Public events & domestic violence myth

Feminists claim a strong link between televised football and/or major sports events such as the U.S Superbowl to sudden (alleged) surges in the incidence of domestic violence.

Given however that the media repeats the same theme in various western countries on a fairly regular basis, I have decided that it merits its own post here. But don’t take my word for it, just try word-searching on google, twitter, etc, using terms like ‘World Cup domestic violence’ or ‘Super Bowl domestic violence’ to find examples such as those listed below.

To start the ball rolling let’s begin by reading ‘Does most domestic violence occur on Super Bowl Sunday?‘ (7 September 2001), and then move on to ‘The World Cup Abuse Nightmare‘, by Christina Hoff Sommers (10 July 2010)

More recently, look at ‘The dark truth behind England football and the ‘high stakes’ on and off the pitch‘ (12 July 2024)

Then take a look at this June 2024 online fund-raiser from feminist organisation Women’s Aid:

“The Euros should be a source of entertainment and joy for us all – the chance to unite in support of our national team, whether you’re a football lover or just enjoy the excitement that a big tournament like this brings.

Sadly, for countless women up and down the country this is not the case. In fact it’s quite the opposite – they feel alone and fearful.
For women and children experiencing domestic abuse tournaments like these can put them at even greater risk.”
Football will hopefully be coming home, but for too many women after the game, their abuser is coming home.

See too this November 2022 tweet, again from @WomensAid:

As we get ready for #EnglandVsUSA to kick off, let’s not forget the many women who will be filled with fear tonight. Football doesn’t cause #DomesticAbuse but it can trigger existing abuse. #HesComingHome #WorldCup” (and here’s a parallel MRA thread)

Is it time to stop men congregating in groups? (18 May 2024)

“In the 12-hour window from 6pm to 6am on a State of Origin game night, women and children in NSW are almost 40 per cent more likely to become the victims of domestic violence, according to research from the Foundation for Alcohol Abuse and Education.”

‘Surviving the Battle of Britain, The World Cup and domestic violence, Buckfast and arrests in Scotland’. A BBC video that confirmed that domestic abuse statistics are grossly exaggerated by feminists (30 September 2018)

Warnings of family violence spike on grand final weekend, concerns about those stuck in lockdown‘ (24 September 2021)

Family violence set to skyrocket on New Year’s Eve‘ (31 December 2020)

This weekend, Australia will become a more dangerous place for women‘ (22 October 2020) Australia, and ‘Reports of family violence spike during footy finals. Player, leaders & fans can do something about it‘ (19 October 2020) Australia

Further Australian variants of the same hoax include this 2014 article and another about the NSW State of Origin (2018)

I used to think the Melbourne Cup was as wholesome as … well … whatever. But oh, no! Here’s a sample of relevant articles that suggest otherwise:

This Melbourne Cup, alcohol and sport collide. Forget the horses. It’s domestic violence we should be watching for (1 November 2022)

Our Watch CEO: Keeping women safe is crucial ahead of next week (1 November 2019), Families not the winners on Cup day, and Melbourne Cup alcohol and domestic violence

Take a look at ‘Today, as many celebrate, Australia becomes a more dangerous place for women and children‘ (5 November 2019) for the unconvincing ‘proof’ of alleged jumps in domestic violence.

Then there’s ‘Domestic violence services brace for calls as some men take out their footy finals frustration‘ (20 September 2019) And take a look at Twitter to see how many feminist groups and White Knights are trumpeting this misandrist fable.

And here’s a couple of 2018 World Cup articles (example 1 / example 2)

Searches related to domestic violence spiked during both World Cup semi-finals (14 July 2018)

The Two Englands (12 July 2018)

Manager of Newtown pub fired for ‘joking’ about violence against women (19 July 2018)

But wait, a variation on the theme – it is alleged that people (men, of course) are more inclined to beat their partners after natural disasters. The ‘proof’ offered is (you’ll never guess!) calls for assistance from alleged female victims of abuse, offered up by staff of feminist agencies/NGO’s with a vested interest in any bumps in call volume. 

Media Complicity in the Feminist Domestic Abuse Crusade (3 September 2024)

Feminist firefighter flak backfires, by Bettina Arndt (2022)

Andrew Dadley: Firefighter cleared of Christmas party rape (9 November 2021) In society might one thing might lead to another? In this case, a man being potentially subjected to a serious false accusation.

Domestic violence soars after natural disasters. Preventing it needs to be part of the emergency response (27 January 2021) 

Feminists Slander Australian Firefighters and All Men – The Fiamengo File Episode 114 (6 February 2020)

Bushfires: Agencies report post-natural disaster spike in domestic violence incidents (6 February 2020)

The Hidden Disaster: Violence in the Aftermath of Natural Disaster‘ (2013).

NSW, Sydney, QLD bushfire updates: Fury after activist links firefighters to domestic violence‘ (13 November 2019)

And next thing you know it is claimed that climate change is also a trigger for increasing level of domestic violence against women. Google search on ‘domestic violence climate change’ (for example) for more on this topic:

How climate change impacts gender-based violence and harassment at work (7 August 2024)

Temperature and intimate partner violence (30 November 2023)

Some words of wisdom from the Australian Ambassador for Women (28 June 2022) “The consequences of climate change can exacerbate the risk of sexual & gender-based violence, especially those facing intersecting forms of discrimination including Indigenous women & girls” (video) Note that unapproved readers cannot lodge comments – now a common trends amongst feminists on social media.

More floods in October 2022, and the predictable response from the domestic violence industry (in this case, Family Safety Victoria). 

Domestic violence spike expected in flood-ravaged northern NSW (23 March 2022)

First come floods, then domestic violence. We need to prepare for the next inevitable crisis (10 March 2022) “Domestic violence rates surge during and after bushfires, pandemics, earthquakes, cyclones and floods.” Of course we had to include floods … so topical at the moment. And even a link to some research. What’s the bet that if I consulted Dr Google that I’d find that some/all of the authors were feminists? Feminist story-tellers perhaps? And we know how professional and unbiased feminist research is, now don’t we?

The cost of climate change on women and girls internationally is dire (27 February 2020)

Climate breakdown ‘is increasing violence against women’ (30 January 2020)

Why climate change fuels violence against women (28 January 2020)

(Update 1 April 2020: Now not only are firemen labelled as likely domestic abusers, but according to state government Minister Lisa Neville, so too are recreational/sporting shooters. Don’t bother asking the date of the last time that a licensed firearm user was convicted of a DV-related murder in Victoria. You know she’s right)

Oh, and did I mention cold weather? (9 January 2014) or hurricanes? (July 2012)

The most recent variation on this theme are media statements regarding the real and imagined effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the incidence of domestic violence. This topic is addressed in this other blog post.

And finally, see further information relevant to this topic in another of my blog posts entitled ‘Fudging the figures to support the feminist narrative‘.




When men have a daughter (another tale of male-blaming and silencing)

At the time of writing the Weinstein affair remains an ongoing and evolving media phenomenon. The hypocrisy of this one does my head in.

Imagine … All men being demonised for being the same gender as the alleged perpetrator at the centre of a major scandal. Men offer comments supportive of female victims of sexual harassment, and condemnatory of male perpetrators, but are dismissed or even shamed for doing so. Meanwhile other men are shamed for not commenting.

Men subseqently re-frame/qualify their thoughts/feelings in the light of well-publicised research – research that proposes that men understand and empathise with women better when they have sisters, wives and daughters. Men are then shamed on the basis that their amended and qualified message of support doesn’t treat women as humans.

Men, the beasts that they are, just can’t seem to say or do the right thing.

Women are a different kettle of fish. It goes without saying that nowhere, nowhere are they responsible. For anything. Not for being victims or alleged victims. Not for helping Harvey trick/lure women into private meetings in hotel rooms (their excuse). Not for willingly following the casting-couch route to financial rewards. Not for remaining silent when they knew what was going on, in many cases accepting payment for doing so. And absolutely not, for they themselves harassing others.

Note that I have addressed the topic of harassment in the workplace in another blog post. This current post is more about feminist shaming, bitterness and hypocrisy set against the backdrop of the media furore surrounding Harvey Weinstein’s real and alleged misbehaviour.

Feminists have long been telling men – even feminist men – that they have no legitimate right to talk about feminism, or about specific topics that they (feminists) consider to be women’s issues. They typically assert that men have no understanding of women’s lived experience, and have nothing worthwhile to contribute. Here’s a recent Australian example.

As a consequence men are most reluctant to offer up public comment on such matters. This situation is addressed in the following blog posts:

Beware the ire of an angry feminist
Nice guys, nice guys™ and the friendzone
A feminist laments: “Why do so few men turn up to hear women speak?”
Karen Straughan and others on feminist shaming tactics

The media informs us however that men move one rung up the ladder when they have wives and/or daughters. See for yourself – just do a google search using terms such as “when men have a daughter” or “men change after having daughter”. Year in and year out, article after article based on this assertion:

Why the best words a dad can hear are… It’s a girl! (7 June 2017)
Men Really Do Get Less Sexist When They Have Daughters (3 June 2017)

This is the backdrop to the emergence of the Weinstein affair. Or at least the October 2017 version thereof. Because, as we are finding out more each day, plenty of people were ‘in the know’ before now.

The first development after the publication of the initial allegations was men being blamed for not speaking out against Harvey Weinstein. See for example:

Hollywood men silent over Weinstein allegations as women speak out (11 October 2017), with a later contribution being … Men who are silent after #MeToo: it’s time to speak up (20 October 2017)

Sure enough, after being given what they assumed to be the media’s ‘green light’ to enter the debate, more men spoke out to condemn Weinstein and/or to condemn the problem of sexual harassment generally.

Thus the next wave of outrage was in relation to men speaking out against Weinstein, especially those mentioning that they were motivated to do so, in part, because they had wives/daughters. Some examples of the media coverage include:

You don’t need to be a father to stand up to abusers. You need to believe women (13 October 2017)

Some questions for the “Fathers of daughters” condemning Harvey Weinstein (13 October 2017)

Men don’t need to have daughters to be concerned about women (13 October 2017)

People Are Dragging Men Who Say They Care About Rape Culture Because They Have A Daughter (12 October 2017)

Does any reasonable person seriously believe that men referencing the girls/women in their lives meant women any disrepect? Think of any other instance where this ‘logic’ has been proposed, because I can’t. I can think, for example of discussions regarding childhood disability or illness whereby parents comment along the lines of “as a parent of a child with autism …“. Were those parents insinuating that their autistic kids were less than human?

Then there was the push-back against the push-back. Men are mostly guilty and should do more to stop themselves and their brothers, including but not limited to public self-flagellation:

Dear Men: It’s you, too (19 October 2017) by Roxane Gay & attracting 1,397 readers comments

How men can help after Weinstein and #MeToo (22 October 2017)

“After the flood of #MeToo posts, critics charged that the hashtag continues to put the onus on victims to speak up while letting men off the hook. In response, some have shared lists of tips on how men can stop this behaviour from flourishing.”

And to remove any doubt about who’s wearing the pants in this debate, the usual feminist voices pressed long and hard on the ‘all men are responsible’ button:

It’s not the job of “Hollywood women” to ‘fix’ sexual harassment (12 October 2017)

The men who kept Harvey Weinstein’s secrets safe are all around us (11 October 2017)

Harvey Weinstein Scandal: Men In Hollywood Staying Silent? | The View (10 October 2017) Video. Reddit discussion thread here

Oh, and for any other men who dared offer an opinion, because “… some people – and more particularly, men – seem to think that it’s not the feelings of the alleged victims that matter. No, it’s actually their feelings that are important.”

Men of Hollywood – don’t make this Harvey Weinstein situation about you (13 October 2017)

‘Cancel the Christmas party’: 2017’s the year of the ‘confused’ man (16 November 2017) Rather than working with men to resolve confusion about what constitutes appropriate behaviour, feminist journo prefers to mock for what she sees as a weak ‘excuse’. Anything but helpful.

As is usually the case, any rebuttal was muted and provided by male-positive writers like Martin Daubney and Kathy Gyngell:

This #MeToo witch-hunt will destroy women’s happiness (23 October 2017)

Weinstein’s actions are revolting – but don’t tell me all men are to blame (11 October 2017)

So male voices were silenced again and the debate wrested back into the hands of feminists/liberals satisfying their ongoing imperative to control the narrative. But things didn’t entirely go their way, as derailments followed (and continue to this day), namely:

Articles highlighting the hypocrisy of the Hollywood democrat/leftist elite in turning the backs for so long, and regarding Harvey Weinstein as an archtypical nice guy & supporter of feminism, for example:

“Weinstein, the reports noted, had been a prominent donor to causes that address gender inequality, especially in the entertainment industry” (Source)

Harvey Weinstein and Feminism (19 October 2017)

Watch When Barbara Walters and The View Coverup For Harvey Weinstein Types (15 October 2017)

Jane Fonda: I knew about Weinstein, and I’m ‘ashamed’ I didn’t say anything (12 October 2017)

Ah but of course the feminist lobby will never admit weakness or fault, so their strategy here is to double-down on their ongoing ‘feminist men aren’t feminists’ offensive (example, with more in the opening section of this blog post).

Articles highlighting the elements of dog-piling, misandry, vengeance and hysteria that is occurring, for example:

#MeToo: A moral panic about men (18 October 2017)

Male Victim Erasure and Backlash in #MeToo Campaign (17 October 2017)

The hysteria in the Harvey Weinstein scandal (12 October 2017)

Finally, I note that mention has yet to be made of sexual harassment perpetrated by influential women. There has, however, been some limited and peripheral acknowledgement of the harassment of men/boys by men:

Corey Feldman celebrates ‘turning of the tide’ on Hollywood sex abuse (17 October 2017)

Hollywood’s Other ‘Open Secret’ Besides Harvey Weinstein: Preying on Young Boys (16 October 2017)

Weinstein saga leads James Van Der Beek to share personal story of sexual harassment (12 October 2017)

Actor Terry Crews recalls being sexually assaulted by Hollywood exec (11 October 2017)

In closing, Cathy Young has written an excellent article that touches on a number of the issues mentioned above.

See also:

Paul Elam’s take on this topic from a Red Pill perspective
This piece by Gideon Scopes entitled ‘Rethinking Gender, Sexuality and Violence’, This article by D.C MacAllister in the The Federalist

Women in politics fear #MeToo moment will backfire — and they’ll be the ones punished (12 December 2017)

A panic is not an answer: We’re at imminent risk of turning this #metoo moment into a frenzied rush to blame all men (26 November 2017) by Christina Hoff Summers

Kathy Gyngell: The silence of the males (13 November 2017)

Knee-touching MPs? I took advantage of men to get ahead at Westminster: By Spectator columnist MELISSA KITE, who admits flirting shamelessly to get scoops (14 November 2017)

The #MeToo sexual harassment hysteria is a pretext for women to take power and money from men (21 December 2017)

Other posts in this blog related to this topic include:

Don’t look at me! No wait. Look at me!
Girls showing their bits = empowerment? patriarchal exploitation? self-indulgence? other?
#HeForShe: Men pressed into service with nary a hint of ‘quid pro quo’
Nice guys, nice guys™ and the friendzone
On Gender Traitors, White Knights and Manginaso

A few observations in relation to yet another article critical of men

The mainstream media is awash with articles infused with anti-male bias. Indeed after being conditioned through decades of exposure to this material, most people accept what they are told. In comparison to most of those articles, the focus of this post regarding alleged male risk-taking behaviour is admittedly rather benign. Indeed, if taken at face-value it appears to be sympathetic to the welfare of men & boys.

Examined more closely however the article reflects the contrasting and hypocritical manner in which the media addresses men’s & women’s issues.

The same day I noticed this article I came across another in a similar vein. That article mocks men in relation to another trait associated with masculinity – demonstrating protective behaviour towards women.

No there is nothing controversial about shaming men – just men – about pretty much anything nowadays. That’s kind of my point. And the article isn’t so much about “asking why“, but telling us why … apparently men are foolish.

And oddly, whilst this is an article about men’s behaviour, it begins with an account of the drowning of a 23 month old toddler. This seems to infer that even very young boys are dying due to masculinity-induced recklessness. Presumably female toddlers are more careful.

As the article is relatively brief, I’ll provide it here in its entirety:

Drownings blamed on men’s risky behaviour‘ (The Australian, 30 December 2016)

“The twin brother pulled unconscious from a Sydney swimming pool has died three days after his sister, in what has been described as a “deeply disturbing” week for water deaths.

Charli and Robbi Manago, 23 months, had been fighting for life in The Children’s Hospital at Westmead since they were found in their family’s pool around 7pm on December 20. The hospital last night confirmed Robbi had died.

His death takes the number of coastal and inland waterway fatalities since Sunday to 11. Nine of the dead were men.

Experts say a deadly cocktail of conditions — male bravado, consistent warm weather, and a poor understanding of water dangers — has led to the deaths.

As police and volunteers return to Sydney’s Maroubra Beach to find the body of missing teenager Tui Gallaher and search a Wagga river in the south of NSW for a 42-year-old man, experts have warned people not to overestimate their abilities.

Between 80 and 90 per cent of drowning victims are male, according to recent figures.

Four people died on Boxing Day, including 60-year-old Geoffrey Blackadder, who died trying to save young relatives from a rip on the NSW north coast, and 25-year-old Amine Hamza, who died after swimming with friends at Bents Basin in Sydney’s west.

“It’s deeply disturbing. Men are more likely to overestimate their swimming ability and underestimate how dangerous conditions are,” said Justin Scarr, chief executive at the Royal Life -Saving Society Australia.

“Men are more likely to swim in locations away from lifeguards and crowds, and they’re also more likely to consume ­alcohol.””

As you can see, the premise of the article is that substantially more men die from drowning due to those men taking excessive and presumably avoidable risks.

May I ask you, when was the last time you saw a headline “X blamed on women’s risky behaviour”? Where ‘X’ might have been death/rape/injury/cosmetic surgery/whatever. 1965? That’s because journalists know that when they discuss any such situations they must, at all costs, avoid be called-out for ‘victim-blaming’. And yet the same consideration is not on offer when men are the victims. Gender equality when it suits?

The assertion that drowning deaths result from men taking undue risks appears unproven. The examples of swimming outside the flags and drinking are provided, although neither of these behaviours are exclusive to men.

There are other possible explanations for a gender variation in deaths, particularly the likelihood that men venture into the water more often, and for longer periods, than do women. Clearly those who don’t go to the beach, or who lie on their towels 95% of the time, are less likely to drown in the ocean.

All outdoor activities have some degree of inherent risk, i.e. they are all “risky”. Given that men are significantly more likely than women to participate in almost all forms of outdoor recreation, they are clearly more likely to be injured or killed participating in such activities. One of the few exceptions is netball, a sport recognised as having a low risk of drowning.

If a significant number of drowning deaths were due to medical emergencies then it would make more sense to focus on men’s health, than male shaming. It is likely that some of the male drowning deaths were also the result of men attempting to rescue others.

For the purpose of this discussion let’s concede that “risky behaviour” (to be defined) may indeed result in more men drowning than women. And of course it would be preferable that those tragedies not occur. But before rushing to judgement let’s also consider the issue of risk-taking by men in a broader context.

Men tend to take more risks than women, and this risk-taking results in a range of both positive and negative impacts on society. On the positive side I would go so far as to propose that risk-taking by men has been and continues to be the powerhouse of civilisation.

Need someone to step forward to defend a woman being attacked? Men are expected to step forward, and are shamed if they do not. Need someone to defend a country from attack? Ditto.

In Australia 97% of workplace deaths involve men – around 175 people in 2016. Men working in dangerous and unpleasant jobs that women generally won’t accept. Where is the outrage about the risks these men take in providing necessary services to the community?

Based on media coverage, or lack thereof, it would appear that men taking risks in the name of chivalry, industry and national service is acceptable if not expected. In contrast, men taking risks during their leisure hours is unacceptable and worthy of negative media attention.

Men don’t deserve to be shamed for exhibiting the trait of risk-taking, nor for choosing not to do so. In fact greater recognition that male risk-taking more often benefits society would seem appropriate.

Sure there will be times when some men deserve a thoughtful journalistic rap over the knuckles, but this should not be the default position. Similarly there are times when women’s behaviour merits a commensurate sanction. At the moment however women are rarely subject to criticism, are encouraged to take risks, and the blame for any negative repercussions more often placed at the feet of men.

It’s time everyone got on the same page with gender equality, and recognised that there should be one standard to which we are all held. And that support and empathy should be consistently applied and gender-blind. Anything less will see more of the same unfortunate and divisive gender bias that now permeates the mainstream media.

See also:

Reader posts in a related Reddit discussion thread here

Former senior judge Richard Gee latest to die in summer drowning tragedy (3 January 2016)

Further related blog posts that may be of interest include:

On chivalry

Persistent pro-feminist and anti-male bias in the mainstream media

On masculinity and ‘real men’

How men are portrayed … Haw Haw Haw! The jokes on us

Women are held accountable for … (say hello to the Teflon Gender)

Men do more of most things … get a target painted on their backs

On being male or female (incl. innate differences, stereotyping and so on)

Gender reversal: This article on employee injury/death would have taken a different line were the victims female

The article I want to discuss in this post is If you don’t have a beer you’re not a man’ – rural workplaces made more dangerous by drugs and alcohol, by feminist academic Julaine Allan.

The author begins by pointing out the high levels of death/injury that occur in the farming, forestry and mining sectors. These are of course sectors which feature an overwhelmingly male workforce.

The author states that a high level of substance abuse is associated with the relevant employees and workplaces, and that this is a contributing factor in the incidence of workplace death/injury. Further, she notes that the relevant workplaces tend to be harsh, lonely and isolated, and that this might encourage substance abuse by way of people seeking relief.

Well that’s all reasonable enough, but then the author goes further and implies (as is evident from the title) that masculinity is a major factor behind the worrying statistics.

No, not the fact that the work being undertaken is inherently dangerous, and carried out in challenging environments. Nope, she sheets home a significant portion of the blame to men, both individually and collectively.

It’s at this point that I’m thinking, “hey, if this was about deaths/injuries in a female-dominated sector, I think the emphasis might be quite a bit different.” Even assuming female staff also demonstrated behaviour that elevated their level of exposure to risk.

I’m struggling to think of a suitable analogy. Perhaps if we run with the situation of the many women working in nursing or education in isolated areas. For the purpose of this discussion assume are likewise affected by high rates of injury, as indeed might well be the case. Can you imagine a male researcher suggesting that their femininity was a contributing factor to deaths or injuries? Because I can’t.

No, more likely, instead of victim-blaming there would be terms used like gender death gap, and a discussion of broader social forces and how these contributed to the situation. The thing that annoys me most about this article is what seems to be an unstated acceptance that doing this type of work is mens lot in life, and that this somehow renders discussion of the ‘big-picture’ redundant.

But back to men working in farming, forestry and mining. Given that the author has chosen to play the gender card, then why not discuss why the dirty and dangerous jobs are still left to men. And why the men took those jobs, whether it be to support families in the face of very limited employment opportunities for people of the relevant demographic. Note that this problem has been exaccerbated by the feminist push to have more women enter/return to the workforce. And what of the single men? Perhaps working in high-risk roles represents their only chance to accumulate assets needed to attract a wife in a era of rampant hypergamy.

Perhaps if they introduced gender quotas in these sectors then maybe the resultant mixed workforce might ameliorate these factors, at least a little. At the very least it would share the deaths/injuries more evenly between the genders. But heck no, a feminist suggesting gender quotas to encourage women into uncomfortable/unpleasant jobs? As if! A little too much gender equality for that idea to ever fly.

So no, rather than taking an empathetic and holist view of the matter, the author opts to take a free kick for feminism and paints a simplistic ‘boys being boys’ motif.

These are men dying or being maimed, to supply products that create the comfortable environment in which feminists can drink $6 lattes whilst bemoaning invented elements of a mythical patriarchy.

And now these are men dying or being maimed as fodder for the feminist machine. A half page in ‘The Conversation‘, and perhaps a well-paid gig for some ideologically-sound marketing company (think, ‘awareness’ campaign).

This article would have been so much better were the author enough of a professional to either avoid the gratuitous addition of gender politics, or to provide a more complete and unbiased account of men doing the best they can under the circumstances they find themselves in. And with this more fulsome account concluding with a road map to a better place for both the men in question, and their families.


On masculinity and ‘real men’

Hyper-masculinity? Toxic-masculinity? What is this masculinity thing that is painted as such a blight on society?

Why is there is never any mention of toxic femininity when (to varying extents) many of the same issues apply? Just look at my posts on for example, female violence, lack of empathy, sexual abuse by women, and damseling and the shameless exploitation of male chivalry.

The articles below all address the concept of masculinity, alternately either from a feminist, egalitarian, MHRA or another alternate position:

Masculinity isn’t toxic, it’s the tonic society needs. An interview with therapist, Professor Miles Groth (27 October 2023)

Fears for Australian women as more die allegedly at the hands of young men and experts speak out (16 April 2024) Hey, let’s ignore the men and boys killed, the growing perpetration of abuse committed by women, and in fact any thought of holding women accountable … for anything

Helping young men to have healthy, respectful relationships (25 October 2023) Australian Federal Government media release. Another $3.5 million down the feminist toilet

Landmark research study finds clear evidence of pro-women/anti-men bias (28 September 2023)

In praise of heroic masculinity (30 August 2023)

The Best Way to Find Out If Someone Is a Trump Voter? Ask Them What They Think About Manhood (14 July 2023) Written by Katelyn Fossett

Andrew Tate’s Career as the Baddest Boy on the Internet Might Be Over (16 January 2023)

This man really knows how to deal with kids playing on the driveway (3 July 2022) Video

The words Will Smith didn’t need to say in his latest apology (2 April 2022) The female journalist implores readers to go easy on Will (for many reasons as listed).  The journalist uses the term ‘toxic masculinity’ but then states that “In no way, shape or form did Smith’s actions harm the people attending the Oscars, or anyone watching at home.” Whilst it’s rare to see people being asked to show empathy for men, what’s the bet that it’s only happening here because Will is perceived to have ‘done it for a woman’? #WhiteKnight

Will Smith, we don’t need men to protect us’ (28 March 2022) Meanwhile, in real life and starting immediately after Will Smith hit Chris Rock, the media began exposing women stating things like “Gee, I wish I had a man to protect me like that!” #EyeFlutter

The tragedy of modern love (25 July 2022)

Men love women more than women love men (22 July 2022)

Gender Self-Confidence as a Protective Factor for Suicide Risk: Analysis of the Sample of Lithuanian Men (23 May 2022)

Buy a real shaver – Jeremy’s razors (22 March 2022) Video satire, though meaningful

Oh but men commit 95% of all violence, blah blah blah (18 March 2022) Some real stats about the prevalence of male violence

‘Just part of everyday cowboy life!’ Hero dad, 40, who saved his son, 18, from raging bull at Texas rodeo says he was just ‘glad he was there to protect him’ (2 March 2022)

How much do you know about male psychology? (2022) Video

A Philosopher ponders ‘What Do Men Want?’ Insights and quotations from Nina Power’s book (14 February 2022) Book review

‘Dehumanizing the male’. Another book review (2 December 2021)

When did traditional masculinity become toxic? (25 November 2021)

Is toxic masculinity the reason there are so many climate-hesitant men? (13 November 2021)

Stop calling people ‘toxic’. Here’s why | Hannah Baer | The Guardian (26 July 2021)

Tweet regarding men expressing emotion (9 July 2021)

Man expresses enthusiasm = creep. Man expresses frustration = incel. Man expresses anger = toxic. Man expresses sadness = weak. Man shares emotions other than happiness = emotional labor. Man shares no emotions at all = emotionally distant

How Has Feminism Been for Young Men, with Tristan Glosby // Men are Talking Podcast – Episode 1 – YouTube (7 July 2021)

Stop Emasculating Men, Then Wondering Where All The Good Men Went ( (14 June 2021)

Gender Equality and Where Feminism Gets It Wrong – Woke Father (24 May 2021)

The push to “Raise Boys Right” implies that men need to be fixed (20 April 2021)

The pandemic of male loneliness (24 February 2021)

China’s gender roles: War on ‘feminisation’ aims to build boys’ ‘masculinity’ (5 February 2021)

The Atlantic obviously doesn’t have any idea ‘What it means to be a man’ (19 February 2020)

Can we talk about ‘Toxic Femininity’ yet? (22 July 2020)

Watch: Daily Wire’s Matt Walsh on modern culture destroying masculinity (20 November 2019)

Well, America, Gillette’s idiotic ad may have finally turned the tide on ‘toxic masculinity’ (22 January 2019) USA

Masculinity isn’t a sickness (16 January 2019)

Traditional masculinity has been dubbed ‘harmful’ by a major health body (16 January 2019) with related tweet her

Psychology as indoctrination: Girls rule, Boys drool? (15 January 2019)

Barbara Kay: American Psychological Association declares masculinity an “ideology” (12 January 2019)

You can’t help men by attacking masculinity, by Dr John Barry (27 November 2018)

Male authority – Be a “Man”, by Rollo Tomassi (13 November 2018)

Brown University Offering Programs for ‘Unlearning Toxic Masculinity’ (25 October 2018) See related tweet from James Woods

The fact that we’re considering making misandry a hate crime should concern everyone who believes in equality (17 October 2018)

The mysterious invisibility of men’s good deeds, by Mark Dent (14 July 2018)

Feminism: Toxic Masculinity (26 June 2018)

Why men are refusing to help women and children (6 June 2018) Video (and also take a look at this Jim Muldoon article on the same theme)

How feminists developed ‘Toxic Masculinity’ (14 June 2018)

Rethinking Gender, Sexuality and Violence (25 October 2017)

Charts – Where You Fall on the Alpha / Beta Scale (9 October 2017)

Does the NRL have a culture problem? (13 September 2017) Video

Duke recruits men for program to fight ‘toxic’ masculinity (13 September 2017)

Houston Rescuers Prove the Lie of ‘Toxic Masculinity’ (1 September 2017)

Andrew Cadman: We are paying a high price for the feminisation of Britain (3 August 2017)

Delingpole: Too Much ‘Maleness,’ Complains Feminist Reviewer of ‘Dunkirk’ (2 August 2017)

We’re doomed and only women can save the day (20 July 2017) How men think of, and treat other men, is part of the problem.

SJW DYLAN MARRON GETS OWNED l Response to Unboxing Trump’s America and Masculinity l SJW Cringe (6 July 2017) Video

First police officer at London Bridge attack “was rugby player who took on all terrorists until forced to ground” (4 June 2017) UK

Study: Most Women Like ‘Manly’ Men, Don’t Worry About ‘Toxic Masculinity’ (13 May 2017)

The epidemic of sexless marriage is symptomatic of the modern emasculated husband (undated/2017)

The ‘Toxic Masculinity’ Trend Blames Boys For Being Born Male (12 April 2017)

Missed a spot, by Dalrock (1 March 2017)

E.B. White’s Touching Letter to Man Who Lost Hope in Humanity (27 February 2017)

Feminists wage war against romance on Valentine’s Day (14 February 2017)

Gender wars: Is masculinity toxic for boys? (9 February 2017) Reddit discussion thread and linked video

Toxic masculinity: Will the ‘war on men’ only backfire? (28 January 2017) Australia. Related Reddit discussion thread here.

‘Toxic masculinity’ is ruining men’s lives, by Corrine Barraclough (26 January 2017)

Dear Feminists, male vulnerability isn’t a virtue (3 January 2017)

Today (30 December 2016) I noticed two articles that took a now common approach of using/portraying generally positive attributes associated with masculinity (protectiveness towards women & risk-taking behaviour) in order to mock or criticize men:

Men are weirdly concerned about trans women’s use of female bathrooms according to new study and Drownings blamed on men’s risky behaviour

Male college students to undergo ‘critical self-reflection’ of masculinity (3 January 2017)

Feminist Prof: Cats are the solution to ‘Toxic Masculinity’ (15 December 2016)

To what should males aspire? (15 December 2016)

No Gender December: When did ‘gender’ become such a dirty word? (13 December 2016) Australia

The miseducation of young men, part 3 (9 December 2016)

Why women can’t complain about men (4 December 2016) Video

Masculine white men more likely to be mentally ill, says new ‘study’ (22 November 2016)

Why Colleges Should Stop Teaching “Toxic Masculinity” (16 November 2016)

The False Dichotomy of Feminist Ethics (11 October 2016)

‘Toxic White Masculinity’: What is it all about? (10 October 2016) USA

If gender is a social construct, why aren’t women ever accused of exhibiting toxic masculinity? (9 October 2016) Reddit discussion thread

What will feminists accomplish by defining masculinity as toxic and pathological? (8 October 2016)

This Woman Never Looked At Her Fiancé The Same Way After He Abandoned Her During A Violent Mugging: Toxic lack of masculinity? Reddit discussion thread and linked article.

‘Effeminism’ and the War on Boys (23 September 2016)

It’s not Muslims or people with mental health problems who are most likely to kill you in a terrorist attack – it’s men, by Janey Stephenson (28 July 2016)

Oddly, there has recently been other articles very similar to this one published in different countries, but with ostensibly different authors. See ‘What mass killers really have in common’, by Rebecca Traister (17 July 2016) and ‘One group is responsible for America’s culture of violence, and it isn’t cops, black Americans, Muslims or rednecks. It’s men‘, by Melissa Batchelor Warnke

And here is an MRA response to the type of article listed above: ‘The bizarre feminist response to Islamic terror in Orlando‘ (27 July 2016)

I Am A Transwoman. I Am In The Closet. I Am Not Coming Out (11 March 2016)

Joy of Masculinity (9 June 2016)

YouGov Poll: Only 2% of men aged 18-24 feel masculine (20 May 2016) UK

The Myth of the Masculinity Crisis (9 May 2016)

As a female college student, what can I do to empower my male friends who are (seemingly) very emasculated and don’t stand up for themselves? (9 May 2016) Reddit mensrights discussion thread

‘Masculinity isn’t toxic — our attitudes to it are’ (8 May 2016) UK

Violence in Men vs Women. Things aren’t how they seem (6 May 2016) Reddit discussion thread

Miranda Devine: Stop telling boys to act like girls (24 April 2016) Australia

39 Things Women Will Just NEVER Understand About Being A Man (14 April 2016)

Shaming Men Doesn’t Build Healthy Sexuality (9 April 2016)

New York Times: ‘Teaching Men to be Emotionally Honest’ (4 April 2016) with related Reddit discussion thread here

Toxic Femininity and Heroism (14 March 2016) Australia

Female counselor says men are increasingly ashamed of their masculinity (28 January 2016) UK

European Queens Waged More Wars Than Kings (27 January 2016)

How the European male was turned by the feminist into a “WIMP, PUSSY, AND MANGINA”, is it on it’s way here? (25 January 2016)

European men now being criticized for their lack of masculinity (25 January 2016) Video

Although the vast majority of people who risk their own lives to save others are men, this BBC article doesn’t mention that this is mostly a male behaviour. Every time there’s a mass shooting or a terrorist attack, feminists blame “toxic masculinity”. Why they don’t talk about ALTRUISTIC MASCULINITY? (5 December 2015)

Audio: Karen Straughan’s brilliant lecture on “toxic masculinity and toxic femininity” at SFU (21 November 2015)

Question to feminists regarding “toxic masculinity” (29 July 2015) Reddit discussion thread

Male Definition of Masculinity Is a Surprise – Toxic Masculinity Debunked (2008) with reddit discussion thread here

Feminism’s Real Target is Masculinity (December 2014)

It’s time to do away with the concept of ‘manhood’ altogether (29 October 2015) Nauseating pieces penned by mangina journo for The Guardian, but which attracted plenty of reader’s comments

“Toxic Masculinity” is hate speech. Full stop. It pathologies maleness and attempts to link violence to men’s culture. Feminists discussing “toxic masculinity” is little different than white supremacists attacking “ni**** culture” and “black violence” Reddit mensrights discussion thread (15 October 2015)

‘Real men don’t hit women’: The big problem with Malcolm Turnbull’s anti domestic violence message (10 October 2015) Australia. I agree with the prolem with the ‘real men’ message, but much about this article is wrong, not least the assertion by Michael Salter that female violence only occurs in the context of self-defence, and that the fact that most people in jail are male is proof that men are responsible for most crime.

Salon blames Oregon shooting on ‘traditional masculinity’ (9 October 2015)

Are today’s standards for being a ‘real man’ leading to violence against women? (8 October 2015) Australia. But what of violence BY women?

How to stop mass shootings (2 October 2015) and related

Vanderbilt Women’s Center to Lecture Men on ‘Healthy Masculinities’ (31 August 2015)

Masculinity and Violent Behavior: A Complex, Combustible Relationship (25 August 2015) and related reddit discussion thread

Masculinity is more than a mask, by Christina Hoff Sommers (13 January 2014)

What would happen if no men showed up for work today? (17 September 2013)

The End of Men, by Hanna Rosin (July/August 2010 edition of The Atlantic)

Manhood in the Making: Cultural Concepts of Masculinity (15 October 1991) with more here





Further sources yet to be reviewed:


Further posts within this blog that may be of interest:

On being male or female (incl. innate differences, stereotyping and so on)

The Elliot Rodger tragedy co-opted as a feminist bandwagon

On feminists, white feathers and Anzac Day

For the benefit of overseas readers, Anzac Day commemorates “all Australians and New Zealanders who served and died in all wars, conflicts, and peacekeeping operations” and “the contribution and suffering of all those who have served.”

This year (2015) is of special significance in that it marks the 100th anniversary of the landing at Gallipoli (Turkey) in April 1915. As a consequence we are currently being bombarded with all things Anzac – documentaries, mini-series, promotional products, and so on. But this is understandable as the Anzac phenomenon is recognised by most Australians as a pivotal element in our ‘nation building’ narrative.

Whilst the focus has always been on our fallen soldiers, an increasing amount of attention is now being given to the role played by women in the First World War, particularly with regards to nurses working close to the front line.

Nevertheless the feminist lobby have long associated Anzac Day with ‘toxic masculinity’ and men’s innate desire to initiate wars and engage in wholesale violence (for example).

The wikipedia entry cited in my opening paragraph, for example, mentions that in 1978, “a women’s group laid a wreath dedicated to all the women raped and killed during war, and movements for feminism, gay rights, and peace used the occasion to draw attention to their respective causes at various times during the 1980s. In the 1980s, Australian feminists used the annual Anzac Day march to protest against rape and violence in war and were banned from marching.”

In condemning Anzac Day as a celebration of men’s propensity for violence, feminists appear to be either be blissfully unaware of, or to conveniently overlook, the existence of a movement known as the Order of the White Feather.

“The organization aimed to shame men into enlisting in the British Army by persuading women to present them with a white feather if they were not wearing a uniform.

This was joined by prominent feminists and suffragettes of the time, such as Emmeline Pankhurst and her daughter Christabel. They, in addition to handing out the feathers, also lobbied to institute an involuntary universal draft, which included those who lacked votes due to being too young or not owning property.

The White Feather movement facilitated the war deaths of untold numbers of young men, as well as the shaming and suicide of many other men who either chose not to join the army or who were denied active service (which could occur for a variety of reasons).

On a final note, some have compared the White Feather movement to the present-day White Ribbon campaign, given the level of feminist influence surrounding both and their shared emphasis on male shaming.

See also:

Never A Fight of Woman Against Man: What Textbooks Don’t Say about Women’s Suffrage (May 2015)

Karen Straughan speaks on the male obligation to perform national service and the role of the suffragettes (2014) Video

15 articles about men and war that will make you think again (1 July 2016)

Lest We Forget, by Mark Dent (20 April 2016)

A reminder that suffragettes did not get women the vote but instead commit terrorism (27 December 2015)

The White Feather campaign in the Second World War (29 October 2012)

Pankhurst: The white feather betrayal of history (15 November 2012)

White Feathers during World War II Caused the Suicides of Two Teenage Boys (30 November 2013)

15 articles about men and war that will make you think again (9 November 2014)

Christabel Pankhurst – The White Feather betrayal of history (12 December 2014)

A couple of related reddit mens rights discussion threads:

TIL that early feminists would attempt to humiliate men who were not soldiers during WWI

The order of the White Feather

Other posts in this blog that may be of interest:

Do feminists have any male heroes?

On masculinity and ‘real men’

Do feminists have any male heroes?


Many feminists make it crystal clear that their view of men falls somewhere between cockroaches and rats. I was wondering then if there were in fact any men at all, amongst all those rapists and wife-beaters, that they looked up to.

What put this idea in my mind was this article about Angelina Jolie’s new film, ‘Unbroken’ about war hero and athlete, the recently deceased, Louis Zamperini  … Angelina being of course quite an icon for many within the  feminist movement.


Do feminists, for example, revere the efforts of a man like Ian Frazer, the inventor of a ground-breaking vaccine for cervical cancer? So I googled on “do feminists have male heroes”, but my net came up almost empty. There were just a couple of questions asked on Yahoo which attracted very few responses:

In this discussion ‘Dee’ responded thus:
Generally feminists don’t like heroes, because a hero is a big, strong, masculine, courageous, male warrior. Like Hercules or Achilles, or Perseus, or Conan the Barbarian.

And most feminists really seem to hate strong, powerful, masculine men. (Especially the radical feminists, who want to make all men more like women, and make all women more like men. That is, they want to erase all the natural and wonderful differences between the sexes. How boring.)

… I outgrew my youthful feminist idealism years ago, when I realized how ridiculous “mainstream” feminism was becoming. And now it’s even worse, it has become downright man-hating nonsense that is destructive to men and women alike. But the good news is that when anything becomes that absurd, then inevitably the pendulum will start to swing back in the other direction, there will be a growing backlash against the radical extremes. And the backlash against feminism is well underway, and getting bigger every year. (nil responses to this thread!)

Oh, and I did come across this post in some pro-feminist guy’s blog.

See also:

Man, 21, drowns to death trying to save teenage girl – one hour after being baptized in the same lake (27 August 2024)

On 13 April 2024 in Sydney, Australia, some guy went crazy in a shopping centre killing and wounding many people. Amongst innumerable article re: how & why the gov’t should get more serious about violent men, there were a couple of articles about how other men reacted on the day …

Hero dad jumps into action to save family at Bondi Junction Westfield (13 April 2024), ‘Never seen so much blood’: Bondi Rescue star caught up in stabbing horror (14 April 2024) and ‘Bloody amazing’: Dad’s heartbreaking act for children in Bondi massacre (14 April 2024)

Touching moment rugby player carries terminally-ill teammate in marathon (15 May 2023)

Qantas video of off-duty pilot doing selfless act goes viral (18 October 2022)

What makes people willing to risk their lives to save others? (12 July 2022)

US ‘hero’ teen saves three girls and police officer after car plunges into river (6 July 2022)

CCTV footage captures trainee nurse saving child at Brisbane hospital (11 March 2022)

Storm prompts Uber driver to get teen passenger a hotel room, offered new job (10 January 2022)

High school pass dad turns scientist to make medicine at home for dying son (25 November 2021)

Heroic neighbour stabbed trying to save 93-year-old in Palm Beach (16 November 2021) Video

Lifeguards Escort 95-Year-Old Who Couldn’t Walk to Beach and Back Every Day of Her Vacation (15 November 2021)

Three killed by train after man heroically tried to pull women from stuck car (13 November 2021)

Dying Wish of Terminally Ill Boy, 6, Is to See Bikers Ride Past His House; 15,000 Show Up ( (9 August 2021)

North Lakes crash: Mystery sparkie found after car accident | The Courier Mail (21 May 2021)

Watch what happens when a guy tries to tell a woman that there’s a problem with her car (25 February 2021) Video

Hero Cranbourne North dad Russell Irwin bashed by armed thugs would intervene again (9 February 2021) Australia

Dale Schroeder (1919-2005)

A 97 year-old World War II veteran jumped out of a plane to recreate his D-Day parachute drop (6 June 2019) Video

The Carnegie Hero Fund. Something seems to be wrong here – doesn’t seem to be a whole lot of feminist recipients. Surely there should be a gender quota.

Stranger gives up first class seat to mother travelling with sick daughter (9 December 2018)

Student union leader vows to paint over First World War mural of ‘white men’ (25 October 2018)

‘If we don’t we’ll die’: Inside the most heroic story of September 11 (22 July 2018)

Woman saved from Las Vegas shooting by Marine she met just hours earlier (4 October 2017)

I Think ‘Dunkirk’ Was Mediocre at Best, and It’s Not Because I’m Some Naive Woman Who Doesn’t Get It (28 July 2017)

The link to this article read “Hero motorists pull children from sinking car” (2 May 2017) USA. As is usually the case, if it’s a good news story about men then gender is not specified. If the reported incident had reflected poorly on men, you can bet that the writer/editor would have used “men” rather than “motorists”.

California Man Cares for Ailing 89-Year-Old Neighbor and Best Friend in Her Final Days: ‘Kindness Heals’ (24 January 2017)

Melbourne man pens tribute to taxi driver ‘hero’ (23 January 2017) Australia

These four Italian policemen cleverly disguised their toxic masculinity (10 August 2016)

Teen With Cerebral Palsy Walks For First Time To Get Diploma (1 June 2016)

Young man helps elderly lady across the road (10 March 2016) Video

Good Samaritan’s final good deed hasn’t gone unnoticed (1 March 2016)

San Bernardino hero’s selfless last act (6 December 2015) USA

The Beauty of Men, by Mark Dent (16 November 2015)

When A Man Couldn’t Feed Himself At McDonald’s An Employee Did The Most Awesome Thing (24 September 2015)

‘If We Left, They Wouldn’t Have Nobody’ (21 November 2014)

Sydney siege: Hero Lindt cafe manager Tori Johnson ‘was an amazing person, a selfless person’ says former boss (16 December 2014) And yet just a couple of days earlier the same pro-feminist news outlet published a sexist hit-piece entitled ‘Proof that men are bigger idiots than women‘ lampooning men for their propensity to take dangerous risks.

When the world goes to hell, it’s men who die to save others (11 September 2014) Good post and I liked this reader’s response to another comment that was posted by a feminist:

“Terrorist attacks are mostly done by men. I don’t mean to counter your post, I just think it is incomplete” (‘Peacock’)

“Honestly – this kind of myopia leaves me speechless. Of course most really, really bad stuff is done by men. Most really really good stuff is done by men as well.

For one simple reason – men are more exceptional then women. In any given population you will find far more male CEOs, Nobel Prize winners, breakthrough scientists, great leaders, sublime artists then you will women – about 8 times more in fact.

You will also find more male criminals, homeless, clinical imbeciles, despots than women – about 8 times more in fact.

For one very simple reason – eggs are more valuable than sperm. Nature needs us to evolve so it experiments, pushes the envelope of what it means to be human. And you don’t experiment with the most valuable part of your population – young fertile women – which of course means women in general.

Women, as a group, cluster much more around the average then men do, as a group.

This doesn’t mean that women are incapable of reaching the top, or the bottom, just that there will always be fewer of them there, compared to men.

And yet feminism continues to take the worst of men and use them to characterize all men, and take the best of women and use them to characterize all women. And use the fact that there isn’t a 50-50 split of men / women in EVERYTHING to justify it.

So men are demonized and many women are instructed to take paths they are not best suited for. End result; men disengaging and women increasingly relying on psychiatric drugs and other self destructive self medication to get by.

The sad thing is – you know who used to control the really bad men and help the ones at the bottom? The vast mass of balanced, reasonable, fair and decent men in the middle. The very men feminism has attacked because it knew these men were too good natured to truly fight back.

And they haven’t. Instead they are walking away. You might want to give that some consideration before you join the chorus implying that all men are as bad as the worst of men. And please don’t try to deny this was the implication of your post – leaving me speechless is one thing – don’t make me think you are feeble minded as well. I have a mother, wife and daughter whom I love very much but I know they tend towards plausible deniability when they think they can get away with it.. But they at least try to control it and see the men in their lives for what they are rather than what the herd tells them to think.

So should you.” (‘Cadders’)

Kevin Vickers saved many lives by quickly taking down a gunman in the Canadian parliament building. Everyone would be dead if he had waited for a feminist to intervene. But masculinity is toxic … until society needs someone to step up. (24 October 2014)

How the Nobel Prize has favoured white western men for more than 100 years (8 October 2014)

Feminism has slain our protectors (12 September 2014)

Fierce compassion: Why men’s compassion is unappreciated (11 September 2014)


General Douglas MacArthur’s speech on “Duty, honour, country”

Ambulance officer pays parking fine for grieving daughter

100% of firefighters who died were male

What would happen if no men showed up for work today? (17 September 2013)

Elsewhere in this blog you might also be interested in reading:

On chivalry

How men are portrayed … Haw Haw Haw! The jokes on us

How tragic that feminists ignore their role in demonising men

What did you call me? On labelling and language in gender discourse

One of the many feminist criticisms of the mens rights movement, and particularly MHRA web sites like ‘A Voice for Men’, is that they are characterised by the frequent use of descriptors of women that are offensive and sexist … terms such as sluts or whores.

Personally I have noticed that there is surprisingly little usage of such terms in MRA sites or blogs. Moreover when such terms do appear they are generally found within comments contributed by readers (some of whom are trolls), rather than in the body of posts or articles themselves. Such put-downs also almost invariably relate to feminists rather than women per se.

It was with interest then that I came across this study ‘Cursing in English on Twitter‘ (see section entitled ‘Cursing Vs Gender’ on page 8). Granted, the study wasn’t about MRA/feminist sites, but the findings are still interesting. The study found, for example, that the the use of terms ‘bitch’ ‘slut’ and ‘whore’ by women was more prevalent than the level of use by men.

This post looks at the issue of online harassment, whilst in another blog post I discuss the terms gender traitor, white knight and mangina.

Another related term that has come to be used increasingly widely is ‘cuck‘, which is  the shortened version of ‘cuckold‘. The common meaning seems to be a person (generally male) who does the bidding of another whilst not truly invested in that person’s (or groups) cause, for example a politician who supports feminist programs out of fear of castigation and/or in the hope of winning the ‘women’s vote’.

See also:

Masculinity and Misogyny in the Digital Age (2016)

‘Lord protect me from easily offended snowflake girls’ (17 October 2016) Ireland

Women most likely to use misogynistic language on Twitter, report finds (17 October 2016) with related Reddit discussion thread here

David Leyonhjelm: NSW Senator lodges complaint over journalist’s claim he is an ‘angry white male’ (15 August 2016)

Female judge stuns courtroom by telling racist thug: ‘You’re a bit of a c*** yourself’ (11 August 2016)

Are we seriously expected to take any liberal feminist seriously? (10 August 2016)

Corporate Cucks … and the language police who protect and serve them (5 August 2016)

The ‘C’ word (‘cuck’) (19 May 2016) Australia. Reddit discussion thread

“What’s mansplaining?” Senator Mitch Fifield offended by Senator Katy Gallagher’s allegation (10 February 2016) Australia. Video

Why Do Feminists And Social Justice Warriors Use So Much Profanity? (2 February 2016)

Is Kerri Sackville a slut? (18 January 2016)

Manspreading, Transgender and Shaming … How the Left Wing controls language (6 November 2015)

Mansults: the put-downs that are always levelled at straight white males (19 September 2015)

Mean Girls: Why the Only People Women Should Fear Online Are Other Women (10 August 2015)

Lena Dunham: The Expression ‘TMI’ Is Sexist (2 October 2014) USA

Ironic misandry: Why feminists pretending to hate men isn’t funny (12 August 2014)




Nice guys, nice guys™ and the friendzone

For the time being this post will simply consist of a collection of links on the above topic – I’ll return later to add further order and reason …

Is being a Nice Guy ruining your happiness? (25 April 2021) Video

Invisible Men – The Red Pill Interviews University Girls (5 September 2017) Australian video

We Need Fraternity Men to Do a Lot More Than ‘Walk a Mile in Her Shoes’ (4 June 2017) This theme, that even men sympathetic to feminism can’t do right, is often encountered. For example, scroll down this page to ‘Sydney Girls High’

On the friend zone, nice guys, and both almost always being a dude (22 April 2017) Reddit discussion thread

David Schwimmer’s sexual harassment films are good. But this is women’s work, by Van Badham (12 April 2017) Men’s job is to listen and obey – not talk or write.

When men claim to be feminists just to abuse women, by Jane Gilmore (15 March 2017) Australia

Men get no pats on the back for basic human decency (14 March 2017) Australia

Sydney Girls High School prefects hit back after Sydney Boys’ viral video (13 March 2017)

What nice men don’t say to nice women (13 April 2016) Video

Why women can’t complain about men (4 December 2016) Video

Beware these 10 types of feminist men (8 August 2016)

Why I’ll never date another male feminist, by Tiana Lowe (August 2016)

Feminism is an inferiority complex and white knights are enablers (11 August 2016)

Nice guys finish first: empathetic boys attract more close female friends (16 June 2016) Predictable offering from ‘The Conversation’

25 new ways to say ‘no’ to feminists (7 June 2016) and

On @MattMcGorry, @MeghanEMurphy and the ‘Male Feminist’ Problem (23 May 2016)

Forget alpha males. Betas are the men of the future (22 May 2016) Australia

What nice men don’t say to nice women (14 April 2016) Reddit discussion thread and linked video

Why I’m wary of men who call themselves feminists (14 March 2016)

Why women slag men off for ‘being rubbish’ – and what you should say in response (11 March 2016)

Milo: ‘Male Feminism Is a Sort of Disease’ (23 February 2016) Scroll down to see great comment by ‘David Power’

Pro Tip: Don’t Be a ‘Feminist Man’ (15 February 2016) Oww, the claws are out in this article by Robert Stacy McCain

Amazing read “The Alpha Widow”. Long read but worth it (6 November 2015) Reddit discussion thread

Women’s Greatest Problem: The Myth of the Submissive Alpha Male (25 June 2015)

Masculinity, Positive Masculinity, and the White Knight as a Perversion of Masculinity (9 May 2015)

Radicalising the romanceless (31 August 2014) ** Lots of choice examples of  feminist disdain and mockery of nice guys **

Why great husbands are being abandoned (13 August 2014) Huffington Post article and linked reddit discussion thread and

The Friend Zone – Land of the “Nice Guys” (27 July 2014)

Study finds that men like nice women, but not the other way around (25 July 2014)

Yes girls, there is a FriendZone (9 June 2014) Video

Dear Girls Who Are (Finally) Ready To Date Nice Guys: We Don’t Want You Anymore (22 April 2014) Phew, over 7,400 comments!

It Pisses Me Off When Men Call Themselves Feminists (8 August 2013) Article about the types of guys found attractive to women, and which includes the statement “studies suggest that higher levels of narcissism in men correlated with improved prospects in courting a woman.”

Okay, MGTOW, I get it now. If this is the option, I’d pass too‘ by Janet Bloomfield (22 April 2014) with a related discussion at reddit/mensrights here and follow-up post here

The normalisation of the trashy single mother

The More Chores A Husband Does, The More Likely The Marriage Will End In Divorce (28 September 2012)

Men’s studies = bad/negative but Women’s studies = good/positive

Regarding men’s studies 

Firstly, let’s begin with details regarding all the men’s studies centres in Australia: <sound of crickets>

Now, picture this if you will … the University of South Australia considers establishing a number of new courses related to men’s health and well-being. Feminist writer gets wind of this and writes an article dumping on the idea (see articles listed below, and be sure to look at the readers comments). The University gets scared and back-pedals at 100 mph. Bye, bye, men’s studies course – which would have been an Australian first.

Conclusion? Clearly every university should have women’s studies courses because they are a wonderful and necessary initiative. Mens studies courses should, however, be opposed on the basis that they are redundant and wicked and can only serve to foment misogyny and advance the cause of the patriarchy. (Oh, and the same goes for student clubs/associations that focus on men’s issues.)

The solution? For feminists? Obstruct the creation of men’s studies courses, whilst (to avoid accusations of one-upmanship) rename women’s studies centres as gender studies centres. But there was no sudden move to jointly address male issues. No, they simply carried on exactly as before with an overwhelming gynocentric focus interspersed with the occasional message from some male feminist ally such as Michael Flood. Note the example here as to how well this new approach works out.

But back to what happened at the University of South Australia, a story which is told in the articles linked below and in accompanying readers comments:

University of Sydney Board blocks formation of men’s group (26 September 2014) Also addressed here, here and here, and with an even more patronising article about the proposal here

University: Lads, blokes and jocks not welcome (7 October 2014)

Resurrected from the void: video of feminist opposition to the Simon Fraser University Men’s Center (12 October 2014)

And as for overseas examples of Men’s Studies Centres? Well these tend to feature the examination of men and masculinity through the feminist lens. This article talks about one such place,  the Stony Brook University ‘Center for the Study of Men and Masculinities’.

Regarding women’s studies 

Let’s now have a look at a listing of women’s studies centres in Australia that were in existence when I first uploaded this post*:

Australian National University – Gender Studies M.Phil and Ph.D in Gender, Sexuality and Culture Australian National University – Gender Relations ProjectCentre for Research for Women (4 Australian universities)Edith Cowan University – Women’s Studies Major Flinders University of South Australia – Women’s Studies Programme Graduate Diploma in Gender and Development and an M.A. in Women’s Studies Macquarie University – Women’s Studies, Gender and Sexuality Program MPhil and PhD in Women’s Studies, Gender and Sexuality  Monash University – Centre for Women’s Studies and Gender Research M.A. and Ph.D in Women’s Studies; Masters Qualifying Program University of Adelaide – Gender Studies M.A. and Ph.D. in Gender Studies University of Melbourne – Gender Studies M.A. and Ph.D in Gender Studies University of New England – Women’s and Gender Studies M.A. and Ph.D. in Women’s and Gender Studies University of New South Wales – Women’s and Gender Studies Program M.A. (By Research) and Ph.D. in Women’s and Gender Studies University of South Australia – Research Centre for Gender Studies University of Sydney – Department of Gender Studies MPhil and Ph.D in Gender Studies University of Western Australia – Women’s Studies M.A. and Ph.D. with concentration in Women’s Studies University of Wollongong – Master of Arts in Women’s Studies M.A. in Women’s Studies Victoria University – Gender Studies

(*It is likely that this list will be out-of-date by the time you read this, i.e. there will be even more of these courses out there)

Women’s Studies and Diversity: Where Are the Men? (23 December 2016)

University students doing courses on topics such as rape and misogyny are ‘to be given deadline extensions to help them recover from the upset of lectures’ (28 November 2016) UK

Undoing insularity: A small study of Gender Sociology’s big problem, by Charlotta Stern (Econ Journal Watch, Vol 13, No. 3, September 2016)

Oh, Academia: The best and worst of gender studies papers (28 June 2016)

Apparently my school needs a Women and Gender Studies program “Because two thirds of our student population are female” (6 February 2016) Reddit discussion thread and linked article

What Women’s Studies Teaches (15 January 2016)

How Gender Feminism became the new Creationism (18 December 2014)

Gender bias and science (16 December 2014) Ireland

Shut Up, because Rape (2 October 2014)

Womens and gender studies in Ireland and beyond (16 August 2014)

University shuts down women’s studies centre after ‘How to be a Lesbian’ controversy (19 May 2014) Don’t miss the humorous readers comments

Nordic countries defund gender ideology (12 March 2013)

Why do so few men take gender studies courses? (20 November 2012)

You can’t deny it: Gender studies is full of male-blaming bias (14 September 2011)
10. Myth: Women’s Studies Departments empowered women and gave them a voice in the academy
Fact: Women’s Studies empowered a small group of like-minded careerists. They have created an old-girl network that is far more elitist, narrow and closed than any of the old-boy networks they rail against. Vast numbers of moderate or dissident women scholars have been marginalized, excluded and silenced.

(Essential reading: everything by Camille Paglia; Daphne Patai and Noretta Koertge–Professing Feminism: Cautionary Tales from the Strange World of Women’s Studies; and Christina Hoff Sommers–Who Stole Feminism? How Women have Betrayed Women)

The Girl Hunt: Urban Nightlife and the Performance of Masculinity as Collective Activity (2007) An example of the great stuff produced by those working in the field of gender studies.

And some news from North American, Canada and the U.K

Professing feminism : cautionary tales from the strange world of women’s studies (1994) USA

Wyoming Senate Votes To Defund Gender Studies Program At University Of Wyoming (1 March 2022)

Only University Men’s Officer in U.K. Forced to Step Down After SJW Harassment (26 October 2018)

Hungary bans gender studies from universities (10 August 2018)

Camille Paglia Says that Women’s and Gender Studies Departments Should be Defunded (18 October 2017)

College Gender Gap: Women Earn More Degrees AND Get Special Treatment (31 May 2017)

Public university gave $296,498 to gender equity, LGBTQ centers — $0 to Students for Life: suit (18 May 2017)

University students union blocks move to set up Men’s Rights group (16 May 2017) UK

All-Female Social Groups May Keep ‘Gender Focus’ for at Least Three Years (29 March 2017) USA

Barbara Kay: A man who’ll stand up for the rights of other men (and boys) on campus and in society (21 March 2017)

Should men’s rights groups be allowed on campuses? Panel discussion on CNBC (19 March 2017) Video with related Reddit discussion thread here.

‘Men’s issues must be recognised by universities to address falling numbers’ (12 May 2016) UK

Notable & Quotable: Women, Men and College Degrees: ‘Maybe it’s time to stop taxpayer funding of hundreds of women’s centers’—gender equity in higher education was achieved 30 years ago (1 May 2016)

Columbia should offer a men’s studies course (27 April 2016) See also readers comments. Related Reddit discussion thread here petition to Suspend Social Justice Courses (April 2016)

The persecution of Sage Gerard at Kennesaw State University (KSU) (11 March 2016)

University Refuses to Grant Recognition to Men’s Issues Group after Feminists Say it Makes Women Feel Unsafe with related reddit discussion thread here

RSU rejects men’s issues group application (29 October 2015)

Toronto’s first ‘men’s centre’ aware it might ruffle feathers, but insists it isn’t a simple ‘men’s rights association’ (14 November 2014)

George Washington University grad student interviews Sage Gerard (16 October 2014)

Queen’s University incites hatred of male students—Administration looks the other way (16 October 2014)
