This post, at least for the time being, consists of a collection of papers related to sex and sexuality.
On sex and sexuality
The Sex Recession by Kate Julian
Aella meets Louise Perry: Was the sexual revolution a mistake? (28 July 2022) Video
The 25-year-old in an open relationship with her long-term partner (23 April 2022) And does anyone out there seriously think that any of these women will be in happy, loving relationships in ten years time? Because every man dreams of raising a family with a women whose vagina has been as busy as Grand Central Station, right?
How male ‘porn superfans’ really view women (27 August 2019)
Ladies, stop trying to have sex like men by Suzanne Venker (9 May 2019), and here is the author’s advice for men
The share of men under 30yo who aren’t having sex has nearly tripled in the past decade (30 March 2019)
Women cheat because they LOVE their husbands… and it’s more about orgasms than intimacy (says woman who spent a year interviewing female cheats) (14 June 2018)
When Does a Watershed Become a Sex Panic? (14 November 2017)
An evolutionary perspective on orgasm (2017) with an extract here. Included within this post for curiosity value
The consequence of this new sexual counter-revolution? No sex at all (4 November 2017)
Study explains why university women embrace binge-drinking and hook-ups (19 September 2017)
Shaming men doesn’t build healthy sexuality (12 July 2017)
Bettina Arndt on sex-starved husbands (July 2017) Video
An angry reply about what men need from a ”sexually uninhibited woman” to the feminists who say women have to cheat men back (26 June 2017) Reddit discussion thread
Porn ISN’T to blame for a man’s inability to perform in the bedroom – it’s a lack of sexual satisfaction (9 June 2017)
There are countless studies of endometriosis, but when one female Masters student (not even a PhD) starts researching a paper on an untouched field – how men’s sex life is handled during a relationship with a sufferer, feminists lose their #%&* minds (1 June 2017) Empathy towards men? No way. Reddit discussion thread here. But here is a common-sense response, published in The Conversation of all places.
Lauren Southern: What every girl needs to hear (6 May 2017) Article with linked video
Janelle Monáe Thinks Women Should Consider a Sex Strike (11 April 2017)
New First World Feminism Problem: Cosmo Worries That Men Are Deriving Too Much Pleasure from Giving an Orgasm to a Woman (24 March 2017)
What do college students achieve by participating in the Hook-up culture? (23 March 2017) A snap-shot of what’s happening in North American campuses, that helps explain the environment conducive to false rape allegations and confusion about consent, for example.
‘There isn’t really anything magical about it’: Why more millennials are avoiding sex (2 August 2016) Related Reddit discussion thread here
Is Game of Thrones ‘desensitising’ us to fictional incest pornography, and driving our interest in faux-cest? (11 June 2016) “Women like the story” … sure, just like men buy Penthouse to read the articles.
Reply to /u/transamination/ about what men don’t understand about women, by Sage Gerard (13 April 2016) Sage has written some great stuff – check out his work sometime.
Shaming Men Doesn’t Build Healthy Sexuality (9 April 2016)
How Men Wanting to ‘Focus On Her Pleasure’ During Sex Can Still Be Sexist (16 December 2015) You won’t believe the views of this femi-nit (and then see what her readers think)
“There was a woman I knew intimately a few times. She is today an assistant professor of literature in a university and teaches with an explicitly feminist bent, able to effortlessly write reams upon reams of stuff in that vein.
In bed, she really did prefer it when the man took the lead and she was thankful that I’d broken the ice and made the first moves and so on. Afterwards, she said some words about me acting “entitled” to sex, an accusation which I found stunning at the time seeing as how we’d never had done it if I hadn’t stuck my neck out.
So that’s how it is with feminists. They expect– nay, DEMAND– that men make the first move and, when they do, sneer at them for their effrontery and being too forward, all of which is “entitlement” in their world. Their own normative situation of feeling they ought to get sexual attention– only when wanted– without breaking a sweat to get it and having their minds read in the process is, of course, a natural birthright and not “entitlement” in any way, shape or form.” (Source)
To rape is to want sex, not power (2 January 2016)
Turning down sex as a man (14 December 2015) reddit mensights discussion thread
Spike Lee: female students should go on sex strike to combat campus rape (27 November 2015) Reddit discussion thread and linked article
Slow-selling, expensive: female Viagra has been an epic fail (19 November 2015)
The Rise of the Half Night Stand (29 October 2015)
Feminists ‘are more likely to watch porn’ (15 September 2015)
The growing male sex drought (31 August 2015)
As one man gets an assault conviction after his lover complained about rough sex, JAN MOIR asks… What next? Jail for men who are a let down in bed! (26 June 2015)
Men Have A “Younger Women Problem” Damn You Biology (4 June 2015)
Why do straight women do ‘girl on girl action’ that they regret the next morning? (4 June 2015) Surprise, surprise … men blamed
The fascinating connection between how much married people make and how likely they are to cheat (4 June 2015)
A third of the people on hookup app Tinder are already married – with WOMEN being most likely to cheat (7 May 2015)
If a woman isn’t interested in sex, the problem quite possibly is with her (20 February 2015)
On the “empowering” benefits of pole-dancing (20 February 2015)
Is my sexuality OK with you? by Sage Gerard (18 February 2015)
Feminist explains why porn ban is necessary: “A recent German study found a clear negative correlation between consumption of Internet pornography and marriage rates among young men!!!” Article and related reddit mensrights discussion thread (2 February 2015)
Shock study: Marriage rate declines with porn use, threatening economy, society (16 December 2014)
The end of feminism by the Hoover Institution (3 December 2014)
Study shows women fantasize about being sexually dominated more than men fantasize about dominating someone sexually (3 November 2014) Reddit discussion thread and linked table
Study says sex with more than 20 women protects men from prostate cancer (29 October 2014)
Let’s cut this “all girls can get sex anytime” bull$&@t (12 October 2014)
Women Should Have Sex When They Don’t Want To. No, That Wasn’t a Typo (19 September 2014)
“If he’s pressuring you for sex then he probably doesn’t love you” (Reddit discussion thread, 2011)
Women who don’t sleep around are more likely to have happy marriages (25 August 2014)
What women think about sex vs. the reality (17 August 2014)
Fed up to the point of killing his sex drive (22 July 2014)
Is our sexual double-standard going away? (3 March 2014)
Intimate partner sexual abuse (3 August 2014)
When women wanted sex much more than men (19 March 2013)
Not tonight, honey, I have a penis (March 2013)
Sex in Australia (2014) Detailed survey results of sexual activity
Feminism’s homophobic roots – demanding compulsory heterosexuality because homosexuality oppresses women (A discussion thread on reddit/mensrights, July 2014) One reads little about the relationship between feminism and gay males, although there are quite a few gay male MRA.
Science confirms it’s pretty much impossible for women to avoid being judged on their sexuality (17 July 2014)
Testosterone and F.T.M sex drive and see this readers comment on the subject that followed this article:
“I remember listening to the This American Life episode on testosterone. In Act 2, when a female-to-male transgender person is interviewed, he lays out all the graphic and objectifying thoughts he now has as a man. At no point is he challenged by the interviewer Alex Blumberg in his assumption that this must be how men see the world despite the fact that he, by his own admission, is taking HUGE amounts of testosterone as part of his transition–approximately 2-3 times the amount found in a typical adult male. A common element of misandry (which incidentally the text editor is underlining in red as not being a real word) is the idea that lewd or dangerous sexual behavior is merely the logical extension of normal male impulses. “I felt like a monster” says the interviewee followed by “It made me understand men. It made me understand adolescent boys a lot.””
How often men think about sex (23 June 2014)
Casual sex is great! (For narcissistic, coercive men!) (24 June 2014) A feminist perspective from ‘Slate’
Women should masturbate but men who do are lonely creeps (‘Cultural Suppression of Female Sexuality’)
All PIV sex is rape and When they fuck us – Truly, very unhinged perspectives from the world of radical feminism
‘Seduction versus coercion: Accountability is such a bitch’
Why so many people care so much about others’ sex lives (22 July 2014)
Is there anything wrong with women riding the ‘cock carousel’? (A reddit/mensrights discussion thread)
Gender hypocrisy in porn debate (25 September 2013) This article was also reproduced in the AVfM web site with readers comments (some quite funny)
The Price of Sex: Women Rule, Men Drool, the Market’s Cruel (4 May 2013)
Sexual desire in female-to-male transsexual persons: exploration of the role of testosterone administration (August 2011)
Is There a Gender Difference in Strength of Sex Drive? Theoretical Views, Conceptual Distinctions, and a Review of Relevant Evidence (1 August 2001)
On sluts and slut-shaming
What are anti-slutshamers fighting for, exactly? (20 October 2016) Reddit discussion thread
I’m A Slut — And 100% Proud Of It (So Stop Shaming Me Already) (28 May 2016) with related Reddit discussion thread here
Why does the “stud” and “slut” double standard exist? (12 April 2016)
Sluts lower the value of all women. Here’s how to compete with them (17 December 2015)
When ‘Slutwalk’ Feminists Attack Lauren Southern (25 June 2015)
A Cold War fought by women, The New York Times (18 November 2013)
Women call other women sluts to guard their social standing: Study (29 May 2014)