The Australian federal election of 2019: Men & boys remain invisible

The last Federal election in Australia was held on 18 May 2019, and was won by the Liberal/National Party coalition. It shaped up to be very similar to the last one with regards to the complete lack of attention given to men’s/boys issues. Oh, but rest assured, we didn’t have to “sit by and watch another election devoid of issues that matter to women“. Au contraire!

And on that note, where is the male equivalent of ‘Women Vote Au’? They claim to be wholly funded by donations. Again the implication in all their material is that women’s issues are largely being ignored … how then would you describe the treatment of issues relating to men and boys? And yet even in late April 2019 journalists were still asserting that women’s issues are being ignored.

The first gender-related issue raised in the campaign proper was the use of gender quotas to attempt to increase the number of female politicians. The emphasis here was on bashing the Liberal Party regarding its (alleged) serious ‘women problem’ (example).

Not surprisingly the issue of domestic violence soon made an appearance:

In February 2019 I noted that “Morrison promises $78 million for combatting domestic violence“. And we’re back to the future. But on a brighter note, here’s an excellent response from Augusto Zimmermann. (What a shame Augusto wasn’t appointed as the replacement for Elizabeth Broderick at the Australian Human Rights Commission)

Labor pledges $60m to help victims of domestic violence rebuild their lives (4 March 2019)

Coalition pledges an extra $328m to counter domestic violence (5 March 2019)

I know, it’s an aside, but I can’t help but wonder how many Australian female pollies have belted their partners, and whether their colleagues would support them in the same manner that British MP Ms Layla Moran was supported:

Liberal Democrat support of Layla Moran – politicians seven times more likely to support female perpetrators of domestic violence than to criticise them (29 March 2019) UK.

And then a touch of American (Democrat) politics crept in …

Election to become showdown on abortion as Labor launches policy (6 March 2019) Labor pledging free, public hospital terminations should it win office.

The next thing, the feminist lobby looked around and noticed lobbying by the Australian Better Families Party, and no doubt some of the many, many, reader’s comments being attached to pro-feminist articles in the mainstream media.

Misleading political campaigns? No thanks, we’ve had enough, by Anna Kerr (22 March 2019). Who would have thought that seeking recognition and support for male victims of domestic violence occurs because the Men’s Rights Movement “denies the gendered nature of domestic violence”? Well, Team Harpy clearly does.

And then the focus swung back to domestic violence as Bill Shorten ups his promised amount of $$$ as described in ‘Labor targets family violence, Coalition funds skills as campaign resumes‘ (26 April 2019)

What’s in the 2019 Budget for women? Very little (3 April 2019) And yet far more than was allocated to men.

And given that no-one has published *anything* to date about the impact of the budget on men & boys, here’s more on the female perspective courtesy of ‘Mamamia’:

These are the biggest winners and losers of the 2019 Federal Budget (2 April 2019) A $150 million funding package for women’s sport? Nice

What did Tuesday’s Federal Budget actually do for women? We break it down (4 April 2019) Note that ‘Domestic Violence’ is listed as something we (women) “got”, so I guess male victims shouldn’t get their hopes up then? “But on the whole, women are not the winners in this budget“. Huh? Countless millions down for women, but apparently someone else’s way better off.

‘No vision or strategy for women’: An overview of the Budget’s impact (5 April 2019)

On 3 May 2019 our Prime Minister claimed that “disrespect of women is the real issue“.

And then … “Prime Minister Scott Morrison will on Saturday announce a $75 million package to help women back into the workforce after looking after their children or elderly parents.

Mr Frydenberg said career checks will be aimed at women aged 30 to 45 so they can get professional advice and training.

Sport is also on the agenda for the prime minister, who will be campaigning in Melbourne.

Mr Morrison wants to spend $70 million on upgrading sports facilities and creating high performance facilities.

He’s also promised $15 million to set up a permanent home in Melbourne for the national women’s soccer team, the Matildas. Senator McKenzie said the government wants women athletes to have high performance facilities “just like the guys do”.” (Source)

Existing party policies specifically related to gender (where one or more could be readily identified):

The Liberal Party: Supporting Australian Women

The National Party: Safer Regional Communities (refer to Protecting and supporting women and children)

The Labor Party: Australian Women – Labor’s Plan for Equality. “A Shorten Labor Government will put achieving gender equality for Australian women at the centre of our priorities with a National Strategy for Gender Equality.” This translates into more than $1.2 billion in hand-outs.

The Labor Party: Gender Equality and Women’s Rights (page 174) and Preventing Violence Against Women and Children (page 176)

The Greens: Gender Equality and Empowerment of Women

Interesting observation in an article concerning a recent development at Melbourne University: “In the lead up to the federal election, the insidious nature of identity politics is even more apparent than usual” (23 April 2019)

As an aside, what is the cost of this grossly inequitable division of government funds and support for women/girls versus men/boys? Here’s one perspective (USA video).

Some post-election wash-up:

Government delivering “outcomes” for women? Not so much (19 February 2020) Feminist are dissatisfied with handouts (nothing new there) but at least the government is talking about support for women unlike the ongoing silence re: men/boys.

‘Homogenous groupthink’: Labor women slam election strategy set by ‘Anglo men’ (17 October 2019)

Coordination and targeting of domestic violence funding and actions‘, Auditor-General report No. 45 2018/19 (p7), stated “Total expenditure by the Commonwealth across the life of the National Plan to date, is around $723 million” (June 2019)

‘Choking on wokeness’ by Miranda Devine (29 May 2019)

Elsewhere in this blog you might also be interested in the following posts:

Partners in alms: A primer on the ‘Domestic Violence Industry’

Australian taxpayer-funded organisations that do little/nothing for men (other than demonising them)

Dealing with men’s issues – The current situation in Australia

Re-instatement of the Women’s Budget Statement in Australia? Bring it on, but consider men too

Sadly, Australian politicians only find the courage to criticise the feminist lobby after they retire

Achieving personal financial security is important for everyone. Dodgy research helps no-one

Why slave away crafting a serious academic research paper when you can knock out an under-graduate quality effort that will still be published provided it pushes the appropriate PC buttons? One gets to bang the feminist drum to one’s heart’s content, virtue-signal across the chattering class, and pad out one’s resume all at the same time.

Anyway, accuracy, objectivity and academic rigor are so last century!

Young women can budget in the short term but struggle with long-term investments: survey’ (14 February 2017)

This unexceptional article merits its own post only by virtue of the way it exemplifies several of my concerns regarding pro-feminist research:

  • presents a non-gendered issue as gendered
  • only surveys women yet uses the results to argue a case of relative female disadvantage
  • features lamentably weak research methodology
  • only identifies contributing factors consistent with a predetermined conclusion based on feminist dogma
  • infers that men are primarily responsible for both causing and resolving the alleged situation of female disadvantage

My comments are inserted within the body of the article, and shown in blue font.

The main premise of the article is that women are significantly disadvantaged in terms of achieving financial security, and warrant special assistance in this regard. This disadvantage is said to stem mainly from a lack of awareness of investment options and strategies. In supporting this position the paper grasps at various feminist chestnuts such as the gender wage gap, the superannuation gap, and gender bias within schools and specific employment sectors.

“Our investigation into the financial literacy of young women finds they are confident in implementing budgeting and savings strategies, but lack the knowledge and confidence required to implement long-term financial strategies.”

The first thought that sprang to mind was ‘Why focus solely on young women?’, especially if the intention is to assert gender-based disadvantage. What exactly was the goal of this research project? Better understanding a problem that affects many PEOPLE with a view to identifying strategies to help those in need? Or simply opportunistically seizing on the issue of savings and investment in order to add to the chorus of ‘women have it tougher’?

The justification for excluding men from the study is hardly compelling:

  • the average level of retirement savings for men is greater than the average for women
  • men are claimed to be, again on average, more financially literate than women.

What of the fact that many men fall below the male average, and quite likely also the female average? There would certainly be no shortage of men who “lack the knowledge and confidence required to implement long-term financial strategies“. Consider too that some women would exceed male average savings, and that this segment is sure to increase in coming years.

Bear in mind too that men’s savings are not necessarily their own, and will more often be used to support dependents. For example, many women are financially supported in later life by current or previous male partners, whilst relatively few men are supported in such a manner. And indeed, far more men than women will have some or all of their savings confiscated via court-ordered settlements following separation or divorce.

“This is surprising given that financial literacy usually refers to not only an understanding of how money actually works and how to make and manage money for day-to-day affairs but also how to use this in preparation for the future.

While our results are preliminary, based on social media users and require more detailed research, our results begin to draw links between social, institutional and personal attitudes towards financial knowledge.

A survey we distributed across social media found that 91% of 175 respondents had confidence in their ability to implement savings strategies (varying from simple to complex), and 89% were confident in their ability to budget. Strategies included everything from planning for a holiday to managing credit cards. Participants also considered budgeting and saving to be the most important aspects of their finances.”

It appears that all the survey respondents were female – a major oversight – and were likely self-selected from within the ranks of the researchers’ friends/associates. What likely degree of survey bias did this entail? In other words, to what extent are the results meaningful even in a purely statistical sense?

However, our survey participants expressed a distinct lack of appreciation for longer-term financial goals. While 72% of respondents felt that savings were extremely relevant to them, only 38% said the same about superannuation, and they showed even less interest in other long-term investment (23%).

Knowledge and confidence in implementing long-term investment strategies were even more concerning. Only 17% of respondents said they had a “medium” knowledge of superannuation and only 1% (or two of 175 respondents) felt that they had an in-depth understanding. In contrast, 55% indicated having little or no knowledge whatsoever.

The numbers look even bleaker for responses about investments. A low 12% of survey participants had medium levels of knowledge in this area, while again only 1% felt their knowledge was in-depth.

When asked about why they lacked financial knowledge, the barrier most commonly acknowledged by participants was lack of financial information taught at school (91%). Also 55% of participants reported feeling discouraged from learning about finance because they were women. This is consistent with reports of female students being discouraged from studying subjects such as science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM).”

Oh please! That’s a reach isn’t it? Did male students receive additional education regarding financial information at school? With no corresponding results for young men, the value of the stats provided above – in terms of supporting a gendered agenda – are dubious.

And as for the validity of measuring how people “feel” about things, I would refer you to this paper.

Why financial literacy matters for women

Women working full-time currently earn 84% of a man’s pay – at a 20 year average. The impact is this: women will earn around [A$650,000 less than men across their lifetimes].

While the pay gap is considerable, the “super gap” is even greater. On average women will accumulate 46.6% less in superannuation than men, and one in three women retire with no super at all. Superannuation is the second largest asset for most Australian households, (second only to housing) and contributes significantly to economic security and savings at retirement.

The pay gap is based on the average for all men and all women, and when analysed it becomes clear that there a significant variations in the extent of the gap (even with respect to which gender is favoured).

Insufficient superannuation and savings at retirement have also been linked to high rates of homelessness experience by older women – a point that has been emphasised by Homelessness Australia. While there are many factors that contribute to homelessness, from drug and alcohol abuse, lack of affordable housing and domestic violence, a 2013 study by Adam Steen and David MacKenzie suggests that the little research done is this area indicates poor financial literacy is also a contributing factor.

Difference in superannuation savings between women and men are driven by interrelated factors including: the gender pay gap, more frequent participation of women in lower paid industries and jobs, disproportionate participation of women in part-time and casual positions. Also influencing this trend are the fragmented work patterns as a result of time taken off for unpaid care and pregnancy related workplace discrimination. Women also typically retire earlier and live longer than men – up to 4.4 years longer for a female born today.

These are mainly issues of personal choice. Choose different options, for example taking a job in a higher paid sectors, and the situation changes regardless of gender – as stated in the following paper (and countless others).

“A Department of Labor study released in 2009, which reviewed upwards of 50 peer-reviewed papers, concluded the wage gap, “may be almost entirely the result of individual choices being made by both male and female workers.”

“Women, more than men, show a demonstrated preference for lower risk occupations with greater workplace safety and comfort, and they are frequently willing to accept lower wages for the greater safety and reduced probability of work-related injury or death”” (Source)

In addition to these structural and social factors, our data suggests that women are ill-equipped to manage long-term financial investments.

That sounds almost sexist doesn’t it? … whilst readers can only speculate how much better-equipped men in the same cohort are, as the relevant information is omitted from the “data”.

And then there are the other factors that might have a bearing on women’s relative unwillingness or inability to commit to long-term financial plans. One of these is female hypergamy, and one of the authors responded to this suggestion in the following manner:

Do you, dear reader, consider the author’s response to be a) Objective b) Scholarly or c) Butthurt (Circle correct answer/s)

Some other possible factors are mentioned in the readers comments that follow the article, for example the relative confidence of men v women (as distinct from actual knowledge or skill). Willingness to take risk was also mentioned.

Reduced financial literacy amongst women in comparison to men was acknowledged by the Australian government in 2008 and again by the NSW Council of Social Services in 2016. Likewise it has been acknowledged in the United States and further afield. Our data suggests little has changed.

But the authors earlier asserted that homelessness was highly correlated with financial literacy, and yet there are far more homeless men than women. Would someone please explain?

I’m perfectly willing to accept that financial literacy is a significant factor, for both men and women, in achieving financial security later in life. And yes, this should be a major focus in terms of designing appropriate remedial action.

What I am not willing to accept however is:

  • Designing and providing educational programs for financial literacy that are not available to both men/boys and women/girls
  • Extending financial support or other incentives to women, but not men (as in the case, for example, of the ANZ staff Super payment mentioned in this blog post).

And more publicly-funded ‘research’ like this!

See also:

‘Wasn’t cutting it’: 21yo’s mortgage hell after using inheritance to buy first apartment (5 December 2024) Financial idiocy from an empowered womyn and

Women and wealth, by Bettina Arndt (19 August 2024)

Australian superannuation company (HESTA) plays straight from the feminist song-book (August 2024)

Labor MP mistaken on homelessness figures (10 May 2023)

The shameful secret behind this photo of a mum and her three kids (3 May 2022) and ‘Horrible’: Why we need to change this appalling reality (2 May 2022) Note that language

Calls for government to pay superannuation for women on parental leave | (17 September 2021)

Inconvenient truths about impoverished women and privileged men, by Bettina Arndt (11 April 2021)

Women’s superannuation not so super: The $120,000 gender gap (27 October 2017)

Aussie retirement gender gap much larger than US, UK (17 October 2017)

Brisbane small business to pay female employees more superannuation than male co-workers (28 September 2017)

Superannuation is sexist (6 September 2017) Video

Claims super is ‘biased’ against women are nonsense (30 July 2017)


A few observations in relation to yet another article critical of men

The mainstream media is awash with articles infused with anti-male bias. Indeed after being conditioned through decades of exposure to this material, most people accept what they are told. In comparison to most of those articles, the focus of this post regarding alleged male risk-taking behaviour is admittedly rather benign. Indeed, if taken at face-value it appears to be sympathetic to the welfare of men & boys.

Examined more closely however the article reflects the contrasting and hypocritical manner in which the media addresses men’s & women’s issues.

The same day I noticed this article I came across another in a similar vein. That article mocks men in relation to another trait associated with masculinity – demonstrating protective behaviour towards women.

No there is nothing controversial about shaming men – just men – about pretty much anything nowadays. That’s kind of my point. And the article isn’t so much about “asking why“, but telling us why … apparently men are foolish.

And oddly, whilst this is an article about men’s behaviour, it begins with an account of the drowning of a 23 month old toddler. This seems to infer that even very young boys are dying due to masculinity-induced recklessness. Presumably female toddlers are more careful.

As the article is relatively brief, I’ll provide it here in its entirety:

Drownings blamed on men’s risky behaviour‘ (The Australian, 30 December 2016)

“The twin brother pulled unconscious from a Sydney swimming pool has died three days after his sister, in what has been described as a “deeply disturbing” week for water deaths.

Charli and Robbi Manago, 23 months, had been fighting for life in The Children’s Hospital at Westmead since they were found in their family’s pool around 7pm on December 20. The hospital last night confirmed Robbi had died.

His death takes the number of coastal and inland waterway fatalities since Sunday to 11. Nine of the dead were men.

Experts say a deadly cocktail of conditions — male bravado, consistent warm weather, and a poor understanding of water dangers — has led to the deaths.

As police and volunteers return to Sydney’s Maroubra Beach to find the body of missing teenager Tui Gallaher and search a Wagga river in the south of NSW for a 42-year-old man, experts have warned people not to overestimate their abilities.

Between 80 and 90 per cent of drowning victims are male, according to recent figures.

Four people died on Boxing Day, including 60-year-old Geoffrey Blackadder, who died trying to save young relatives from a rip on the NSW north coast, and 25-year-old Amine Hamza, who died after swimming with friends at Bents Basin in Sydney’s west.

“It’s deeply disturbing. Men are more likely to overestimate their swimming ability and underestimate how dangerous conditions are,” said Justin Scarr, chief executive at the Royal Life -Saving Society Australia.

“Men are more likely to swim in locations away from lifeguards and crowds, and they’re also more likely to consume ­alcohol.””

As you can see, the premise of the article is that substantially more men die from drowning due to those men taking excessive and presumably avoidable risks.

May I ask you, when was the last time you saw a headline “X blamed on women’s risky behaviour”? Where ‘X’ might have been death/rape/injury/cosmetic surgery/whatever. 1965? That’s because journalists know that when they discuss any such situations they must, at all costs, avoid be called-out for ‘victim-blaming’. And yet the same consideration is not on offer when men are the victims. Gender equality when it suits?

The assertion that drowning deaths result from men taking undue risks appears unproven. The examples of swimming outside the flags and drinking are provided, although neither of these behaviours are exclusive to men.

There are other possible explanations for a gender variation in deaths, particularly the likelihood that men venture into the water more often, and for longer periods, than do women. Clearly those who don’t go to the beach, or who lie on their towels 95% of the time, are less likely to drown in the ocean.

All outdoor activities have some degree of inherent risk, i.e. they are all “risky”. Given that men are significantly more likely than women to participate in almost all forms of outdoor recreation, they are clearly more likely to be injured or killed participating in such activities. One of the few exceptions is netball, a sport recognised as having a low risk of drowning.

If a significant number of drowning deaths were due to medical emergencies then it would make more sense to focus on men’s health, than male shaming. It is likely that some of the male drowning deaths were also the result of men attempting to rescue others.

For the purpose of this discussion let’s concede that “risky behaviour” (to be defined) may indeed result in more men drowning than women. And of course it would be preferable that those tragedies not occur. But before rushing to judgement let’s also consider the issue of risk-taking by men in a broader context.

Men tend to take more risks than women, and this risk-taking results in a range of both positive and negative impacts on society. On the positive side I would go so far as to propose that risk-taking by men has been and continues to be the powerhouse of civilisation.

Need someone to step forward to defend a woman being attacked? Men are expected to step forward, and are shamed if they do not. Need someone to defend a country from attack? Ditto.

In Australia 97% of workplace deaths involve men – around 175 people in 2016. Men working in dangerous and unpleasant jobs that women generally won’t accept. Where is the outrage about the risks these men take in providing necessary services to the community?

Based on media coverage, or lack thereof, it would appear that men taking risks in the name of chivalry, industry and national service is acceptable if not expected. In contrast, men taking risks during their leisure hours is unacceptable and worthy of negative media attention.

Men don’t deserve to be shamed for exhibiting the trait of risk-taking, nor for choosing not to do so. In fact greater recognition that male risk-taking more often benefits society would seem appropriate.

Sure there will be times when some men deserve a thoughtful journalistic rap over the knuckles, but this should not be the default position. Similarly there are times when women’s behaviour merits a commensurate sanction. At the moment however women are rarely subject to criticism, are encouraged to take risks, and the blame for any negative repercussions more often placed at the feet of men.

It’s time everyone got on the same page with gender equality, and recognised that there should be one standard to which we are all held. And that support and empathy should be consistently applied and gender-blind. Anything less will see more of the same unfortunate and divisive gender bias that now permeates the mainstream media.

See also:

Reader posts in a related Reddit discussion thread here

Former senior judge Richard Gee latest to die in summer drowning tragedy (3 January 2016)

Further related blog posts that may be of interest include:

On chivalry

Persistent pro-feminist and anti-male bias in the mainstream media

On masculinity and ‘real men’

How men are portrayed … Haw Haw Haw! The jokes on us

Women are held accountable for … (say hello to the Teflon Gender)

Men do more of most things … get a target painted on their backs

On being male or female (incl. innate differences, stereotyping and so on)

Who pays on dates?

There have been, and there continues to be, many articles written about the topic of who should meet the costs of dating or courtship. Most articles appear to be written by women, and mocking (to varying degrees) the alleged or implied cheapness of men who dare object to paying the entire cost of a night out.

Whilst hardly a ‘life or death’ matter, this topic has special significance in that it illustrates how some traditional gender roles are aggressively retained whilst others are forcefully discarded. With the former all appearing to benefit women.

A number of justifications are put forward as to why one partner should pay for the other. Perhaps the most common is the suggestion that the person who makes the approach, and issues the invitation, should pay for the date. That is clearly very convenient for women given that 99 times out of 100, the male is the one doing the asking (this being yet another retained gender stereotype).

After that, the rationalisations as to why men should pay get even more ‘out there’ … especially when it is a feminist at the keyboard. Consider for example, ‘I Let Him Pay for Dinner – Am I a Bad Feminist?‘ by Suzanna Weiss (5 July 2016)

My own position is that if the costs of dates aren’t shared, or if partners aren’t treated on alternate dates, then it is free-loading no matter how you dress it up. And if the first date is such that you know there won’t be a second one, then you should definitely split the bill. Forget ideology, it’s just the decent thing to do.

And now the gender wage gap, in an increasing number of employment segments, is actually reversed (i.e. favors women). This means that in more and more instances, the female dinner-goer would have a more substantial income than her male partner (see related post). Surely now, women would be proud to pay their own way. Ha, ha, yes, I’m only kidding.

A number of relevant articles now follow: 

‘Attitude problem’: Man’s bold text after date (1 November 2024)

Influencer says men ‘should pay on the first date’ because women spend a lot on make-up (20 March 2024)

Surprisingly traditional dating ‘rule’ Gen Z men won’t let go (13 February 2024)

Reason men should always pay on the first date (10 January 2024)

People need to chill about women getting ‘free food’ on dates (13 July 2021)

Woman, 26, forced to pick up $500 dinner date bill (24 November 2023) And not just any woman, but an “adult content creator”.

The $2000 dating rule to avoid ‘frightful’ sex syndrome from men (2 November 2023) More dating wisdom from Jana Hocking

Why men feel entitled to sex if they pay on a first date (14 March 2023)

‘Extreme’ response to date’s $4.50 burger concern backfires massively (13 March 2023)

Splitting the bill on dates makes no sense (14 February 2023) No, what’s make no sense is investing several minutes in reading this feminist contrived nonsense.

Woman went on six dates a week, didn’t grocery shop for two years (24 January 2023)

Woman Sues Man For $10,000 For Failing To Show Up To A Date (20 July 2022)

Woman blasts her date for not paying after she said no to sex (24 June 2022)

Why men should always pay on the first date (20 April 2022)

Abbie Chatfield angers Italian men after calling out ‘sexist’ menus (7 April 2022) How ridiculous is this? Abbie and the sisterhood should all pay their share, and they’re welcome to have a menu with prices. The thing is, they don’t want to know prices in order to pay – they want to know in order to be able to gloat.

Single woman says men shouldn’t get a second date if they don’t pay (4 April 2022)

Woman left stunned by date’s split bill request (6 December 2021) “A man should pay everything and should bring you a gift for spending your time with him, commented one woman.”

Woman’s bad date disaster goes viral: ‘He bought food for himself’ (13 November 2021)

Jana Hocking on why men should always pay on the first date (4 December 2020)

Feminists on Twitter get upset that man on a date doesn’t pay for a cake for his date (1 March 2020)

Young women at Griffith University (Australia) get tips about what to expect/demand in a special dating guide. (February 2020) Gee, hope they enjoy the company of cats.

10 Reasons Why Women Should Expect Men to Still Pay for Everything | by Fox | Medium (22 January 2020)

Unpopular opinion: Guys who split the bill on dates are douchebags (15 October 2019)

Forget the booty call, the foodie call is the new dating (out)rage (6 July 2019)

A third of women only date men because of the free food: study (21 June 2019) USA

‘Serial Dine-and-Dasher’ arrested for awful dating etiquette (29 August 2018) And would a women be reported to the police? I think we know the answer to that

Beware of ‘foodie call’ dates who are just in it for a free meal (30 August 2017) USA

Women forced to pay for dates (9 March 2017) Video

How is it okay for a stranger to pay for your first-date dinner because he’s a man? (27 January 2017)

6 Things a Feminist Woman Who Dates Men Should Look For on a First Date: Validate his every political and social view conforms to those you require. Offer to pay and think of him as cheap if he accepts (27 October 2016) Reddit mensrights discussion thread and linked article.

A Women’s Advantage (2016) Concerns research into OKCupid users, not just regarding who pays on dates but also courtship protocols generally.

Guy texts girl demanding she pay him back after he bought her a drink at a bar (12 September 2016)

“I’ll be more cautious who I take free drinks from in the future!” Free?

Lizzie Cundy slammed by viewers for insisting a man should always pay on a first date (31 August 2016)

Woman Says She Was Left With $163 Tab After Man She Met On Dating Site Dined, Then Dashed (3 August 2016) with related Reddit discussion thread here

“Operation: No Pay May”: A Houston Woman Attempts 31 Dates in 31 Days (31 May 2016) with related Reddit discussion thread here

The new economics of dating: Do men still need to pay? (24 May 2016) Reddit discussion thread and linked article

For men, finding love is still more costly (16 May 2016)

I said no to a second date so he asked for a $40 refund (11 May 2016)

That’s rich… women decline to date men who earn less – however good looking (3 February 2016) UK

Shock horror! A man feels I should pay my own way on dates. “I feel this is a dealbreaker.” Welcome to feminism (9 November 2015) Reddit mensrights discussion thread

Attention, straight men dating women: Here’s why they still — yes, still — expect you to pick up the check (28 August 2015) with related reddit discussion thread here

Paying while dating: meet the men who pick up the check (and those who don’t) (28 August 2015) and being in The Guardian we just know which team they’ll be rooting for.


Two Strong INDEPENDENT Feminists demand men pay for dates (18 August 2015) Video and related reddit discussion thread (Quote: “I understand most women don’t want to be used as sex objects. Maybe they should stop looking at men as success objects“)

Ladies, It’s Now Your Turn to Pay On the First Date (9 January 2015)

Cha-Ching! Guess who spends the most in love? (February 2015)

Valentine’s Day spending driven by single men in search for love (12 February 2015)

Who Pays for Dates? Following Versus Challenging Gender Norms (2015)

Why women should never go halves on a date (27 November 2014)

Why I’d never be with a man who always pays the bill‘ (28 September 2014) Article unconvincing but see readers comments

It’s 2014: Why are men still paying for first dates? (18 September 2014) and here’s the feminist perspective on that issue (though note that not all readers agreed with her assessment)

Helena Andrews explains why men should always pay for dinner by Janet Bloomfield (9 September 2013)

Should I Pay for a Date Simply Because I Am the Stud? (6 September 2013)

I just made a woman pay for her own food, her reactions were interesting (19 November 2014) Reddit mensrights discussion thread

Valentines Day, by the numbers (14 February 2013)

Almost all of the articles on this subject in the mainstream media focus on heterosexual couples, and are set in the context of first world western countries.

The heterosexual focus is interesting as my initial impression is that courtship costs are approached in a somewhat more egalitarian manner in gay/lesbian relationships. I have listed some articles about splitting costs & gay/lesbian dating and courtship below. If readers can suggest more and/or better references then please leave a message.

Who Should Be Paying on a Same Sex Date? (11 May 2016)

Who picks up the tab on a date between two gay people?

When two gay men (or ladies) go on a date who pays?


But when a woman hits a man it’s different

Female aggression is now increasingly being portrayed and seen as acceptable, and almost a hallmark of an empowered woman. Look for example at some of the speeches made by female celebrities following the election of President Trump in the USA.

The feminist logic appears to be:

  • Women are oppressed
  • Men are oppressors
  • Violence against the oppressors is liberation (Source: ‘Sinisus’)

An example of this ‘it’s different when women do it’ argument can be found in this delusional post by a feminist.

In an earlier article entitled ‘Jennifer Garner: Why I Wanted My Girls to Take Karate‘ (20 November 2014), one of Jennifer’s goals for her daughters is for them “to be able to kick a guy’s ass“.

Ms Garner’s comments aren’t unusual – I have simply chosen hers as but one example of a long line of articles/comments that I have read expressing similar sentiments. This is the flip-side of a culture increasingly being moulded by feminist organisations like ‘White Ribbon Campaign’, whereby female aggression is downplayed or completely ignored whilst male-perpetrated violence is exaggerated.

In July 2014 Whoopi Goldberg started a feminist firestorm with her comments on a US talk show in which she said that women should not hit their partners, and that if they did they should not be surprised if the man hit them back. Feminists have misrepresented Whoopi’s position as being one of supporting men who hit women, but in fact she just said that she supported the position of the innocent party who was hit first (whether that be a man or woman). Her position was that neither party had the right to hit the other.

Inherent in this discussion is the view amongst many feminist women that because men are bigger/stronger [which is not always the case] that men never had the right to hit women, regardless of whether the woman struck the first blow. The video clip of Whoopi’s statement is here, and here are some discussion threads and articles: Vfm article by Paul ElamVfM discussion thread, reddit #1.

David Webb also attracted criticism for daring to suggest that women shouldn’t hit their husbands and boyfriends. Feminist journalist Barbara Ellen thinks that women hitting men is ‘different’ and OK. Kelly Brook thinks hitting her boyfriends is OK, too. Finally the issue was nicely summed-up in this article, with which I wholeheartedly agree.


See also:

EastEnders fans open-mouthed as Shirley Carter punches Zack Hudson in the face in brutal scenes (21 June 2022) UK

Ten years in jail for ‘feisty’ mum who stabbed lover to death in Bromsgrove (22 October 2020) UK

Before you laugh, imagine it happened to a woman (4 October 2020) and a link to a related Reddit discussion thread

Real women don’t hit men (29 September 2020)

Twitter discussion thread regarding the excuse of ‘just a slap’, beginning with assertion by UK feminist organisation ‘Refuge’ that it is used to minimise violence against women (23 June 2020)

When women strike back, courts can’t always see their history of abuse (9 October 2019) Australia

This Boy Gets Suspended For Fighting Back Against The Girl Who Beat Him At School And People Are Furious (September 2019)

“I kick balls – deal with it”. Slogan used by ‘Sport England’ to promote women’s sport (April 2019) Scroll down to read about a similar 2017 Australian campaign

Layla Moran was wrong to attack her partner. But domestic violence by women is not the same as domestic violence by men (26 March 2019)

Women on the British TV show ‘Loose Women’ discuss the perceived double-standard regarding the portrayal of violence by men and by women (March 2019) Video

Old timey women stabbing handsy men (31 January 2019) Twitter thread started by Rebecca O’Neal

I did a social experiment, male versus female (16 November 2017) Reddit discussion thread

Slag (27 September 2017) Video

Beyond Atomic Blonde: cinema’s long, proud history of violent women (30 August 2017)

How can anyone excuse this abuse of a woman? (29 July 2017)

Bianca Lee Sams speaks out after being punched in face during road rage attack at Doyalson (26 July 2017)

“It doesn’t matter what the circumstances, you don’t punch women, ever”

Swiss feminist on state TV: “It’s okay for women to beat their husbands if they are being stupid (13 June 2017) Reddit discussion thread

Girl beats boy at school (1 June 2017) Article with linked video

Sickening moment bouncer punches woman in the face outside Liverpool bar (18 April 2017) UK. Woman attempting to hit bouncer = not sickening, but bouncer defends himself is.

Woman punches man at Trump rally. Man punches her back. Media reports it as him sucker punching her. Only explanation to describe it as a “sucker punch” is her believing that she wouldn’t get hit back. (18 April 2017)

1,500 acid attacks have been recorded in London since 2011 (13 March 2017) And 3/4 of the victims were men. Reddit discussion thread here.

The secret Facebook page where women brag about violence toward men (4 February 2017) with related Reddit discussion thread here.

Women kicking balls, I’d like to see that (22 January 2017) New TV ad promoting women’s sport. Imagine an ad ‘Men grabbing pussy, I’d like to see that’. Appropriate or humorous? Didn’t work for Don Trump and this one will reflect poorly on the AFL.

I have a short story that has seriously wrecked my mood for a week now, and I need to get it off my chest (14 January 2017) Reddit discussion thread

Man asks for legal advice after slapping his physically abusive girlfriend, comments section accuses him of beating his girlfriend (3 January 2017) Reddit discussion thread. USA

In fiction, girls painfully slap their boyfriends and it’s portrayed as comedic, righteous and deserved. But when a guy does something like grab her wrist that is not nearly as painful, it’s portrayed as dark and abusive (26 December 2016) Reddit men’s rights discussion thread

Joe Mixon videos released (16 December 2016) Video. USA. NB: Hit someone and there’s a good chance you’ll get hit back. Women included. Welcome to equality.

Nova100 radio & Chrissie Swan celebrates the severing of a man’s penis (26 November 2016)

Not so safe: Roz Ward attacks Trump supporter (21 November 2016)

Punch caught on video leaves New Jersey teen fighting for her life (5 November 2016) USA

Sassy misandry is good for business – but assault on men is never funny (1 November 2016)

Viral Video Of Violent Teen Fight Raises Concerns In Vallejo (18 October 2016) Discussed in thread entitled ‘Girl attacks boy. Boy defends himself. Boy is ridiculed on Social Media for putting hands on a girl’

Normalisation of female on male violence in media? (7 October 2016) Reddit mensrights discussion thread

Why ARE modern women so aggressive? It’s been called the dark side of equality – a surge in respectable women flying into violent rages for the most trivial reasons (15 September 2016) with related Reddit discussion thread here

“In 1957, men were responsible for 11 violent offences for every one perpetrated by a woman — today, that is four to one”

“Two in five victims of domestic violence in the UK are men. The number of women prosecuted for it rose from 1,575 in 2004/5 to 4,266 in 2008/9”

Methods for downplaying or side-stepping violence against men (19 August 2016)

‘I Had to Be the Voice of Women’: The First Female Hijacker Shares Her Story (4 August 2016)

This woman hit and hit until her partner eventually lost his temper and hit back (8 June 2016) Video

Fifty shades of Tarzan! ‘Feisty’ Margot Robbie punches Alexander Skarsgard during Legend of Tarzan sex scene (31 March 2016)

I hit my boyfriend first, then he hit me back a lot harder, worse, and more, should I forgive? (August 2015) See comments

When it comes to MMA star Ronda Rousey, is there a domestic violence double standard? (12 November 2015)

Feminist collective supports violence against men’s rights advocates (14 September 2015) Australian video

Japan’s ‘Black Widow’ Arrested Again After Poisoning Her Eighth Male Victim (11 September 2015) and related reddit discussion thread

Assaulted in bar last night (August 2015)

Maxim Magazine — A publication for men — joins in the celebration of the woman who allegedly lit her boyfriend’s penis on fire for cheating (19 August 2015)

Libyan symbol of freedom now facing years behind bars (1 August 2015) and related reddit discussion thread

Patriarchy vs Facts: Domestic Violence (PART I) (23 June 2015) Video

New York City commuter fights manspreaders by sitting on them (7 June 2015)

Very important pussy (4 June 2015)

Preston boxer struck woman’s face (19 May 2015) and related reddit mensrights discussion thread

Footage shows Indian woman body-slamming man at train station (4 March 2015) Reading between the lines here, there is no reason to assume that this was not simply an unprovoked act of violence by the women … except feminism

Teen Reportedly Threw Acid on Her Boyfriend’s Penis (4 February 2015)

Don’t hit me, I’m a girl! (26 December 2011)

ISIS women recruits: What life is really like (30 January 2015)

Feminists Rely on “Men Shouldn’t Hit Women” To Get Away With Hitting Men – Compilation (25 January 2015)

Wife chops off cheating husband’s penis, twice (14 January 2015) Somehow I don’t think a story about a man cutting off his wife’s breast would be given the same whimsical treatment as per this article

The ‘Manslamming’ campaign is literally a campaign for slamming into men and then claiming they slammed into you (12 January 2015) (December 2014)

When you’re a boy you can get beat up and it’s totally fine (3 December 2014)

#BBCtrending: Indian sisters beat up another man in new video (2 December 2014) Further developments on that incident here.

Why I won’t teach my boys not to hit girls (24 November 2014)

‘The View’ Co-Hosts On NYC Subway Brawl Video: ‘She Needed To Get Slapped Back’ (12 November 2014)

Women and violence: Society’s double standard (29 July 2014)

Have you ever beaten up a boyfriend? Cause, Uh, we have an article that appeared in Jezebel in August 2007, with commentary/rebuttal by MRA Janet Bloomfield (and here)

Woman goes crazy when man says hello (3 September 2013) Video

Researcher says women’s initiation of domestic violence predicts risk to women (17 November 2011)

Initiation of domestic violence increases risk of violence‘ (6 August 2009)





Other posts in this blog most closely related to this topic:

On violence carried out by women and girls

Differing public response to partner violence depending on gender of victim

How men are portrayed … Haw Haw Haw! The jokes on us

Regarding the notion of ‘Ironic Misandry’

#HeForShe: Men pressed into service with nary a hint of ‘quid pro quo’

The last few years have seen a surge of social programs calling on men to step up to the line to perform some pledge or action for the womenfolk. These have been launched by government agencies, pro-feminist not-for-profits and various social media personalities. The foci of these demands for action have related mainly to sexual assault, domestic violence, and employment opportunity.

The #HeForShe hashtag/movement/thing was a reasonably high-profile example of such a campaign from the second half of 2014. The links below provide a small sampling of some of the other campaigns that have been and/or are now taking place:

One Billion Rising, A Call to Men#YouOKSisWhite Ribbon campaignPolished Man, Red my Lips, Beards Against Abuse, Walk a mile in her ShoesWhat Men Can Do, Men Stopping Violence, and #LeanInTogether

walkamileMale Champions of Change (also discussed herehere and here) is a home-grown campaign which has now spawned a ‘Female Champions of Change‘ program. And no, the latter campaign was not intended to provide a corresponding support network to champion the welfare of men. Beyond Australia there is a similar program known as Men Advocating Real Change (MARC), mentioned in this article.

Most of these campaigns have been packaged on the basis of selling a message to the broader community that feminists want to be inclusive and work with men to address shared issues of concern. Perhaps feminists realise they now have a serious image problem, having been stung into action by developments like the #WomenAgainstFeminism movement. The problem though is that beneath the shiny wrapping paper, the nature of the various campaigns runs contrary to any notions of equality, mutual respect or inclusiveness.

Firstly these campaigns all seem to be promoted on the basis of overstating men’s responsibility for both causing, and solving, each particular issue. At the same time they underplay or ignore the accountability of women in contributing to the problem, as well as their own responsibility in relation to undertaking any necessary remedial action.

There seems to be a fundamental hypocrisy associated with a movement that claims that women are strong and equal, yet continually demands that men step up to address women’s apparently helplessness in the face of real or imagined adversity.

Secondly, it is telling that no similar movements have been proposed or created by women to support men. In fact, there is no sense of reciprocity whatsoever. Nor is there even public acknowledgement that men might need or deserve similar recognition or support. And heaven help the women who dare to raise awareness of the need to help men & boys (example).

It is, in short, very much a one-way street. Given the many areas of relative disadvantage for men and boys this seems grossly inequitable. The underlying factor here is a culture of gynocentrism, explained here, here and here.

Thirdly, and in what must be a soul-destroying experience for the ‘white knights‘ who flutter around these campaigns like moths to a flame, many feminists resent men who openly support these campaigns. Do read this criticism, by a feminist journalist, of an admittedly  ludicrous initiative by male staff of the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.

And thus whilst we have one group of feminists demanding that men ‘help’ women, other feminists berate them for interfering in women’s issues and/or for seeking thanks/congratulations for being good. This is apparent, for example, in this Facebook post about a recent campaign known as ‘Red my Lips’ … peruse the bitter and angry comments by feminists and other ‘white knights’ directed at men behind the campaign – and men generally.

Change Makers, Indoctrination for Australian men seeking help in becoming a suitably compliant puppy in the workplace (December 2022) And no, there’s no equivalent training available for women.

The archly feminist domestic violence industry does next to nothing for the many male victims of domestic violence and yet males are being called upon to do more to help them (1 March 2020)

Aggrieved Entitlement – women’s reaction to temporary loss of chivalry, by Peter Wright (27 January 2019)

Why haven’t the men of Hollywood spoken up? (11 October 2017)

We Need Fraternity Men to Do a Lot More Than ‘Walk a Mile in Her Shoes’ (4 June 2017)

It’s not enough for men to turn up. They have to do the work, by Clementine Ford (13 March 2017)

Men can stop sex-trafficking (20 January 2017)

Why do so few men turn up to hear women speak? (10 March 2016) Australia. And of course no reciprocal expectation on women to attend events addressing male issues (unless to pull fire alarms and disrupt proceedings). See also my related blog post here.

She for He – Part 1 – Introduction (9 March 2016) Video by Canadian Association for Equality

Most disturbing of all are those instances where men are called upon to aid and abet the indoctrination of boys in feminist doctrine as discussed at ‘We must stop indoctrinating boys in feminist ideology‘ (20 July 2015)

Consider next the example of the uproar over University of Tasmania’s ‘women’s officer’ (8 April 2015) Isn’t this also #HeForShe? Why aren’t the women cheering this fellow? Here’s how this story ended – yeah feminism! Further discussion and readers comments here and here

If men owe women chivalry, what do women owe men? (30 November 2015)

NCFM Member Man Up asks Big Brothers Big Sisters of San Diego why they don’t ask women to women up? (25 October 2015)

The 30% Club is coming to Australia, but ‘men speaking for women’ may miss the point (9 March 2015)

Catering to men’s rights is not the point of feminism (15 October 2014) Now that’s telling us! Silly me, I always though feminist was about gender equality

Oh and this is rich. Actress Rose McGowan castigates gay men (“as misogynistic as straight men, or more so“) for not doing more to advance women’s rights in the middle East. More here

We have just seen Julien Blanc tossed out of Australia, a fellow that apparently makes a living running seminars on how to pick up women. I don’t support him or the whole PUA thing, but yet again I can’t help noticing that men were called upon to deal with him.

Still in Australia, ex-Governor-General Dame Quentin Bryce headed a Task Force on Family and Domestic Violence. Submissions to the Inquiry had just closed at the time this article appeared in the pro-feminist Guardian newspaper. It seems that those people who prepared submissions need not have bothered, as Quentin already knew that men were the problem and that the “the key drivers of change should be men and police“. That’s right ladies, no need to lift a finger, off you go and get yourselves a nice cup of tea whilst the menfolk cop all the blame plus the job of making things right.

Michelle Obama urges men at women’s summit to ‘be better’ (14 June 2016) Hmm, I wonder how she would feel if someone got up on a stage and urged black people to ‘be better’? But wait, don’t the klan do that already?

Ooh this is a bit funny naughty – feminists might go blind if they read this

The three reasons I don’t support feminist equality campaigns (13 December 2015)

Why the #YouOKSis “White Feather Campaign” failed … badly (11 December 2014)

White House calls on men to ‘step up’ in sexual assault prevention (19 September 2014) also here

Men have a special privilege of having to help women, I think we should check it (14 February 2015) Article and linked reddit discussion thread

Stella McCartney’s right: Women can use their ‘weakness’ as a form of strength (1 October 2014)

Finally, some blinding irony with the movement called ‘Men Speak Out‘  who “aim to engage men in the process of ending FGM and, on a larger scale, to end violence against women and promote gender equality through a human rights’ approach“. Bearing in mind, of course, the negligible level of interest/activity by feminists in ending the practice of involuntary male circumcision.


Specifically on Emma Watson and #HeForShe

Fans rush to Emma Watson’s defence after she’s branded a ‘hypocrite’ and a bad example of feminism for braless magazine cover (3 March 2017) Hypocrisy

Would any women here be interested in a ‘She for He’ campaign? Reddit discussion thread with further discussion here

The Reality of #GiveYourMoneyToWomen (31 May 2015)

Seven things Tony Abbott should start fixing now that he has joined HeforShe (4 March 2015)

Youtube video #1 concerning Emma Watson’s speech (23 September 2014)

Youtube video #2 concerning Emma Watson’s speech (23 September 2014)

Youtube video #3 concerning Emma Watson’s speech (23 September 2014) See feminist reaction in comments section

The five little words that betrayed Emma Watson, by Ally Fogg (23 September 2014)

Janet Bloomfield talks about #HeForShe (23 September 2014) YouTube video

Sorry, Privileged White Ladies, but Emma Watson isn’t a ‘Game Changer’ for Feminism (24 September 2014)

Resurgence of feminists soliciting for male allies (25 September 2014) Reddit mensrights discussion thread

Emma Watson leads the retreat for UN feminism (25 September 2014)

The UN’s risible #HeForShe campaign: Pointless self-flagellation for sex-starved beta males (25 September 2014)

Sorry, Emma Watson, but HeForShe is rotten for men (26 September 2014)

Four reasons I won’t be one of the men signing Emma Watson’s #HeForShe pledge (26 September 2014)

Stefan Molyneux on Youtube about Emma’s speech (29 September 2014)

Emma Watson and the future of feminism (6 October 2014)

#HeForShe was nicely summed up by ‘Mean0Dean0’ in a reddit discussion thread on the matter:

The very concept of “He For She” makes women look like helpless children. This isn’t even “She for She,” implying sisterhood and communal responsibility. This isn’t even “We For She,” which is one-sided and focused on a minority of victims of violence and social problems, but at least community-minded. “He For She” blatantly states that men have all the power (even when they don’t) and that women need men to do their work for them (even when THEY don’t).

It’s regressive and gender-traditionalist and feminist all in one, simultaneously telling women that they can be free to be doctors or lawyers or strippers on poles, so long as big strong men open up all the big heavy doors for them. It’s patronizing to women and insulting to men, and if a man had come up with the hashtag he would have been called out as a patriarchalist traditionalist chauvinist pig. “Let’s help out those less fortunate little ladies, eh guys? Guys???”

Emma Watson – classic hypocrisy (September 2014)

sheforhe heforshe

Elsewhere in this blog you might also be interested in:

Women are held accountable for … (say hello to the Teflon Gender)
‘Bristly Woman’ campaign launch
Good manners versus chivalry
I thought women were meant to be more empathetic?

The Big Picture

This post is a work-in-progress that comprises a collection of articles that deal with the ‘big picture’ – topics larger than specific men’s rights issues, … for example, about the ways society works now and in earlier times. Please feel free to suggest other worthy papers that might be included here.

Poll Findings: How Men Think The Political Parties View Them (25 September 2024)

On addressing mass migration (7 August 2024) Video

The Great Abdication (19 March 2023) Watching California – no, the entire west coast – slide down the toilet while the woke would rather discuss topics they found amongst their navel lint

AI campaigner says CEOs are ‘freaking out’ about rapid advancement as humanity approaches point of no return (29 May 2024)

The Global Gender Divide We Really Should Be Talking About (6 April 2024)

The violent gang crisis shaking Sweden (19 November 2023) Concerns the post-immigrant surge in violent behavior in Sweden.

Stephen J Shaw speaks with Jordan Peterson about falling birthrates (April 2023) Video entitled ‘The Epidemic that dare not speak its name’. See also the viewers comments (there’s already more than 10,000 of them)

Video of Ray Bradbury talking about space travel and theology

Video showing Konstantin Kisin speaking about the ‘woke’ phenomenon (January 2023)

Women Are Disproportionately Hurting Our Country (30 August 2022)

Authoritarianism gets women hot, by Lillian Andrews (30 March 2022)

The data are clear: The boys are not all right (8 February 2022)

Alarmist Gatekeeping by Dr Debbie Garratt (12 August 2020)

How will history treat the Coronavirus lockdown? with Prof Denis Rancourt (28 April 2020) Video

Love Drugs: The Chemical Future of Relationships (January 21, 2020)

Jordan Peterson on 12 Rules for Life (17 January 2018) Video. How can a society that produces a guy like this also produce feminists – feminists of the type that feature elsewhere in this blog?

#MeToo jumps another shark, by Cathy Young (29 January 2020) USA

Gynocentrism and the demographic implosion of western civilisation (25 November 2019)

How feminism destroyed the family (17 February 2019)

What would be really ‘awesome’ is if women could do something original without relying on removing men from an existing ‘awesomeness’ or assimilating Male Space to do something worth recognising. That would be awesome ladies; this is just a weak contrivance” (8 February 2019) A Tweet by Rollo Tomassi that appealed to me

#MenToo: Defending Dartmouth’s Todd Heatherton (21 November 2018) USA

Male authority – Be a “Man”, by Rollo Tomassi (13 November 2018)

The Coddling of the American Mind (19 September 2018) Video regarding free speech with interview conducted by Jordan Peterson

The Myth of the Alpha Female, by Rollo Tomassi (12 August 2018)

A Comprehensive Look at Gender Equality: Taking On The Institute For Women’s Policy Research (20 April 2018)

Why Are Millennials Wary of Freedom? (14 October 2017)

Jordan Peterson – why few women are in positions of power (3 March 2017) Video

MTV & the death of social justice (21 December 2016) Video

We believe  – doing violence to due process (18 October 2016)

Sisters need to get out of privilege bubble (16 November 2016) Australia. Related Reddit discussion thread here.

The curious power of hate propaganda in open societies (24 October 2016) An otherwise interesting and valid article compromised by its inference that the tactics it describes are only employed by the conservative right.

Fake hate crimes in the USA This regularly updated database may or may not be symptomatic of a ‘big issue’ but it is significant and I couldn’t think of anywhere else to stick it.

By making misogyny a crime, we are sleepwalking into tyranny (13 September 2016)

Why Women destroy nations/civilizations – and other uncomfortable truths (17 February 2016) Video

The two linked articles that follow concern the work of Dr Adam Perkins, who wrote a book called ‘The Welfare Trait’ (reviewed here). Adam is an academic who set out to remedy a problem with no intention of pandering to political correctness. I could have put these in either my ‘fudging the figures’ post or my ‘censorship’ post, but as the underlying issue is broader than feminism, I decided to place them here instead:

I was no-platformed by student ‘radicals’ for telling the truth about welfare (24 February 2016) and Persecution of Scientists Whose Findings Are Perceived As Politically Incorrect (16 February 2016)

On the same theme as the above is ‘Is crime genetic? Scientists don’t know because they’re afraid to ask’ (6 March 2016)

The Totalitarian Doctrine of ‘Social Justice Warriors’, by Cathy Young (2 February 2016) USA

Gynocentrism – the heart of what MGTOW fights (12 August 2014) Video

Let’s put the brakes on this growing trend of government by wacky cause, by Bettina Arndt (30 January 2016) Australia

The Real Victims of Victimhood (26 December 2015)

Rex Murphy: University administrators and real professors should take note: every brain needs a spine (14 November 2015)

State benefits negatively affect personality – here’s how (9 November 2015) This isn’t about gender but rather how research/researchers are now shunned if they dare to explore topics that are new/dear to the hearts of liberal progressives/SJW. Adam Perkins was subject to harsh criticism and exclusion (example) because he dared to examine how the welfare state is not just supporting but growing the number of unemployable people.

The Men’s Movement — why there is so much to gain from “the left” (26 January 2016) An article for everyone who’se tempted to paint everything bad in the world as being ‘left wing’

What is a Social Justice Warrior? (6 October 2015)

How to stop mass shootings (2 October 2015)

Where microaggressions really come from: A sociological account (7 September 2015) On the emerging culture of victimhood

Pleasure-seeking vs. relationships (1 September 2015)

Full response from traditional marriage advocate, Katy Faust (20 August 2015) Australia

Because we’re worth it – How and why lofty ideologies cohabit with rampant corruption (12 July 2014)

The real ‘Everyday Sexism’ is against men (24 March 2015) and related reddit mensrights discussion thread

Is it time that Britain had a Minister for Men? (23 March 2015)

Social inequality’s deepening roots, by George Will (20 March 2015)

Everything is problematic (24 November 2014) A woman reflects on her days as a rad-fem

I can tolerate anything except the outgroup (30 September  2014)

Social Justice Warriors, Jihadists and Neo-Nazis: Constructing identities disregarding facts (6 September 2014)

Men and boys and the ethical demand for social justice by Samuel Vincent Jones (2014)

Making women happy by Diana Davison and John Hembling (10 August 2014)

Breaking the pendulum: TradCons versus Feminists (Dean Esmay, 26 March 2014)

The Trouble with Traditionalism (19 August 2014)

Gynocentrism (MasculistFeminist)

Modern Feminism, Social Justice Warriors and the American Ideal of Freedom (18 August 2014)

Is America the greatest country in the world? (26 June 2012) Video

In-depth: How We Waded Into The Sexual Harassment Quagmire — And How to Wade Out: One Man’s View (11 December 2011) Recommended reading from a big-picture viewpoint

Why women do not wish the suffrage (September 1903) UK (related tweet)


Bring back our girls! (The ‘Empathy Gap’ & The ‘Disposable Male’)

If any further proof was needed that a male life was worth less than a female life, then the global media furore surrounding the activities of Boko Haram provides us with just that proof.

‘Bring back our girls’ indeed. Whilst not wishing to detract from the terrible tragedy of the kidnapped schoolgirls, the associated media coverage raises serious questions about the media’s blindness to the abuse and murder of enormous numbers of boys by both this and similar groups in Africa. Indeed most media coverage of the issues makes no mention of harm done to boys and men at all, see for example this article.

A journalist from the Wall Street Journal, Drew Hinshaw, recently did an online Q&A during which he ignored questions about why the WSJ had made no mention of the harm done to boys/men by Boko Haram. Can’t say? Won’t say? Don’t care?

Yes, you have to search on google (e.g. “what about the boys Boko Haram”) to find the few articles that have been published which actually address all those missing/killed/abused males – see thisthis, thisthisthis and this.


In our next example let’s move to Europe. In the 2004 paper entitled Gendercide in Kosovo, author Adam Jones investigates gendercide of men in Bosnia by excluding men:


See also:

Pro-female and anti-male biases are more influential than race and other factors in Implicit Association Tests (27 March 2023)

Are all missing persons female? (17 March 2022) USA

17 killed in multiple Boko Haram suicide bombings in Nigeria (12 July 2017) Doesn’t conform to the prevailing gynocentric narrative? = mainstream media silence

Girls killed in shelter fire are the latest victims of Guatemala’s war on women (27 March 2017)

Mojgan belongs to one of the world’s most oppressed groups, and Dutton wants to send her home, by Ruby Hamad (15 March 2017) Australia

Where is the data showing that people are more likely to help a woman than a man (18 January 2017) Reddit discussion thread

Chattanooga School Bus Driver in Fatal Crash Involved in Collision 2 Months Ago (22 November 2016)

“Four of the five were girls”

Defining, Demonstrating, & Understanding Male Disposability (30 September 2016)

Women are being traded as slaves on WhatsApp – here’s how the UN can act (8 September 2016) Article acknowledges men/boys also enslaved, so what’s with the title?

Boko Haram kidnapped 10,000 boys and the world remained silent (16 August 2016)

Social experiment: Who gets given more money in public? Homeless man or hot looking woman (August 2016) Youtube Video

Men get cancer too, but … whatever

Gynocentrism 2.0, compassion, and choice: The underlying root of men’s issues (31 August 2016)

If a boy, a girl, a cat and a dog were abandoned in a park who would be rescued first? Social experiment tests the reactions of passersby… and the results may surprise you (20 August 2016)

The 10,000 Kidnapped Boys of Boko Haram (12 August 2016) See also here

Iconic Australian charity changes its name to ‘Ourtown’ in 2016 after 55 years as ‘Boystown’, as explained by them and as announced in a media article

The empathy gap is shockingly real (9 November 2014)

Boko Haram gendercide: A Vote of no confidence in the United Nations (9 June 2014) (Note there is no mention of “men” or “boys” … when bad things happen to males then gender-neutral terms are used (e.g. “villagers” or “people” or “vigilantes”)

Mexico mass grave found near Iguala (5 October 2014) No mention of the gender of the murdered students (yes, they were all male)

White House continues to pander to feminists/ignore male victims (8 July 2014)

Feminism and the disposable male (‘A Girl Writes What’ video)



At least 19 dead and 50 injured in the concert explosion that Australian feminist Jane Caro refers to, but apparently the welfare of teenage girls is paramount. jumped the bandwagon with ‘The Bombing at a Manchester Ariana Grande Show Was an Attack on Girls and Women‘ (22 May 2017). Then many others followed suit, including ‘Manchester bombing was a hate crime against women and girls‘ and ‘Islamists’ hatred of women and gays can’t be allowed to stand‘ (26 May 2017)

After Manchester: The cowardice of feminists (25 May 2017) This article sums up my feelings about the feminist response quite well.

Karen Straughan in The Red Pill on Boko Haram (17 May 2017) Video

Why Did Kidnapping Girls, but Not Burning Boys Alive, Wake Media Up to Boko Haram? (7 May 2014)

Related posts within this blog

Regarding gender reversal and sexist double-standards
About feminism & feminist antipathy towards issues faced by men
Persistent pro-feminist and anti-male bias in the mainstream media
How men are portrayed … Haw Haw Haw! The jokes on us
Discrimination against males in the context of humanitarian agencies/causes
On respect and privilege