The Cult of Feminism

According to Wikipedia“Feminism is a collection of movements and ideologies aimed at defining, establishing, and defending equal political, economic, and social rights for women. This includes seeking to establish equal opportunities for women in education and employment.”

Feminism has also evolved over time, and historical differentiation has been attempted using the labels first-wave feminism, second-wave feminism and third-wave feminism.

Thus feminism has many tribes holding contrary views on a number of significant issues, as portrayed in the chart below. Further details regarding different forms of feminism can be found here.


valentiThe vast majority of feminists active in both social media and in lobbying government for policy change are at home on the right hand side of this chart. This group includes Jessica Valenti (pictured right) and Anita Sarkissian. These feminists are by far the most problematic in the context of the sorts of issues discussed in this blog.

In early 2015 only 18% of Americans considered themselves to be feminists (down 10% from 2013), and with most of those only having a superficial knowledge of feminist theory and its tawdry history. In Britain now the percentage of people claiming to be feminists is even lower, sitting at just 7%. Nine percent of respondents in the British survey asserted that feminism was “irrelevant”.

Nevertheless, the feminist hierarchy has no qualms about claiming to be the font of wisdom with regards to what (all) women want and how they should live their lives. Indeed the feminist’s sense of superiority knows no bounds, and they believe themselves to be equally well-qualified to lecture on how men think, and should live their lives.

When challenged in public debate, feminists are often quick to state that feminism is not about hating men. When confronted with hate-filled statements by prominent feminist spokespersons they then shift to the NAFALT (‘not all feminists are like that’) strategy. Yet how often does one hear feminists directly engaging with,  and you know … actually rebuking, these alleged outliers within their movement? Umm, rarely? never?

As various posts in this blog demonstrate, although feminists nominate equality as their primary goal they vigorously pursue policies which create or maintain inequality, even going so far as to obstruct the efforts of others seeking to foster equality. Feminists compound their duplicity by using all available means to stifle and silence those holding opposing views, rather than engaging in open and positive dialogue.

There can be little scope for mutual respect and co-operation given that the bulk of feminists choose to position the male half of the population on a spectrum the ends of which are marked by indifference and loathing.

“Aw, come on ladies! Fuck this “equality” bullshit. I don’t want equality. I want some fucking LIBERATION!  … Equality with men implies men are the standard. Fuck that bullshit. Men are the fucking oppressors! I want liberation from male oppression!” (Source)

As with very many others interested in men’s issues, I was originally very sympathetic towards the feminist message. Have you ever asked a feminist what reading she has done about male rights and male issues? I have, and I can almost guarantee that they will look at you as if you asked them if they could speak dog language. Having uncovered a surfeit of lies, hypocrisy and double-standards by that stage, this was the last straw for me.

Thus it finally dawned on me that most feminists believe that the only role for men in ‘their’ cause is to submit and be silent. This is clear in much of the material written by feminists, for example this article and the readers comments that follow.

Men are required to educate themselves about feminist concepts in order to (partially) redeem ourselves, or at least to do as we are told. There is no corresponding expectation on women, presumably as the male perspective is deemed to be so barren that we have no useful insights to impart. And in just one of their many feats of breathtaking hypocrisy, whilst feminists exaggerate the flaws evident in some men they studiously ignore the weaknesses and/or transgressions of many women.

Feminists promote the idea that women were utterly downtrodden before feminism arrived. In fact they have gone further and re-written history to support their belief in a patriarchy. This is explored in these papers: ‘Did men really have all the power throughout history?‘ and ‘Feminism against historical women‘. Yet still it doesn’t end there, as feminists:

  • usually opt to attack their critics rather than deal with the actual issues that they raise
  • persistently and blatantly misrepresent the position of their detractors
  • wilfully misrepresent reality in order to support their position, for example through the use of bogus statistics
  • wilfully misrepresent themselves as the natural spokespeople for women although most women choose not to identify themselves as feminists and/or are opposed to feminist doctrine
  • are hypocrites in decrying bigotry and sexism whilst pursuing an agenda based around such policies

These are symptoms of a movement that now has big issues in terms of its relevancy and credibility. These are symptoms of a movement whose net effect is increasingly one which threatens social cohesion and exacerbates pressing social problems.

A November 2014 reader poll conducted by ‘Time’ found that the word ‘feminist’ was the number one term (and by a large margin) that people would like to see banished. Also discussed here. When feminists found out they were not amused (article nonsense but good readers comments). Unfortunately at that point ‘Time’ chose to back down and apologise – pathetic really.

This 2015 article stated that only 18% of Americans consider themselves to be feminists, although 85% are in favour of equality for women.

Feminism has devolved into what is essentially a powerful fundamentalist cabal of privileged white western women. These people have manufactured an industry instilling a heady brew of victimhood and entitlement to generate substantial personal benefit for its main players, whilst offering perhaps the last remaining state-sanctioned outlet for bigoted self-expression. Indeed some would go further and assert that feminism displays many of the characteristics of a cult – see how many points of likeness you can tick off on this list. The ‘redstockings manifesto‘ is a piece of feminist history about which most current-day feminists would have no knowledge, yet its doctrine still lies at the heart of what empowered feminists are doing in the here and now.

Please read Seven things feminist hate to hear and absolutely can’t talk about, by Janet Bloomfield (22 April 2015) then view Feminism vs truth (22 September 2014) A short video by Christina Hoff Sommers

This June 2014 blog post by Ben Cobley looks at feminism from a left-wing political perspective. It’s quite heavy reading for those not into political theory but interesting and worth the effort.

Pierce Harlan has written an excellent article comparing the approach by feminists towards the treatment of those accused of rape with the lynch mobs of the American deep south.

An article by Julianne Ross (10 June 2014) entitled ‘The 8 biggest lies Men’s Rights Activists spread about women‘ was woefully biased and misleading. In fact the only good thing about it was the scorching rebuttal it led to, courtesy of an incensed MRA (NB: strong language warning).

A great Youtube video by Victor Zen called ‘Why Feminism is a Thing‘, and another one here called ‘Misandry: Let’s ask Tumblr feminists what they think’.

This article is about feminist double-standards when it comes to the issue of informed consent and rape.

This page is quite interesting in that it provides details of invitations issued to various people to provide information supporting their views after they made sexist and/or anti-male statements. And then read (also reproduced at at

Sample also this excellent response from MHRA blogger Judgy Bitch

Even Pope Francis has some wisdom to share with us on the topic of feminism:

“What I would like to add is that feminism, as a unique philosophy, does not do any favors to those that it claims to represent, for it puts women on the level of a vindictive battle, and a woman is much more than that,” the pope wrote. “The feminist campaign of the ’20s achieved what it wanted and it is over, but a constant feminist philosophy does not give women the dignity that they deserve. As a caricature, I would say that it runs the risk of becoming chauvinism with skirts.”

More from Pope Francis on the issue of gender differences here.

Feminism has now devolved to the point that using pre-pubescent girls in expletive-laden videos to further their cause is not only seen as appropriate, but as edgy and cool. (See critiques here and here). There is now a second video by the same producers, the main theme of which is domestic violence. A further example of the inappropriate use of children to bang the feminist drum is discussed here.

John the Other defined feminism thus: ”A doctrine built on the pre-supposition of victimhood of women by men as a foundation of female identity. In its goals is always the utilization of the state to forcibly redress this claimed victimization. In other words, the proxy use of violence and wealth appropriation. In whatever flavour, and variation, these two basic features are common to every doctrine using the label feminism. Feminism is therefore, a doctrine of class hatred, and violence.” (Source)


See also: 

Boy Meets Squirrel: The Hypocrisy of Modern Feminism (17 October 2024) Video

A World of Feminists? Far From It … (1 July 2024)

Young women favor femininity over feminism, survey finds (26 March 2024)

The reality of feminism (2016) Video

They’re right, I don’t understand feminism (22 June 2023)

Janice Fiamengo speaks about the true nature of feminism (8 June 2023) Videos

Twitter thread regarding trends in women suffering from depression 2000-2022 (28 April 2023)

Mass hysteria, madness and feminism (5 April 2023)

Gen Z, Millennials think women’s rights have gone too far, according to new survey (10 March 2023)

From Sex War to Family Union: an interview with Neil Lyndon (6 January 2023)

Feminism was never about equality (25 January 2023)

Men Have Been Psychologically Abused by Feminist Ideology For Decades, by Janice Fiamengo (11 August 2022)

Sex insanity amongst early feminists, by Janice Fiamengo (29 July 2022)

Stop Defending Amber Heard and Telling me how to be a Feminist (17 July 2022)

Report urges Scottish government to introduce misogyny act (8 March 2022)

Feminism: Not ‘progressive’, ‘egalitarian’, ‘liberal’, or ‘left-wing’” by Dr Jeffrey Ketland (January 2022) Video

Gender Equality and Where Feminism Gets It Wrong – Woke Father (24 May 2021)

The Dire Toxicity Of Extremist Feminism – Men Are Human (29 April 2021)

The Myth of Pervasive Misogyny (27 July 2020)

We should have the right not to like men (10 September 2020) and The Woman who hates men so much – she wrote a bestseller about it (11 September 2020)

Talking Sense not Sensibility with Neil Lyndon – On the Perils of Badmouthing Feminists (23 August 2020) Video

The myth of pervasive misogyny (27 July 2020)

‘Grow up’ vs. ‘MeToo’ (9 March 2020)

Feminism – Psychological projection on a macro and gendered scale (18 February 2020) by J. A. Wilson

Book review of ‘Governance Feminism: An Introduction’ (26 December 2019)

36 Stupid feminist questions answered (8 May 2019) Video

It’s all fun and games, until someone gets equality (15 November 2018)

The hidden classism of modern feminism (5 November 2018)

Why feminists are bullies, in a nutshell (3 October 2018) Video

Is Modern Feminism starting to undermine itself? by Jess Butcher (6 September 2018) Video

Feminism: Qu’est-ce que qu cest? (9 July 2018)

A Scholar Asked, ‘Why Can’t We Hate Men?’ Now She Responds to the Deluge of Criticism (19 June 2018)

Are you weak if you make your man a sandwich? This is why real men don’t marry feminists (15 October 2017)

‘Women Against Feminism’ are mostly just feminists who don’t hate men (31 August 2017)

Kathy Griffin’s Apology Reversal Illustrates Feminism’s Maddening Identity Crisis (6 June 2017)

What is feminism? (23 April 2017) See other articles by the same author, here.

Camille Paglia Discusses Her War on ‘Elitist Garbage’ and Contemporary Feminism (14 March 2017)

Belinda Brown: Feminism is a toxic toy for the privileged (8 March 2017)

Feminists wage war against romance on Valentine’s Day (14 February 2017)

More divisive than Trump by Corrine Barraclough (4 February 2017)

I didn’t join the march. I’ve had enough of Obama’s hierarchy of grievance (22 January 2017)

The Sisterhood and a Profound Weariness: Unbiased Analysis (4 January 2017)

Having a son went from a dilemma to being the most valuable lesson of my life, by Polly Dunning (21 December 2016) Australia. Related Reddit discussion thread here. God help this poor little boy (and others like him) who should be allowed to grow up being accepted and loved, rather than have his gender bigot mum use him as a sociology experiment based around a perverse misandric cult.

How to make feminism great again (5 December 2016)

Yes, @kmo75947, Feminists Do Hate Men (16 November 2016)

An ex-Feminist’s thoughts on academia and the tactics of third-wave Feminism (18 October 2016) Reddit discussion thread

Most women in 2016 happy to be female, BBC poll suggests (10 October 2016) And so even with the patriarchy and all the dreadful deprivations endlessly described by feminists, more women are glad to be women rather than men.

The trumpet blasts of the monstrous regiment, by Terry Barnes (26 September 2016) Australia. Good read

Generation of young women is ‘wracked by anxiety, lack of confidence and despair’ caused by financial, work and housing problems (22 September 2016) UK

The things feminists say, by Sargon of Akkad (video)

Why ‘Feminazi’ is a perfectly valid word (18 August 2016)

The coming diversity disaster, by Shay Tan (24 July 2016)

Feminists treat men badly. It’s bad for feminism, by Cathy Young (30 June 2016)

Why are modern women angry? (27 June 2016)

6 Feminist Myths That Will Not Die (18 June 2016)

The Reality of Feminism (a short video presentation)

Random Shit 68: Why Modern Feminism is Complete Bullshit: The Ultimate Facts Sheet

“Nice” feminism: How a hate movement uses its grassroots against men, by Hannah Wallen (4 June 2016) Recommended reading

Julie Bindel Is Right: Marriage Can Never Be Feminist (So Don’t Marry a Feminist) (1 June 2016)

The Cult of Feminism, by Krista Milburn (31 May 2016)

Robert Stacy McCain writes many great articles about feminism. Today (25 March 2016) he published two that are both well worth reading:

What Feminism Is and Isn’t and Feminism: Impossible to Parody

And here is a more recent effort called The Myth of the Masculinity Crisis(recommended reading!)

This person goes through all the reasons given to justify the need for feminism, and de-bunks them all one by one (and cites relevant sources)

The Corruption of Feminism (22 March 2016) Video

Why I No Longer Identify as a Feminist (19 February 2016) Recommended reading

The Transformation Of Feminism Into A Hate Movement And Their Censorship Of Free Speech (12 January 2016)

How to fight your way out of the feminist fog, by Allen J Frantzen (undated)

There’s a Special Place in Hell for Feminism (10 February 2016) USA

White women are the angriest Americans, according to a new “rage survey” (4 January 2016) USA

A truthful little peek into how the feminist mind works (1 January 2016) Reddit discussion thread

Has Feminism Made Women Happier? A Comprehensive Review (31 December 2015)

When is a feminist not a feminist? (18 December 2015)

Fear and Loathing: An Oberlin Feminist on Men, Republicans and Heterosexuality (17 December 2015) USA

The Feminist Fear Factor (30 November 2015) Great article for any man who has ever been told that he’s frightened of independent women

What’s so funny about a men’s rights debate? (29 October 2015)

How to be a feminist (October 2015) Video

Equality, Feminism, and the Zero-Sum Game (18 October 2015) Reddit mens rights discussion thread

Feminism = Madness (8 October 2015) USA

Will Feminism’s Next Big “Wave” Finally Be the One That Drowns It? (5 October 2015)

It’s time to shame ‘shame culture’. All this trivial victimisation has to stop (5 October 2015) UK

Anti-feminism is the new feminism, by Elizabeth Hobson (14 September 2015)

Hateful Guardian writer Julie Bindel proposes Feminazi concentration camps for all men (5 September 2015) Further good paper on this subject here (by The Other McCain)

A Critique of Feminism: A Humanitarian Won’t be Silenced about Sexual and Domestic Violence (24 August 2015)

Feminist Tumblr: Don’t Even Ask (2 August 2015)

Feminism in one word (27 June 2015) Video

Feminism and the turn against enlightenment (11 June 2015)

Feminists don’t challenge radical Islam because real misogynists are terrifying (9 June 2015)

Scholar: ‘Grievance Feminism’ Crippling Debate on Gender Politics (5 June 2015)

Belinda Brown: A century of feminism has failed us. Women have betrayed men’s trust (1 May 2015)

Feminism Born from Boredom, Not Oppression (28 April 2015)

7 things feminists hate to hear and absolutely can’t talk about, by Janet Bloomfield (21 April 2015) Recommended reading plus many readers comments

Feminism for beginners, by Ken Gallagher (19 April 2015)

Is Feminism Dangerous, Dogmatic, and Antiquated? Maybe! (April 2015)

The feminist definition of oppression (24 July 2014) Youtube video by Sargon of Akkad

Never A Fight of Woman Against Man: What Textbooks Don’t Say about Women’s Suffrage (May 2015)

The courage of building bridges (9 April 2015)

Feminism does not mean equality unless you are a misogynist (29 August 2014)

It’s not enough for men to turn up. They have to do the work, by Clementine Ford (13 March 2015)

Sex v. Gender. Understanding political correctness (12 February 2015)

Feminist Author @PennyRed Quotes Bolshevik Commissar’s Anti-Love Advice (17 January 2015)

Nick Reading of Men’s Rights Edmonton talks about raising awareness of the true nature of feminism (7 January 2015) Videos

Feminism: The movement of low hanging fruit (4 January 2015)

Why feminism needs to end: It’s time to work towards equality by Chris Good (6 December 2014) Why we need a parents liberation movement by Jennie Bristow (27 June 2008)

Four reasons feminism is alienating teenage boys (13 November 2014)

A Lesbian Theory of the Penis (11 November 2014)

Is feminism feminism’s ideal abusive spouse? (8 November 2014)

Applying feminism’s Duluth Model to feminism itself

62p AN HOUR: What women sleeping 16 to a room get paid to make Ed and Harriet’s £45 ‘This Is What A Feminist Looks Like’ T-shirts (2 November 2014)

Feminism: Today’s Women’s Ku Klux Klan (31 October 2014)

Radical feminist violence against men in America (14 October 2014)

What misandry means to me (1 July 2014)

Shut Up, because Rape (2 October 2014)

Janet Bloomfield re-writes a article about gender hate (14 September 2014)

Feminist activist women are masculinized in terms of digit-ratio and social dominance: a possible explanation for the feminist paradox (9 September 2014)

Feminists care about equality? Bullshit. They stand directly in the way of it (8 September 2014)

A reader’s comprehensive comment on men’s rights, from the Telegraph UK (July 2014) Reddit mensrights discussion thread

Do men hate women – justifiably? (20 June 2014)

23 quotes from feminists that will make you rethink feminism (17 May 2014)

Modern feminism has got it wrong about men (15 May 2014) More than 2,000 readers comments!

Feminism can’t be bad because it’s definition is … (12 March 2014)

See a man talking about feminism: What could possibly go wrong? (7 August 2014) Mangina mocks men who wish to participate in the gender debate. Many readers comments in the same vein, but with some interesting responses.

The fascism of feminism: Domestic violence and family Where feminism went wrong by Janet Bloomfield

Just one in seven women describe themselves as ‘feminist’ (17 October 2012) (UK article)

Leaving the sisterhood: A recovering feminist speaks, by Elly Tams (13 August 2012) with 349 readers comments

7 ways black sociology shows what is wrong with feminism (26 July 2014) Janet Bloomfield

Men: Stand up for yourselves and we will HATE you. The new feminist war cry (29 March 2014) by Janet Bloomfield (Judgybitch) Brilliant + well-researched piece of writing

Excellent analysis of feminism (21 July 2014) by Suzanne Venker

Giving feminism a bad name (28 May 2012)

Women against feminism is a thing. And we’re confused (14 July 2014) and here is one feminist’s thoughtful response ‘Feminism is fabulous, we just have to smile moreFighting sexism in all the safe places (8 July 2014)

The end game of feminism, by Roosh V (13 February 2013) Deals with the many and varied double-standards of feminism

Man-hating feminism more than just a myth (20 May 2013)

The paradox of declining female happiness (August 2009)

Feminism the noble lie, by Robert Sheaffer (1997) (Significant because SPLC’s designation of MRA’s as ‘hate groups’ is often trumpeted by feminists) (Popular feminist strategy to prevent people from being exposed to ‘the other side of the story’)

Feminism hurts women too (12 February 2014)

A catalogue of feminist lies and cruelty (12 February 2012) by Hannah Wallen (7 May 2014)

Where did feminism go wrong? (2 September 2009)

Why Modern Feminism Is Illogical, Unnecessary, and Evil (2 August 2009)

The paradox of declining female happiness (May 2009)

How the Feminists’ “War against Boys” Paved the Way for Islam (4 September 2006) An extract from which reads as follows:

“In the year 2000, Swedish feminist Joanna Rytel and the action group Unf**ked Pussy entered the stage during the live broadcast of the Miss Sweden contest. She also wrote an article called “I Will Never Give Birth to a White Man,” for a major Swedish daily, Aftonbladet, in 2004. Rytel explained why she hates white men — they are selfish, exploitative, vain, and sex-crazed — and just to make things clear, she added, “no white men, please… I just puke on them, thank you very much.”

I presume this 2009 article from The Guardian was meant to be tongue-in-cheek but I don’t find humorous and (On the #killallmen campaign)

Take the test: Feminist shenanigans or satire? (30 April 2014)

Finally, have a look at these Karen Straughan (aka ‘Girl Writes What’) videos:

Here Karen features in a panel discussion on the topic of “Do we need feminism?”

Karen challenges the feminist paradigm of helplessness (April 2015)

Historic Anti Feminism Broadcast In The UK : James Williams : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive (4 December 2010) Audio presentation






Related posts within this blog:

On the censorship of non-feminist perspectives and opinions

Beware the ire of an angry feminist

Not all feminists are like that (NAFALT)

Beware the ire of an angry feminist

Whilst most of them labour on in denial, the fact is that feminists can be particularly spiteful and relentless in the manner in which they attack those who question or criticise their jaundiced view of the world. Although not according to this feminist:


Feminists are also not averse to turning on allies, particularly the men who openly support them (for examples see 12/ 34/ 5/ 6/ 7/ 89). Wow, don’t they just love dishing it out?

Consider the vendetta against Tanveer Ahmed, which you can read about in this blog post. Consider the reaction to a pro-feminist initiative by students at Sydney Boys High School. And the list goes on and on.

Now as I mentioned in the “About this blog” post, women who publicly defend men and men’s rights issues are especially loathed by feminists. Click on this hyperlink and read an example of some conservative women who wound up with targets on their backs in this manner.

And two more examples of women targeted by feminists are Erin Pizzey and Catherine Hakim:

Erin Patria Margaret Pizzey is an English family care activist and a novelist. She became internationally famous for having started one of the first women’s refuges (called women’s shelters in the U.S.) in the modern world, Chiswick Women’s Aid, in 1971, the organisation known today as Refuge. Pizzey has been the subject of death threats and boycotts because of her stance that most domestic violence is reciprocal, and that women are equally as capable of violence as men. Further details about Erin here and here

Catherine Hakim is a British sociologist who specializes in women’s employment and women’s issues. She has worked in British central government, and as a Senior Research Fellow in the London School of Economics. She is currently a Senior Research Fellow at the Centre for Policy Studies. She has published extensively on labour market topics, women’s employment, sex discrimination, social and family policy, as well as social statistics and research design. She has published over 100 articles in academic journals and edited collections, and over a dozen textbooks and research monographs. She is best known for developing preference theory and her criticism of many feminist assumptions about women’s employment.

Apparently even worse still are women who not only criticize feminism, but do so on the basis of its overt misogyny towards women. This is discussed in a post by a well-known female MRA, Alison Tieman.

And yet at the same time, feminists have a deeply unenviable propensity to quickly play the ‘frightened and oppressed victim’ card should the tables be turned (aka ‘cry bully’).

Perhaps the most common way in which feminists lash out is through employing what is known as shaming tactics. At other times, though their response can include tactics such as online bullying, stalking and threats, and/or the lodgement of false or exaggerated claims to Twitter/ISP’s/etc in order to have the accounts of their targets closed.

In another post I talk about a recent Australian example involving the ‘Sunrise’ TV show. In one of the media articles that ensued, Michael Lallo suggested that only feminist women posting online attracted threats of violence/death … with of course the threats being made by men.

Well Michael, time to open your eyes and wake up … and you can start by checking out these sources:

We have to erase men’: Lesbian author who urges women to ‘eradicate’ men from their lives racks up 5 star reviews on Amazon (24 October 2020)

Feminists treat men badly. It’s bad for feminism (30 June 2022)

Feminist aligned terrorists promote violence and share tactics openly on Facebook: New meme: “If You Own a Meninist Shirt L Will Not Hesitate to Stab You” (5 December 2016) Reddit discussion thread with linked article.

The reality of feminism (2016) Video

The Dark Web of Feminist Political Agenda (24 June 2016) Australia

A 19 Year Old Liberal-Feminist Tries to Kill a Street Preacher Because “Words” Hurt Her Feelings (29 May 2016) USA

Feminists and white knights plan vendetta against author of the ‘Return of Kings’ web site (2 February 2016) Australia. Feel the hate and see the spittle around the mouths of those who have probably never read a single article within the ROK site. Check out the surfeit of shaming language in this Daily Mail article. But this article is the most worrying of all – the hypocrisy of people who claim to be opposed to violence, only to then encourage others with that goal in mind.

Academic finds 84 serious threats of violence directed at Roosh and Return Of Kings readers (13 March 2017)

Women’s hate, violence and death threats (November 2013)

Women and white knight’s hate at Stephen A. Smith (July 2014)

Attack on the home of the founder of the group ‘Fathers 4 Justice’ (28 July 2014)

University prof pleads ‘no contest’ after attack on pro-life students (25 July 2014)

Irate women screams at pro-life kids: “No uterus … no right to talk about it!” (11 July 2014)

Feminist Declaration of War Against the Non-Feminist World, by Fidelbogen (9 April 2014) (27 November 2011) (18 January 2014)

Evidence Collection – Patterns of feminists making death threats (18 June 2013) (8 December 2011)

Feminist Enemy Number One. Christina Hoff Sommers might need a safe space (June 2015)

In addition:

See also:

“It’s pretty much a constant”: Women are more unhappy than men around the world (21 July 2022) And the opposite of angry is …

The bullying of Kimberley Kitching (17 March 2022)

We need to talk about Karen, by Paula Wright (13 February 2022)

Here’s what happened to Esther Vilar after she angered feminists (14 April 2020)

Nina Funnell has been very busy (January 2020) Regarding the ongoing attack on the credibility and professionalism of Bettina Arndt

Profanity at Women’s March proves protestors aren’t learning: Devine (19 January 2020) and a video of feminist Mona Eltahawy in action

Protest targeting male workers in Spain on International Women’s Day (8 March 2019) Video

The truth about those still defending Q&A (11 November 2019)

The ABC hosts controversial Q&A with a panel stacked with feminists – who call for women to kill rapists (5 November 2019) and then ABC launches investigation into Q&A episode over provocative language

‘I want patriarchy to fear women’: Mona Eltahawy says the time for being civil, peaceful and polite is over (28 September 2019)

Sandra Muller, France’s #MeToo creator, fined for defamation (25 September 2019)

54-year-old feminist angry at dating agency for not finding her a rich husband (30 March 2019) Just throwing this article in for a chuckle

The future is female. And she’s furious, by Cathy Young (28 January 2019) Recommended reading

Why feminists are bullies, in a nutshell (3 October 2018)

Anti-Brett Kavanaugh protesters go wild (October 2018) Video. USA

Russian feminist splashes bleach onto the crotchs of men sitting on public transport in order to protest ‘manspreading’ (27 September 2018) More here

Title IX Complaint Filed Against Professor Behind WashPo ‘Anti-Male’ Column (28 August 2018) This is regarding Professor Suzanna Danuta Walters who authored the infamous “Why Can’t We Hate Men?” column in the Washington Post

‘How I took the female cyber bully who used Facebook to ruin my life to court. And won’ (13 November 2017)

Distinguished Georgetown Prof Spreads Personal Info Of Political Opponents To Intimidate Them (22 May 2017)

‘Anti-feminism’ posters at American University investigated as a ‘hate crime’ (10 March 2017) I wish I could say that government agencies are above this type of absurdity, but …
UK Police Force Re-Educating 1,400 Officers To Treat Misogyny As ‘Hate Crime’ (9 March 2017)

To Milo or not to Milo? (21 February 2017) How the left neutralised a very annoying thorn  in their side. A story rich in hypocrisy given what various feminists/SJW have previously said & done & walked away from without penalty.

Good Word for the Contemptible Straight White Male, by Timothy Cootes (19 February 2017)

Islamic State using feminism to lure Australian women into becoming ‘Jihadi Brides’ (12 February 2017) This must be at, or close to, ‘peak stupid’.

Vlogger’s bizarre video sparks outrage after she urges people to murder ‘male babies’ (24 January 2017)

Rebel reporter assaulted at Women’s March (22 January 2017) USA. Male feminist, Dion Bews, assaults female journalist then female feminists help him escape into the crowd and tell the journalist to “calm down”. Meanwhile, also at the Women’s March, an anti-Trump protester sets a girl’s hair on fire. What pathetic hypocrites these people are. And another article in a similar vein.

Anti-bullying advocate Roz Ward harasses bystander (21 November 2016)

Annaliese Nielson, founder of start-ups GodsGirls, Crushee, and the exclusive Los Angeles … decided to start an expletive filled tirade on a Lyft driver … Nielson took issue with the drivers bobble head figurine and was determined to create a violent confrontation (28 August 2016)

Feminism Has Enabled My Husband to Be Lazy and Selfish (26 August 2016) Further proof that only a masochist would marry a feminist. See related Reddit discussion thread here.

Feminist journalist: All men are rapists and should be put in prison and then shot (15 August 2016)

Feminazi Zealots Adopt Feminazi Zealot Tactics To Get An MP Sacked For Pointing Out Their ‘Zealotry’ (13 August 2016) UK

HuffPo Women’s editor, Alanna Vagianos, says that pointing out that most of those dying violently in the USA are men is “extremely offensive” and that those making this observation should STFU (12 July 2016)

George Christensen the most abused MP on Twitter, election analysis shows (1 July 2016) In Australia, conservative male politicians receive the most online abuse (no women in the top 20 … male privilege?)

Feminists treat men badly. It’s bad for feminism, by Cathy Young (30 June 2016) USA

On @Anne_Theriault and the Endless Futility of Feminist Revenge Fantasies (17 June 2016)

The Facebook Page Wars of 2016 : Profiling Rose S Garston (19 April 2016)

How A Torpedoed Kickstarter Campaign Unintentionally Revealed An Unlikely Unit of Cyber-Terrorists (18 April 2016) USA

These Are The Strange Cookies This Mom Brought To A 2nd Grade Class (5 April 2016) Feminist takes rejection badly

Student feminist group ‘Campus Witches’ attack a man while he eats his lunch after he harassed his ex on Twitter (1 April 2016)

The persecution of Sage Gerard at Kennesaw State University (KSU) (11 March 2016)

Anti-feminist activist Lauren Southern has urine poured on her (5 March 2016) Canada

Great Men Under Siege – The Fiamengo File Episode 14 (28 February 2016) Video

Brought Milo Yiannopoulos to Rutgers and Liberals Freaked Out (13 February 2016) USA

Sir Tim Hunt To Leave Britain: How Feminists Chased Away One of Britain’s Geniuses (18 December 2015)

If not for double-standards, she’d have none at all (1 December 2015) Australian feminist with a long history of perpetrating hateful online bigotry and abuse, has man sacked for calling her a ‘slut’

Feminist administrator and professor threaten male journalist with false accusations and ‘muscle’. This is what it’s like to be a college student in 2015 (10 November 2015)

Spain: feminist march against “gender violence” turns into anti-male cesspool. Also, a few women were assaulted for reclaiming equal support for men (9 November 2015) Reddit discussion thread

Feminist tries to get me fired: BACKFIRES SPECTACULARLY (3 November 2015)

She ain’t honest (Nurse Ratched) (29 September 2015) Discussion concerning feminist journalist Clementine Ford

Miranda Devine: Demonising men won’t stop domestic violence‘ … and here is an example of the predictably vicious and misleading feminist reaction: ‘Sorry Miranda Devine, but domestic violence isn’t a poor person’s problem’ (27 September 2015). Miranda responded to her feminist critics first with this article, and then this one.
Barrister ‘reduced granny to tears with online rant’ (12 September 2015) Charlotte Proudman & her daddy issue

Em Rusciano: Good riddance Mark Latham (17 August 2015) Australia

When ‘Slutwalk’ Feminists Attack Lauren Southern (25 June 2015)

You have to watch rabid feminists attack Daily Beast writer for daring to defend man accused of rape! (7 February 2015)

The hatred of the modern feminist (30 January 2015) Australia

Amanda Marcotte: The David Duke of Feminism (9 January 2015)

Vandalized: Residence of U-M Student Who Dared to Mock Trigger Warnings (15 December 2014)

‘All women should be banned from barber shops’ (26 November 2014)

One of BBC’S Top 100 Women in foul-mouthed attack on ‘InsideMan’ magazine  (21 November 2014)

Twitter is censoring accounts before a single tweet goes out (12 November 2014)

Opinion You’re Going To Hate: Women aren’t Oppressed, They’re Actually The Most Protected Class In Our Society (14 October 2014)

Don’t bully me because I’m a feminist (14 June 2013)

Is there a cyber war on women? (2 February 2014)

What @AdamRichman Learned (2 July 2014)

Feminists post how-to guide on taking down Facebook pages with false reports

A blog post about ongoing feminist attempts to discredit a lobby group serving the interest of people who have been falsely accused of sexual assault

List of links of women making online threats (Reddit discussion thread, September 2014)


Here are some articles discussing hateful sexist diatribes by feminists about men

Julie Bindel calls for men to be jailed and then shot (15 August 2016)

The anti male language that you read about and shrug off as just venting hot headed feminism …is real. (6 June 2015) Reddit mensrights discussion thread

Petition To Have Bahar Mustafa, Goldsmith’s Diversity Officer, Who Tweeted ‘Kill All White Men’, Sacked Reaches 12,000 (20 May 2015)

#Howtospotafeminist the only guide you’ll ever need (6 May 2015)

‘Kill all Men’: Lib Dem activist in hate speech scandal (17 April 2015)

My comment to Jezebel regarding the feminist who aborted her male son (11 February 2015)

Samantha Allen is a feminist writer – here is a recent example of her work. Another article in which she proudly states that she hates men is discussed here (source article available here)

Reading feminist theory (23 August 2014)

When they fuck us (29 July 2014)

Can feminists do anything on their own? (15 August 2014)

Meet the woman who wants to reduce the male population by 90% “for peace” (22 August 2014)

Add these to the misandry Hall of Fame (19 June 2014)

Abolish the white race, abolish men – presentation by a feminist in a public library (2 June 2014)″ target=”_blank (‘Feminism vs decency’)


Related posts within this blog include:

About feminism & feminist antipathy towards issues faced by men
Regarding online harassment
On violence carried out by women and girls
On the censorship of non-feminist perspectives and opinions



To feminists ‘equality’ is just a marketing ploy to get what they really want

The contemporary version of feminism is not a movement devoted to achieving equality – as its proponents so vociferously claim. There are many areas where feminists have achieved policy and legislative changes that have swung the balance of power very much in favour of women, and yet they still argue for further reforms on the basis of their ongoing alleged victimhood.

As time permits I plan to identify and precis a selection of articles on this topic.

To start the ball rolling, however, take a look at these three great articles  by well-known anti-feminist writer, Janet Bloomfield:

The first article is entitled ‘Feminists care about equality? Bullshit. They stand directly in the way of it

The second article is entitled ‘Five rights feminism delivered for women, but doesn’t want to share with anyone else‘. It’s language and tone might be a bit intense for some readers, but it does provide an interesting and valid perspective on the gender debate. Have a browse amongst some of Janet’s other great articles while you are visiting her site.

The third article is entitled ‘If Feminism Is About Equality, Why Do Feminists Oppose Equality?‘ (7 March 2015)

See also:

Feminism was never about equality (25 January 2023)

The World Economic Forum and the Misleading Politics of Gender Equality – Quillette (6 August 2021)

Start a conversation (2016) A set of publications produced by the initiative. The one-sided nature of the respective rights/obligations of boys and girls set out in these documents almost defies belief. Essentially boys are obligated to respect women/girls, whilst women/girls are obligated to demand respect. Gender equality? Nothing close. This package is nothing more than a taxpayer-funded feminist wet dream.

Collectivists: Seen one, You Seen ‘Em All (28 July 2016)

Do women really want equality? by Nikita Coulombe (12 May 2016) USA

If Feminism Is About Equality, Why Do Feminists Oppose Equality? (6 March 2016) USA

It’s the £30bn cut you’ve never heard of. And women are bearing the brunt (26 February 2016) Yes, another one of those ‘equality only when it benefits women’-type of articles. This one about making the retirement age the same for men and women (although they don’t actually mention that … funny thing)

Do Women Want Equality – The Fiamengo File Episode 12 (29 October 2015) Video

Understanding the torchbearers of Gender Equality (21 August 2015)

“If they want true gender equality then,

1.    Do not have any gender biased scheme, be it education, occupation or any other sphere of life.

2.    There should be absolutely no gender based reservation and all existing forms of gender based reservation must also be abolished.

3.    Punishment for crime cannot be gender based. Principles of true, actual and absolute gender equality require that equal punishment be awarded to both men and women for the same offenses committed.

4.    Equal participation of women in all risky, dangerous and menial jobs like combat, mining, plumbing, painting, construction of building etc.

5.    No glorification of first woman combat trainer, first woman bus driver, first woman train driver etc.

6.    Abolish the concept of alimony and maintenance for all women who are educated 10+. There are enough jobs available for all people who have studied more than class 10. If men can find one, so can women.

7.    No special preference to the feminine gender in any form or respect. If men can stand in a line, so can women. If men can stand and travel, so can women.

8.    No special budget should be allowed for women else allocate equal budget specifically for men.

9.    Abolish all women specific bodies like National Commission for Women, Women and Child Development Ministry etc. or form similar bodies for men.

10.  No automatic license to commit violence on the basis of gender …”

A Permanent Gender War? by Angry Harry (undated)

Why Feminism Is NOT ‘The Fight for Equal Rights’ (10 November 2014)

Anti-Feminist Lawyer Plans Lawsuit to Force Women to Register for Draft (24 September 2014)

35 Practical Steps Men Can Take To Support Feminism (14 June 2014) These sorts of articles are fairly commonplace … list of things that men should do to please feminists. Of course if feminists were really into equality then they would write articles about corresponding commitments that women should make to men. But of course they don’t. Ever

Gloria Steinem says feminism is not about equality

What is a feminist, anyway? (14 May 2014) Read this, it’s quite good

Feminism v. Equality by Diana Davison (7 April 2014) (5 Nov 2013)

Feminism is no longer a dirty word‘ (CNN, 25 March 2014) Wow, more than 2,000 readers comments – and so few of them supportive of feminism by John Hembling (18 April 2014)


Related posts within this blog

About feminism & feminist antipathy towards the rights of men
On the censorship of non-feminist perspectives and opinions
Not all feminists are like that (NAFALT)
If the central tenet of feminism is equality then what mens/boys causes have feminists championed recently?
Are feminists committed to equality for all women?

Karen Straughan and others on feminist shaming tactics

To gain an appreciation of the feminist art of shaming I would suggest first having a look at:

How some feminist shaming tactics discredit feminist theory (24 June 2014)

Go Karen! Karen Straughan is a great representative of the many women who refuse to accept the ‘conventional wisdom’ of today’s feminists. See for more by Karen

Perhaps you might then google search for material by another Canadian anti-feminist Alison Tieman, including for example her site at and this video at

For more about shaming tactics employed by feminists see also

This site repeats some of the material in the ‘A Voice for Men‘ shaming fact sheet, but also includes a lot of interesting readers’ comments:


Feminist ‘Kylie’ responded to an article on male victims of domestic violence by Bill O’Chee. The now common motif ‘What about the menz‘, implies that men defending their rights are pathetic, reactionary and infantile. Women doing the same thing are proactive, strong and empowered. After I replied (my first and last communication with her) I was blocked from her Twitter account – another common feminist tactic.

On Gaslighting (And Why “What About Teh Menz” Is A Perfect Example) (21 April 2012)

Yet another common taunt used by feminists is “You’re only an MRA because you can’t get laid!

Here’s an example of another feminist attempt at shaming – this time the target group are young women who had the temerity to publicly announce their disregard for feminism. More about that issue in this post.

See also:

Read the post by Claude Lau in this discussion thread for one person’s insight into the feminist proclivity towards shaming (9 December 2015)

Here’s an idea, guys — find someone your own age (5 October 2015) Australia

The recently released force majeure shows shaming men for cowardice is now a feminist act (17 April 2015)

Typical reactions against anti-feminists

Sex-shaming: The feminist weapon of choice to silence dissenters (10 October 2014)