As you are no doubt aware, in November 2016 the American people chose a new President. He’s a bit different from the previous one, and some people aren’t too happy about this. Piers Morgan provides further context in his article entitled:
In this post I have thrown together a few snippets concerning the troubling, unproductive and all-too-often violent leftist/SJW/feminist response to the democratic process …
Some related articles:
Women’s Marchers Say Pro-Lifers Can’t Be Feminists
Limo torched in anti-Trump protests belonged to Muslim immigrant who faces £80,000 bill
Commentary: After assault by inaugural protesters, a call to redefine nation’s character
Women’s March featured speaker who kidnapped, raped and tortured a man (with related Reddit discussion thread here)
Feminists should face their own flaws, not sneer at Melania Trump
Ann Widdecombe Calls Women’s March ‘Pathetic’ on Good Morning Britain (video)
College Professor Exposes Women’s March on Washington (video)
Dear Daughter: Here’s Why I Didn’t March For You by Mary Ramirez
Women’s march: #ButItsAboutEquality! by Hannah Wallen
White Women behaving badly by Janet Bloomfield
More divisive that Trump by Corrine Barraclough
About the organisers/speakers & celebrity hangers-on:
The celebrities shown here loathe Trump because of how he objectifies women
What others thought of the Women’s March and preceding protests:
Tangible outcomes of the Women’s March:
And after the Women’s March came the Women’s Strike on 8 March 2017:
A Day Without Women, A Defamation of Men (8 March 2017)
Meet the terrorist behind the next women’s march (25 February 2017) See related Reddit discussion thread here.
Women’s strike could be coming and history tells us what will happen by Jane Gilmore (8 February 2017)
Pray men never take a day off by Janet Bloomfield (18 September 2013)