On modern dating culture #Cringe

My source of inspiration for this post was an article entitled Modern dating culture has turned me into a bitch by Andrea Wesley.

Whilst reading this it occurred to me that, with just a few modifications, it might have been written by a guy in relation to his unsatisfactory dating experiences (though no one would publish it, as it would be considered misogynistic and brimful of ‘whataboutery’.

I have been meaning to create a post about dating for some time now. There are already, however, a selection of articles regarding dating/courtship in the following posts:

The ‘Marriage Strike’ and MGTOW
Apparently there’s not enough “educated” men nowadays
Don’t look at me! No wait. Look at me!
Who pays on dates?

Talk to me

Nice guys, nice guys™ and the friendzone
Men & women and their attitudes to marriage and parenthood

Anyway, so how about I make an attempt at modifying Andrea’s article myself in order to reveal the male perspective? Here goes …

Believe it or not, once upon a time I was just a caring, optimistic guy looking for love in my life. I minded my Ps and Qs, showed my genuine kindness and enthusiasm and behaved with grace with every girl I met. One by one, my enthusiasm went from George Clooney sweet to burn all of your crap ??? Beyonce — I’m literally over these entitled narcissists that make up the majority of our dating pool. I wasn’t always a douchebag, but modern dating culture made me this way.

1. THE FISH IN THE SEA HAVE TURNED INTO MUTANTS IN THE SEWER. It used to be that coming across good girls, or at least girls with actual normal manners, weren’t so few and far between. These days, you have to hike up Everest and nearly die of hypothermia before you come across a small glimmer of hope. How is it possible for so many bitches to exist at one time? Ugh.

2. MOST GIRLS AREN’T WORTH PUTTING ON PANTS FOR. Getting ready for another date just to sit across from a girl who talks about her needs and continually seeks validation makes me want to vomit in my beer. I’d rather sit at home in comfort, blissfully unaware of the flake I’m not missing out on.

3. I LIKE NETFLIX MORE THAN DEALING WITH ACTUAL WOMEN. Who needs a girlfriend when I can sit in my jocks with a beer and marathon through the new season of House of Cards. That’s right, no one. Stress-free relaxation is just a button press away.

4. IT’S HARD TO BELIEVE GOOD GIRLS ARE STILL OUT THERE. In all honesty, I’ve met so many douche canoes that I’m starting to wonder if real and grown-ass women still exist. Are you out there? Hello? Will the real good girls please stand the hell up? Geez.

5. I’M SICK OF COMPETING. I didn’t sign up for any BS reality TV type of love, so forgive me if I’m not about to be just another contestant in the lineup. No one dates honestly anymore, so why should I care about dating at all?

6. THERE’S ZERO EFFORT MADE THESE DAYS, SO WHY AM I WASTING MY ENERGY? I’m rarely impressed by women now and it’s not because of anything they did wrong; it’s more the expectation that they’re going to be a huge disappointment like every flake before them. I’d like to be hopeful that one woman will eventually change my mind, but I have yet to come across a woman who isn’t a lazy jerk that just wants me to buy her stuff and shower her with attention. So forgive me if I’m not swooning with charm right off the bat — she needs to earn it first.

7. I’VE BEEN GHOSTED ONE TOO MANY TIMES. I haven’t been ghosted just once or twice — it’s literally 80% of the time I meet someone. Women these days just cower and turn into ill-mannered jerks that can’t formulate a simple sentence to say goodbye. After about a dozen, I stopped caring to go above and beyond to remain the nice guy. I’m done.

(I gave up at doing the gender swap thing at this point, but you get it? Right?)

8. I’M SICK OF BEING TREATED LIKE A SEXUAL OBJECT. Because why would I want to subject myself to a selfish idiot who doesn’t respect me as a person and just wants my body? I’m perfectly good at satisfying myself. I don’t need to subject myself to one more loser who is most likely going to activate my bitch flag just so he can feel temporary enjoyment. No thanks.

9. BEING A BITCH FEELS INFINITELY BETTER THAN BEING A DOORMAT. I refuse to let myself fall back into the trap of being a doe-eyed princess looking for her Prince Charming — I’m over it. I used to be naive and I used to wish for my fairy tale ending until one too many penis pictures brought me back to earth. It’s a dog eat dog world out there when it comes to dating and I’m done getting taken down by being too weak. Bitch mode is on and it’s here to stay … unless my unicorn finally falls from the sky in front of me.

10. I’VE LITERALLY RUN OUT OF CARE. It’s not that I’m a complete bitch — I have a good side too, but I’m sick of giving it out freely to guys who end up walking all over me and taking advantage of my kindness. From now on, if you want me to put on pants and leave my apartment for you, you need to show me some real respect first. If you don’t, you’ll be meeting the bitch soon. I have zero care left.

See also:

30yo reveals question single Aussie men don’t ask anymore (1 September 2024) Yet another one of these articles written by some embittered hit-the-wall woman who has never bothered to read/discuss the male perspective on the issues she raises.

Man’s voice note reveals just how hard modern dating is (30 August 2024) On and on about all the things that men do wrong (Part #353) Not like women

The Dating Pool Drop-outs (September 2023) Article by a female journalist who pretended to be a guy in dating apps, and related discussions

New dating trend that builds on ghosting emerges (26 April 2023) If it involves women feeling they’ve been unfairly treated then it’s a crisis, otherwise, suck it up lads.

Psychologist explains why men always turn nasty when rejected (21 February 2023) In my experience, I would assert that women are *far* more likely to turn nasty

Why do hardly any straight men write about sex and dating? (30 January 2023) Twitter discussion thread here. See also this post.

Man’s text exposes ‘brutal’ TikTok dating trend (23 April 2022) Men put up with put-downs from the time they hit puberty, but if/when they return the favor then it’s suddenly an “alarming trend”. Welcome to gender equality ladies.

Wait. Is this how women actually view the men that they date? (17 December 2021) Video

‘Sales funnels’ and high-value men: the rise of strategic dating | Dating | The Guardian (8 August 2021)

The glorious rise in men who won’t date feminists (14 February 2020) Video

Sexual aggression on dating apps is the ultimate male privilege (7 February 2020) Of course, and as always, it’s only male behaviour that’s problematic and which needs to be remedied.

Young women at Griffith University (Australia) get tips about what to expect/demand in a special dating guide. (February 2020) Gee, hope they enjoy the company of cats.

Man won’t date woke women. World ends (25 January 2020) Video

The dangerous rise of men who won’t date ‘Woke’ women (22 January 2020) Be sure to take in the reader’s comments section

How to have a successful long-term relationship, Part 1, by Suzanne Venker (22 March 2019)

Why men are withdrawing from courtship, by Dalrock (15 November 2013) Recommended reading

Qualities of the Prince (14 December 2011) Flipping the gender roles, by Rollo Tomassi

And on a parting note, I wonder what it’s like for lesbians. Better, right? (Source)
