Mens human rights activism: A growing tide of men and women saying “Enough is enough!”

MHRA stands for ‘mens human right activism’ or ‘mens human rights activist’. It’s an acronym that the community is going to encounter more and more often in the media. Another commonly used term is ‘Mens Rights Activist’ or MRA.

As with feminism, the non/anti-feminist sector has a number of discernible groups within it as shown in the diagram below. MHRA’s/MRA’s represent just one of these. Another significant subset of the mens movement is known as MGTOW (Men going their own way).


I once thought the Mens Rights Movement consisted of guys running naked together in the forest, or weird stuff like that. Maybe it was once upon a time, but back in those days I wasn’t paying much attention as I still thought that feminists had a valid point. Now, many years later, I can appreciate the chasm between the cuddly all-inclusive (we’re only interested in equality!) variety of feminism that’s presented in the mainstream media, and what the self-appointed leaders of this insidious movement are actually saying and doing.

The feminist/media portrayal of those people interested involved with mens rights is very much based on an image of ill-tempered, right-wing, portly and socially-inept white middle-aged men. In actual fact there is enormous diversity amongst MRA with regards to age, gender, and the political and religious viewpoints that are held. There is also a major division between the ‘trad-cons’ (traditional conservatives) and the those that believe that men need to create a new social construct based on egalitarian principles. This article by Dean Esmay discusses the tradcon perspective.

Interestingly, many MRA initially identified as feminists but then became disillusioned due to the hypocrisy and corruption of that movement. Warren Farrell was a high-flier in the feminist movement before becoming a pioneer and leading light in the mens rights movement, here he talks about certain aspects of this transition.

Both this discussion, and this article, are about the relationship between the Mens Rights movement and feminism and whether it is feasible to have a foot in each camp. This feminist blog post asks the same question (see also interesting comments about domestic violence late in the readers comments section). This reddit discussion, on the other hand, looks at how feminist women stifle input from men who join their movement.

The MHR movement involves men and women who are committed to taking action to address  the hypocrisy, deceit, and increasingly anti-male bigotry of current day feminism. Yes, I said men AND women. One of the refreshing things about most mens rights organisations and web sites is that ideas and input by women are welcomed and encouraged.

These two reddit discussion threads concern women who are sympathetic to the mens rights cause (thread 1 and thread 2), with both containing quite a number of interesting comments. This is a great article (August 2014) about women who are active in the mens rights movement, and here’s another.

Here is a BBC radio interview with Karen Straughan (September 2014), and here is a July 2015 video by Karen entitled ‘Why do MRA’s attack feminism?Here is a video by a founding member of the Honey Badger Brigade which notes some of the differences between feminism and the men’s rights movement.

This article in Salon, on the other hand, does a hatchet-job on them, as does this article from Amanda Marcotte. But more on feminist views regarding MRA in other posts in this blog.

If you are new to the subject then this article entitled ‘An Introduction to the Men’s Rights Movement‘ (21 March 2015) is a good place to start. I would also recommend that you take a look at The Illustrated Empathy Gap web site.

There are also a number of other articles listed below concerning what the men’s movement is all about, and there are also many relevant web sites detailed on this page within my blog.
Yes to men’s rights (provided it never actually happens) (20 May 2014)
Women of the mens rights movement (video) (23 July 2014)

This article advises that CAFE Canada was subject to exclusion from the 2014 Pride Parade. Clearly feminist elements within the LGBT community applied pressure due to CAFE’s activities in advocating for men and boys.

This is a fabulous rebuttal (by Victor Zen) of a young feminist’s complaint that she felt threatened by the creation of a men’s rights advocacy group at her university. And here is a follow-up post by Victor.

One of the standard taunts of the feminist movement is that MHRA organisations are “hate groups”. They largely pin this claim on a statement made by an organisation known as the ‘Southern Poverty Law Centre’. Read this article by that organisation, and as always, be sure to look at the readers comments. Too bad, too sad, that the FBI recently distanced themselves from the SPLC.

In actual fact, mens rights groups have an exemplary record in relation to using non-violent means to make their point. Indeed in one recent situation, various branches of the men’s rights movement raised a reward in order to try to find a person who was alleged to have attacked a Canadian feminist. Various feminist groups were approached to match this amount, but chose not to do so.

Many men in western countries believe that their only choice is between celibacy and submitting to the gynocentric strictures of the society in which they live. For these folks an epiphany can occur via exposure to life within another different culture, and I think this is evident in some of the material links to this post about cross-cultural marriages.

The issue of why many men are having difficulty appreciating the social changes that are seeing men’s position in society being increasingly eroded, is addressed in this article. The other related factors slowing the growth of men’s rights activism are media bias, and feminist tactics such as shaming, censorship and disruption which have been reasonably effective in stifling open and organised group dissent up to this point in time.

The Global Gender Divide We Really Should Be Talking About (6 April 2024)

The Grant Funding Deficit for Washington’s Boys and Men (15 September 2023)

The Misogyny Myth (Summer 2023)

Why young men are giving up (10 April 2023) Video

From Sex War to Family Union: an interview with Neil Lyndon (6 January 2023)

Richard V. Reeves: Why Are Men Failing at School, Work, and Life? (19 October 2022) Recommended listing

Yes, I Am Afraid to Write About Men’s Rights (12 July 2022)

Beyond ‘male privilege’. An interview with Rick Bradford (aka Will Collins), author of The Empathy Gap (30 June 2022)

The man always pays (29 June 2022) An example of men’s rights activism literature circa 1948.

E. Belfort Bax – The Anti-Feminist Sage Whose Warnings Went Unheeded (25 March 2022) Video by Janice Fiamengo

Why would you stand up for men and boys? Milgram’s message of hope to male psychology (2 December 2021)

When America Embraced Wonder Woman and forgot G.I. Joe (21 November 2021)

ICMI20: Eccentrik Hat – “Why Men Need Help And Why Feminism Won’t Help Them” – YouTube (18 November 2020)

Why do so few MRAs engage in practical (offline) activism? by Jim Buchanan (26 August 2019)

Cognitive Distortion in Thinking About Gender Issues: Gamma Bias and the Gender Distortion Matrix (2 March 2019) Contains many links to further relevant sources

State of the Manosphere 2018, by Rollo Tomassi

Can we discuss gender issues rationally? Yes, if we can stop gamma bias, by Martin Seager and Dr John Barry (4 December 2018)

Is it time for #HeToo to ‘save the males’? (6 August 2018)

From Women to Men (3 August 2018) Video

When did “angry men” become political pariahs? (26 October 2017) by Corrine Barraclough

It doesn’t look like anything to me: Confronting Willful Blindness Against Men’s Issues (14 May 2017)

To Feminists with Love, by Steve Brule (video)

The Forces on Men, by Tom Golden (31 January 2017) Video

The Important Achievements of the Men’s Rights Movement (9 October 2016)

The new gender agenda – A TedX talk by Glen Poole

Wales gives 77 times as much money to women’s groups than men’s groups (21 August 2016)

Centuries of oppression (30 May 2016) Yes, that’s right, a post about that endlessly-repeated claim that men have had the upper-hand since time began.

A non-feminist FAQ (6 August 2016)

The men’s rights movement: A smart, necessary counterweight to man-hating feminism‘ (2 August 2016)

The Red Pill: the movie about men that feminists didn’t want you to see (12 November 2015)

Why do MRA’s attack feminism? (7 July 2015) A video by Karen Straughan

A reader’s comprehensive comment on men’s rights, from the Telegraph (July 2014) Reddit mensrights discussion thread

Louder Than Words: What Modern Feminism Has Actually Achieved (3 June 2015)

Innocent until proven guilty. Unless you are a man (10 May 2015) Australia

National Coalition for Men successes (May 2015) USA and here is a further list on North American successes for the men’s rights movement

Has Britain become hostile to blokes? (March 2015) BBC video

Is Finding Equality Just as Difficult for Boys in the Current Climate? (16 March 2015)

The most important difference between Men’s Rights and Feminism (11 March 2015)

Men’s rights movement: why it is so controversial? (19 February 2015) The article is rubbish but the reader’s comments informative

Are Men’s Rights Activists Misogynistic Pricks? (28 November 2014)

A Recent Manosphere Tactic: Fighting Fire with Fire (16 November 2014) Reddit mensrights discussion thread about calling out the hypocrisy of feminists and other SJW

Catering to men’s rights is not the point of feminism (15 October 2014)

Get your grubby male hands off my equal rights (20 April 2014)

Why so few men protest anti-male sexism (Or: Why men fear women) (23 January 2012)

Historic Anti Feminism Broadcast In The UK : James Williams : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive (4 December 2010) Audio presentation

The End of Men, by Hanna Rosin (July/August 2010 edition of The Atlantic)

What is the ‘Lace Curtain’? by Warren Farrell (1999) with Part 2 here

“We care about men as human doings, not as human beings. We care about him as an individual like I care about the individual parts of my car – I care about its problems only when it’s causing me problems. Or I care about prevention only when lack of prevention will cause me problems. Even when a man’s problems are affecting his ability to be a protector, we often refer to his problems from the perspective of the problems they create for a woman (he cheated on her; he got drunk and hit her). Which is why the other men who make the front pages are the villains who are causing us problems.

In brief, men’s lives count only to the degree they are heroes who perform for us or save us, or villains who disturb our peace. Women’s lives count more for their own sake…a woman’s pain is every talk show.”

Not all is great in the world of men: a reference book of men’s issues

How can you be an anti-feminist? Do you not believe in equality? I have come across many lists like this, showing mens disadvantage in key areas, but never one this detailed. and (Some historical context to the contemporary mens rights movement)

Men’s Rights Market (pro-MRA & anti-feminism merchandise)

If you wish to keep abreast of men’s rights issues then a very good source to monitor is the reddit subgroup on mens rights. A few examples of the hundreds of discussion threads there are shown below:


Finally, now take a look at this brief article which provides quite a reasonable middle-of-the-road discussion that includes good readers comments with links to further supporting information.


On boys and education

I would suggest beginning your exploration of this very important topic by viewing this video. Next I’d recommend reading this more recent article.

Then perhaps have a look at, and particularly the comments contributed by readers. It’s about the trouble many boys experience in school, and what one feminist researcher sees as the key contributing factors. As usual, apparently men and boys are to blame … with women just a gentle benign influence floating somewhere on the periphery. Umm, no, why am I not convinced?


Please peruse the following articles to see what people are saying about boys/young men and education:

BA Degrees by Field and Gender 1971 – 2022, by Mark Perry (3 August 2024) Watch the change over the years – interesting & somewhat saddening

Bureaucratic punishment, by Bettina Arndt (25 May 2024)

Making sense of the gulf between young men and women (14 March 2024) Article was behind The Economist’s pay-wall at the time of posting

For every 100 girls (2023 Update) by Prof. Mark J. Perry (Recommended reading)

School is a hostile place for boys (September 2023) USA video

A level results 2023 (20 August 2023)

The War on Men Continues on Campus (5 July 2023)

Sexual politics is damaging young men (18 March 2023)

Video showing teacher abusing boy, simply because the boy had just defending himself from bullying by a girl (February 2023)

Why MeToo fallout is wrecking the lives of schoolboys (5 February 2023)

About a young male teacher’s experience in the school environment (March 2022)

Andrew Tate’s Career as the Baddest Boy on the Internet Might Be Over (16 January 2023) 

Anecdotes from how boys are treated in high schools (9 November 2022) A Reddit discussion thread

Girls routinely get better grades than boys in class – and researchers think they know why (19 October 2022)

Teachers Are Hard-Wired To Give Girls Better Grades, Study Says (17 October 2022)

Male Teacher Sparks Debate After Explaining Why He Refused To Help Female Student On Monkey Bars (23 September 2022)

Critics Tell Young Men that Their Penises are NOT Golden (But They Are) (15 September 2022) by Janice Fiamengo. Recommended reading

Boys might read more if we give them books they want to read (31 August 2022)

US teacher’s ‘inappropriate’ outfits and ‘booty pics’ slammed (28 August 2022)

Hungarians warning education becoming ‘too feminine’- report (27 August 2022)

Jeff Huntington: Every Girl’s Feelings, No Concern for the Boy’s (5 August 2022) Video

My son’s innocent teenage fumblings saw him branded a rapist, hounded out of school and left sobbing in emotional agony, his anonymous mother reveals (29 July 2022)

Grim future for our less educated sons, by Bettina Arndt (8 March 2022)

Binghamton changes class syllabus after professor criticized for not calling on white men (23 February 2022)

The data are clear: The boys are not all right (8 February 2022)

The male college crisis is not just in enrollment, but completion (8 October 2021)

‘A Boy Today’ report (September 2021) UK

Opinion | What We Are Not Teaching Boys About Being Human – The New York Times ( (6 August 2021) Not a one-sided coverage of the topic … much!

The Intersectionality of Race and Gender in PUSD and California Schools ( (6 June 2021)

Campaign to stop boy shaming in schools – Bettina Arndt #MENTOO (1 June 2021) Australian video

Villanova College responds as students seen in ‘offensive, extremely misogynistic’ video | The Courier Mail (17 May 2021) The pro-feminist media takes yet another whack at private school boys

World Day of The Boy Child – A Voice for Men (16 May 2021)

Australia’s top private schools and the wave of sexual assault allegations against their students ( (15 May 2021)

Gender bias and predicted grades (2 March 2021) UK

Sexual assault against boys is a crisis (22 February 2021) USA

Why men are quitting teaching at an alarming rate (20 October 2020) UK

A Levels 2020: The Year of Utter Nonsense (21 September 2020)

Ireland Education Minister Norma Foley confirms calculated grading system being used for 2020 exams designed to ensure that overall girls will do better than boys (19 August 2020) Twitter discussion thread

Schoolboys assaulted by female classmates (21 June 2020) Twitter discussion of one particular current issue

What are boys and girls? (13 April 2020) Sexism against boys is different

Stop lying about our sons (18 February 2020)

‘Boys underperform in schools because we look after their wellbeing less’ (1 June 2019)

School systems reward masculine learning styles, while discounting the value of feminine learning styles??? (13 February 2019) Tweet by Terry Brennan and a linked paper

Opinion: Dear Boys, we hate you (7 December 2018) USA

Question for academics. For all the gender gap talk on campus, do you ever see any concern about males making up smaller percent of students overall and especially in certain fields? Or decreased male participation rate in labor force? Or potentially related social ills? (5 December 2018) Twitter post & reader comments

Boys ARE disadvantaged with education and mental health (29 November 2018)

‘Gender gap in STEM’? Women are majority of STEM grad students and they earn a majority of STEM bachelor’s degrees (26 November 2018)

Men, boys and educational attainment (22 November 2018)

Are Males Being Discriminated Against On College Campuses? (12 November 2018)

The War on Masculinity in Schools: A Growing Epidemic? (22 October 2017)

I had a disturbing incident at my son’s class today (22 September 2017) Reddit discussion thread

Panic about male teachers quitting obscures key factor: what about women? (20 September 2017) Read the bizarre way a feminist journo interprets the problem of men leaving the teaching profession (the readers comments are better)

Fears men could disappear from primary teaching (18 September 2017) & Male teachers are an endangered species in Australia: new research (18 September 2017)

Both of the above sources ignore the issue of male teachers being concerned about false accusations of child abuse, and of harassment/gossip/discrimination in what are now sometimes overtly feminised workplaces.

The new minority on campus? Men (8 August 2017) USA. And again, the default response to men/boys being disadvantaged is to blame them. Not gender bias and gynocentrism in the education system. Nope it’s that boys need to be made to recognise the value of a college education.



(See related Twitter stream here)

Is feminism killing young boys? (17 May 2017)

The feminization of everything fails our boys (9 May 2017)

Men won’t volunteer to help the Scouts for one depressing reason: they’ll be labelled paedophiles (11 April 2017) with related Reddit discussion thread here

Chris McGovern: Angry boys switch off as schools become a man-free zone (8 March 2017)

Memo to Our Sons and Grandsons: The Future Is Female (2 March 2017)

Girls not believing they’re smart enough is our main education problem (23 February 2017) Australia. Looks like we have it all wrong and actually girls have it far worse. Yeah, but nah. Author even looks to the wage gap as proof of her assertion … lol … absolutely compelling. And yet many readers are apparently unconvinced.

One of the most disturbing facets of the wave of hysteria sweeping half the nation in the wake of Donald Trump’s presidential election victory is the recent trend of feminist confessionals about their problematic feelings for their male children (15 January 2017) Reddit discussion thread and linked article

Teachers gender bias affects student achievement (November 2016) 

We need to rethink recruitment for men in primary schools (17 October 2016) Australia

The fear of having a son (14 October 2016)

Girls feelings are far more important than the truth, by Mark Dent (12 October 2016)

Corporal punishment is still legal (and used) in US public schools in 19 states – Used disproportionately on black children, boys, and children with disabilities (5 October 2016)

Manhood is caught in a gender agenda (4 October 2016) Australia

Acceptance for boys dropping out (26 September 2016)

Pioneering domestic violence program targets mothers and sons (26 September 2016)

“So it is not enough to make husbands the bad guys, now that so many households are fatherless, let’s make sons the bad guys?” (Source)

Women earned majority of doctoral degrees in 2015 for 7th straight year and outnumber men in grad school 135 to 100 (16 September 2016)

Middle Tennessee mother fights boys-only corporal punishment policy (15 September 2016)

Ten Reasons Why Men Aren’t Going to College (undated) USA

If a boy, a girl, a cat and a dog were abandoned in a park who would be rescued first? (20 August 2016)

How to help boys do better at school: stop giving them a leg-up in the outside world, by Jane Caro (15 August 2016) Australia. One of those articles that fill you with disgust for feminists and particularly, feminist journalists. This harpy happily uses children (boys) as pawns in her pathetic effort to prop up a failed and deceitful ideology. See related Reddit discussion thread here. See rebuttal from Claire Lehmann here

VCAT green light will let Ivanhoe Grammar School offer more places to girls (11 August 2016)

Women, Calculus, and the Gender Discrimination Claims that Don’t Add Up (8 August 2016)

Girls power up for fast learning (19 July 2016) Australia. Girls “try harder to meet teachers’ expectations” (most of whom are women), and are “more likely to enjoy school“. No questions asked as to why that might be the case, just more of the same ‘boys as defective girls’ meme. See actual research summary here.

Boys should be treated ‘more like girls’ to stop them falling behind at school (18 July 2016) UK

My affirmative action for women in my workplace, by Jennie Hill (15 July 2016) Australia.

“This year, the thing I’m most proud of is that I’ve brought in an affirmative action plan for women at my workplace. Let me explain.…” Feminist teacher proudly tells readers how she discriminates against boys … it’s her private blow against the patriarchy etc. See related Reddit discussion thread here.

Poor behaviour hits boys hardest and ‘Girls more likely to get away with misbehaving than boys‘ (22 June 2016)

Why Michelle Obama’s global girls’ education campaign isn’t really about education (18 June 2015)

“What message is this sending to the millions of boys not just in the UK and the US, but across the globe, who are struggling at school, or being kicked out altogether?

I’ll tell you what I think it’s telling them. It’s telling them they’re not worth fighting for. It’s telling them, that if you’re a girl, world leaders will spend millions to help you, but if you’re a boy, you’re on your own.”

WHAT white, male privilege? Study shows demographic underrepresented at UK colleges (11 June 2016)

MRA Feminist Peg Tyre, Pulitzer Winner: a Boy’s and Men’s gendered lens (30 May 2016)

The betrayal of our boys: They’re falling behind girls in almost every way. And, says SARAH VINE, the feminisation of society, especially our schools, is to blame (26 May 2016) UK

Rise of women teachers ‘turning boys off education’ as report reveals girls born this year will be 75% more likely to go to university (12 May 2016) UK

Teacher forced second grade boys to stick heads in bucket of urine, report claims (10 May 2016) USA, with related Reddit discussion thread here

Plan UK’s #LearnWithoutFear campaign ignores sexual harassment/assault of boys (22 February 2016)

Male teacher numbers dwindling, work in education an ‘isolating experience’ for men (22 February 2016) Australia

It’s not just scholarships. Admissions are heavily stacked against men (18 January 2016) Reddit discussion thread

Our education system must stop ignoring its bias against boys (5 January 2016)

Feminism has gone too far says universities admissions chief (7 January 2016)

Warren Farrell talks about the boy crisis (19 October 2015) USA video

When Society Encourages Mean Girls to Bully Boys (26 November 2015)

Kindergarten Teacher Will Let Boys Play With Legos ‘When Hell Freezes Over’ to Promote Gender Equality (18 November 2015)

Work With Boys — Not Against Their Nature (9 November 2015) USA

Student discipline around the world (30 October 2015) Only boys are given the cane in Singapore

Poor white boys sink further to the bottom of the class (30 October 2015)

No boys allowed in Oregon ‘confidence club’ for girls in technology (25 October 2015)

Male teachers abandon classroom fearing inappropriate label of working with children (19 October 2015) Australia

How to stop mass shootings (2 October 2015)

The feminization of America accelerates as universities shame men for being men (20 September 2015)

Male teacher numbers so low experts warn of negative impact on students (18 September 2015) Australia. Unbelievable! Gender-biased article puts emphasis on the impact on female students. See related reddit discussion thread here.

There are fewer males at university, so should they be an equity group? (7 September 2015) Consider these arguments about why the low & falling rate of male enrolment in universities should NOT be addressed, and then do a gender reversal and consider how feminists would react (think female CEO’s or politicians for example). See related reddit discussion thread here.

Parents public shaming of girls Vs boys (21 May 2015) Video. Observe the different reactions

We must stop indoctrinating boys in feminist ideology (20 July 2015)

Timmins, Ont. girl petitions to sign up for boys-only robotics class (3 July 2015) and related reddit discussion thread

Italian Families Protest Forced Cross-Dressing of Schoolchildren (17 June 2015)

Castlemaine Steiner school wins bid to limit boys enrolling (5 June 2015)

To stop mass killers, we have to stop drugging our young boys (19 June 2015)

Boys ‘need more learning support’, ScotCen study shows (16 June 2015) U.K

Where are all the smart men? (3 May 2015) New Zealand with related reddit mensrights discussion threads here and here. A separate, and even more ignorant editorial here concludes with “The failure of men to foot it with them educationally in equal numbers is no reason to change the education system or promote men undeservedly. The shortage of partners for highly educated women is a problem only men can solve. Get your credentials, boys.”

Girls thrive in single sex schools because they do not have to impress boys, head says (27 April 2015) and related reddit mensrights discussion thread

The $30 million campaign against domestic violence (27 April 2015) Australia

The eradication of boyhood (10 April 2015)

Is the ‘female way of learning’ destroying boyhood? (25 March 2015)

New “No Boys Allowed” School Day Aims To Help Girls With Science and Math (16 March 2015)

Teacher’s unfairness to boys? (14 March 2015)

The Weaker Sex (7 March 2015) in The Economist. Be sure to study the reader’s comments – there’s some good ones!

Why schools are failing our boys (19 February 2015)

Bigotry Exposed: Tracy Crawford of Roots ‘N Wings Montessori (23 February 2015)

Education, emasculation and equality: A letter to Yvette Cooper (14 February 2015)

Science Has Finally Shown That Girls Are Smarter At School Than Boys (29 January 2015) Reddit mensrights discussion thread and linked article

Boys will learn like boys (26 January 2015) NZ

Teachers encouraged to hug students – and male teachers react (12 January 2015)

Women dominate as university gender gap doubles (25 January 2015)

Boys are more likely to play up at school, but it’s more social than biological (14 January 2015) Just the title is sufficient to flag yet another gynocentric pro-feminist view of education

‘Men don’t have problems, they cause them’ is not the only politically correct thing you can say about men (19 November 2014)

Female teachers: The sex offenders no one suspects (17 November 2014)

Teacher Nikki Suydam: “Criticism of teachers is misogyny because most teachers are women!” (17 November 2014)

Gender-neutral parenting ‘doomed to fail’ (14 November 2014)

Opinion: Why schools are hemorrhaging male teachers? It’s time to address the elephant in the classroom (3 November 2014) Australia

Gender differences in teachers’ perceptions of students’ temperament, educational competence, and teachability (18 May 2012) Finland and the readers notes attached thereto, like for example:

“Lets stop defining males by perceived deficiencies in their psychological make-up and redefine the male archetype based on the positive traits that have been suppressed or denied for generations. We will all be better for it.”

Radical lesbian feminism: Coming soon to a public classroom near you? (23 July 2014)

Gender theory hits K-12 schools (9 October 2014)

Prescription for a banana republic (7 October 2014) USA

Teaching feminism to toddler boys (7 October 2014) This feminist mum wants to start the brainwashing even before junior gets to school

Only one in four public teachers male (2 October 2014) (Western Australia)

Article about the increasingly anti-male culture at UK universities (29 September 2014)

Affirmation and criticism of Marty Nemko’s article on boys’ education in Psychology Today (23 September 2014)

The real gender gap scandal: Why boys are now the true victims of discrimination (8 August 2009)

A link between fidgety boys and a sputtering economy (29 April 2014)

NUS double-talk on university admissions: A classic of the genre (15 August 2014)

The problem with leaving boys out of the results day picture (15 August 2014)

7 tips on how to raise a boy right (Feminist style) by Anne Gus (30 June 2014)

Stott Despoja recommends indoctrination at schools (1 March 2014)

Title IX for our boys (25 February 2014)

A reddit discussion thread containing a list of links to articles about the crazy things being done in schools to try to prevent boys from being boys All boys sent to ‘do not rape’ class, whilst all girls sent to self-defence class

The guys crisis: Boys are falling badly behind the girls at school (16 June 2014)

Reddit/mensrights discussion thread about bullying of boys at school

No wonder young men have a problem with self-esteem (2 June 2014)

Men too scared to teach for fear of being falsely accused of child-sex offences (11 May 2014)

Harnessing boys strengths and passions to improve academic achievement (7 May 2014) with related reddit discussion here

Dr. Sommers on MSNBC about boys’ education, dismissed/mocked by Feminist hosts (18 September 2013)

How to make school better for boys (13 September 2013)

Female teachers marking down boys (3 August 2013)

The boys at the back (2 February 2013) by Christina Hoff Sommers … recommended reading

What schools can do to help boys succeed

Brief article about boys and corporal punishment in USA (21 April 2014)

Where are all the male teachers? (14 April 2014)

If you’re wondering what’s wrong with men, here it is (execrable sexist article which asserts men are falling behind academically because they are lazy and stupid … but the many good readers comments are well worth exploring)

Boys turning to action-packed video games because books are too girly

Female school principal grills 8 year old boy about “sexually harassing” a female classmate‘ (26 April 2014)  Online discussion that included the following reader’s comment:

” … was in teaching program as a male for elementary level children.

the rampant sexism and attitude i received made me leave the program after a couple of years. At every step I was told it was “great” that I was interested int his as few men were involved with elementary education.

yet at every step the actual attitude i got from peers and even from instructors was: “are you SURE you aren’t a pedophile? really really sure? really really really sure? cuz guys just don’t want to teach little children… you must be a pedophile. right?”

the worst part wasn’t that i was discriminated against. the worst part is that the program was filled with feminist/sexist women who all fit into the same category. slightly overweight, smart in school but slightly geeky and want revenge for not being the popular skinny girl… every one of them quite shallow, self righteous, “feminist without understanding feminism” and really fitting into a “type”. It was an eye opener.

there is really a certain type of person that is drawn to certain types of career. It is sad and scary that our children are all being taught about the world by this type of women and i really feel that all our boys are being taught that they are second class citizens who are wholly subordinate to ANY women’s demands.”

Reddit discussion thread and linked article about an incident in America where a father was forced to send his son for testing and counselling because his son twirled his pencil (11 June 2014) (Note also the readers notes attached thereto)

‘How a teacher’s gender affects boys and girls’, by Thomas S. Dee (2006) Reddit discussion thread and linked article (4 July 2014)




Link to the source of the four graphs shown above and source of ‘Graduation rate’ graph

Feminist inability to cope with criticism in a mature manner (You disagree with me = You hate women)

Have a quick read of this blog post on the subject of women not taking criticism well … and the responses that follow. I know the linked resource is kind of cutesy and shallow, but it does highlight an issue which I encounter time and time again – especially with regards to feminists. Also try googling on the words “why can’t women accept criticism?” to locate other similar discussions.

I appreciate that there are no doubt plenty of men who don’t handle criticism terribly well either, but the trait does appear to be much more prevalent amongst the feminist/SJW cohort. Why is that? Why does the average feminist fly off the handle so easily, and grossly over-use terms such as “misogynist” and “hateful” when responding to even the mildest criticism?

Wikipedia defines misogyny as “the hatred or dislike of women or girls. Misogyny can be manifested in numerous ways, including sexual discrimination, denigration of women, violence against women, and sexual objectification of women.” (Mod: This definition doesn’t appear to include ‘failure to enthusiastically accept every facet of feminist ideology’, ‘disapproving of certain aspects of learned female behaviour’, or ‘pointing out mistruths promoted by feminist spokespersons’, for example.)

Things are becoming so bent out of shape now that in some jurisdictions there are serious moves afoot to make anti-feminist comments illegal. Just madness! Terms like ‘sexist’ and ‘anti-democratic’ are far too insipid when describing this trend – it’s totalitarianism pure and simple.

As I mentioned in a related post, a major reason for establishing this blog was the very many times I have sought to add comments to online discussions about gender issues only to subsequently find that the comments were removed … never posted.

This inability by feminists to acknowledge views that differ from their own, to consider them, or even to allow them to be publicly discussed by others, is deeply disturbing. See my blog post about the ‘Strippergate’ affair. David Koch’s experience of having his online response to a feminist attack ‘disappeared’ was not in any way unusual – it seems to be virtually de riguer in feminist forums/blogs.

The only male responses that typically get posted – in an cynical attempt to suggest that all viewpoints are being accommodated – are either comments from misguided ‘white knights’ or inarticulate oafish rants. The latter are posted purely to ‘prove’ a point about the lack of validity of male viewpoints on gender relations issues. Any sensible male responses are conveniently binned by “over-enthusiastic” moderators – or however else you wish to dress up this deliberate policy of censorship.

Haven’t we already seen enough examples of the process whereby a particular group of people are targeted, disenfranchised, alienated and then demonised? This invariably leads to greater polarisation of positions, and to anger and ultimately radicalisation. This is exactly what is now happening with what passes as the sexism and gender relations debate (example).

One group (feminists) have hogged centre stage for so long now that they are unprepared to yield to others, even briefly. More worryingly still, they are motivated to prevent those alternative viewpoints being aired in any forum through any means at their disposal.

Alternatively, what better platform for us to come together around than the ideal of equality? This route would traverse honest mature forthright discourse, with each group conceding areas for improvement and assisting each other in implementing fair and workable fixes. Surely this is a better path to travel?

See also:

‘Anti-feminism’ posters at American University investigated as a ‘hate crime’ (10 March 2017)

Mozilla CEO threatens to fire person responsible for anonymous hate speech on Reddit (24 August 2015)

Why Do Feminists Cook Up Stories About ‘Misogyny’ When They Lose Debates? (11 June 2015) and this discussion on the related topic of Why women hold grudges


To feminists ‘equality’ is just a marketing ploy to get what they really want

The contemporary version of feminism is not a movement devoted to achieving equality – as its proponents so vociferously claim. There are many areas where feminists have achieved policy and legislative changes that have swung the balance of power very much in favour of women, and yet they still argue for further reforms on the basis of their ongoing alleged victimhood.

As time permits I plan to identify and precis a selection of articles on this topic.

To start the ball rolling, however, take a look at these three great articles  by well-known anti-feminist writer, Janet Bloomfield:

The first article is entitled ‘Feminists care about equality? Bullshit. They stand directly in the way of it

The second article is entitled ‘Five rights feminism delivered for women, but doesn’t want to share with anyone else‘. It’s language and tone might be a bit intense for some readers, but it does provide an interesting and valid perspective on the gender debate. Have a browse amongst some of Janet’s other great articles while you are visiting her site.

The third article is entitled ‘If Feminism Is About Equality, Why Do Feminists Oppose Equality?‘ (7 March 2015)

See also:

Feminism was never about equality (25 January 2023)

The World Economic Forum and the Misleading Politics of Gender Equality – Quillette (6 August 2021)

Start a conversation (2016) A set of publications produced by the initiative. The one-sided nature of the respective rights/obligations of boys and girls set out in these documents almost defies belief. Essentially boys are obligated to respect women/girls, whilst women/girls are obligated to demand respect. Gender equality? Nothing close. This package is nothing more than a taxpayer-funded feminist wet dream.

Collectivists: Seen one, You Seen ‘Em All (28 July 2016)

Do women really want equality? by Nikita Coulombe (12 May 2016) USA

If Feminism Is About Equality, Why Do Feminists Oppose Equality? (6 March 2016) USA

It’s the £30bn cut you’ve never heard of. And women are bearing the brunt (26 February 2016) Yes, another one of those ‘equality only when it benefits women’-type of articles. This one about making the retirement age the same for men and women (although they don’t actually mention that … funny thing)

Do Women Want Equality – The Fiamengo File Episode 12 (29 October 2015) Video

Understanding the torchbearers of Gender Equality (21 August 2015)

“If they want true gender equality then,

1.    Do not have any gender biased scheme, be it education, occupation or any other sphere of life.

2.    There should be absolutely no gender based reservation and all existing forms of gender based reservation must also be abolished.

3.    Punishment for crime cannot be gender based. Principles of true, actual and absolute gender equality require that equal punishment be awarded to both men and women for the same offenses committed.

4.    Equal participation of women in all risky, dangerous and menial jobs like combat, mining, plumbing, painting, construction of building etc.

5.    No glorification of first woman combat trainer, first woman bus driver, first woman train driver etc.

6.    Abolish the concept of alimony and maintenance for all women who are educated 10+. There are enough jobs available for all people who have studied more than class 10. If men can find one, so can women.

7.    No special preference to the feminine gender in any form or respect. If men can stand in a line, so can women. If men can stand and travel, so can women.

8.    No special budget should be allowed for women else allocate equal budget specifically for men.

9.    Abolish all women specific bodies like National Commission for Women, Women and Child Development Ministry etc. or form similar bodies for men.

10.  No automatic license to commit violence on the basis of gender …”

A Permanent Gender War? by Angry Harry (undated)

Why Feminism Is NOT ‘The Fight for Equal Rights’ (10 November 2014)

Anti-Feminist Lawyer Plans Lawsuit to Force Women to Register for Draft (24 September 2014)

35 Practical Steps Men Can Take To Support Feminism (14 June 2014) These sorts of articles are fairly commonplace … list of things that men should do to please feminists. Of course if feminists were really into equality then they would write articles about corresponding commitments that women should make to men. But of course they don’t. Ever

Gloria Steinem says feminism is not about equality

What is a feminist, anyway? (14 May 2014) Read this, it’s quite good

Feminism v. Equality by Diana Davison (7 April 2014) (5 Nov 2013)

Feminism is no longer a dirty word‘ (CNN, 25 March 2014) Wow, more than 2,000 readers comments – and so few of them supportive of feminism by John Hembling (18 April 2014)


Related posts within this blog

About feminism & feminist antipathy towards the rights of men
On the censorship of non-feminist perspectives and opinions
Not all feminists are like that (NAFALT)
If the central tenet of feminism is equality then what mens/boys causes have feminists championed recently?
Are feminists committed to equality for all women?

The ‘Sunrise’ Strippergate episode

Now for those of you outside Australia, ‘Sunrise’ is the top-rating morning TV program. Harmless fluff mostly. Recently however the show fell foul of the feminist legions as a result of a brief interchange between the show’s male and female personalities. A storm in a tea-cup if ever there was one. It was significant, however, in how it clearly demonstrated the modus operandi of many feminist journalists.

Anyway I’ll let you now read the linked pages below for details about what occurred, and how people felt about it. (Mod: Be sure to read the many comments here)

You would have noticed that many of those most upset about what occurred, would have described the issue as one of a strong woman (the author of the Mamamia article) being castigated for having the courage to speak out about misogyny in the media.

In fact the howls of protest that followed the publication of the Mamamia article did not result so much from WHAT was said in the article, but rather HOW it was said and the way that the crew at Mamamia handled the issue generally – in particular:

  • the fact that the journalist hadn’t watched the ‘Sunrise’ episode before writing the article
  • the fact that Sunrise staff were not approached for comment prior to publication
  • the personal nature of criticism contained within the article (it was basically a hatchet job on the show’s male host, Kochie), and
  • the failure by Mamamia to initially post Kochie’s response on their web site (or even to admit that a response had been received)

Karen Straughan and others on feminist shaming tactics

To gain an appreciation of the feminist art of shaming I would suggest first having a look at:

How some feminist shaming tactics discredit feminist theory (24 June 2014)

Go Karen! Karen Straughan is a great representative of the many women who refuse to accept the ‘conventional wisdom’ of today’s feminists. See for more by Karen

Perhaps you might then google search for material by another Canadian anti-feminist Alison Tieman, including for example her site at and this video at

For more about shaming tactics employed by feminists see also

This site repeats some of the material in the ‘A Voice for Men‘ shaming fact sheet, but also includes a lot of interesting readers’ comments:


Feminist ‘Kylie’ responded to an article on male victims of domestic violence by Bill O’Chee. The now common motif ‘What about the menz‘, implies that men defending their rights are pathetic, reactionary and infantile. Women doing the same thing are proactive, strong and empowered. After I replied (my first and last communication with her) I was blocked from her Twitter account – another common feminist tactic.

On Gaslighting (And Why “What About Teh Menz” Is A Perfect Example) (21 April 2012)

Yet another common taunt used by feminists is “You’re only an MRA because you can’t get laid!

Here’s an example of another feminist attempt at shaming – this time the target group are young women who had the temerity to publicly announce their disregard for feminism. More about that issue in this post.

See also:

Read the post by Claude Lau in this discussion thread for one person’s insight into the feminist proclivity towards shaming (9 December 2015)

Here’s an idea, guys — find someone your own age (5 October 2015) Australia

The recently released force majeure shows shaming men for cowardice is now a feminist act (17 April 2015)

Typical reactions against anti-feminists

Sex-shaming: The feminist weapon of choice to silence dissenters (10 October 2014)

Western men with Asian women: Gender relations through a different frame of reference

Those who have spent a reasonable amount of time in Thailand would have recognised a strange and intriguing dynamic between western men, western women and Thai women. It is of particular interest to yours truly as it provides an opportunity to examine – from a different perspective – the current state of play between the sexes in western countries. And it’s not a pretty sight.

What is happening is that increasing numbers of western guys, including both resident expats and tourists, are seeking Asian wives and girlfriends. This is occurring at the same time that many men are rejecting marriage entirely as discussed in this further blog post.

When this subject gets raised in an online discussion forum the same issues and the same progression of arguments tend to be represented. Alternatively, if there is a (caucasian) female moderator in the mix, the discussion thread is usually very quickly shut down.

Female contributors to these discussions accuse the men of (at best) having an ‘Asian fetish’, but more often than not as possessing one or more of the following characteristics:

  • latent peadophiles attracted to the petite stature of Asian women
  • socially inept losers who “couldn’t get a woman in their own countries”
  • ugly, fat, smelly and drunk
  • seeking a submissive slave
  • frightened of “strong, independent women” and unable to cope with a partnership of equals

Female contributors invariably begin by feigning concern for the welfare of their Asian sisters. Comments are made regarding western men exploiting women of limited means, who are driven to consort with western men due only to economic imperatives. Once the men return fire, things turn nasty with many western women then turning on Asian women … labelling them scheming prostitutes who are only interested in ripping off western men (who deserve what they get).

Male contributors frequently reflect on their earlier unsatisfactory dealings with western women, frequently ending with costly divorce settlements. Sometimes men clarify that their attraction to Asian women is not racial objectification, but indicative of an attraction to certain personal characteristics that are more prevalent amongst women in Asian countries.

These attributes include gracefulness and femininity, loyalty, and a much reduced propensity for combativeness. Many men appreciate that women’s expectations regarding the roles of men and women are better defined and (importantly) more transparently and consistently applied.

At times interesting insights are offered by Asian women who have moved to western countries. With but a few exceptions they support the comments from western men regarding the selfishness and contempt shown by many western women (in their dealings with western men).

There are however a few exceptions whereby Asian women – invariably university students – complain of the attention that they receive (example/example/example). I suspect a factor here would often be a desire on the part of the Asian girl to allay jealousy on the part of female friends (i.e. a strategy to deal with intrasexual competition).

Discussions within feminist web sites are uniformly contemptuous towards western men with Asian partners. As an example, I came across this statement in a paper on the SPLC web site:

“The men’s movement also includes mail-order-bride shoppers, unregenerate batterers, and wannabe pickup artists who are eager to learn the secrets of “game”—the psychological tricks that supposedly make it easy to seduce women. “

Nice jibe. That article, by the way, was penned by a feminist foot-soldier by the name of Arthur Goldwag who is discussed here. And while we’re on the topic of feminist lapdogs, here’s David Futrelle with his words of overblown inanity on the subject of those men preferring foreign partners.

Yes indeed, feminists really do get quite a burr in their panties when it comes to white men partnering with women from another culture (another example). Ah, and not only are men allegedly attracted to Asian women because they are perceived to be submissive – the feminist author of this article suggests that the same motivation applies to men who partner with deaf women.

The depth of anger and bitterness felt by some feminists about a trend that they perceive as crafty western men bucking the system, is such that steps are being taken to address this ‘loophole’. There appear to be two main strategies in train:

1. Apply progressively stronger pressure on governments in both source and destination countries to reduce the number of marriages between western men and women from Asian and/or developing countries. In particular this will involve increasing the cost and degree of difficulty associated with obtaining spouse or fiance visas for foreign wives to achieve residency status in western countries. The argument put forward to justify this will be an alleged strong nexus between non-western partners (who will be painted alternately as either vulnerable ingenues or devious scammers) and organised crime or domestic abuse. Expect to see ‘woozles’ aplenty as well as heavy use of terms like ‘mail-order brides’, human-trafficking, and sexual servitude. (Example)

An example of existing legislation with this aim is the US ‘International Marriage Broker Regulation Act‘. See also this article and readers comments about the situation in Sweden.

In Australia, as of April 2019, men must pass a character test to bring their spouse into Australia and any history of domestic violence (real or alleged) will be a obstacle to visa approval. Just as allegations of abuse have become weapons for use in child custody cases, soon ex-wives may be able to make remarriage of their former spouse more costly and difficult. There’s a further article here, but still no hint as to specifically what constitutes “a history of violence”.

This August 2019 article may also put fear into men considering marriage to a foreign national, in relation to the potential for false accusations to be made against them.

Even without altering the rules, people can be discouraged from taking this marriage route simply by making the process more drawn-out and expensive. This web site states that as of January 2019 the waiting period for a partner visa (with partner offshore) was 30-46 months, after submission of all necessary paperwork.

2. Dissuade foreign women from entering into long-term relationships with western men on the basis of scare tactics, i.e. an alleged high level of personal risk to them.

An example of this can be seen in an August 2014 article in the Bangkok Post, entitled ‘Australia’s hidden abusive migrant marriages‘. This article seeks to send a strong message to Thai women that they face grave risks should they relocate to a western country. Yet typical of feminist attempts to manipulate public opinion, it is heavy on claims and very light on information that would put threat levels into a meaningful context. In this case the information provided is quite inadequate in helping women assess the actual degree of risk (see also readers comments).

Other related examples can be seen at One third of migrant and refugee women experience domestic violence, major survey reveals (30 June 2021), and at Thai Women Sweden, relationships with Swedish men and Thai Wives (12 April 2012)

These types of articles/reports can be viewed in several possible contexts, including:

  • the desire of feminists to exaggerate public perception of the scale and nature of domestic violence, with a view to expanding the scale of government funding (example)
  • the desire of feminists to recruit more women to feminist ideology
  • intra-sexual competition on the part of Caucasian women, who are concerned at seeing Caucasian men overlook them in favor of Asian women

Further sources of information and insight regarding this theme:

Why it is so hard to date in Australia right now (28 June 2024) Cry me a river

I’m a ‘passport bro’: We want ‘traditional’ wives, not ‘mail order brides’ (2 June 2023) TLDR version: ‘Real men would choose us instead’

Domestic and family violence and your visa (1 April 2023) Newly created regulatory mechanism affecting migrants to Australia

It’s terrorism when racism and Asian fetishisation intersect, by Cathy Ngo (22 March 2021)

Australians to undergo domestic violence check to sponsor overseas partner (13 October 2020)

Migrant women are trapped in the living hell of violent abuse (2 March 2020) Australia

Japanese model divorces husband after literally spending all his money (15 January 2020) Obviously there are some gold-diggers in every culture, so some degree of caution – by both men & women – is always desirable. 

American’s immigration emergency: Their spouses could be deported or exiled if they seek green cards (20 February 2019) USA. Granted, the focus of this article is on women marrying foreign husbands, but what’s the bet that the main underlying factor is discouraging foreign women.

The ‘Path to Nowhere’ report by ANROWS based on ‘the (alleged) urgent need to overhaul migration laws to protect domestic violence victims (women in Australia on temporary visas)’ (January 2019). See related Tweet

Government data reveals US Immigration issued visas to thousands of child brides spouses (12 January 2019) Stopping underage brides? Sounds entirely reasonable, but then wait until gender-neutral and potentially critical eyes become diverted, and then the system can be derailed to suit feminist objectives.

‘Deport my wife’: Woman hits herself to ‘frame husband for domestic violence’ (3 December 2018)

Americans Conned into Marrying Immigrants for Green Cards (14 July 2018)

Tied in a knot: the Thai wives who go abroad (5 March 2017) I have great trouble believing the accuracy of these stories, let alone the implication that they represent a common pattern of events. The readers of this discussion thread seem to hold a similar opinion. Further, the women quoted in the article such as academic (Ms) Dusadee Ayuwat, appear to be of feminist orientation.

This is why I’ve lived in Japan for 12 years (11 November 2016) Discussion thread with linked video.

A woman’s view as to why men are deserting Western women for Asian women (August 2016) Reddit discussion thread with linked video

Why is a racial “fetish” looked negatively upon as racist, but not preference for other specific physical traits (such as eye color, height, etc) (7 July 2016) Reddit discussion thread

Foreign Women Are Not the Answer (NAFWALT) (9 May 2016) One would be foolish to suggest that marrying a(ny) foreign woman is a good strategy for a(ny) Caucasian man dissatisfied with western women. Then again, too many are willing to rush in and forego getting to know their future partner, her family and her culture, so a reality check is probably in order.

Media attacks Yellow Fever but ignores more common White Fever (17 February 2015) Reddit mensrights discussion thread

The Myth of Yellow Fever (19 January 2015)

Feminists versus Yellow Fever by Willard Losinger (2 September 2014) Highly recommended reading The article is very negative and biased, but is entirely typical of mainstream media coverage of the issue. There are, however, some very insightful readers comments. (My own comments were provided using the pseudonym ‘Notyouraveragejoe’)

Asian Women and White Men (14 September 2014)

Feminists versus mail-order brides (9 August 2014)

Thai Women Sweden, relationships with Swedish men and Thai Wives ( (12 April 2012)

Why white men prefer Asian women (undated)!topic/soc.culture.thai/G4grWatbzxw (“Unhappy farang girls who cant get a screw”). An extract from which reads:

I was approached by a western girl in Phuket who was obviously having a hard time with the lack of attention. She almost threw herself at me and said quietly in my ear that she and her mate were out looking to get laid. i was in the star wars nightclub at the time in patong surrounded by few hundred thai lovelies. back in England obviously i thought it would be a dream come true to get a girl acting like this. however in Thailand we have the upper hand so i decided to use it. I told her if that was the case that she was maybe in the wrong place and perhaps she should try her luck elsewhere. She looked like i had thrown molten metal in her face. This was beginning to give me far more enjoyment than shagging her ever would.
‘What do you mean’, she responded.
“I mean look around you’ I replied and pointed to all the thai ladies.
I continued to tell her how the arrogance of the western female had become increasingly offputting and thats why most males in the know were now coming to thailand. She then tried to come over all softly, softly and tried to explain she wasn’t one of these types. She then put her arms around me and whispered ‘please’ in my ear.
I was loving this. I finally pushed her away and said that i wasn’t the slight bit interested.
I could see her the tears of humility rise in her eyes and then she stormed off.
I felt a feeling of power wash over me that i’d never felt before.
Western females do this to men all the time in the west and it was superb to be able to enact the same punishment.
She was lucky though. i could of got her to buy me drinks all night whilst pretending to be interested and then gone off with someone else and the end of the night!

(Mod: Ouch! No wonder many men consider Thailand to be the place where western womens chickens have come home to roost!)

Tourism Thailand slammed ‘creepy’ ad (2 March 2015) Wonder if the stalker angle was really the only “creepy” thing about this ad

The following articles or discussion threads are not specific to Thailand: This discussion is in the ladies sub-forum at ‘Thaivisa’, a roosting place for frustrated western women living in Thailand. Input is strictly controlled by ghastly entitled feminist moderators like ‘Boo’ who suspend or ban male contributors with relish. Boo

Example of discussion thread where Op expresses interest in travelling to Asia to meet women

Why white women hate Asian women (20 December 2006)

Scandinavian men leaving feminists to themselves (25 January 2013)

My sweet and sour dating experience: An expat career woman on Beijing flings (24 November 2013) with a reddit discussion that includes this post:

“When-ever you read a news story that seems a bit hateful, reverse the genders. Then ask yourself: “would this have been published with the reversed genders?” Imagine a guy, travelling to a foreign country, complaining about the “less than average” women getting handsome men and the women’s resulting ‘inflated egos’. Then displaying the racist attitudes toward the locals that they dated. Would a main stream media organization DARE to print something as offensive? (Mod: Warning to sensitive readers, this one is quite harsh but included here to show the degree of upset evident amongst some men) (Mod: The article offers no useful insights but the comments that follow include some interesting & quite heated exchanges) (Bitter feminist perspective on the issue of western men marrying Asian women) Blog article written by western woman in Japan complaining about being invisible (this article was discussed in this thread)

And here’s another related thread, but this one is about guys married to Filipinos:

And in closing, who in their right mind would NOT understand western men not wishing to be with a woman like the author of this article? Hmmm?

Related posts within my blog:

Deep down in places that feminists don’t talk about at parties (On the notion of a ‘pussy cartel’)

On Australian men seeking foreign partners

Don’t talk to me! No wait. Talk to me!

The ‘Marriage Strike’ and MGTOW
