The White Ribbon Campaign that addresses part of the problem Vs. The White Ribbon Campaign that addresses all of the problem

A white ribbon or a symbol denoting a white ribbon has been used by a number of movements in recent history as described in the relevant entry in Wikipedia.

Two of those entities are active in addressing the problem of domestic violence. For the purpose of this discussion I will refer to them as the the White Ribbon Campaign, and the White Ribbon Campaign (feminist version) respectively.

The first of these organisations is committed to addressing all forms of domestic violence, and is led by respected domestic violence campaigner Ms Erin Pizzey. This organisation pursues a gender-neutral approach and utilises unbiased professionally conducted research. Here is their web site and Facebook page.

Until recently their web site address was, but legal action taken by the organisation discussed below now prevents them from using that domain name.

The role of the White Ribbon Campaign (feminist version) is limited to addressing violence by men against women. They publicise research results that support the notion that domestic violence as a gendered crime, and assert that virtually all domestic violence is perpetrated by men. They ignore or seek to discredit research that does not support their position. Here is their Australian web site (& Facebook page) and their Canadian web site.

Many people have expressed concerns over the years regarding the policies and the actions of the White Ribbon Campaign (feminist version). This can be readily ascertained by googling on the words ‘White Ribbon Campaign criticism’ – some examples can be seen herehereherehere, here and here. Here is also a reddit discussion thread on Bunnings Warehouse and the ‘White Ribbon Campaign’ plus an article by a feminist who is decrying mens objections in relation to advertising undertaken by the ‘White Ribbon Campaign’.

I believe that we will only make meaningful inroads into solving the scourge of domestic violence if we commit to addressing the entire DV problem, not just the parts that don’t threaten the validity of feminist narrative of men=perpetrator and women=victim.

I believe that we should provide adequate support to ALL victims of domestic violence.

I believe that we should recognise and provide treatment programs for all perpetrators of intimate partner violence, regardless of race, gender, age or sexual orientation.

If you share those beliefs then please sign the pledge at

Ever since it was created the White Ribbon Campaign has been the subject of  relentless feminist attack. What strikes me as ironic is that these attacks have generally been on the basis that it is a vehicle to “scam” money from members of the public and/or  that donated funds would be better directed towards “real charities” … presumably like the White Ribbon Campaign (feminist version).

The thing is though … how many of these “real charities” actually spend donated funds on providing practical assistance and support to victims of DV versus spending it all on salaries, expensive marketing campaigns and conferences? How much government oversight is there to ensure that objectives are being set and achieved and money not misspent or wasted?

And just how much of that marketing is simply about building brand awareness of themselves and of feminism generally, about promoting an exaggerated perception of the scale of the DV problem,  and about generating suspicion and hostility between the genders? All of which, not coincidentally, serves to rev-up the gravy train of government funding.

See also:

Domestic violence and White Ribbon day – help change the debate, by Bettina Arndt (21 November 2015) Australia

White Ribbon CEO Libby Davies jumps the cash cow (22 February 2015)

A red flag from White Ribbon (17 February 2015)

White Ribbon stop fibbin’! (8 December 2014)

White Ribbon Australia fraud exposed (23 November 2014)

Erin Pizzey takes charge of (9 November 2014)

White Ribbon considering legal action against men’s rights group (6 November 2014) I noted, and raised with SBS, the fact that they failed to upload readers comments in relation to this article.

‘Men’s Rights’ Movement Sinks to a Sickening New Low by Stealing from Domestic Abuse Charity (30 October 2014) Laughably biased and misleading article but the author receives sound solid feedback in the reader’s comments section.

Why Is an Anti-Feminist Website Impersonating a Domestic Violence Organization? (24 October 2014) Be sure to peruse the readers comments

From Paul’s inbox (25 October 2014) prepares for possible legal battle (26 October 2014)

The Fraud of White Ribbon (March 2013)

Elsewhere in this blog you might also be interested in:

White Ribbon Australia acknowledges male victims and invites communication (credibility trigger warning)

So what exactly is the ‘Domestic Violence Industry’?

White Ribbon campaign to men: Stand up! Speak up! Shut up!

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