Sallee McLaren must write on the blackboard “I must not challenge the feminist narrative” (domestic violence)

Imagine a major social problem. Hundreds of millions of dollars of public funds have been thrown at it over the past few years in the hope of effecting a solution. Millions more have been allocated. The same types of solutions based on the same philosophical approach have been funded time and time again. And yet instead of the problem getting smaller, the people responsible for both allocating and for spending the money, are saying it is getting worse and worse.

In most other situations people would be saying “hey, it’s time we looked at the problem from other angles and tried different solutions“. But not in the case of domestic violence. Because here sensible pragmatism is well and truly trumped by the imperative of remaining safely within the confines of feminist dogma.

The other day The Age newspaper published an article entitled ‘The part women play in domestic violence‘ It was written by Sallee McLaren, a Melbourne-based clinical psychologist. With a title like that I thought it was going to be about female perpetrators, but that was not the case.

In fact, there was not ONE WORD about violence perpetrated by women. Yet despite that, feminists still reacted with fury. That’s a testament to the reality of just how distorted and one-sided the debate about domestic violence has become.

You see Sallee had the audacity to suggest that women in abusive relationships had some limited measure of control over the situation. That their behaviour sometimes exerted some influence over the circumstances that they now find themselves in. That they are something other than completely helpless victims. Yes, in the eyes of feminists, she was a VICTIM-BLAMER.

If this sounds like a familiar story, it is. You might recall the case of Tanveer Ahmed.

Miki Perkins, who also writes for The Age, was first cab off the rank for Team Feminism with an article entitled ‘Don’t play the victim blame game with family violence‘ (with 100 reader comments at last count).

Further examples of the feminist backlash against Sallee’s article can be found herehere and here. Naturally, social media is also awash with harsh comments about both Ms McLaren and The Age (for publishing such heretical and insensitive material).

And now I see that both Sallee and Tanveer Ahmed rate a mention in this article regarding the feminist infiltration of the Australian trade union movement.

To be continued.

Further thoughts regarding the White Ribbon Campaign

On 25th November 2014 the White Ribbon Campaign (WRC) celebrated its annual ‘White Ribbon Day’, whereupon they beat their chests about the wonderful job they (say they) are doing, and sought to fill their coffers via donations and merchandise sales.

I visited their Facebook page at that time and noticed quite a number of dissenters posting comments there. In true feminist fashion these were slyly removed during the course of the day (as discussed in this blog post). WRC representatives responded to the nay-sayers by castigating them for complaining about WRC’s focus on female victims, and/or by telling them to go and start their own organisation to address violence towards men.

Without doubt there would be many people out there who would say, how could anyone be so mean-spirited as to criticise the White Ribbon Campaign? So what if they focus solely on female victims of domestic violence, at least they are still helping someone? Surely any publicity that raises awareness of the problem of domestic violence is a good thing? Lots of celebrities support WRC so they must  be doing something useful otherwise those people wouldn’t risk their reputations, right? Right?

The WRC believes, or at least tries to make others believe, that those opposing it are misogynists who are angry about its sole focus on female victims. In actual fact, in most cases, that is not the root cause of disquiet about their operation.

So, if this issue isn’t the main issue of concern, then what is?

1. WRC’s lack of honesty and transparency, and their censorship, shaming and attacks on others holding alternative views

Publicly, the WRC’s rationale for focusing solely on female victims is based on their claim that the “overwhelming” majority of domestic violence is perpetrated by males upon females. Privately, the driving force behind WRC is its rigid adherence to feminist ideology.

Misleading statements, concerning the nature and extent of domestic violence, sabotage the efforts of others to institute fairer and more effective programs to combat domestic violence. It is hard to believe that this continual misrepresentation of statistical ‘evidence’ to support the focus adopted by WRC is inadvertent. The strategic invention &/or misrepresentation of ‘facts’ in this manner is a hallmark of contemporary feminism.

These false assertions have the effect of denying male victims of domestic violence appropriate recognition or support, and of unfairly demonising men in general. Another outcome is the lack of attention given to abusive women through, for example, the provision of behaviour modification programs for female offenders.

Thus the problem is not that the WRC focuses on male violence towards women, but that – for strategic reasons – they fail to acknowledge other significant elements of domestic violence. No, in fact they do more than that. They argue that those whose priorities differ from their own are (at best) ignorant and misguided, and at worst that they are abusers themselves.

The message disseminated by WRC seeks to make a complex social issue appear simple. This is useful in attracting and maintaining the interest, and subsequently the financial support, of the public. Part of this involves inventing  a single easily-identifiable bogey-man – the heterosexual male.

WRC’s approach also handily puts the onus for addressing the problem onto men and absolves women of any responsibility in relation to either causing the problem or fixing it.

2. The fact that WRC diverts, both strategically and inadvertently, public and private funds away from programs where they might be used more effectively in the fight against domestic violence and/or in assisting victims of DV

The effects of misrepresentations by WRC, when combined with substantial marketing efforts, political acumen, and a social environment highly supportive of feminism, sees WRC exert a significant influence on government policies and decisions regarding resource allocation to DV.

WRC compromise efforts to reduce domestic violence and assist male victims because they misrepresent both the nature of the problem and the nature of potential solutions. In so doing they side-track us from identifying and implementing more effective solutions. This skews the nature of research undertaken, in turn skewing the nature of support services provided.

WRC are not satisfied for a reasonable share of funds to be directed towards feminist groups like their own, they want all available funds so directed.

Questions have also been raised as to WRC’s ability to competently manage public funds, and the extent to which its operations are financially self-serving. Ironically this is happening at the expense of men, given that men contribute the majority of tax revenue.

Browsing through a recent annual report for White Ribbon Australia was illuminating. To give an example, unless I have misread this page, WRC burnt more than $400,000 in one year just on share trading.

According to White Ribbon Australia’s corporate annual report for 2013, they gambled their donations in the stock market and lost one fourth of their current assets! In other words, they lost almost $500,000 AUS playing the stock market with the public’s donations! Here is what their corporate annual report states:

“Total equity declined from $1,193,398 to $751,611 as a result of the trading loss.”

Society’s current predilection for placing feminism and feminist organisations on a pedestal, goes hand in hand with inadequate government oversight and serious lapses in accountability. History has shown us that this type of situation usually ends badly. It is quite simply a scandal waiting to happen. (I talk about this problem in my post on the Domestic Violence Industry)

WRC’s involvement in running programs in schools

White Ribbon’s involvement in running what are essentially feminist indoctrination programs in schools has been a source of considerable concern for many. This is the subject of the sources listed below, and is discussed further in this blog post.

Senator Says Making Boys Pledge The White Ribbon Oath Is “Public Shaming Based On Gender” (23 November 2016)

Bankstown Public School boys “all say no” to abuse against women in their own hip hop song and video (24 March 2015) Hmm, no sign of a girl’s choir singing nice things about boys … funny that.

We mustn’t make boys feel bad about being male (3 December 2014) with 193 reader’s comments

Why does the White Ribbon Campaign make these errors of judgement, and why will it continue to do so?

WRC will continue down its current path because doing so supports feminist ideology and helps grow the influence of that movement, a goal that is of paramount importance to them. As a consequence, targeting anything or anyone that threatens the feminist narrative in relation to domestic violence is accorded a high priority (see my posts on Tanveer Ahmed and Sallee McLaren for example).

Secondly, it is financially lucrative for WRC to continue their current operating model. Misrepresenting the nature of domestic violence, and exaggerating its scale, stimulates further public support and government funding. This then channels additional funds towards themselves, other feminist enterprises and individual feminists (as per my post on the Domestic Violence Industry).

(Postscript November 2018: Sponsors abandon White Ribbon and Bye Bye White Ribbon (13 November 2018). And then ‘Anti-domestic violence organisation White Ribbon in $800,000 debt‘ (19 February 2019) White Ribbon was eventually closed down in 2019)

(Postscript 24 June 2020: White Ribbon Australia is re-launched with Brad Chilcott as the new CEO. One initial media article was ‘You can replace the leader but unless honesty replaces gender theory, White Ribbon is finished – again)

See also:

It is ‘all men’, to varying degrees: men’s violence against women is a systemic crisis (29 July 2020)

Failed charity White Ribbon tied in knots (6 November 2019)

Corrupt organization White Ribbon Australia in liquidation (3 October 2019)

Mixed feelings on the demise of White Ribbon Australia, by the One in Three organisation (8 October 2019)

White Ribbon Australia entry in ACNC database with links to annual reports

Cory Bernardi Dragged White Ribbon For Supporting Safe And Accessible Abortion (16 November 2017)

Public money wasted on domestic violence organisations, by Bettina Arndt (9 July 2016)

We stop violence at the source. And the source is men (28 June 2016) White Ribbon CEO Libby Davies defends White Ribbon (see article below), and in so doing happily throws men under the bus. Oh, but see the readers comments that follow (240+ at last count), NONE of which support Libby’s misandric stance. Here is a subsequent radio interview with Tom Elliot concerning Libby’s article, with further comments from Tom here.

Why you should never give a cent to White Ribbon, by Nina Funnell (23 June 2016) Australia. Feminists turn on their male allies. Again. And in November Nina’s at their throats again.

Reddit discussion thread concerning RSL employee forced to recite White Ribbon pledge (29 February 2016) See also detailed comment by ‘Imnotmrabut’

Domestic violence and White Ribbon day – help change the debate, by Bettina Arndt (21 November 2015) Australia

The secrets and lies of White Ribbon (November 2015)

Men’s anti-Domestic Violence advocate says scourge “is a male problem” (13 September 2015) Unlike Tanveer Ahmed this WRC Ambassador stuck to the script … good boy Dean … good boy <pat on head>

White Ribbbon misinformation (11 September 2015)

Say goodbye to the burly blue-collar face of unions: they’re now feminist (4 June 2015)

Paul Elam from AVfM on the White Ribbon Campaign (4 December 2014) Video interview

Video critical of White Ribbon Campaign blocked in Australia (1 December 2014)

White Ribbon Australia lies – Interview with Dr Greg Canning (24 November 2014)

False claims undermine good causes (24 November 2014)

White Ribbon Day overestimates reported rapes eight-fold (25 November 2014)

White Ribbon Australia fraud exposed (23 November 2014) with more related details here, including the statement:

Please click on the ‘White Ribbon Campaign’ tag at the bottom of this page to see further blog posts related to this organisation.

White Ribbon Campaign to men: Stand up! Speak up! Shut up!

I wanted to draw your attention to a disturbing development involving the Australian arm of the White Ribbon Campaign (‘WRC’). Before proceeding, I should clarify that this particular organisation is separate and fundamentally different from the White Ribbon Campaign led by Ms. Erin Pizzey. The distinction between the two groups is discussed in this other post.

In summary, Erin’s organisation recognises and advocates for victims of both genders. It believes that the root cause of domestic violence lies in generational family violence, and that the patriarchy is an ideological concept devoid of value or meaning within the context of the debate regarding domestic violence.

As is the practice with many feminist organisations, WRC suppresses useful and potentially constructive debate and actively censors dissenting views. A very clear example of this occurred in February 2015 involving one of WRC’s ‘ambassadors’, a fellow by the name of Tanveer Ahmed.

The role of ambassadors within the Australian arm of the White Ribbon Campaign is described as follows:

“White Ribbon Ambassadors are men who recognise the importance of men taking responsibility and playing a leadership role in preventing men’s violence against women.

White Ribbon Ambassadors are formal representatives of White Ribbon Australia who have the knowledge, skills, attributes and determination to influence Australian men to critically evaluate their attitudes and behaviours toward women.” (Source)

Tanveer did just that. He showed leadership by writing an article about domestic violence that presented a perspective that included an acknowledgment of female perpetrators of violence, as well as a discussion of certain factors underpinning violent behaviour by both men and women.

For feminists this was like a red rag to a bull. They incorrectly interpreted “factors underpinning perpetration” as meaning “excuses for men to commit violence against women”. And as for his claims that significant numbers of women are also committing violence, well, every feminist knows that’s not true.

I should also point out that the sorts of ideas Tanveer shared in his article have been proposed by others and are hardly new or revolutionary. This fact sheet from SAVE, for example, also identifies various factors as being potential precursors of partner violence (refer Fact #5).

Here are some of the key items that have appeared in the media thus far:

Men forgotten in violence debate‘ by Tanveer Ahmed (9 February 2015)

Feminism in crisis as male supporter expresses view of his own (9 February 2015)

White Ribbon Ambassador Tanveer Ahmed’s dangerous message on domestic violence by Clementine Ford (10 February 2015)

White Ribbon Ambassador Tanveer Ahmed recommitting rather than resigning (11 February 2015)

Look at how the feminists turned on Tanveer by perusing his Twitter stream around 9/10/11 February 2015. See the brickbats hurled at him by high-profile feminists like Jane Caro and Elizabeth Broderick, as well as countless faceless SJW, their mouths frothing with spittle. It’s ironic how online bullying morphs from patriarchal scourge to sacred duty when someone dares to question the holy grail of feminism.

In a lengthy statement issued by WRC on 10 February 2015 it was noted that “Dr. Ahmed has agreed to participate in the Ambassador recommitment process”. (Source) Shades of totalitarianism … quite chilling really.

Yet despite the issuing of this statement an angry feminist horde continued to bay for Tanveer’s blood across the social media. See, for example, the WRC Facebook page (extract below) and Twitter stream. Perhaps somewhat surprising, most of the comments in the Facebook page were posted by women. Surprising only in that WRC is ostensibly an organisation for men. I guess the male supporters were well and truly cowed, just how their feminist masters wish them to be.


Australian ‘White Knight’ politician Tim Watts, now teetering on the cusp of becoming a fully-fledged ‘Mangina’, stood up in federal parliament to demand that Dr Ahmed stand down from his role with WRC. A video of Tim’s speech is provided in his Facebook page (see 11 February), with further righteous fury evident in Tim’s Tweets.

The feminist’s message is crystal clear: “Men, we want you nice and visible up the front but don’t you dare say anything that isn’t 100% in accord with the feminist narrative or we will turn on you in a flash.”

The WRC is not an organisation that is interested in accurately describing the nature of domestic violence, in objectively teasing it apart into its component pieces, and in considering the widest possible range of solutions. This is an organisation that places a higher priority on maintaining the ‘integrity’ of the feminist narrative, and in pursuing both individual and collective self-interest.

Thus WRC portrays a picture of DV that conforms to their biased viewpoint, and that only acknowledges those causes and those solutions that fit neatly into the framework that they themselves have fashioned.

The thing is, we have already thrown many years and many million of dollars at that approach, only to have the self-same feminists come back to the public-funding trough claiming that the problem is getting worse and that we are now facing an “epidemic” of domestic violence. “Oh, but if only we had more funding we could keep the women and children safe“.

The ideologues at WRC and elsewhere in the femosphere now chanting ‘cast him out’ are nothing less than blinkered gender fascists. How any right-thinking adult could continue to support this group simply beggars belief.

The sacking of Tanveer from his role at The Australian newspaper and his removal from the role of ambassador with WRC demonstrate further escalation in the process of feminist retribution. The only question is whether the ad hominem attacks will continue in order to drive home the message to not only Tanveer, but others, to avoid criticism of all things feminist.

Rightly or wrongly I see some parallels with the case of recently-released Al Jazeera journalist Peter Greste. I think I can state with confidence though, that any irony will be lost on SJW who pledged support for one, only to subsequently attack the other.


Tanveer’s next best step would be to accept a role as an ambassador for Erin Pizzey’s group, securing a far more inclusive outlet for his passion, as well as according him the opportunity to offer a one-fingered wave to his misguided former colleagues-in-arms.

Postscript 27 April 2015: Dr Ahmed to speak at USA DV symposium 5-7 June 2015


See also:

Reddit mensrights discussion thread on this blog post (12 February 2015)

Say goodbye to the burly blue-collar face of unions: they’re now feminist (4 June 2015)

Lynched by the feminist mob-ette (14 March 2015)

White Ribbon Australia’s ethical dilemma (19 February 2015)

‘Disempowered’ men still lead on economic power (13 February 2015)

White Ribbon Australia ambassador challenges the sisterhood – is slated for re-education camp (15 February 2015)

Columnist Tanveer Ahmed sacked by the Australian over new plagiarism allegation (16 February 2015)

White Ribbon’s got some explaining to do (17 February 2015) As does the author of this article … so many obvious misrepresentations

Men’s rights activism, White Ribbon Campaign and Liberal Feminism (9 February 2015)

Elsewhere in this blog see:

Beware the ire of an angry feminist
So what exactly is the ‘Domestic Violence Industry’?


Beware the ire of an angry feminist

Whilst most of them labour on in denial, the fact is that feminists can be particularly spiteful and relentless in the manner in which they attack those who question or criticise their jaundiced view of the world. Although not according to this feminist:


Feminists are also not averse to turning on allies, particularly the men who openly support them (for examples see 12/ 34/ 5/ 6/ 7/ 89). Wow, don’t they just love dishing it out?

Consider the vendetta against Tanveer Ahmed, which you can read about in this blog post. Consider the reaction to a pro-feminist initiative by students at Sydney Boys High School. And the list goes on and on.

Now as I mentioned in the “About this blog” post, women who publicly defend men and men’s rights issues are especially loathed by feminists. Click on this hyperlink and read an example of some conservative women who wound up with targets on their backs in this manner.

And two more examples of women targeted by feminists are Erin Pizzey and Catherine Hakim:

Erin Patria Margaret Pizzey is an English family care activist and a novelist. She became internationally famous for having started one of the first women’s refuges (called women’s shelters in the U.S.) in the modern world, Chiswick Women’s Aid, in 1971, the organisation known today as Refuge. Pizzey has been the subject of death threats and boycotts because of her stance that most domestic violence is reciprocal, and that women are equally as capable of violence as men. Further details about Erin here and here

Catherine Hakim is a British sociologist who specializes in women’s employment and women’s issues. She has worked in British central government, and as a Senior Research Fellow in the London School of Economics. She is currently a Senior Research Fellow at the Centre for Policy Studies. She has published extensively on labour market topics, women’s employment, sex discrimination, social and family policy, as well as social statistics and research design. She has published over 100 articles in academic journals and edited collections, and over a dozen textbooks and research monographs. She is best known for developing preference theory and her criticism of many feminist assumptions about women’s employment.

Apparently even worse still are women who not only criticize feminism, but do so on the basis of its overt misogyny towards women. This is discussed in a post by a well-known female MRA, Alison Tieman.

And yet at the same time, feminists have a deeply unenviable propensity to quickly play the ‘frightened and oppressed victim’ card should the tables be turned (aka ‘cry bully’).

Perhaps the most common way in which feminists lash out is through employing what is known as shaming tactics. At other times, though their response can include tactics such as online bullying, stalking and threats, and/or the lodgement of false or exaggerated claims to Twitter/ISP’s/etc in order to have the accounts of their targets closed.

In another post I talk about a recent Australian example involving the ‘Sunrise’ TV show. In one of the media articles that ensued, Michael Lallo suggested that only feminist women posting online attracted threats of violence/death … with of course the threats being made by men.

Well Michael, time to open your eyes and wake up … and you can start by checking out these sources:

We have to erase men’: Lesbian author who urges women to ‘eradicate’ men from their lives racks up 5 star reviews on Amazon (24 October 2020)

Feminists treat men badly. It’s bad for feminism (30 June 2022)

Feminist aligned terrorists promote violence and share tactics openly on Facebook: New meme: “If You Own a Meninist Shirt L Will Not Hesitate to Stab You” (5 December 2016) Reddit discussion thread with linked article.

The reality of feminism (2016) Video

The Dark Web of Feminist Political Agenda (24 June 2016) Australia

A 19 Year Old Liberal-Feminist Tries to Kill a Street Preacher Because “Words” Hurt Her Feelings (29 May 2016) USA

Feminists and white knights plan vendetta against author of the ‘Return of Kings’ web site (2 February 2016) Australia. Feel the hate and see the spittle around the mouths of those who have probably never read a single article within the ROK site. Check out the surfeit of shaming language in this Daily Mail article. But this article is the most worrying of all – the hypocrisy of people who claim to be opposed to violence, only to then encourage others with that goal in mind.

Academic finds 84 serious threats of violence directed at Roosh and Return Of Kings readers (13 March 2017)

Women’s hate, violence and death threats (November 2013)

Women and white knight’s hate at Stephen A. Smith (July 2014)

Attack on the home of the founder of the group ‘Fathers 4 Justice’ (28 July 2014)

University prof pleads ‘no contest’ after attack on pro-life students (25 July 2014)

Irate women screams at pro-life kids: “No uterus … no right to talk about it!” (11 July 2014)

Feminist Declaration of War Against the Non-Feminist World, by Fidelbogen (9 April 2014) (27 November 2011) (18 January 2014)

Evidence Collection – Patterns of feminists making death threats (18 June 2013) (8 December 2011)

Feminist Enemy Number One. Christina Hoff Sommers might need a safe space (June 2015)

In addition:

See also:

“It’s pretty much a constant”: Women are more unhappy than men around the world (21 July 2022) And the opposite of angry is …

The bullying of Kimberley Kitching (17 March 2022)

We need to talk about Karen, by Paula Wright (13 February 2022)

Here’s what happened to Esther Vilar after she angered feminists (14 April 2020)

Nina Funnell has been very busy (January 2020) Regarding the ongoing attack on the credibility and professionalism of Bettina Arndt

Profanity at Women’s March proves protestors aren’t learning: Devine (19 January 2020) and a video of feminist Mona Eltahawy in action

Protest targeting male workers in Spain on International Women’s Day (8 March 2019) Video

The truth about those still defending Q&A (11 November 2019)

The ABC hosts controversial Q&A with a panel stacked with feminists – who call for women to kill rapists (5 November 2019) and then ABC launches investigation into Q&A episode over provocative language

‘I want patriarchy to fear women’: Mona Eltahawy says the time for being civil, peaceful and polite is over (28 September 2019)

Sandra Muller, France’s #MeToo creator, fined for defamation (25 September 2019)

54-year-old feminist angry at dating agency for not finding her a rich husband (30 March 2019) Just throwing this article in for a chuckle

The future is female. And she’s furious, by Cathy Young (28 January 2019) Recommended reading

Why feminists are bullies, in a nutshell (3 October 2018)

Anti-Brett Kavanaugh protesters go wild (October 2018) Video. USA

Russian feminist splashes bleach onto the crotchs of men sitting on public transport in order to protest ‘manspreading’ (27 September 2018) More here

Title IX Complaint Filed Against Professor Behind WashPo ‘Anti-Male’ Column (28 August 2018) This is regarding Professor Suzanna Danuta Walters who authored the infamous “Why Can’t We Hate Men?” column in the Washington Post

‘How I took the female cyber bully who used Facebook to ruin my life to court. And won’ (13 November 2017)

Distinguished Georgetown Prof Spreads Personal Info Of Political Opponents To Intimidate Them (22 May 2017)

‘Anti-feminism’ posters at American University investigated as a ‘hate crime’ (10 March 2017) I wish I could say that government agencies are above this type of absurdity, but …
UK Police Force Re-Educating 1,400 Officers To Treat Misogyny As ‘Hate Crime’ (9 March 2017)

To Milo or not to Milo? (21 February 2017) How the left neutralised a very annoying thorn  in their side. A story rich in hypocrisy given what various feminists/SJW have previously said & done & walked away from without penalty.

Good Word for the Contemptible Straight White Male, by Timothy Cootes (19 February 2017)

Islamic State using feminism to lure Australian women into becoming ‘Jihadi Brides’ (12 February 2017) This must be at, or close to, ‘peak stupid’.

Vlogger’s bizarre video sparks outrage after she urges people to murder ‘male babies’ (24 January 2017)

Rebel reporter assaulted at Women’s March (22 January 2017) USA. Male feminist, Dion Bews, assaults female journalist then female feminists help him escape into the crowd and tell the journalist to “calm down”. Meanwhile, also at the Women’s March, an anti-Trump protester sets a girl’s hair on fire. What pathetic hypocrites these people are. And another article in a similar vein.

Anti-bullying advocate Roz Ward harasses bystander (21 November 2016)

Annaliese Nielson, founder of start-ups GodsGirls, Crushee, and the exclusive Los Angeles … decided to start an expletive filled tirade on a Lyft driver … Nielson took issue with the drivers bobble head figurine and was determined to create a violent confrontation (28 August 2016)

Feminism Has Enabled My Husband to Be Lazy and Selfish (26 August 2016) Further proof that only a masochist would marry a feminist. See related Reddit discussion thread here.

Feminist journalist: All men are rapists and should be put in prison and then shot (15 August 2016)

Feminazi Zealots Adopt Feminazi Zealot Tactics To Get An MP Sacked For Pointing Out Their ‘Zealotry’ (13 August 2016) UK

HuffPo Women’s editor, Alanna Vagianos, says that pointing out that most of those dying violently in the USA are men is “extremely offensive” and that those making this observation should STFU (12 July 2016)

George Christensen the most abused MP on Twitter, election analysis shows (1 July 2016) In Australia, conservative male politicians receive the most online abuse (no women in the top 20 … male privilege?)

Feminists treat men badly. It’s bad for feminism, by Cathy Young (30 June 2016) USA

On @Anne_Theriault and the Endless Futility of Feminist Revenge Fantasies (17 June 2016)

The Facebook Page Wars of 2016 : Profiling Rose S Garston (19 April 2016)

How A Torpedoed Kickstarter Campaign Unintentionally Revealed An Unlikely Unit of Cyber-Terrorists (18 April 2016) USA

These Are The Strange Cookies This Mom Brought To A 2nd Grade Class (5 April 2016) Feminist takes rejection badly

Student feminist group ‘Campus Witches’ attack a man while he eats his lunch after he harassed his ex on Twitter (1 April 2016)

The persecution of Sage Gerard at Kennesaw State University (KSU) (11 March 2016)

Anti-feminist activist Lauren Southern has urine poured on her (5 March 2016) Canada

Great Men Under Siege – The Fiamengo File Episode 14 (28 February 2016) Video

Brought Milo Yiannopoulos to Rutgers and Liberals Freaked Out (13 February 2016) USA

Sir Tim Hunt To Leave Britain: How Feminists Chased Away One of Britain’s Geniuses (18 December 2015)

If not for double-standards, she’d have none at all (1 December 2015) Australian feminist with a long history of perpetrating hateful online bigotry and abuse, has man sacked for calling her a ‘slut’

Feminist administrator and professor threaten male journalist with false accusations and ‘muscle’. This is what it’s like to be a college student in 2015 (10 November 2015)

Spain: feminist march against “gender violence” turns into anti-male cesspool. Also, a few women were assaulted for reclaiming equal support for men (9 November 2015) Reddit discussion thread

Feminist tries to get me fired: BACKFIRES SPECTACULARLY (3 November 2015)

She ain’t honest (Nurse Ratched) (29 September 2015) Discussion concerning feminist journalist Clementine Ford

Miranda Devine: Demonising men won’t stop domestic violence‘ … and here is an example of the predictably vicious and misleading feminist reaction: ‘Sorry Miranda Devine, but domestic violence isn’t a poor person’s problem’ (27 September 2015). Miranda responded to her feminist critics first with this article, and then this one.
Barrister ‘reduced granny to tears with online rant’ (12 September 2015) Charlotte Proudman & her daddy issue

Em Rusciano: Good riddance Mark Latham (17 August 2015) Australia

When ‘Slutwalk’ Feminists Attack Lauren Southern (25 June 2015)

You have to watch rabid feminists attack Daily Beast writer for daring to defend man accused of rape! (7 February 2015)

The hatred of the modern feminist (30 January 2015) Australia

Amanda Marcotte: The David Duke of Feminism (9 January 2015)

Vandalized: Residence of U-M Student Who Dared to Mock Trigger Warnings (15 December 2014)

‘All women should be banned from barber shops’ (26 November 2014)

One of BBC’S Top 100 Women in foul-mouthed attack on ‘InsideMan’ magazine  (21 November 2014)

Twitter is censoring accounts before a single tweet goes out (12 November 2014)

Opinion You’re Going To Hate: Women aren’t Oppressed, They’re Actually The Most Protected Class In Our Society (14 October 2014)

Don’t bully me because I’m a feminist (14 June 2013)

Is there a cyber war on women? (2 February 2014)

What @AdamRichman Learned (2 July 2014)

Feminists post how-to guide on taking down Facebook pages with false reports

A blog post about ongoing feminist attempts to discredit a lobby group serving the interest of people who have been falsely accused of sexual assault

List of links of women making online threats (Reddit discussion thread, September 2014)


Here are some articles discussing hateful sexist diatribes by feminists about men

Julie Bindel calls for men to be jailed and then shot (15 August 2016)

The anti male language that you read about and shrug off as just venting hot headed feminism …is real. (6 June 2015) Reddit mensrights discussion thread

Petition To Have Bahar Mustafa, Goldsmith’s Diversity Officer, Who Tweeted ‘Kill All White Men’, Sacked Reaches 12,000 (20 May 2015)

#Howtospotafeminist the only guide you’ll ever need (6 May 2015)

‘Kill all Men’: Lib Dem activist in hate speech scandal (17 April 2015)

My comment to Jezebel regarding the feminist who aborted her male son (11 February 2015)

Samantha Allen is a feminist writer – here is a recent example of her work. Another article in which she proudly states that she hates men is discussed here (source article available here)

Reading feminist theory (23 August 2014)

When they fuck us (29 July 2014)

Can feminists do anything on their own? (15 August 2014)

Meet the woman who wants to reduce the male population by 90% “for peace” (22 August 2014)

Add these to the misandry Hall of Fame (19 June 2014)

Abolish the white race, abolish men – presentation by a feminist in a public library (2 June 2014)″ target=”_blank (‘Feminism vs decency’)


Related posts within this blog include:

About feminism & feminist antipathy towards issues faced by men
Regarding online harassment
On violence carried out by women and girls
On the censorship of non-feminist perspectives and opinions

