I saw two items about parenthood yesterday that got me thinking about a number of the issues I have written about in this blog.
The first item I saw was an article in The Courier Mail, entitled ‘Go forth and procreate sooner’ by Belinda Seeney (“We need to support women aiming to have babies earlier to beat age-related infertility”). The second was an ABC TV documentary called ‘Cherry’s parenting dilemmas’.
A distinguishing feature of both was the total lack of any mention of the role or significance of men in the topic under discussion. It was not that the discussion was gender-neutral – it was more like men were completely inconsequential. This is indicative of a society where the ongoing relevance or value of men in parenting (and in fact, generally) is increasingly under-valued. Another feature shared by both of these stories was the privileged western societies that formed their contextual backdrop.
Most readers would be aware of demographic trends now taking place in many western countries, including for example falling birth rates, increasing age at marriage, increasing age at becoming a parent, the rise in single person households, the rise in single parenthood, etc. I want to briefly mention a few other trends or developments that I see as relevant to this discussion.
- Recent/current research that is increasingly showing the critical importance of having a father actively involved in raising a child, or conversely, the negative implication for the well-being of the child where a father is absent from the household
- The Marriage Strike and the MGTOW movement, and the factors underlying both
- Increasing influence of feminist ideology in western societies, and the consequent demonization of men, and negative discrimination towards them
Where do I see things heading ?
- More and more women moving against feminist ideology and rediscovering the value and legitimacy of parenthood and therefore more women wishing to have children, and at an earlier age.
- More and more women recognizing the value of having a man (or men) actively involved in the rearing of their children
- More and more men discovering the costs and negative effects on them of parenthood and so avoiding parenthood for longer, or entirely
- Continued or even worsening economic austerity making parenthood more and more unaffordable, particularly for single parents
So as things stand now, just as more and more western women are wanting to have more and more children, there will be less and less men willing to partner with them. This is not selfishness or immaturity on the part of the men, it is a rational response to both real and potential threats faced by them in relation to marriage and parenthood. We need to recognise and address those issues, issues such as bias against men in the family court system. If we fail to do so and the than those that will suffer most will be women and children. Yay feminism!
See also:
‘If I could, I’d go back in time and choose not to have my child’ (17 March 2024)
Why Do Some Women Want To Be Victims So Bad? (11 February 2024)
Is traditional heterosexual romance sexist? (2 August 2023)
Marriage is disappearing from Britain (31 May 2023)
Feminists never shut up, by Bettina Arndt (27 April 2023)
Winner takes all, by Bettina Arndt (8 February 2023)
A Twitter thread about women allegedly preferring parenthood via the use of a sperm donor (10 January 2023) and Here’s a link to the ABC article
Link to related Twitter discussion thread – refer chart below (11 September 2022)
Why It’s Never a Good Idea to Demonize The Consumer (13 September 2022)
‘Happy wife, happy life’ is wrong. Women are not relationship ‘barometers,’ study finds (10 August 2022)
Conservatives Waffle on Abortion and Women’s Accountability (3 July 2022) by Janice Fiamengo
Famous Pastor discovers the real reason for the decline in marriage rate (17 June 2022)
TikToker reveals ‘scary’ reason young women don’t want kids (17 May 2022)
Couple who asked for female embryo sues fertility clinic over baby boy (28 March 2022) USA. These gender-bigots don’t deserve to have a child – of any gender.
Woman puts baby up for adoption after sperm donor lied about ethnicity and education (14 January 2022)
‘They curse. A lot’: Parent-of-eight slammed for letting kids swear (8 January 2022) Curious how the term ‘single mum’ isn’t mentioned once in this article.
The black pill for women, by Rollo Tomassi (November 2021) Video
Women Share Pictures Of Before And AFTER Meeting Their Partners, They’re STARK Comparisons – YouTube (7 July 2021) Video
Report no. 4: Impacts of COVID-19 on pregnancy and fertility intentions (July 2021)
The Mating Strategies of Earthlings, with Sam Harris and Prof David Buss (26 June, 2021) Video
When men behave badly – A review (30 April 2021) Fascinating paper
Woke women are killing marriage and dating (10 November 2020)
Feminism has destroyed everything desirable about women (13 September 2020) This video discusses, in particular, real & imagined social attitudes towards women who choose to be childless
My generation is so wrecked (14 August 2020)
Tomi Lahren’s anti-men screed demonstrates why dating is dead (10 August 2020)
Whither hypergamy? (29 January 2020)
4 feminist lies that are making women miserable, by Suzanne Venker (13 November 2019)
Researchers Blame Marriage Rate Decline On A “Lack Of Economically-Attractive Men” (7 September 2019)
Young women are turning their back on sharing wealth with their partner, survey reveals (22 July 2019) UK
Choosing not to have children? For women it’s empowering, but for men it’s juvenile (18 January 2019)
CNN Advocates Female Infidelity As Best Way For Women To “Endure” Modern Marriage (6 October 2017)
Laurie Penny: Why women are better off single (14 September 2017)
Clementine Ford: Why most grand romantic gestures are anything but romantic (12 September 2017)
Where the Good Men Have Gone and How to Get Them Back, by Suzanne Venker (22 May 2017)
‘There’s been a seismic social shift’: Why it’s now MEN who say they’ve been destroyed by divorce – while their wives are quick to bounce back (18 May 2017) UK
Nika Fate-Dixon: Are Some Millennials Rethinking the Gender Revolution? Long-Range Trends in Views of Non-Traditional Roles for Women (30 March 2017)
The day I put my wife in her place (20 March 2017)
Why are married women leaving their men? (14 April 2016)
Want to bump the birth rate in the West? Pay men (15 August 2016)
Cuckold Your Husband: The Raw Marriage Deal For Men (27 May 2016) A rebuttal to the article below
Women Are Now Cheating As Much As Men, But With Fewer Consequences (26 May 2016)
Why can’t he find men to marry the women he is teaching to have contempt for men? (11 May 2016)
Fewer women are seeking divorce as men behave less badly: Number of wives seeking split drops by half since the mid 1980s (27 December 2015) with related reddit discussion thread here
Feminist in ‘open marriage’ leaves husband for another man (17 November 2015) Included here mainly for the reader’s comments in the linked article
Are today’s women too picky for their own good? (10 November 2015) UK
Why you can’t find a man: Hypergamy Floats (12 September 2015) Video by Paul Proteus
She’s keeping her vow, by Dalrock (5 September 2015)
Post-divorce reality (11 August 2015)
“You’re just intimidated by accomplished women!” (10 July 2015) Reddit mensrights discussion thread
Women’s Greatest Problem: The Myth of the Submissive Alpha Male (25 June 2015)
Petty things I do to get back at my husband (3 June 2015) Like spitting in his coffee? Ewww. As detailed in one of hundreds of reader’s comments
Single Motherhood, in Decline Over All, Rises for Women 35 and Older (8 May 2015)
How The Search For Love Fuels China’s Housing Bubble (4 May 2015)
Gender equality begins at home: empty the dishwasher, guys, by Judith Ireland (1 May 2015) and related reddit mensrights discussion thread. And here is a more recent (Feb 2017) article on the same theme. But then read this article.
Spinster: how feminists celebrate being a selfish witch (24 April 2015)
When it comes to raising my child, a husband would be excess baggage (9 April 2015)
Ready for the marriage apocalypse? (8 April 2015)
How much should a husband share with his wife?, by Dalrock (6 March 2015)
Eva Mendes said you can’t keep a man (1 April 2015)
Bachelor Nation: 70% of Men Aged 20-34 Are Not Married (12 February 2015) Author pushes the standard line that men aren’t marrying because they are immature. More than 2,000 readers put her on the right track
How marriage would work in a free society (22 February 2015)
MythBusters (TV show) asks whether money makes men more attractive (8 September 2014)
I don’t want children but worry my husband is getting broody (19 May 2013) If consent to sex is given under false pretences is now considered to be rape, then surely the situation described in this article is fraud?
At home, women treat men as if they are barely competent (10 February 2015)
Or maybe it’s you (2 February 2015)
Marriage rates plummet – Projection of never-married rates to 2017 (12 August 2013)
Where Have All the Good Men Gone?: Gender Differences in Marriageability (8 October 2014)
Why women are rejecting “perfect” men (18 September 2014)
More grim news for carousellers hoping to jump at the last minute (24 November 2012) from Dalrock’s blog
All the lonely feminist spinsters (14 October 2011)
What women really want – money: Research finds women look for well-paid job first in partner (11 April 2011)
The consequences of single motherhood (19 December 2001)
It might also be worth reading this article about gynocentrism to get further understanding of the ‘big picture’ that surrounds and underpins the above-mentioned issues.