do those who are engaged in magnifying its size. But one may be deeply concerned about problems such as rape, child abuse, and homelessness yet still wish to see a rigorous and objective analysis of their dimensions. Advocacy research that uncovers a problem, measures it with reasonable accuracy, and brings it to public attention performs a valuable service by raising public consciousness. The current trend in advocacy research is to inflate problems and redefine them in line with the advocates’ ideological preferences. The few impose their definition of social ills on the many – seeking to incite moral panics. This type of advocacy research invites social policies that are likely to be neither effective nor fair.”

Gilbert, N. (1997). Advocacy Research and Social Policy. Crime and Justice, 22, 101-148

With regards to the Latrobe Uni study noted above, why not include people of any gender who are concerned about any form of harassment or assault on public transport? In other words get the big picture of what’s occurring. Ditto for all the studies/article regarding workplace harassment that restrict themselves to considering ‘sexual harassment’, knowing full well that this is likely to focus attention on the female perspective.

My initial post about domestic violence within this blog can be found here, whilst other DV-related posts can be located by clicking on the ‘domestic violence’ tag at the bottom of this page. It is suggested that this post also be read in conjunction with:

Has there been a surge in domestic violence during the Covid-19 pandemic?

Public events & domestic violence myth

How feminists misrepresent the gender ‘wage gap’

On the censorship of non-feminist perspectives and opinions

Finessing definitions to preserve the image of female victimhood

Gendered, gendered, gendered: The word that fuels the feminist machine

Achieving personal financial security is important for everyone, but dodgy research helps no-one

Regarding the granting of gender-specific scholarships in Australia




On violence perpetrated, or instigated, by women and girls

Most people were sickened to learn of this violent unprovoked attack on an old man in Australia, which was subsequently discussed in this rather insightful article by Jim Muldoon. One perpetrator subsequently went to court in September 2014 and walked free on a good behaviour bond. No surprise there.

This was not an isolated episode though, and there have been many recent instances of violent crimes involving female perpetrators. Including more attacks on the elderly man (a 2018 example). Indeed, the numbers of women committing violent crime is increasing significantly. Further, the gap between the rate at which violent crimes are committed by men and women is slowly narrowing as male perpetration has either plateaued or declined in many jurisdictions. This trend casts further doubt on the veracity of claims that the number of male victims of domestic assault is inconsequential.

Nevertheless, society generally looks on violence by females as being something far less serious or significant than violence by males, and punishes them accordingly. This is also evident, for example, in these filmed situations where first women and then men are assaulted in public. Worse still there is a growing sense, in some quarters, that female violence is often justifiable and is a facet of female empowerment.

It was also apparent in an August 2014 segment on the ‘Sunrise’ TV show when the panel joked about women filmed fighting on a train platform in Melbourne – their only concern being that a man didn’t intervene.

“A third of family murders involved a female as the killer. In sibling murders, females were 15% of killers, and in murders of parents, 18%. But in spouse murders, women represented 41% of killers. In murders of their offspring, women predominated, accounting for 55% of killers” (Source)

The paragraph above was extracted from a 1994 publication, not because patterns of gender perpetration have changed greatly but because the feminist filter has been imposed so completely now that we only see articles like this one that present statistics in a manner that suggests that women are the perpetual victims of oppressive male malevolence. (Reddit discussion thread here)

The first group of linked articles/papers below explore the general issue of violence by females. A second and subsequent collection of links relate to specific acts of violence by women/girls.

Note that there are many related posts within this blog, for example posts specifically dealing with women abusing their partnerskilling their partners, killing their children, neglecting/abusing the elderly, sexually abusing children/youth, and the neglect/non-sexual abuse of children.

Given all of the above it’s frightening how few anger management programs there are available for women here in Australia. In fact the only dedicated program of which I am aware is LifeWorks. If you know of others then please let me know and I will list them here.

Links to online sources dealing with the issue of violence by women/girls (other than specific incidents or case studies)

Lesbian domestic violence proves it’s not just a male problem (22 July 2023)

Women are more likely to be abused in lesbian relationships than in heterosexual relationships (22 December 2022)

Toxic teenage girls: the new subtle bullying and how to spot it (2 July 2022)

Girls assaulting other girls on Scottish rail network a ‘consistent trend’ – British Transport Police (13 February 2022)

Can We Talk About Female Bullies Please? (5 October 2021)

When women commit war crimes (28 October 2020)

Faces of 14 women who killed and how long they will spend behind bars (15 August 2020) UK

How ultra-violent girl gangs are responsible for terrifying new crime wave across Melbourne (2 June 2020)

What’s your emergency? (22 February 2020) A British TV series, this episode looking at the rise in female violence. Video

I’m not surprised female violence against men is on the rise (27 January 2020)

Domestic abuse by women triples in a decade with female attackers carrying out almost a third of assaults (26 January 2020)

Attacks on family members by women rise twice as fast as by men, new report shows (25 January 2020)

Australian Domestic Violence Homicide Statistics 2018 (19 June 2018) Most DV-related homicides in the first half of 2018 were committed by women. A reality very much at odds with the misandric messages issued by the feminists who have adopted the Eurydice Dixon tragedy as their current cause celebre. A google search on the words ‘female suicide bomber’ will also reveal many papers on the subject as well as details of specific incidents that have appeared in the media (example).

“Women have increasingly assumed more operational roles in jihadist terrorism activities, as have minors and young adults. One in four (26%) of the arrestees in 2016 were women, a significant increase compared to 2015 (18%)” (Source)

Why don’t we admit it: Women commit domestic violence too (19 February 2019)

The Female Abuser Is Protected by Society (30 May 2018)

Teens’ hair pulled, faces punched by girl gang in shopping centre (12 February 2018)

Slag (27 September 2017) Australian video by Gary Orsum

Female violence, society’s blind spot, by Hannah Wallen (4 August 2017) Video

Australia’s most dangerous women inmates (8 July 2017)

Ideal killers: ‘Young, beautiful, reckless’ female death squad (5 July 2017)

Don’t mess with a queen! Female rulers over the past 500 years have waged war more often than kings (28 April 2017)

Extensive Research: Women Initiate Domestic Violence More than Men, Men Under-report It (24 March 2017)

Female domestic abuser: Why I hit my partner (1 March 2017) UK

Number of women convicted of domestic violence at record high (20 September 2016) UK

Girls and their frenemies, by Linda Stade (19 September 2016)

Why ARE modern women so aggressive? It’s been called the dark side of equality – a surge in respectable women flying into violent rages for the most trivial reasons (15 September 2016) with related Reddit discussion thread here

“In 1957, men were responsible for 11 violent offences for every one perpetrated by a woman — today, that is four to one”

“Two in five victims of domestic violence in the UK are men. The number of women prosecuted for it rose from 1,575 in 2004/5 to 4,266 in 2008/9”

Isil bride Sally Jones’s role in training female recruits for attacks on West (12 September 2016)

Denying female domestic violence (28 August 2016) by Augusto Zimmermann

When women attack (25 August 2016) A Terence Popp video

Which sex is the most violent? You won’t be surprised! (10 August 2016)

The Gender of Domestic Violence (11 June 2016)

The Rise of Female Violence (7 June 2016)

Tasmanian budget 2016: Women’s prison to be expanded after spike in family violence by women (25 May 2016)

Shocking photos of woman who lost eye in stiletto attack emerge – as the shoe is revealed to be weapon of choice for drunk women across Britain (21 March 2016)

Girl fights: Are Aussie women becoming more violent? (18 March 2016)

European Queens Waged More Wars Than Kings (27 January 2016)

Feminism And The Manufacture Of A Modern Misogynist (18 December 2015)

Teenage girls using social media to plan public brawls, Queensland police warn (12 January 2016)

Female perpetrators of intimate abuse, by Donald D. Dutton, Tonia L. Nicholls, Alicia Spidel (3 January 2016)

Beiwel: Pardoning female domestic abusers sends the wrong message about feminism (14 December 2015)

Tashfeen Malik and the American women who became mass shooters (3 December 2015)

Refusing to talk about violent women hurts women more than it hurts men (25 November 2015)

Who was the woman in the suicide vest? (19 November 2015) with list of recent incidents involving female terrorists here

BBC3 – The Rise of Female Violence (18 November 2015)

Just Say Goodbye – ‘Devoted’ Mothers Kill? (11 November 2015)

Confronted by Evidence, by Steve Carter (10 November 2015)

The Rise of Female Violence (8 November 2015) A BBC3 documentary, with reviews/rebuttals by Mike Buchanan here and HEqual here.

Girls Are the Fastest-Growing Group in the Juvenile Justice System (1 October 2015) and related reddit discussion thread

Another Drop Of Blood – Violence Is Genderless (14 September 2015)

America’s girls have a violence problem (7 September 2015)

Monsters Too Scary for Words (7 September 2015) Lengthy paper regarding female killers

Women who kill (28 August 2015)

Your Field Guide to the Female Psychopath (10 August 2015)

ISIS’s female Gestapo wreaking terror on their own sex: They bite and whip any woman who steps out of line and force girls to become sex slaves. Most shocking of all? SIXTY of them are British (12 July 2015)

Alcohol-related injuries increasing for Australian women (20 June 2015)

Very important pussy (4 June 2015)

The ugly truth of female violence, by Jasmin Newman (28 April 2015) Australia

Women given ‘free pass’ on domestic violence, says former Nationals senator (7 January 2015)

If 10% of M&Ms are poisoned, shouldn’t the question be how they got that way? (1 September 2014)

Women more Violent and Controlling than Men: Various Studies find (27 June 2014) and related reddit discussion thread

References Examining Assaults by Women on Their Spouses or Male Partners: An Updated Annotated Bibliography (June 2014)

Arrests of women in NSW are rising and now at a faster rate than men (30 May 2014)

The two facets of female violence: The public and the domestic domains (January 2014)

A cold war fought by women (18 November 2013)

The rise and rise of the violent femme (30 April 2013)

Study: 10 Percent of U.S. Youths cause Sexual Violence – Females are just as likely to be perpetrators as males (7 October 2013)

The startling facts on female sexual aggression, by Ally Fogg (4 September 2013) (Girls, crime and violence: Toward a feminist theory of female violence)

Violence is violence versus the Duluth model (video) and If and When a woman has to change her behaviour (video)

Working with violent women‘, by Erin Pizzey

Systemic gendered violence?‘ by Karen Straughan (31 December 2011)

Where Do All The Bullies Go? (4 November 2014)

Say no to violence against men (12 November 2014)

Why are all the mass-killers always men? Uh, they aren’t (13 October 2014) Reddit discussion thread here

Do we give female domestic violence abusers a pass? (1 October 2014)

Woman As Aggressor: The Unspoken Truth Of Domestic Violence (19 September 2014)

Save the women and children … from women? (21 September 2014)

The Surprising Truth About Women and Violence, by Cathy Young (25 June 2014) Recommended reading:

“The February CDC study found that, over their lifetime, 44% of lesbians had been physically assaulted by a partner (more than two-thirds of them only by women), compared to 35% of straight women, 26% of gay men, and 29% of straight men.”

Awesome post addressing the notion that men=violence but women not so much

Terror cases allege women wanted to fight, not wed fighters (4 April 2015)

Aussie women in terror groups (March 2015) Video

The Myth of Female Frailty (3 March 2015)

Female terrorists, feminist denial  (3 February 2015)

Where do all the female bullies go? (30 January 2015)

Australian women ‘joining IS foreign fighters’ (24 January 2015)

Have you ever beaten up a boyfriend?  Cause, Uh, we have (Girls get violent) (Filmed reaction to women abusing men in public)

Congo’s Forgotten Curse: Epidemic of Female-on-Female Rape (3 December 2013)

Prevalence of physical violence in intimate relationships, part 2: Rates of male and female perpetration (2012) with Twitter discussion thread here. (8 January 2012)

Researcher says women’s initiation of domestic violence predicts risk to women (7 June 2009) Article by Glenn Sacks

Undated Youtube video showing violence by women

Some specific examples of violent behaviour either carried out, or instigated, by women or girls

Law graduate Extinction Rebellion activist, 28, who murdered her fiancé by stabbing him with a kitchen knife as he pleaded ‘I love you, please’ is jailed for life (5 August 2024)

Washington woman seen in ‘high spirits’ and ‘dancing about’ in Newcastle after assaulting man (1 September 2024) UK

‘I had to defend myself, dude’: Instead of showering together, woman allegedly stuns man with bat and breaks off blade in his body in unprovoked attack (23 August 2024)

Mother-of-eight who poured petrol over her ex-lover’s brother before she set his new van on fire is hit with a 10-year restraining order – but spared jail (25 July 2024)

Teenage girl fighting for life after stabbing in Fortitude Valley (15 July 2024) Australia

Chinese teen loses teeth in alleged Auckland bus assault by ‘200 kilogram woman’ (2 July 2024)

Female lifeguard battered boyfriend and drove over his mobile phone after he confessed to kissing another woman on a night out (8 June 2024) “But Judge Whitehouse added she did ‘not view it as being a classic case of domestic abuse’ as she pointed Sutherland-Young’s ‘great deal of mitigation'”

Mum must wear two ankle tags after beating up disabled boyfriend while he sat in wheelchair (4 June 2024)

Group of teenage girls wreak havoc on train (3 May 2024) Australia

Woman assaults girl and her mother for no apparent reason (May 2024) Video. See what happens when a man intervenes

Mums in ugly attack at Disneyland caught on video (2 May 2024)

Woman stabs ‘popular landlord’ to death outside Maidstone pub ‘in cold blood’ (1 May 2024) UK

Teenage girl in court over murder of 10-year-old sister (30 April 2024)

Girl, 13, charged after Ammanford school stabbings (26 April 2024) UK

Teen ‘may not recover’ after vicious brawl near US high school (17 March 2024) USA

Mum threatens legal action, video emerges of brutal schoolyard fight (6 March 2024)

Mother’s horrific wounds after she’s slashed across the face with broken glass by stranger in random bar attack while celebrating Beaujolais Day – as ‘wicked’ thug is jailed five years (3 March 2024) Look! No room to put the word ‘woman’ in the headline

Kimberlee Singler: Children of US mum arrested in London were shot (15 February 2024)

Four girls aged 11 to 15 charged after vicious brawl at Burwood Station caught on video (12 February 2024) Australia

Disturbing footage captures moment girl set upon, bashed by group in horrific group attack at bus stop (20 November 2023) Australia. As usual, if it was a group of boys attacking then this would have featured in the headline.

‘If you’ve got the balls lady, do it’: Taunt that sparked woman’s wild stabbing revealed after appeal launched (3 November 2023)

‘Bash the b****’: Racist teens attack young Korean woman in Sydney (1 November 2023)

Mum gets 78 years prison for killing her two daughters (24 September 2023) USA

Hartlepool woman jailed for life for murdering elder sister (20 September 2023)

Shocking moment three female youths punch two women in the head on station platform in south London ‘after robbery on board train’ (19 September 2023)

Teenage girl, 16, is stabbed to death during fight over sweet and sour sauce outside a McDonalds in Washington DC (29 August 2023) You have to read this closely to learn that the killer was another teenage girl

Wild brawl between three teenage girls breaks out at Beaudesert Public Library (2 August 2023) Australia

Naked woman fires gun on busy California highway (27 July 2023) USA

Four teens arrested after Adelaide Uber carjacking (13 July 2023) They meant to write ‘Four teen girls’. Sure

Shocking fight caught on camera at Tamworth Woolworths (6 June 2023) Not even fighting over toilet rolls this time.

Woman charged in I-95 stabbing to be held without bond (11 April 2023) USA

Woman intentionally killed 2 maintenance workers with her car and was aiming to kill a third, police say (30 March 2023)

‘Absolutely disgusted’: Seven-year-old girl allegedly stomped by teen on playground (29 March 2023) Look for the word ‘girl’ in this article (re: the perpetrator) – every other term used bar that one.

Jealous woman smashes ex-boyfriend over the head with glass bottle and an ashtray then stabs him as he tries to leave (27 March 2023) UK

Three girls charged after 13-year-old allegedly lured to home and tortured (22 March 2023)

Mum shouted ‘after my fella are you?’ as she stabbed neighbour in the face (8 March 2023)

Woman tried to saw boyfriend’s head off with bread knife after stabbing him 29 times (24 February 2023)

US girl, 14, takes own life after video shows other girls beating her up (10 February 2023)

Shocking moment women throwdown in road-rage brawl (31 January 2023) Melbourne, Australia

Killer’s voicemail message after she killed mum’s best friend (27 January 2023)

Woman allegedly bashed pregnant woman over queue disagreement in Gold Coast venue (24 January 2023)

Woman accused of murdering, dismembering her elderly parents (21 January 2023) USA

Japanese killer Miyuki Ueta chokes to death on prison food while awaiting execution (19 January 2023)

Former Playboy model found guilty of second-degree murder, sentenced to 25 years in prison (11 January 2023)

Woman ‘killed lover and put head and penis in bucket after drug-fuelled sex game’ (10 January 2023)

Girl, 16, charged with murder after Boxing Day stabbing (28 December 2022)

Stabbers filmed snapchat videos during horror car boot kidnapping (9 December 2022)

Woman and her friend ‘revenge attack’ ex-boyfriend (30 November 2022)

Mia Miller faces court after viral video of assault (25 November 2022)

Girl, 15, who attacked pregnant woman walking with pram jailed for a year (23 November 2022)

Women’s vicious racing brawl caught on camera (1 November 2022)

Police hunt three women following brutal assault at London Bridge Station (25 October 2022)

Mum slams ‘complete animals’ in bizarre alien costumes who assaulted, robbed NYC teens (5 October 2022) See also how victim’s mum complained about men not taking action against female offenders

Lodger, 49, who attacked her terrified landlady in Psycho-style knife frenzy is jailed for more than four years (1 October 2022)

Shocking moment woman with baby hit repeatedly on Brisbane bus (22 September 2022) Hit by other women!

Waitress smashed pint glass into neighbour’s face in angry row over noise days after she celebrated 18th birthday with raucous party (7 September 2022)

Innocent disabled bystander (male) run over and killed due to two women fighting (August 2022) Video

Ashfield robbery: WA teen charged after sickening assault on ‘friendly’ mother (6 September 2022)

Jury told of wife’s act after discovering husband’s ‘affair’ (29 August 2022)

‘Despicable’: Woman charged after allegedly drowning pet Chihuahua (13 August 2022)

California dermatologist is arrested for ‘poisoning her husband’ after he told cops he’d been sick for a month and set up camera in their $2.7m mansion to prove it (9 August 2022)

The moment two women brawl in Primark, swapping blows and rolling around on the ground in front of stunned shoppers (12 July 2022) UK

Dallas woman sentenced to life in prison for convincing boyfriend to kill her husband by faking physical, sexual abuse (23 June 2022)

Woman attacks elderly man twice in shocking road rage (21 April 2022) Article is behind the ‘Brisbane Courier-Mail’ paywall

Girl’s plea after shocking beating by teen gang (20 April 2022) Note that it’s not displayed as “teen girl gang”. Par for the course. Funny thing that.

Man, 58, who died six days after being knocked unconscious with one punch by a baby-faced teen girl, 19 – as she is cleared of causing his death (5 April 2022)

Teenage girls arrested on tip from their mothers after video ‘shows them attacking homeless people’ (30 March 2022) USA

Woman, 26, turns herself in for shove that killed beloved 87yo: police (23 March 2022) USA

Teens cheer as schoolgirl bashed, thrown down stairs“. By another girl – though that bit’s left out of the headline (15 March 2022). Crime occurred at Bundaberg, Queensland. Article is behind the Courier-Mail paywall.

Kill the Bill rioter who attacked officer with skateboard and smashed police station window during violent Bristol protest sobs in the dock as she is jailed for five-and-a-half years (11 March 2022)

Woman allegedly decapitated lover while high during sex (3 March 2022) USA

Woman’s botched attempt to burn down house with children inside caught on CCTV (24 February 2022)

CCSD teacher says she was brutally attacked by student (21 February 2022) USA

German teenager sentenced for murder reveals chilling vow to kill in text to friend before brutally stabbing man taking her on a date (16 February 2022)

Woman dies after vicious 7Eleven coffee attack (15 February 2022)

Video shows Las Vegas student punched more than 30 times in the middle of a classroom (4 February 2022) A girl punching another girl, oddly not mentioned in any of the media items I’ve seen, or in the school’s response.

Mother-of-three, 33, kidnapped and tortured her boyfriend who had boiling water poured over him and cigarettes stubbed out on his arm because she wanted him to pay for her Botox (2 February 2022)

Teenagers charged after rideshare driver allegedly carjacked, threatened with glass bottle (7 January 2022)

Female DV defendant in court goes berserk (24 November 2021) USA. Video

Willetton Senior High School stabbing: Students charged over ‘plot to kill’ teacher (2 November 2021) It’s unbelievable how this article – and others – neglected to mention that the perpetrators were girls.

Woman glassed complete stranger, scarring him for life, then ‘blew kisses’ at him (30 October 2021)

Frankie Smith and Savanna Brockhill deny murdering Bradford toddler Star Alyssa Hobson (26 October 2021)

Teenage girl’s sickening attack on young sunbathers at Coogee Bay Oval (27 September 2021)

Why Kathleen Worrall stabbed sister Susan more than 50 times | — Australia’s leading news site (14 September 2021)

Jack Grealish and girlfriend Sasha ‘on different pages’ as football pro ‘just wants to have fun’ ( (28 August 2021) 200 death threats a day, huh?

UberEats driver’s murder by carjacking teenagers captured by shocked bystanders (28 March 2021) USA

Florida nurse, 55, chokes Uber driver from behind and then bites into his neck ‘like a pitbull’ in unprovoked attack (22 April 2021)

Teenage girl arrested over horror stabbing at Sydney train station (19 March 2021) Australia

Man fighting for life after being slashed with broken bottle on the Gold Coast (17 March 2021) Australia

Melbourne: 45yo woman charged with elderly man’s murder (9 March 2021)

Woman stabbed best friend 18 times in ‘50 shades’ sex game (24 February 2021) UK

Woman poisoned to death by son’s girlfriend (16 February 2021)

Salem County teen charged in slaying of homeless man allegedly filmed victim’s beaten body (12 February 2021) USA

Teen accused of attacking woman with meat cleaver (25 December 2020) Australia

Woman stabbed boyfriend twice in the chest while high on crack – a judge has let her walk free in time for Christmas (24 December 2020) UK. “After being told it was ‘in everybody’s interest’ that she be released on licence, Higginson wept as she thanked the judge and wished him a ‘Merry Christmas'”

Woman charged with murdering her relative at a Perth home (16 November 2020) Australia

Crazed road-rage incident caught on video ends in woman stabbing another motorist (21 October 2020) Australia

Young dad working two jobs to support his family murdered by teen girl as he delivers pizza (12 September 2020)

Video shows two teens caught in ‘disgusting’ bullying attack in central Qld (3 September 2020) Australia

Prison officer at Silverwater jail stabbed in back by inmate (31 August 2020) Both female, by the way

‘Wild, dangerous’ Adelaide girl, 16, freed from youth detention after crime spree including Macca’s attack and violent carjacking (20 August 2020)

Two recent examples of groups of young American women on violent rampages in public places (29 July 2020) Example 1 + Example 2

Girl, 14, charged with murder after 10-year-old cousin found dead in NSW town of Gunnedah (9 July 2020) Australia

Stabbed friend, and committed bizarre undie-burglary (30 June 2020) NZ

‘Sudanese girls stomped her’: Sickening footage captures a 13-year-old girl being ‘senselessly beaten’ by a gang of schoolyard thugs (22 June 2020) Australia

Cian English: Two girls arrested over teen’s Gold Coast balcony death (4 June 2020)

Woman, 48, ‘beat her 32-year-old wife to death with a wine cooler days after gushing about their love’ (20 May 2020) USA

First picture of woman who was found ‘sawn in half’ and whose torso was dumped in suitcases (20 May 2020) UK. Safe in a women’s refuge? Think again

Teens face 25 years’ jail over ‘vicious’ assault at Figtree Grove shopping centre, likened to ‘pack of wild dogs’ (4 May 2020) Australia. And yes, the “teens” were girls

Alleged spitter charged with four cop assaults (24 April 2020) Australia

Teenage girls who stabbed and shaved neighbour they suspected was a rapist avoid jail time (17 April 2020)

Two women charged after violent fight breaks out at Woolies as toilet paper panic buying escalates (8 March 2020)

Young woman cleared of murder after driving car into group of teenagers (15 February 2020)

Woman, 25, who had sex with older men before setting their homes on fire is jailed for arson (12 February 2020)

Woman attacked ex with carving knife and mop handle after he ended their relationship (11 February 2020)

Woman kills gun range instructor because she’s ‘stressed-out’ from fight with boyfriend (10 February 2020)

Girl’s teeth knocked out in alleged bashing (6 February 2020) See how far you need to read through the article before it’s disclosed that the attackers were female. Do you think that would have been the case if they were male? Most unlikely

Girl, 11, charged after elementary school teacher stabbed in Australia (28 October 2019)

Adelaide woman avoids jail after slashing taxi driver at Elizabeth Shopping Centre (17 October 2019) Australia

Young women assault and pepper-spray a business owner after he confronts them about shop-lifting (14 October 2019) Video

Woman charged after Snapchat clip of bloodied and dazed father being confronted by teen girl in Thirroul goes viral (2 October 2019) Australia

One of many video clips on the net showing a woman beating a man in public, with no-one intervening … until the male strikes back. More such videos can be seen in this post. (September 2019)

Furious bus rage woman, 23, who brutally bashed a 75-year-old pensioner (12 September 2019) Australia

Woman charged after allegedly stabbing three men and daughter in Salamander Bay on NSW coast (28 August 2019) Australia

Stripper faces court over alleged glassing of ‘Neighbours’ actor in Gold Coast club (21 August 2019) Australia

Hull mum Chloe Hansom ‘loses control’ so glasses boyfriend, slaps landlady, and then spits on him (3 August 2019) UK

Calls for mental health law review as past assaults revealed (23 July 2019) Australia

‘Feral dog’: Teen spits on McDonald’s worker in vile video (12 July 2019) Australia

She smashed a wine glass into his face in a row over ‘texting other woman’ – but walks free as court told he is standing by her (10 June 2019)

‘He deserved it’ … woman stabbed boyfriend who told her she was packing to many holiday clothes (10 June 2019)

Australian model facing 21 years in jail for attacking a flight attendant asks American judge to throw out her conviction (4 June 2019)

Pregnant woman bashed in Sydney street (28 May 2019)

Three teenagers charged after 30 girls fight at Narre Warren reserve (16 May 2019)

Moment a woman, 25, violently shoves a man, 74, off a bus to his death after he told her to be nicer to other passengers (15 May 2019) USA

Party girl who stabbed a stranger in the head with a STILETTO in a random attack on her 21st birthday is let off with just a $250 fine (9 May 2019)

Woman sentenced for naked attack on boyfriend after brawl was caught on CCTV (3 May 2019)

Woman brandishes machete in Costco parking spot dispute on Vancouver Island (30 April 2019) Canada

A 22-year-old (*woman*) has been refused bail over the alleged bashing of an elderly woman at a bus stop in Geelong (18 April 2019)

Horrifying moment girl, 13, beaten in unprovoked attack at infamous fight school (10 April 2019)

Teen girls’ violent attack on chicken shop worker leaves victim badly injured (29 March 2019) Australia

Teen who murdered boy while pregnant ‘boasting about being a man hater’ (26 March 2019) UK

Teen who murdered boy while pregnant ‘boasting about being a man hater’ (26 March 2019)

Emma Sands, 32, impatient mother, punched grandmother, 64, in the face repeatedly because she was walking too slowly on the school run. Suspended sentence (24 March 2019) UK

Woman sentenced to 15 years for brutal brick beating of 92-year-old in Willowbrook (1 March 2019)

Shocking video shows girl, 12, being beaten by bullies as she screamed for help (7 February 2019) UK. And, as is typical of the media, the gender of the bullies was not mentioned in the article (hint: female).

Domestic violence double standards: Man stabbed by his girlfriend says hospital staff asked if ‘he deserved it’ – and some people still don’t believe he is a victim (2 February 2019)

Disturbing video of a brawl in which three girls gang up on one boy (1 February 2019) Australia

‘I killed her’: College student, 21, stabs her best friend 30 times with a butcher knife and greets cops covered in blood in the apartment they shared (27 January 2019)

Ottawa teen charged with killing her mother (26 January 2019)

Man stabbed in back while waiting in triage by ‘frenzied’ patient (23 January 2019) Australia

Woman jailed for violent invasion of elderly Christchurch couple’s home (16 January 2019)

Woman in ‘man hating’ group chat ‘murdered sleeping partner then smoked weed’ (7 December 2018)

Family of stabbing victim storm out of court as killer explains actions (5 December 2018)

Man, 94, shoved to the ground in school pick-up dispute (5 December 2018)

Schoolgirl viciously assaulted by two others (30 November 2018) with related Twitter post and sickening video

10-year-old girl overdosed on pills after being bullied at school (16 November 2018) Yes, that’s right read the fine-print and you’ll find that perpetrator/s female. Usually if male/s it features in the headline!

Savage bullies stamped on girl, 14, so hard she may have been left infertile (13 November 2018)

Elisha Browne, 40, jailed for three years over hit-and-run of boyfriend’s lover (26 October 2018)

Mum discharged without conviction after assaulting her daughter’s ‘bully’ (14 October 2018) NZ

Female indigenous activist knees cop ‘in testicles’ in her third police assault (28 September 2018)

‘Vicious, unprovoked and relentless’: Quartet charged after group attack (27 September 2018)

Wigton woman who stabbed teen lover in bed has jail term cut (19 September 2018)

‘Straight A’ student kills her love rival in stabbing at school in Michigan (13 September 2018)

4 suspects in assault of Applebee’s waitress identified (14 July 2018) USA

Gang of four women repeatedly kicks and punches man, 19, to the floor in vicious late-night brawl at London’s Leicester Square station (26 June 2018)

Serial killer Joanna Dennehy ‘worse than Rosemary West and Aileen Wuornos’ (26 June 2018)

Mother, 19, stabbed boyfriend during sex after telling him men should only be used for ‘human sacrifice’ (2 May 2018)

Lesbian mum who viciously beat bride walks free after telling court she has high levels of “male hormones” (18 January 2018)

US woman lured pregnant neighbour to her apartment, killed her and took her unborn baby (13 December 2017) USA

Woman ripped man’s testicle out with her teeth (7 December 2017) UK

Girlfriend, 20, who slashed her lover with a seven-inch kitchen knife in the face at his university flat while drunk and high on drugs is SPARED jail after judge heard she was ‘charming’ (1 December 2017)

Woman allegedly chops off man’s penis with garden shears (29 November 2017) I think we can safely say that if the victim was female then this article would have had a VERY different tone.

Woman assaults Queensland police officer (17 November 2017)

Escort says she shot client because he was bad at oral sex (10 November 2017)

His ex-lover, 48, ‘maimed him so no one else could have him’ (9 November 2017)

NSW tourist Prue Elizabeth Harvey ‘batters Zombie rider’ in Florida (25 October 2017)

Wife who threw boiling water over her husband’s mistress ‘was so distressed after catching them together she may not have been in control of her actions’ (24 October 2017)

Woman admits attacking men after drug comments (19 October 2017)

Grandmother charged with attempted murder over attack on baby in Brisbane home (17 October 2017) Australia

Woman filmed brutally stamping on tiny puppy in elevator (6 October 2017)

Horror as girl, 16, ‘walks straight into school and stabs welfare officer’ (26 September 2017) UK

Lesbian couple who beat their 5-year-old son with a hammer, duct-taped his eyes shut and kicked him in the groin in a brutal attack that caused him to suffer two strokes are jailed for 20 years (21 September 2017)

Security guard suffered collapsed lung after being stabbed by woman chasing after ex girlfriend (18 September 2017) UK

Four female Boston College foreign exchange students who were sprayed with acid at Marseille train station (18 September 2017)

Woman beats man in Houston, TX after Hurricane Harvey (2 September 2017) Video

Girl, 11, shot in the head in Tasmania (30 August 2017)

“An 11-year-old girl is in a stable condition in a Melbourne hospital with multiple gunshot wounds, after a supermarket brawl between two women allegedly later led to a shooting”

Italian tourist says she was ‘drunk and angry’ after kicking woman in the head in McDonald’s fight (23 August 2017)

Catholic schoolgirls suspended after bathroom fight broadcast live on Facebook (23 August 2017)

Woman jailed for murdering love rival and assuming victim’s identity in four year stalking campaign (16 August 2017)

Drunk bride-to-be drove with fiancé on bonnet of new £60K Range Rover for THREE MILES after smoking row (12 August 2017) UK

Mother and daughter ‘formed Britain’s first all female hit squad’ to carry out a knife attack on Westminster, court hears (11 August 2017)

Schoolgirl jailed for viola case acid attack on love rival in music room (10 August 2017)

Drunk recruitment boss, 50, left two men seriously injured when she attacked them with a broken wine glass ‘to teach them a lesson’ when one gave her a ‘dirty look’ in a pub (1 August 2017)

No jail time for Australian Tinder date slasher (31 July 2017)

It’s curious, but unremarkable, how only one article about this murder identified the three teenagers as being female (30 July 2017)

Gold Coast woman, Hannah Dayney, grabs bartender by the hair (26 July 2017)

Anna Schroeder ‘killed mum Peggy’ in Morrison Illinois, says later ‘you were my best friend’ (13 July 2017)

17 killed in multiple Boko Haram suicide bombings in Nigeria (12 July 2017) Doesn’t conform to the prevailing gynocentric narrative? = mainstream media silence

Bar girl murder suspects, dubbed Murder Babes, confess in strangest death case in Thailand (9 July 2017)

Woman sentenced for stabbing ex-partner after he ended affair by text (20 June 2017) “freed on three years probation”

Man, woman charged over alleged stabbing, arson attack (10 June 2017) Australia. An example of bi-lateral IPV – a far more common form of domestic violence than most people realise.

Woman stabs husband in ‘sudden outburst’ after he suffered years of domestic abuse (9 June 2017) UK

Eliza Wasni, aged 16, killed Uber driver in ‘random act of violence’ court told (1 June 2017) USA

Dark truth of Oxford student spared jail for stabbing lover (20 May 2017)

Woman accused with fatal stabbing in Queensland (13 May 2017)

Vancouver woman kicks dog and then hits its owner (7 May 2017) Video

Schoolgirls facing murder charges after Serena McKay allegedly beaten to death (5 May 2017)

Women turn on, stab driver after free ride (5 May 2017) Australia

Vulnerable father was forced to eat own testicle and then tortured to death, court hears (3 May 2017)

Women charged after allegedly assaulting police at bar in Sydney’s west (30 April 2017) Australia

Two teen girls on run after stabbing nearly kills male in east-central Minnesota (30 April 2017) USA

Serial killer sisters Renuke Shinde and Seema Gavit who abducted and murdered children in bid to avoid execution at the gallows (21 April 2017) India

Footage shows two young girls fighting while Melbourne commuters just watch (24 March 2017) Australia

““I can’t believe in such a crowded place only 1 man came to her aid!!!” (Apparently no feminists were on hand to intervene)

Homeless woman charged over Elizabeth Street stabbing (23 March 2017) Australia

Warilla stabbing victim airlifted to St George Hospital (16 March 2017)

Woman left scarred for life after being glassed by love rival blasts court’s decision to let attacker walk free (14 March 2017) UK

‘I’m not sending a lady to prison for this’: Student spared jail after racist slurs during Notting Hill club rampage (14 March 2017) UK

Chilling police tapes show mother who murdered her elderly neighbour then disposed of her chopped up body in her daughter’s pram (2 March 2017) UK

Three teenagers on the run after stabbing woman at Southern Cross station (19 February 2017) Australia

Woman allegedly stabs man with scissors in Brisbane suburb of Gaythorne (19 February 2017) They were in a relationship

Autistic teenager battered by female thug (16 February 2017) UK

Woman allegedly stabbed her lover after he refused a threesome with another woman (2 February 2017)

Woman stabs date, tries to eat his heart in quest to be serial killer (1 February 2017) USA

Killer grandma Cynthia Cdebaca says she would shoot son-in-law Geoward Eustaquio again if she had the chance (29 January 2017) USA

Woman who tortured, killed man was featured speaker at Women’s March (22 January 2017) USA

17-Year-Old Michigan Girl Charged with Raping 19-Year-Old Man at Knifepoint (19 January 2017) USA

Jilted woman throws acid, slashes boyfriend’s face (18 January 2017)

Teen girls live stream fight at Blacktown bus terminal (13 January 2017) Australia

Maid of honour ‘punches guest, tries to steal best man’s car’ at friend’s Florida wedding (13 January 2017)

Woman to face court for alleged Sydney axe attack (8 January 2017) This sick individual was actually a trans-woman and a feminist

Qld Boxing Day stabbing charges upgraded (28 December 2016)

Award-Winning Connecticut Cop Arrested for Domestic Violence Hours After Arresting Man for Domestic Violence for Reality Cop Show (26 December 2016)

Girl gang chops vegetables over football player after plying him with vodka in sex attack (15 December 2016) UK

When Chinese cubs turn on their Tiger Parents (11 December 2016)

‘Despicable’ Chinese student fined $5000 after she kicked fatally bashed teen (16 November 2016) Australia

Female anti-bullying ambassador, 23, arrested at Trump Tower protest for pushing man, 74, to the ground in fight over the new President-elect (12 November 2016)

Woman killed after being pushed in front of New York subway train at Times Square (8 November 2016)

Ashlee Martinson gives first prison interview since killing mother, stepfather (5 November 2016) USA

“I’m … just a girl, an abused girl who was forced to make a really bad decision. I’m not the monster they portrayed me to be”

Daughter, 20, charged with the murder of her mother after the 56-year-old was found bludgeoned to death in their Brisbane home (3 November 2016)

Woman accused of raping other woman (1 November 2016) Australia

‘Imagine if it was the other way around’: Teen films violent female assault (1 November 2016)

Gold Coast police charge 41-year-old woman over alleged stabbing in Surfers Paradise (31 October 2016)

23-year-old woman in serious condition after alleged Coomera assault (30 October 2016)

Woman allegedly threatens supermarket staff with machete (19 October 2016) Australia

Teen girl found guilty of murdering mother and daughter as they slept in their beds (19 October 2016) UK

Girl, 11, charged over WA arson attack (7 October 2016)

‘She’s going to stab me’: Peter Hook reveals details of turbulent marriage to Caroline Aherne (2 October 2016) If she was a ‘he’ then the term ‘domestic violence’ would be all over this article, but instead the marriage was “turbulent”.

Man stabbed repeatedly with fork in Redcliffe (1 October 2016)

Bodies wrapped in sheets: Man charged over couple’s murder (21 September 2016) Female gangster boss organises killings whilst still in jail

Woman charged with stabbing man who refused sex with her (20 September 2016)

Teenager, 15, is horrifically beaten by an ‘animal’ all-girl gang who lured her into a trap and set upon her – then uploaded the footage to Snapchat (19 September 2016)

Fury as drunk benefits mum dodges jail for her ELEVENTH attack on police – and her FOURTH this year (19 September 2016) UK

Sian Kingi murder: Valmae Beck’s evil (16 September 2016) Australia

Florida mum Rachael Leahy ‘ordered hit on ex-husband’ David Leahy (14 September 2016) USA

Teen girl charged with attempted murder after man doused in petrol and set alight (12 September 2016) Australia

Police officer stabbed by female terror suspect linked to foiled Notre Dame attack (9 September 2016)

Woman to serve eight years for torture, rape (9 September 2016)

Girl shoots classmate, turns gun on herself at Texas high school: report (9 September 2016)

This is just unbelievable (video)

Busselton woman charged after allegedly injuring partner’s genitals during argument (31 August 2016) Australia

Two young Queensland women facing extradition to South Australia over murder of Craigmore man Robert Whitwell (28 August 2016)

Shocking video of the moment Alabama high school student girl attacks a teacher with a stun gun (27 August 2016) USA

Lesbian who stripped naked and assaulted friend after she refused to have sex with her is FINALLY jailed for sending her a text calling her a ‘sewer rat’ (23 August 2016)

Man shot at Labrador (22 August 2016) Why are both the media and police so coy (i.e. gender neutral) when the perpetrator is a female? The man subsequently died. At least this article told it as it was.

Man’s leg slashed in suspected tomahawk attack at Sydney unit block (22 August 2016) Australia

Jasmine Richardson walks free a decade after, as a 12-year-old, she and ‘werewolf’ boyfriend massacred her family (21 August 2016)

Shaun Rudder found not guilty of assaulting Brittany Merrick (15 August 2016) Pussy-pass denied

‘If it was the other way round I think I’d be in prison’: Driving instructor, 23, who was brutally stabbed by his jealous ex-girlfriend is demanding tougher sentences for violent women (13 August 2016) UK

Brisbane beauty queen savagely bashed by a group of women (11 August 2016) Australia

Female officer charged with DV assault (8 August 2016) Australia

Murder trial to begin of Amirah Droudis for allegedly killing the ex-wife of Lindt Cafe gunman Man Monis (3 August 2016) Australia

‘Psychopath’ 14-year-old girl slits teen’s throat hoping to achieve her first kill (30 July 2016) USA

Foul-mouthed 20-minute tube row between ranting teenage girls and fellow passengers over an empty seat (29 July 2016) UK

Beauty queen knifed in the neck by her own mum as she slept (27 July 2016)

Girl, 17, charged after alleged stabbing (22 July 2016) Australia

Ontario Woman Accused Of Urging Men To Rape Ex-Boyfriend’s Pregnant Wife Appears In Court (18 July 2016) Further background here

Woman charged over alleged stabbing of man (30 June 2016) Australia. Domestic violence whereby the female offender breached AVO

Cops: Woman, 26, Wielded Hatchet After Her Demands For Sex Were Repeatedly Rebuffed (28 June 2016) USA

Mum killed daughter Taylor days before wedding (28 June 2016)

Woman accused of stuffing dead husband in container was convicted of raping, shooting teen decade ago (20 June 2016) USA

Amber Heard Arrested for Domestic Violence Against Girlfriend (7 June 2016)

Woman arrested for domestic violence while wearing very ironic t-shirt (25 May 2016)

Ambos angry after attack in Legacy Way tunnel (23 May 2016) Australia

Hairdresser screams ‘the system is f***ed’ as she’s jailed for 12 years for glassing a man in the face as he lay unconscious in the street after taxi rank fight (17 May 2016) UK

Woman (24) who punched man in wheelchair and robbed him had 102 previous convictions (14 May 2016) Ireland

How Shadi Jabar, a ‘sweetheart’ schoolgirl, was lost to terror (13 May 2016) Australia

Woman charged over Sydney factory shooting (10 May 2016) Australia

Woman charged with stabbing partner in back on NSW South Coast (8 May 2016)

Greenslopes stabbing: Woman allegedly stabs man (3 May 2016) Australia

Cleveland woman attacks father, brother with barbecue fork during dispute, police say (2 May 2016) USA

Cyclist critical after he was allegedly stabbed while stopping to help a young woman in Portland (23 April 2016) Australia

Student dies after being assaulted inside high school in Wilmington, Del. (22 April 2016) USA. Notice how gender of attackers not mentioned.

Tributes flow for slain fitness instructor Rachel Tyquin (17 April 2016) Australia

‘Selfie girls’ guilty of grisly murder of Angela Wrightson (6 April 2016) UK

Sickening attack by Hobart school girls (3 April 2016) Australia. Video

Woman jailed for just 12 years for horrific torture of flatmate who died from 72 different injuries (3 April 2016) UK

NSW girl assaults, robs disabled man: cops (3 April 2016) Australia

Enraged wife shoots cheating husband in his testicles (3 April 2016) USA

Trio of bikini-clad thugs arrested over vicious riverside bashing (2 April 2016) USA

Schoolgirl, 14, cowers on the floor as a gang of 14 female bullies stamp on her head, punch her body and spit on her during sickening attack (31 March 2016) UK

Aneska, 12, tells Dr Phil show: ‘Violence makes me feel comfortable’ (31 March 2016) USA

Woman charged with shooting up Qld home (23 March 2016) Australia

Freshwater death: Woman charged after body of 81-year-old May Ritchie found in unit (21 March 2016) Australia

Female bomber behind Ankara blast (18 March 2016)

Women captured on camera during violent brawl at Sydney races (16 March 2016) Australia

Woman stabs another woman at Caboolture (15 March 2016) Australia

Two teenage girls charged in France for allegedly planning terror attack at Paris concert venue (13 March 2016)

Melbourne mum accused of luring ex-boyfriend to brutal torture attack (13 March 2016) Australia

Woman charged with attempted murder after man stabbed during violent CBD row (12 March 2016) Australia

Teen twin sisters’ reign of terror included starting fires, racist abuse and throwing food at cars (11 March 2016) UK

Five women get into brawl over boombox on Spirit Airlines flight (10 March 2016) USA

Woman charged with Sydney break enter (6 March 2016) Australia

Video of ISIS teen girl stabbing German officer released online (5 March 2016)

Vicious schoolyard scrap between three girls caught on camera (3 March 2016) Australia

‘Killer babysitter’ leads Moscow police to apartment ‘where she beheaded girl’ (2 March 2016) Russia

Model, 17, has her eyes gouged out and ears sliced off as she is killed ‘by her jealous older sister (1 March 2016) Russia

Boy allegedly slashed with scissors by girl, 12, at Logan high school (1 March 2016) Australia

Baby taken to hospital following domestic violence incident in Sydney’s west (1 March 2016) Australia

Cranberries Singer Dolores O’Riordan Avoids Prison After Head-Butting a Police Officer: ‘I’m Glad It’s Over’ (24 February 2016) UK

Eight people injured in Canada school stabbing, student held (23 February 2016)

Woman arrested as part of police counter-terrorism investigation (23 February 2016) Australia

Viral video puts Sonoma Valley High in spotlight (16 February 2016)

Ohio woman assaults husband with mini baseball bat because he didn’t buy her a Valentine’s Day gift (15 February 2016)

Two 15-year-old girls who died in Arizona high school shooting ‘in a relationship’ (14 February 2016)

Ambarvale brawl: Girl, 17, charged after violent fight caught on video (11 February 2016) Australia

Bullied schoolgirl makes video of her savage beating to defy her attackers (4 February 2016) USA

Woman ‘disgusting’ for breaking DV order, wrecking property (3 February 2016)

Police seek woman over man’s stabbing in inner Brisbane (29 January 2016) Australia

Miami Doctor Accused of Attacking Uber Driver Calls It ‘Biggest Mistake of My Life’ (27 January 2016) USA


Brisbane man stabbed in domestic dispute (18 January 2016)

Woman accused of racial abuse (16 January 2016) Australian video

Two teenage girls face trial in Colorado for ‘planning mass school shooting’ (15 January 2016)

CCTV captures the moment a woman wearing a kangaroo headscarf tried to stab a 15-year-old boy on a London bus with an eight-inch kitchen knife (15 January 2016) UK

All-female brawl erupts in McDonalds in Victoria (13 January 2016) Australia

Te reo assault: Court says she pleaded guilty; she says she didn’t (12 January 2016) NZ

Coolamon woman charged with attempted murder of husband (12 January 2016) Australia

Woman beats disabled man with his own cane for not believing in God (7 January 2016) USA

Teen girl Sienna Johnson detained on $1.4 million bail for allegedly planning mass school shooting (8 January 2016) USA

Man in critical condition after being stabbed in Sydney’s south (4 January 2015)

Video shows woman threatening passenger with chisel on Sydney train (28 December 2015) Australia AND it turned out that she had done it before!

Brisbane Uber driver attacked by woman with machete: police (24 December 2015)

Woman ‘lit seven bushfires’ in South Lakes, Jandakot, Cockburn Central, Yangebup (23 December 2015)

Driver plows onto Las Vegas Strip sidewalk, killing one; dozens hurt (22 December 2015)

Engineering student, 22, arrested after she ‘shot and killed her fiance and then tried to make it look like a suicide’ (21 December 2015)

Gold Coast police officer cut with kitchen knife (18 December 2015)

US teenager bashed by ‘friends’ who lured her to a sleep over (18 December 2015)

‘I felt the need to be extreme’: Smartly-dressed MBA graduate is arrested four days after randomly stabbing a stranger in a Toronto drugstore and ‘confessing by email’ (17 December 2015) UK

Unlawful wounding charge, Sunshine Coast (15 December 2015) Australia

Florida woman attacks cop and is wrestled to the ground (13 December 2015)

Mother suspect in death of girl, 11, at Auchenflower (9 December 2015) By way of an aside, when I contributed comments on this issue in a reddit discussion thread these were removed by a pro-feminist moderator

Woman charged with the murder of a man whose body was found near in roadside ditch (6 December 2015) Australia


Caboolture schoolgirl, 12, charged with attempted murder (1 December 2015) Australia

Nursery nurse, 20, who joined in ‘feral’ gang attack on complete stranger just two days after she suffered a miscarriage is spared jail (27 November 2015) UK

Woman jailed for trying to kill husband with anti-freeze in Christmas Day drink (24 November 2015)

Dallas Archer was found by police to have a loaded 10cm pistol in her vagina after being arrested (20 November 2015) USA

Girl stabs teenage boy at Gold Coast school, say police (12 November 2015)

US woman rams police officer with her car (10 November 2015)

Bayonne woman charged with beating 85-year-old Jersey City man to death (10 November 2015) USA

Croydon bus attack: Met police arrest 14-year-old girl over ’87-year-old punched on bus’ (10 November 2015)

Chilling moment female Palestinian terrorist pulls out knife and stabs Israeli guard (9 November 2015)

Woman stabs Qld police officer in leg (5 November 2015) Australia

Melbourne Cup cop-pusher apologises for bizarre behaviour (4 November 2015)

The policeman was quoted as saying “I certainly don’t condone the behaviour but I can certainly see the funny side of it as well.” Bet he wouldn’t have said that if a man had pushed him.

Dashcam captures road rage incident with two women outside Racecourse Hotel, Werribee (3 November 2015)

Woman charged with stabbing man with kitchen knife during domestic argument (4 October 2015)

Five girls ‘bomb Nigerian city’ (3 October 2015)

Melbourne mum fights pregnant woman ‘over unflattering Facebook post about son’ (2 October 2015) Australia

Woman arrested after allegedly spitting in faces of six different people at Sydney train stations (26 September 2015) Australia

Yet another threatening racist rant by a woman on public transport (25 September 2015) Australia. More examples listed in this post.

Belinda van Krevel is confronted with brother’s past (20 September 2015) Australia

Danish teenage girl stabbed mother to death after watching Isil videos with Islamist boyfriend (15 September 2015) Of course it’s his fault, she’s only a girl

14yo girl arrested for stabbing man with steak knife in alleged domestic dispute (14 September 2015)

Qld woman used car to mow down another woman during fight (14 September 2015)

Hungarian nationalist TV camera operator filmed kicking refugee children (9 September 2015)

Shayna Hubers jailed 40 years for murder of ex-lover Ryan Poston who was to meet former Miss Ohio (16 August 2015)

‘Laughing’ mum accused of shooting social worker dead after losing custody of daughter (12 August 2015)

Teenage boy stabbed in Sydney, 15yo girl charged (31 July 2015)

Parent-teacher night at Cleveland school turns ugly with brawl (29 July 2015)

Teenage girl stabbed by intruder (29 July 2015) Australia

Coolangatta teen attacker taunts 15-year-old victim with scissors: ‘I’ll stab you again’ (22 July 2015)

A submission to the Victorian Royal Commission into Family Violence concerning family violence perpetrated by a mother (June 2015)

Young woman assaults bus marshal at station, he defends himself. Media portrays him as the ‘bad guy’ (13 June 2015) Youtube video. Australia

‘White trash at its finest’ as two women and a child fight in aisle of Walmart in Indiana (10 June 2015)

Teenage girl charged over Melbourne shopping centre stabbing (10 June 2015)

Man stabbed to death at Caboolture victim of ‘jealousy’ says friend (9 June 2015) The woman charged with murder was the former partner of the deceased

Woman charged with murder over road-rage killing says it was all an accident (5 June 2015)

Court documents reveal Jackson, who only got her licence back in January after a two-year driving ban, has twice had restraining orders taken out against her, both by ex-boyfriends in 2012.

One of the men claimed to have received 72 phone calls from Jackson in a single day. He accused her of later trying to break into his house through a bedroom window after leaving menacing voicemail messages, including “I’m going to hurt you”.

Professional boxer Adam Little was knocked to the ground by woman’s single punch (5 June 2015) Media mocks boxer for not hitting female assailant, but would have demanded he be banned from pro. boxing him if he had.

Woman ‘raped, stabbed female partner’ in Brisbane domestic dispute (4 June 2015)

Lesbian student Jessica Ewing murders Samanata Shrestha after date goes wrong (3 June 2015)

Girl, 14, charged after video of boy being punched in the face by foul-mouthed attacker (21 May 2015)

Woman found guilty of drugging, strangling and dismembering body of her adult son (21 May 2015)

Law student laughs as she walks free from court for hitting aspiring male model over the head with a bottle of champagne cutting his forehead to the skull (2 May 2015)

WATCH: Mother viciously beats woman over parking spat (29 April 2015)

Teenage girl ‘who held down friend to be raped back in jail for bullying victim’ (23 April 2015)

Woman gets up to seven years’ jail for opening fire at a McDonald’s store after her cheeseburger was missing bacon (23 April 2015)

Melbourne cyclist struck and dragged in alleged road rage attack during charity ride (21 April 2015)

Jamie Silvonek, 14, accused of ordering murder of her 54-year-old mother (20  April 2015)

Aaronessa Keaton said ‘sh*t happens’ when told she had killed a five-year-old boy (17 April 2015)

Kill plot wife Vicky Soteriou loses bid to avoid $2.4m compensation (15 April 2015)

Oregon woman accused of hitting man on head with baseball bat, says she didn’t want to date him (13 April 2015)

Jodi Arias sentenced to life in prison (13 April 2015)

Two white women part of racist gang that hunted down and killed black man in Mississippi (11 April 2015)

News crew catches teen girls’ attack on S.F. bus rider who had shushed them (9 April 2015)

Grandmother, 4yo boy stabbed to death in ‘horrific’ altercation in Melbourne (1 April 2015)

Wife of Sydney podiatrist charged with murder after Phillip Vasyli found dead in Bahamas (31 March 2015)

Woman annoyed by sound of gardener’s grass trimmer threw sulphuric acid in his face (27 March 2015)

Horrific Attack on Pregnant Woman Answering Craigslist Ad Leaves Baby Dead (19 March 2015)

Man tortured with hair tongs to his genitals by three women in ‘Reservoir Dogs’ style attack (18 March 2015) with follow-up article here

4 teen girls attack victim in Brooklyn McDonald’s as dozens stand and watch (12 March 2015)

Grandmother ‘uses circular saw to kill seven-month-old baby girl because she wouldn’t stop crying’ (10 March 2015)

Port Augusta woman allegedly killed partner in front of couple’s young children (8 March 2015)

‘America’s most hated woman’ Jodi Arias avoids death in jury deadlock (6 March 2015)

“This lady chest-butted!” Fight over handicapped spot at Walmart sends 71-year-old woman to the hospital (3 March 2015)

Woman accused of stabbing man she met on Tinder (28 February 2015)

Student, 18, ‘encouraged her friend to kill himself’, organized a fundraiser in his name – and was only caught when cops found her texts telling him to take his life (28 February 2015)

Man knifed in the back by girlfriend in Coventry as he was cleaning kitchen floor (13 February 2015)

Children stabbed to death in the Cairns suburb of Manoora (20 December 2014)

Crying baby sparks all-out brawl between four women on flight to Hong Kong (19 December 2014)

PD: Caretaker killed boy, tossed body like ‘piece of trash’ (19 December 2014)

‘Black widow’ millionairess is arrested in Japan after the death of her SEVENTH partner in suspected cyanide poisoning (19 November 2014)

Women attack bus driver at Dandenong Station after he asks for their fares (12 December 2014)

Disturbing footage has emerged of a vicious fight between two girls at a shopping centre (9 December 2014)

Who is this woman stabbing random people on the street? (3 December 2014)

Female suicide bombers kill at least 30 in crowded Nigerian market (26 November 2014)

‘Killer nanny’: Yoselyn Ortega apologised for butchering kids, court papers say (15 November 2014)

Magistrate Stephanie Tonkin ‘understands’ how drunk Taneeka Orchard 17, came to violently bash schoolgirl at party (7 November 2014)

The Unknown History of Misandry A comprehensive blog that discusses the issue of female sociopaths and serial killers, featuring innumerable case-studies

Woman who attacked her boyfriend with a hammer, pole and broken bottle jailed for eight years after ‘one of the worst’ cases of domestic violence police have seen (31 October 2014)

Nikole Ardeno (31 October 2014) Nikole is an anti-violence campaigner btw

Melissa Dawn Sellers (24 October 2014)

Women beating women in China (15 October 2014)

Police hunt woman in violent road rage attack (21 September 2014)

Female body builder arrested over boyfriend attack (17 September 2014)

Domestic violence program coordinator found guilty of assault (18 May 2010)

Spurned home-buyer stalks couple and solicits men to rape

Kelly Brook reveals she hit former boyfriends (31 August 2014)

Kay Te Atarangi Lyons tries to kill husband with hammer (19 August 2014)

Estate agent who smashed glass in man’s face avoids jail… even though it was her 18th court appearance for violence (14 August 2014)

Boy, 11, reports ‘mum from hell’ Samantha Starnes for alleged abuse (25 July 2014)

Female prisoner Rebecca Butterfield is ‘too violent ever to be let out’ (13 July 2014)

Michigan woman shoots boyfriend because he didn’t ejaculate enough (thought he was having an affair) (3 July 2014)

Assault by girls in Dunedin, New Zealand (2 July 2014)

Savage assault of girl 15, by group of women in New York (30 June 2014)

Mum caught on video kicking daughter in the head (19 June 2014)

Jennifer Berube acquitted of attempted murder (3 June 2014)

When the bogeyman is a little girl (5 June 2014)

Nine year old girl beaten with hammer inside school (2 June 2014)

Janeen McKenzie (23 May 2014)

Sarah Brooke Gonzales McLinn (20 May 2014)

Miranda Fugate hit in head with shovel (8 May 2014)

Remember to buy her a gift (2 May 2014)

Katherine Knight (and related wikipedia entry)

Claire MacDonald

Model who attacked DiCaprio’s face and left huge gashes jailed for two years (15 January 2014) USA

Women are more violent says study (12 November 2000) And all these years later, the message is still being ignored


You can find other posts within this blog that are related to the topic of female violence, by clicking on the tagged subject headings listed below


women more aggressive50


Domestic violence is not a gendered issue – Why the pervasive sexist bias against men?

Domestic violence (DV), also referred to as Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) or Family & Domestic Violence (FDV), is a shocking blight on the community. This is a scourge that inflicts substantial negative impacts on the lives of countless men, women and children. Whilst definitions have evolved and broadened, DV is loosely defined as “physical, sexual, or psychological harm by a current or former partner or spouse“.

It is important to acknowledge that DV encompasses man on man, women on women, man on woman, and woman on man violence (both cis- and transgender). Further, in many instances violence is perpetrated by both partners as shown in the accompanying diagram. There is also a strong nexus between the incidence of child abuse/neglect and subsequent perpetration of domestic violence by affected individuals upon reaching adulthood.


The Wikipedia entry for ‘Epidemiology of domestic violence‘ provides readers with useful background information on this topic. For those willing to read something a little meatier, I would recommend this paper by esteemed DV researcher Malcolm George. Malcolm walks the reader through the historical context to the current debate about gender differences in violent behaviour and the way that society responds to the issue.

Many of those working within the DV sector, particularly here in Australia, only choose to acknowledge one element of the problem – that part involving male perpetrators and female victims. It is no coincidence that most staff within these government agencies, universities and NGO’s are strongly influenced by, and biased towards, feminist ideology. The feminist position is unequivocal, and it is that domestic violence = men’s violence towards women. Here is an example of that mindset, and here are many others.

This routine failure by feminists to recognise and discuss male victims, female perpetrators and bi-directional violence is no accident or coincidence. It is a deliberate strategy to build their brand, and in so doing demonise the overwhelming majority of men who have never, and would never, hurt or abuse their partner.

As a result, and in order to support the feminist narrative, a great deal of ‘cherry-picking’ and misrepresentation occurs in relation to the statistics provided in DV literature. In addition, the design and implementation of survey instruments is too often tainted with bias. This issue, that of feminist efforts to hide or discredit legitimate research and/or generate false or misleading statistics, is explored in this further blog post.

You will note, as you scroll down this page, that there are a multitude of sources of DV statistics, particularly the United Kingdom and the United States. Here in Australia, much less research has been undertaken – particularly in relation to male victimisation. One of the more significant sources is the Australian Bureau of Statistics Personal Safety Survey 2012, which found that one in three victims of domestic abuse were male. The results of overseas studies generally found levels of male and female victimisation that were closer to parity, and in some instances even higher rates of victimisation for men that women.

Unfortunately many journalists display remarkable tunnel-vision when addressing the topic of IPV. Indeed some have suggested that the media is complicit in the same sort of systemic gender bias against males noted earlier amongst those working in the field of DV.

Turning to my first example, an article called ‘Til death do us part’ which appeared in The Australian newspaper. It consisted of five pages of heart-wrenching coverage of men’s violence towards female partners, but made no mention of any other form of domestic violence, i.e. m-m, f-f, or women on men. Similarly this February 2014 article from The Mail newspaper also neglected to mention that men can be victims too.

Fiona McCormack also ignores male victims and female abusers this item on Australian ABC TV … except in an aside where she implies that anyone who raises the issue of women abusers is only seeking to “excuse” the behaviour of male abusers. This is very much akin to the feminist predilection of labelling anyone who questions various aspects of sexual assault (e.g. false rape allegations) as being “rape apologists” “victim blamers” etc.

Now let’s turn to this article by Charlie Pickering (more about Charlie here). Charlie is concerned that more attention is paid to the issue of random one-punch attacks on men, than on the violence visited nightly on women people in their homes. He goes on to state:

“For a long time, the term domestic violence has softened and normalised what is really going on. A more accurate term is ‘men’s violence against women’. Not ‘violence against women’, because that takes the responsibility for it away from those who need to be made responsible.”

This belief, that by acknowledging male victims and female perpetrators, we are somehow ignoring the validity and the pain of female victims is absurd, yet unfortunately commonplace in public discourse. The fact that there may be somewhat fewer male victims does not, nor should not, make domestic violence a gendered issue.

A precious few writers, like this one, suggest a more practical and unbiased approach to the issue:

“When it comes to the statistics about domestic abuse, it doesn’t matter to me how many men to how many women experience domestic violence. Domestic violence is a power issue more than a gender issue. Intimate Partner Violence affects men and women, and I really do not care in what proportion …

Within anti-domestic violence advocacy, there seems to be a trend to pit female victims against male victims and vice-versa. I do not know who is behind it, nor do I know if there is a “who” to blame. I do know that blame has no place in this fight against domestic abuse, especially when victim blames victim for any reason …

In a perfect society, men and women are equally protected under the law not because more laws were made to protect one sex but because in each mind and heart of all people, women and men are respected equally, and the individual contributions or crimes are our only measures of judgment. However, this ideal is as far away from our current reality as the idea that no person would seek power over another.”

Many others within the wider community have, however, embraced a biased and incomplete representation of DV, liberally salted with misinformation, at face value. Who could blame them, given that so many sources are bellowing out the same relentless message about male perpetrators and female victims, whilst studiously ignoring other elements of the issue.

Here in Australia, let’s look at this page within the web site of the Department of Social Services entitled ‘Women’s safety’, and the linked 28 page literature review prepared by ‘Urbis’ consultants at a cost of $220,000. One would have assumed, especially given the enormous cost, that the review would have encompassed all forms of abuse and perpetration. But, unfortunately, it did not.

In fact the review states that “Male perpetrators of domestic violence or sexual assault against men and female perpetrators of either offence against men have not been considered in this literature review. It is acknowledged that in practice the great majority of programs will be targeted towards men who commit domestic violence or sexual assault against women.”

Yes, that makes perfect sense … there are no programs for female offenders so let’s pretend they don’t exist. Such circular logic is (almost) unbelievable. And no, there is no corresponding ‘Mens Safety’ page within the DSS web site.

To be fair, the authors of some studies do admit that there are many female perpetrators and male victims, and that little research has been directed towards these groups. They also admit that there are probably many similarities between male and female perpetrators of IPV. They then invariably proceed, however, to offer a variety of justifications to continue their focus on the ‘domestic violence = Mens violence towards women’ model (example).

When misleading statistics are repeatedly exposed the feminist reaction is to move the goalposts by expanding the reach of the definition of domestic violence to encompass sexual violence, and less tangible forms of non-physical ‘violence’. This serves to both maximise the perceived magnitude of the problem, as well as support the anti-male narrative.

Naturally those areas where female perpetration is substantial, such as child abuse and elder abuse, are totally ‘out of bounds’. This theme is explored in this separate blog post. The same approach has been taken by feminists to prop up the notion of the existence of a ‘rape culture‘ in western societies.

Those of us concerned about men’s rights seek to have all aspects of domestic violence considered, as well as seeking remedies to specific issues such as:

  • the lack of resources to assist abused men and their children
  • laws and legal procedures that are based on the assumption that the male in the relationship is the abuser
  • negative and biased behaviour towards men who seek assistance, for example the screening of (only) male callers to abuse help-lines to determine if they are in fact perpetrators (example)

A selection of statistical sources that haven’t been doctored to support the feminist narrative

A graphic depiction of the latest statistics relating to domestic violence in Australia, by the One in Three group (15 August 2022)

Domestic Abuse Offenders by Sex/Gender (28 October 2021)

Half-Truths, Falsehoods, and Lies: New Report Documents Long-Running Domestic Violence Misinformation Campaign (USA) (20 September 2021)

Coercive control and domestic violence, by Prof. Nicola Graham-Kevan (7 June 2020) You Tube video of conference presentation

Domestic abuse by women triples in a decade with female attackers carrying out almost a third of assaults (26 January 2020)

New AIC paper appears to cherry-pick data to fit “gendered violence” narrative (30 October 2019)

Male Victims of Domestic Violence Suffer Severe Effects, Canadian Study Reports (15 April 2019)

Assessing the risk of repeat intimate partner assault, by NSW Bureau of Crime Statistics & Research (December 2018)

Are a third of domestic abuse victims men? (6 December 2018) UK

Dunedin study gender violence truths (13 June 2016) Video

References examining assaults by women on their spouses or male partners: An Annotated Bibliography by Martin S. Fiebert. This bibliography examines 286 scholarly investigations: 221 empirical studies and 65 reviews and/or analyses, which demonstrate that women are as physically aggressive, or more aggressive, than men in their relationships with their spouses or male partners. Here is a link to an updated June 2013 version of Fiebert’s bibliography.

Partner Abuse, Volume 1, No. 1, 2010 The first edition of a new journal created to showcase academic research into domestic violence without gender bias

Partner Abuse State of Knowledge Project – Facts and Statistics on Domestic Violence at-a-Glance. Sponsored by the Journal Partner Abuse, November, 2012. This study is also discussed in this article
Male Victims of Intimate Partner Violence in the United States: An Examination of the Review of Literature through the Critical Theoretical Perspective, by Caroletta A. Shuler (2010) and related reddit discussion thread

Extensive listing of mainly North American research findings related to domestic violence (29 April 2015)

Family violence in Canada: A statistical profile (27 January 2011) Almost equal numbers of male and female victims of DV

Symptoms of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in Men who Sustain Intimate Partner Violence: A Study of Help-seeking and Community Samples (2012)

Partner Violence as Female-specific in Aetiology

Intimate partner violence: Facts and statistics (1 September 2014) Included some discussion of ‘Patriarchal Dominance’ theory

Domestic violence rates are higher for homosexual couples than for heterosexual couples (18 November 2013)

Preliminary Examination of a Mutual Intimate Partner Violence Intervention Among Treatment-Mandated Couples (2013)

Male victims of domestic violence: A Substantive and Methodological Research Review by Michael S. Kimmel (2001)

Women who perpetrate intimate partner violence: A review of the literature with recommendations for treatment (January 2007)

Disabusing the definition of domestic violence: How women batter men and the role of the Feminist State by Linda Kelly 2003

Unprecedented domestic violence study affirms need to recognise male victims (21 May 2013)

One-third of domestic violence victims in active-duty families are men (27 August 2014)

Partner Violence Against Men in England & Wales and the Gender Bias of Public Bodies (2014)

Differences in Frequency of Violence and Reported Injury Between Relationships With Reciprocal and Nonreciprocal Intimate Partner Violence (May 2007)

Aggression in British Heterosexual Relationships: A Descriptive Analysis

The Truth About Domestic Violence – You’ll Never Believe… (a must-see video on Youtube)

Research into domestic violence-related deaths (USA/2010) More for men than women

Newer perspectives on domestic violence (April 2010) (United Kingdom)

See recent Swedish DV research here

Differences in Frequency of Violence and Reported Injury Between Relationships With Reciprocal and Nonreciprocal Intimate Partner Violence (2006)

“Almost 24% of all relationships had some violence, and half (49.7%) of those were reciprocally violent. In non-reciprocally violent relationships, women were the perpetrators in more than 70% of the cases.”

A summary of credible research about domestic violence

This video features an incredibly fast rundown of published domestic violence research that runs contrary to the feminist position (15 June 2016)

A 2009 source but which still contains some useful information and references

Some Australian statistics/background info

Live chat on how police hate enforcing unfair feminist laws ( (20 July 2021) Bettina Arndt interview with former police officer

1IN3’s Questions on Notice for Joint Select Committee on Australia’s Family Law System (19 October 2020) Re: Issuing of domestic violence orders against abusive women

The disaster that is Australia’s Domestic Violence Policy, by Helen Dale (12 February 2020)

Yet another study finds equal levels of abuse by men and women (2 February 2020)

New AIC paper appears to cherry-pick data to fit “gendered-violence” narrative (30 October 2019)

Family, domestic and sexual violence in Australia, 2018 (28 February 2018)

ABS Personal Safety survey results 2016

Senior public servants demonstrating their unswerving support for the feminist narrative regarding FDV (12 April 2017) Video

Western Australia: half of reported domestic violence harm caused by 2% of offenders (15 December 2016)

ABS violent crime statistics released July 2016

Behavioural change program for men at risk of committing domestic violence launched in ACT (14 June 2016) Violent/abusive women are completely left out of this program – an outrageous demonstration of gender bias (lodge a complaint here). More on crazy developments in the ACT at ‘Domestic violence levy: Canberra sets an absurd precedent‘ (18 June 2016)

Is a national approach needed to address domestic violence in Australia? (1 April 2016) Provides brief overview of what’s happening in each state

ABC Fact File: Domestic Violence in Australia (6 April 2016)

More than 125,000 women homeless because of domestic violence (15 February 2016). The only figures for male victimisation that were mentioned – because they appeared to support the feminist perspective – were drawn from this media release from a government agency. What’s not mentioned though is that the relatively low numbers of men seeking assistance are indicative of factors other than simply lower rates of male victimisation, incl.:

  • the rampant genderbias of ‘help-lines’, advocacy groups and even government agencies
  • the (widely-known) lack of resources available to help male victims (with or without children, and
  •  the much greater incidence of non-reporting of DV by men (compared to women)

FactCheck Q&A: is domestic violence in Australia on the decline? (3 February 2016) Also includes 75+ readers comments

Australian DV statistics fact-sheet produced by the organisation ‘One in Three’

Domestic Violence in Australia: Are women and men equally violent?

Domestic Violence, by Chris Lloyd (21 January 2015) Very thorough, especially in relation to Victorian DV statistics

Anglicare WA survey summary with further details available from Anglicare WA’s web site (2014)

2014 article that discusses teen dating abuse and found roughly equal number of male and female abusers.

Boys Victims of Dating Violence, Too (29 January 2016) USA

This paper by the Australian Domestic and Family Violence Clearinghouse is also worth reading, although I disagree with aspects of it. It is entitled ‘The Gender Debate in Domestic Violence: The Role of Data‘ (May 2013)

An April 2014 discussion about domestic violence and its relationship to urban planning practice.

Intimate Partner Abuse of Men, by Tilbrook, E.,  Allan, A., and Dear, G. (2010)

Articles on IPV sourced from the ‘A Voice for Men’ web site (various authors)

The irrefutable proof is in: DV is not gendered (except when it is, which is most of the time) by David King (2 August 2016) Australia. Recommended reading

Steven Pinker: sex, violence, and failure of enlightenment (11 September 2015)

This article and related reddit discussion concern a move in Victoria, Australia, to alter the law in relation of using self-defence where death of a partner occurs (article) (discussion)

NCFM Vice President responds to criticism about MRA’s and the AVfM conference in Detroit (25 July 2014)

Recruiting domestic violence spies by Jim Muldoon (18 July 2014) (15 July 2014)

On male victims of domestic violence by M. R. Walks (17 February 2012)

General sources regarding Intimate Partner Violence

‘It is getting worse’: Anne Summers says rise in domestic violence ‘horrific’ (27 May 2024) Yet another feminist spiel about a one month blip in statistics, lacking any mention (at all) of female perpetrators & male victims

Pauline Hanson asks some pertinent questions of the Australian Government regarding their pitiful lack of support for male victims of domestic violence (May 2023) Video

Australia’s new national plan to address domestic violence ignores one third of victims (19 October 2022). This is the response to the Plan produced by the ‘One in Three’ organisation.

Media ‘loses reader trust’ by painting the Johnny Depp and Amber Heard trial as ‘misogynistic’ (3 June 2022)

Johnny Depp and The Tragedy Of Male Abuse Victims (28 May 2022)

Domestic Violence Is Not the Result of Patriarchy (21 May 2022)

You can’t reduce domestic abuse by telling people that life is a power struggle between men and women. Interview with Professor Nicola Graham-Kevan (31 March 2022)

‘Culture of Dishonesty:’ Lawmakers Need to Call Out Domestic Violence Half-Truths, Falsehoods, and Lies – Coalition to End Domestic Violence (

Evidence shows children who are smacked are more likely to be involved in partner violence in adulthood (3 May 2021)

Australian media is failing to cover domestic violence in the right way: new research (2 March 2021) The feminist bias and related hypocrisy in this paper is simply unbelievable #facepalm

Domestic abuse: The latest lie (19 July 2019) UK. This article addresses, amongst other things, the feminist myth that most men who suffer domestic violence are the victims of other men.

Debunking the gendered violence construct (28 April 2020) A good video by @EyeisBloke (UK)

Joe Hildebrand: ‘Deadliest of lies’ we keep swallowing (27 October 2019) Australia

The demonization of Australian men, by Augusto Zimmermann (14 February 2019)

Growing number of men reporting domestic violence to police, ONS figures reveal (22 November 2018)

The proportion of male victims who told police about their domestic abuse increased from 10.4% in 2014-15 to 14.7% this year as charities said more men were shaking off the stigma of talking about their suffering.

How Victoria’s family violence system fails some victims – by assuming they’re perpetrators (14 November 2017) I thought this paper was going to talk about men being misidentified as DV aggressors, but oh no, apparently it happens to women all the time <facepalm> and men exploit this to obtain intervention orders to protect themselves (& their children) from women who aren’t really hitting/abusing them.

Studies Show Lesbians Much More Likely to Beat, Sexually Abuse Their Wives Than Heterosexual Men (15 August 2017) This article contains several dead hyperlinks – the relevant references are as follows:

The National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey (NISVS): 2010 Findings on Victimization by Sexual Orientation (January 2013)
Victimization Over the Life Span: A Comparison of Lesbian, Gay,
Bisexual, and Heterosexual Siblings (2005)
When your rapist is a woman (30 March 2016)
Lena Dunham Didn’t Molest Her Sister, but Female-on-Female Sexual Abuse Is Real and Awful (4 November 2014)
Lesbian intimate partner violence: Prevalence and dynamics (2002)
Victimization and Perpetration Rates of Violence in Gay and Lesbian Relationships: Gender Issues Explored (1997)

Dear Feminists: Stop Denying The Connection Between Alcohol And Domestic Violence‘ by Corrine Barraclough (2 May 2017) Australia

Questions about violence against women are for all, not just migrants, by Wendy Tuohy (24 April 2017) Not even a hint that men are also victims of DV = substandard journalism for which there is no longer any excuse.

Why gender can’t be ignored when dealing with domestic violence (28 March 2017)

Domestic Violence: A Male Problem? (23 March 2017) UK

10 lies abusers tell themselves (and others). Calling out the common deceptions. (11 February 2017) Interesting article re: how abusers rationalise their actions

Flowers = Domestic Violence. Feminist hypocrisy at its peak (8 February 2017) Australia

The Duluth model is working as designed; you won’t smart mouth her again (3 February 2017)

On the psychology of domestic violence, by Ally Fogg (13 January 2017) UK

Shocking domestic abuse statistics don’t show the real picture: it’s even worse (14 December 2016) UK. This is one of several articles written by feminists in response to the recent release of stats showing the large (and increasing) number of male victims. Essentially they say ‘it doesn’t matter how many men are victims, women have it worse and we should focus entirely on them’.

Tory MP Faces Abuse From Feminist Colleagues After Opposing Sexist Bill (17 December 2016) UK

Stopping Fathers Committing Family Violence (13 December 2016) The Victorian Government (Australia) ignores female perpetrators of domestic violence – it’s something only dads do! Disgusting bias

More than one in three victims of domestic abuse are now men (10 December 2016) UK

San Antonio Judge Rules Men Not Capable of Being Victims of Domestic Violence (2016) USA

Sydney police officer breaches AVO (2 December 2016) A female officer, if that’s relevant

Should we scrutinise ALL reports of family violence? by Jasmin Newman (22 November 2016)

Domestic violence convention would make men ‘second class citizens’ (19 November 2016) Ireland

The fight against domestic violence needs to look beyond blaming men, by Stephanie Ross (6 November 2016) Australia

Governments accused of failing to fully recognise role of alcohol in family violence  (27 October 2016) Australia

Domestic violence: Perpetrators would receive warning texts and videos (21 October 2016) Australia

Black women’s lives matter too, by Nyunggai Warren Mundine AO (15 October 2016) Australia

Evidence for impact of Domestic Violence Perpetrator Programmes: College of Policing evidence commentary (undated) UK

“This ‘review of reviews’ concluded that no clear impact of DVPPs has been identified, and that effects on further victimisation have been small.”

To stop domestic violence, we need to change perpetrators’ behaviour (5 October 2016) This article in pro-feminist The Conversation completely ignores the reality of female abusers and the lack of counselling services for them.

It’s time to admit the truth about domestic violence, by David Leyonhjelm (27 September 2016) Australia

Force game-changer: Deputy Commissioner Wendy Steendam on a mission to end violence against women (23 September 2016) Australia

BBC & Notts Police Chief publicise non-existent “hate crimes” against women whilst ignoring fatal domestic violence against men (22 September 2016) UK

Why does the CPS report on violence against women include men in the stats? by Ally Fogg (7 September 2016)

Denying female domestic violence, by Augusto Zimmermann (28 August 2016)

Douglas Todd: B.C.’s domestic-violence programs based on ‘false’ theory (21 August 2016)

Always beating up on men, by Bettina Arndt (20 August 2016) Recommended reading

Gulags for New Zealand men (18 August 2016)

This is one of countless examples of how feminist DV advocacy groups seek to minimise both women’s role in perpetrating abusive behaviours, and its degree of impact on male victims.

Study findings on domestic violent present ‘challenging picture’  (16 June 2016) New Zealand

“The findings of an in-depth domestic violence study, which showed violent conduct almost evenly split between the genders, are potentially cause for concern, a senior police officer says.”

The gender of domestic violence (8 June 2016) NZ video concerning the difficulty experienced by researchers whose findings showed that women were equally likely to abuse.

Violent Parents – Calling for the End to Child Contact at Any Cost, by Jess Phillips MP (20 April 2016) UK. Article by well-known staunch feminist who implies all abusive parents are men, which as some readers point out is grossly misleading.

ABC’s Q&A program proves that ignorance is still rife about domestic violence, by Anne Summers (15 April 2016) Feminists get so angry when people dare to suggest that misogyny/gender inequality is not THE penultimate cause of domestic violence. I read this piece and think ‘pot-kettle-black’

My province’s government instructs police officers to treat domestic violence with a “gendered lens” and assume that men are perpetrators. How can this be changed? (19 April 2016) Reddit discussion thread with linked reference material. Note that male victims of DV are much more likely to report being “very dissatisfied” by their treatment at the hands of police. Is it any wonder?

Minister for Prevention of Family Violence needs to think about her own family history, by Bettina Arndt (1 April 2016) Australia

A female voice for ‘demonised’ men (16 March 2016) Australia

Changing attitudes towards domestic abuse against men (16 March 2016) UK

Why female violence against men is society’s last great taboo, by Martin Daubney (15 March 2016) UK

The Melbourne suburbs where a parent is most likely to murder their child (12 March 2016) Australia

The scandal of women’s violence towards men, by Melanie Phillips (11 March 2016) To read the full article seems to require a subscription to The Times.

Women Who Emotionally Abuse Men (29 February 2016)

Spain gender laws: A country against men (18 February 2016)

Australians are being told that gender inequality is the root cause of domestic violence. But is it?, by Gay Alcorn (19 February 2016)

Dad domestic violence victim fears courts being used as a weapon (22 January 2016) Australia

The solutions: ‘We can make it better’ | Behind Closed Doors (31 December 2015) NZ

For Nelson Women’s Refuge manager Katie O’Donnell, the solution to New Zealand’s domestic violence problem is more straightforward. “People say it’s a really complex issue. Well, it is a complex issue but also it isn’t – guys just have to stop doing it”

Vera Baird, a British regional ‘Police Commissioner’, disseminates a Christmas message implying that men who budget their finances carefully do so in order to “economically abuse” their partners (25 December 2015)


Dear Daddy: Viral video highlights how sexist jokes contribute to culture of violence against women (16 December 2015) Australia. Same old stuff, demonising men and putting full responsibility on them to ‘fix’ domestic violence whilst ignoring female perpetration of violence.

Blindfolded with a White Ribbon, by Geoffrey Luck (27 November 2015) Australia

Silent Victims, by Bettina Arndt (14 November 2015) Australia

A simple solution to domestic violence, a video by Janet Bloomfield (15 October 2015)

The surprisingly common reason John hits his partner (14 October 2015) Of course a male batterer is profiled, but watch the fur fly when someone suggests a contributing factor that doesn’t fit the feminist Duluth Model.

The cause of both domestic violence and terrorism is angry men (6 October 2015)

Turnbull’s response to domestic violence ignores the evidence (6 October 2015)

Miranda Devine: Demonising men won’t stop domestic violence (27 September 2015) Australia – with an example of the predictable feminist reaction here. Miranda responded to her feminist critics firstly with this article, and then this one.

Domestic violence package: A great start, but it will only get us so far (25 September 2015) Australia

Domestic violence called “Violence against Women” (21 September 2015) A Reddit Australia discussion thread that followed an ill-informed comment by newly-installed Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull

Men’s anti-Domestic Violence advocate says scourge “is a male problem” (13 September 2015) Plenty of readers comments that are highly critical of the White Ribbon Campaign Ambassador quoted in the article

The Hidden Politics of Family Violence (8 August 2015) Australia

Why men feel aggrieved in family court interventions (11 August 2015) Australia

To change attitudes to family violence, we need a shift in gender views (22 July 2015) Disgracefully biased article from The Conversation wherein the feminist author laments Australians growing realisation that DV is not a gendered issue, dismissing this as a “misunderstanding”.

Domestic Abuse: ‘It is not a women’s issue and it is not a men’s issue. It’s a human problem’ (14 July 2015) Ireland

Lawrence Ben Eliezer on Institutionalized Feminism within the Criminal Justice System (14 July 2015) Canadian video

Retiring magistrate Ron Kilner says domestic violence laws have been exploited (11 July 2015) Australia. Interesting how politicians, judges, etc, only begin speaking freely and honestly about gender-related issues upon their retirement. (see my post on this theme here)

Family violence: the focus should be on support, not mandatory reporting (3 July 2015) This links to an article in the ABC web site, but the same article was also published in The Conversation. Feminist authors remains true to type by ignoring male victims and abusive women. Australia

Rosie Batty – The Opposite Case (28 June 2015) Australia

Patriarchy vs Facts: Domestic Violence (PART I) (23 June 2015) Video

Men experiencing or perpetrating domestic violence have higher incidence of mental health problems (20 May 2015)

Domestic violence a ‘silent epidemic’ in gay relationships (30 May 2015) Australia

Mark Latham on why Labor can’t get it right on domestic violence (16 May 2015) and the obligatory feminist bite-back (this one being one of the milder responses)

$16m for dom violence but $1.2b for terrorism (14 May 2015) Australia

UK article about the high level of violence amongst lesbian couples (7 May 2015)

Miranda Devine: The brutal truth about domestic violence (5 April 2015)

Dating violence protections empowering for young men, women (2 April 2015) USA

Violence against women should mean the end of any high profile career (30 March 2015) See great reader’s comment contributed by Mark Dent

Reddit TIL discussion thread about recent CDC research claiming more men are victims of partner abuse (23 March 2015) USA and related mensrights discussion thread

Tara Moss: ‘We can’t let trolls hijack the domestic violence conversation’ (5 March 2015) Australia. This is the feminist concept of a “conversation” – we talk & you shut-up. If you try to join our conversation then you are a troll. And, as is becoming increasingly common of late, no reader’s comments were permitted on this article.

Men forgotten in violence debate‘ by Tanveer Ahmed (9 February 2015), with follow-up article, Feminism in crisis as male supporter expresses view of his own (9 February 2015)

Domestic Violence: How taboos veil the truth‘ by Don Edgar (27 January 2015) Australia

Can domestic abusers be rehabilitated? (1 February 2015) Gynocentric/pro-feminist bias but worth reading in conjunction with the comments contributed by readers

When it comes to Domestic Violence, she says she wants equality – however when faced with a discussion of male victims – she labels it a failure and bitches about statistics #oneistoomany (25 January 2015)

Cutting off unfaithful penises, apparently justified and hilarious (15 January 2015)

Telstra introduces domestic violence leave (13 January 2015) Australia. Article implies only women are victims of domestic violence and leaves us guessing as to whether the company policy is sexist/discriminatory – or just the journalism

Domestic Violence – Donald Dutton Debunks The Gender Paradigm (25 November 2014) Youtube video

Domestic Violence Against Men: Why We Need To Pay More Attention To Vulnerable Males (6 November 2014)

5 Facts about domestic violence to consider this November (and every other month too) by Janet Bloomfield (28 October 2014)

This feminist writer has the gall to attack men’s rights groups on the basis that they are uncaring about the plight of male victims of domestic violence (21 October 2014) Be sure to peruse the readers comments

Our submission to the Home Office consultation on the strengthening of the law on domestic abuse (15 October 2014) Mike Buchanan rails against the rampant anti-male bias evident within both the UK government agencies responsible for dealing with domestic abuse, and within the advocacy groups upon which the agencies confer and rely.

Stefan Molyneux video entitled ‘Domestic violence symposium’ (16 June 2014)

Why don’t we speak up when we see signs of domestic violence? (1 October 2014) This article in a pro-feminist web site provides a stereotypical feminist perspective on the subject. What was notable was that almost all the readers comments attacked the author’s obvious anti-male bias. This article forms the focus of this blog post.

Do we give female domestic violence abusers a pass? (1 October 2014)

In this article a feminist writer, Amanda Hess, attempts to rationalise why domestic violence by a female sports star should be addressed differently than in the case of a male sports star (22 September 2014) Most of the 600+ readers  comments that followed disagreed and told her so in no uncertain terms.

Woman as aggressor: The unspoken truth of domestic violence (19 September 2014)

Trivialising and excusing violence against women (17 September 2014) Author pushes a feminist perspective but there are almost 300 reader’s comments

Women more likely to commit domestic violence, studies show (16 September 2014)

Welsh gender politics putting male and female victims at risk says men’s charity (10 September 2014)

New study of domestic violence: “Women significantly more likely to be physically aggressive” (7 July 2014)

In the US a decline in domestic violence (26 August 2014)

Children most often killed by their mothers (25 September 2012) NZ. This article covers a range of issues other than just filicide.

Is that a frying pan, or are you just unhappy to see me? (2 March 2008)

Men Are More Likely Than Women To Be Victims In Dating Violence, UNH Expert Says (19 May 2006) A pro-feminist article that tries to appear even-handed, but it’s worth reading by virtue of the level of detail provided with additional info provided in readers comments.

‘Lollies at a childrens party and other myths: Violence, protection orders and fathers rights groups’ by Miranda Kaye and Julia Tomie (1998). Another detailed but flawed paper in support of the feminist position on DV. Its main line of attack is that available statistics don’t support claims made by men’s rights advocates. It conveniently ignores the fact that most Australian DV research is undertaken by feminists and biased towards finding ‘evidence’ to support a pre-determined conclusion. Thus the accuracy and impartiality of the research is the real issue, rather than the credibility of the whistle-blowers.

The paper also misinterprets and/or takes out of context, many of the comments it attributes to fathers groups in an attempt to portray them as irrational or unreasonable. Finally the authors attack specific statements put forward by fathers groups despite the same arguments having been used (at other times) by feminists in support of their own (feminist) perspective. The authors of this paper, for example, want to jump from one camp to the other (and back again) in relation to the issue of whether behaviour other than physical violence should be included in the definition of domestic violence.

The Modern Day Ducking Stool: Domestic Abuse Programs and Man Shaming (16 August 2014)

More male abuse survivors in rural Ireland are seeking help (27 July 2014)

The Domestic Violence Method (January 2015) Australia

50 domestic violence myths (27 December 2013) USA

Are men really victims of intimate partner violence? (2011) Australia

Women are more violent says study (12 November 2000)

Researcher says women’s initiation of domestic violence predicts risks to women (6 July 2009)

More than 40% domestic violence victims are male, report reveals (5 September 2010) with related discussion thread here (worth reading)

The Gender Paradigm in domestic violence research and theory (2005) Includes coverage of the claim that women engage in violence mainly due to self-defence.

Intimate partner abuse of men (Edith Cowan University, 2010)

Domestic violence: Women abusers on the rise (23 June 2009) Australia

Violent women by Lynette Haas (appeared in the Sunday Mail, 28 March 1999)

Husband abuse: Fact or Fiction by Dr Sotirios Sarantakos (Australia)

Deconstructing Self-Defence in Wife-to-Husband Violence by Dr Sotirios Sarantakos (Australia)

Domestic Violence and the Male Victim by  Anne Lewis & Dr Sotirios Sarantakos (Australia)

Wikipedia entry on domestic violence against men

Domestic abuse community punishments ban planned by Labour (27 July 2014) And unsurprisingly, no mention of male victims.

Sorry for being a man (NZ politician) Youtube video

We need to show it’s just not manly to hit out (9 July 2014) Nonsense article dripping with white knight bias … “The idea that the woman may be equally to blame, even if she is also violent and even the initiator of the violence, is simply not acceptable”

Society’s acceptance of domestic violence? (12 March 2013)

Youtube video interview on DV with Erin Pizzey, Senator Anne Cools & Dr. Martin Fiebert (25 June 2014) with related discussion at

Christina Hoff Sommers on violence against women (Youtube video)

Women ‘more likely to hit their partners’ (25 June 2014), ‘Rise of female relationship terrorists: Study finds women are more controlling’ (26 June 2014), ‘Relationship terrorists study‘ (25 June 2014), Women are more controlling and aggressive than men (26 June 2014), ‘Women more likely to be aggressive in relationships‘, and ‘Confessions of an intimate terrorist‘ Reddit discussion thread and linked article (27 June 2014)

Mothers ‘faking domestic violence’ to keep their children, inquiry told (24 June 2014) Yes, Therese (Edwards), domestic violence IS under-reported, especially those incidents involving female perpetrators – but I doubt that your National Council has expressed any concerns about that issue. By way of background, this article concerns submissions to an Australian government Inquiry into Child Support.

More than 40% of domestic violence victims are male, report reveals (22 June 2014)

When a woman hits a man it’s justified (21 June 2014)

The fallacious stereotype of ‘male violence’ and why it’s being sold to you (11 June 2014) Good Australian article by Adam Blanch. This attracted a spiteful, biased and misleading rebuttal from a feminist by the name of Caitlin Roper. Caitlin herself had earlier published her own item about domestic violence, a response to which was subsequently penned by Australian MRA Greg Canning.

Senator Anne Cools at Toronto conference on domestic violence (2014, video)

Daisy Kler lying to the public by Diana Davison and John Hembling (26 May 2014)

Shifting the gender bias (19 April 2014) An example of one of the all-too-few media articles that recognise and are sympathetic to male victims of DV

VAWA: The American Feminists’ Abuse Industry by Hunter Brooks

The silence of domestic violence

A reddit discussion thread about the anti-male bias evident in the web site of an American domestic violence centre’s web site. Unfortunately such bias (i.e. stating or implying that all men accessing the site are abusers and that all women are victims) is also common in domestic violence centres in Australia.

Male victims of DV who call the police are more likely to be arrested than the female perpetrator (A discussion thread on reddit/mensrights) and then see this article

Solange and Jay-Z: It’s simply not the same if a man is hit by a woman (18 May 2014)

She punched him but he is bigger, so he is deemed the “primary aggressor” (6 May 2014)

Invisible victims: When men are abused

Signs of an abuser apply to women as well as men (a ‘Girl Writes What’ video) (This article has an anti-male bias but there are some good references cited within the readers comments)—an-under-served-group-of-men (29 April 2014)


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