Inquiry into Australia’s Human Rights Framework (2023)

On 15 March 2023, pursuant to section 7(c) of the Human Rights (Parliamentary Scrutiny) Act 2011, the Attorney-General referred to the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Human Rights the following matters for inquiry and report by 31 March 2024:

  • to review the scope and effectiveness of Australia’s 2010 Human Rights Framework and the National Human Rights Action Plan;
  • to consider whether the Framework should be re-established, as well as the components of the Framework, and any improvements that should be made;
  • to consider developments since 2010 in Australian human rights laws (both at the Commonwealth and State and Territory levels) and relevant case law; and
  • to consider any other relevant matters.

The committee invited submissions up to 1 July 2023 in relation to these matters.

Readers might wish to pause now to look at the relevant website.

A copy of my submission follows:

A submission to the Inquiry into Australia’s Human Rights Framework

Dear members of the Committee

Thank you for extending this opportunity to offer my thoughts in relation to the work of the Inquiry.

That item within the Terms of Reference that my submission primarily addresses is:

Whether existing mechanisms to protect human rights in the federal context are adequate and if improvements should be made, including:

  • to the remit of the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Human Rights;
  • the role of the Australian Human Rights Commission;
  • the process of how federal institutions engage with human rights, including requirements for statements of compatibility”

It is my impression that the Australian Human Rights Commission exercises some, if not most, of its responsibilities through a lens of fashionable ‘woke’ assumptions, beliefs and ideologies, including those associated with gender feminism. I do not believe that this should be the case. I believe that the rights and the welfare of all substantial demographic groups within the Australian community should be equally and accurately acknowledged, valued and supported.

The online sources listed in this document, drafted by me unless indicated otherwise, form the bulk of my submission to the Inquiry.

Gender matters are most likely touched upon by all Commissioners, but the focus in this regard centres upon the work of the Sex Discrimination Commissioner. All those staff appointed to this position have, to date, been female – which I believe to have been inappropriate.

I think I am correct in stating that at least the last two incumbents declared themselves to be determined and committed followers of feminist ideology. I would suggest that partly as a consequence of this, during that time no significant programs were undertaken by the Commission in which the primary focus was on the rights and welfare of men and boys. I have sought to clarify this belief via requests for confirmation addressed to the Commission, an example of which is provided on the final page of this submission.

I discuss this perceived gender bias at the commission in the following blog posts:

Profound gender bias at the Australian Human Rights Commission (Part 1)

Profound gender bias at the Australian Human Rights Commission (Part 2)

I note also the Commission’s submission to this current Inquiry wherein readers undertaking a word search on the terms ‘man’ and ‘woman’ will find 0 instances of the former, and yet 22 instances of the latter.

Still, things could be worse. Consider a recent Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade paper on the global theme of gender equality. The word ‘man’ features once in this document whereas ‘woman’ features 58 times

If my observation is correct then the question must be asked as to why such a marked imbalance – a clear example of actual sex discrimination – is considered to be acceptable. Feminists appear inclined to excuse double-standards like this on the basis of an assertion that women are substantially worse off than men, and have been for much of history. I reject such a view entirely, and if the relevant government agencies were willing to undertake the appropriate reporting then the actual situation regarding the genders might finally be made clearer for all. Instead, and for the time being, the widespread occurrence of Gamma Bias and of heads deeply buried in the sand shall continue to prevail.

Chart of the Day: For Every 100 Young Women in October 2021…. and ‘Equal Pay Day’ This Year Was March 15 — the Next ‘Equal Occupational Fatality Day’ Won’t Be Until September 18, 2032. These papers by Mark J. Perry provide USA data about men. Comparative data such as this should be produced and made available in Australia. This would help correct the plethora of gender-related misstatements such as those routinely addressed by, for example, the One in Three organisation.

How men are portrayed. Haw Haw Haw. The joke’s on us

#GenderEqualityWhenItSuits: A submission to the review of the Workplace Gender Equality Act 2012

The ongoing erosion of research and publication standards – aka fudging the figures to support the feminist narrative

I further believe that those groups and individuals consulted by the Commission should not be filtered or excluded on the basis of the degree to which their beliefs happen to align with those of the Commissioners and their staff.

I would note that for several years now I have been blocked from accessing a social media account of the Sex Discrimination Commissioner, although not the Twitter account operated by the Commission as a corporate entity. This blocking of information sources and alternative perspectives has become a common occurrence in pro-feminist web sites and/or news outlets. I believe this behaviour to be unhelpful and inappropriate, and doubly so in the case of publicly-funded organisations. This subject, and my associated dealings with the Human Rights Commission, are addressed in the following two blog posts:

On the censorship and erasure of non-feminist perspectives and opinions

Since when did it become acceptable for publicly-funded desk jockeys to block people on social media in the absence of threats or abuse? Since now it would seem

Gender bigots elevated into positions of considerable authority: Some examples

Initially in this post I’ve elected to profile Vera Baird and Alison Saunders (UK) and Mary Koss (USA).

With regards to prominent femocrats in the UK, I know that Mike Buchanan’s web site offers a huge amount of relevant background material. One of the things Mike does is write to these women – sometimes by way of a Freedom of Information request – demanding answers to some very pertinent and pointed questions. It can make for some very interesting reading.

In relation to Australia, in previous blog posts I have already profiled Elizabeth Broderick and Natasha Stott Despoja.

** This post remains a working draft only at this point in time **

Vera Baird

Baird’s Police website doesn’t provide a single support resource for male victims of domestic abuse – she’s Twitter blocking such organisations instead (7 January 2016)

Poster campaign row: We’re here to support ‘all’ victims of domestic abuse, says under-fire PCC (5 January 2016)

How feminists and a Police Commissioner’s Office conspired against male victims of domestic violence on Twitter (5 January 2016) Absolutely outrageous!

Police Crime Commissioner Vera Baird will block you on Twitter if you bring up male domestic abuse (29 December 2015) UK

Northumbria police accused of sexism in domestic abuse poster campaign (29 December 2015) UK

Vera Baird has now posted a second sexist hate poster on her police force’s Facebook page (26 December 2015) UK

Vera Baird, a British regional ‘Police Commissioner’, disseminates a Christmas message implying that men who budget their finances carefully do so in order to “economically abuse” their partners (25 December 2015)

This reddit discussion is about Ms Baird’s unethical and possibly corrupt conduct

This detailed submission is by Mike Buchanan, and here is a link to a list of other items about Vera in Mike’s web site.

Alison Saunders

Top judge launches attack on Alison Saunders over acquittals in ‘drunk rape’ cases – but she hits back claiming he is ‘victim blaming’ (27 March 2017) UK

Alison Saunders should be sacked – for the Janner case, and for her absurd views on rape (29 June 2015)

Mary Koss

Mary P. Koss thinks that it is “inappropriate” to consider men who have been raped by women as rape victims, because “their penetration experience is not similar to what women are reporting”. She calls it “unwanted contact” with related reddit discussion thread here (27 December 2015) USA

Cunning Stunts of History: Mary Koss and rape culture (9 November 2013)

Mary Koss doesn’t think women can rape men and boys (5 September 2015)

Mary P. Koss, Feminist Rape Apologist (21 April 2013)

Male disposability – Mary P. Koss, rape apologist, defines male rape victims out of existence (30 January 2013)

Elsewhere in this blog you might be interested in also reading:

Australian taxpayer-funded organisations that do little/nothing for men (other than demonising them)

So what exactly is the ‘Domestic Violence Industry’?



George Brandis declines opportunity to address bias at the Australian Human Rights Commission

I have detailed my concerns about the level of bias reflected in the operation of the Australian Human Rights Commission elsewhere in this blog. On 11 December 2014, I sent an email to the Hon George Brandis QC, Attorney-General, Minister for the Arts and Deputy Leader of the Government in the Senate sharing my concerns and seeking his support:

“I write to you in your capacity as Attorney-General in which you are tasked with the oversight of the operation of the Australian Human Rights Commission.

I am deeply concerned about what I perceive to be the application of biased and inappropriate priorities with regards to, in particular, the Commission’s role in addressing gender discrimination. I have detailed these concerns in the following blog post:

I believe that this situation may require your intervention in order to ease the Commission back onto the correct track – one that sees a heightened emphasis on striving for true gender equality and with a corresponding scaling back of the emphasis placed on pursuing the ideology of gender feminism.

I would consequently appreciate you reading the linked paper and providing me with your views in relation to the matters raised therein.”

On 2 March 2015, after a further approach from me, I received the following reply:

“Thank you for your email of 11 December 2014 to the Attorney-General, Senator the Hon George Brandis QC, concerning the Australian Human Rights Commission. The Attorney-General has asked me to reply to you on his behalf.

I have noted your comments in relation to Commissioner Elizabeth Broderick and the work of the Australian Human Rights Commission. The Commission was established under the Australian Human Rights Commission Act 1986 to conciliate complaints of discrimination and provide advice to the Government on human rights issues. The Commission falls within the Attorney General’s portfolio responsibility, but it is independent from the Government.

The Australian Government supports the important role that the Commission plays in protecting and promoting human rights in Australia. That does not mean that the Government necessarily agrees with all the statements made by Commissioners, who do not speak for the Government in performing their functions. Commissioner Broderick is free to express her views, as all Australians are free to express their opinions.

If you have concerns that you wish to raise about the operations of the Australian Human Rights Commission or any of its Commissioners, you may raise these directly with the President of the Commission, Professor Gillian Triggs. Professor Triggs’ address is:

Professor Gillian Triggs President Australian Human Rights Commission GPO Box 5218 SYDNEY NSW 2001

The Attorney-General cannot intervene in the Commission’s handling of individual queries or complaints.

Thank you for taking the time to write about your concerns.”

Senator Brandis’ inaction is unfortunate but perhaps understandable given the currently torturous interaction between the Government and the AHRC, as detailed in the following articles:

‘A fatal perception of bias’: George Brandis admits he asked Gillian Triggs to resign (24 February 2015)

Human Rights Commission and Gillian Triggs not above reproach (27 February 2015)

Row involving Human Rights Commission president Gillian Triggs puts careers on the line (28 February 2015)

Opinion: Human Rights boss should be the last to cast the stone in relation to child protection (1 March 2015)

These recent developments involving Ms. Broderick’s boss suggest an entrenched culture within the Commission whereby it has become accepted that AHRC priorities shall be determined by political and ideological bias rather than on the basis of statutory responsibility alone.


Organisations with women at the helm perform better (so they say)

I was reading through an article the other day and noted the phrase: “All the research suggests that businesses perform better if you have a critical mass of women in the senior ranks. It’s right that businesses focus on that” (Source)

I’ve seen the same or very similar comments advanced elsewhere, generally in the absence of citation of actual research. It brings to mind another much-used feminist mantra: “The overwhelming majority of domestic violence is perpetrated by men against women”. It’s like, well it’s sounds right, it’s been stated by some well-known feminist/s, thus we should accept it and just move on.

So moving right along … I watched a segment on the morning TV show ‘Sunrise’ this morning, as it had been promoted as being about how companies that had women at the helm performed better. Allegedly proved via the results of a “new international study”. They also mentioned that the tired old issue of the gender pay gap would also be addressed.

The Sunrise Facebook page (17 August 2014) states:

“The companies that perform best financially have the greatest numbers of women in leadership roles, according to one of the most comprehensive workplace studies ever undertaken.

The study looked at 2,000 organisations in 48 countries, but is not the first to suggest that women leaders boost a company’s financial performance. The study showed that women only hold 28% of leadership positions, despite the fact that lucrative companies had a higher percentage of women leaders.

In Australia, men are paid on average 17.1% more than women to do the same job. Less than 5% of our top CEO’s are women. Why do you think this is the case?”

The discussion was between the ‘Sunrise’ hosts and two women:  Margie Warrell and Nicki Gilmour. Very early on in the segment Nicki stated “well I [haven’t seen] didn’t do the study and I’ve [only] seen it briefly“. Huh? I thought it was central to the segment?

I went hunting for details of this research, and then posted queries on Twitter (to Sunrise and Margie Warrell) and the Sunrise Facebook page seeking a URL for the study in question. Nothing, so I emailed the Sunrise production team to ask the same question on 18 August 2014. Nil response … ever … you can draw your own conclusions from that.


So I guess I have to ask … just how desperate were the ‘Sunrise’ production team to milk the gender issue that they chose to run with this story? Is it really good enough (in the media’s eyes) to just assert something without producing any tangible evidence to support it?

I am aware of some related research within the web site of Mike Buchanan, but the studies he cited found the opposite relationship to be true (i.e. bringing women into senior roles sometimes had a negative impact on company performance). See for example:

One would hope that the media would seek to present a diversity of opinions regarding this, and other gender-related, matters. Alas no.

I am also aware of the 2011 study undertaken by the Reibey Institute in Australia. That survey is different, however, in that it only looked at the difference in performance between companies that have no women directors versus those that have at least one. That also seems to have been the case with another study undertaken by Credit Suisse (see also actual study here).

Clearly many variables need to be identified and accounted for when attempting business comparisons such as these, other than simply ‘Performance’ versus the presence of a woman on the board. Even were this hurdle competently addressed in the above-mentioned studies, it could not be said that the presence of additional women on the board (and/or in senior management, as the case may be) would result in further incremental improvements in performance. This is an important point bearing in mind that those who raise this topic often do so in the context of talking-up the concept of gender quotas.

The Business Council of Australia 2013 report entitled ‘Increasing the Number of Women in Senior Executive Positions‘ also mentions the Catalyst Group survey in the USA, but this doesn’t appear to track relative business performance. Mike Buchanan also mentions the Catalyst Group study in one of his blog posts where he states:

“In all the reports we’ve analysed – including those from the feminist campaign group Catalyst, to which Ms Sunderland refers – it’s made crystal clear that correlation [between business performance and having women on the board] isn’t evidence of causation, and can’t even be taken to imply it.”

Additionally, a double-standard seems to apply when the CEO/politician in question fails to perform. When it’s a woman, a defence is often mounted on the basis that criticism was due to sexism. Julia Gillard and Hillary Clinton are two classic examples. In the case of men, such a claim would be extremely unusual.

I don’t have an axe to grind about whether board members or senior staff are male or female, only that the decision should be based on qualifications, skills and experience. And if they subsequently fail to perform then they should be shown the door. Again, regardless of gender.

What I do object to is the media, or others in a position to influence or educate, presenting as reality some belief or another that has yet to be substantiated via fact-based analysis. That, and having the credibility bar set at widely differing levels depending on the extent to which the particular view being espoused falls within current-day parameters of political correctness.

In closing, I remain unaware of any suitably rigorous studies that make a sufficiently strong case that more women in a business = stronger performance. Should a reader know of some then please advise accordingly.

See also:

Women on top, by Bettina Arndt (26 June 2024) Recommended reading

Managers Tend To Sugarcoat Women’s Reviews To Their Disadvantage, New Research Shows (21 June 2024)

A seemingly light-hearted study on women’s haircut advice has surprisingly dark psychological implications (20 October 2023)

‘Significant concerns’ in Downing Street as NatWest boss quits over Farage leak (26 July 2023)

Labour MP Jess Phillips under investigation for breach of parliamentary rules (27 April 2023)

CEO tells employees to stop complaining about not receiving bonuses while she gets $1.2m bonus (18 April 2023)

Frank founder criminally charged with fraud over $175 million JPMorgan deal (4 April 2023)

The ‘women on boards’ scam: Campaign for Merit in Business publicly challenges Hanneke Smits, CEO of BNY Mellon Investment Management and the new Global Chair of The 30% Club, to answer some questions and wind up The 30% Club (13 February 2023)

The ‘women on boards’ scam: Our public challenges of four leading proponents (14 December 2022)

Kamala Harris and Female Sexual Power, by Janice Fiamengo (25 September 2022) Recommended reading

Woman sparks debate after accusing other women of being ‘toxic’ and saying mothers often ‘abuse and bully’ daughters and she prefers working with men (14 August 2022)

Grammar-challenged judge fingered in road rage incident at Brooklyn school (16 July 2022)

Virgin Australia and its boss Jayne Hrdlicka hit with bullying claim (12 April 2022)

‘I am being bullied’: Kimberley Kitching made formal complaint before her death (17 March 2022) Australia

Mike Buchanan’s Campaign for Merit in Business (undated)

“Mike presented oral evidence to the House of Commons “Women in the Workplace” inquiry in November 2012, along with Steve Moxon, the author of The Woman Racket (2008), and Dr Catherine Hakim, the world-renowned sociologist whose paper on Preference Theory (2000) revealed that while four in seven British men are work-centred, only one in seven British women is. THAT is the single most important explanation – not nebulous “barriers” – for why fewer women than men make it to the top of companies and other major organizations (at least on the basis of merit, with a level playing field).”

We need to talk about Karen, by Paula Wright (13 February 2022)

Watters: This was Ocasio-Cortez’s downfall (1 February 2022) Video

Women Bullied At Work: Here’s Why Your Female Boss Doesn’t Support You (19 February 2020)

Ending Australia’s gender pay gap: ‘Managers can make or break DEI’ (28 October 2021) A recent spray from the pro-feminist sector – to be reviewed

The Great Cancellation: The new movement coming to expose bad bosses (28 October 2021) Typical – the article isn’t about bad bosses – it’s about (allegedly) bad *male* bosses.

Elizabeth Holmes Plans To Accuse Ex-Boyfriend Of Abuse At Trial : NPR (28 August 2021) Heck, don’t you know, only men can be held accountable?

Is ‘gender equality’ the new sexism? – Dentistry (5 July 2021)

Rosemary Rogers: How fraudster former NAB chief of staff’s lavish life unravelled (14 December 2020)

When women commit war crimes (28 October 2020)

Women-led businesses are being excluded from the government’s Boosting Female Founders initiative (23 October 2020) Australia. Nothing similar for males, but let’s ask for more anyway.

‘Inferior’: British wife ordered to pay $180k for racial abuse of Aussie Duncan Bendall (9 September 2020) Ewww. And she was a feminist too, it would appear

Trigger warning! Female CEO deviates from the IT & Women script (2 April 2018) Video

Judge accused of drinking, having sex in court removed from bench (1 September 2020) USA

Mike Buchanan is highly critical of an article by Dame Helena Morrissey (28 July 2020) UK

It can seriously pay to get more women into leadership. This new research shows how (18 June 2020) Addresses recent Australian research by Bankwest Curtin Economics Centre and the Workplace Gender Equality Agency (WGEA). This research is also summarized in this ABC article of 19 June 2020. It is strongly asserted that the findings constitute proof of a causation effect in appointing a female CEO significantly boosts company performance.

Audrey Gelman steps down as CEO of The Wing as employees stage a digital walkout criticising the company for failing to ‘practice the intersectional feminism that it preaches’ (12 June 2020)

Nick Farr-Jones slams Rugby Australia’s management (4 April 2020)

Queensland chief scientist pleads guilty to fraud (12 March 2020)

Labour councillor, 30, collected thousands of pounds in rent from three properties but lied so she could live in council flat for 12 years, court hears (7 February 2020)

Goldman Sachs will no longer do IPO’s for companies with all-male boards (23 January 2020) From 1 July 2020 Goldman Sachs will not work on IPO’s from companies that don’t have at least one “diverse” board member

Isabel dos Santos: Africa’s richest woman ‘ripped off Angola’ (20 January 2020)

Investor bias is real and it’s bad news for women (2 December 2019)

Naked doped-up Congresswoman showing off Nazi-era tattoo, smoking bong nude with staff (25 October 2019)

Janice McAleese: Ex-NI Events Company boss sentenced (23 October 2019) UK

Theranos CEO Elizabeth Holmes reportedly can’t pay lawyer’s fees (7 October 2019)

Mike Buchanan’s letter to the Economics Editor of The Times newspaper (10 July 2019) UK

Kids Company founder urges judge to spare her the ‘stress’ of a court case over the charity’s financial meltdown after taking £42m of public money (14 May 2019)

Janice Fiamengo‏ tells – More lies about women in leadership positions, how much BETTER they are than men: new patents go through roof, profits skyrocket! Will the nonsense never end? I have many meta-studies to prove it just ain’t so. (17 April 2019)

NSW Police arrest company director in NAB fraud scandal investigation (1 March 2019)

Sacked ABC boss Michelle Guthrie rated as ‘arrogant’ and ‘in bottom 4 per cent for integrity’ (29 November 2018)

Charity defrauder also faked cancer (14 November 2018)

Michelle Guthrie departs from role as Managing Director of the ABC (24 September 2018) “Despite offering praise for some of Ms Guthrie’s work, Mr Milne said her leadership style was a factor in the board’s decision.” And then Michelle claimed to have been “touched inappropriately” by former Chairman.

British companies need a ‘genuine culture change’ to get rid of alpha males and promote women, say ministers (13 September 2018)

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Tries To Blame Sexism For People Calling Out Her Claims (11 August 2018) So if we can acknowledge that appointments are made on the basis of gender, then so too it appears that appointees can subsequently dismiss criticism on the basis of it just being sexism.

‘We took turns being her slave’: MP’s staff (21 July 2018)

Female leaders are valued over males – Evidence from almost 100 studies (21 October 2017) Reddit discussion thread and linked academic paper

High-ranked women less generous than men when sharing a reward with their collaborators (10 October 2017)

Christine Nixon’s cries of sexism deflect from her shortcomings (27 July 2017)

Manchester International Festival: Putting women in control of the world (5 July 2017) No reader’s comment permitted, but some discussion on Twitter with a very similar article running in The Guardian.

Diane Abbott – the woman Corbyn trusts to protect Britain from terrorists – embarrasses herself in new car crash interview (6 June 2017) UK

Though Outnumbered, Female CEOs Earn More Than Male Chiefs (31 May 2017)

More on Eman Sharobeem’s rorting (17 May 2017) … and the outcome in September 2018

Community health boss ‘rorted’ holiday, jewellery, gym (1 May 2017) Australia

“A contender for the NSW Australian of the Year awards rorted more than half a million dollars in public funds while she was in charge of two publicly funded community health organisations, a corruption inquiry has been told.”

Women hate being CEOs – and they suck at it (8 April 2017) with a follow-up article entitled ‘Do men make better CEO’s than women?’ here.

The blokey culture of finance means we’re missing out on a mountain of ability (18 January 2017) Australia needs a female Treasurer because some qualified women feel hard done by (as do some men), because a woman would do the job better, and well … because.

Arlene Foster describes calls for resignation as ‘misogynistic’ (4 January 2017) Northern Ireland

Argentina ex-leader Cristina Fernandez charged in corruption case (27 December 2016)

#Girlboss author Sophia Amoruso speaks about Nasty Gal’s bankruptcy and her resignation (11 November 2016)

Hillary only thanks women and girls in her concession speech. Then she wonders why so many men don’t vote for her. Feminists & SJWs seem unable to learn anything (10 November 2016) Reddit discussion thread and linked article.

‘I deeply apologise to the nation’: South Korean president Park Geun-hye (4 November 2016) and then
South Korea’s ousted President ‘sorry,’ leaves mansion (12 March 2017)

Watch incompetent “Chief Human Capital CEO” Emerson from DHS incapable of answering specific questions (30 October 2016)

Female trade minister walks out of trade talks crying. Male opposition MP says we should send an adult. Outrage and sexism (29 October 2016) Reddit discussion thread and linked article

Ex-Yahoo employee sues Marisa Mayer claiming she led an illegal purge of male employees (8 October 2016)

More women on Qld boards could deliver $87 million: Deloitte report (5 October 2016) Research available here, together with details of the Queensland Government’s ‘Women on Boards’ program (Currently under review)

Want to boost your share price? Hire more women (27 September 2016) I have yet to locate and review the second Credit Suisse study mentioned in this article, so won’t comment further at this juncture.

Feminists seek funding for start-up business but fail to impress potential investors (19 September 2016) Video

Do women prefer female bosses? (18 September 2016)

UK female MP shadow foreign secretary claims “sexism” because she was asked a basic question she did not know the answer to (12 September 2016) Reddit discussion thread with linked article

Disgraced CEO’s heartless response to suicide (9 September 2016)

Women in startups the new disruptors (1 September 2016) Ill-disciplined feminist bandwagon-jumping from a journal that should know better.

CEOs say women will be promoted and men should get used to it or leave (24 August 2016)

What your shopping habits say about you (4 August 2016) Australia. Women spend more and worry less so that makes them “better financial managers“. Say what? OK so this is about household rather than corporate spending, but it nevertheless promotes a sexist gendered view in relation to potential business acumen. Research summary can be found here

Is There A Double Standard When Female CEOs In Tech Stumble? (3 August 2016) Related Reddit discussion thread here.

Saatchi boss Kevin Roberts disciplined over gender comments (31 July 2016) UK. Thou shalt not question the feminist narrative. See related Reddit discussion thread here and related video here. Kevin subsequently resigned his post.

Theranos founder Elizabeth Holmes goes from $5.9 billion to nothing (17 July 2016)

Yahoo’s False Prophet: How Marissa Mayer Failed to Turn the Company Around (24 May 2016) with related Reddit discussion thread here. Subsequent article on this issue here (19 July 2016) Marissa responds to criticism by lamenting “gender charged reporting“. Like if she was a he, then criticism would evaporate? As if.

“When Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer bought Tumblr for a cool $US1 billion in 2013, she pledged ‘not to screw it up.’ (Three) years later, it’s become apparent that Yahoo has failed on that promise.”

The Intense Scrutiny on Marissa Mayer Shows Women Leaders Get Way More Flak Than Men (3 May 2016) But we’re not allowed to criticize female leaders when they fail to live up to expectations because that’s misogyny

Gender Diversity Doesn’t Boost Corporate Profits (6 April 2016)

When Passionate Advocates Meet Research on Diversity, Does the Honest Broker Stand a Chance? (9 March 2016)

What happens when you invest in companies with women at the top (8 March 2016) Australia

ASX 500 companies that employ more women make more profit, study shows (8 March 2016) “Top publicly listed companies that employ more women on their boards make more money, a new study shows, boosting the case for regulations that require big business to set policies to increase gender diversity.”

The relevant study can be found here. Firstly, the study doesn’t find that more women=more profit. The study finds that companies with one or more women on their board generally perform better than companies with no women on their board. Secondly, such a finding in no way supports a case for mandatory quotas, as this could (amongst other things) result in women being appointed with lesser skills than is the case at present.

More women on boards means more money for companies: study (8 March 2016) Australia

Cherie Blair’s healthcare business shuts to leave investors with huge losses (5 March 2016)

Why Women-Led Businesses Outperform Their Peers (18 February 2016) USA. Many studies cited but none provide compelling evidence that the actions of female CEO result in improved business performance. See also readers comments.

More females on boards means more profits for S&P/ASX 200 companies (17 February 2016) Australia

European queens waged more wars thank kings (27 January 2016) USA

Marissa Mayer’s kingdom is crumbling around her (4 January 2016)

Meet Your Saviours & Protectors (4 November 2015) Video concerning the recent unelected appointment of women to positions of power in European countries and the EU

Meet The She-E-Os: Why Do So Many Female Tech CEOs Turn Out to Be Disappointments or Frauds? (27 October 2015)

Google boss: ‘Volkswagen scandal wouldn’t have happened if more women were in charge’ (8 October 2015) with related reddit mensrights discussion thread here

Elizabeth Broderick reveals why Australia must consider quotas to get more women in senior roles (5 September 2015)

Sex in the boardroom (6 June 2015)

Women at the top is better for business and the environment (28 April 2015)

The ‘All blokes’ versus the ‘Gender Diverse’. Guess which boards perform better? (23 April 2015) Australia

Companies with more female executives make more money (23 April 2015) ABC’s The Drum (video)

Yes, we need more women on government boards. Here’s why (31 March 2015) Some good readers comments

Daniel Andrews, board quotas and the myth of ‘insufficient women’ (31 March 2015)

Gender diversity improving at banks, but very slowly (12 March 2015) Australia

Cameron’s naive crusade for boardroom gender diversity will only hurt Britain (9 March 2015)

A Better World, Run by Women (6 March 2015)

6 reasons your business needs female leadership (19 January 2015)

Risky business: why we shouldn’t stereotype female board directors (3 December 2014)

Diversity fatigue: why business still struggles to close the gender gap (25 November 2014) Includes links to further research on the subject which I will review in due course

Gail Kelly’s Margaret Thatcher-style executive team (25 November 2014) The bank with the least number of women directly reporting to the chief executive is the only bank with a woman at the top

The Changing of the Boards: The Impact on Firm Valuation of Mandated Female Board Representation (16 June 2012)

“In 2003, a new law required that 40 percent of Norwegian firms’ directors be women – at the time only nine percent of directors were women. We use the pre-quota cross-sectional variation in female board representation to instrument for exogenous changes to corporate boards following the quota. We find that the constraint imposed by the quota caused a significant drop in the stock price at the announcement of the law and a large decline in Tobin’s Q over the following years, consistent with the idea that firms choose boards to maximize value. The quota led to younger and less experienced boards, increases in leverage and acquisitions, and deterioration in operating performance, consistent with less capable boards.”

Experts: In most cases, accused embezzlers are women (5 March 2012)

Picture of new Italian premier Meloni and text: This woman just smashed the glass ceiling in Europe's oldest country. Meloni is the first woman to lead Italy, yet I can't find a single article celebrating her achievement in the "pro-woman empowerment" American corporate media. Odd. Almost like our media are bullsh*t frauds

Elsewhere in this blog you might be interested in:

Less than 50/50 representation does not automatically imply ‘gender bias’

On affirmative action and the imposition of gender quotas

Harassment and discrimination in the workplace: Surprise, surprise, it goes both ways

That tired old feminist chestnut that is the ‘gender wage gap’ lives on in the Australian media

It’s hard to believe, but white knight politicians, feminists and media commentators alike are still banging this drum. How many times does the existence of a ‘pay gap’ arising from gender discrimination, need to be debunked before it is finally put to rest?

It’s notable that the relevant Australian Wikipedia entry simply compares the average male and female rates of pay, which is clearly not ‘comparing apples with apples’. By that I mean that we need to compare pay rates for men and women doing the same job (incl. same hours worked), and with the same qualification and experience in order to tease out any meaningful gender-based differences.

While there are certainly differences in the average salary earned by men and women, such differences reflect personal career choices, rather than being an indicator of gender bias in the workplace as is routinely asserted or implied by the feminist lobby. Further, once you drill down into the data it becomes clear that the nature of the gap is  no means uniform ‘across the board’ – which you might expect if it was in fact a meaningful indication of ingrained gender bias across Australian society. (Refer statistical sources provided in this other blog post)

One of the things that feminists don’t mention is that, even when using the average pay rates they base their argument on, the gender gap actually favours women in certain age groups or in certain types of jobs. I would suggest, however, that we don’t all hold our breath waiting for Elizabeth Broderick to take “bold measures” to address those particular areas of ‘inequity’.

Back in March 2014  this article appeared, asserting the existence of gender-based wage disparity. I emailed Westpac bank requesting supporting information and got a reply from their PR section wanting to know why I wanted the info. I was eventually pointed towards the media release section of their web site where I found this. As you can see no mention of male/female salary data at all, so I’m left wondering where Westpac CEO, Gail Kelly (who also features in this Youtube video), sourced those stats.

This week the ‘gender pay gap’ was mentioned here in an article on and here in segments on the Australian morning TV show ‘Sunrise’, and here in comments by Tracey Spicer. Tracey was quoted as saying:

“To be a working woman in Australia is to know that you are valued less than your male counterparts. Our (rising) double digit gender wage gap means you’re earning less than guys doing the same job, you have a reduced chance of making your way to a senior leadership position (particularly if you’re angling to be on the board) and no matter where you are in the business hierarchy you stand a 17 percent chance of sexual harassment on the job and a one in five chance of being discriminated against if you become pregnant.”

Why is it that when I see articles that purport to discuss gender differences, but only provide the relevant statistics for women, I immediately think *feminist author*? I wonder if this technique, i.e. don’t provide any context or basis for comparison, is something they are now teaching everyone in ‘gender studies 101’ because it really is so prevalent now.

The wage gap statistics that Tracey refers to were sourced from a government agency, the ‘Workplace Gender Equality Agency‘ (WGEA) which defines the gender pay gap as “the difference between women’s and men’s average weekly full-time equivalent earnings, expressed as a percentage of men’s earnings.”

As is explained in my previous blog post about the ‘pay gap’, comparing average male/female earnings is utterly unhelpful and inappropriate given the large number of variables involved (of which gender discrimination by employers is only one, and only a minor one at that).

I see in this article that the WGEA has previously been subject to criticism for their interpretation of source statistics.

You might be interested to know that only two out of twenty-nine staff in the WGEA are men. And how many of them would identify as feminists? I’m guessing, almost all. Just putting this thought out there, but could it be that perhaps this situation is introducing some teensy, weensy measure of bias into the Agency’s priorities and findings?

In terms of addressing the agency’s staffing imbalance, dare I suggest that they could probably speed things along via the introduction of an enforced gender quota? I mean to say, feminists are proposing gender quotas right left and centre, and what’s ‘good for the goose is good for the gander’ as they say.

But in the meantime the suits at the big end of town clearly think that pandering to feminists makes business sense, as many are falling all over themselves to support the WGEA’s latest ‘pay gap’ initiative.

Postscript … and on and on it goes:

The FIFA World Cup pay gap exists because of one simple factor (31 July 2023)

Gen Z want to work ‘lazy girl jobs’. Who can blame them? (9 July 2023)

Shocking pay gap between men and women (11 February 2022) Another offering from our very own WGEA. Yes, you know the ones

Closing gender pay gap about privilege, not equality (30 November 2021)

Closing the gender pay gap‘ by the Chifley Research Centre (August 2019). The Centre is the official think-tank of the Australian Labor Party, and its official mission is to champion a Labor culture of ideas. It is an Australian public company supported by the Commonwealth Government through a grant in aid administered by the Department of Finance and Deregulation (source).

I have asked the Centre for details regarding the size and source of the budget for this project. The only response thus far has been for a member of the (all-female) project working group to block me on Twitter. Yes an avowed feminist and gender studies academic … surprised? Stay tuned.

Ending Australia’s gender pay gap: ‘Managers can make or break DEI’ (28 October 2021) A recent spray from the pro-feminist sector – to be reviewed

Female futures traders on $315,000 a year among 72 occupations where women earn more than men (29 March 2019) Ooh, see the angry feminist fuming over this article, media poison, no more promotions for this journalist.

Google finds it’s underpaying many men as it addresses wage equity (4 March 2019) USA

In December 2018 Australia’s SBS ran a program called “Is Australia sexist?”. The linked video was a critique of that program. Interesting

Workplace gender equality score reveals massive blind spot letting Australian businesses down (17 November 2017)

Andrew Bolt: Let’s ask Waleed Aly the truth about a pay gap (18 October 2017)

Cafe of Confusion (7 August 2017) Video

What we miss when we focus on the gender wage gap (10 July 2017) Why is it so very difficult for pro-feminist researchers to provide like-for-like statistics and an objective unbiased presentation of the facts of the matter. This articles excludes consideration, for example, of the reality that men are more likely to support others and women more likely to be supported. Therefore now, and in the absence of wide-ranging structural reform, unemployment or underemployment of men has a far more serious impact on welfare of affected persons.

Instead of tweeting his ‘support’ for Natalie Portman, Ashton Kutcher should have coughed up the cash, by Clementine Ford (31 January 2017)

She’s Price(d)less: The economics of the gender pay gap (October 2016) KPMG study for Diversity Council Australia. Exaggerates the significance of gender discrimination – hardly surprising given the agenda of the commissioning organisation. KPMG in turn clearly have their eye on the ball with regards to winning further lucrative ‘women as victims’ consultancies from pro-feminist agencies.

8 September 2016 was ‘Equal Pay Day’. This triggered a flurry of pay gap articles, only one of which challenged the feminist narrative. And oddly that was an article published in, entitled ‘How common sense shows gender pay gap is a myth‘.

The others were ‘Closing the gender pay gap won’t just help women. It’ll help men too‘, ‘Will the real gender pay gap please stand up?‘ & ‘It’s time to dispel the myth that women’s choices cause the gender pay gap’ (8 September 2016) None of the pro-feminist articles found it relevant to note that the pay gap favours women in many instances – and in an increasing number of instances – depending on sector, seniority, etc. From the readers comments, many people are far from convinced by the feminist position. This comment from ‘mythbuster’ was a classic:

“Men earn an average total of $27,000 a year more than women”. Yes, EARN, not, “are paid”. That calculation is based on averaging the incomes of all male and all female full time workers. It doesn’t take into account overtime, differences in jobs, female choices. In lower paid, similar jobs they earn more because they do more overtime. There are 12.2 million workers here, split 55/45 men to women. To get equality, you need to conscript 600,000 women out of their homes and into work. You also need to sack 600,000 and put them in front of the afternoon soaps, and then have women support them. There are 1.2 million workers in construction, forestry and mining, 85% male. This pays higher than the 1.1 in health services, 80% women. So lets take about 360,000 women out of counselling or aroma therapy and get them down the mines or out building us houses. That’s where the pay is better, in back breaking, dangerous work. We should also swap some teachers with long distance truckies and oil rig workers, since that will help close the pay gap and the death gap since 93% of workplace deaths happen to men. More dead female workers will be a sign of equality. Its illegal to pay a man or woman a different wage based on gender, if you know of an example of this, please give us the EBA or Award name, otherwise, if you want to be paid like a man, work the jobs women tend not to want to and do the hours men do at it. That’s equality.”

Women catching up to men on wages: ABS (23 August 2016)

“Women’s wages have grown at almost three times the rate of men’s over the past year”

Young men blamed for not believing the feminist misrepresentation of the gender pay gap (Australian Financial Review, 17 July 2016)

Radical proposal to force bosses to fork out extra super for women (3 June 2016)

Opinion: Gap in logic over gender pay discrepancies (8 May 2016)

University of Queensland to host Bake Sale that charges based on gender (3 April 2016) and then ‘The feminist cupcake sale that led to death and rape threats‘ (6 April 2016)

Just thinking out loud now, but I’d love the opportunity to look at these threat messages. Of those that actually exist IRL, I’d like to see how many were sent from newly created accounts with IP addresses that matched those of the recipients.

Higher proportion of gender pay gap ‘unexplained’ in Australia than in US, UK, research shows (24 March 2016) Laughably inane. Headline should be ‘Wage gap found to be insignificant’ … 39% of 3.9% (= 1.5%), only some of which actually results from discrimination

How the work gap affects women, by Jasmin Newman (14 March 2016)

Gender parity still lacking in Australia’s workforce, by Roy Morgan Research (8 March 2016) See chart below – would be interesting to see these results cross-referenced by years of experience in role.


Gender equality in the workplace can prevent violence against women (1 March 2016) In this article the feminist authors vainly attempt to create a causal link between the pay gap and domestic violence against women. Talk about a reach. And needless to say there is zero acknowledgment of workplace harassment or discrimination against men.

Why women graduates don’t get paid as much as men (14 February 2016) OK, so women freely choose to take courses that lead to lower paying job. It’s not men’s fault, and the only problem seems to be in the minds of feminists. WTF?

Workplace gender equality scorecard puts Australia to shame (26 November 2015)

ANZ bank launches a Super deal for female employees (29 July 2015) And now dodgy interpretation of statistics is used to justify gender discrimination

The Only 2(3) Cents I’m Giving Up Because of the Pay Gap (16 April 2015)

Gender pay gap misinterpreted again (16 October 2014)

Get Fact: do men make much more than women for the same job? (7 March 2014)

Pay gap due to women’s choices, not gender bias (9 March 2015) International Women’s Day 2015 saw a flood of pro-feminist articles about the gender pay gap. I won’t even bother including links here as none of them contributed anything new or useful to the discussion – just the same old debunked nonsense. This article (linked above) was the only one I saw that said anything sensible on the matter.

Profound gender bias at the Australian Human Rights Commission (Part 1)

The Australian Human Rights Commission (previously the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission) is a statutory body funded by, but operating independently of, the Australian Government.

The Commission falls under the portfolio of the Attorney-General of Australia. The Commission works within the legal framework of Australian law. The most relevant legislation in the context of this post is the Sex Discrimination Act 1984, the most recent version of which can be accessed here (as at August 2016).

As at 30 June 2022 the gender ratio for ongoing full-time staff was 74% female and 26% male. For all staff however the ratio of men to women is 20% and 80% respectively (Annual report 2021-2022, p124).

The Commission has a number of specialist commissioners, with gender issues being primarily addressed by a ‘Sex Discrimination Commissioner’. The most recent Commissioner was Kate Jenkins who undertook her duties from April 2016 to April 2023. “She ends her term with the sincere thanks of the Albanese Labor Government for improving the lives of Australian women.” Kate is to be replaced by Dr Anna Cody, whose appointment will commence on 4 September 2023.

Elizabeth Broderick served as Commissioner from 2007 to September 2015. This blog post addresses that earlier period, whilst a further post deals with the subsequent period (up until September 2023).

Thus far all eight people selected to fill the role of ‘Sex Discrimination Commissioner’ have been female.

According to the AHRC web site:

“Human rights recognise the inherent value of each person, regardless of background, where we live, what we look like, what we think or what we believe.

They are based on principles of dignity, equality and mutual respect, which are shared across cultures, religions and philosophies. They are about being treated fairly, treating others fairly and having the ability to make genuine choices in our daily lives.

Respect for human rights is the cornerstone of strong communities in which everyone can make a contribution and feel included.”

See also ‘Equal rights of men and women

A review of their literature, however, suggests that the AHRC is infinitely more concerned about the welfare and rights of those humans that are female, than they are about the other half of the population.

A word search on “men” within the AHRC web site turned up 912 results, which was promising. Or at least it was until I looked at the first few results. Two of the top three results were papers about domestic violence and harassment, in which men were portrayed (only) as the aggressors and women (only) as the victims:

The first paper ‘Men breaking the silence’, by Elizabeth Broderick, began as follows:

“Gender-based violence is a form of discrimination that seriously inhibits women’s ability to enjoy rights and freedoms on a basis of equality with men.  Attitudes by which women are regarded as subordinate to men or as having negative stereotyped roles perpetuate widespread practices involving violence or coercion, such as domestic and family violence and abuse, sexual assault and sexual harassment. In Australia, too many women live in fear of violence every day.”

In my blog post entitled Domestic violence is not a gendered issue – Why the pervasive sexist bias against men? I provide many references supporting the assertion that there are as many women guilty of intimate partner violence as there are men, or close to it. But Ms Broderick’s paper gives no hint of there being substantial numbers of male victims and female perpetrators of domestic violence … why?

What useful purpose, with regards to the goal of protecting human rights, is served by demonising men and giving violent women a free pass?

The second paper in the AHRC web site, ‘Sexual harassment. Know where the line is‘, begins thus:

“Sexual harassment is prevalent in Australian workplaces. One in four women have experienced harassment at work, and mens harassment of other men is also on the rise. Nearly one in five complaints received by the Australian Human Rights Commission under the Sex Discrimination Act 1984 (Cth) relate to sexual harassment.”

Even given the often compromised standards of feminism, that’s a fairly disingenuous opening gambit. Consider:

One in four women have experienced harassment at work”

How many of these complaints related to the harassment of women by men? How many of these complaints were upheld?

“and mens harassment of other men is also on the rise”

That seems to imply that only men harass men, and that is simply untrue. And what about womens harassment of women, is that also on the rise? One would expect that, in the case of a professional agency like this, adequate context would be provided to evaluate statements like this.

“Nearly one in five complaints received by the Australian Human Rights Commission under the Sex Discrimination Act 1984 (Cth) relate to sexual harassment.”

And again, how many of these complaints concerned the harassment of women by men, and how many fell into the other categories? i.e. men harassing men, women harassing women, and women harassing men.

I then looked at other papers either written by Elizabeth Broderick, or in which she was quoted, to see the extent to which her views favoured one gender over another. What I found was of considerable concern.

In my blog post entitled Harassment and discrimination in the workplace: Surprise, surprise, it goes both ways I mentioned an article co-authored by Ms Broderick. That article is called Know where the line is: Melissa Hoyer and Elizabeth Broderick address sexual harassment. I would recommend that you read the article and especially the readers comments that follow – most of which expressed outrage at the extent of feminist bias on display.

In another article entitled ‘Gender on Agenda‘ (Courier Mail, 4 June 2014), Ms Broderick “expressed dismay” at the small number of women on company boards and suggested the imposition of gender quotas to be an appropriate response.  As I have noted here, here and here, the justification for imposing gender quotas is dubious.

Ms Broderick has on many occasions expressed concern at the treatment of sexual harassment of women in the workplace. As far as I am aware, however, she has consistently failed to address the extent to which men are also affected by harassment and discrimination at work.

Further browsing in the AHRC web site and google searching on ‘Elizabeth Broderick’ turned up many further articles and speeches in a similar vein. This recent speech entitled ‘Towards a Gender Equal Australia‘ (18 November 2014) only makes mention of men due to their potential utility in achieving further gains for women. Men apparently have no issues of their own to deal with or, alternatively, Ms Broderick considers any such needs to be inconsequential.

Would someone please correct me if I am wrong, but I could not find a single instance where Ms Broderick expressed concern for the welfare of men, for example as victims of harassment, sexual assault, or domestic violence. Instead men were consistently cited as perpetrators of inappropriate behaviour (or at least complicit in such behaviour) and/or as the group to be held responsible for making changes or implementing initiatives to address problems experienced by women.

As far as I am aware Ms. Broderick has offered no corresponding statements in relation to the need for women to modify their own behaviour, or concerning women’s responsibility towards addressing problems experienced by men.

Further, I have seen very little acknowledgement being given to the contributions made by men in achieving progress on issues of inequality or disadvantage affecting women. The one exception was her own Male Champions of Change project, a program fitting safely within the confines of feminist dogma. Again, if this is incorrect then I would certainly appreciate a reader directing me towards any such statements of support.

In Ms Broderick’s eyes, it would seem that the life of men is all blue skies. Yet when it comes to womens dealings with men, well, ‘all rights and no fault/responsibility’ seems to pretty much sum things up.

Sex Discrimination Commissioner Elizabeth Broderick concedes that the Australian Human Rights Commission has no initiatives targeting men. “We have very limited resources, so our work is necessarily directed at identifying the greatest areas of gender inequality,” Broderick says. “So, while we actively engage with men and some of the men’s groups, we have not directly worked on men’s rights issues.” (Source)

One facet of the degree of bias displayed by Ms Broderick is the inaccuracy evident in some of the statements attributed to her. For example, in this 2014 interview with Jackie Frank she stated:

“About 1.2 million women [in Australia] currently live in an intimate relationship characterised by physical violence”

In actual fact the most recent nationally representative survey found that 114,600 Australian women report having experienced violence from a current or previous partner during the preceding twelve months (Source). A tenfold exaggeration? Really?

The ‘Misinformation’ page within the website of the ‘One in Three’ organisation also attributes the following errors to Ms. Broderick:

“One in three women will live in an intimate relationship characterised by violence over her lifetime”. Correction by ‘One in Three’: “the Personal Safety Survey 2005 found that 160,100 women have experienced violence from a current partner since the age of 15. This is 2.08% of Australian women. This equates to one in forty eight women.”

“Almost 90% of the victims of domestic violence are female”. Correction by ‘One in Three’: “Up to two-thirds of domestic violence victims are female, and at least one third are male.”

From ‘Tackling sexual harassment’ a resource for secondary school students produced by the AHRC:

“Girls can sexually harass boys. Although this doesn’t happen as often as boys harassing girls.” (p9) Based on what data source? How/why is this even relevant to note in this document?

“Complaints received by the Commission show that 95% of people who are harassed are female.” No, what this actually says is that 95% of people who lodged complaints were female – not the same thing.

Such a degree of unashamed bias is completely unacceptable. This is the ‘Human Rights Commission’ we are talking about, not a private lobby group or women’s studies centre. Australian men, and the women who care about their welfare, deserve an advocate who is willing and able to competently and energetically champion the interests of both women/girls and men/boys. The Australian community as a whole deserves better.

Given Ms Broderick’s failure to maintain even a modicum of impartiality, one hopes that the termination of her contract in September 2015 will see the appointment of someone better qualified to fulfil the responsibilities of this important role.


Gender equality‘ does not imply that women and men are the same, but that they have equal value and should be accorded equal treatment (Source). Is the approach taken by the AHRC in accord with that definition? Or alternatively, is it more consistent with this one?


Scroll through the Commissioner’s Twitter stream and look for tweets in which she champions the interests of men and boys … are there any? Even one?

This raises the issue of whether members of the public are able to lodge a complaint regarding discrimination with the Commission, against the Commission itself. If any readers can answer that then please leave a comment below. An alternative course of action might be via the federal Attorney-General’s Department.

Developments at the AHRC subsequent to the departure of Ms Broderick, and which are related to gender issues, are discussed in this blog post. For those of you wondering about the next step in Ms. Broderick’s career, read this article by Miranda Devine.

Readers might find the references listed below to be of interest … Where applicable I would suggest that it’s worthwhile to also review readers comments appended to each source

Equal Rights of Men and Women, from the AHRC website. No mention of any specific rights for men and boys (undated)

Wikipedia entry on domestic violence against men

Elizabeth Broderick nets $10k per speaking gig (4 February 2016)

Government seeks advice on new sex discrimination commissioner (11 December 2015)

Finalists for the 2015 Human Rights Community Award announced (9 November 2015) See how many of the finalists work to advance/protect the rights of men/boys. Apparently none!? The winner, by the way, was Ludo McFerran

Who will replace Elizabeth Broderick as Sex Discrimination Commissioner? by Jenna Price (6 November 2015) “We must all call on the government to do the right thing and appoint the best woman to the job”

Men are not regarded as ‘Human’ thanks to Feminist legislation in Australia (17 September 2015)

Ms. Broderick’s swansong … true to type right to the end … no support for men/boys, just criticism (2 September 2015) More of the same here and here. I predict that her next gig will be a well-remunerated slot within the Domestic Violence Industry, helping to spend Malcolm Turnbull’s recent generous hand-out.

Men and women must work as partners to defeat domestic violence, outgoing Sex Discrimination Commissioner says (2 September 2015)

Profile of the work of Elizabeth Broderick over the past eight years, by Anne Summers (May 2015) Word search on ‘women’ = 61 hits Word search on ‘men’ = 6 hits (two of which were negative, one neutral and four about the ‘Champions of Change’ program)

To attain gender equality, we need to focus on men (13 May 2015) But this “focus on men”, is wholly limited to their potential utility to help women. Features a reader’s comment by J.D.Troughton:

“I still see a total focus on women here. We need to also incorporate respect and protection for men, and elevating them in instances of their being discriminated against. It’s a judgement call, a subjective assessment, but women look to have it better than men, to me. A feminist will say the opposite. We can’t honour one over the other on sexist grounds (eg. gynocentrism, our culture’s inherent tendency to give more weight to female suffering of the same burdens, etc.), so we need to hear both out and help both sexes. And not just make jokes about penis size, or accuse someone of bitterness and personal issues when they say that dominant gender discussion is very skewed and prejudiced. I mean, you can do that, but you just add to my case. And look like a heartless curmudgeon. And perpetuate the pain that ends up hurting the women you hold solely so dear.”

‘Let’s talk: The shocking new tricks that men use to control wives’ (31 March 2015) Ms. Broderick is interviewed by the Australian Womens Weekly magazine

Gary Johns and Judith Sloane won’t limit Broderick’s plans (11 August 2014)

Calls to change laws to fix women’s superannuation (13 November 2014) Not content to ignore men’s welfare and overstate the culpability of men for social issues like domestic violence, the Discrimination Commissioner now seeks to grant exceptions to discrimination laws to favour women at a time when traditional gender roles (with regards to parenting for example) are disappearing:

“Rice Warner got an exemption from Sex Discrimination Commissioner Elizabeth Broderick to contribute an extra two per cent of salary in superannuation contributions for their female employees over and above what they contribute for their male employees.”

Elizabeth Broderick on men’s violence towards women (3 December 2014) More of the same one-eyed assessment of the nature of domestic violence. And women never smash their partners phones? And as is so typically the case, my response to this blog post was not published

Bravehearts: The women bruised and battered in the name of ‘love’ (28 December 2014) Here Ms Broderick provides debunked statistics in her quest to demonise men and misrepresent the nature of domestic violence.

On 8 December 2014 Ms Broderick tweeted about the alarming suicide rate for “young people” but no mention of the situation with men. I imagine it slipped her mind. And isn’t it interesting how gender is specified when doing so supports the feminist narrative, but not when it doesn’t?

Does the Human Rights Commission treat some groups more equally than others? (9 July 2013)

Superiority in the name of equality (29 June 2013)

Open Letter to Elizabeth Broderick Australia’s Sex Discrimination Commissioner (10 April 2012)

Sex discrimination commissioner ignores men and boys (3 May 2012)

The Commissioner for discrimination against men (21 July 2012) It was suggested that the AHRC provide some information in their web site to mark International Men’s Day (as they do every year for International Women’s Day). The response was this was not possible due to resourcing constraints. Four years later there is still no mention of International Men’s Day within the AHRC web site. It is a disgrace for the AHRC to suggest that it is committed to “true gender equality”.

It’s hard to be a trailblazing woman (11 August 2012)

Elizabeth Broderick Sex Discrimination Commissioner, 50 (4 February 2012) Again, men as perpetrators and enablers of the victimisation of women, and otherwise only notable for their potential utility in assisting in the continued advancement of women

Discrimination is fine, says Commissioner Two-Legs-Good, by Andrew Bolt (23 June 2010)

“We need to put in place what some might call affirmative action strategies, where we treat men and women differently for the purpose of achieving better gender balance at a senior level.”


Elsewhere within this blog readers might find the following post to be of interest: 

Since when did it become acceptable for public servants to block people on social media in the absence of threats or abuse? Since now it would seem – Prawn of the Patriarchy (

Australian taxpayer-funded organisations that do little/nothing for men (other than demonising them)

On the feminist myth of ‘rape culture’

Rape culture is one of the mainstays of contemporary feminist ideology, and some assert that it is a crucial prop in maintaining the culture of perennial victimhood for women that then in turn manufactures the ‘need’ for feminism.

The nature and even the very existence of a ‘rape culture’ (at least within modern western societies) is hotly disputed as evidenced in the positions put forward in the reference works listed below. As you will note, north American university campuses have been the major focus for activism in relation to this issue.

Where is all this talk of rape culture leading us to? Hysteria and denial of justice to the falsely accused. Here’s a relatively benign, yet still troubling, May 2015 Australian example (also here).

I would suggest also reading this related post within this blog, with further related posts elsewhere in this blog (just click on the subject tag/s at the listed at the base of this page).

One starting point is an April 2014 article entitled ‘The big lie of a rape culture’ by Wendy McElroy

In January 2016 we heard about a new development that yet again shows the utter hypocrisy of the feminist movement, and it’s disregard for the welfare of ordinary women. This development occurred due to a clash of feminist ideals, in which the progressive liberal SJW bias of many feminists won out. In Cologne, Germany, on New Year’s Eve at least 100 women were sexually assaulted by Muslim ‘refugees’ from the Middle East. There followed a disgraceful cover-up by the leftist media and government spokespeople, as described in this article.

Congratulations feminists/SJW for creating a rape culture where there was none, by feminising western males, encouraging a PC-inspired kid-glove (if not, hands-off!) approach by police, whilst lobbying for unfettered entry by huge number of people with a very different and conflicting cultural background.

So much has happened in North America in just the past 2-3 years concerning rape hysteria, especially in relation to real and alleged campus assaults. Finally after many court cases by wrongly accused men, and revelations concerning high-profile hoaxes and false allegations, some sense is returning the debate.

What a disappointment then to see that feminists are importing this madness to Australia. And with Elizabeth Broderick as a mouthpiece – colour me surprised. Are we now destined to experience the same painful and divisive process that our North American brother and sisters have endured, and are still attempting to resolve?

And now it’s time to jump in to the other reference works that follow …

Articles from the Voice for Men web site (various authors)

Climate of fear, by Bettina Arndt (27 October 2016)

Wendy McElroy – Rape Culture Hysteria (24 July 2016) Video

Documentation of Title IX complaints against Emerson College surfaces, questionable accusations abound (19 June 2014) Harvard Law Review by by Jim Byset (18 March 2014) by Diana Davison (17 March 2014) by Barbara Kay (10 March 2014) (11 February 2014) by John Hembling (22 October 2011)

Our so-called “Rape Culture” by Tara Palmatier (29 October 2013) (17 October 2013) by Diana Davison (15 November 2013) by Paul Elam (27 January 2014) by Chris Deslone (24 March 2013)

Articles/videos about ‘rape culture’ from other sources

Assessing #MeToo, Five years on (28 November 2022)

Susan Brownmiller on Rape and Male Power – The Fiamengo File 2.0 (21 October 2022) Produced by Janice Fiamengo

Can we talk about sex please? (September 2020) Interesting broader coverage of the situation on US campuses

University students show they’ve bought into the diversity delusion (24 February 2020)

Male Title IX activist expelled after “feminist witch-hunt” (12 November 2019) USA

The Ministry of Love: Ongoing Gender Partisanship in the Department of Education (11 October 2019) USA

Attorney General Barr once lauded ‘masterful’ book that criticizes campus sexual assault investigations (19 September 2019) USA

How hundreds of campus #MeToo punishments could get tossed (13 August 2019)

Just how easy should it be to destroy a young man’s life? (30 January 2019) USA

David French identifies the root cause of sexual assaults on university campuses (18 September 2017)

The Uncomfortable Truth About Campus Rape Policy (6 September 2017) USA

No rape crisis on our campuses: Official (2 August 2017) Australia

I’m Done Pretending Men Are Safe (Even My Sons) (6 July 2017)

Fabricating A Rape Culture On Campuses, by Bettina Arndt (22 May 2017)

Study: 89% of colleges reported zero campus rapes in 2015 (11 May 2017)

Grant teacher’s letter denying rape culture outrages students, parents (May 2017) USA. Teacher encourages people to think about an issue – gets sanctioned. Coverage of this incident then went international. Pressure was then brought to bear on the teacher who then issued a retraction.

Laura Kipnis, Rape Culture, and the Disappearance of Sex (18 April 2017)

Male Student Ostracized, Publicly Shamed After Questioning the Existence of Rape Culture (6 April 2017)

The Campus Rape Frenzy: The Attack on Due Process at America’s Universities by Professor KC Johnson and Stuart Taylor (3 February 2017)

Amherst Student Expelled for Sexual Misconduct Can’t Defend Himself—It Would ‘Impose Psychological Trauma’ on Accuser (31 January 2017)

The Understudied Female Sexual Predator (29 November 2016)

Research Finds Sexual Victimization Perpetrated by Women More Common than Previously Known (28 November 2016) USA

A third of U.S. women afraid of being sexually assaulted, but few say they’re victims (17 October 2016) With related Reddit discussion thread here.

Schools, media ignore civil protections when it comes to campus sexual assault, Ashe Schow (30 August 2016) USA

Court Rules Former Columbia Student Suspended for Alleged Rape Can Sue for “Anti-Male Bias” (2 August 2016)

Over 60 percent decline in sexual violence against females from 1995 to 2010 (US Government statistics released in 2013)

Due process is still being kicked off campus, by George Will (13 May 2016) USA

‘Ripe for sexual assault’: Australian universities need drastic action to stop attacks on women (11 May 2016) Wouldn’t it be better to learn from the overblown rape hysteria of North American campuses, rather than just importing it and repeat the same mistakes? More on Australians developments here – as you can see archly-feminist Australia Human Rights Commission taking a lead role.

Rape culture: what makes a boy a man? (19 April 2016) Australia. “Of course there is a need for some lightness” (=anything women do to, or say about, men). Because it’s different when a woman does it. Even raping their students, Steve?

Save us from hastag justice, by Margaret Wente (2 April 2016) Canada

Anti-Rape Culture‘ by Aya Gruber, University of Colorado Law School (2016)

Radical Feminism And The So-Called ‘Rape Epidemic’ (3 December 2015) USA

Campus sexual assault: Bad statistics don’t help victims (26 October 2015) Video from the ‘Factual Feminist’

An Assault on Common Sense (2 November 2015)

The myth of the college ‘rape culture’ (27 September 2015)

University of Michigan sex assault finding thrown out (15 September 2015)

Appalling trend: innocent young men are deemed necessary collateral damage in the war on rape (14 September 2015)

‘The Hunting Ground’: Reaping Profit from Rape Hysteria (26 March 2015)

Tracking rape, on and off campus (25 March 2015)

‘Rape prevention tips’ go viral. Upset men (23 March 2015)

A surprisingly eloquent facebook debate re: victim-blaming and mensrights (March 2015) Reddit mensrights discussion thread

The number of sexual assaults against women is falling. So why isn’t it being reported? (19 February 2015)

Trading the Megaphone for the Gavel in Title IX Enforcement – Backing off the hype in Title IX enforcement (18 February 2015)

Now more than ever, the issue of campus rape requires critical thinking (17 December 2014)

Another college campus, more pitchfork justice (7 December 2014)

Saslaw says 20 percent of female students at University of Virginia are sexually assaulted (8 December 2014)

Should we always believe the victim? (6 December 2014)

Fear: The terrible feeling every woman experiences by Melissa Hoyer (6 November 2014) and Pray for Clementine (4 December 2014) Two similar articles by Australian feminist journalists concerning their sickening level of paranoia regarding men. In the second article Clementine Ford is freaking out because a stranger in the street, a man, tried to talk to her.

A sexual harassment policy that nearly ruined my life (3 November 2014) Concerns the issue of lack of due process when investigating claims of sexual harassment/assault on USA campuses

Vagina warrior lynch mobs (26 October 2014) Re: USA campuses

French feminists’ fury as they demand Normandy statue be torn down (7 October 2014)

Shut Up, because Rape (2 October 2014)

The President calls on men to protect women from rapists … (A Reddit mensrights discussion thread) (19 September 2014)

Barbara Kay: Eight to 16% of the male population has been abused sexually in youth. Often by women (5 September 2014)

Feminists rage over suggestion that alcohol education can help curb sexual assault (2 September 2014) Reddit discussion thread here

1,400 girls are raped in Rotherham and feminists don’t care (1 September 2014) and Feminists deafening silence on Rotherham (29 August 2014)

Feminists say roofie-detecting nail polish is actually also rape culture (25 August 2014)

Why is it easier to invent anti-rape nail polish than find a way to stop rapists? by Jessica Valenti (26 August 2014)

Janet Bloomfield critiques an article by feminist journalist Jessica Valenti regarding rape culture (21 August 2014)

No, 1 in 5 women have not been raped on college campuses (13 August 2014)

‘Rape Culture’ leads to manhunts on campus (11 August 2014)

‘Teach men not to rape’: Turn off the outrage machine (29 June 2014) Sensible article that attracted angry feminist response

Conservative scholar: Feminist ‘mob’ ruining colleges with ‘rape culture crusade’ (19 May 2014)

Before declaring that there’s a ‘rape epidemic’ in the US has anyone bothered to check the actual data? (17 May 2014)

Female students shouldn’t play the victim card (12 June 2014)

I am now officially sick of rape culture bullshit (30 April 2014)

The big lie of a “rape culture” by Wendy McElroy (7 April 2014)

Estelle B. Freedman: Redefining Rape (15 October 2013) Youtube video

Study: 10 Percent of U.S. Youths cause Sexual Violence – Females are just as likely to be perpetrators as males (7 October 2013)

In this video a feminist dissects the bogus “one in five women will be raped” statistic (29 April 2014) A male perspective on the notion of ‘rape culture’ and subsequent discussion/furore here

CDC study on sexual violence in the U.S. overstates the problem (27 January 2012) (Christina H. Sommers described this article thus: “Sorry, but this is exhibit A of what has gone wrong with Nth wave feminism. Fallacies + melodrama. When will it end?” Best proceed quickly to the comments section)

The Campus Rape Myth (Winter 2008)

‘Realities and mythologies of rape’ in Society, Jan-Feb 1998 v35 n2 p356 (7)



Harassment and discrimination in business and the workplace: Surprise, surprise, it goes both ways

Workplace harassment takes a number of forms, and these may or may not be related to a worker’s gender. Whilst sexual harassment is the most often discussed, all forms of harassment or discrimination warrant serious consideration and remedial action. No-one should have to tolerate working within such an environment. Everyone deserves respect.

Thus sexual harassment, gossiping and false accusations, bullying, and gender discrimination in recruitment, promotion and management policies – all deserve attention.

If the majority of perpetrators are historically male, as is likely the case with regards to sexual harassment, then a gendered debate might be called for. What we are seeing nowadays though is more a case of systematic demonisation of male managers and staff, whilst female perpetration of sexist and abusive behaviours is downplayed or even air-brushed out of contention.

Despite the fact that both men and women can (and do) perpetrate these types of behaviours, or be victimised by them, media coverage focuses almost entirely on the victimisation of female staff (example/example/example/example/example/example and example).

And it’s not just the media that are guilty of this bias, in this report by DV lobby group ‘Our Watch’, male victims seemingly cease to exist.

The furore about sexual harassment that initially centred on the misbehaviour of Harvey Weinstein has only amplified this already heightened degree of gender bias. It has also added to the confusion regarding the boundary between acceptable and unacceptable workplace behaviour.

Men are thus, both collectively and individually, painted as the architects of toxic workplaces, and responsible for victimising a slew of women and other men. And as with so many of these issues, men are the ones held responsible for fixing the problem and judged harshly on any perceived lack of progress.

Conversely, the media generally avoids identifying women as having significant involvement in discriminatory and/or harassing patterns of behaviour.

One of the outcomes of this situation is that men are discouraged from reporting abuse, in turn reinforcing the view amongst policy-makers and managers that female perpetration is little more than a rare aberration.

Numerous examples now follow:

State senator forced chief of staff to perform sex acrobatics that left him with back, hip injuries: suit (9 September 2024) USA

‘Obviously serious’: Huge payout over wrongful Xmas party ‘thrust’ claim (25 August 2024) Why no automatic commencement of a false allegation charge against the complainant?

Court Rules White Starbucks Manager Was Fired Because Of Her Race, Awards Her $25M (15 June 2023) USA

Female Army commander faces wild claims she forcefully kissed, groped male troops (26 April 2023)

Google executive fired after female boss groped him (29 January 2023)

Sydney woman welcomes new office rule men say makes them ‘uncomfortable’ (17 October 2022) The woman is a feminist canetoad, oops I mean journalist. Heaven help men complaining about being made to feel ‘uncomfortable’ … that’s a woman’s job, right? Heaven help them too, if they express interest in the view provided.

Henry Cavill hesitant to flirt so he doesn’t get accused of sexual harassment. Twitter then accuses him of being sexist for not flirting (16 October 2022) Reddit discussion thread regarding men being harassed by women

Kamala Harris and Female Sexual Power, by Janice Fiamengo (25 September 2022) Recommended reading

What guy wouldn’t want it? (2022) Journal of Social Issues. Recommended reading

Sex question women always ask strippers revealed (15 August 2022) No mention of the term ‘harassment’ here, because the women are just having fun and games

Report into bullying and sexual harassment in NSW parliament makes shocking findings (12 August 2022) Some male victims are mentioned, although the focus appears to be on gay men. I/we will need to review the full report to get answers.

Guy sacked after declining date invitation from female staff member (11 August 2022) Refer link to Reddit discussion thread

‘Disturbing’ report into NSW parliament’s culture uncovers examples of bullying and sexual harassment (10 August 2022) Not one mention of the gender of perpetrators in this article. Did the study find ample instances of female-perpetrated harassment as per the Parliament House Canberra/Jenkins report?

SNP MP Patricia Gibson under fire over sexual harassment comments during misconduct investigation (6 August 2022)

“An SNP MP has been accused of making “appalling” comments about sexual harassment during a probe into allegations she pestered a male staffer. A submission by Patricia Gibson claimed it is “discriminatory” to say the impact of sexual harassment of a man by a woman is the same as by a male against a female.”

Extracts also stated it was “highly unlikely” the complainer would have felt “any kind of physical threat or vulnerability” as a man.

Jeff Huntington: Every Girl’s Feelings, No Concern for the Boy’s (5 August 2022) Video interview with outdoor education leader forced to resign after whistle-blowing in relation to a male student unfairly expelled from his course.

Gendered violence is a workplace risk (18 July 2022) Not a mention of risks experienced by males

Women in construction say greater diversity will stamp out sexism and fix labour shortages (21 July 2022) Are some women really this out of touch? #FacePalm

Fired D.E. Shaw Fund Manager Michalow Wins $52 Million From Firm (30 June 2022)

I get sexually assaulted at every gig and now I’ve had to hire a bodyguard, reveals The Chase star Mark Labbett (14 May 2022)

Male singer on stage is groped by female audience member (28 March 2022)

‘I am being bullied’: Kimberley Kitching made formal complaint before her death (17 March 2022) Australia … then The bullying of Kimberley Kitching and Pauline Hanson says ‘bullies out there’ are covered up ‘because they’re women’

Set the Standard: Report on the Independent Review into Commonwealth Parliamentary Workplaces. This report by AHRC Sex Discrimination Commissioner Kate Jenkins surprisingly found a substantial amount of bullying by female members of staff. Note Tweet on this topic by journalist Janet Albrechtsen (17 March 2022)

Gender bias in student surveys on teaching increased with remote learning. What can unis do to ensure a fair go for female staff? (8 March 2022) Lookee here, it’s ok to criticize men’s teaching/working style because they’re sexist, but criticizing a woman’s style is evidence of “gender bias”. And it’s not like male students aren’t already being bombarded with gender-based negativity.

Survey reveals insane thing half of Aussie men believe (1 December 2021) Sexist and condescending as #$@#

Teachers are ‘quitting their jobs’ after being falsely labelled ‘paedophiles’ by students in TikTok videos (25 November 2021)

Twist in Tim Paine sexting scandal as it’s revealed female colleague only complained about his messages after she was allegedly busted stealing nearly a year later (19 November 2021) Asserting rights under law as an act of vengeance – or butt covering – is not a good look.

Two men win sex discrimination payout after female director vowed to ‘obliterate’ JWT’s reputation | Daily Mail Online (24 July 2021)

Alleged rape claim on board a ship full of women scientists (8 March 2021) So much back-pedaling and side-tracking in an attempt to make sure 100% of the blame – for anything & everything that might have happened – was placed on men.

Male victims of workplace sexual harassment are viewed less favorably and elicit less sympathy (16 February 2021)

Red Hot Chilli Piper: Women grope me under my kilt (25 November 2020)

Female B.C. RCMP officer docked 29 days’ pay for sexual misconduct (9 July 2020) Canada. See Twitter discussion thread here highlighting likely variation in punishment were the genders reversed.

Women Bullied At Work: Here’s Why Your Female Boss Doesn’t Support You (19 February 2020)

Sydney casual teacher fired after Christmas party harassment (10 January 2020)

Nearly half of young retail workers report being sexually harassed, on average, seven times a year (29 October 2019). As the survey was conducted by the AHRC, it’s no wonder that male victims were relegated to being merely an aside.

Adam Devine on Ghosting, Rom-Coms, and the Romantic Fail He’s Still Embarrassed About (22 October 2019)

Men now avoid women at work and are much more reluctant to shake a female colleagues hand … (31 August 2019) I’d suggest that you scan the readers comments after you finish the article.

‘Katy Perry exposed my penis to group of people’. Male model from Teenage Dream video (13 August 2019)

Poldark star Aidan Turner admits he’s ambushed by gangs of 20 WOMEN as he reveals his swooning admirers get ‘hands-on’ at events (9 July 2019)

The rise of ‘toxic femininity’: Author reveals female colleagues tricked her into making mistakes so she wouldn’t be promoted and told her everyone hated her – and insists other women create the REAL glass ceiling (8 June 2019)

“I’ve never had a male co-worker try to undermine me and backstab me, but I’ve had plenty of female co-workers do both” (29 May 2019) Twitter discussion thread

Game of Thrones star Daniel Portman’s disturbing fan encounters (25 April 2019)

Opera House contractor who got drunk after work wins job back (8 March 2019) Australia

What about the gender workplace safety gap? (19 February 2019) Australia. Senator David Leyonhjelm asks more questions that need to be asked

Square Enix Fires Kingdom Hearts 3 Dev For Being A Victim & Industry Ignores It (15 January 2019) Video and related Tweet

Labor MP Emma Husar Is Accused Of Sexual Harassment (2 August 2018) Australia

Kimberly Guilfoyle left Fox News after allegations of misconduct (27 July 2018)

Jordan Peterson and sexual harassment by women in the workplace (28 May 2018)

Many men are sexually harassed in the workplace – so why aren’t they speaking out? (13 March 2018)

A Fan Groped Harry Styles At A Concert & it’s Not OK (26 October 2017) Reddit discussion thread and linked article

Estate agent whose female boss told him at boozy Christmas lunch that she’d perform sex act on him if he hit sales target wins discrimination tribunal (1 June 2017) UK

To the workplace sleazes of the world: Your time is up, by Julia Baird (21 April 2017) Because only men can be sleazes, right?

Workplace equality meaningless unless ‘macho’ culture disappears, by Mary Barry, CEO ‘Our Watch’ (13 February 2017) Not content to simply ignore female perpetration/male victimisation, the author suggests the answer lies in feminising the workplace. But wait there’s more, as the author draws an even longer bow in asserting a nexus between the perceived overt masculinity of many workplaces, and the incidence of domestic violence in the community.

Not asking for it (2016) Australia. This article interviews 13 women about their experiences of sexual harassment. I guess no men were available on the day.

In this example the author again makes no mention of there being either female perpetrators or male victims of inappropriate behaviour (see Reddit discussion thread here).

Similar bias can be seen in ‘Know where the line is: Melissa Hoyer and Elizabeth Broderick address sexual harassment‘ (May 2014). Interestingly though, readers comments paint a quite different picture. This then prompts a furious backlash, with feminists asserting that others are seeking to downplay the significance of harassment of women and/or justify that harassment on the basis that women also harass men. This tends to be the pattern with articles on this topic, and I sense a great deal of pent-up frustration with the one-sided coverage of these issues.

(Addendum: Ms Broderick is now raking in plenty of $$ shaming business into conducting surveys of sexist behaviour which confirm, surprise, surprise, that they have a toxic culture that can only be remedied by feminist consultants.) 

If you care, then stand up and say sexism is not OK (9 January 2016) and Sexual harassment is serious business (13 January 2016). Two further typical offerings, again both ignoring the reality of women as harassers and of there being substantial numbers of male victims of discrimination.

We need to do more about sexual harassment in the workplace (6 January 2016) One need go no further than the first two sentences of the article to note that male victims have been excluded from consideration.

Sexism fail? EOC’s sexual harassment video criticised for showing mostly female victims (30 November 2015)

Australian women share their experiences with sexism in the workplace (16 April 2015) This typical mainstream media article about discrimination in the workplace lacks even a single reference to the fact that men experience the same or similar problems and issues. But again, take a look at the subsequent readers comments both here and at the relevant post in the Facebook page … an avalanche of angry men and women pointing out how biased and inaccurate the article is.

Things my male colleagues have actually said to me‘ (10 April 2015) Don’t hold your breath waiting for part 2 ‘Things my female colleagues …’, at least not in the mainstream media. And I note that readers comments are not permitted – which is typical in the case of these anti-male hit-pieces

In contrast very little indeed, with the exception of readers comments, has been written about toxic workplaces from the male perspective. Have men been given a free pass from having to endure such experiences? Or has the plight of male victims simply been ignored, as has occurred in the case of domestic violence and sexual assault?

Unfortunately, one outcome of ignoring female perpetration/male victimisation is the relative lack of objective research. And of course as long as research bias results in such behaviour being excluded from consideration, then there is an over-reliance on conjecture and anecdotal evidence. Hardly an ideal situation in terms of getting the powers-that-be to sit up and take notice.

On that note I just google-searched using the words “My female boss …” and was surprised by the topics that automatically appeared. Try it yourself. Looks like a lot of people having problems with female supervisors. Personally, both my best and worst bosses were female. But boy, the bad ones were shockers.

Moving on, I think it’s clear that some of the behaviour that is perceived as harassment or discrimination in the workplace is a function of the different ways that men and women operate. There are gender-based differences at play, and it is hardly unreasonable to suggest that both men and women should try to understand and compromise.

This WSJ article is another in a long line of articles proposing that men need to adjust to women, but never the other way round (read the comments too). See a critique of this article here, and again I would suggest also reviewing the readers comments.

And again, this August 2016 article appearing in the pro-feminist/SJW ‘The Conversation‘ provides a remarkably one-sided view of the issue. It’s entitled ‘Calling all men! Five ways you can be a feminist at work‘, and it’s by UK academic Scott Taylor.

This provider of business training videos obviously hasn’t heard – or doesn’t care to acknowledge –  that women can also be perpetrators (scroll down to ‘Employment and Workplace Issues‘).

More recently David Schwimmer and Sigal Avia produced a series of short videos portraying sexual harassment of women (12 April 2017) None of the videos showed women harassing others or men being harassed.

There are a number of implications – both positive and negative – regarding the current ‘debate’ and related media coverage. One of the negative outcomes is the growing reluctance by men to work closely with individual women, as discussed in this and various other recent articles.

The following sources consider discrimination/harassment/false allegations suffered by men/boys:

Defending Yourself Against False Accusations at Work (20 June 2024)

Is BHP discriminating against men? by Bettina Arndt (15 August 2023)

‘I’m sexually assaulted by women up to 10 times a night’ (14 December 2021)

Man was forced out of Leicester university job for calling out ‘no middle-aged white men’ jibe (6 November 2021) UK

Teen singer gets violated at awards show (28 June 2020) Tweet regarding assault on Justin Beiber

Teacher sexually assaulted colleague, panel hears (1 November 2018) UK

Jordan Peterson and sexual harassment by women in the workplace (28 May 2018) Video

Sexual harassment occurs with women in power, too (9 March 2018)

Homophobic bullying at my past work. Nothing was done since the bullies were FEMALE and I’m male (19 July 2017)

Just typed this out on another thread thought I would share, my experience being hounded out of an all female office (19 June 2017) Reddit discussion thread

Men Shouldn’t Refuse to Be Alone with Female Colleagues (5 May 2017)

Co-worker made a grievance claim to end my career, I gathered facts to prove otherwise. Compromised HR says I’m taking this too seriously and dismiss it. Advice? (4 April 2017)

Wayne County Deputy Philip Kozlowski files sexual harassment suit aginst female sergeant (3 January 2017) USA

I [25M] am getting sexually harassed by my [32F] co-worker (8 December 2016) Reddit discussion thread

Ex-Yahoo employee sues Marisa Mayer claiming she led an illegal purge of male employees (8 October 2016) with more on that issue here

Sportsman Julian Edelman groped by female fans at book signing (undated) USA

Father wins £30,000 sex discrimination case in row over shared paternal leave (3 October 2016) UK

Men are targets of sexual harassment at work far more commonly than we assume (25 August 2016) UK

‘A bunch of Gaylord Fockers’: The prejudices failing male nurses (20 August 2016)

Teaching accreditation exams reveal grading biases favor women in male-dominated disciplines in France (29 July 2016)

Lorry driver, 40, sent home from work and docked a day’s wages for wearing SHORTS on the hottest day of the year (20 July 2016) UK

Feminist instructor proudly informs readers how she discriminates against male students (15 July 2016) Australia. Reddit discussion thread with linked article.

Student investigated by uni for harassment (19 June 2016) NZ

Workplace sexism: we still don’t want to talk about it, by Kate Jenkins (1 June 2016) Australia. A sole reference to male victimisation in an article that otherwise implies sexism only affects women. I’d suggest that one reason why men “don’t want to talk about it” is the strongly gendered nature of the debate which is equal parts disinterested and dismissive of men’s concerns.

Update on Rates of Violence in Male and Female Exotic Dancers (18 May 2016) France. Reddit discussion thread with linked article – be sure to click through to the earlier study which showed roughly equal rates of harassment/abuse of male versus female performers.

Why women need to stop complaining about their high heels at work (13 May 2016)

Workplace (In)Equality (7 May 2016) Reddit discussion thread. On situations where men & women are paid the same but men routinely given the harder jobs.

Exclusive: Calgary call centre dispatchers accuse female colleagues of sexual harassment (26 April 2016) Australian Human Rights Commission and state anti-discrimination agencies, are you hearing this? This is what happens when you focus on harassment of women 100% of the time:

“She turned towards me and she said, you can’t sexually harass a man”

Are Sexual Favors In The Workplace Discrimination against Men? (11 April 2016) with related Reddit discussion thread here.

Men are victims of sexism too (18 March 2016) Some interesting readers comments

Men of Reddit, have you been sexually harassed and if so what did you do? [serious] (13 March 2016)

Male teacher numbers dwindling, work in education an ‘isolating experience’ for men (22 February 2016) Australia

Karalee Katsambanis: Male teachers face shocking prejudice (1 February 2016) Australia

Former Yahoo employee accuses company of gender bias – against men (3 February 2016) Men standing up for their rights under the law dismissed as “some kind of ridiculous trend”

Here are two of countless Reddit/mensrights discussion threads about the sexual harassment of men and boys in the workplace: and Bfs boss being highly inappropriate, HR shrugging it off because she was intoxicated (21 January 2016)

Colton Haynes Speaks Out About Male Model Income Inequality (8 January 2016)

Rise of the female sex pest: Think it’s only men who harass colleagues with wandering hands and crude taunts? Not any more (7 January 2016) UK

Deutsche Bank Executive Wrongly Fired on `False’ Sex Complaints (25 September 2015)

Men too are victims of sexism, finds survey (21 August 2015) Discussed results of a survey of 2,000 people in India

Sexual harassment inquiry: senior doctors say women can also be perpetrators (12 August 2015)

Women sexually harass female soldiers, says report (20 July 2015)

Traditional Scottish pub barmen stop wearing kilts as women check what is underneath (14 July 2015)

I’m being discriminated against at my job! Help! Reddit discussion thread (24 June 2015)

Monash University awarded $900,000 in indemnity costs for failed sexual harassment case (11 June 2015)

Privileged Feminists STUNNED by Empirical Evidence – Mike Buchanan MRA London Live TV (26 May 2015) UK

Stop punishing the family man (15 May 2015)

Why Some Male Members of Congress Won’t Be Alone with Female Staffers (14 May 2015)

The unfairer sex? (18 April 2015) On recruitment bias in the STEM sector

‘I was the victim of women sex bullies at work’ (12 April 2015)

Told by my boss I’m intimidating and less effective at my job “because I’m a male” (3 April 2015)

Women falsely accuse man of sexual harassment, man takes women to court (26 March 2015) This was known as the ‘Team Harpy’ case. A good Breitbart article on this issue can be found here.

Gender and prestige bias in philosophy (18 March 2015)

How I learnt the importance of reporting sexual harassment in the workplace (10 March 2015) As always, have a good look at the reader’s comments

How feminist propaganda is destroying men’s lives (2 January 2015)

Verbal abuse in the workplace: Are men or women most at risk? (17 November 2014) The same study is also discussed here

Paternity leave:  The rewards and the remaining stigma (7 November 2014)

Sex discrimination against men: 10 ways employers could fall foul (13 October 2014)

Workers happier with members of the same gender, study finds (6 October 2014)

I found a hostile anti-male environment at my new job (2 October 2014) (Reddit discussion thread)

Sexism alive and well in the workplace (A brief discussion on Reddit – perhaps a bit picky but still makes a valid observation) (22 May 2014)

Domestic violence: The NFL isn’t the only workplace with a problem (23 September 2014) See the infographic, which also provides some stats for male victimisation

The myth of the glass ceiling (24 July 2014)

Sexual harassment of men revealed (25 June 2006) (15 May 2014) (8 April 2014)

Women complain a lot, interrupt, developer says at conference (4 June 2014) The article is a beat-up but there are some interesting reader’s comments about harassment/discrimination in the workplace) (5 April 2014) (7 April 2014)

Discussion thread about female on male harassment (1 August 2014)

Article about male US academic taking action against harassment in his workplace (4 September 2014)

Black knights (22 March 2013)

Profile: Male nursery worker reveals how he faced sexism and prejudice working in the childcare sector (7 March 2013)

In-depth: How We Waded Into The Sexual Harassment Quagmire — And How to Wade Out: One Man’s View (11 December 2011) Recommended reading

Articles about how women treat other women/girls at work

“I can’t understand the push for more women in the workplace. My partner has just quit specifically because of problems with women at her workplace. Her sister also has quit her job from a different workplace for the same reason. This prompted me to ask other women I know if they have problems with women in the workplace.

The answers I received staggered me. I have two sisters that I could ask and both said they were having problems with women in the workplace at the moment, but never with men. My own mother when asked said to me, “to be honest with you the only problems I have had in my working life have been with women”.

I have asked now dozens of women when I get the chance, many that are friends, and every one of them say the same thing. That they find it difficult to work with women and that they are the cause of stress in the workplace for them, preferring to work with men.

I challenge readers to ask this question to women they come across. The answers I receive are amazing to me. A real problem that is either unknown or swept under the carpet in my opinion.” (Source)

Perspective: The real reason the all-women workspace failed (16 September 2022)

Greens Senator Lidia Thorpe accused of ‘legs shut’ gibe at Liberal colleague (2 December 2021) Australia

School principal made secretary take rude photos of her and then send it to her lover ( (11 June 2021)

Groundbreaking female U.S Air Force pilot … fired for ‘scolding subordinates like children’ and ‘creating borderline abusive environment’ (20 August 2020)

High-ranked women less generous than men when sharing a reward with their collaborators (10 October 2017)

Caleb Bond: ‘We can’t disregard the viciousness of girls’ (11 September 2017)

OPINION: ‘Sexism among women is still sexism. It’s time to stop dragging each other down’ (24 March 2017)

Sexual-Harassment Claims against a ‘She-E.O.’ (20 March 2017) USA

When female managers are better at kicking you down than helping you up (15 March 2017) Australia

‘Just got thrown a really dirty look like to say ‘ewww”: More than half of women give each other unfriendly and judgmental glares (8 March 2017)

Lorna Jane sportswear former employee Amy Robinson suing company for $550,000 (14 February 2017) This is not the first time female staff at this company have been accused of bullying (google on ‘Lorna Jane bully’)

‘Go and grab a jacket!’: Nine newsreader Amber Sherlock blasts colleague for wearing similar outfit (13 January 2017) Australia. But we’re not allowed to draw attention to women generating toxic workplaces because – misogyny! And now even Clementine Ford has weighed in about terrible it is that people dare to call out inappropriate workplace behaviour by women.

Senior policewoman ‘bared her breasts at younger colleague’ during drunken rant (30 November 2016) UK

Do women prefer female bosses? (18 September 2016)

Horrible bosses exist. But does their gender make a difference? (16 September 2016)

How The Bachelor turns women into misogynists (18 August 2016) Read this article which tells how women only undermine other women when manipulated by TV producers … then read the papers below.

Woman fired because of other women’s insecurities (10 August 2016) Reddit discussion thread

The myth that women secretly hate other women has a long history (24 September 2015) Australia. This author gives every indication of being someone who is deeply, DEEPLY, in denial. Here is a related reddit discussion thread.

A Crack in the Lens: Women working for women, by Lucy Brogden (6 May 2015)

Cutting down the tall poppies: female athletes bullied in Aussie schools (21 July 2015)

Sleep with me or be sacked (14 July 2014) with the same issue addressed here where some guy is quoted as having said: “You’ll see more sexual harassment cases in Silicon Valley [like this] because of the male dominated culture“. Here are two of the readers comments that followed:

“Don’t be shocked. My female manager harassed me for years. I was maybe 24 and single, she was probably 40, married and had 2 kids. I knew her family pretty well, which made it even more weird.
For years she would come in and sit on my lap, or make comments like “If I don’t eat soon, I’m going to get goofy and rape you or something”… It was very uncomfortable. Especially since I knew her husband, and her regular “boyfriend”.. Finally, one day she was teasing me, I turned around and said, must you? She says, why is it sexual harassment? I responded, I don’t know, what if you were sitting in this chair and I was behind you tickling your neck, would that be harassment? A week or two later I got my layoff notice… So I don’t find this story hard to believe at all….”

“This is about a woman harassing another woman, but yet this running dog had to curry favor with his feminist masters and find a way to vilify men and make them responsible somehow for the wrongdoing to this female victim. Nobody can just admit that women are as prone to indulge in harassing behavior as men are” (Warning: Bad language and politically incorrect humour abound in the Youtube offering) (11 December 2013)

Too many women ignore their own misogyny (4 June 2014)

I don’t want to hire women (14 May 2014)

Women In Academia Are Less Likely Than Men To Cooperate With Lower-Ranked Colleagues (3 March 2014)

Women prefer male bosses even more than men do (16 October 2014)

Out Of The Mouth Of A Female Who Worked At Yahoo: “Who Are The Meanest People In The Corporate World? Women” (12 February 2014) USA. Go to 3:41

Bitches be mean. Ladies be crying. Let’s give them MORE responsibility! Clearly, they can handle it (31 March 2013) USA

Girl cop ‘felt up and slapped five officers’ (10 May 2012)

Women Helping Other Women? Not so Much, it Seems (15 November 2010)

Good Game presenter claims ABC gender bias after axing (October 2009) Australia

Catfights over handbags and tears in the toilets. When this producer launched a women-only TV company she thought she’d kissed goodbye to conflict… (7 April 2009) with related reddit mensrights discussion thread

Women like women more than men like men (December 2004) and related reddit discussion thread

Most men are harassed by women at work (2 July 2008)

“Hostility to the Presence of Women”: Why Women Undermine Each Other in the Workplace and the Consequences for Title VII (May 2004)

See also:

Sexual Harassment of Men: Its Types and Consequences (16 March 2023)

Half of men in corporate Australia are fatigued by gender equality (24 November 2021) Entitled, condescending nonsense. Scroll through the readers comments in Twitter and elsewhere, and then imagine the same style on commentary aimed at a feminist author … it would create an absolute furor.

Australian companies grant paid menstrual, menopausal leave ( (25 June 2021)

Two young men report sexual harassment at New Jersey grocery store (undated)

Gender harassment harming women in male-dominated industries (9 November 2020) Australia. You’d think that it would make sense to conduct a similar survey of men working in female-dominated industries, to provide context … but no. As I mentioned in this other post, feminists don’t want context – merely to support pre-ordained conclusions supportive of the feminist narrative.

Women as active agents: Female perpetrators of sexual harassment and domestic abuse by Dr Melanie D Douglass (2020)

Men who engage in workplace misconduct ‘significantly’ more likely to cheat on their wives (8 October 2019) This article seems to suggest that men are the only perpetrators in this regard (?) A ludicrous notion

A panic is not an answer: We’re at imminent risk of turning this #metoo moment into a frenzied rush to blame all men (26 November 2017) by Christina Hoff Sommers. Included here as it includes some interesting statistics re: the prevalence of harassment

Over-friendly, or sexual harassment? It depends partly on whom you ask (17 November 2017)

ABC News and Washington Post intentionally excluded male victims from their already flawed sexual harassment survey (12 November 2017)

‘Half of women’ sexually harassed at work, says BBC survey (25 October 2017) Men less likely to report harassment – no surprise there

It’s Not Just Mike Pence. Americans Are Wary of Being Alone With the Opposite Sex (1 July 2017)

If festival crowds can unite to help a crowd-surfer, they can unite against sexual assault (6 February 2017) Australia. This article demonstrates the prevailing mindset of only men harass/only women are harassed & it’s men’s duty to defend women. The hypocrisy of creating an assistance ‘hotline’ that only caters for women is lost on these people. See also the reader’s comments

Heinous sexist culture inside STEM industries exposed, by Liz Burke (27 January 2017) Ignores discrimination and recruitment bias against men – the implication being only women are affected. Relies heavily on anecdotes, and fails to provide corresponding statistics for men (ditto) – all typical of pro-feminist journalism/’research’.

Women suffer much more work stress than men, says psychiatrist (30 December 2016) When was the last time you saw an article in the MSM entitled “Men suffer much more <anything>“? Wonder why that is

No man is above unconscious gender bias in the workplace – it’s “unconscious” (14 December 2016) And no woman is above unconscious gender bias either, but this author can’t bring herself to admit that. Perhaps indicative of her own bias?

Women more likely than men to be bullied at work: Report (30 November 2016) Australia

Swedish women get hotline to report mansplaining (16 November 2016) Feminists hard at work addressing the big issues. All men magically know whether each individual woman knows more about a given topic than they do. Well all men except the misogynists it seems. NB: Women never guilty of behaving in a patronising manner.

Statistics from the UK National Workplace Bullying Advice Line and Bully OnLine reveal that at least 50% of over 6000 cases involve a female serial bully. The top four sectors for cases are teaching, nursing, social services, and the voluntary / not-for-profit sector, in which there is a higher percentage of female managers. Serial bullies, male or female, can be recognised by their behaviour profile.

Sexual harassment in politics, by Karen Middleton (15 October 2016) Australia. The article contains details of a string of incidents of gross conduct by men in the political sphere. Karen asserts “that attitude and that kind of predatory behaviour is extremely – extremely – common” (para 9), and then in the final paragraph:

“The men I’ve described are ordinary men. That’s the problem – that it is and has been ordinary to behave this way. Women don’t talk about it for lots of reasons. They fear it would damage their careers, their social lives, their relationships. But that doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen …”

No, ordinary men do not behave in this manner, and such conduct is not part of the ordinary course of events in Australian workplaces. It is certainly not “extremely common“. In fact the author admits “it was only a handful of our elected representatives who did these things“.

Karen omitted any/all incidents of female perpetration of abuse. And yet men are also victims, albeit it to a lesser extent, though they also “don’t talk about it for lots of reasons“. Whilst journalists fail in their duty to report the other part of the workplace harassment problem … “But that doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen”.

Watch your language: The gender bias in job adverts (7 October 2016) To avoid frightening away special snowflakes one shall not use terms like ‘leader’ or ‘competitive’ in job advertisements. Seriously

Why are women stil being judged by appearance? (2 October 2016) Unintended harassment via acts of benevolent sexism (eye roll)

Feminist guru paid $2 million to weed out public service gender bias (17 September 2016) Surely a study that only considers discrimination against women is itself evidence of systemic gender bias? This together with the fact that 66% staff are female (a point I see that has now been raised by Andrew Bolt).

“Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull’s department is paying a feminist “change agent” almost $200,000 to conduct a three-month “cultural audit” to find and weed out any unconscious bias against women”

The Unexpected Effects of a Sexual Harassment Educational Program (2 September 2016)

This person has the perfect solution for women in the workplace (2 September 2016) Because only women have to walk on eggshells due to the entitlement and/or fragile egos of their co-workers. Feminist erasure – This blogger failed to upload my comment in relation to her post.

Half of women in UK have been sexually harassed at work, study finds (10 August 2016) No men were surveyed so results give the impression that this problem only affects women. Now why would they do that? See also ‘Report Claiming Half Of Women Harassed At Work Involved Hardline Feminist Group

How men and women can help reduce gender bias in the workplace, by Emma L Johnston (15 July 2016) This piece in The Conversation oozes gynocentric condescension …

“I am a professor and a newly minted pro vice chancellor and I have spent my entire research and working life with male bosses or supervisors. I have never reported to a woman.”

So presumably men have mentored the author throughout her career, and been instrumental in her elevation to the top job. Despite this she implies that the disproportionate number of men in senior positions is sinister, given their inherent propensity to exercise power to the benefit of men. Greater gender equity is only achievable through listening to women’s voices. Men should be grateful for sound guidance that women shall provide … and for any incidental rewards that may come their way. Oh wait, I get it, those men, the first lot, they were different.

(As a footnote: I sent three tweets in response to this article (see Twitter stream 15 July 2016) and was immediately blocked by the author. What a curiously inept response for someone so obviously well-credentialled to attempt to defend her position.

Middle-aged women bosses more at risk of sexual harassment, finds study (30 June 2016) I can’t locate the results of the Australian Journal of Public Administration study cited in the article anywhere online … if anyone reading this can provide a link, then pls let me know. Thanks in advance.

Research: Vague Feedback Is Holding Women Back (29 April 2016) with related Reddit discussion thread here.

Sexual harassment rife in service industry because ‘customer is always right’ (8 March 2016) Article ignores harassment of male hospitality workers

Flexible work a career killer for men: report (3 February 2016) Australia

Men must be on board to help eradicate workplace gender bias (18 December 2015) Ireland. Because workplace gender bias only consists of (according to feminist journalists) men discriminating against women.

Female firefighter hits out at secret report, feels ‘used’ by Jane Garrett (16 December 2015) Jane Garrett is the Victorian State Emergency Services Minister. A feminist politician “pushing an anti-male agenda“? Oh, surely not.

Julia Gillard was right. Sexism is rampant in Australia (9 December 2015) The article is predictable one-sided feminist tosh – more interesting were the number of anti-feminist and anti-Gillard reader’s comments

Well done, feminism. Now men are afraid to help women at work (1 October 2015) UK

These men’s rights activists are using a 1950s law to shut down women in tech (2 September 2015) and related reddit discussion thread

Women who don’t want to work for a woman (4 May 2015) Video of Studio 10 (a TV show) segment

#ThankYouEllenPao? Only if You Like Bullying, Vexatious Opportunists (30 March 2015)

Why the U.S. Economy Is Biased Against Men, by Marty Nemko (18 April 2012)

In-depth: How We Waded Into The Sexual Harassment Quagmire — And How to Wade Out: One Man’s View (Part 1 of 3 Parts) (11 December 2011)


Elsewhere in this blog you might also be interested in reading:

Recruitment bias favours hiring female staff

Fudging the figures to support the feminist narrative

Profound gender bias at the Australian Human Rights Commission (Part 1)

I thought women were meant to be more empathetic?

Companies with women at the helm perform better (so they say)