Let’s set aside the dictionary definition of feminism. And all the nice cuddly things feminists are quoted as saying in the mainstream media. There are other significant considerations or issues of concern to real-world feminists. But even though they may feel deeply about them, they rarely admit to it. This post is about one such issue. It’s referred to under different names including women’s sexual currency, erotic capital, or the ‘pussy cartel’.
Have you ever wondered why feminists have such a visceral reaction to the topic of western men with foreign wives, prostitution (involving men paying women for sex), men viewing pornography, men using sex aids for solo pleasure, and MGTOW?
That reaction is summed up succinctly in this post in a discussion thread about men with foreign wives:
“Anything that gives men more options seems to piss them off. Also why they despise prostitution. They really seem to think that women derive value from sex, and treat any women who aren’t trading it for things as they see fit, the way a union views scabs.” (Source)
Yes, sure, that’s just one person commenting about a one particular topic. But I have seen the same suggestion put forward, often simply as an aside, by others in many separate discussions about the various topics listed above.
Granted this does not apply to all women who identify as feminists, but please let’s not divert into the maze that is NAFALT. Likewise I won’t be side-tracked into discussions as to the fairness or appropriateness of women choosing to sleep with alpha males rather than ‘nice guys’, or remaining celibate, or whatever. Women can choose to do pretty much whatever they want with their own bodies. And, aside from women in sexual servitude in third-world countries, women exercise this choice every day of their lives. Good for them.
What I do object to though, is the denial and hypocrisy surrounding the reality of modern-day sexual mores, and of feminists claiming the moral high ground when often so very poorly qualified to do so. And to those who acknowledge reality but attempt to lay responsibility at the feet of the ‘patriarchy’, I say nonsense! Utter nonsense!
In the film ‘A Few Good Men‘, a ‘Code Red’ was said to be an unofficial military order to rough up an uncooperative soldier, with the aim of enforcing and strengthening team unity. Who remembers Jack Nicholson (as Col. Jessep) bellowing the line: “You don’t want the truth because deep down in places you don’t talk about at parties, you want me on that wall, you need me on that wall.”.
Is it true in fact that feminists recognise that a woman’s strongest (and increasingly now their only significant) bargaining chip is their power to grant or withhold sexual relief?
Is it not also that feminists see people who fall into the categories mentioned above (e.g. men with Asian wives, etc) as devaluing the sexual currency of women, and loathe them for it? Often even seeking retribution against them?
Does the feminist version of a ‘Code Red’ consist of a package of shaming tactics? For example, slut-shaming for prostitutes and party girls. Shaming of men with Asian wives with comments like “you couldn’t get a woman in your own country” and “you’re too weak to handle a union of equals“.
This theme is explored further in the following papers:
Why Do Men Watch Porn? (25 April 2021)
Pornographic Progress, Sexbots and the Salvation of Man (7 April 2016)
Author Tells Women to Use Their “P*ssy Power” to Get the Men They Want (6 April 2015)
Study reveals price plays exclusive part in women’s approval of sexualy explicit advertisements (9 December 2013)
Seems like its women who mostly slut-shame (27 September 2014)
You can’t get laid in the United States (26 September 2011)
Gender hypocrisy in porn debate (25 September 2013) This article was also reproduced in the AVfM web site with readers comments (some quite funny)
Intimate partner sexual abuse (3 August 2014)
Feminism’s homophobic roots – demanding compulsory heterosexuality because homosexuality oppresses women (A discussion thread on reddit/mensrights, July 2014) One reads little about the relationship between feminism and gay males, although there are quite a few gay male MRA.
Women should masturbate but men who do are lonely creeps
They’re afraid of men masturbating (20 September 2010)
Reddit discussion thread on slut-shaming
A Cold War fought by women, The New York Times (18 November 2013)
Women call other women sluts to guard their social standing: Study (29 May 2014)
Elsewhere in this blog you might be interested in reading:
Western men with Asian women: Gender relations through a different frame of reference
On Australian men seeking foreign partners
Girls showing their bits = empowerment? patriarchal exploitation? self-indulgence? other?